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1911 night. had rain nearly all next day

Sep 4 had the biggest rain (some say) in 7 yrs there was 8 in rain

Sep 2 Mog sold Dorries cattle the 2nd & Mr Mashburn drove them of that day

Sep 5 Emmett & Winnie went home 5th after noon, Pearl & Carrie come & I went with them over to
see Winnie

6 Effie Bonie & Maurine, & Ikes wife come & spend the day & in the eve Emmett & Winnie
come to go home

7 with them, they come home next eve 8


22 we had a good rain branch was full

22 Mr Jackson come & fixed our phone

23 Pearl & Claud come & stay all night

24 & till sun eve

25 it is clear & nice we want to pick in Dorries cotton this eve

Oct 4 I send Dorrie & Ruth a birthday card

1st Mog & I go to Eolian to a singing convention (?) Most all the neighbors go, & took our dinners

It was awfully windy & disagreeable

8 Sep We get a box of goods from Dorrie valued at $25. as a present a suit of clothes & shoes &
sox & wool shirt for Mog Shoes for me & stocking a table cloth & waist pattern & a whole lot
more of other useful things. Oh! how I appreciate such kindness from my dear children

Claud took a load of household goods to town for Mrs Ellis & brought out our box for us

Oct 7 Mog & I go to see Dora & Mr Veale come

8 home. Our S School started the 8 Oct

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Sep 5 Winnie & Emmett starts for Cone Crosby County about noon on thurs 5 Sep & they got there
just a week from the time

12 they started, got there the 12 Sep

14 We got a letter from Mr Allen Sat 14

15 we took dinner with Pearl & Claud & oh my! the big water melons & good dinner

15 Sun eve we go to S School, P & Claud eat supper at Mr Wohlfords, & at night we go to
singing at Mr McKelvains

a norther blew up at sundown & it lightened & thundered some

16 It is cool & clear Mog commenced to cut grass & broke the tongue out of mower & had to go
to Moran to get a new one

I pick in the morning & evening

Oct 1 Mog & I go to Eolian to singing convention it was windy & bad all day all the neighbors went
& took dinner

Sun night Bro Crow preached at Eureka

Oct 5 Winnie Emmett & children start to Cone

12 got there the 12 They took Dorries horse & colt had a safe trip

7 Mog & I go to Breckenridge & Pearl & Claud stay here

8 we get home the 8

8 Our S School opened up the 8 Oct

16 Pearl cow Crump found a steer calf

18 My cow May found one too

Oct 18 I had another one of my bad colic spells

Mat & Mr W come up & Mat staid all night I had an awful time

19 a norther & cold

21 a big frost

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Oct 21 P & C come over sat night & staid all day & Dick & Zinna come & spent the day or till sun S

Mog helps Dick with hay till noon & Zinna come over & invited me to dinner

22 Pettus cut us off 22 Lord only knows how we will get along

23 we are picking in the S field

Oct 15 Dorrie got a piece of coal in his eye

Oct 27 Mog helped Dick stack hay & I ate dinner there

30 Mog gets Dick to help him stack his last hay

Nov 1 It is cold & looks like snow

2 Gene & Luther come in & it is real cold

Mr McKelvain gave a party to the boys

4 that night. The baler was at Mr Ws & I ate dinner there Mr W gve me some whiskey (?)

4 Mr Poer & his man didn’t trade

5 Mog & I went over to see Claud & Pearl

Nov 6 Mog goes to haul Mr John Wards cotton to the gin at Moran

4 The Baler was at Mr Wohlfords & I ate dinner there, Mr W gave me a qt of good whiskey for
my colic spells. Which I do appreciate so much a kindness.

11 a terrible wind & sand storm struck here Sat eve

10 we had the Baler here fry & had Dick, W Luthet, Gene, & Mr John Lusk for dinner

Lena & Zinna come over & helped me with dinner

8 Pearl & I go to Moran & took eggs I had 3 ˝ doz & Pearl had 2 doz. we got 20 cts dz

Pearl sent off her order for her dished that day.

11 Pearl & Claud come over & staid all night

12 and all day sun, & it was real cold ice in the kitchen. We did not go to S School

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top margin (?) calf died with blackleg wed night 8 nov


Nov 13 Still cold, They finished baling our hay & Charlie Comptons Mog paid Mr Poer for cutting in
hay at 40 cts per bale & let him have 6 ˝ bales on what Dorrie (?) him on that olt at 40 cts a
bale which was $2,60

14 Mog hauls his baled hay over to Emmetts barn to stay for a while, & in eve he fixes his hay

11 He hauls all day sat till the norther come

14 Mr Allen got in about 9 o,clock

15 Mog goes to Moran with a load of hay it is nice & warm today

20 Clem G & Frank G got in home

24 Mrs Allen has a son born Mrs K & I & Dr G was there

27 Price Rainbolt & Jim Knight come after dark for Macks colts stays all night

28 & until after dinner. P & Claud come

28 Pat Leach died & will be buried 29th at Presbyterian cemetery, on my birth day

29 I am going into my 67th year today

24 Mog got a $10 check from Emmett

25 Mog & I go to Moran get M some flannel for shirts, & 2 under shirts, & me so hose (?) &
towels & some corn

Dec 6 It commenced to rain soon after Mid night & rained slow all day &

7 next day thurs, & all night.

8 Fry It lightened & thundered & we sure had a gully washer right, branch & creek bank full,

9 It cleared up Sat,

10 a beautiful morning but norther in the evening

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Dec 11 cloudy & cold

Mr Kennison moved home Mon

12 Claud & Pearl moved to the Ward place Tuesday

the man on the Keith place moved

12 in Tuesday 13 Mog takes a load of mistletoe to Moran

I got a letter from Winnie today, said they we all sick.

13 Still cloudy & cold

13 Pearls order come to Moran

Bro Williams preached 2 sermons at Eureka the fifth sun & singing at Mr Wohlfords Sun night

Mrs Elliott Renna & Frank will start


Jan 2 for El Paso or near there the 2nd Jan

Tuck Chalker & Maud Carter was married the 25 Dec 1911


Dec 21 Mr Veale & Dora come out the 21st of Dec. He started the 22nd for Hill County to see all his
kinfolks He got back to our house 29 & we all went to a party at Dick Wohlford that night

Dec 30th & they started home Sat 30th after dinner

Miss Frankie Wragg commenced to teach the Eureka School Mon

1912 first day of Jan 1912

Jan 1st cold

9th Emmett & Winnie & boys in tues 9th of Jan. They left Dorries the 1st of Jan on Mon, & got
home on the next tues 9

They had awful cold weather but got a little stove & kept comfortable

14 They never moved home till the next Sun

19 Mog & Emmett go to Cisco W & boys come here

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Jan 29th Mog breaks my garden

26 & 27 He manured it

29 We plant out our onion sets & some mustard & okra

Feb 3 Mog takes cotton to the gin & so does Claud & an awful sandstorm & cold norther blew up
froze 1 of my guineas

Feb 2 W & E come & get their chickens 9 hens rooster 1 hog (?) & 1 gobbler & 1 hen

1 Winnie & I go to Mr McKelvains & got a big rooster They brought it by the next morning 2

4 Sun it is real cold Winnie & E go to Pearls & so did Dick & Zinna Bro Williams preached at
Eureka but few out

Feb 5 Mog commences to break his corn

6 land. Claud swaps off old Nell to Paul for a horse walker (?)

7 This is Mogs birth day 69 years old today & is plowing like a boy.

Winnie & boys & Pearl & Claud eat dinner here. Pearl baked a nice cake for her Pa. I killed a
hen & we feasted high.

8 Its nice & warm & I will pick cotton this eve in the north field

7 Mog & Emmett hang Es meat in cellar to smoke it

11 Dr Gillespie took meningitis on sun eve 10th with a bad head ache & vomiting & they
administered Serum twice but he died thurs eve 10 mi till 4 PM & was laid to rest fry eve at 4

Wallace Kirkman was taken real sick

2 Monday night with cramp colic they

3 got him home on the eve of 13

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Feb 1912 He continued to get worse til (?)

16 fry 16 they got Dr Brittain He (?)

he had pneumonia in right lung

17 He is a whole lot better

Claud traded off old Nell about (?)

week ago & to Paul Walker & y (?)

16 he traded for her back & a wag (?)

& a little watch also

15 Emmett traded off old Her(?)

& got a 4 yr old pony & 20 d (?)

the fall for him

20 we had a big rain & rained (?)

21 night, & we just had a reg (?)

blizzard snowed & blowd

all evening & till in the night (?)

but a little skim showed (?)

24 Mog & I have been married (?)


Wallace is still bad off

25 Dr Brittain come again & says he has the fever

25 an awful hard wind & sandstorm blowed all day & I have sore throat

28 Cleveland Thomas shot himself between 8 & 9 AM

29 was laid to rest Thursday eve 19th at Moran Cemetery

Mar 10th Mog & I go to Bonies, he let Mog have $2,00 to get seed corn.

Mar 11 got a letter from Sister Walker & (?) Dorrie pretty warm all day till

in the eve a norther blew up P & I (?)

12 a little. It is clear & a cold night (?)

16 we drove up our heifer with a little calf on Sat & on the 18 drove (?)

Pearls cow Mollie with a steer (?)

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top margin Planted Peas, Beans, Cabbage, Lettuce, & Peppers & Tomatoe 19 Mar on new moon &
planted potatoes 15 Mar


(?) was pretty & warm, we went to Winnies & ate dinner, come home at 2 P.M. & Pearl was
here sick with a swollen jaw, I commenced to poultice it, & at 4 P.M. I commenced on her
with Calomel, kept up hot poultices all night & all next day & that night Winnie come (?)
and picked out where it rose on her gum, & it run about (?) spoonful & she got better, &
she went home (?) tues eve. Effie & Maurine is sick too (?)me has a sore throat & M fever

(?) Mog goes to Moran today, & Dorrie sends (?) check for 8 dollars

(?) (?) have set 1 hen on turkey eggs 23 Mar

(?) Winnie & I wash for Pearl

(?) it is raining & cold again

(?) sleet & hail beat my onions up

(?) a thunder cloud come up after dark it rained & hailed some again Effie said they had an
awful lot of hail & rain there creek & branch up

Mar 29 still cloudy & cool

30 Mog went to Bonies & got cotton seed I had headache all day

29 a party at Dick Wohlfords Lula & Jim was there

31 we go to Emmetts in the eve

Apr 1 The biggest rain of the year fell between 2 & 3 A M April 1st

Branch was all over the fields

2 (?) a norther blew up mon eve & today is clear & cold

My first chickens come out the last of Mar

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April 6 Sat eve after dark Pearl & Claud come in a buggy & Pearl was sick water had broke &
Winnie was here too. She was restless all

7 night, & all day sun felt bad but was up & down most of the time. Mon morning was worse
& we sent after Dr Brittain (?)

He got here at eleven Mrs Kennison (?)

Lottie & Winnie Zinna & old (?)

-field come on a visit & didn’t (?)

about it till she got here Winnie (?)

Zinna got dinner & Mrs Kennison (?)

Lottie & myself & the Dr was (?)

Pearl & Claud was in most of (?)

“Baby Bettie” a sweet little (?)

Apr 8 was born about 2 P.M. 8th. She go (?)

fine & got along well after (?)

at 10 days. She had to get a (?)

suck out her breast but it (?)

right in a few days. She (?)

when the baby was 2 wks old. on the 23rd of Apr. Grover Thomasons wife had a girl born
the same day Pearl was the 8th Apr. She got along awful bad was down 3 weeks with fever
but got up in a month after

& 3 days after Pearls babe was born Eva Nunn Brooks had a girl born 11 Apr

She was taken bad off right from the start Has Typhoid Pneumonia & other diseases in
connection. She died

May 7 the 7 of May

Apr 18 Bro Chalker died 18th Apr & was buried at Plum Branch by Masons Mog went & was one of
the bearers

May 9th John & Laura come out & was here fry

10 & took dinner. He is canvassing

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Last Update Monday, 07-May-2018 17:55:42 CDT

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