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top margin Dewey our dog died 7th Dec 1906

14 John & Zena Austin was here. Will Green moved today

15 Rains a little

16 Snows a little Got a letter from Alice Crump & one in it from Mr Fisher (?) and said they had
a new girl baby at their house name Francis Elizabeth

17 Still cold & cloudy

Dick, Lottie (?), Pearl & Winnie go to Cisco today

Bonie, Mr Geo Armour & Ruth is here tonight

Bonie has more cattle in the pen here

18 Mr Lewis Waters & Callaway & a picture agent eat dinner here, & Roxie Castleman & children
come in the eve & stay all night

Girls & Dick get home in the eve

20 I went to John Womacks & bought a turkey hen & gobbler for $1.50 John Womack moves
to Kate Thomason place

Fanny left her machine here a while

We killed 2 hogs today Dorrie helped us

23 Winnie & I, Lottie & Fi attend church at the Presbyterian church at night

24 Bonie & Effie come

25 Mog, Dora, Effie, & myself help eat a big gobbler at Dorries

Mr Hair (?) come to our house about 8 oclock staid till Thursday morning

27 Effie & Bonie goes home

Dora & myself spends the day at Mr Eager’s

Gertie Walker spends the eve here

26 A party at Mr Eager’s

27 “ “ Mr Kennisons

A norther & cloudy

28 A party at Mr Cottles (?)

29 Rained

30 Mrs Keith ate dinner here & after dinner Mrs Keith, Ida & myself spent the eve at Mr John

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top margin Edna Ruth Bartley was born 4th Oct 1899

Dec 30 Pearl is sick with a bad cold

31 Mog takes a bale of seed cotton to Moran, cloudy & cold

Jan 1 1907 New Years morning cloudy but warm

Mr & Mrs Brown & Ruby come to Dorries 31 Dec and will leave today

Mog presented Dora, Pearl, Winnie, & myself with a pr stockings for a New Years gift.

Jan 1 Today is Ida’s birthday, she is 30 yrs old and I will give her a birthday dinner today.

Mog goes to Bonie’s tonight

Elmer Hudman & Geo Armour came to take P & W to a party at Bonie’s tonight don’t go

I send $3.00 to Red Cross Flavor Co today

2 Mog sends off $100. to loan co.

I sell 12 hens to Ida for $2.40

3 I buy a turkey hen from J. Womack, 75c

Jack Womack starts to Knox Co

2 Lula & Jim come home & Price & Edith

3 My heart is sad but am trusting in God

5 Old man Complton died

Mog goes to Eolian & pays gin account

6 We all go to Battle Creek cemetery to Mr Compton’s burial

7 Mog drove up Red & Muley with steer calves apiece(?) and Dora & girls pick cotton

6 Bro Bass & wife was at Eureka & he preached Sun night, had a good crowd out

7 Cloudy, warm, & sprinkling a little

We took up our meat, hung it, and commenced to smoke it

8 Edith Rainbolt spent the day here

9 Mog drove up Jersey with a heifer calf

10 “ “ 1 cow of Dora’s steer calf

9 Got one more turkey hen from Frannie Womack

9&10 Cold & cloudy

18 A party at Reno’s

19&20 Bro Taylor preached at Eureka Sat night and Sun at eleven

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top margin Harris Derward Bartley was bor 21 Feb 1897

21 Election at Eureka & Mog finished gathering corn

22 Old sow found 5 little pigs

Dorrie & Ida starts for Eastland, Mog goes with them to Moran to bring horse & buggy back

22 Dora, P & W pick cotton at Kennisons

Mr Ed Hatchet come after me to go to Dolph Stephens, his wife was real sick, Dr Daniel & Dr
Brittain was to see her that night

23 The two Drs examined her next morning & Frannie & I come home

24 Dorrie & Ida got home from Eastland

Mog got Vitae ore commenced to use it 29 Jan

27 Dora & I go to see Mrs Keith in the eve

28 Cold, & we kill our hog

29 Dora Pearl & Winnie picks at Mr Womacks

I get my blood tablets & prize tomatoe seed & two seed catalogues

30 Misty & cold all day

31 Mog Dora P & W pick at Womacks

Also Dorrie & Ida & Olin staid with me

Olin has been sick for several days but is better

28 Ruth started to school Jan 28 to Miss Willie Valentine

Jan 29 I subscribed for a map of Texas

Lula come home

Feb 1 Warm like summer, a few plums in bloom

I am alone today, all are picking in Walker field

Dorrie goes to Moran, I send a letter to Effie

2 Cold & Misty

3 Bro Bass come to our house Sun eve & still it was cold & rainy a little. He did not preach but
staid all night & left the 4th. I gave him 40 cts on a bedstead & we bought several things from

5 Jim Wohlford fell & broke 3 ribs fractured 11 (?)

6&7 Effie & Bonie come staid all night & next day Winnie & Pearl went home with him to wash for
them & he took that hog & gave six dollars for him Effie went in ...

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Feb 6 Mog goes to Eolian after his bale of cotton

7 He goes to Moran & sells cotton for 10 cts I sold $2,70 of chickens & 90 cts of butter

Feb 7 In the eve, Bonie come after her in a buggy (Effie?)

8 P & W come home fry Bonie brought them

9 Mog went to Moran, & I sent off to Smyth for a sewing machine. Mog took 3 gal butter milk &
got 10 cts per gal the girls wash

Sun 10 Sun A norther, but not cold Dorrie killed his pig * tn (?)

Feb 11 Dora P & W pick again at Mr Womacks & Mog pick in the Wohlford field Mog ties up Dallas &
is going to try to break him

12 He leads Dallas around by halter then drives him & Nell together

13 Drives him around again then puts him to wagon & hauls a little load of wood

14 And another load today

15 Mog & I go to see Bonie & Effie, found them away from home, but got in about dark

16 We come home Sat

17 Bro Taylor preached at Eureka

16 I got 1-1/2 bu wheat from Mr Wohlford

17 Mrs Brown & Miss Ada Martin ate dinner here Sun 17

18&19 Mon, Mog goes over to John Austins & rents his stalk cutter, & cuts Mon eve, Tues & Wed till
noon, finishes then

20 Dora, P & W and Lottie are picking in the John W field this week

19 Feb Was Jackys birthday, 31 today, sad memories hover over me, too sad to tell, but I feel that
he is free, and all is well

Feb 20 Mattie (?) Wohlford spent the day here

John Womack pays $10 on cotton picking to Mog Dora P & W

Feb 21 This is little Harris’s birthday, he is today

I got my map of Texas today it is blowing a cold south wind & cloudy some

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top margin 1907 Ola Alleen Bartley was born 22nd Oct 1908

Feb 21 The girls will finish picking in the John W field today

Lee Conway was here with his goods

I got $1,90 worth cough med, soap machine oil & chicken food

23 I sent a letter of inquiry to Smyth Co, Chicago Ill to find out delay in my machine

23 Mr Woods on the Whitehead place died was buried by Woodmen ay Moran

26 Mog worked George to the wagon 1st time

27 Mog & I go to Moran & work Dallas, eat dinner at Lallie’s, get garden seed & onion sets.
Bonnets for P & W & myself

27 Rained a nice shower

28 Still cloudy & rainy looking

27 A party at Jim Clantons

26 The man on Baily place died

Chambliss is his name

24 Gavis (?) Lewis & Lillian Adams married at Walter Browns

27 Got a half bu sweet potatoes from Etta & Mrs Green P paid for them

25 Fred Duncan bought 160 acres from Jule (?) Campbell

27 Mog & I go to Moran

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Last Update Monday, 07-May-2018 17:55:42 CDT

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