1825 Otsego, NY Census


Transcribed by Nancie Brunk 06/06/2002

1825 Otsego New York State Census

1825 Otsego, Otsego New York State Census
Transcribed by Nancie Brunk 06/06/2002

This census was taken by: Francis Henry, Marshall Otsego County
Certified on:  August 1, 1825
There are 36 columns of information recorded for each individual. They include 
numbers regarding people in each family group and numbers regarding acreage, crop
 and animal production. This transcription includes only the first eighteen 

In this transcription the first number before the name references the order of 
pages on the original record. The original record contains a page with names and 
columns then another page with columns before the next page with names, for a 
total of four pages before the next page of names starts. The page number 1 
therefore represents the first page of names in the original record; page number
 2 represents the second page that contains names in the original record.

The second number before the name references the relative line on the page where 
the name is located. Because there were no line numbers in the original record, 
they are numbered in the order in which they were written, typically 1 through 

Names were spelled as read from the record. The enumerator spelled many names 
phonetically, so it would be wise to check optional spellings of the family name 
you seek. The transcriber made every attempt to be precise as to the original 
recording. Some writing was difficult or impossible to read. Some pages were 
damaged in the corners and on edges. When the name was questionable there will be
 a (?) placed beside the portion that was in question. When letter could not be 
determined it was replaced with an asterisk: * to show the location of the letter
 in the rest of the name. Notes were made when unusual combinations showed up on 
a line.

The column headings were written as follows:

Above the entire page of column headings: 
“…any person whose usual place of abode shall be in any family on the 1st of July 
1825, shall be returned as of such family; and every person occasionally absent, 
at the time of making this enumeration as belonging to that place in which he 
usually resides in this state.”

1.	“The NAME of the Head of Each Family”
2.	“The whole number of MALE persons in the family (the name of whose head 
is in the first column) including its head, if male”
3.	“The whole number of FEMALE persons in the same family including its head 
if female”
4.	“The whole number of MALE persons in the same family SUBJECT TO MILITIA 
DUTY and being between the ages of 18 and 45 years”
5.	“The whole number of MALE persons in the same family qualified to VOTE at 
elections for state and county offices by virtue of the constitution of this 
6.	“The whole number of MALE persons in the same family who are ALIENS, NOT 
7.	“The whole number of persons in the same family who are PAUPERS”
8.	“The whole number of persons in the same family who are PERSONS OF 
COLOUR, not taxed”
9.	“The whole number of persons in the same family who are PERSONS OF 
COLOUR, who are taxed”
10.	“The whole number of PERSONS OF COLOUR in the same family who are TAXED 
and QUALIFIED TO VOTE at elections for county and state officers (and not to be 
included in the ninth column)”
11.	“Whole number of MARRIED FEMALE persons in the same family, UNDER the age
 of 45 years”
12.	“The whole number of UNMARRIED FEMALE persons in the same family BETWEEN 
the ages of 16 and 45 years”
13.	“The whole number of UNMARRIED FEMALE persons in the same family UNDER 
the age of 16”
14.	“The whole number of MARRIAGES occurring in the same family where each 
female married person resided during the year preceding”
15.	a. “Whole number of BIRTHS in the same family during the year preceding 
MALE” b. “Whole number of BIRTHS in the same family during the year preceding 
16.	 a. “Whole number of DEATHS in the same family during the year preceding
 MALE” b. “Whole number of DEATHS in the same family during the year preceding 

Of the columns not transcribed, the following information is asked:
17.	Whole number of acres improved land occupied by the same family
18.	Whole number of neat cattle owned by the same family
19.	Whole number of horses owned by the same family
20.	Whole number of sheep owned by the same family
21.	Whole number of hogs owned by the same family
22.	Whole number of yards of fulled cloth manufactured in the domestic way, 
in the same family, during the preceding year.
23.	Whole number of yards of flannel and other woolen cloth not fulled,
 manufactured in the domestic way, in the same family, during the preceding year.
24.	Whole number of yards of linen, cotton and other thin cloth manufactured 
in the domestic way, in the same family, during the preceding year.
25.	Whole number of grist mills owned by the same family

27.	Whole number of oil mills owned by the same family
28.	Whole number of fulling mills owned by the same family
29.	Whole number of carding(?) machines owned by the same family
30.	Whole number of cotton factories owned by the same family
31.	Whole number of woolen(?) factories owned by the same family
32.	Whole number of cotton and woolen factories owned by the same family
33.	Whole number of iron works owned by the same family
34.	Whole number of trip harness owned by the same family
35.	Whole number of distilleries owned by the same family
36.	Whole number of asheries owned by the same family

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