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top margin Gertie Walker & Otto Kanabe married Sep 4, 1910


Sep 5 Dick & Zinna had a 6 lb girl born 5th Sep

Sep 4 Bro Bowman of Breckenridge preached at Eureka Bro Crow was there too but couldn’t do
much as he had had a stroke of paralysis in his face a few days before

Sep 4 Oma Elliott & Mr Townsend were married in Moran

Sep 5 Minnie York & Robert Mackhan (?) married

9 We had a party at our house

10 Dora & Mr Veale come late in the eve, & staid sun & Winnie & Emmett & boys come over &
staid all day

12 They left by sun up to go by Cisco for freight

We heard that a horse fell on Bonie & hurt him real bad & Mog & I go up there Mon eve &
staid all night his leg was hurt real bad

13 but was better, we come home Tuesday

Emmett & Pearl pick cotton up at Mr Kings

12 Commenced, & pick all week

14 Winnie & I get Jim’s buggy & go up to see Zinna

15 I pick cotton

14 I heard today old lady Baily was in the asylum

15 Winnie goes to Dorries & E )?) comes after her

Sep 25 Sister Walker & I go to Breckenridge to see Dora & Roxy. We come home

26 Mon, Dora & I ate dinner with Roxy mon.

Sep 20 Jim Wohlford buys the John Wohlford place from Claud McCauley & Emmett gets the place
Jim Poer is on

27 Maud Clanton & Sam Johnson married Jim W performed the ceremony

28 Winnie P & myself spend the day at J. W’s

29 Mog takes his cotton to Moran gets 13 ½ for it. I come to $58

30 Emmett took his bale got the same

Oct 1 Emmett hauls his cotton seeds to the Jim Poer place

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Oct 1st Mog sends $2,50 to Dr Dewitt at Moran by Mr Harper, for working on Dallas mouth

Oct 13 Pearl, Emmett, Winnie, & 2 children started to pick cotton stopped in 5 mi N.W. of
Throckmorton at a man by the name of Ruff commenced to pick Mon 16

17 Willie & Jessie started to pick Mon

16 Sun eve Bonie Effie & M came B went back that eve. Effie had an awful sore throat, could
hardly bend her head. I poulticed it & doctored her up till she was a whole lot better when

21 went home fry

16 Mog & I spent the day at John McKelvains Jim & Mat was there too

14 Ida & I & the children all go to Sister Walkers. She had in a quilt. We got it out Mrs Broyles
was there too

21 Had a little fever fry night & one tonsil ulcerated some

22 Mog & I go to Moran took some chickens had 2 for Winnie & 3 for myself didn’t get but $1,50
for them two got out the coop & we never got them. I come home sick had right smart fever
all night & both tonsils ulcerated

23 Sun we stay at home all day Mr Jackson ate dinner here I am taking calomel this eve

19 at 1 oclock wed morning I never saw a heavier rain fall rained all day & most of the night and

20 misty all next day

23 Mr Allen gets in home this eve. His horse was nearly give out on him.

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top margin I paid Mrs Townsend $1,60 I owe her 80 cts.


Oct 23 Dorrie & family go to Effies today Sun

24 I got Pearls Express package, her skirt, scarf & braid

28 Pearl, Winnie Emmett Bartley, & baby got in home fry night about 8 oclock

26 I wash

28 Ironed all day

Dorries family all have had the sore throat, Olin has it now

30 Sun, singing at Mr Wohlfords

31 Mrs Poer & Maudy starts to their new home in Tarrant county near Mansfield. She stopped to
say good bye, & ask me if I would go & wait on Lilly when she got sick


Nov 8 The 8th is election day. Emmett serves as secretary the day went off without any

7 School commenced at Eureka, with Miss Lois Nelson as Teacher

8 Mr John Lusk come after me & went by for Mildred McKelvain to go & see Mrs Hodges who
was in confinement. We left at 11 P.M. got there about 12. They could not get a Dr up to
then, but Mr Lusk went horse back up to Will Lummus’s & phoned Dr Brittain he got there
about 4 A.M. Wednesday and the baby was born about 5 oclock

Nov 9 wed morning. We come home in time for dinner

Nov 22 Mrs Broyles sent Paul Walker after me about 2 oclock tues 22nd. I went, & when I got there
there was no Dr. Mrs League ( his mother) and sister

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top margin I sold my turkeys to Mr Tayler & he come after them the 2 Nov 1910


Walker there. She got bad about 4 0,clock & her baby boy was born at 5. She was awful sick
at stomach before it was born & was sick all next day but after that got along fine, her
mother come & staid a day or so with her.

Nov 30 We kill our hog, & so did Dorrie kill 2

Dec 3 Sister Walker & Mrs League spent the day here

Dec 1 Effie Bonie & Maurine come in the eve, & left here fry, for home, & started out on

2 his trapping expedition the 2 Dec

3 Sat was lodge night Winnie was here and about 9 o,clock we was setting by the fire P. W. &
myself & we heard a wagon & it drove in up the lane west & stopped out at smokehouse, we
went out, & who was it but Dora & Mr Veale! Soon after Mog & Emmett come from Lodge &
we fixed beds & all retired, next

Dec 4 morning Sun about 10 oclock an old lady, real fleshy come in & introduced herself as Mrs
Rudder, she was in a big hurry, said her daughter Mrs Tayler was real sick suffering terribly
with her head, & wanted to know if I knew anything to do, I sent her some Watkins Liniment
& in the eve Dora & I went over there, She was better, we staid an hour or so, Mrs R had
gone home, we come home & supper nearly ready I wa at the back door & heard some one
hollowing real loud & they kept it up Mog was in the upper end of pasture after cows & heard
it & ans but they didn’t hear, & in a little bit some one come galloping as fast as could over
the hill it was Tayler said his wife

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Dec 4 had had a Spasm, Emmett took me over there in a buggy as quick as he could & soon after I
got there I wrapped a spoon handle & before I finished she had another. Mr Allen soon come
in & he started to the School house for some one else Bro Crow was preaching there & in the
mean time Dorrie & Ida come & soon Mrs Kennison & Mat & in an hour or so Dr Gillespie
come. She had another after Mrs K & Mat & Ida come we sat up all night. She was better

next morning & about daylight Mat & I come home, breakfast was over, & Dora & Mr Veale
ready to start, Mat & I ate

Dec 5th our breakfast & Mr Veale & Dora left for Cisco

5 Mog hauled wood to School house & finished & hauled water the week before there

He hauled wood home two days and we pick cotton some

10 a party at Frits Keith Winnie got her mandolin broke (?)

11th Sun night singing at Mr Wohlfords

Dorrie Ida & children spend the day here & in the eve Lottie & Frits & baby come & Winnie E
& boys & we had music

12 Mog & Dorrie gather mistletoe till noon it commenced to rain it misted all

13 night and today it is raining slow all day

Dec 25 Mrs Tayler sent for me early to come quick. I went & Mrs Kennison & Ida

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Dec 25 was there, they tried to get Gillespie and he was gone to Cisco, they then phoned to
Breckenridge and got a Dr there by the name of Horton or Wharton. They had a baby girl
born at 7 A.M. Xmas day. Soon after its birth her pulse run so low couldn’t hardly feel it, &
they phoned to Breckenridge for Dr. and got Dr Horton about 12, he soon had her circulation
better, but she was bad off for a week with her bowels running off. Dr Gillespie come the

26 next day after the birth of the babe & he got her checked up some & she commenced to
mend a little, I was there the 10 Jan 1911 Pearl was with me & she was up & getting along
all right.

31 Mr Rudder come up to Mr Taylers on sat eve & drove his fine Coach Stallion & in ½ hour
after they got there he died. They said he was worth $1000.


Jan 1 Bro Crow preached at Eureka at 4P.M. and gave out services for night, and an awful cold
norther blew up.He ate supper with Winnie & Emmett and staid all night with us. Mog & I ate
dinner at Dorries & Mr Broyles family was there come the night before

Jan 4 Mog & Pearl went to help moove Winnie & Emmett they got everything moved but some
feed. Mr & Mrs Broyles come early thet morning to spend the day. He went up to Mr

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Jan 4 on business & got back a little after dinner time we had just washed the dishes & soon after
Bro McCluskey drove up & I fixed dinner for them & about 3 o,clock Mog who was over at
Emmetts saw a big smoke over in the direction of Mr Broyles house & come over here in a
big hurry to tell him when he got here he phoned to Dorrie & he said it sure was Mr Broyles
house, they hurried on & got there in time to see the burning heap & nothing else. They staid
at Sister Walkers that night & went to Mr Kennisons next day & have been staying around
among the neighbors ever since, the people in the country around helped them very liberally
in every thing to wear to eat & to cover with & money enough to put up a 2 room house

Jan 5 Pearl & I went over to Winnies to help her to get straightened up & I took cramp colic had it
awful bad but by being doctored by Pearl Winnie & Mat W(?) I got better in about 3 hours
then come home

Jan 2 Mrs Bankston gave birth to a fine girl baby

Jan 6 Pearl washes & goes to a party at Mr Clarks on the Pence place G K (?) took her

7 Pearl goes to Winnies & in the eve Bonie Effie & Maurine come

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Jan 7 Winnie & the children come with pearl, & Emmett & Mog go to the Woodman lodge sat night
they stay all night & all day sun. E & B started soon after dinner sun

8 There was a singing at Mr Kennisons sun night after Emmett & W left Claud Gallimore called
on P & they went driving & on to singing that night

9 Gertie Walker Kanabe come to see her mother

10 Pearl Winnie & children & myself & Ida & children & Emma Thomason & children spend the
day at Sister Walkers had a fine dinner & while we were there a lot of wagons come in with
lumber to build Mr Broyles house.

11 Mog & Emmett & Dorrie went to work on the house & Winnie come over in a wagon & in the
eve Pearl went down to Dorries to help Mrs Broyles & children up here, & they staid till fry
morning Rufus Broyles staid all

12 night here thurs 12 Mog worked two days wed 11 & thurs 12

Jan 11 Mr James Leach’s little boy Ewing died between 12 & 1 o,clock wed 11 jan 1911 and was
buried at 5 that eve at the Presbyterian cem James & Arthur come. He died of dyptheria.

13 Mrs Broyles & family left this morning
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top margin I got my Quaker oil 10 Jan 1911

I got my pills 1st Feb



10 I spent the day with Gertie & Sister Walker tues, & come home hoarse & have been so

13 ever since, but am a little better this wed morning

12 Pearl had another bad spell with her side early thurs morning I commenced with Salts & hot
slupes (?) & she soon got better. but still not well.

13 Its been warm & damp & cloudy & windy all week.

12 Gertie come yesterday & staid a while. She & her mama are going to

13 Breckenridge today.

15 our old sow found 7 pigs

18 She commenced to eat them at 2 & we had to take them from her, gave Mr Wohlford 1,
Dorrie 1, Emmett 1 & kept 2 ourselves, Dorries died, & so did our 2. Winnies & Es are still

21 Gertie & Sister Walker & Dorrie & family, and Winnie & boys spent the day here

18 Mog got a letter from Jack with a $50. check in it

21 He goes to Moran and sends of interest to the Loan Com $23.

24 Pearl & I spend the day at Winnies

20 Mog begins to bed his land

25 P & I spend the day with Mrs Allen

23 Christian meeting commenced at Pence School house

28 M & I go to see Bonie E & M

29 come home sun eve. Winnie & E come Sat night and staid all day sun, the meeting closed at

29 Pence School house sun night P went & Mr C G took her

Note: journal pages are not in numerical order from this point forward. Pages had been removed and
replaced in the book out of order; some are even upside-down. Entries have been transcribed in
chronological order.

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