State of Ohio, Lawrence County

Clerk of Courts, Journal 5

August 31, 1840, first day of term 

The last Will and Testament of Benjamin Yates, late of said county deceased was at the August term of this court 1840, brought before the court and proven by one of the subscribing witnesses to the same and continued for further proof and thereupon this day Samuel M. Dempsey the other subscribing witness to said will made oath that the said Benjamin Yates at the time of executing said will was of full age and of sound mind and memory and not under any restraint and that he subscribed said will in the presence of said testator and also saw him sign said will all of which is to the satisfaction of said court and said will having now been proven is ordered to be recorded. 

Whereupon on motion of Ann Yates and John Pethred having entered into bond in the sum of eight hundred dollars with Samuel Dempsey and Henry Bowling their surety to the approved and acceptance of the court here and taken the oath prescribed by the statute are appointed executors of the last will and testament of Benjamin Yates deceased and letters testamentary issued to them in due form of Law. 

Ordered by the court here that Christian F. Wallbright, Frederick Bartles and John Campbell being first duly sworn do appraise into current money the personal property of said deceased and make return according to Law.

Transcribed by Kristy.