
The History of Otsego County, New York


D. Hamilton Hurd

Published by Everts & Fariss, Philadelphia


Brockway, Hiram C - Richfield

The subject of this sketch was born in the town of Exeter, Otsego 
Co., N. Y., Jan. 19, 1829. The family were originally from Connecticut. 
Eliphalet Brockway, the grandfather of our subject, was one of the 
early settlers of Exeter; he located at the foot of Schuyler's lake, 
where for many years he kept a hotel. Mr. Brockway's early lfie 
was spent upon his father's farm. He received a good common-school 
education, which he made practically useful to himself and others by 
teaching. In 1855 he moved to the town of Winfield, where he was 
engaged in farming; from thence he came to Richfield. Since coming 
into the town he has been extensively identified with the dairy interest. 
In 1869 he sold his farm of 230 acres, and removed to Monticello, and has 
since been extensively engaged in the manufacture of cheese. He is 
the proprietor of seven factories, which produced last year (1877) about 
700,000 pounds. As a cheesemaker he holds an enviable reputation, 
and his cheese commands the highest price in the market.
In 1855, Mr. Brockway married Miss Alpha, daughter of Colonel 
Almon CRANDALL, of Herkimer, and granddaughter of Otis COOK, 
one of the first settlers in the town of Exeter. They have been blessed 
with four children, all of whom are living at home. In politics Mr. 
Brockway is a stanch Republican. He has been called to fill several 
positions of trust the duties of which he has discharged to the entire 
satisfaction of his constituents. In 1877 he was elected supervisor of 
the town, and as an evidence of his ability and popularity we have only 
to say that he was re-elected for the term of 1878 by an increased
Mr. Brockway is a man of fine business ability, and a courteous, 
affable gentleman. By his individual efforts he has attained success in 
every department of life.

Excerpt from History of Otsego Co., NY, between page 314


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