Trumbull County Resources
- Townships
- Cemeteries
- Maps
- Books and Media about Trumbull County
- Federal Census Records
- Funeral Records
- Land Records
- Libraries
- Lookups in Books and CD's
- Military
- Newspapers
- Ohio Resources and Addresses
- Prison Records - Check the Ohio Historical Society Archives/Library
- Probate Records
- Railroad Records - Check the Official U.S. Railroad Retirement Board website
- Researchers - Individuals Certified by Board for Certifications of Genealogists
- Tax Records
- Trumbull County Resources For Local Research (Courthouse, Archives, Libraries)
- Trumbull County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society
- Trumbull County Historical Societies Listing
- Trumbull County US GenWeb Archives (Press Back Button to Return Here)
- Social Security Death Index at
- Trumbull County Vital Records (Birth, Death, Marriage, Divorce, Adoption and Naturalization)
- Wills (Probate Records)