Page 71

Original content:Price Phillips, June 30, B.S., 35

Top and side of 71-72 is torn away

Fry 10 Jan I come home from Dorries & we f?? the quilt

A norther blew up about daylight

Awful windy one too

Jan 9 a hard wind the night before all night from south

Jan 11 sat cold& clear & wind from north

We are fixing to kill our hog, Olin is better

10 Miss Dillar & sister called wanted to buy some meat, I sold her 2 lbs butter at 20 cts per lb

Jan 11 cold & windy, we kill our hog, Olin still sick

7 I got a letter from Pearl & Willie the 7th

14 and I got a card from Pearl & aletter from Effie

12 Dora & I go see Olin in the eve

13 Dora goes to Dorries Mon & I render up ??& make sausage & go to Dorries Mon

14 come home in morning get a card from Pearl & a letter from Effie both we??

Mog goes to Dorries to see Olin he is no??’Dr was there today says the disease is ?? onto
dyptheria Dora goes there tonight

15 He is still no better

15 Mog & Mr. McKelvain go to Cisco Mog to fix up some business with M& Co

The Dr. is to see Olin again, & Mildreds baby is sick, had Dr. with it

16 Mog goes to Moran & gets chops(?)

17 Mog plows, Olin seems a little better

18 Olin still better, I sent a card to Pearl

18 I get a card from Pearl, said Winnie was not very well

Page 72

top margin My ?? went to a fro??

22 Jan 1908

Jan 1908 Mog got a letter 18 from Jerome Duke

18 Bonie & Effie & Maurine come about dark & stay all night & all day sun, go home sun eve.

19 Olin is worse this eve

20 still no better choking all night. Dorrie phoned for Dr. Daniels about 10 oclock that night & to
phone for Dr. Britton. He came about midnight & said he phoned for Dr. Britton & he was
gone up about Sedwick ranch. & about daylight Mr. McKennison come & told Dr. D that Dr. B
wanted him at the phone. He went at once & he told the Dr. to come quick & bring antitoxin
with him he come & about

21 9 oclock injected 3000 units of anti toxin in his shoulder. Dr. B said he had dyptheria or
membraneous croup which was one & the same ?? & was likely to fall dead any minute & has
him put to bed & moved very gently & easy. The two Drs. Left about 11 oclock & Dr. D come
back that night 9 oclock & gave him another injection like the first only 2000 units this time,
& he was afraid it would not be enough & Dorrie got Mr. McKennison to go to Moran for more
that night could not get but one tube of 1000 units but they did not think they would need it
as he was too all appearance a whole lot better

20 I set up all night or till 5

21 Also sat next night till 4, Mai?? Up too Mr. Poer (?) came today

Page 73

Several accounting entries, name erased

Top of page torn

top margin ?? the 20 ??other family left ?? before they come

Eureka Dots

Sun last was Bro Taylor’s day at Eureka, & he preached a fine sermon to an attentive audience.

The school at pecan is progressing nicely with Miss Ada Martin of Gorman as teacher 30 pupils are in

Mrs. Tom Keith & Fritz are visiting at Curtis

L. Eager is on a business trip to Abilene.

J. A. Wohlford & son went to Breckenridge today. The farmers are neding rain very badly in this part of
Stephens & grain crops are suffering for rain.

There was one young lady at church sun who looked very lonesome. I suppose it was because some body
was gone but don’t grieve dear girl. Absence only makes the heart grow fonder.

Page 74


I sold flavoring on

Dec. 7 2 boxes to Effie Elliott 40 cts

10 3 Josie Harper 60

12 3 Ida Bartley 60

19 2 Roxy Walker 40

20 2 Fannie Womack 40

2 Dolph Stephens 40

1 N. E. Bartley 20

27 1 John Thomason 20

Mar 9 1 Mrs. Edwards 20

June 19 1 Effie Elliott 20

12 1 Mrs. Jim Cook 20

1 Mrs. Woods 20

1 to a german lady 20

June 18 1 Roxy Castleman 20

2 Mildred McKelvain 40

1 Mrs. Jim Poer 20

1 Georgia Hatchett 20

1 Mrs. Ellis 20

1 Zena Austin 20

2 Mrs. Reno 40

June 19 2 Mrs. Harris at hotel 40

1 Lottie Wohlford 20

Page 75


Dec 7 I sold 1 bottle quaker oil to Bonie Elliott 25

1 PD Bartley 25

Dec 10 1 bottle to Josie Harper 25

14 1 Will green 25

1 Mrs. Jack Womack 25

14 1 John Austin 25

Dec 19 1 to Roxie Castleman 25

20 1 Fannie Womack 25

1 Dolph Stephens 25

Dec 20 2 N.E. Bartley 25

Dec 27 1 Jim Wohlford 25

1 Mrs. Eager 25

Jun 3 1907 1 Ida Bartley 25

Page 76

Original content: E. P. Arin, July 22, B.S., 4, 1.00; Jim Sweet, July 22, B.S., 5, 20, July 24, 2.50, 2.70

top margin A fog come up 22 Jan 1908

Jan 22 1908 Olin is better Dr. D staid all night at Dorrie’s

Mrs. Blair staid there all day tues 21 & 22nd too. Dora goes there tonight

21 I get a letter from Effie today & she sent &1.50 for two turkey hens she sold for me to Mrs
Cottel at 75cts apiece

22 Dora sets up tonight & Lottie & Frits

23 I set up again till 4 Olin is still better but baby still coughs

24 Olin still mending Dora, Ed H & Jim Castleman set up. Baby is still not doing well

25 Mog goes to Moran, takes some butter & 2 ½ doz eggs

He could not sell the butter, but got 15 cts doz for the eggs

Jan 25 He got 2 sacks flour, 1 of meat, 1 dollars worth of coffee, & $1 of sugar, can of syrup & some
tobacco at Pettus’s (?) on time

I go to Dorrie’s again but did not set up all night, as Olin was so much better

26 I come home, & Ruth with me, Dora goes there tonight, Lottie & Frits spent the eve here

Jan 21 Ballard Wohlford died today

25 Mat & Jim go to Breckenridge & come

26 home today, it is still warm & cloudy some

Jan 25 I send off $1,20 to Peteron & Com for selling 6 cand flavors & 60 cts more

25 Mog bargained off to Pearl Chaney 1 gobbler, $1,00, and 4 hens at 75 cts each

27 warm & cloudy Mog plows in the eve and in the morning goes up to see T. A. rents him 10
acres land $2.50 per acre got $5 down and $10 to pay for siring mule colt

Page 77

Original content: Cash, June B.S., 3.50, July 20, material, 5.91


Jan 26 Allan White got poisoned but got better

28 Mog goes to Moran & pays his taxes & takes 1 gobbler & 4 hens gets $4 for them sold them
to Mrs Pearl Chaney

28 I send off $1.20 to Peterson & Co

28 Dora & I go to Dorries to see Olin he is doing real well, seems to be improving fast & baby is
better too, we ate dinner there, had squirrels

29 It is cold & windy

30 We wash for Ida & for ourselves, I send a money order of $1,00 to Victor Segno (?)

31 Mog plows & D & I clean out henhouse. a cold norther blows up in the eve, & the night
before it thundered & lightned

30 I got a letter from my two girls Pearl & Winnie

Feb 1 I got a letter from Effie said Mrs Gurney died 30th Jan 1908 & was buried 31st at Putnam, she
left a baby boy, Mrs Jim Morris took it for a while. Sat it was cold all day

2 Still cold & cloudy. Dorrie has athsma last night

3 Mog went to Moran to get chops & Dorrie went after dinner, Dora & I pick cotton for Dorrie
all the rest of week

6 Dorrie & family come up & stay all night till next day eve they go home. They disinfected
their house the night of the 6th with sulphur & wood alcohol

7 Mog’s birthday, he got a card that day from Pearl & Winnie, a birthday card, all was well

8 Dorrie worked the road & it was misty & cloudy & Dora & I pick in the eve

Page 11

Last Update Monday, 07-May-2018 17:55:42 CDT

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