From Ketil Johansen (Norway): Here is the story of a family who emigrated from Rygge in southeastern Norway in 1888. They settled in Traill. They owned a relatively large farm in Rygge, but it was hard times and he probably had financial problems. The farms name is Molvik Østre Søndre (South-East), and exists today.
This is a translated excerpt of the book "Rygge – Bosteder og slekter - Volume 3", which at the time of writing [May 2019] is not yet published.
Pictures of the Molvik Østre Søndre Farm
About this project:
Is there anyone who knows more about the family? please contact -
Anders and Maren Nygaard Molvig
Anders Andreassen Henæs (b. 20.10.1852 at Henæsplass in Råde, died 12.12.1903 in Buxton in Traill County, North Dakota, USA). Married 14.10.1881 in Råde with Maren Emilie Jensdatter (b. 6.6.1848 at Nygaard i Råde, died 26.7.1932 in Traill). Anders was son of Andreas Andersen (b. 29.6.1817 at Grimstad in Råde, died 16.11.1855 at Henæs i Råde) and Anne Michelsdatter (b. 21.3.1816 at Fiulstad in Rygge, dead 22.8.1900 at Henæs). She was the daughter of Jens Andersen Nygaard (d. 21.10.1810 at Andersrød i Råde) and Oline Larsdatter Nygaard (b. 2.1.1816 at Klommesten i Ås in Akershus), who were farmers and landowners at Nygaard.
In 1865 Anders lived with his mother who was then cotter with land on Henæskilen and she with her parents at Nygaard. Even if they bought in 1881 they lived in Løkenbråten in Råde in 1882. In 1884 they had moved to Molvik and he was a farmer. He is mentioned here as a farmer in 1886. He went bankrupt in 1887.
After the bankruptcy Anders traveled the family to America and arrived in Buxton in North Dakota in 1888. Here he worked as a blacksmith until he died.
He seems to have kept the properties in Rygge after the bankruptcy. The farm here was first sold in 1899. In 1897 he sold Løkka (14/8) and Heia (14/9). Even though he lived in the United States. In 1891 he returned to Norway and lived then either at Støtvik Mellom i Rygge or a house under this farm. He called himself then "Blacksmith in America". Maren Emilie and the three children were with him. It is written that they are only visiting.
In 1900, they were farmers in Buxton and Reynolds. After he died she lived with her son Anders. In 1930 she lived in Traill.
They are buried in the West Immanuel Cemetery in Traill County.
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1895 Immigration

Fargo Forum - 11/30/1903

Fargo Forum - 12/14/1903

Anders Burial

Maren Burial
Children of Anders and Maren Nygaard Molvig
1 - Andrew and Martha Amundson Molvig.
Andreas Andersen Molvig (b. 8.2.1882 at Løkenbråten in Råde, died 11.4.1947 in Traill North Dakota). Married to Martha L. Amundsen. They and their children are buried in West Immanuel Cemetery in Traill County. Andrew Burial. Martha Burial.
Their children:
Andrew Melvin Molvig (born 1918 in North Dakota).
Warren Molvig (born 1920 in North Dakota).
Pauline M. Molvig (born 1925 in North Dakota).
2 - Ole and Caroline Aune Molvig. Ole Andersen (b. 9.2.1884 at Molvik, died 2.4.1969 in Buxton). Married 17.6.1909 with Caroline Aune (b. 20.6.1884, died 5.3.1981). Secondary sources crack and say she was from Trondheim and that she was born in North Dakota. It seems like he emigrated to America in 1895. He was a farmer in Buxton. Under the first during World War I, he sailed on a ship. In 1930 they lived in Wold in Traill. They and their children are buried in West Immanuel Cemetery. Ole Burial. Caroline Burial. There is posterity today.
Their children:
Anna Molvig (b. 2.8.1910, dead 2.2.2007). In 1930 they lived in Traill. She lays buried at Immanuel Lutheran Cemetery West in North Dakota in America.
Charlotte Olsdatter Molvig (b. 28.3.1912 in Buxton, died 5.2.2010 in Mayville i Traill). Married 11.11.1938 with Orlin F. Gunderson (b. 20.2.1916, died 20.1.2013 in Grand Forks County in North Dakota). In 1930 they lived in Wold in Traill.
Alvin Molvig (b. 9.1.1914 in North Dakota, died 6.10.2006). Married 1.6.1940 with Doris Berg (b. 18.3.1920 in North Dakota, died 26.9.2009 in Washington). In 1930 he lived in Wold in Traill.
Kenneth L. Molvig (b. 1919 in North Dakota). Married to Lorraine Fralek. In 1930 he lived in Wold in Traill. He worked within the school system and sat on the board of Education of Central Valley School District in Traill. Four children.
3 - Jens and Clara Ingeborg Saevig Molvig. Jens Andersen Molvik (b. 12.7.1886, died 1977 in Buxton). Married 25.6.1913 with Clara Ingeborg Saevig (b. 1881 in Wisconsin, USA). In 1930 they lived in Traill. In 1935 and 1940 they lived in Buxton in Traill. He called himself Jens Molvig when they lived in the United States. Jens Burial. Clara Burial.
Their children:
Agnes Estelle Molvig (b. 17.3.1918 in Buxton, died 15.1.2014). Married 25.6.1946 in Buxton with Leon Orlando Skarperud. She lived with her parents in 1935 in 1940. She bred one bachelor degree in art in 1944. She was a teacher at primary school in Mayville, where she also worked as libraries. Three children, and seven grandchildren.
Hjerdis Evelyn Molvig (b. 1919 in Traill).
Naomi Molvig (b. 1921). Married to Carroll Borke. She lived with her parents in 1935 and 1940. They lived in Bloomfield, Traill County.
The majority of the above information was contributed by Ketil Johansen.