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& Mog still sick, he got better after noon

28 & we all went to Mr Wohlfords for an ice cream supper. Jim Eddleman & Lula was there.

30 W. E. P. & B. all left early in the morning Mon

Effie & Bonie left sun eve 29

Sep 1st Mog & I & Dorries go to an ice cream supper at Mr Lewises

2 Mog & I go to Eolian to Baptist meeting

3 I wash & Ruth helped me

4 Mog & I go to Bonies, I got a letter from Effie stating Bonie & Maurine was both real sick
Dorrie tended our things

5 We get home Sun eve, & a big rain fell on deep creek country but none here

6 No mail Labor Day

7 I got a card from P, & Mog 1 from W

7 I stepped out of door of kitchen Tuesday morning & a pain struck me in the back over my
kidneys & I like to have fallen, & I have been bad off ever since, can scarcely walk. Mog
went to Moran thurs 9th & got me some anti phlogistrice(?) to put on my back it helps a little
but not much, also got a bottle of Bulls Herbs & Iron

8 I took calomel Wed Della come to see me

10 the 10th Ruth stays with me a good deal

12 Effie & Bonie, & Maurine come Sun, & Olin, & in the afternoon Ed Hatchett & wife & two
daughters come, & at night Mat & Jim Lena & Mabel sit till bedtime

13 Its real cloudy & looks like rain

Mr Wohlford is having his grass cut

7 Ed Hatchett & family got home from his trip west. His mother took pneumonia & was real
sick while they were gone & is still sick 13th

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top margin Winnies heifer was in season 14 Sep 1909

Sep 13 Mr Wohlford has a lot of grass down & we have had a nice shower this eve and looks like
we were going to have more

12 Mr Poer’s family got home from Trent, Merkel & Baird where they have visited their children

The Eolian Baptist camp meeting closed

12 the 12th on sun night, had a good meeting some 18 or 20 joined

Mr Harper & wife joined down there

Oct 5 Mog & I start for Tye after Emmett Winnie & Bartley, to help move them down here. They
have rented the Black place & will move there just as soon as its vacated. We got to deep
creek for dinner, & camped at night about 4 mi west of Baird at a man’s house by the name
of Brame. We passed through

6 Clyde in the morning found some pretty country out west of Baird & in the Clyde country.
We ate dinner on a small branch but water was there for our horses. We did not tarry long,
soon we come to Lyda Lake & Abilene it is a fine body of water & Abilene is a nice town, we
didn’t stop in town only long enough to get a jug of water & enquire the way. We traveld all

the way up the rail road for Clyde to Tye. We come to a little place in the middle of the road
called Elmdale between Abilene & Tye. We got to Tye an hour by sun & found Winnie &
Emmett & Bartley well. Winnie come running out to meet us. Mrs Eager soon come & Mr. E
& Emmett & all the children come with the sweet little baby Lizzie Mae. Edith & Price come
in the eve with their baby girl Loma V

Page 112

Oct 7 We staid all night Wed at Winnies, & the next day the 7th fry it blew up a perfect gale, all
day & the dust was simply awful the autos & auto cycles & Buggies & wagons kept the dust
stired up & the wind lifted it to every quarter. Gertie with a lot of other girls started to
Merkel to attend an association. In the eve a rain come up & got cold & they was afraid to
pack anything that day

8 Its cloudy & cold fry but they conclude to pack & get off as early as possible, we started
about 10 A.M. We ate our dinner on the bank of Lyda Lake at Abilene a norther blew up in
the eve, and got real cold. We got as far as Clyde that night, camped in a wagon yard, had
no camping house, but we slept in an office room, we made a fire out at the door & cooked
our meals.

9 Started for home soon after daylight Winnie & B rode on the wagon with us that day. We
ate our dinner on a branch close to the Ash Hopper in them mountains this side of Baird.
Just as the sun was setting wewas coming down that steep hill at the Kirkpatrick place, we
had to travel from Moran in the dark home, got home at 10 P.M. found Pearl & Ruth there
by themselves, they had supper ready & a good fire, which we sure enjoyed. There was a
party at Lotties that night. While we was gone the 7th my heifer calf died with Black leg & in
about a week Pearls heifer calf took it & died.

14 Mog commenced to cut his hay

15 finished that morning

15 Bro McCord a Baptist missionary

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Oct from Breckenridge preached at Eureka

15 fry night

16 Sat “

17 & Sun at 11 A. M. & at night he ate dinner here Sun, also Bro & Sister Andrews & Dick &
Ginna Kirkman.

18 It commenced to rain Mon & rained most of the day, it rained some on

19 tues, our hay none of it was stacked

21 Mog & Emmett commenced to stack hay,

Emmett commenced to pick cotton

13 for Jim Castleman got his sack at

12 Moran tues. & picked all week there

21 commenced to stack hay

23 & finished

26 Stacked the hay in the north field

24 Bro Thomas a young Baptist minister held service at Eureka sun

23 Sat 23 was court day ay Eureka

Jim W- Mr Kennison & Compton Bro’s Mr Pence (?) son & daughter start to Dallas fair

Oct 28 Jim Castleman phoned Ida & myself to come to his home quick, it was then 4 A.M. we got
there soon, & about 5-30 a 11 lb girl was born, the Dr Britton did not get there in time, but
got there soon after. Frank Walker died 24 Oct 1909

Oct 30 Bro Walker died early in the morning & buried that eve about 5 P.M. at Battle Creek
Cemetery. Sam got there the day before he died in the morning of the 29th

29 Irving & wife, & Gertie got in that night but he didn’t know any of them Sam took it awful
hard. The funeral was preached about 3 at the Tabernacle

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top margin Bro Crow preached his farewell sermon the 31 Oct

Oct 31 It is windy & looks like a sand storm in the north west

Emmett Winnie B & Pearl spends the day at Mr Wohlfords

Dorrie Ida & A go to 5th S. meeting

Mog Olin & myself is at home

29 Jim & Mat go to Breckenridge got

30 home Sat at noon

29 Mr Mashburn got his hand cut all to pieces in a gin at Moran fry & had to have it amputated

Nov 8 Ginna Kirkman spends the day here comed to get Pearl to make her wedding dress, she also
had a waist too. Pearl works on it most of the week

13 Pearl Emmett Winnie & B & Dick start for Breckenridge, & a big wind &

16 & 17 rain overtook them just the other side of J McKelvains & they had to come back

frost Dick was going after his license He went to Albany the 16 & got it there

14 Bright McK conducted services at prayer meeting at Eureka

17 J R Wohlford & Genna Kirkman were married. Bro Price officiated a nice supper was served

18 The crowd all met at J A Wohlfords & spent the eve in social chat & music

20 Mog & Emmett go to Moran

21 Winnie E & B, & Pearl spend the eve at Lotties & Sunday night a Primitive Baptist minister
held services at Eureka

21 Sunday night, his name was Richards

22 Mog helps Dorrie with his hay, & Emmett went over to disc in some wheat but did not do
much as his boy wanted to see his pa

Page 115

he thought it was not going in deep

Nov 22 enough. Mog kills a pig

23 M helps Dorrie to finish stacking his grass. Emmett goes after dinner to pick cotton for Fred
Duncans. P has neuralgia real bad

Dec 9 Emmett started to Tye

9 Ky Mahan moved today

11 norther

12 cold

13 Mog & I go to Moran to get our Loan papers fixed up by Mr Waters & I got Pearl a nice

14 Emmett gets home from Tye

We pick cotton Mon 13 14 15

16 Emmett W. B, & Pearl go to Bonies for a party

17 a cold norther blew up & they could not come home staid all night

18 We got up & the ground was white with snow & still snowing.

18 Mog & I are invited to Olins birth day dinner. He is 5 years old today

19 P W E & Bartley go to Dorries & spend the day. Snow still on the ground

22 Mog & E go to Moran & M, got Flour 110 lbs, 50 cts sugar 50 cts beans 25 potatoes

20 Mon night Grover Thomason come in a Buggy after me said Myrtle was sick. I went & the Dr
Gillespie come & she got better & he went home. I staid all night & Jogn brought me home
next morning

23 John come after me again & it was raining & snow & slush everywhere. I went she was
pretty bad, the Dr come

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Dec 24 She lingered on about the same till after midnight she grew worse & at 4 A.M. 24 she gave
birth to a baby girl, I staid till Emma (Charlies wife) went home & come & come back. I got
home about 11 A.M.

24 We all went to Mr Kennisons to a Xmas tree for the children which was fine had a nice tree
loaded with pretty things, & after that was over all the young frying size girls & Gene &
Luther all masqued (?) & come out & just such a sight I never saw & such fun & romping as
they did have

25 Xmas day Effie Bonie & Jim Castleman & Ruth come & such a time, we had egg nog & coke
& a good dinner

26 B & Effie staid till Sun eve. We had turkey for dinner & other good things & Bro Thomas
preached at Eureka in the morning and prayer service at night

26 about 2 P.M. on Sun eve Price Edith & Loma V. come from Cisco where they were visiting
Bascom Rainbolts his uncle. They staid all day here Mon, & went late in the eve to Jim
Wohlfords & spent the night at J McKelvains & come to our house in time for dinner, then

28 for Cisco. Mog & I went to Bonies

27 & Mog went from there to Moran to get the loan business fixed up. He got it fixed all right
gave a note for $29. B & JW went on it & he sent it off in the mail 28

27 Mrs Kennison Mrs Blair & Vera

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top margin Mrs Grantam & Mr Mohon (?) married just befor Xmas 1909. Kate Gardner & Mr Duke
married during Xmas 1909

Dec 27 & Ida & the children spent the day here

29 Emmett went to Moran & got paper to put on the wall & glass for the windows

29 Emmett Pearl & Lena went to Mr Andrews for a party

28 They went to Mr Allens to a party Winnie is nearly sick with a crick in her neck

30 Emmett Winnie & Pearl go over to their house & put on some paper on the wall. Mog & E
kills a hog. Mr Allen & Emmett goes to the schoolhouse to organize a lodge of Woodman


Jan 1 Bright clear & warm day

2 still clear & nice

3 cloudy misty & freezing

2 Bro Crow preached the first sun eve & at night at the school house up near Elams (?)

4 Cold & misty

5 “ “

6 Emmett went to Moran to get feed & groceries

7 Winnie & Emmett moved to the Black place & the Woodman met at Eureka & organized a
camp of Woodmen, of 20 odd members

8 We pick cotton & E & W come & get their chickens, & Ida spent the eve here

Dorrie is still working on the Walker house

9 Sun, fair (?) Mr & Mrs D Castleman, & Dorrie & his family spent the day here, P, W, & E go
to Jim C’s after a cow that got out, that they got to milk. P got home for dinner.

10 Mon. we finish picking cotton & a cold southeast wind

11 Mog & Emmett is loading our cotton to take to the gin. Gulf clouds thick & looks rainy.

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top margin Mog sold my Muly heifer fry to Will Brewster 14th


Jan 11 Mog got 50 lb sack flour 1 sack of meal 50 cts each sugar & coffee 25 cts soda at Pettus’s

10 We put in a quilt

12 Ida & I spend the day at Ed Hatchett’s in Eolian, I sold Sister Walker & Georgia a plaster, &
1 to Mrs Norvel, & 1 to Mrs Blair & 1 to Mrs Nolen

13 We wash Mog hauled wood

12 Mog hung the meat in the morning & plowed for Emmett in the eve

Jan 14 Mog hauls wood out of Tobe’s clearing in the morning & Dorrie hauled a load in the eve

16 Sun Mog & I spend the day at old man Castlemans, prayer meeting at Eureka sun night

17 John Thomasons baby girl died & was buried at Battle Creek Cemetery, Dorrie & Ida goes to

Mog goes to Moran & got 4 sacks of chops & 2 of cotton seed meal, a pk of potatoes &
some turpentine.

Mon night a norther blew up but didn’t amount to much

18 clear & bright & a little cool Mog is plowing for Emmett

22 Bro McCord ate supper here, & preached at Eureka Sat night & Sun at 11 A.M.

23 Sun 11 he preached at Eureka at eleven, & 4 P.M. at Pence School House, & at night at the
Elam S House. W & Emmett & P, went at night B K took P

24 Mog plows

22 We got Dorries quilt out today

25 He plows again

23 Mog & I ate dinner with Frits & Lottie

25 Mog & I starts for Breckenridge at one oclock

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