
The History of Otsego County, New York


D. Hamilton Hurd

Published by Everts & Fariss, Philadelphia


MATTESON, A. Alonzo - Burlington

A. Alonzo MATTESON, son of Asa and Elizabeth RICHMOND 
Matteson, was born in West Greenwich, Kent Co., R.I., Aug. 16, 1819. 
Asa Matteson was of English origin and was born in Rhode Island. 
About 1775 he married Elizabeth Richmond, a native of Rhode Island, 
by whom five children were borne. The grandfather of the subject 
of this sketch was John Matteson, who served in the French war from 
1756 to 1763, A. Alonzo has the same old gun that he carried through 
that war.
In the spring of 1824, Asa Matteson and family removed to 
Fairfield, Herkimer county, and continued there till March 1, 1830, 
when the family moved to Exeter, Otsego County, where Mr. and 
Mrs. Asa Matteson died. Asa followed farming. He died May 10, 1858, 
and Mrs. Asa Matteson died Jan. 4, 1863, at the home of her son, 
A. Alonzo. A. Alonzo received a common-school education, and 
when a young man taught school two winters. He also taught singing-
school for a number of years, and was leader of the choir at Schuyler's 
Lake for several years until he removed to Burlington on April 1, 1863, 
and since has led the singing in the village where he now resides.
Mr. A. A. Matteson has been engaged as a farmer. He married 
Miss Ella J. BALL, daughter of Joseph Ball, of Exeter, Nov. 18, 1847, 
by whom one daughter, Charlotte E., was borne, June 18, 1855, in 
Exeter. Mrs. Elizabeth J. Ball Matteson was born in Exeter, Jan. 21, 
1825. She died May 21, 1859, and was buried at the cemetery at 
Schuyler's Lake. Mr. A. A. Matteson married his present wife, 
Mrs. Mary R. BLISS Matteson, daughter of Seth L. Bliss, of Exeter, 
June 5, 1860. She was born at Exeter, Feb. 12, 1839. Mr. Matteson 
has some 145 acres of good land. A view of his present home may 
be seen elsewhere. In politics he affiliates with the Republican party. 
He has a natural gift as a mechanic, being able to make most anything 
he undertakes. Mr. Matteson commenced life a poor man, but by 
his own industry and frugality he has acquired a competency and is 
now surrounded by all the necessaries and comforts of a happy home 
in the village of West Burlington.
When Mr. Matteson was about eighteen years of age he united 
with the Free-Will Baptist church, and since coming to West 
Burlington has been identified with the Baptist church, though not 
a member. He has held several offices of the said church, and his 
home has always been open to ministers of all denominations to stay. 
By his means he assists to all the calls of Christian benevolence, and 
is ever ready in every good word and work.

Excerpt from History of Otsego Co., NY, page 106


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