Page 39

I sent off 1275 for a sewing machine 9th Feb.

Original content: Table of Cement Crushing Tests

Page 40

Bro Bass preached at Eureka Sun

Miss Gertie Walker of Cisco is vis her sisters Mrs. J. W. Castleman & Mrs. Ed Hatchett

Mrs. Pence is suffering with heart trouble

There was a party of four men passed through Eureka in an auto mobile Wed. They had a break down at
the crossing on Jacks branch, which delayed them a couple of hours.

Mrs. Blair of Gorman who has been visiting her daughter Mrs. Kennison for several weeks will return home
this week.

Geo Leach of Gorman was at D. M. Bartley’s Sun 2nd

Page 41

Top of page 41& 42 torn and missing

12 Mr S.S. Cook …. d was buried

13 at Clyde …. 13 Apr 1906

Deborah Neill died Nov 22, 1904

Harris Derward Bartley died 23rd Oct 19...

A.J. Bartley died 7th June 1905
George Bartley Eager was born 12 Feb 1909

Born, Winnie Maurine Elliott Wed Aug 7 190..

Born, Ola Allene Bartley Tues 22nd Oct 1907


Aug 15 Mog, Effie & Bonie started after Dora to move her got there that eve

16 They got as far as Bonie’s

17 Got to our house with all her things and Oh! how sad she looked

Sept. 18 We commenced to tear away our house & build it over

Oct. 3 We finished all we could do to our house Dorrie doing the carpenter work assisted by all of

3 We had the pleasure of having our three brothers visit us fro Will, Joe & Jack Bartley of
Callaway County

10 They return to their homes in Mo

13 They got home

23 Old man booth died

26 Mog sold 3 bales of cotton at Moran got 10.12-1/2 per lb $

Page 42

1 Bonie ...

3 I got a ...

4 Bro. Windham preached his farewell sermon at Eureka

5 It is warm, balmy, & thunderheads in the west

6 Mog helped hold the election

7 Mog took 1 bale of cotton to the gin at Eolian

8 Mog took another and brought 1 baled home

11 Jobe Adams & family starts for OK

30 Effie & Bonie come

Dec. 1 They stay all night at Dorrie’s. A party at Mr. Womack’s

2 Bro. Bass preached his first sermon at Eureka. I got my flavoring & Quaker Oil. I sold nine
doz. eggs 20 cts & 3 lbs butter 15 per lb

3 Bonie & Mr. Waters starts to buy cattle. Mr. Waters comes back in the eve & Bonie goes on

6 Bonie comes back & had engaged some

7 Bonie & Effie goes home in the eve

9 Bonie & Lewis Waters come in the eve starts for (colbs?)

10 gets here about sundown pens cattle at Mr Womacks & Bonie & Mr Waters stay all night here

9 They start with about 40 head to Moran. Mog & the girls & Dora loads cotton on wagon. Pearl
& I went to see Mrs Keith Sun eve

10 Lee Conway was here selling med. Dorrie took a load seed cotton to Moran. BT Elliott & Lewis
Waters stay all night

11 Dora & Pearl & Winnie pick cotton at Mr Kennisons

12 “ “

13 We got an invitation to Dick Mitchells wedding

14 A norther & a party at Geo Harpers

Mog went to Moran & got $30 on his cotton ...

Page 6

Last Update Monday, 07-May-2018 17:55:42 CDT

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