
The History of Otsego County, New York


D. Hamilton Hurd

Published by Everts & Fariss, Philadelphia


COMSTOCK, Jared - Butternuts

The subject of this sketch was born in New London, Conn., 
Feb. 20, 1792. He was reared upon a farm. His father, Jared 
Comstock, was a representative man in his town, and held the 
office of justice of the peace for many years, and was also deacon 
of the Congregational church for more than thirty years. Young 
Jared received such educational advantages as the common schools 
afforded. When he was twenty-one years of age he decided to seek 
a home further west. In the fall of 1813 he went to Sherburne, 
Chenango Co., N.Y., where he was prevailed upon to teach the 
village school. He had previously taught three terms in his native
In April 1814, he came to Otsego County, and settled in the town 
of Butternuts, where he has since resided. The first few years of 
his life here were spent as clerk in Bennett's store. He then 
purchased the clothing works of Nathaniel B. BENNETT, and 
engaged in carding and cloth dressing. He followed this business 
for twenty-seven years. Since that time he has lived a retired life, 
devoting a portion of his time to agricultural pursuits.
Feb. 9, 1829, he was united in marriage to Miss Mary SHAW. 
They were not blessed with children. Mr. and Mrs. Comstock 
enjoyed life together for thirty-five years. She died June 24, 1864, 
mourned by a large circle of friends, who had learned to love her 
for her many Christian virtues, and her memory is fondly cherished 
by her widowed husband. She was a member of the Congregational 
church of Butternuts, and an active member of the Ladies' Sewing 
society which was instituted to aid in supporting the Home of the 
Friendless at New York. Mr. Comstock united with the Congregational 
church in January, 1817, and has ever since taken an active interest 
in the cause of his Master. He was instrumental in organizing the first
Sunday-school in Butternuts, and drafted the articles of agreement 
for the same. Miss WILLIAMS and himself were the first teachers 
He has been clerk of the church twenty-five years, and had done much 
to foster church and educational interests. He can truly say that life 
has been a success with him. He has been a constant subscriber of the 
New York Evangelist since its first publication, nearly fifty years.
He has lived in his present residence since January, 1829, which 
was built by himself. Mr. Comstock has been a Republican since 
the organization of the party.
To such men belong the honor of our fine church edifices, the 
establishment of schools, and the present state of society.

Excerpt from History of Otsego Co., NY, opposite page 116


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