
The History of Otsego County, New York


D. Hamilton Hurd

Published by Everts & Fariss, Philadelphia


HAKES, Elihu - Butternuts

The subject of this sketch was born in Stonington, Conn., Aug. 13, 
1803. He is the son of Elisha and Anna Hakes. He was reared 
upon a farm, and received such advantages only for an education as 
the common schools offered, but which was sufficient to enable him 
to teach school, which he did for three terms. He commenced life 
for himself when he was twenty-one years of age. He learned the 
clothier's trade, which he followed successfully for several years; 
but agriculture being more to his taste, he decided to make that his 
avocation for life. He commenced by working leased land in his 
native State. In the year 1842 he came to the town of Butternuts, 
Otsego County, and purchased a farm of 100 acres. He now owns 
upwards of 280 acres of land. Mr. Hakes has been a very successful 
farmer, and is now considered one of the solid men of his township.
Sept. 14, 1828, he was married to Miss Mary LEEDS, a native 
of the town of Groton, Conn. Of this marriage were born six children, 
viz., Elihu, resides at Rochester; Mary Ann, died when she was sixteen 
years of age; Alonzo L. and Henry C. are farmers in the town of 
Butternuts; Joshua L. and John M. were twins. Joshua died when 
twenty-one years of age. John M. resides with his parents.
Mr. Hakes has been a Republican for many years. Mrs. Hakes 
is a member of the Baptist church of Gilbertsville.

Excerpt from History of Otsego Co., NY, page 119


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