
The History of Otsego County, New York


D. Hamilton Hurd

Published by Everts & Fariss, Philadelphia


STERRICKER, John W., M.D. - Roseboom

John W. STERRICKER, M.D., son of Thomas and Jane 
Sterricker, was born in the county of York, England, in October, 1814. 
His parents emigrated from the mother country to America when he 
was a lad, settling first in Canada, where they remained for a period, 
and subsequently came to this State and located in Cherry Valley.
Dr. Sterricker early chose the medical profession as his vocation 
in life, and commenced his studies with Dr. De Forest, of Plattsburg, 
N.Y., when about twenty-one years of age. He subsequently pursued 
his studies with Dr. Lewis Storrs, a prominent physician at Waddington, 
St. Lawrence Co., N.Y. He was also a student at the Vermont 
medical college. He commenced the practice of medicine in 1840, 
and has been in active practice from that time to the present, a period 
of nearly forty years.
Politically he is a Republican, and an earnest advocate of the 
principles of that party. In 1842 he married Marian SUTPHEN, 
a native of Roseboom, and their family consists of four children, 
viz.: Jane, Mary, John W., Jr., and Adelaide, all living with their 
Dr. Sterricker has ever manifested an interest in the public 
welfare, and has repeatedly represented his town in the board of 
supervisors. He was also supervisor of the old town of Cherry 
Valley in 1854, the year when Roseboom was set off. He has also 
officiated in other official capacities, among which may be mentioned 
loan commissioner, notary public, etc. Dr. Sterricker's life has been 
one of activity and usefulness, and he justly merits the esteem in 
which he is held by his fellow-citizens.
His son, John W. Sterricker, Jr., is also a physician, having 
graduated from the Albany medical college in 1875, and is now in 
practice with his father. He is the present supervisor of Roseboom.

Excerpt from History of Otsego Co., NY, page 319


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