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top margin I set a hen the 8th Feb


Feb 9 Sun we go to Dorries & eat a turnip green dinner, come home & we all go & set a while with
Mr Mahon & family

10 cloudy still

11 Rains a little all morning clears up in the eve. I got a card from Effie a letter from Pearl and
Winnie. all was well

11 I got my memory culture & the other circular. I commenced to use it 11 Feb.

Note: this may be referring to the book “Memory Culture: The Science of Observing, Remembering, and
Recalling” by William Walker Atkinson, published in 1903

11 I sent to “Universal Co” for work on making shields

Mog is plowing on the lane in south field. Dora & I are picking cotton

12 for Dorrie, we will get done today. It is nearly clear & also warm

Feb 11 It thundered the 11 Feb

12 We finished Dorries cotton this eve

13 We wash, & it is a very good day, but that night the wind was awful high from southwest, &
lightened some

Feb 14 Valentine day, awful windy, cloudy & cold

12 Maud Harper & Wallace Braddy married ran off & married in Moran

Feb 12 I sent by Mr. J. Wohlford to Cisco, $5,00 to get poultry netting to put around my garden. He
got 2 rolls of 150 feet for $4,50 cts He got the faultless

Feb 14 I get a letter from Pearl stating the news that Winnie had a 11 ¾ lb boy born the 12th Feb
1908 call him George Bartley

Feb 15 I go to Mr. McKelvains & get a mess of turnip greens, & Bonie Effie & Maurine come in the
eve. Mat sent me a mess of ribs

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Feb 16 Sun Mog & I go to church, also Bonie Effie & Maurine they go to Dorries in the eve. Preaching
at night, Bro Chanceller was in attendance , preached two good sermons

17 I send off a letter to Pearl, Mog sends an order to King Weeder Co for one of their machines

17 Della Manan called on us this eve. Ida & I go up to Tobes to trade some

17 Windy today

18 Zena Austin & children spend the day here, John went to Moran & it is cold

19 Still norther blowing cold, Mog helps Jim W to kill hogs

20 Still cold, Mog plows

Feb 21 Fry I get a letter from Pearl said Winnie was getting along all right but Bartley was a
screamer, had to have the Dr, with him, had colic so bad

21 Dora & I burn off the grass on the east side of the field on the lane

22 Sat still cloudy & cold, Mr. Thomason was in Fry morning the 21st a little while

25 Little acorn heifer found a heifer calf 25

24 John & Zena Austin was here Zena spent the day John went to Moran

Feb 24 Today is the anniversary of Mog & my wedding just 44 years ago. Just such a few left that
was there then

25 Mrs Leach & Della was here, also Mrs. Keith

25 Mod went to Moran got chops potatoes & garden seed I sold 50 cts of eggs

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top margin I got a card from Pearl 25 Feb

I sent her a letter 27

Feb 26 We had a mess of cabbage & Dorrie & Ida spent the day here

27 Dora & I put out our onions, beets, mustard, spinach, & lettuce

28 We was, & burn off the grass east of the road

29th We plant potatoes, & go up to Bonies in eve

Mar 1 We come home in the morning, & after noon we went to the school house to hear Bro
McCarter preach. He organized a S School with Mog as Superintendent. Olin come home with

Mar 2 Dorrie & Ida went to Moran

2 Mrs. John Elliott died today had a baby & died soon after the birth of it

3 We bed out our sweet potatoes & plant cabbage & tomatoe seed, also beans & peas.

4 Mog is nearly done breaking the jack (?) field

Mar 5 That night some one cut wire around J Wohlfords wheat field

6 Mog Jim John McK Mr K & several (?) others went around field looking for tracks found a
few. Dora & I spend the eve at Mr Kennison

7 Sherif Biggs of Albany & Sherif Tomlinson of Breckenridge June Wohlford of Albany & several
others held court of inquiry at Jim W’s house Sat the 7

7 I send a letter to Pearl

I get a box of Mothers Remedies

4 headache chocolates $1,00

4 Pioner (?) Pills $1,00

2 Witch Hazel jelly 50

8 Bx Salve 200


3 bxs extra 75 cts

6 more I sold before 1,50

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top margin Set a hen on turkey eggs 12 and another the 18th Mar, 23rd

Mar 7 Mog & Dorrie go to Moran I send 5 doz eggs got 50 cts for them

Lottie Lena Mabel, Mrs Mahan & little girls spend the eve here, & Ida & children in the

Mar 8 It is real cloudy & misting some & getting cold. had a little rain

9 a cold cloudy norther is blowing I have a very painful pit (?) on my lower lip

10 It rained slow most of the night

6 We plant corn in the garden & beans

Mae 11 Prof Walker died & was buried

12 the 12 at Shady Grove Cementery, Mog Dorrie & I go

Mog harrows in the eve

13 also today, Dorrie goes to Moran with his grass seed & I send 5 doz eggs (10 cts doz)

11 I get a letter from Pearl & Winnie

14 I wash some & scour kitchen

Mar 15 Bro Chancellor preached at Eureka sun at eleven & at night, a good crowd was there. Made
up enough to buy song books

Mon 16 Mog & Dora & I put up net wire around garden

Mar 17 Mog commences to plant corn & finishes the

18 19th) Dora & I put stays in between posts

It was awful hot Mon, tues, & wed

18 We finish the garden today

16 We send Pearl $4,30 cts to pay for her ticket

I got $2,00 form Dora & owed her before $1,10, I got $1,35 to pay Pair (?) and I let her have
a box Mother’s salve 25 & 25 from 1,35 leaves 1,10, Total $3,10

(In margin: 2,00 to pay freight on cotton cropper (?), in all 31,0, 2,00, $5,10 paid)

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Mar 19 a norther blew up abou 8 o’clock p. m. cold all night

20 still cold, cloudy&windy

19 Got a letter from Effie said Mairine had a tooth

20 Mog is planting maize & cane

I send Effie a card today

21st Sat morn we went out to hunt “Acorn” the little cow that had a young calf, & didn’t come up
the night before. Dora & I found her on the Finy branch dead & swollen up like she had died
the day before, she looked like she had been shot in the eye don’t know though. Jim
Eddleman & Lulu & baby come out sat eve.

21 A party at Jim’s and we all went had music on Graphophone. Still cold & cloudy

22 Sun Dorrie Ida & children spend the day. Still cloudy & no rain but needing it bad

23 Mog goes to Moran & takes the hide it rains on him & he come home & did not get anything.
We plant some onion seed

Mar. 23 I get a card from Winnie

24 Mog goes back to Moran gets some chops & a chamber

24 I get a letter from Pearl said she would be home the 2nd Apr.

24 Sy Gardner moved to the Kate Thomason farm

25 Mog cuts posts to fence in the yard with wirw, got post cut, hauled, peeled and most of them
in the ground

26 We put up wire around the yard

27 Dora & I go up to see Bonie Effie & M

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Mar 27 We found Effie washing

It rained a little Fry night

Sat 28 We get the SS literature & a card from Pearl

Sun 29 Its cold cloudy & thundering around

27 Olin had croup & Ruth is sick with cold

30 Mog goes to Breckenridge on business

31 He goes to Mran & gets groceries & chops & we wash. Olin is croupy again

Mabry Hatchett they think has mumps. Mrs. Blair went home today

April 1 I fix up to go after pearl

2 It is cloudy & misty, we start to Ciso after Pearl, we got Mr. Mahans wagon sheet & bows. but
still it rained through on us some, we got to Cisco at eleven

I took 10 doz eggs got $1,00 for them got Mog some shirts

Pearl got there at 1236 P.M. oh! how glad I was to meet my precious girl again! We started
home pretty soon got out on Sandy & ate our dinner. got home before sundown & it was cold
& rained on us a little near halfway home.

Dorrie came up about 8o’clock at night to see Pearl. He could not stand it had to come up
that night, Ruth was here when we got home & staid all night until after noon we all

3 went to Dorries

4 Lottie & Frits come to see Pearl, & Mat Lena & Mabel too

In the eve Bonie Effie & Maurine come and stay till sun eve they go to church at Eureka at 3
P.M., Bro McCarter preached & S School teachers was elected

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Apr 5 Bro McCarter preached at Eureka. He comes to our house & stays all night, &I was sick all
night vomiting

6 J A Wohlford John McKelvain Wm Kennison & PD Bartley went to Breckenridge stock sale
day. Marion Rainbolt was there come home with Jim, & he took him to

7 Cisco tues 7th. He called by to see us

8 It is misty again

9 Also again today its cloudy & misty

10 It rained a good rain the branch run about bank full

11 I wash some & it is still rainy & cloudy. Pearl spends the day at Dorries, & Ruth comes
home with her I set out som

8 & 11 cabbage & tomatoe plants

11 had 7 little turkey to hatch

12 Dorrie & family spent the day here & it was rainy all day they went home in rain

12 Mog is sick with cold I get calomel from Dorries & am giving it tonight

No Sunday School too rainy

He was real sick all night, but better next morning

13 Rained all day, till late in the eve it cleared up a little. Jacks branch was up bank full Mon.
Drove up Pied (?) with calf 14

14 Tues, Ida spent the day here, Dorrie went to Moran. In the eve Mrs Si Gardner called
wanted to borrow some matches

14 I was sick all day with sick headache

15 Mog harrows field in Jacks patch. A big rain fell in the eve

16 It rains again

17 also today

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Apr 1908

18 Apr It rained all day & all night in torrents

Apr 19 Easter sun, it rained a slow rain most of the day, Battle was over all the farms in the
bottoms. Jacks branch was all over everywhere near, quite a crowd went to Paint Rock Hill
to see the flood. It reached its crest about 4PM & was in its banks before morning. Bob
hatchet had a horse kicked, & broke his hind leg, it will die

20 It faired up a little

21 Still clear & drying up some

22 Mr Hatchet & Georgia, Pearl Mog & myself went to Moran trading, & Mog got his cotton
chopper. I was sick all that day & the night before has earache bad.

23 I took calomel. Was awful sick all that night & all next day. My head & neck nearly killed me
I was real sick.

24 all Fry Mog went over the corn on south field with cotton chopper

Apr 25 was Pearl’s birth day. She had a fried chicken & made some nice soup

26 Had S School for the first time had a good attendance & a good deal interest manifested.
Mr. & Mrs. Mahan called Sun eve. Bro Chancellor preached sun night, all went but me.

Apr 27 Mog got Si Gardners cotton planter & planted all day mon &

28 he went to Mr. Pence’s to castrate some colts. He planted again after dinner

29 Planter got out of fix a little & he took it home, & commenced to plow corn with cultivator

A norther blew up about 2 am & its been real cold & windy all day. I got a card from Effie

in margin Georgia & children spent the eve here the 28

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