Page 64

Original content: R. B. Walker, blk. smth. , 15

top margin Geo Wohlford & Miss Em Mashburn were married on the 22 Sep 1907

Sep 17 We commence to pick cotton

18 Bonie & Effie & Bobie come

20 It rains a nice shower

21 Bonie & Effie go home, we wash, and it rains again on the eve.

Mog, Mr. Keith & Jim Sweat go to Moran

Sep 22 Dr. Rhodes & Mrs. Swindol were married

Sep 24 Dick Wohlford started to O.K. with Herschell Blackstock

26 Still picking cotton in north field. Our pig died today that was Custral (?)

Sep 23 Plant turnip seed

27 Dora, Pearl, & myself go to Ed Hatchett’s to pick cotton at 75 cts per 100 lbs

28 We pick till noon.

Sat night Lottie comes up after Pearl to stay all night with her, said she & Frits were going to
marry Sun

Sep 29 Lottie & Frits went to Moran in the eve and were married at Mr. Houseman by Rev J?? Brooks

30 They come home in the eve

Mr. McKelvain come after me at dark said Mildred was sick

Oct 2 I got home at 9 o’clock and went to pick again at 1 o’clock

 Mildred was better

Page 65

Original content: J. M. Chalker, blk. S., several entries

Oct 2 Mog takes a bale of cotton to Moran to have ginned. Gin broke, come home in Walker
Brown’s hack

Oct 3 It rains a little & caught us in the cotton patch, we got wet some

Mrs. Reno brings my butter dish, baking powder & soap

Oct 4 Rains all day, Dorrie’s and Ruth’s birthday. Pearl goes there for dinner.

5 We wash. Mat & Jim w. goes to Cisco. Lula had a baby & it was about to die & they sent for

Oct 5 Bonie & Effie & baby & lady come & still it is cloudy.

Oct 6 They start home in the eve, & Bro Bass comes & stays all night.

7 Still raining, Bro B starts for home. Pearl had a bad spell of headache Sun night. Mog fixes a
log under corner of kitchen

Jim & Mat gets home Mon eve 7th. Lula’s babe dies 6th Oct 1907

Mon eve a norther blew up

8 Clear & cold. A beggar man called, Mog gave him 25 cts.

10 Bonie & Effie come & Effie makes a sheet to gather pecans on

12 Bonie goes to Moran & gets Effie some things to make up to wear to the Davis trial

Oct 13 Cole Jackson preached at Eureka. We are still picking for Edgar Hatchett

Page 66

Original content: S. B. Law, June 22, 1, 90

Oct 14 Effie is still here sewing. We pick at Edgar’s all this week that we can it is rainy looking all the
time & rains a little every day or two.

Effie names her baby while here, calls her “Winnie Maureen” and “Maureen” for short.

Oct 17 We get a letter from Winnie

18 When we got up I noticed that “Lady” the little puppy was sick, we doctored her all day.
Bonie came about noon, & he & Effie & Maureen & puppy started for home, & she died a 7
that night. Bonie held an autopsy over her, & found a bunch of hair & little sticks in her
pannok (?). Effie says she just squalled when she died, I was so sorry too as she was such a
little pet with us all. But such is life.

18 Lady died (Effie’s puppy)

20 Bro Taylor preached Eureka at 11

21 It rains aliitle again, we only pick half a day.

Oct 22 Dorrie wrote me a note & sent it by Ruth stating Ida was sick. Mog went to Moran for him
with pecans to get supplies with. I went down & that eve sent for the Dr Mat & Mrs. Kennison
& a baby was born about ½ 9 o’clock. I staid with Ida 16 days. They named their girl Ola

Oct 26 Mrs. Keith & Mrs. Kennison spent day at Dorrie’s

Page 67

Original content: Lee Hatchett, June 22, B.S., 1, 25; July 1, B.S., 3, 20

Oct 27 Jim Castleman & Roxey, Bonie & Effie, Dora, Pearl, Lotta & Frits was at Dorrie’s

23 Bro Bass preached at Eureka at night

Nov 3 Bonie Effie & Maurine starts to court

6 I come home from Dorrie’s

8 I pick cotton at home. Dora & Pearl finishes picking the Doyle cotton

4 Dorrie commences to cut grass

9 Dorrie shocks grass

10 Sun, & it rains and sleets a little all day

I got card from Effie at Weatherford

Nov 9 I send an order for 2 doz cans of flavors and send for ½ doz jars of Mothers Salve

9 Had Dr Daniels with Mother Wohlford

10 Rainy & no preaching. It was Cole Jackson’s day

11 Dorrie kills his hog, Mog Dora & myself help

12 Dora & I go down to Dorrie’s & render up lard & make sausage

Nov 9 Bonie & Effie gets home from Weatherford Court the ninth Nov

12 Bonie comes after me to go home with him, Maurine was sick. I went & staid till Thurs 14

15 picked cotton

16 also piked till noon commenced to rain

17 Rained all day Sun

18 Rainy & cloudy all day. Pearl spends day at Dorrie’s

Mrs. Clinton, Maud, Effie & Mary Ellis eat dinner here. They were taking orders for Columbian
Co. I took a 20 ct. order & Dora 30 cts.

Page 68

Original content: A. J. Caldwell, June 22, B.S., 1, 15


Nov 13 Milderd McKelva8in had a fine baby girl born 13

Nov 19 It is still raining

Dora bought a house & lot from Shell Thomas, at Moran

Dec 18 Mog Pearl & myself go to Cisco & Mog & I stay all night at Bro Walkers.

Pearl took the 5:30 train for Big Spring to see Winnie & Emmett, Wed night. She took 3 new
quilts & 1 comforter. How I did hate to see her leave but I wanted her to go too to see

19 Mog & I come home Thurs I took 2 doz. eggs got 50 cts. for them & sold 45 cts. of butter
which was 95 cts.

20 Fry we kill our little sow, & it rained that night

21 It lightened & thundered big & we had a big rain from the west Sat 23rd

21 Cleared up at noon, Effie & Bonie & baby come about dark, Effie is nearly sick with the gripp,
& baby has sore mouth, Effie will stay xmas week. I commenced to give baby blue powders
on Sun 22nd and to give Effie calomel Mon 23rd

Dec 21 I sure got a card from my girlie Pearlie

22 Lottie & Frits come in the eve

Page 69

Original content: Neal Price, June 24, B. S., 2, 15

top margin I commenced to use Sloans Liniment the 19 Dec 1907

Dec 23 Mon, Dora & I wash, and it was a pretty day. I scoured dining room & kitchen

23 Maud Clanton delivered her things we ordered

23 Mr. Frank Ragsdale contracted for a turkey gobbler for Mr. Adams to come after it in the
morning 24

23 Fannie Womack & children come out to her Pa’s

22 Mildred McKelvain’s baby is sick. Also Roxy Castleman, they think she has pneumonia.

Lulu & Jim Eddleman come out the

Dec 15 15 Dec & go home the 20th

24 Mr. Ragsdale come & got his gobbler paid $1.00. I kill a turkey hen Tues night 24th

25 Bonie Effie Maurine Dorrie Ida & children all eat dinner & supper here, had an eggnog in the

Xmas day was warm & bright

26 Just 8 days since Pearl left, I wonder how she is, & Winnie too, oh how I’d love to see them

Dec 26 I got a letter from Pearl today, she got there safe. It’s windy & a little cloudy too

Xmas eve night there was a party at Cadells

27 Mog is picking cotton & still windy, but warm. Effie is still not much better.

28 Mog finishes picking cotton

29 Sun Effie Bonie & baby go home. Mr. Bowman & Bonie was here for dinner

Dec 30 Mog takes his cotton to Moran to have ginned

31 He goes back to fix up business at the bank

Page 70

Original content: Piper, June 30, B.S., 2, 55

top margin Mog goes to Mr. Wohlford’s to witness Mr. Wohlford & Jim Eddleman brand a jersey heifer for
J. Eddleman

1908 the 4th Jan 1908

Mattie spent the day here the 2nd Jan 1908

Dec 31 Jobe (Tobe?) Adams gets shot near eye with an air gun

Hurt his eye some but not serious

Dora & I wash for Ida

1908 Mog commenced to plow New Years Day

Jan 1st Jan 1st 1908 Mog takes hay to Moran &

2 clear & warm (gets 1 spool of wire & ??)

3 It is misty & raining some all day

4 Still cloudy & threatening

3 our sow found 5 pigs

4 I got a card from Pearl & letter from Effie

Jan 5 John McKelvain, Mildred & 3 youngest children spent the day here & in the eve Dorrie, Ida &
children come & Mabel too

5 It is warm & cloudy all day commences to rain about sundown & rained little showers most of
the night

Tues 7 Mog drove up old B with a steer calf

6 Dora & I put in a quilt, for her m??

8 drove in heifer, Dora’s cow with a heifer calf

9 and Mulie found a heifer calf today

Jan 6 Mog & Dorrie commences to put wire fence between him & Dorrie’s land

7 they finish it tues get a letter from P & W

7 Dr. Gillespie was called to see John Austin

Jan 8 Olin was real sick with croup Wed. Dorrie comes after me, I stay all night & all day thurs &
thurs night

9 had Dr. Daniels with him thurs, high wind

10 I come home

8 Mr. Veal of Breckenridge staid all night at Dorries Wed night took a

9 load of hay the 9th Jan

Page 10

Last Update Monday, 07-May-2018 17:55:42 CDT

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