STENER - The Sheriff From Telemark - (Stener Wenaas). A Novel By Harold Wenaas
From History of Mayville 1881-1956
Stener Wenaas came to Dakota in 1878. He married Anna Nelson of
Wisconsin in 1883. He was the first settler in Lindaas township. He
was deputy sheriff and Sheriff of Traill County and held various township offices. Five children survive: Theodore and Henry of Mayville,
Dr. Elmer Wenaas of Youngstown, Ohio; Norwin of Livingston, Montana; and Agnes, Mrs. John Hauan, of Albany, Calif. For many years
Agnes and her husband lived on the "Rock " Alcatraz, California,
where Mr. Hauan served as boatman.
FindAGrave has links to several of Stener's family; i.e., parents, wife Anne Marie Nelson, and six [five in above article] children with contemporary names: Hilda Sophia, S. Theodore, Henry Tedemand, Clara [also Clara Tomme Christine, died 1908], Laurence C. [Elmer in above article], and Norwin B. The burial for Agnes (1895-1977) cannot be found [2019].
 Gordon was born 2 March 1932 to Henry [son of Stener and Anne] and Hannah. His siblings included Ans Marion, Stener O., Donald M., Harold, Beverly A., Gordon, Charles T., and Helen F. Gordon married Barry Lynn Duffield on 20 June 1965 in Coos, Oregon. Children's names are unknown but an article on Barry indicated she had grandchildren.
Gordon's brother Harold, wrote a book about their grandfather, Stener, titled STENER - The Sheriff From Telemark. Chapter 1 of the book contains the ancestory of Stener Wenaas.
Gordon joined the U. S. Air Force Reserves on 2 March 1952. He became a Lieutenant Colonel and eventually entered active duty on 29 Decenber 1967 during the Vietnam War. He was attached to Detachment 1, 314th Tactical Airlift Wing. Along with other air crew and serving as the Navigator, Gordon land crashed in North Vietnam on 8 June 1978. His body was not recovered and he was assumed missing in action. As a result of hostile action he was declared officially dead on 8 June 1978. His body was eventually recovered and returned to the United States on 13 December 1993. It is reported in the U. S. Veterans' Gravesites, ca. 1775-2006 and in one of the memorials mentioned below that he was interred at Arlington on 15 November 2000.
Arlington National Cemetery, Mayville Cemetery, and
Honolulu Memorial.
Vietnam Memorial Wall - Gordon's Profile