The various spellings of the name is making research difficult as middle names and surnames have appeared as Olsen, Olson, Olesen, Arnegard, and Arnegaard. Ole's surname up through his marriage was Olson, with various spellings. Ole and Marit could not be found in the 1970 Census so the use of Arnegaard was first noticed in the 1875 Minnesota census but when and why the family started using Arnegaard is not documented. It is evident from burial records that the family settled on Olson and Arnegard and that is what will be used herein.
FindAGrave Memorial entries for this family are extensive with most having histories/obituaries and some with pictures and links to other family. Links to these memorials are at the end of this Ole, Jr. information.
Notes on his FindAGrave Memorial indicate Ole Olson Arnegard, Jr. was born to Ole Olson and Margit Olsdt. Sehl Arnegard and that he immigrated to America on 2 April 1861. In 1885 a "mother" listed as Beret Arnegard, is living with him in Traill County and indicating she was born in Norway ~1803. It indicates mother which would normally be the relation to the head-of-household but in other researcher's notes she is Marit's {Ole's wife) mother.
Ole was a veteran of the Civil War having served from 5 February 1862 when he enlisted as a Private from Goodhue County, Minnesota. His records list his surname as both Oleson and Olson. He was a member of Company G, 5th Minnesota Volunter Infantry. There are some who indicate he was a prisoner of war at Andersonville but this writer could find no records of that. He was however discharged with a disability on 15 November 1862 with no indication of cause of disability. He is on the 1890 Veterans Schdules a record showing his name as Ole Olson with Arnegard surname as an alias and living in Traill County. There is no record of him receiving a pension.
On 30 November 1868, in Faribault, Rice County, Minnesota Ole Olsen married Mary Knutson (Marit Knutson Rovang). There were nine children from this marriage. Marit died in 1886 in Mayville.
On 17 June 1893, in Moorhead, Clay County, Minnesota Ole married Marie Smaaladen. There was one child from this marriage. Marie then married Ole Renden. There were two children from that marriage. Marie died in 1956 in Mayville.
Ole died in Mayville on 13 November 1896.
Burial Links
Ole, Jr.
See Ole, III below
From the Compendium of History and Biography of North Dakota (1900), Page 368:
OLE ARNEGARD a member of the firm of Arnegard & Lofthus, hardware dealers of Hillsboro, North Dakota, is one of the rising young men of his community. He went to North Dakota in his early youth and has become a thorough citizen of that state and earnestly works for its social interests. He is an able business man, and is interested extensively in farming in Norway township, being one of the early settlers of that locality.
Our subject was born in Rice county, Minnesota, September 22, 1869, and was the eldest of nine children born to Ole C. and Marit (Knutson)
Arnegard, both of whom were natives of Norway. The father emigrated to America in 1860 and served in the Civil War in Company G, Eighth Minnesota Volunteer Infantry, for one and a half years. He was married to Marit Knutson in 1868. The family moved to Norway township, Traill county, North Dakota, in 1878, where Mr. Arnegard died in 1896. The mother passed away in 1886.
Our subject went to North Dakota with his parents and followed the breaking plow drawn by oxen for several seasons. During the winter of
1888-89 he attended Willmar Seminary (Willmar, Kandiyohi County, Minnesota) and completed a three-years course in a business and academic course, and in the spring of 1892 taught one
term of school. In the fall of that year he entered the University of North Dakota at Grand Forks, and graduated with the class of 1896. He then spent two years conducting his father's farm, as he was administrator, and he is now in possession of the homestead farm, which is fully improved. It is located in the Goose River valley and from eighty acres of abundant timber he sells elm, ash, oak and box elder. He owns four hundred and seventy acres of choice land in Norway township and his farm is under cultivation and furnishes a good income.
The present firm of Arnegard & Lofthus was established in January, 1899, succeeding to the old established business of P. L. Prichard. Mr. Arnegard worked two seasons as expert machinist
for Harvester, King & Company, and a salesman for the Deering Harvester Company.
Mr. Arnegard is a member of the Lutheran church, and of the Knights of Pythias, and in political sentiment is a Republican. He is a gentleman
of rare ability and mtelligence and was elected trustee of Grand Forks College in 1899.
Further information. Ole was a member of Masonic Lodge 10 of Hillsboro, and was made a life member in 1954. He married Elizabeth Alletta DeKay of Grand Forks. Following his retirement the family moved to Bremerton, Kitsap County, Washington. The couple had two daughters, Jane and Margaret.
Burial Links
Ole, III