June 8 Bro Wright got badly hurt by falling from a wagon & it running over him. Jim and Neal (?) go
over there, & Mabel comes after Pearl to stay with Lottie, so that leaves Mog & I alone, Dora
gone to Effie’s & Pearl to stay with Lottie

9 I am sick all day, Pearl goes to Eolian to preaching with Lottie & Fritz

10 Mog plows cotton in north field. He finishes the first plowing.

11 Pearl & I go around with my flavoring I sell 4 boxes. 1 box to Mrs. Ellis, 1 to zina & 2 to Mrs.
Renfro (?) & come home. Dora gets in home about sun down & it is stormy, wind blowing a
heavy gale. Bonie eats supper & goes home in the dark. We have a nice shower in the dark.

June 12 Mog & I go to Moran, I sell three boxes flavors. 1 to Mrs. Cook, 1 to Mrs. Woods, & one at
the house next Mr. Gardeners

13 Mog & I plant maize in the orchard. Dora Pearl chop cotton in the morning & I help in the eve

16 Mog & Igo to Mr Pence’s Mog goes to preaching & I stay with Mrs Pence

16 Bro Taylor preaches at Eureka

17 chop cotton

18 We finish in north field

19 Dora & I go to Moran, & from there

Page 54

Original content: Cash, Oct. 1, 1902 (several entries)

to Bonie’s, we eat dinner there and start home at 3 o clock. I went out and saw Bonie pull
some stumps with his stump puller

June 19 We start for home and it was thundering & looked like rain, did sprinkle on us some, Nell like
to have worried us to death she wanted to come so fast the creek was up some & we come
around by the bridge, I met up with Lee Conway at McKelvains, & paid him $1.90 all that I
owed him, & got $1.85 more, Liniment $1.00 headache tablets 25c Face cream 25 pepper

June 21 Pearl & Dick starts for Tye

The night before it stormed & rained nearly all night Fritz & Lottie was going as far a Cisco
but the creek got up & he could not get his horse, Lottie staid all night the 20th with Pearl
before she left.

June 22 Ida, Ruth, & Olin spent the day. Mog takes a load of posts to Moran

23 Bonie & Effie come, but went home that eve.

24 Mog took a load of posts to Moran & got his mail box a sack of flour, soda, & stamps& in the
eve we plant peas & set out tomatoe plants

Page 55

Original content: Bills payable, Oct. 1, 1902 (several entries, including a horse for $35 and a buggy for

top margin June 21st 1907, Mrs. Meadows died

June 24 Dick gets home & I get a letter from Pearl, & Winnie said they were having a nice time

Dorrie is planting more cotton today with Nell, old Leo is down and nearly dead.

Grover Thomason is down with fever.

June 25 Mog finishes plowing his corn, & plows corn (?) out & some cotton in north field

I got a letter from Petersen stating that he had sent kitchen cabinet

Dora & I do a big washing & scouring

June 26 Leo, Dorrie’s horse died from a broken shoulder. We are chopping in cotton

27 Dora & I are chopping weeds out of cotton in north field

28 It is awful hot

29 and sultry weather

30 Sun eve Bonie comes and gets some cotton seed

July 1 Still hot

2 The rural rout started today and we got a letter from Pearl stating that she, Winnie, &
Emmett was coming Wed.

3 Mog goes to Cisco after the girls & Emmett. He went in Jim’s hack. It cloudy & thundering

Page 56

Original content: Dr. Bill Oct. 1, 1902

top margin Annie found a calf 5 July

July 3 Winnie Emmett & Pearl come late in the eve

4 All of our family & Dorrie and Mr Kennison & his father & mother go down on Battle take our
dinner & fish

Dorrie caught a nice string, Dora & Mrs Kennison each caught one apiece.

We sure had a nice time, good dinner & plenty of fish for all, in the eve Fritz & Lottie & Lena
& Mabel come

July 5 Emmett & Winnie stays all night at Dorrie’s

6 Mog takes a load of posts to Moran and brings back my kitchen cabinet, & an ice cream
freezer for Dorrie & we have ice cream Sat night & Dorrie’s folks come & Lottie & Fritz & Lena
& Mabel & Dick we had all the ice cream we could eat

July 7 Bro Bass preached Sun eve at Eureka

July 8 Emmett starts for home Dick went with Emmett to Cisco. We hoe cotton

9 It rains in the eve a little

10 Olin was real sick with a chill Dora & I go down there & stay all day with him

10 It rained a gully washer that night stormed & rained & lightened all night

11 Still raining with heavy thunder Battle up booming

Page 57

Original content: Trunk express, Oct. 1, 1902 $3.80 by cash; R. R. Fair $45 by cash

July 10 Geo, our horse, sprained his leg & can hardly walk

July 11 The Rural Route man failed to come

Another big rain Jacks branch on a boom

12 Still its raining, slow & steady.

Winnie is getting very anxious to get mail from Emmett

July 13 Winnie gets a letter from Emmett & writes for her to start Sun

14 Sun morn she & Parl Dick Lottie and Frits all go to Cisco & she leaves again, this time still
further away. She goes to Big Springs goes as far as Tye Sun night & next day to Big Springs

July 13 All the neighbors meet at the school house & build an arbor for the Baptist meeting

July 14 Arthur Harper and Miss Daisy Doyle married Bro Brooks performed the ceremony

July 12 Effie & Bonie come in the eve

Bonie was going down into the Lingleville country to buy cattle, he got off at Dublin. Effie
went home the 17th

15 Pearl Dora & myself chop cotton in the south field, Mog plows

16 We still chopping

17 Effie goes home Bonie comes after her the evening before

July 17 Dee, our cow found a heifer calf

Page 58

July 18 We finish chopping in the south field

We get a letter from Winnie she got home safe, Emmett was there to meet her at the depot

He had a house rented with 2 rooms for $7. per month, & had gotten a dresser & washstand,
stove, chairs, table, pans, rocking chair, bedsted & matress & lamp, groceries, everything for
a new beginner to housekeep with.

July 16 I send off $1.53 to Standard Blood Tablet Co. I borrowed $1.30 from Dora to pay it.

July 18 We got a letter from Bro Joe B

Pearl & I go fishing, catch 2 little ones

Mr. Kennison is getting up rock on the hill to build a chimney with

18 Dora is sick with jaw ache & feeling awful bad, I give her Calomel today Dorrie is plowing out
his cotton this week with George

18 Dick & Lottie is here tonight

Aug 4 Effie & Bonie come, they stay all night & go home

5 Mon morn

7 Bonie phoned to Mr Wohlfords to come & tell us that Effie was sick & wanted me to come
over. I fixed and went as early as I could get off. Dora and Pearl went with me

When we got there found her right sick & Mrs Edwards & Morris there, & had sent for Dr
Brittain. We saw him at Charlie Thomasons as we passed. Her breast was about to rise. Her
babe (a girl) was born the 3rd Aug 1907

Page 59

Original content: Mdse (several entries)

Aug 7 The Dr got to Bonies about 11 oclock a. m. and about ˝ after 3 a baby girl was born. Dora
and Pearl started home about 12 o’clock after dinner . Bonie phoned to Jim Wohlfords to tell
home folks Effie had a fine 11 ˝ lb girl

Aug 25 I staid there with her & tended to her & babe 19 days & come home & Effie & babe with me
on Sun 25 Aug

Aug 23 Elmer Hudmans (?) babe was born & Altha Graves had a a little girl same day

Effie got along fine only could not get the babe to nurse till we come over

Aug 27 home. Dora, Pearl & myself with Effie sat up most all night trying to make baby nurse, got
her to take hold a little, but we quit feeding her & she got awful hungry & finally she got to
nursing all right

Sep 9 Effie Bonie & baby started for home

Hilly (?) Adams house burned in the early morning

Page 60

Original content: Labor, several entries, including 28 ˝ ds. @ 58c – 16.53

1907 6th Jan

Mr. Lum Eager & wife are on a visit to Abilene. Jim Eddleman & wife of Cisco was the guest of J A

Bro Bass filled his regular appointment at Eureka Sun night quite a crowd was out to hear him.Mr. Jack
Womack & family started Thursday last for Knox County their future home

Our community had a gloom cast over it last Sat 5 one of our oldest citizens dead the 5 Jan & was laid to
rest in the Battle Creek Cemetery Sun 6 Jan 1907. He was 81 yrs old and was a veteran soldier of the
Mexican War. Soon all the old veterans will have passed away!

Page 61

Original content: Board, 1 month, $10; A & M College Nov. 1902 $5.95 by cash

top margin JC Compton died 5 Jan 1907

1, 07 has dawned on us with its brightness and promise. We hale it with a hopeful heart, of good things in
store for another year. Xmas times is one of merry making among the young people

Quite a large crowd assembled at the home of Mr Eagers on Wed night & had quite a pleasant social
entertainment. Also a repetition at Mr Kennisons Thursday night. Mrs. J A Walker and daughter Miss Gertie
of Cisco were visiting at Prof Castlemans Xmas week. Mr J AS Wohlford is putting an addition of one room
hall & Gallery to his house.

B T Elliott & wife & Mr Hair (?) of the Tribune (?) was visiting at D M Bartleys during the holidays & on a
hunting expedition.They succeeded in bringinng one big buck to his knees but owing to the lateness of the
hour he managed to make his escape. Quite a crowd of young people of Moran attended the party at Mr

P D Bartley & wife attended the 5 Sun meeting at Wayland. Charlie Thomason of Wayland has moved in
our midst on Battle Creek. John Thomason of Eastland County has built himself a new two room cottage
one mile west of Eureka & moved into it recently.

Page 62

Original content: Bills Receivable (several entries)

top margin The old sow got on a tare Sun 15 Sept 1907

Sep 9 Hilly Adams house burned with all his household goods. Dick Adams had moved into the
house & lost all he had. Mog collected $20 odd dollars for him up at Moran, Dorrie got nearly
forty dollars worth & Mr Reno & Charlie Compton got quite a nice lot of quilts

Sep 12 Charlie Comptons house burned with a whole lot of feed & grain

Sep 13 9 wagons volunteerd to haul a load of lumber for him a new house and they all go 13 on Fry

14 Commence his house get it up

15 We all go to Pence school house to hear the Congregational preacher Bro Price from Gunsight

Sep 16 Pearl & I go to see Effie Bonie & baby. Mog goes to help Charlie Compton on his house

17 Helps again today

18 Bonie & Effie come & we all was picking cotton

Page 63

Original content: Bills Payable

7th March

Spring has come with one little shower of rain. The 27 Feb. Bro Bass filled his regular appointment at
Eureka Sun night to a crowded house

Fred Duncan bought 160 acres of land from Jule Campbell, three miles south of Eureka last week. L. Eager
has sold his home place to the Campbell bro’s of Eolian consideration $32.00.

Our community was saddened lat Sat. 2nd by the death of Mr. Hale’s 16 year old son. He was sick only a
short while. They were living on the King place, on the Eureka & Moran road.They had recently moved
there from Erath Co. Prof. Castleman, who has been quite sick the past week is improving. Miss Lottie
Wohlford is in Cisco this week attending the sickbed of her sister, Mrs. Eddleman.

Page 9

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