Page 119

top margin Mog & Jim W join W O W 17 of Jan 1910


26 We got home found all well at home

Feb 5 Bonie E & Maurine come over

6 Feb Capt Pettus died

7 Pearl & I clean out hen house & spread manure on garden & take up asparagus & transplant
it on the west side

Mog breaks garden

8 Mog lays off garden & we plant our onions, radish, lettuce, okra corn & mustard, & turnips

12 Mog finishes bedding his land

14 & commences to bed for Emmett

15 & finishes

16 set a hen, got eggs from Mrs Kennison

we put in a quilt

17 a norther, with sleet & snow

16 I send off $1,50 to Ordway plaster Co.

13 Mog & I go to W Carlile’s to see John Austin & Zena

14 P & I plant peas. Still cold & cloudy

17 Dorrie drove home queen with a little colt

19 a party at Esq. Browns

20 W, & E, & B ate dinner here & Ruth P, W, & Emmett went to see Frits & Lottie in the eve,
left Bartley here

21st warm today, Mog dragged off some land

Feb 22 Mog & Dorrie go to Moran, Dorrie gets some supplies. Mog got chops.

23 Cold norther. Mr Allen put in a phone

24 Mr Pence & family started to Mexico

24 There was a Tacky Party at Lusks

25 cloudy, & cold east wind

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Feb 25

Feb 26 Lottie spent the day here. W & B came in the afternoon.

Mar Mog drove up my white faced cow with a heifer calf, also old Red with a steer calf

16 We had a nice rain the 16th Mar

Mar 12 There was a party at Mr Doyles we went

13 There was singing at Mr McKelvains & we went

Mog planted corn Mon 7 tues 8 & Wed 9

10 Was cold Mog & I ate dinner at Dorrie’s they had cabbage & they were fine

11 Jim commenced to plant corn got

12 our planter. He finished

14 Emmett got our planter & commenced to plant his corn he finished Tuesday 15
afternoon. Dorrie commenced to plant with our planter tues eve

16 it rained

17 Dorrie plants corn in afternoon. Mog planted a little more corn

18 in the afternoon

19 he planted cane & maize

21 Mog harrows in the field south on the lane got done tues eve 22

21 Emmett plants 4 acres more of corn & some cane, then come over to our

22 place & planted maize on the south field

I plant peas beets cucumbers & vegetable peach (?)

22 We put in a quilt this eve Dorrie took Ruth to Moran & had Dr Brittain pull her tooth.

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Mar 29 Mog plants his first cotton

24 Mr & Mrs Eager Letha Maud, Cecil, Lizzie Mae, & Edith & Loma V. come

25 Mog & myself & Emmett & Pearl go to Moran & we had not been home but a few minutes
till Mr Eagers drove up, they all went on to Emmetts, we all go over there and set till

28 They all spend the day here

29 Mog plants his first cotton

30 I go to see Lottie who had been sick ever since sun 27

She was suffering a good deal & had sent for Dr Brittain. He come & examined her & said
she wouldn’t be confined for maybe a month. He gave her calomel & she got better. Mat & I
stay all night & late in the eve Mrs Keith come

31 There was a little picnic down on the creek & it rained some that day not much though

Apr 1 Mrs Allen got sick & sent for me about 11 o clock A.M. & after I got there I phoned for Mat.
She come in our Buggy Dick brought her. Mr Allen was away after cows & did not get there
till afternoon the baby girl was born about 2 PM Mat & I had it all to do and it rained all day
the Dr never got there in time to do any thing

3 Mr Eagers family spent the day here

5 They start home & it was a norther too

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top margin I owe the Watkins man 1 bot liniment 100

1 Bx Tablets 25

1 “ pepper 10

1 bot Flavor 35

machine oil 10

Apr 2 I spent the evening at (?) Allens. He went to town after his father & the boys went after
some cows an awful heavy rain fell & hailed some too

Apr 5 old De found her calf

16 Effie & Bonie & Maurine come & staid till sun eve 17

17 Mog drove up Pearls cow Mollie with a little calf a heifer

18 Mog plants cotton out north of the house his fine cotton

19 & then goes to the field on the lane

20 south of house & plants

21 more cotton

21 The Watkins man was here

22 The Rawleigh man was here & ate dinner

23 Emmett & Winnie & Bartley go to Effies

24 Bro McCord preachesat Eureka sun at 11 & sun eve at 4 PM at Elim (?) & we all go, Pearl
goes in Mr Allens wagon & so does Lena & Mabel & they all go to Mr A’s for supper & from
there to Jim Castlemans to a singing. Mog & I go to sit a while with E & W a cold norther all

25 Dorrie goes to Breckenridge with Mr Fleryns (?) & gets Sister Walkers machine for Ida

Ida & children spend the day here

25 This is P’s birth day we had greens peas, potatoes, & cake

Mog is plowing maize in

25 a frost last night

Emmett is planting cotton

27 Bell Adams has a new girl born today

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top margin Machine oil 10

Liniment 100

Tablets 25

Pepper 10

Flavoring 35


I owe W T Raughleigh

Pain oil $1,00

Sweet clover 25

catarrh med 25

maple syrup 25

wine of cod liver oil 1,00


soap 75

sm?? 75

plaster 15

face cream 25



$1,00 for nights lodging

90 I owe 90 cts



$3,05 I owe






Apr 28 Effie Bonie & Maurine come & Bonie goes home that eve,He & several others was going up
on Clear Fork at Griffin to fish

Apr 30 I was fixing to go to Moran & Frits phoned me not to go from home that Lottie was sick she
kept getting worse & they sent for Dr Brittain, he come soon after dinner & staid till about 12
that night. Lottie had a 10 lb boy born at 10 oclock that night. I staid all night & until nearly
noon next day

May 1 Effie spends the day with Winnie & Emmett sun

1 Bro Crow preached at Eureka sun at eleven & sun night

2 Monday Bonie comes after Effie & M in the morning they went home in the eve & it rained a
nice shower

cloudy 3, 4, & 5

6 There was a musical entertainment at Eureka fry night, Mr Allen Broyles & Dock Jones of OK
performed on violin, Jude Simers on the dulcimer Pearl on guitar & Winnie on mandolin we
sure had fine music, we had a speech from J A Wohlford & short talk from Mr Allen

3 Nell found a mare colt

6 Waxy found “ “

Page 124

top margin May Smith & Sam Mashborn married the 8th May 1910

May 4 I go with Mog to Moran take some butter get 65 cts for it I got 25 cts of Turpentine 10 cts of
Lobelia 25 ct bottle of Foleys Honey and Tar for Mog and I go to Mrs Townsends & get 3
bunches of flowers 50 cts per & 2 yds ribbon at 35 cts per yd flowers 1,50

ribbon 70


20 Literary Society organize at Eureka Jim Castleman Pres & Pearl Bartley Sec

23 Dora & Mr Veale atarted for Okla

25 I got a card from her on Wed & they was at Seymore & the next

28 card they was at Vernon

28 Mog & I go to Breckenridge & eat dinner with Laura & John & went to see Harrys wife & baby
in the eve

29 John & Zena spent the day here. Prayer meeting at Eureka Sun night

30 Mog & I go to Effies & staid all night, took her some plums Maurine was sick

Bonnie was on a tare from 23 to 28

30 Mog puts out poison for hoppers

28 Emmett goes to Moran 28 & gets Mog 4 lbs arsenic at Gillespies

31 Mog plows cotton at the house

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top margin Mary Ellis & Will Merritt married the 1st day of May 1910



July 26 Bonnie found her puppies

July 26 Pearl went to Effies tues 26 & staid till thurs 28th

27 Price Rainbolt Edith Loma V. Gertie & Glen come to Emmetts

28 I go to Bonies after Pearl

29 Our family & Emmetts & Mr Wohlfords folks wash on the creek

27 Mog put two colts in our pasture to pasture a while

Aug 3 Mrs Kennison Wohlford & Kennisons & Ida Winnie & us all washed on the creek had our
dinners & had a regular picnic. The men seined but didn’t make a catch

Aug 5 The Methodist camp meeting commenced at Eoloan & closed 14

Aug 4 Mrs White had a baby boy born to her

5 a cream supper at Mr Wohlfords

7 Mack come to see Emmett & left 12

13 Effie Bonie & Maurine come after supper &

14 staid till sun eve

13 it rained a little shower

14 It rained again a good rain sun eve filled Emmetts cistern

16 Gertie & Lena left

17 Glen left

Aug 18 Winnie & Emmett had a fine boy born

Page 15

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