Mar 1 Jim Wohlford & Mr Kennison killed hogs

2 Effie & Bonie come & staid till Sun eve

3 Mr Hale’s son aged 16 & named Mead died

4 & was buried at Battle Creek Cemetery

1 Mr Eager sold out to Campbells Bro

5 Mr Hale & daughter Gertie ate dinner here

Sun 3 Bro Bass preached at Eureka at night, & appointed Winnie as agent for a paper home & state

Mar 6 Winnie & Pearl go around to get subscribers for her paper! It is cloudy & looks a little like
rain. Dora is picking for Dorrie

Page 48

top margin Mog went with Nell to Mr Poers (?) 20 Mar 1907


Mar 7 They are still picking for Dorrie

8 Bonie came after me said Effie was sick

I went, & had a good rain that night. Bonie’s phone had(?) batteries burned out night of rain
by lightning

Mar 9 I still am with Effie

10 Mog come after me Effie is a whole lot better

9 I got a letter from Kate Sparks, & a letter from my machine man, Smyth

Mar 11 Nell come up with a mule colt

Mog plows south of the house

12 Planted potatoes

11 Mr Eager teams started to Tye, Taylor Co to move, Emmett & Price driving

13 They finished picking for Dorrie

14 We put out our fruit trees

Myself, P & W spend the eve at Mr Eagers

14 We had a big frost & freeze, killed most of the fruit

15 Fred Duncan & Jule Campbell rented the south field by the road for cotton and commenced
to plow there with 4 horses

15 Had a musical at Mr E

16 Mog goes to Moran, I send some butter & eggs. Send off $2.40 in payment in full for 3-1/2
doz flavors

Send $1.00 to Theo Noel for med

16 It is blowing a cold south wind

Bonie & Effie come Sat eve & go home Sun eve

Mar 17 Was Bro Taylors day but he did not come

18 Mr Eagers family leave for their new home

21 Dorrie & Fritz (?) goes to Albany with Dorries cotton

20 Dora & I spend the day at Mrs Keiths

23 Dorrie got home Sat night

Emmett & Price comes in after another load

24 Dorrie & Ida was here

23 Mog goes to Moran & gets tin roofing for buggy house

Page 49

top margin I set hen 29 Mar

turkey eggs 28

“ “ 1 Apr

hen 4 Apr

Mar 24 We had a nice shower after dark a little

25 Mog harrows in forenoon, & goes to John McK to help with a colt

24 Mildred goes to Marvins to see a sick child

26 Mog commences to tear away the cellar top to put on another

25 Pearl & Winnie helps Lottie paper their parlor

27 I sent a letter to Kate Sparks

28 John Womack sells out to Cadells & Mooves to Mr Keiths. Fannie sent me 18 turkey eggs &
gave Winnie 11

I herd by mail carrier my machine was at Moran

28 It is lightning & thundering tonight

Lottie Fritz & Dick come to set awhile

28 Rained a little

29 We finish cellar, & a party at Reno’s

29 Good fry night had a frost but not hard

30 Bright & lovely day

Mog goes to Moran after my machine & gets it, but one leg broken off

31 Bro Bass preaches at Pence school house & will preach at night through the week

It is cold all day & night still cold

Apr 1 Is cold, dry & cloudy

I send of a letter to Smyth about my machine

Dora & I went to Bonies

2 and came home

3 Bro Bass preaches at Eureka at night, & stays here all night

4 It is rainy & cool, no preaching tonight

5 Bro B preaches tonight

7 He preaches Sun eve, Dora Mog & Ruth go Bonie & Effie come, he goes home & E stays

8 Pearl sews for Effie & Winnie is sick

9 I wash for Effie, Dorrie starts to Albany for his cotton

Page 50

top margin Mrs Kennison went to Gorman 4 Apr

John Womack mooved to Moran 8 Apr

Winnie still sick 10 & P had a bad headache


Apr 10 Bonie comes after Effie in the eve

Dorrie stays at Bonies Wed night

11 He gets home today got Dallas foot cut with wire. We had a big mess of fish

Lottie Dick & Frits come & sit till bedtime

Fred Duncan put three head horses in our pasture the 8th

12 School closed at Pence School & the girls Lottie & F & D and Dorrie & Ida went over to

13 Emmett comes in from Tye Mog goes to Moran & gets me a new oilcloth and eats dinner with
the Editor

14 Winnie & Emmett go to Bonies it is still dry & cold Mrs Will Kennison come home the 13th &
the old lady went to her home

9 News come Sam Walker was about to die with appendicitis, but 13 say he is better

13 He was better

14 Emmett starts for home, but had a talk with me before he left Effie comes down with Emmett
& Winnie Sun & takes Winnie home with her

16 Mod Pearl & myself go to Cisco

It rained a little that day but a norther in the eve

17 Trusty died suddenly today & Dorrie gave us another one black spotted & we call him Trusty

Apr 17 Mr Nolan died at 9 pm

18 was buried at Shady Grove cemetery we all went

19 Dora & I go to creek & wash

20 Mrs Henry was here canvassing for books

I took one $100 book and Dora one

Mog & Dorrie caught a fine mess fish

Page 51

top margin D H Cook & C C Veale married 17 Aug 1908

Apr 20 out of Mr W’s tank

Waxy found a colt Sat night

20 Bro Taylor was at Dorrie’s Sat &

21 preached Sun at Eureka

It is cloudy & misty

22 Winnie comes home, & P & Lottie was making their grey dress skirts A chicken peddler come
& I sold 3 doz chickens 25 cts apiece $9 total

23 Mog goes to Moran I send for med for Winnie, awful windy today still dry

Mog puts Mr Greens horse in our pasture

May 13 Mog, Pearl, Winnie, & myself go to Cisco to get Winnie’s outfit to marry

17 Emmett & Gertie come

May 19 Emmett Eager & Winnie De Bartley were united in marriage Rev T.M. Price officiating

Bro Taylor preached at Eureka & Pence School house in the eve there was singing at Mr
Myers Sun night

20 Mon eve Emmett & Winnie go to Bonies

21 Ice Cream supper at Mr Wohlfords

22 Emmett & Winnie comes in at noon

Come by Moran & got a trunk, she sold her cow & calf to Bonie for $20.

23 My dear dear child left me & the old home to find a home among others. Oh!how my heart
went out after her, when I saw her fair young face disappear in the distance, gone gone my
baby girl. May God in His infinite wisdom watch over her & Emmett & guide them & come

Page 52

home again to see Papa Mama Pearl & Aunt Dora

Mog took them to Moran & Dick & Pearl went to Cisco with them

26 May Sun & Winnie gone, & Oh so lonesome

24 It rained & hailed

May 27 Mog commences to plant cotton north of the house, it being his first, he planted up to the

At night we had another rain

28 A big rain & misted all week

June 2 Bro Bass preached at Eureka

3 Mog finishes breaking north of house

4 He plants more cotton and finishes the north field. Cotton up pretty

5 Cloudy, Mog plants the field south of house in cotton.

4 We get a letter from Winnie

5 An “auto” passes here 4 men in it, it broke down while(?) crossing Jack branch & we had 3
men for dinner & they paid $1.00 for their mials


2 June Bonie come after the cow he got from Winnie, & he and Dora traded the cow & calf for old
Georgia & $10.

2 Bonie brought our family & Dorrie’s a ticket to Floyd Chany (?) and Miss Mabel Morris’
wedding the 30 June next.

2 Bro Geo Leach of Gorman staid all night here

June 8 Bonie come for Dora to stay with Effie till he could attend a stock sale at Cisco

Page 53

Original content: Hospital fee, Oct. 1, 1902 - $25.00 by cash

top margin Nell bit at Leo and made him jump so he broke his shoulder the 10 of June

Mrs. Pence is real bad off with heart trouble.

Page 8

Last Update Monday, 07-May-2018 17:55:41 CDT

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