History of the
Free Baptist Church

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Transcribed by Sandy Goodspeed

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The Oneonta Free Baptist Church

It's not in the midst of a city
And boasts not of wealth nor of fame;
But loved by friends true and warm-hearted,
It stands in the Saviour's name.
Fond mem'ries of fifty years' blessings
Await to reward our research;
Yet simple it is and so modest,
Our own little Free Baptist Church.
At eve when the moonbeams fall gently
Adown the village streets grown so still,
And weird are the shapes 'neath the maples,
That cast grotesque figures at will.
From out the brick church through stained windows,
There issues a beautiful glow,
Bespeaking to all a warm greeting;-
Come in and a welcome you'll know.
The bell ringing out makes glad music
Each Sabbath for young and for old;
For railroad man, merchant and student,
For all who are seeking the fold.
But sad are its notes, full of sorrow,
When dear ones have passed into day,
Then slowly move friends at the summons,
To worship, to weep and to pray.
There are times God speaks in the meeting.
Yea, wonderful tidings are told;
For many are coming to Jesus,
Their lives by His own they would mold;
Little ones, His jewels so precious,
And souyep exactly
ls wrecked with dark years of sin;-
The Saviour has gathered them in.
United are pastor and people,
United the young and the old.
This dear house remains a memento
Of many now safe in God's fold.
A monument 'tis of fulfillment
Of those who were faithful and true;
Fifty years' love and devotion
Extending to me and to you.
Think not of the burdens and hardships
That mark the long years of the past,
The prayers and the tears once recorded,
The hopes and the fears, for at last
The church militant is triumphant,
Each sacrifice made in Christ's name
Is rich and far-reaching in blessing,
For Jesus is ever the same.
When all the earth's full choirs have grown silent,
When churches need pastors no more,
When "Sweet-by and by" has re-echoed
Its last on this time -bounded shore,
Perchance in His beautiful Heaven,
Where God calls His loved ones away,
Full many will swell the grand chorus,
Who here lived to labor and pray.
- Mrs. O. C. TARBOX

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Officers for the Year 1906


Nathan H. BRIGGS - Charles S. FIRMAN - R. Wesley MILLER - Augustus F. WING - Dr. O. C. TARBOX - Chauncey CEPERLEY.


Andrew E. CEPERLEY - James LOSEE


R. Wesley MILLER, Chairman - Elmer E. HOWE - John MOFFAT - Burt ACKLEY - Merton E. GILE - James LOSEE


Charles S. FORMAN - A. C. BOUTON - Roscoe C. BRIGGS

Orson A. MILLER, Church Clerk
Mrs. Orson A. Miller, Corporate Clerk and Chorister
R. Wesley MILLER, Head Usher
A. E. CEPERLEY, Treasurer


Mrs. R. W. MILLER - Mrs. A. F. WING - Mrs. N. H. BRIGGS - Mrs. John BELL - Mrs. R. E. MORGAN - Mrs. Jerome WELLS - Mrs. John MOFFAT - Mrs. W. H. COUSE - Mrs. M. E. GILE - Mrs. Isaac ALGER - Mrs. O. C. TARBOX - Mrs. J. O. CHAMPLIN.


Superintendent Nathan H. BRIGGS
Assistants, Mrs. John MOFFAT, Miss Mabelle M. BOYNTON
Secretary, Miss Mabel SMITH
Treasurer, Clifford BEACH
Librarian, Burt BOOTS
Assistant Librarian, Mrs. Burt BOOTS
Chorister, Miss Edna SHAFFER
Organist, Miss Myrtle SCATCHARD
Pianist, Miss Fay TARBOX


Primary, Mrs. C. S. PENDLETON
Assistant, Mrs. A. E. CEPERLEY
Junior, Mrs. John BELL
Intermediate, Miss Iva M. AXTELL
Home Department, Mrs. M. N. TERRELL
Cradle Roll, Mrs. Burt BOOTS

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The Organizations of the Church

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"Sunday-school study and teaching are not merely for knowledge, but for spiritual fruit."
But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only.-James 1:22
By Charles S. FIRMAN

Pioneer work: In tracing the history of our Sunday-school, we realize the truth of the Saviour's declaration to his disciples at the well of Sychar, "One soweth, and another reapeth. I sent you to reap that whereon ye bestowed no labor." The earliest account of our school dates back over half a century, to about the year 1841, when in the district school-house at Emmons, a Sabbath- school was organized through the influence and help of Darius BURGIN Sr., Ira EMMONS, David MARVIN, and others; Deacon David Marvin acting as its superintendent. Doubtless there were others who rendered valuable assistance, but we are unable to obtain their names; among them we would find Christian women whose zeal, counsel, and prayers were no small factors, as it has always been in this Christian work. That sainted father in Israel, Rev. Amos WING, was preaching regularly to them. God's spirit was with them and souls were saved. Some of those who are, or have been, our most efficient members were baptized in the small creek that flows near by; which, in those days, contained enough water to make a good Baptist.

WORK of D. M. MILLER: About the year 1843, or 1844, D. M. MILLER and his wife moved from Yager Hollow to Emmons. They identified themselves, with the school, zealously making its interests their own. We have not been able to obtain a history of the school from that time until the year 1856; but, doubtless, the good seed of the Kingdom was diligently sown. In that year, 1856, D. M. Miller was chosen superintendent. In 1858, the school was transferred to the new church in Oneonta. Mr. Miller continued to serve as its superintendent amid trials and discouragements incident to the establishment of the church; but God blessed their efforts in the increased interest and attendance, and in the upbuilding of the church. The school was loyally maintained by him, aided by others, up to the year 1854, a period of 40 years. Upon his retiring from office, a resolution was offered by the church expressing their appreciation of his long and faithful service.

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WORK OF OTHER SUPERINTENDENTS: In 1884, and in 1885, A. E. CEPERLEY was chosen superintendent. He worked earnestly and devotedly for the progress of the school. R. W. MILLER was elected superintendent in 1886, and smilingly and efficiently did he fill the office. In the following year, 1887, E. B. SWART was the next superintendent, and with his characteristic Christian spirit, endeavored in his labors to exalt the Saviour. In the years 1888 to 1890, N. H. BRIGGS was its superintendent. He was succeeded by A. E. CEPERLEY, who served from 1890 to 1900. The school continued to prosper and enlarge during these years. In 1891, our school was graded into Primary, Junior, Intermediate, and Senior departments. The superintendent, A. E. CEPERLEY, hearing of a graded Sunday- school in Elmira, N. Y., made investigations; with the result that the graded system was adopted in our school, the first in Otsego county. The first principal of the Junior Department, was E. E. HOWE; of the Intermediate department, Miss Etta BORNT; of the Primary department, Mrs. A. E. CEPERLEY. Some were apprehensive that grading the school would tend to diminish the membership; but instead, the attendance and interest increased, and in 1894 the average attendance was 250, with four departments and 29 teachers. In the fall of 1892, the first annual banquet and conference of officers and teachers was held in the church parlors, and for years was a social feature of much enjoyment. In 1893, an annual Rally Day was instituted which has been perpetuated to the present time, and is made each year a feature of interest. In 1900, and in 1901, N. H. BRIGGS was superintendent and served with his usual enthusiasm, E. E. HOWE was an efficient superintendent in 1902 and 1903. In 1904, N. H. BRIGGS was again chosen superintendent and has held that office ever since, sparing neither time, nor labor in earnest effort to make the school interesting and progressive.


Average attendance, 250; increase over 1904, 33; total collection, $225.31; average collection, $4.63.

During the past two years, thirty-one, from the Sunday-school have joined the church; and at our last Decision Day, seventy expressed a desire to live a Christian life. We believe all the teachers have labored earnestly and well to build up our school; that they rejoice at the enlarging field which God has set before them; and that they desire to enter upon the work with consecration and renewed zeal in order that this Christian effort may grow more and more for the upbuilding of God's kingdom in the world.

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Home Department by Mrs. P. F. MORGAN

The HOME DEPARTMENT as a branch of the Sunday-school work has been in existence for about twenty-six years. The idea was originated by W. A. DUNCAN in 1880, but it received its name and baptism from the Third International Sabbath-School Convention in Toronto, Canada, in June, 1881. Although this plan was not adopted here until some dozen years later, yet we believe that we have the honor of being the first in town to advocate the idea. For an account of the nature of the work and something of its beginning, Mrs. A. E. WILSON writes the following:

"The object of the Home Department of the Sunday-school is to reach aged people, invalids, mothers with small children, persons living at a distance from church, and all who can not, or do not attend the main school; and to induce them to spend at least a half-hour each week in the study of the regular Sunday- school lesson. I well remember how the idea appealed to me when I first heard it explained by Mr. ST. JOHN; and later, when I was asked to become superintendent of the department, I was glad to take up the work. Before the organization was formed, two ladies from each church were appointed to make a house-to- house canvass of the town; two going together, but no two from the same church. These ascertained who were not in Sunday- school and their church preference; from the list of names given to the Free Baptist church, our own department was formed. This was in the fall of 1893. Once in three months, a Quarterly containing the lessons, and a blank card on which to mark the work done, were taken to each member. From these cards I made a quarterly report to the main school. When we left Oneonta in October, 1896, Mrs. R. E. MORGAN* became my successor as superintendent of the department.

*Mrs. MORGAN has served in this capacity for about ten years. Her whole-hearted sympathy and interest with the work have made her service of much value during this long period.

In 1893, Andrew E. CEPERLEY, superintendent of the Sunday- school, and Mrs. A. E. WILSON organized the Home Department. There were 151 members on the first enrollment, and 15 visitors were engaged in the work. The largest membership, 244, was attained in 1895. In 1896, owing to members moving away, joining the main school, or dropping the study, the number was reduced to 122. When Mrs. Wilson left Oneonta in 1896, the Home Department lost a most competent and devoted leader in the work. She had faith in the organization, recognizing as few did the importance and value of the department as a factor of the Sunday-school. The work was continued in 1897 with a new superintendent and 108 students. The department lost during the year twenty-nine members, nine of these uniting with the main school. Through the earnest efforts of the visitors, forty new members were added, leaving at the close of the year a registration of 119. The total enrollment for the year 1905 was 91. The visitors for the present year are Mrs. Adelbert BEAMS, Mrs. J. BURGIN, Mrs. G. BORST, Mrs. S. CONGDON, Mrs. W. H. COUSE, Mrs. M. SAFFORD, Mrs. Carrie OLES, Mrs. William WALROD, and Mrs. DeWitt YAGER. Mrs. W. H. Couse has been a visitor continuously since the organization of the department. During the thirteen years of its existence, 60 of its members have joined the main school, 11 have united with the church, 25 have died, and 18 of the original number are still enrolled, doing, we believe, faithful work. The membership has always been more or less fluctuating. There are those who, perhaps, attracted by the novelty, take up the study only to drop it again. There are others who are steadfast, who enjoy the study, who prize the coming of the visitor, and who cheerfully and conscientiously fulfill their pledge of membership.

The present superintendent, Mrs. M. N. TERRELL, began her work in January, 1906. Mrs. Terrell is an able superintendent, a woman of strong Christian character, and under her direction and influence it is hoped that the Home Department of the future will be more potent for good in the Christian cause than at any time in its history.

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The Cradle Roll

The Cradle Roll is an important branch of the Sunday-school. The babies and young children of the church, who are yet too young to be members of the main school, it is believed desirable that they should have some close relationship with it. The names of the little ones are enrolled upon what is termed a Cradle Roll, and the names remain here until they are old enough to be transferred to the Primary department. This work is in charge of a superintendent who keeps the records and gives these little people her especial thought and care. Mrs. Burt BOOTS is the present superintendent, and has given some statistics in regard to the work:

"The Cradle Roll of the Free Baptist Sunday-school was instituted March, 1901. Miss PARKHOUSE was the first superintendent, and the name of Anna IRISH was the first enrolled. Miss Parkhouse was superintendent for three years, and was assisted during the last three months by Mrs. Burt Boots, who, in January 1905, was appointed her successor. In the year 1905, there were 27 promoted from the Cradle Roll to the Primary department. In 1906, 19 were promoted. In these two years seven of the little ones have been taken by death. There are now 121 names enrolled. In this way it is not only hoped to enlarge the Sunday-school, but through the children, to interest the fathers and mothers in the work of the school; for it is written, "A little child shall lead them.:

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The Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor
by E. Pearl HOWE*

"Lord, thou callest for the workers; Glad we come at thy command; Give us each the worker's outfit, Loving heart and ready hand." "For one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren." - Matthew 23:8

On June 11, 1887, a few of the young people met at the call of the pastor, Rev. A. E. WILSON, and after some discussion organized a Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor with eight charter members. A. E. CEPERLEY was elected president; Miss Lillian VANWOERT, vice-president; and Miss Bertha ALGER, secretary and treasurer. Charles BINGHAM was chosen chairman of the Lookout committee, and Miss Belle WILSON chairman of both the Prayer meeting and Social committees Though small in numbers, the society was large in enthusiasm; and, in a few years, grew to a membership of one hundred and fifty. Miss Belle Wilson had a large part in promoting the success of the society. Always efficient in committee work, fertile in plan and suggestion, the society owed much of its prosperity to her efforts. Another member who did much for the society, during Mr. Wilson's pastorate, is Sidney G. FIRMAN. As committee chairman and president for several terms, he was consecrated, earnest, and enthusiastic; and his work is not forgotten. During Mr. Firman's term of office, special interest was taken in mission work, nearly all members pledging two cents a week. Also, Mr. Wilson's cordial interest in the society work and his sympathetic helpfulness to the young people did much to make the society what it was-a help to the church and an inspiration to all who came within its influence. One Sunday evening during the pastor's usual five-minute talk, Mr. Wilson spoke of the need of a new church building and asked the young people what they were going to do about it. The hint was sufficient; and the following week they held a social on the parsonage lawn, the proceeds being used to start a building fund for the new church. From that time until the new building was finished, none were more active in the work than the young people.

* The above article is written by one of the most helpful members the society has ever had. In every feature of the work, socially, spiritually, and in active service, her influence has ever been a constant aid and inspiration.

The society has helped much in furnishing the church: buying chandliers for the parlors; raising $60 toward new carpets;

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assisting the Ladies' Circle in buying a furnace for the parlor; and, also, paying for the frescoing of the same. The society raised the first money for the piano fund, paying in all about $40; and contributed $10 toward the new cement walk on the church property. Besides, the members have paid regularly to both Christian Endeavor and Free Baptist state work. From various causes the membership grew smaller, but the same spirit of service remained. The organization of a Junior society lessened the numbers, but made it possible to put the members of both societies more effectively at work.

While the society has contributed largely to the material growth of the church, the greater work has been done along spiritual lines. The personal work of individual members has aided largely in the conversion of the young people who have come into the church in recent years. The society has reason to be proud of the Christian workers who have gone out to other fields, carrying the spirit of consecration and helpfulness that wins victories for Christ. Perhaps we owe most of all to those quiet, earnest ones, who through trial and through prosperity have "stood by"; always to be depended upon whether the work was pleasant or otherwise, they have been "living epistles."

To the present pastor the Christian Endeavor society owes much, but a few things especially should be mentioned; his introduction of systematic methods into our business meetings and the parliamentary drill have been a great advantage to our young people; while the high ideals he holds ever before them, and the interest he has inspired in the study of the Scriptures can but help to deepen and sweeten their spiritual growth.

Officers of Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor

President, Miss Iva AXTELL; Vice-President, Stuart HOWE; Recording Secretary, Miss Edith SMITH; Corresponding Secretary, Miss Maude SMITH; Treasurer, E. J. ACHKER, Chairman of Committees--Lookout, Miss Grace JOHNSON; Prayer-Meeting, Miss Helen G. PEASLEE; Social, Miss Mabelle BOYNTON; Music, Miss Helen Faye TARBOX; Missionary, Miss Lila BELL; Calling, Miss Mattie PARKHOUSE.

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Junior Christian Endeavor Society

"Youth is the only time To think and decide on a great course; But 'tis dreary To have to alter one's whole life in age- The time past, the strength gone." Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth.-Ecclesiastes 12:1

The Junior Society was first organized as a Children's Meeting in the spring of 1888, and continued as such for about three and a half years. We had our prayer meetings and a course of Bible study with examinations. In 1892, a Junior Christian Endeavor society was formed with Miss Belle WILSON as superintendent, which place she held until she left Oneonta in October, 1896. She was ably assisted by different members of the Senior society. The meetings were well attended and the interest was good. When we see so many of those children occupying places of honor and trust in the church and elsewhere, we dare to believe that God did honor the seed-sowing of those years; and we thank Him and take courage." Mrs. Celestia G. Wilson

THE WORK CONTINUED: The excellent work begun by Mrs. Wilson, and so successfully maintained by Miss Belle WILSON, has been faithfully continued since that time. The Junior society is considered an important branch of religious work. The great

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opportunity is here. Since the child is as easily biased by forces of evil as by forces of good, there is no question as to the value of leading children early into the Christian way. This opportunity for the formation of character throws a great responsibility upon the church; and many other things can be neglected better than the training department. The pastor with many other workers in the church realize the importance of this child training and have given their careful attention to this work.

SUPERINTENDENTS: For a time after Miss Wilson's departure the society was superintended by a number of active workers of the church and of the Senior society. They were succeeded by Mrs. R. E. MORGAN and Mrs. John MOFFAT, who were appointed regular superintendents. These two conducted the work together about six years. The last three years Mrs. Moffat has been the sole superintendent. The continued supervision of the work has demanded skill, patience, and faithfulness, which have been cheerfully given.

INSTRUCTION: The instruction has been presented from Junior topics, blackboard and illustrated talks, Bible stories and lessons derived therefrom. While the study and knowledge of the Bible is emphasized, the aim is to give practical teaching that shall aid in the development of Christian character. Various members of the church and of the Senior society have served as instructors in this department. The pastor, especially, with his whole-hearted interest in children, has given much of his thought and time to these meetings. His enthusiasm, earnestness, and sacrifice have had much to do with the success of the work.

WORK OF JUNIORS: The Juniors elect their own officers; the president presides at the meetings; records are kept; and the funds collected are expended for some useful purpose. Missionary interest is an important feature; for several years the society has contributed toward the support of an orphan lad in India. In brief, the Junior society exists not only for the spiritual culture of its members, but to qualify them for future leadership in the Senior society and in the church.

STATISTICS: The membership is 65; average attendance, 35; average amount of collection per year for nine years, $20. There are 18 in the society who are members of the church.


President, Russell PARKS; Vice-President, Goldie BELL; Secretary, Floyd CROUCH; Treasurer, Clara MORSE; Pianist, Hattie VanDEUSEN; Chorister, Hazel BAILEY; Chairman of Social Committee, Mary SODEN.

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Woman's Missionary Society
By Mrs. Nathan H. BRIGGS

"The field is not the church; the church is simply the reapers thrust out into the field." Lift up your eyes and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.- John 4:35

On the afternoon of November 18, 1902, in response to the call of our pastor, Rev. Charles S. PENDLETON, twenty ladies of the church met at the home of Mrs. R. E. MORGAN for the purpose of forming a Woman's Missionary Society. The formation of this society is largely due to the active interest previously taken in this movement by Mrs. R. W. MILLER.* The object in view was to diffuse missionary intelligence throughout its membership, and to assist the missionary collector in securing systematic contributions for missions. No stated dues are required; the annual payment of any sum to the mission fund constitutes eligibility to membership.

The officers elected at the first meeting were as follows: President, Mrs. Roscoe C. BRIGGS; Vice-President, Mrs. R. E. MORGAN; Secretary and Treasurer, Mrs. R. Wesley MILLER; Missionary Collector, Mrs. Roscoe C. BRIGGS; Agent for The Missionary Helper, Mrs. Nathan H. BRIGGS.

* For sometime Mr. and Mrs. R. W. MILLER have generously contributed $50 yearly toward the support of a native preacher in India.

At first, select readings from various missionary topics were read and discussed, but now a regular program is provided for each meeting. Music and recitations of a suitable nature add to the

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enjoyment of the occasion. Besides an outline study of our own denominational work in India, general information concerning other fields has been obtained from the following books: Lux Christi, treating of India; Dux Christus, missions in Japan; Christus Liberator, a mission study of Africa. It has been well said that "Indifference is ignorance, information is inspiration." Mission study has proved an inspiration to us. A greater interest has been developed, and we have been able to see our duty more clearly. This year one hundred and twelve families have contributed to the mission fund; and, too, a larger amount has been given for missionary purposes than during any previous year in the history of the church. The officers for the year 1906 are as follows: President, Mrs. Charles S. PENDLETON; Vice-President, Mrs. Burt ACKLEY; Secretary and Treasurer, Mrs. R. W. MILLER; Missionary Collector, Mrs. Paul FULLER; Agent for The Missionary Helper, Mrs. Andrew E. CEPERLEY.

The Ladies' Circle
By Mrs. O. A. MILLER

"There is no failure in Christian work; the only failure is in not doing it." Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with all thy might.-Ecclesiastes 9;10

The Ladies' Circle was first organized at the home of Mrs. D. M. MILLER, June 7, 1856. It was called the "Sewing Circle of the Freewill Baptist church of Oneonta." Its object was "to raise funds for benevolent purposes at home and abroad, or for the benefit of the church as directed by the society."

The first officers were as follows: President, Mrs. D. M. MILLER; Vice-Presidents, Mrs. Ansel MARVIN, Mrs. Hervey N. ROWE; Secretary, Mrs. A. F. WING; Treasurer, Miss Caroline DRUM.

Any lady became a member by paying twenty-five cents; gentlemen became honorary members by paying fifty cents and contributing annually for its support. The meetings were held once in two weeks, and at the end of the year, the receipts were $22.38. During the years of the Civil War, it would seem as if the meetings were not held regularly as the records are meagre during that time. It is recorded that $15.20 were raised in 1865, and that n 1866, $54.58 were paid toward the salary of the pastor, Rev. E. CROWELL. In the pastorate of Rev. G. P.

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RAMSEY, 1867-1871, a literary element was included in the meetings of the society; papers were edited, and select readings were given. Mrs. Ramsey, whose literary attainments are well known, undoubtedly was an inspiration in this line.

February 2, 1869, the name of the society was changed to the Ladies' Circle. On February 20, of this same year, it was voted at the covenant meeting that weekly subscriptions of ten cents should be solicited to be paid into the treasury of the Ladies' Circle for the purpose of furnishing the church. In this way $80 were received, besides $14.26 raised at its meetings. In March 1873, the society was reorganized, taking the name of the Ladies' Aid Society. Its special purpose at this time was to raise funds to pay the remaining debt upon the parsonage. Among other work done was the digging of the well and placing of a curb, at a cost of $31.75. In February 1880, the name of the society was changed to Ladies' Social Circle, its object being "to promote the social, financial, and religious interests of the church." During this year meetings were held every week, collecting in the aggregate $144.70. The society continued to progress and in 1884, by various means, $115.75 were raised, of which $56.45 were paid for pulpit chairs. At a meeting held July 18, 1888, the name of the society was once more changed to the Ladies' Circle, which name it has since retained.

During the time of Mrs. WILSON's presidency, 1888-1896, the building of the church made heavy demands on wisdom to plan and executive ability to direct. Besides paying a large amount toward the church building, the society bought carpets, dishes, silverware, table-linen, made repairs on the parsonage; and with the help of the Christian Endeavor society paid for a furnace for the church parlor. The largest amount received during any year was in 1889 when $952.43 were raised. The whole amount during this period was $2,757.57. This was accomplished by subscriptions, "A Merchant's Carnival and Festival of Days," a booth on the fair grounds for selling fancy articles, work with needle, "brush," and "wheel," and by serving meals of all kinds.

In 1897, the work came under the direction of Mrs. C. S. PENDLETON. The church was frescoed at a cost of $304. Brussels carpets were bought for the entire church, hymnals placed in every pew, and several improvements were made to the interior of the parsonage. Besides the proceeds of the monthly teas, the sum of $100 has been given annually to the church. The amount raised during these nine years is $3,279.78. Lectures, bake-sales, rubber sales, subscriptions, cash gifts, and a "periodical bureau" have been the means of rounding out this large sum.

During the entire history there have been fourteen presidents, the longest terms being served by Mrs. WILSON and Mrs.

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PENDLETON; and to them is due much of the success of the Ladies' Circle. Mrs. W. H. COUSE has been the treasurer for eighteen years and during that time has received $6,230.56. In the past fifty years, as far as records can be found, $7,450.03 have been raised; and $3,000 of this amount were paid toward the building expenses of the new church.

We have lost by death several valuable members; among them are Mrs. D. M. MILLER, Mrs. N. N. BULL, and Mrs. Morris ACKLEY. The society has always been greatly indebted to Mrs. D. M. Miller; for the thirty-five years that she was connected with it, she was never weary, always hopeful and ready to do the next task. The other two are greatly missed from our ranks; their faithfulness and love for any part of church work will live long as an inspiration and a sweet memory.

The Fiftieth Anniversary of the Ladies' Circle was celebrated June 7, 1906. The ladies of all the church and congregation were invited for the afternoon to the home of Mrs. O. A. Miller, to be the guests of Mrs. C. S. Pendleton, Mrs. A. M. Pendleton and Mrs. O. A. Miller. Mrs. A. F. WING, the first secretary, was the guest of honor. About 125 ladies were present.

Not alone in finance has the Ladies' Circle been an aid to the church, perhaps even more as a social factor. In all its work it has kept in mind that harmony and Christian courtesy are more valuable than money, and a hearty spirit of co-operation and good fellowship has characterized its work. While mistakes must have been made, yet the spirit has been "Whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God."


President, Mrs. O. A. MILLER; Vice-Presidents, Mrs. O. C. TARBOX, Mrs. S. PARKS, Mrs. M. N. TERRELL, Mrs. J. O. CHAMPLIN, Mrs. G. CONKLIN; Secretary, Mrs. John BELL; Assistant Secretary, Mrs. M. E. GILE; Treasurer, Mrs. W. H. COUSE; Auditing Committee, Mrs. A. E. CEPERLEY, Mrs. R. E. MORGAN, Miss Mattie PARKHOUSE.

History of Free Baptist Church - Page 4