The History of the United Presbyterian Church of Garrattsville
Celebrating 125 years
Extracted from a compilation by Joanne Douglas
Used with permission from the author

(Certain sections that had little genealogical value and all
photographs were omitted from this internet presentation. )
The writing of this history is dedicated to the many people of the community, past and present, who have worked so hard to make our church succeed in the community. As a descendant of some of the founding members of the church, I found this a humbling experience to read and write of the work, effort, and dedication put into the forming of our church. in 1995, as we celebrate the 125th anniversary of the dedication of our church, these people will be remembered  with love and respect.

Early History

The Garrattsville United Presbyterian Church began as a branch of the Burlington Green United Presbyterian Church, which was completed in 1803, and demolished in 1914. This Burlington Green church sat on the north side of route 80, between county route 16 and the Butternut Creek. In 1805, 50 acres of land was given to the Burlington Green church by William Cooper for the support of preaching. The only visible signs of the church left today are the gravestones in an abandoned cemetery, which surrounded the church on three sides. In 1939, the Edmeston Local newspaper published a three part series on the history of the Burlington church. In the May 5,1939 article, they reported;

"The building in which its first services were held was razed in 1914, but its precepts and philosophy are perpetuated in the United Presbyterian Church of Garrattsville. Its spirit will live forever in the memories and traditions of the descendants of that first little band of Christian men and women."

Some of the members of the Burlington church started a preaching station in Garrattsville in the 1860's with Rev. R.G. Wallace preaching on Sabbath afternoons. The preaching station continued when Rev. S.K. McKee replaced Rev. Wallace. The UP church building was erected on land donated by John Elliott, who lived in the next house above the church, and was one of the organizing members of our church, with the provision that no horse shed be built on the property. George Hall of Morris planned and built the structure, and it was dedicated December 28,1870. The Morris Chronicle reported on January 4,1871;

"The dedication of the new church at Garrattsville last week passed off finely. A large audience was in attendance: after the sermon by Rev. Mr. McHenry of Del. Co. the debt of over $900 was provided for, and leaving a surplus of over one hundred dollars. The church edifice is spoken of as being a very fine one, and reflecting great credit upon the skill and workmanship of Geo. W. Hall of Morris, builder." A.A. Mather, chairman of the annual meeting in 1871, announced $3,317 had already been raised toward the cost of this building.

The Robert B. Hume family, one of the organizing families of our church, lived "on the hill" known as East Hill. They had been loyal church members in Burlington Green riding in a "half lumber wagon" consisting of a front seat and other seats made of boards laid from side to side with sheep skin or a blanket. The influence and dedication of this family to the church is part of the reason our church is in the community today.

Bessie Rockwell Hall tells of the dedication to religion and the Presbyterian church by the Robert B. Hume Family in her Hume family history. She quotes the writings of Robert's son, Reverend Robert Henry Hume, D. D.

'Our horne was a typical Scotch home in many respects and especially in its religious life. Father was the high priest of the the family and its head and he held that place as it seemed to me, after the pattern of Abraham, until his death. We were taught, as soon as we could lisp, 'to say our prayers', morn¡ng and evening and I do not think that one of us ever gave up the excellent habit.
Father and Mother set us the example. So well do I remember every morning after family worship father retiring to his bedroom for his private devotions, and then mother, after he had gone out to work. In the evening, mother would always slip away immediately after worship and attend to her devotions, and then father just before retiring. He usually sat and read a while after mother retired. We had family worship regularly, morning and evening. We sang the Psalms in chorus in the evening, and morning and evening on the Sabbath.

The Sabbath was spent in going to church, reading religious books, the Bible and religious papers. We had few books, but we read them over and over. In the evening we 'said the Catechism Questions' and later committed the Psalms.

After moving to Garrattsville, mainly thru the influence of my father, the minister at the Green, began preaching in the afternoon at Garrattsville. Finally a church was built at Garrattsville and we attended services twice each Sabbath, instead of once.

Father and mother ordered our home life upon the highest religious plane; they may have been rather rigid and severe, but their purpose was good, and I know they loved their children; they wanted us to become strong Christian men and women.'

Robert Henry Hume was the seventh child of ten in the Hume family and his life reflected the teaching he received here in Garrattsville. He lived in the Garrattsville area and attended the Presbyterian preaching station. In 1870 he entered Monmouth College. He graduated in 1874, and then went to Newburgh Theological Seminary, from which he graduated in 1876. Hume earned Doctor of Divinity from Muskingum College in 1895.

Hume was featured in Who's Who in the United Presbyterian Church. In the article, he is listed as a delegate to the Holland Church and twice to the council, representing the Presbyterian System of Faith Throughout the World, meeting in Liverpool, England in 1904, and in Pittsburgh in 1921. At the time of the article, he had had a continuous pastorate spanning 47 years and was living in Springfield, Ohio. The congregation had reason to be proud of him!

The congregation was organized at Garrattsville on January 14,1879. The officers elected were : Asa ChaseTrustee, full term; Thos. Hume-Trustee, medium term; William Elliott-Trustee, short term, and John Hume-Clerk.

The following is a list of the 33 organizing members of the Garrattsville UP church when the congregation was organized on January 14, 1879.

George Chisholm
Adam H. Elliott 
Elizabeth C. Elliott 
Isabella Elliott 
John Elliott
Ann Elliott 
Lora J. Gledhill 
Jane E. Gledhill 
Catherine Gladstone 
Robert B. Hume 
Christina Hume 
Lydia M. Hume 
Maggie R. Hume
James O. Hume
John Hume
Julia M. Hume 
Thomas B. Hume 
Nancy D. Hurne
William Renwick
Janet Renwick 
Agnes Renwick 
George C.Robinson
Jennie E. Robinson 
Danvers A. Rockwell 
Elizabeth S. Rockwell 
A. Clark Rockwell
Adah C. Rockwell 
Bell B. Rockwell 
Thomas Rutherford 
Mary Rutherford 
George Turnbull 
Jenet Turnbull 
Robert Young
There are several references in the Session minutes and the Annual Meeting reports about the meetings and conferences the Garrattsville church had with the Burlington Green UP Church. I think they must have continued to work closely together, even after Garrattsville organized their own congregation. They shared pastors for many years, and the Session and the Young People's group helped out at the Burlington church several times.

In 1880, land was purchased for the purpose of building horse sheds. The January 4,1881 Annual Meeting minutes reported,

'The committee on sheds reported that they had procured grounds and held deed for the same. Report was accepted.

This land for the sheds was located on the right side of County Route 16 (going toward Welcome), just beyond the present home of Barry Douglas. The horse sheds were built in an "L" shape, on the lower side (toward the Butternut Creek) of Douglas' barn. After the church no longer needed the sheds for horses and carriages, Albert Brimmer used these sheds for mil cing cows, and they were later torn down.This land was sold in 1973, as there has not been need for it, since transportation has changed from horse and buggy.

Our U. P. Church was the host of a Sunday School Convention on Tuesday, December 6,1881. Delegates arrived from Burlington Green, Morris, Pittsfield, Welcome, and Garrattsville. After singng, scripture, and prayer, the morning was spent discussing the goals and organization of the group, with a Constituton to be written ¡n the future. In the afternoon, the group known as the Butternut Valley Sunday School Association, elected officers. Later Rev. T.A. Scott addressed the group on the Origin of Sunday School in 1780. Other talks that day included : The importance of Sunday School Work, by Rev. Weeks; How to Bring Sunday School Scholars into the church, by Rev. Fisher; The Kind of Teachers Needed, by Rev. Belknap; and Method of Teaching by John Hume. Each of these was followed with debate and discussion. There was also an evening session with entertainment. This association was for the pastors, teachers, and officers of churches in the towns o# New Lisbon, Morris, Burtington, and Pittsfield. The next meeting was scheduled for March 1,1882 in the M. E. Church at Morris.

In 1895, at the Annual Meeting, during the time Rev. Clapperton was here, the need for a parsonage was discussed. A motion was made and lost to buy Dr. Bishop's house, as he was building a new one. At a later meeting, the parsonage committee reported they had raised $850 for the purpose of buying a parsonage, and would look into buying the James Miller house. The first house on the left toward Welcome (Henry Heelein's) was finally purchased. This house was across the road from the church shed property. The parsonage was sold in 1963, as it was no longer needed for a resident pastor.

1937 Reunion

In 1937, there was a reunion held for members and friends. During the service, letters were read from several former pastors: Rev. R.A. Barr, DD; Rev. W.J. Golden; Rev. Stanley Moody; and Rev. Richard P. Liston.

Walter Kraus presented a vocal solo, and the Rev. J.C. Calhoun D.D. (who served the Garrattsville church from 1921-1931 ) delivered a message to the congregation. Later a pageant."The Challenge of the Cross", was presented, directed by Mrs. J.S. Vance. Actors in the pageant consisted of Marion Lasher, as Evangel; Evelyn Lasher, as the 1 st Disciple; Alice Turnbull, as the 2nd Disciple; Theda Foote, as the 3rd Disciple; Irma Foote, as the 4th Disciple; Katherine Garlock, as the 5th Disciple and GenevaBrimmer, as the ¢th Disciple. Members of the choir for the pageant consisted of Jack Kinary, Herman Salisbury, Lillian Coy, Ada Bishop, Pearl Strait, Nellie Garlock, Jean Calhoun, Annie Hall, Lavinia Thurston, Walter Kraus, Ernst Thurston, and George Turnbull.

Rev. Vance (pastor from 1936- 1939) and his family were very active in the church and the community. There were many pageants and special events during their stay in Garrattsville.Therewere many pageants and special events during their stay in Garrattsville. Our members, who remember the Vances, tell of their energy and devotion directed at the church, its members, and the community. As a result, this was a time of growth for our Garrattsville church.

Young People's Christian Union

On January 29,1939, The Young People's Christian Union celebrated their 50th anniversary, by holding "A Young Pe ple's Day" for the service. Over the 50 year history, the group had been quite active, with meetings, social events, and conducting services in the absence of the pastor. They helped out with services in the Burlington church when they were without a pastor. The devotion of this group kept both churches open during hard times and kept the interest in its work.

The YPCU raised money to meet soc¡al expenses by holding "Dime Socials" in various homes. Social events held by the group included musical and literary entertainment, and sometimes an Ice Cream Social, with homemade ice cream, of course.

Over more recent years, the name has changed to Youth Fellowship and Youth Group but the purpose has remained the same. The young people meet for education, entertainment, fellowship, and have done the Sunday church services several times.

Sunday School

The Sunday School, or Sabbath School, as it was referred to in the 1800's and early 1900's, has been active and of good size throughout the history of our church. The leaders have done a fine job of educating our youth and adults. At the present time, the Sunday School staff consists of Cathy Galley, Charlene Wells, Lois Greising , Edna Straney, Loraine Greising, with April Turnbull as a substitute. We salute the people who work with the young members of our community, to help them learn about the teachings of our Lord and to live Christian lves. In recent years, the Sunday School ye r has started with a rally in September, and ended with a picnic for the Sunday School members and guests in May.

Church Choir

The choir has played an active part in the church's history over the years. Six choir members petitioned the Session in 1899, to permit them to place an organ in the church indefinitely. That petition was signed by Susan Paine, Gregory Paine, John Rockwell, Bessie Rockwell, James Hume and William Turnbull.

Marion Turnbull tells a story handed down to her by older members of the church concerning the organ. Robert B. Hume did not want the organ placed in the church. (This was probably the conservative Scotch Presbyterian side of him.) As legend goes, Mr. Hume told others in the congregat¡on that he and Mrs. Renwck would dance down the aisle if an organ was put in our church. We don't know if this dance actually happened when the organ was moved in, but it's nice to know that these people had a sense of humor along, with their dedication to the church and community.

In the early days of thePresbyterian Church it was the custom to sing only the Psalms during the church service. In 1914, the chor wanted different material for their songs and we find in the session minutes,

'Resolved-That there was a session Grant thru petiton of the choir for the privilege to sing in public, worship scripture words other than the Psalms with the distinct understanding that no songs of human composition be used.

With the amount of songs which we have to choose from today, it is strange to think that the choir was only allowed to sing the Psalms before that time. I understand that was a tradition brought to Garrattsville from the conservative Scotch Presbyterian church.

The purchase of a piano was the topic in 1928. A committee was formed to consider the matter. Mrs. B.F. Bishop, Mrs. A.C. Rockwell, Mrs. E.J. Thurston, Mrs. J.B. Hume and Miss Lydia Hume were assigned the task and the piano was purchased.

Mlssionary Society

Over the years, the Women's Missionary Society has been an active and important part of the church. There are many references in the minutes to the members meeting and taking an active part. They have held religious education at a high level of importance over the years and have supported missions around the world.

The Society has also helped meet the financial needs of the church, at times, with collections and fund raisers, as rummage and bake sales; dinners were served in the.upstairs dining room and prepared in the downstairs kitchen. Before the

renovation, our members remember serving the fund raising dinners on Nellie Garlock's lawn (Phillip Smith house), with the garage being used as a kitchen. Isabel Winters remembers using pine branches to chase the flies away, which tried to enjoy dinners also.

At the time of this writing, the Women's Missionary meetings are held the 3rd Wednesday of each month, together with the Methodist women, at the home of Evelyn Webster, president. They consist of a program and the monthly meeting.

Interesting Facts From The History Of Our Church

Several gifts have been given to the church from donors who wished to remain anonymous. In 1881, the Session was presented with a Baptismal Bowl; and in 1888, a

Communion Set was donated to the congregation. The 2 collection plates were donated on November 23,1901.

In 1907, the sidewalk was added to the front of the church. The lighting system was installed in 1915 at a cost of $130; and at the annual meeting in 1934, the motion was made and carried that the trustees obtain "a new heating plant". Some of our members remember this furnace sitting in the back of the sanctuary.

On April 11,1939, at the semiannual meeting of the Delaware Presbytery, Rev. J.S. Vance of Garrattsville, was retiring as moderator of the Presbytery. He presented to his successor, a gavel, made by Walter Kraus of Garrattsville, from pieces of wooden cornice salvaged from our sister church, the United Presbyterian Church in Burlington. Walter also tells us that he made the wooden hymnal racks which are on the pews, from wood saved from the Burlington Church.

Renovation fn the 1950's

With gifts of significant amounts of money from Lavinia and Ernst Thurston the plans for renovating and improving the church began in the 1950's. With additional gifts from members and friends of the congregation, several improvements were made to the church.

Pastors serving the 6arrattsville United Presbyterian Church

Preaching Station-1860's-1879- Rev. Wallace and Rev. S.J. McKee 
1879-1886- Rev. T.A. Scott
1886-1890-Minutes do not
indicate who was pastor
1890-1898-Rev. J. B. Clapperton
1898-1903-Rev. R. H. Barr
1903-1911-Rev. W.,l. Golden
1912- Minutes do not indicate who was pastor
1913-1916- Rev. C.A. Lay
1917- Rev. Wm. Ing.ram
1918-Minutes do not indicate who was pastor
1919-1921-Rev. C. P. Way
1921-1931-R‚v. J.C. Calhoun
1932-1935-Mr. Stanley Moody
1935-Rev. Rchard P. Liston
1936-1939-Rev. John S. Vance
1940-1943-Rev. William Gartshore
1944-1950-Rev. B. E. Myers
1950-1956-Rev. J. Ross McCloy
1956-1958-Rev. E. Scott Farley
1959-Summer student pastorDean Rowley
1959-1990-Rev. Roger Beach
1992 Summer Pastor- Laura Aull
1992-1994 - Pastor supplied onweekly basis with Lay Preacher Marilyn Holmes giving us some continuity on an alternating week basis for 12 month period from Sept.1993 to Sept. 1994.
1994-1995-Weekly preaching by invited ministers and Lay people with (retired) Rev. Douglas Gray doing the sermon some Sundays and acting as moderator for Session meetings.
The following is a Iist of communicants who have joined the Garattsvllle United Presbyterian Church since tfie organizatlon in January of 1879. .
June 28,1879    William F. Ellott, Elrey R. Hume, George W. Renwick, De Ellie Boughton
May 29,1880 Hannah Cope, Mary Mc Collum
May 30,1880 Adda R. Hollister
Jan.15,1881 James Perry, Maggie B. Perry, John Renwick'
June 18,1881 Abraham F. Boughton
June 14.1882 Cora Elliott
June 17.1882 Mrs. MaryJones
Jan.13,1883 Mrs. Fannie Green
Dec.15,1883 George I. Hume, Ada Gladstone
Dec.16,1883 Robert H. Hume
Jan.16,1886 Fannie A. Paine (Rockwell), Abbie C. Hume, Bella J. Hume, James B. Hume
Wm. R. Gladstone, Harlow B. Cummings, John Scott Rockwell, Minnie H. Rockwell
Maggie H. Robinson
June 25,1887 Emmet O. Hume
Feb.25,1888 Maggie H. Mather, Elizabeth Holdrege, Robert O. Gladstone
June 25,1889 Christie Robinson
Aug.17,1889 Susie G. Paine, V flliam Rockwell,Bessie Rockwell,W. B. Campbell, Mrs. W.B. Campbell
June 28,1890 Estell M. Hume, Mary E. Elliott, Mary J. Hume, Anna E. Clapperton
Jan.24,1891 Richard J.B. Turnbullm W.R. Turnbull, Adah M. Turnbull, Elizabeth M. Turnbull
Leander Rockwell, Lydia M. Wright, Etta E. Wright, June 12,1891 Dora Elliott, Jane Turnbull
June 13,1891 Isabel Elliott
Jan.6,1892 Gertrude Paine, Gregory Paine, Alice A. Medbury, Nellie L. Bresee, Henry J. Hume
Charles F. Joslyn, Lewis W. Irish, Samuel B. Elliott, James C. Cummings
Jan.15,1892 S. Burdell Sherman, Emily Cummings
Jan.16,1892 Magg¡e B. Elliott
Jan.17,1892 Robert Young, Perry C. Bell, Thomas Elliott, Mary E. Sherman
June 30,1892 VWlliam Elliott, Jennie E. Elliott, Abbie Hubbard
Jan.30,1893 Gearge C. Robinson
Oct.26,1893 George W. Elliott
June 12,1891 Elore Cumming
Apr.25,1894 George Biddle
Nov.11,1894 Mrs. George Biddle
June 29,1894 Hugh Hall
June 24,1896 Nathan Joslyn, Mrs. Nathan Joslyn, Cora Foote, Anna Mickle, Elmer F. Mickle
Seaviasee Nearing, Clarrence Jones
June 26,1896 Bell Turnbull, James Hall
Nov.1,1896 Mary Holdredge
Oct.1897 Mrs. J.S. Rockwell
Jan.14,1899 Mrs. Mary Barr, William J. Ashton, Mrs. Mary Hume Hoke, Mrs. Martha Hume
Henry Elliott, Eleanor S. Perry
June 3,1899 Hume Turnbull, Alice Turnbull
June 4,1899 Jennie Balcom
Mar.23,1901 Mara Helen Benjamin
Mar.24,1901 Mrs.Jos Hall
Mar.29,1902 Bessie M. Sheimerhone(?), Pearl H. Smith, Edna M. Smith
Nov.2,1902 Mrs. Geo. Fowlston
Mar.28,1902 Anna Perry
Jan.30,1904 George Turnbull, Stuart C. Rockwell
Apr.4,1904 Marguarette Golden, Mrs. Flora Golden, Mrs. W.F. Elliott
Mar.25,1905 Mildred G. Perry
June 24,1905 Harriot U. Perry, Archie S. Hoke
Feb.17,19? Albert Parker
June 25,1905 Nellie M. Ward
June 26,1904 Julia E. Rockwell (Lasher), Sadie L. Smith, Charles H. T. Ward, Arthur S. Phillips
Feb.1,1908 Adrian Chase Elliott
June 15 Vivian Adah Rockwell, Geo. Hanur Ward
Oct.29,1910 Claud Alelbert Padgett, Isabel Telfer, (?) Telfer
May 20,1911 Madeline Ellan Cogshall
May 18,1913 Mrs. C. A. Lay, W. Ray Card, Pearl Card
Jun.29,1910 Mryetta Manchester
Mar.24,1914 Richard Holliwell
July 26,1914 Paul Jackson
Nov.29,1914 Charlotte Hall, John H. Hall, F. W. Larry(?), Mrs. F.W. Larry(?)
June 27,1915 Eri P. Ward, Carl Garlock
June 23,1917 Harold S. Lasher
Mar.22,1919 Frank Ladd, Amelia Ferris, Mrs. C.P. Way
June 22 Isabel Bolton, Carolyn Rutherford
Nov.14 Wm: H Simonds, Eliza Simonds, Wm. Benjamin, Lizzie Benjamin
Oct.17,1920 Agnes Turnbull
Oct 24,1920 James B. Hume Jr.
Mar.20,1921 Wm. Wiltui
Mar.26,1922 Jean Calhoun
May 24,1925 Abilhar M. Holdredge
Aug.30 Fred Hall
Sept.6 Lillian Hall
Dec.2,1928 Richard W..Turnbull, Geo. Rice, Theo. Rice
Dec.16 Isabel Telefer, Nellie Garlock
July 16,1931 Alice E. Salisbury
Sept.11,1932 Marion R. Lasher (Turnbull), LaSalle Brimmer, Rose Brimmer (Webster), Geneva Brimmer (Kraus)
July 16,1935 Ora Bissell, Catherine Garlock, Evelyn Rockwell Lasher (Webster),Jean Turnbull (Regan)
Howard George Turnbull, Albert Brimmer
May 12,1934 IvanGrant
Apr.24,1938 Isabel Ada Turnbull (Winters)
June 12 George Kaul, Ellen Kaul, Eva Thompson, Emmet Coy, Lillian Coy
July 3 Herman Salisbury
Sept.11 Ada Blanchard
Oct.27,1940 Florence Crosbie, Agnes Gartshore, Grace Wilson
Apr.6,1941 Wa1ter Kraus, Bruce C. Turnbull, James S. Turnbull
July 27 George Blanchard
Aug.8,1943 Maxine J. Elliott, Freder¡ck Webster ,
May 21,1944 Harold C. Myers, Verna Myers, Ethelyn E. Myers
Apr.1,1945 George Merl Webster
July 15,1945 Mrs. Anna Murry
Aug.5,1945 Mrs. Priscilla E. Turnbull
Jan.27,1946 Mrs. Annie Hall
Apr.28,1946 Mrs. Amelia Elliott
Oct.6,1946 Glenn Saunder, Eunice Saunders, Donald Saunders, Richard Saunders
Oct.5,1947 Ralph H. Lasher,Glenn R. Wilson, Roger A. Wilson, Winnie Mae Myers,John R. Turnbull
Nov.23,1947 Patricia Jackson (Seiferth), Doris Saunders (Lukas)
June 10,1949 Donald Elliott, Virginia Elliott (Gardner)
Aug.13,1950 Harry Bissell, Kathyn Bissell, Mrs. Pearl Strait, Mrs. Charlotte Vasser, Robert Wilson
Mar.18,1951 Mrs. Bernice Brimmer (Smith)
Oct.6,1951 Mr. Andy Hall, Mrs. Andy Hall, Mrs. Nellie Kraus, Mrs. Emlly Turnbull
Dec.13,1953 James H. Simon, Sr., Mrs. James H. Simon, Sr.
Jan.10,1954 Robert W. Woodrow Jr., Miktred Woodrow
Apr.24,1955 C1aire Anne Nielson
Apr.7,1955 Miss Anne Lingley
Sept.30,1956 Donald Nielson
Nov.18,1956 Mae Schmuck
Oct.4,1959 Linda C. Saunders (Gartung), Sally A. Wright, Stephanie A. Winters, Mary L. Walter
Joanne R. Webster (Douglas), Donald R. Turnbull, Royce F. Webster, Lynn H. Bissell
Jan.21,1960 Stephen Winters
June 26,1960 Mrs. Harriett Jackson, Mrs. Isabelle Kinary
Jan.8,1961 Miss Marion Walter, Mrs. Marjorie Lasher
Oct.28,1962 Mrs. Mary Saunders, Mr. Warren Card, Mrs. Myrtle Card
April 14,1963 Jean P. Walter, Timothy S. Winters, John M. Elliott, George D. Wilson
Oct.6,1963 Mabelle R. Frederick (Convis)
May 10,1964 Charles I. Chambers, Lucille M. Chambers
Apr.3,1966 Gary Donald Elliott, Martin Albert Card, Cynthia Lou Winters, Diane Elizabeth Wilson
May 7,1966 John Orrin Furgison, Mrs. John (Mariba) Furgi5on
Dec.29,1966 Janet C. Card, Harold B. Card
Feb.5,1967 Evelyn R. Hendrickson, Willard F. Hendrickson
May 14,1968 Marion Martin
April 5,1970 SandraJane Card, Frank C. Hendrickson, Donald P. Hendrickson
July 4,1971 Edwin H. Webster, Debra Lu Card, Alan J. Hendrickson, Janet Lee Winters
Dec.3,1972 David Galley, Alexa Galley
Apr.6,1975 Linda R. Brimmer, Connie A. Hendrickson, Victor S. Lasher
Sept.12,1976 Lois Greising
Oct.2,1977 Linda Goodspeed
Nov.20,1983 Alan W. Digsby, Valerie A. Digsby, Cheryl L. Klein, Raymond D. Greising
Cynthia K. Steventon, Helga M. Maerz
Aug.12,1984 Lisa Ann Goodspeed, Christopher A. Wilson, Loraine G. Greising
Oct.6,1985 Michael J. Goodspeed, Sharon A. Turnbull, Joan L. Greising
June 15,1986 Nancy Turnbull, Clifford Gardner
Oct 4,1987 April Mae Turnbull, Nichole Marie Wilson, Kevin Jon Matson
May 19,1991 Richard Turnbull, Christopher Douglas
Nov.18,1992 Karen (Peterson) Catania
July 18,1993 Catherine Galley
Nov.14,1993 Paul F. Straney, Edna Straney
1994 Kristie Wells, Elizabeth Straney, Chad Robinson, Amy Robinson

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