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Jan 28 Rice Jackson put us in on the Moran System

Jan 30 The weather is still Spring like

Peaches & plums are in bloom

31 I sowe some turnip seed & have mustard up

Feb 1 Mog goes to Albany & fixes up some business

2 Winnie spends the day Emmett goes to Moram

3 Mr Shires leaves this country & goes to Houston

2 & 3 Our phone wont ring atall. Still warm

Mrs Bankstons baby is sick

Jan 3d Mrs McCarty died

14 Dorrie & Emmett go to Cisco & stay all night

15 and got home late next evening wed it was warm and spring like lots making gardens, grass
getting green, & trees in bloom

14 Winnie & Pearl & Ws children go to Effies get home after dark & they brought some greens,
we cooked them the next day

15 the 15, and I ate real hearty of them, & that eve a little before sundown Dorrie come in with
Bascomb Rainbolt, & said Emmett was loaded pretty heavy. and would not get in till late, so
P & W went over to attend to their things, and I kept the baby & Bartley, soon after they left
I took the Billious colic, and got so bad I like to have died, & the baby like to screamed itself
to death. Mog phoned Mat to tell P & W to hurry I was sick with colic and the children was
screaming their selves nearly to death. They soon come and they come as fast as they could,
I was suffering all I could stand. Mat come with them, & soom after Mr W come. I was awful
sick all night vomited most of the night, I got better by day light.

Feb 6 Emmett & W went home.

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Feb 16 Dorrie, Ida & children come to see me

17 Dorrie, Ida, Olin, & Allene go to Bonies & Dorrie goes on to Albany

17 a big rain comes & Dorrie never got home till Sat 18, the creek was up too and while they
were gone Rice Jackson put in his phone. a norther 17th

17 Grand Ma Griffin died at 1 AM & was buried at Battle Creek near sundown, & it raining hard
most of the time. Pearl & her Pa & Mollie went & it rained on them there was a large crowd
started to the cemetery but had to turn back most of them on account of rain

18 It rained all night, and most of the day Sat

19 Sun. a norther blew up sat about 5 o clock, and by midnight it was real cold, & sun morning
it snowed

Feb 19 snowed the first this winter, just a little not enough to cover the ground. Pearl walks & goes
to Winnies & Mog has headache

22 Spencer Griffins baby died & was buried same day

all peaches & plums killed since the 17 & 22

19 was Jackys birthday

20 we kill our old sow

27 Mog finished bedding his land

I found my first turkey nest with 6 eggs in it

28 Feb It is misting & cold Dick has a bruised hand

17 I got a card from Hannah Kline 17 Feb & sent her a letter 28

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top of pages 173 & 174 torn and missing

Mar 2 Elkany (?) Dennis moved to the Dick Adams place

2 Mog & I go to Moran, got 3 sks of chops & 1 of bran from Mr Wilson

we got a bu of potatoes, Tenn Tryumph $180 & 50 cts worth of beans, & I paid Mrs
Townsend all I owed her

3 we plant our potatoes

5 Bro Crow preached Sun night. He had to marry a couple & couldn’t get there for evening

Winnie Emmett & the boys, Dorrie & his family was here for dinner & I went home with
Winnie also Mollie

Mollie & Mrs Tayler & baby spent the eve

4 Grand Pa Allen got in Sat eve just as I was cleaning up supper dishes Bro Crow drove up, &
soon after Sister Walker come, so I had to fix supper for them, but I had plenty cooked

6 Winnie comes over with her soap grease and I made her a nice kettle of soap

6 Mog commences to plant corn after dinner

4 Charlie Compton & Henry finished breaking fry 3rd some land they rented from us & in the
upper end of the field

4 & sowed it in oats Sat 4

6 I plant some beets, lettuce, radishes, turnips onion seed & mustard

7 I clean out Hen house & scald it, and send off one dollar to Ordway Plaster Company

Mar 9 Mrs Gardner died, and was laid to

10 rest in the Moran Cemetery the 10th Mar 1911

10 & 11 Dick gets our planter fry & sat

11 Bonie Effie & Maurine come & so did

12 Emmett & Winnie & boys & staid till sun eve

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top margin (?) 14 Mar at (?)

(?) turkey eggs (?)

old turkey commenced to set 1st Mar


Mar 13 Dorrie gets old Geo & planter, & plants all the week till fry eve, he brought them home, he
planted corn, maize, cane & kaffer corn & pop corn got in about 25 acres

Note: kaffir corn is a type of sorghum usually used as feed.

17 wind blowed hard all day, in the eve big thunder heads come up & that night had a nice rain,
& a norther blew

18 up in the night,& this morning it is cloudy & cold. P & M went to Ws last night

17 I planted cabbage, okra, squash & cucumber

Apr 6 Mog commenced to plant cotton in field north of house

19 and plants in the south field

24 and finished in the north field

Apr 16 We drove up whiteface with a heifer calf

20 castrated Toby old Nell was on a tare the 10th April

21 Dora & Mr Veale come on fry & stay till Sun, went to Dorries sat 22nd, and eat dinner at

23 Sun, & started home soon after dinner

Mog & I go to S School at 3 PM they elected their leaders for each class. The S School was
organized the 1st Sun in April

17 Mog & I go to Bonies & come home Tuesday

18 morning, & it rained that morning

Frits & Lottie spent the day here. Emmett & Frits go to Moran & get Pearl some slippers $3,50
also got her face

17 cream

25 Pearl & Winnie go to Moran got Pearl a voile dress, Lavender color & it rained on them most
of the day. It was Ps birth day. I had turnip beets lettuce & (?)

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1911 April 25th was Pearls birth day I had turnips, beets, lettuce onion and radishes. and it rained
all day & most of the night slow & cold

26 Winnie is here, & Mat & Lena. Pearl is making her dress for the entertainment at Eureka thurs
night 27th and at Elim fry night 28th. She & Winnie will play on their guitar & mandolin at both
places if nothing hinders Mr Whitehead of Elim come down 26 & played with the class here

17 The school closed here, and an entertainment was had the 27th Apr on thursday night it sure
was a success. a big crowd there, Effie & Maurine come thurs morn & they took in both
entertainments & had a good time.

28 Fry night we all went to Elim to see the exercises there, & they were fine, a good program, &
big crowd & good music

May May come in cool & cloudy, grass hoppers come with May & dry weather

Needing rain bad

7 7th May Bro Crow preached at Eureka sun eve & at night had a good sermon & quite a crowd

14 Paul Walker was thrown from a buggy & hurt pretty bad sun eve in the lane just north of

14 Store & post office was robbed at Eolian sun night

June 3 Claud G come here in a bad shape

June 4 He come Sun to apologize

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top margin Emmett puts his colt back in pasture 7 June


June 5 Pearl Winnie Emmett & boys Lena & Mabel Wohlford go to Breckenridge

6 & come home the 6th & baby Joe was sick, had fever. I gave him a round of calomel

Dorrie & Ida is chopping cotton for

7 Kalb Walker, & the children is here

8 Mrs Tayler & baby spend the night here

We all go to Emmetts to cut a bee tree, it was no good, just a young swarm

8 There was an ice cream supper at Mr Harpers

9 Still dry & hot

21st John Austin & family left for Okla

25 Claud Gallimore asked me for my last girl (Pearl) It was hard to say yes

July 3 Pearl & I go to Moran to get her some things

We went by Effies & got caught in a shower

4 Most every body went to the 4th July celebration at Moran, the day was hot but no rain, still
awfully dry

5 Mr McKelvain come after me said Mildred was sick, we wnt by & got Mrs Wohlford. When we
got there she was suffering awfully & the Dr G. got there about sundown and about 8-30 she
gave birth to a boy & in about 20 minutes more a girl was born. When I left they wer all
doing well.

June 26 Mr John Brown & a man by the name of Littlefield come to Dorries & made a trade for his
place for a place in Crosby County, in a little town by the name of Cone. He was to get a lot
of 9 acres & a stock of goods they have not got the trade confirmed yet.

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top margin I owe the Rawleigh man $2,75 and I owe Watkins 1,00

1911 They finally trade & Dorrie is making arrangements to move as soon as possible

July 4th tues Mog & Emmett go to picnic at Moran & Pearl sews on her bridal things, she gets them all
done by fry 7th & on

8 Sat we bake & clean up

July 9 Pearl Bartley & Claud Gallimore was married at 4 P.M.

Rev. T. M. Price officiating

Dora & Mr Veale come down on

8 sat, & went home the 9th Sun eve

Effie Bonie, & Maurine come sun morn & so did Dorrie & his family, I had a baked hen for
dinner, & we all was together for the first time. all of our children & grand children & sun in
laws & daughter in law, & Dora & Mr Veale. & about 3 P.M. Frank Gallimore wife & children
Lee Gallimore, Tom Allen & family & Ernest Doyle with what was here before they come, all

witnessed the marriage. Newt Price come with Bro Price after the marriage we served ice
cream & cake.

Bonie & Effie went home that night & so did Dorrie & family

That night there was singing at Mr Poer’s & they all went, Winnie & Emmett staid here all

10 Pearl & Claud go to Emmetts & stay till

11 tues They go home, There was several of the connection there & had a nice dinner prepared

11 The neighbors met tues eve on the creek & took their suppers & the men seined & caught all
the fish we all could

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July 11 eat, it was about dusk when we all left Dorrie & family come up and stay all night, Mrs
Kennison, Mat, & myself & several others helped them to pack up some things that eve

We all had a fine time at supper Bonie & Effie was there

July 12 Mog & I start soon after dinner to Moran with the goods they wanted shipped, we got there
in time to get them off that eve

We go out to Bonies & Dorrie & family go up there in a buggy. That night Bonie come in with
a 19 lb catfish, & my! how we did eat fish. it sprinkled in

13 the night, we all got up at 2 A.M. & we had to hustle to get to the train in time, but we did,
Mog & Dorrie got there in time to cord the trunks, & check them just in train time. Well we
had to sat that sad word good by to my precious boy & Ida & my little grand children & oh
how sad to part from my loved ones. How sad to part but sweet to meet. Mog got in his
wagon & I in my buggy & we start for home. got to the oil well just as the sun was peeping
when we got to the bridge we stopped and watered our horses & eat some fish & bread, then
start for home got there at 8 A.M. Found Claud & Pearl there & waiting breakfast

13 Soon as we got over breakfast Claud & Pearl commenced to pack their things to move to
their home, Winnie comes & helps some. at last they get ready & starts to leave too. It
seemed too hard to give up two of my children

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July 13 the same day. Winnie leaves too for her home, & Mog & I are left alone.

Oh! how desolate our home looked. But we just have to stand it & I recon it will work out all

14 We get a letter from Dorrie & they had gotten to Spur.

17 We got a letter from Dorrie they got there the same day they started, they took an Auto at
Spur, & got there by sundown. They liked the looks of the country fine every thing green,
had a fine garden of beans peas melons & pumpkins, & lots of fruit fine water from a well &

25 Mr Littlefield started to Stephens & got here the 3 Aug 1911

Aug 3 Old Sly died this morning

4 Mog & I go to Bonies, it was Effies birthday

5 Eolian campmeeting commenced

13 & closed

13 The meeting at Eureka commenced the 13 sun eve at 4 P.M. & at night & went on all the
week 2 services a day at 5 P.M. & at night

21 The meeting closed the 21 on Mon night

Hardy & Luther McKelvain, Ernest Doyle. Gene Kennison Frank Brown, two Kite girls Mrs
Taylor Lena & Mabel & Carrie York all made a profession & joined the church

The Baptist meeting at Elim commenced

19 the 19 & is going on all week

15 Bettis Duncan & Myrtle Stymouth were married at our gate Bro Crow officiating

15 Winnie & Emmett & boys left for Tye

19 Mr Allen & family & Clem Gallimore & (?) & Frank Gallimore (?)

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Aug 19 and family & Lee Gallimore all left for the cotton fields out west

22 We had a good shower

Aug 7 Mog & I go to Mr Veale’s

8 come the 8th Dora gave me a hat

9 We get two pigs from Mrs King

22 awful

23 hot

24 We go to see Claud & Pearl & get another pig from Ed Ellis

24 Thurs night rained a good rain branch & creek run

25 Mog & I plant Turnip & Pea seed. still cloudy

26 Sat Bonie & Effie & Maurine come in the eve & stay all night & till Sun eve. Also Pearl Claud &
Carrie come soon after Effie got here, all staid till sun eve

27 There was singing at Mr McKelvains, but it was cloudy, & lightning & we didn’t go

about 11 oclock it commenced to rain & it sure did por. Branch run over its banks

28 Mon, it still is raining Mr Taylor brought us by a bucket of slop fo our pigs

Dick Zinna & Lena spent the sun eve at Mr Taylors. I send a card to Bartley

Sep 2 Emmett Winnie & Bartley & little Joe come in late sat eve Sep 2nd

2 Mr & Mrs Taylor & Lettie May left soon after dinner Sat eve Sep 2nd 1911 for the cotton fields

Carrie York left for Lamar County

Sep 12 Blossom Prairie where her sister lives

Sep 3 on sun night it commenced to rain at 11 A.M. & continued the rest of the

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