Page 146

Left side of page torn and missing

May 9th I got Gerties baby picture today & he is a fine looking fellow

10 I got a card from Sister Walker

11 Mog goes to Moran

(?) I ate dinner at Pearls & had the colic

(?) Dorrie Ida & the children got here about

(?) oclock at night on fry. & started back

(?) & I went with them. We got up &

(?) to the train by day light & never got

(?) Dorries home till 10 at night I staid

till the 25th (thurs) got to Effies that night about 2 A.M on fry Mog met me at Moran, there
was a big picnic at Moran. I got home fry about ten A.M/ was glad to get back home found
all well

(?) The Methodist Revival meeting commenced fry night & continued till the next wed 31

There was a Baptist meeting at PD’s all the week before I left there

The Baptist meeting commenced at Elim after our meeting closed & lasted a week & Bro
McCord preached

7 one sermon at Eureka the 7 Aug the camp meeting commenced at

Aug 2 Eolian 2nd Aug & closed 10th

Oct 12 Birdie Nolen died the 12 & was buried sun 13th at Shady grove cemetery

Mog & Emmett started to gather

17 Pecans out on the Bob Elliott Ranch Willie Allen went

21 with them the 21st

The End of the Bartley Journal

Other Items Found in the Journal

1. This page was probably from the back of the journal. (Top of page torn and missing)

One side contains the incomplete title “General Provisio” and what looks to be a list of required tax
stamps. The page begins:

1. On and after July 1, 1895, the person or parties “who shall make, sign, or issue” (or for whose “use or
benefit the same shall be made, signed, or issued”) any of the instruments enumerated shall affix
adhesive stamps of the values indicated.

The other side contains notes written by Bettie:

5 doz egg 50

June 19 8 80

1 lb butter 20

I sold box Mothers salve

Dora 2 50

Jim W 1 25

Elmer H 1 25

NEB 1 25

Effie 1 25


I have sold flavors in Dec 1907

1 can to Mildred McKelvain 20

1 Mrs. “” 20

1 “” Keith 20

1 Mrs. Grantham 20

1 Mrs Morris 20

1 can to Mrs Ella Adams 20

2. Eureka Dots 1/21/1907 ( on a different type of paper, probably from a tablet)

Well, Eureka is quiet again, the election is over with & Joe Baily will soon be forgotten. The farmers can
now go to work in earnest.

Bro Tayler of Mayland (Wayland?), a Baptist missionary, preached Sat night & Sun at 11 am, & at 3 pm at
the new school house on Pecan.

P D Bartley & wife is called to Eastland to attend court there. Another new house has gone up recently 1
mile north of Eureka by Dr Daniel of Rising Star bought the home place of Geo Keith & moved in recently.
Mr Keith has moved to Abilene.

The health of our part of the county is fine & cotton, most of it gathered.

Bascomb Rainbolt of Cisco was shaking hands with his old neighbors at Eureka Sun. Our school is getting
along nicely, about 20 in attendance.

3. Page from the journal book, no page number

Side 1:

Eureka Dots July 29

Rev’s Chancellor & Taylor is holding a two week meeting at Eolian, quite a good deal of interest is

Wed a phone message reached Eureka from Breckenridge that Rev A P Payne died Tuesday Mrs Wm
Kennison had the pleasure of a weeks visit from her two brothers ?? & Eland (?) Blair from Elpaso Tex

D M Bartley & J A Wohlford was doing business in Breckenridge mon.

Bascomb Campbell & wife returned from Austin a few days ago where they had been to have their little
child treated for Hydrophobia at the Pasteur(?) Institute. The child was ill by a cat. Mrs Louie Magill died
wed & will be interred at the Battle Creek Cemetery thurs 29th

Side 2:

Eureka Dots May 9th

Real summer days now

Needing rain at present

Grasshoppers are getting to be burdensome, they are eating grdens & cotton too

There was a musical entertainment at Eureka Fry night had 3 violins, 1 dulcimer & a mandolin & guitar

P D Bartley & Jim Castleman was at Breckenridge Mon 9

Mrs McKelvain received a phone message Mon from Baird that her father Caleb Clement was very ill & sun
left for Baird on the evening train

A lot of men from Eureka community went fishing on fry

Page 19

Last Update Monday, 07-May-2018 17:55:41 CDT

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