Geographical and Historical
by Edwin F Bacon, Ph B.

By clicking your mouse on the name of the town, you'll be taken to a transcription of the text taken from that town's section of the book. 

Please note that many of the early texts published about Otsego County, not unlike other counties across the country,  have errors. These transcriptions include the text as published, without corrections.

Transcribed by Karen Flanders Eddy.
Town Date Formed Town Date Formed
Burlington April 10, 1792 Town of Oneonta Feb 5, 1796
Butternuts February 5, 1796 City of Oneonta -
Village of Gilbertsville - Village of Otego -
Cherry Valley - Town of Otego April 12, 1822
Cooperstown - Otsego -
Decatur March 25, 1808 Pittsfield March 24, 1797
Edmeston April 1, 1808 Plainfield March 25, 1799
Exeter March 25, 1799 Richfield April 10, 1792
Hartwick March 30, 1802 Roseboom November 23, 1854
Laurens April 2, 1810 Springfield March 3, 1797
Maryland March 25, 1808 Town of Unadilla April 10, 1792
Middlefield March 3, 1797 Village of Unadilla -
Milford February 5, 1796 Westford March 25, 1808
Morris April 6, 1849 Worcester March 3, 1797
New Lisbon April 7, 1806



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