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top margin Mr Kennison put 1 mare in pasture the 10 May & one the 20 May

Apr 29 Dora & Pearl set out some sweet potato slips this eve

24 our school closed with a basket dinner

29 a big frost killed our beans they had young beans on the vines

30 clear & cold garden looks sick

I send a letter to H S Peterson & co.

May 1 Mog finishes planting the field on the lane in cotton

2 Mog goes to Moran got sack meal 1 of flour, $1,00 of coffee 50 cts of sugar 6 yds lawn (?)
& 10 cts of starch & some chops. He got home in time to go to election

1st May Dora & Pearl plant blackeyed peas

2 Pearl goes to a party at Mr Hodges Frits & Lottie took her. I am still feeling awful bad

Sun 3 It is windy & cloudy threatening rain

Got a card from Effie Sat eve said they were coming this eve, sun to see us

They come sun eve & baby was sick with fever

Mon morn Bonie went home & left Effie & Maurine Mon night

Bonie comes & stays all night & was sick, had some fever & an awful cold

8 They go home Fry morn & baby still sick

10 I go to Sun school for the first time

28 Mog plants cotton in Jacks patch

29 plants there today again

May 30 finishes there, & plants in field south of house

May 17 Bro Chancellor preached sun at 11, and at night, just as services closed, Claud Thomason &
Hardy McKelvain had a fight

17 May Dora & I planted our water melon patch

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top margin We set turkey hen 25 & 4 hens on hen eggs


June 1 Monday Mog plows cotton & I plant pumpkin & watermelon seed

2 Pearl & Dora commences to chop cotton

3 still chopping

3 Mog goes to Moran I sent a letter with 25 ct money order to W W Wood, Heena Ark.

June 4 Mog helps chop cotton

5 and fifth

6 He plows sweet potatoes, peas & water melon patch

6 Dora & Pearl wash

Effie Bonie & Maurine come

7 Went home sun eve

6 John W. & Laura come to Jims & was out to Sunday School Sun eve & eat supper here sun

8 Mon Ida, Ruth, Olin & Allene come & spent the day, & in the eve Mat & Laura Lena &Mabel

9 It is getting dry my garden is needing rain

8 I got a letter from Allie & Minnie

9 P gets a card from Winnie says they will start the 13 on Sat

9 I commence to plant June corn

11 We finish chopping cotton in south field

12 wash in morning, & all 3 of us go to see Mrs Keith, Fannie Womack was there. Frits & Lottie
come that night & set till bed time & we had music

13 Dora & Pearl go to Bonie’s, & Ruth is here

Mog finished plowing cotton the first time in the north field, and plows our patch, and hauls

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June 14th Emmett & Winnie left Big Springs 13th June, & went to Tye, at Mr Eagers staid there till the

19 Mog, Pearl & myself go in a wagon to Cisco after Emmett & Winnie & the big boy George
Bartley Eager. We got to Cisco after the train come in, & Emmett had gone up in town, &
Winnie & baby at the depot. We went ther & oh! my! there she was & baby too. How I did
kiss them & love them! We wnt up in town, found Emmett, & we all went out to Liberty Hill
School House & ate dinner, got home before sundown & it was awful hot, & baby nearly sick
Emmett stayed all week & went home on the next Sat 27

27 Mrs Keith started for New Mex the 27th Phil Keith left same day. Winnie & Emmett & Pearl
went tout to see Effie & Bonie 24th

July 4th we all go to picnic at Eolian had a fine time

Effie & Bonie & M come while we were gone Effie staid over

9 till Thursday 9th

14 Winnie started for home tues 14

There was a picnic at Moran that day, & it rained most all day

16 Mog Pearl & myself went to Bonies, come home 16

16 Found Pearls muly (?) cow with a red steer calf

17 We all hoe in Jacks patch

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17 we got a letter from Winnie & she got to Tye all right

July 18 we hoe all day & Sat till noon

Baptist meeting commences Sat 18

19 Sun it rained all morning & no S School

20 still rains & too wet to plow or hoe

21 Pearl & Myrtle goes to Mr. Keiths spends the day

22 Mog goes to Breckenridge after the voting boxes, & tickets. He was appointed Chairman of
the election at Eureka the 25

Dorrie went to Albany today, went as far as Bonies the night before took Ruth & Olin with
him. Dora & I chops cotton in Jacks patch in the eve Ida & baby spent the day here

22 We get another letter from Win

Aug 1 Bonie & Effie & baby come & all of them nearly sick, I gave each one a round of Calomel &
they all got better

4 Effie’s birthday & I cook her a good dinner & they go home in the eve and Mrs Brown &
Bonnie & Iris come & spend the eve her tues 4

6 Bro Ward & family was here for dinner & left in the eve for Mr Dempsy’s

Aug 5 Mog Pearl & Dora go to Moran to get Dora’s wedding things

Aug 7 The thrasher got to Mr Wohlfords by dinner & never left till mon eve 10

11 thrasher at Charlie Comptons

12 they thrash at Mr Kennisons

Aug 9 Mog & I go to Eolian to the big meeting

12 John & Lara pass going to Cisco to the Woodmans picnic

Pearl helps to cook at Mr Wohlfors while the thrasher was there

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July 30 Louie Griffin Magill died at Speno griffo (?) 30th July 1908

Bro Payne died 28th July 1908

Aug 15 Winnie Emmett & Bartley comed the 15th on Sat eve

16 The Baptist meeting commenced Sun night

17 D H Cook & C C Veal was married at 3 P.M. after eating some cream & cake took their leave
for Breckenridge their future home

21 Edith & Price comes Fry 21st about 2 o,clock

meeting all week

22 we had a rain

23 Sun, it rained again we could not attend church in the morn

24 meeting at 11 & services closed out Mon at 11 o,clock

25 Winnie Emmett & Bartley Price Edith & Loma & Mack & Glen started for home

Emmett took Winnies mare but her shoulder is snagged and awfully swollen I am afraid she
wont stand it

25 Dorrie went to work on Frank Bise’s house today

22 Mr & Mrs Brown come the 22

24 & went home mon 24 & Ida Ruth Olin & Allene went home with them

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in margin Dora & Mr Veale come 27 Aug & left 28 1908

top margin Mr & Mrs Brown come 21 Aug & left 24

Ida & children go with them

Aug 24 The Christian Denomination commenced a meeting at Pence School house & we all went

tues 25 Emmett, Winnie, Bartley, Glen, Mack & Price Edith & Lula (Loma?) all start from here for Tye

Winnies pretty mare only got to Moran, & died about 3, o,clock of blood poison. Poor Winnie
nearly cried her eyes out about it. They never got home till the third day after leaving here

Aug 28 the Methodist meeting commenced at Eureka Fry night

The preacher & family come here for supper & staid all night

29 Sat

Mog took Dorrie to Moran on his way to Jones (?) Co

Aug 30 Sun we all went & took dinner

31 Mon, we all go again Effie Bonie & Maurine come Effie staid till wed Bonie come tues eve

Sep 1 Bro McCarter & family come tues night

Wed 2 Effie & Bonie go home

2 Willie Nolan & Newt Price married the 2 September

Sat 5 preaching at Eureka all

Sun 6 week closed sun night 6 Sep

Sep 7 Christians commenced a meeting at Eureka Mon night

8 preached tues night & closed the meeting

Sep 13 Bob Hatchet & Mamie Nolan married 13 Sep, Bro Price officiating

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top margin Dora’s spotted heifer found a calf the 26 Sep at Dorrie’s

Sep 26 We pick cotton in the morning

27 a cold norther blew up in the night & today sun is cold enough for fire in the fireplace.
Singing convention at Eolian today 27

Sep 25 Pearl starts for Tye early in the morning, her Pa takes her to Moran & sees her off

Georgia Hatchet is real sick I go over there & stay most of the day with her

26 Mog goes to Eolian & gets some corn ground, and it rained on him

27 Mr Wohlford Mat & Mabel went out to Jim Eddleman’s

Sep 20 Charlie Comptons wife was very sick he come to the schoolhouse where preaching was
being done, to get help. Several went

Mon 21 Pearl & I went to see her mon morning I staid all day Mat come about 10 0clock & we went
home together she said Lula had a big boy a week old

21 This Sun & no one here but Mog & myself, & I am so lonesome

My Bill rooster is gone Mrs Kennison gave me I do hate it so bad

Sep 28 a frost & 27th a big cold norther blows up

30 Old Mamy sow found 6 pigs & old Red found a heifer calf

Oct 1 I send off $3,00 to H S Peterson

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Oct 3rd We go to Cisco after Pearl got Jims hack I took a doz eggs got 20 cts per doz

Oct 4 Mog & I go to see Dora & Mr Veale sun eve got there about sundown, they were looking for
us & seemed glad to see us, We staid till Mon we got home at 12 at night

Mog was summoned to court on the Claud Thomasons case

Bro McCarter preached at 3 P.M. & Bro Hamilto at night on Sun 4th Oct

18 Chancellor preached at Eureka at eleven A. M. paryer meeting at night

19 It rained a little shower we commence to pick in north field

Effie & Bonie come on Sun 18

21 Dorrie had Dr Britten with Allene. It stormed, lightened & thundered all night and at 4 A.M.
it commenced to rain, & we had a regular downpour 22

22 Mog drove up my big heifer with a steer calf

Oct 17 Lena left home for Cisco to go to school

20 Dick left for Ft Worth to enter school

Nov 1 Bro McCarter preached his last sermon at Eureka during this conference year

Effie & Bonie come to Dorries sat eve & left sun eve, she was sick

5 Nola found a calf, we finish the

7 first picking in the north field

30 Oct I got my premium a fur scarf from H S Peterson

Nov 26 It is Thanksgiving Day, Dorrie & Ida & children come up & eat dinner with us

Nov 23 De found a heifer calf

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Nov 20 on Fry Mr. Veale & Dora come & staid till mon morn 22nd she took her bed & bed clothes &
some dishes & map (?) calf

Nov 26 Mog drove up old B- with a steer & that night pearls Jersy found a heifer calf

27 It is raining a little & cold

26 It is Thanksgiving today, Dorrie, Ida, & the children eat dinner here and that night Ruth
staid all night, and we go to Mr Mahans to hear graphophone

It rains all the rest of the week till Sun.

Sun 29 this is my birthday, am 64 years old. We all go to Dorrie’s & eat a good dinner Mog & Ruth
& myself go to S School but few come out & we did not have any, come on by Dorrie’s &
got Pearl & come on home,when we got there Bonie Effie & Maurine was there. staid till

Nov. 30 eve, & wemt home, that morning. Monday Georgia Erma & Mary come & spend the day

Dec 1 A norther blew up & its cold

21 Winnie & Bartley comes the 21 Dec. Mog Pearl & I go meet them in Jims hack

24 Effie Bonie & Maurine come in the eve

25 Xmas day I had turkey & had all my children & grandchildren & Emmett was not here, nor
Dora & Mr Veale. If they had been here our crowd would have been complete. Xmas night
we all went to a Christmas tree at Eureka, had a fine time

23 We had a party here

29 a party at Mr Keiths Effie Winnie & Pearl go in Bonies buggy

30 Bonie & Effie & M go home

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Jan 1 a party at Mr Mahans

Jan 3 Pearl Winnie & Bartley start to Breckenridge to see Dor & Mr. Veale, Mog goes to be at court

Jan 4 They all come home in the eve. Claud Thomason beat his case

5 Pearl & Winnie & B & Lottie & Frits go out to Bonie & Mr Housemans it got cold & they did
not get home

7 till Thursday

8 Bro Crow preached at Eureka

10 Bonie & Effie & M come over on Sun & it was warm & springlike. Mr Mahan & family come in
the eve, & Frits & Lottie in the morning about ½ after 3 a norther blew up & got so cold B &
E & M could not go home it was awful cold that night & next day 11th & 12

12 Bonie & family went home but got real cold

13 a little warmer

14 was a nice day

Winnie starts for home, we all go with her & baby to Cisco saw them off on the train safe
last I saw of them was the waiving of little sweet hands & Winnie

We met Mrs Keith in town & she come out with us, staid all night, next morning was cold
foggy day. Mog took her home in the hack.

16 I was real sick & it was cold

17 Erma Ruth & all of us go to Mr Mahans to hear graphophone

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top margin 21 Jan Lula Sweet & Loyd Midkif (?) married


Jan 19 Pearl Ida & two youngest children & myself go to Mr Keiths I got some winter onions & a
few of another kind

Jan 21 Mog broke garden & I put out my onions I got at Mrs Keiths

22 Pearl & I do a big washing

23 Iron all day

24 Ruth & Olin comes up & spends the day we go to Mr Kennisons at a singing Sun night

25 Mrs Kennison spends the day here

27 Ida Pearl & myself go to see Roxy

28 James Leach comes home with a new bride

Jan 31 We all go to Mr McKelvains & spend the day

28 Pearl & I spend the day with Mat a sand storm blows up

Feb 2 Rev McGowen of Abilene held services at night 3 & 4 & 5 Feb

3 Bonie come after Pearl to stay with E till he went to hunt a ersy cow to buy

4 I wash & go to see Della who is sick

5 Pearl come home fry, & E, B, & M come with her, they stay till Sun eve

7 Is Mogs birthday 66 yrs old Effie Bonie Maurine & Ruth was all that was here. We had a hen
baked nice cake & other things

7 May Harper & Tom Tatum married Sun

Mog is sick with the gripp

9 a norther again

6 Jim Eddleman & family come out to

8 see home folks, returned

Bonie got himself a Jersy cow from

6 John Lusk paid &75 took her home Sun eve, drove her to Mr Sweets sat eve

10 An old man by the name of Reece stopped here & staid all night. He was walking & had
rheumatism so bad could hardly walk

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top margin Mr Stoker bought Doras cattle, got 7 head here, 4 cows & 3 calves, & 3 at Dorries 1 cow &
calf & a heifer. 10 head in all, a sand storm was blowing & awful cold 29th Jan 1909

Feb 14 Mog took our sow to J McK-

Feb 13 Dorrie got his phone in

20 Mog got his phone in

21 Bro Chancellor preached at Eureka

20 Mr Veale & Dora come out & staid to Mon morn, went to church sun & to Jims for dinner &
Dorries for supper

22 Mog, Pearl, Dorrie & Ida go to Moran

Mog got $14 from Bonie to pay for his phone & 6 months connection

23 a norther blew up, Pearl & Ruth goes to Effies in the eve, we got a letter from Effie said she
was in such a strait about sewing so Pearl went to help her, they B & E, wants to go see Mrs
E Sat.

Dorrie got the team & wagon to haul wood today, an last night had asthma all nigh, still sick
this morning

24 Mog went to see Tobe got $2,50 from him & sold my chops for $1,25 to him

Mar 7 Bro Crow preached at Eureka in the eve. We had a rain about 2 A.M. that night singing at
Mr Kennisons that night 7th old mom (?) went to E & S & staid two days

8 misty & cold

9 still cold a little

we plant our Irish potatoes & onions

9 Ed Hatchett phoned to all the neighbors to plow for Dorrie thurs.

10 some one stole Robert Harpers buggy harness

` Dorrie is some better hasn’t has asthma for several days

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top margin 5 Mar I took off 15 little chicks old sow went to E. H.’s 30 Mar


Mar 10 Pearl & Ruth is going to Moran today. Lottie has sore throat & Pearl has a run around on her

20 Still dry & windy

I got telegraph today 27 Mar & in it was the notice of the death of Sam Huffmaster. He died
20th Mar 1909 of pneumonia

Apr 1 Pearl & Ida go to Moran I broke a rib that morning (?)

Mr. Jim Morris died 1st day April 1909

2 Mog hauled lumber 1st & 2nd days of Apr for Bonies house He come home Sat 3rd

4 Bro Crow was at his appointment Sun 4th April, & ate supper here. Dorrie went over to
Bonies Sun eve, Ida took him, he is going over to work on Bonies house

5 Mrs Courtney called, & was selling Merit Pills I got a box & she took an order for plans I was
making up.

7 Robert Harper had his stables Buggy Harness & feed all burned about 4 o.clock in the

7 Pearl & I go to Moran, she gets a hat dress hoes & several other things, I got some shoes &
worst (?)

Apr 8 Mr King puts in some horses to pasture, in our pasture

9 Annie Collins & May spent the eve here

10 Effie & M come in the eve I & Ruth had started after Dorrie & met Effie bringing him

11 Easter Sun & it was awful windy all day most every body in Eureka went to the easter egg
hunt at Penceville (?) Sun eve Mog took Ruth & Erma

12 Effie goes home & Mog goes to help Bonie on his house. P & I are alone. Still windy

Apr 7 a freeze come & killed all the fruit that was left & killed all the leaves on the trees.

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top margin last week in April old S is on a tare

Crump found a heifer calf 27 Apr 1909

Apr 13 It rained & hailed in the morning, a nice shower, & it rained a shower that night, I satid all
night with Ida

15 A norther blows up, Mog & I plant some garden, put out peas, corn, lettuce beans, pole &
bunch beans

15 Mr Kennison put in 4 head of cattle in our pasture

17 Robert Harper moved from the Thomason place to the Campbell place

24 Mr Allen from Moran moved in the place vacated by Harper the 24

25 Paul Walker & Allen are squabbling about the house, P wants one room says he has a right to
it, don’t know how they will make it

25 Bonie Effie & M come over, & in the eve Lottie Frits & Mr Keith spent the eve here, also Ruth
& Olin, and that night Mr 7 Mrs Mahan & children come & sit till bedtime

26 There is a picnic at Moran Mr Wohlford family & Pearl went, Mr McKelvain Bright & Mr Mahan
went in a hack & lots of boys went

Paul Walker come to get Mog to go on his bond for carrying a pistol two charges for the same

Its cloudy & looks like rain

May 1 I set turkey hen

Mrs Aubrey is very sick called Dr Caton from Breckenridge Sat night & he couldn’t come, they
then called Nilson (?) from Moran he come, * was called early Sun morn again. He & Dr
Britton come & performed an operation on her sun morn and delivered her of her child

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top margin Mrs Robert Gallimore died 28 Apr 1909

Mog & I go to see Dora the 15 May come home 16th

May 11 Pearl Poer & Lee Garrett married at Breckenridge

18 Pearl & I go to Moran took 15 doz eggs got 12 ½ for them, we went by Bonies to see
Maurine who had been sick

May 9 Bonie & Effie & Maurine started to Weatherford to attend the Davis trial, he was shot in the
leg & could not come, trial put off till in the fall

18 While we was at Bonies a nice shower fell

19 Dorrie walked home from Bonies he got done the house & barn

20 We had a good rain early in the morning

Mog & Dorrie went to Moran in the eve, Dorrie got some lumber to case up his windows

Mog got a $35 corn & cotton planter from Pettus

20 My heifer called May found a heifer calf thurs

21 Mog rebroke the garden Fry

22 I made some garden

22 We had another nice shower

23 It is Sun & we staid at home all day but will attend singing at Mr Kennisons if nothing
happens to prevent it

24 Mrs Jim Nolan has a new girl

Mog got Dorries Disc Cultivator and finished bidding (?) land north of house. finished tues

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June 8 Mog put Jim Castleman’s bull in our pasture 8 June & red & white face is the first on docket

June 1 Mr King took out of our pasture, his mare & mule colt

Mog planted maize the 1st & 2 June

3 Mrs Bob Hatchett has a new girl

7 Dorrie Ida & the children starts to Jones county to Mr Browns

8 Mr King puts his mare & colt back in pasture

7 Mog went to Albany 7 June

Pearl & I took Dorries family to Moran in the wagon


12 I make garden all day plant beets beans radished lettuce cucumbers

13 Frits & Lottie spent the day here & we had a baked guinie

14 a big rain sun night, rained most all night, branch up big & creeks booming

Scot White had 4 head of cattle struck by lightning sun night & killed

15 Mog & I go to Moran after Dorries family but the didn’t come, don’t know the cause

16 Mog is planting cotton in Jacks patch

12 Mog plants maize in field north of garden & set out sweet potato slipd

16 Pearl has gone by Mr Kennisons to get cane (?) seed

15 Mildred McKelvain went to see the Dr about a breaking out on her face

26 Dora & Mr Veale come & Effie Bonie & Maurine

27 Mr & Mrs Wohlford & Mabel & Ruth & Olin with the ones just named, ate dinner here sun, &
Dorrie & Ida was here for supper.

28 Pearl & I commence to chop cotton & Dora & Mr Veale started home. She lost her camera
that day

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June 1909

28 Mog commenced to plow corn


30 We are still chopping in the south field

July 1 Mog commenced to plow where we was chopping it is threatening rain a little

“ Mr King put in another horse in our pasture 1st July

July 4 Mr Kennison put 2 more horses in our pasture 1 Took them out 20th

Pearl spent the day with Lottie

13 We finish chopping cotton in south field & commenced chopping on the lane

11 Lewis Cook died & was buried at Plum Branch Sun eve 11th

5 a debate between the Christian & Baptist commenced Monday 5th July. Frank Bice started to
go, & was seized with a fit, when it went of he was as crazy as could be, they took him to
Albany Wed 14 to examine him and has been there up to this time

15 They took him to Asylum today

18 Newt Prices wife had a baby girl born

11th Mog & I went to Moran & had our land leased to the oil men. Belle White & Mr Adams

17 Mog & I went to old Soldiers picnic at Parish Grove, & had a nice shower in the eve

22 We finish chopping cotton south of house

24 Mrs Blair is visiting Mrs Kennison

Little Jim & family are visiting at J. A. Wohlford & return home 27


26 Mrs Ellis’s little girl May was taken very(?) sick Mon 26

Missing pages 103-106, no break in the journal

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July 1909

28 Mat & I go over there & stay all night

She has congestion of stomache & bowels

31 Mog & I go over in the evening & she was so bad Mrs Ellis begged me to stay all night

Aug 1 Little May Ellis died at 3-35 A.M. and was buried at Moran cemetery at 4 P.M. Bro Key
officiated at the grave

Aug 2 Olin is sick with fever, had fever

5 till thurs 5th, & he got better

4 Mat & I go to see Charlie Comptons wife who was real sick with a spider bite

5 Mog & I go to preaching at Eolian at night

Effie Bonie & M comes over, Effie is sick, I gave her Calomel. She was real sick all night

7 Mog gets some beef from Mr Dempsy

8 Mog & I go to Eolian sun, Effie Bonie & M, & pearl & Lottie & Frits go for nights service

Aug 7 We had 3 nice showers

8 It rains again Sun night & they all had to come home early Sun night from church, I stopped
with Lottie & had sick headache all night.

Meeting closed Sun night

9 Effie & Bonie spend the day at Dorries & it rains again

Effie took another round of calomel Mon night

July 26 Mrs Ellis’s little girl May was taken very ill with conjestion of stomache & bowels

28 Mat & I set up there Wed night

31 Mog & I go there soon after dinner & I stay there all night

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Aug 1 Mrs Ellis’s little girl May died at 3-35 A.M. They buried her at cemetery near Moran sun eve at
4 P.M.

Aug 4 Mat & I go to see Pearl Compton who is real sick from a spider bite, we stay all day, stop to
see Mrs Ellis as we come back

8 on sun we had a little rain & it showered off & on till fry 13

13 We had a big rain, Jacks branch was down through our field & all over its banks all along &
Battle run through Bro Walkers field was just booming

Aug 12 We plant turnips, & set out sweet potato slips

13 Mag Day Sister Walker & Georgia & children spent the day here, & it rained so we had to
send Sister W home in a buggy & Mag & Georgia went with F. Duncan he was passing & Mag
bummed him for a ride

18 I plant beans & corn in garden & melons.

I hoe sweet potato vines

19 and Mrs Billie Hamilton spent the eve here

20 Pearl Ruth & I white wash dining room & kitchen & scour

21 Sweep the yard & clean up generally

21 about dark Emmett Winnie & Bartley drove up. Dick Lena & Mabel come & Pearl & them run
up to the branch to meet them & after a while here come Dorrie & all his folks.

22 Mr & Mrs Mahan & family Lottie & Frits & Lena & Mabel Ruth & Olin was here

Page 109

Aug 22 Frits brought his instruments & Frits Lottie Pearl & Winnie sure gave us some nice music

Sun night Lottie Frits Pearl Emmett Winnie Lena, & Mabel, all went to Mr Mahans to hear

23 Its clear & cool night Mog & Emmett has gone to Mr Hatchetts melon patch to get us a

I heard yesterday that Mrs Ellis’s other little girl Lessie was bad sick something like the other
one & had sent after Dr. King

21 Mr Pence’s little boy stuck a fish hook in his foot

19 Winnie Emmett & Bartley start from Tye their home in a wagon for to see us all & her old
home. They get here Sat eve

21 the 21st her birthday, just at dusk.

Dick, Lena & Mabel was here to meet them

22 Sun a big meeting on deep creek Dorries family went all but Ruth & Olin. They come here

24 25 Effie Bonie & M come & we had

26 ice cream Dorries all come up

1909, 25 Mat & Jim starts to Beulah Rainbolt & Eugene Hargroves wedding at Merkel

28 an ice cream supper at Mr Wohlfords

29 Jennett Sullivan come up to go home with Emmett & Winnie

30 Winnie Emmett Bartley & Pearl took with a leaving for Tye

27 Emmett Winnie Pearl, B, & I all go to see Effie & I got a Phone message just at early dawn
that Mog was real sick

Pearl & I jumped in Bonies Buggy & hurried home, got here early found Dorrie & Ruth here
& done milking (?)

Page 13

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