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Newton District School Records - 1875 to July of 1886

Individual School Accounts In Newton School District - 1875-1886 

Part A     Part B     Part C

Transcribed by Larry D. Christiansen

TRANSCRIBER’S NOTES: These individual accounts are alphabetized by surname as found in the original school record -“Newton District School, Book A, 1875-1886.” The cited page numbers are from this record.

The names are spelled as they are found in the book. Frequently the names are spelled incorrectly ranging from minor errors such as the ending of the names whether “sen” or “son” to wide variations of the names. Where the transcriber is confident of the correct spelling of a name it is placed within [ ] brackets. The original spelling, punctuation and abbreviations are used with some suggested interpretations in brackets [ ].

Brackets are also used to question accounting practices from addition errors to forgetting some entries. In the year 1875 there were two school taxes: first, a “Building Tax” and then an “Educational Tax.” Both imposed against the assessed value of the school patron’s property. Beginning in 1876 there was a single school tax. In addition there were tuition fees for each quarter if the patron had children attending the school. Under payment and over payments were “brought down” or carried forward as credits or debits as the accounting would have it. Occasionally there are references to a time period earlier than 1875 which indicates that this individual’s account was out of balance when this accounting record began. A novel inclusion was the credit allowed for the “Chris Larson wagon dividend.” Christian Larsen had been called to go help settle southern Utah as a mission of his church and the ward/town furnished him with a new wagon. While this had no relationship to the school or education it was transacted by the school district.

The Co-operative Store served as a sort of exchange house in which produce, goods, cash and script or store pay were medium of exchange, and often transacted by order (verbal instruction or permission) or transfer from one individual to another. Wood, meat, animals, labor , loan of teams or equipment were also involved in payments.

Abbreviations used: Build. or Building for Building Tax, Ed. or Educ. for Educational Tax and Qtr. for Quarter, JHB for John H. Barker, JNB for Jonas N. Beck, A.P.W. for A. P. Welchman, WFL for Wm. F. Littlewood, WFR for Wm. F. Rigby, Assr. for Assessor & Collector and O.P. for over payment. One abbreviation probably had two meanings-la. was frequently used for labor, but on a couple of transactions la. meant lard (processed swine fat). Most frequent words spelled incorrectly-- tuition (tution), transferred (transfered, transferd, etc.), hauling (haling, halling, alling, auling, etc.), cutting (cuting) and white (wite).

TRANSCRIBER’S NOTE: There were a number of individuals who paid taxes and/or tuition fees who did not have an individual account established in their name. Listed below are a few of these individuals.

Lewis J. Lewis - tuition Mar. 1885 - tax 1886
J. Haskell - tax 1885
Nahum Curtis - tax 1885
Alma Benson - tax 1885
Jens Nissen - tax 1885
Chris Erickson - tuition Feb. 1879 & Nov. 1879 - tax 1880 - tax 1884
__?___ Steffenson - tuition Feb. 1879 [Two Steffensons are mentioned
Peter Steffenson and Albert Stefensen, perhaps a father and son.]


Page 50
Anderson, Christian
1875 Dr. Educ. Dr. Build. Cr. Educ. Cr. Building
To building tax 17.49 17.49
“ Educational “ 5.58
Mar. 10 By Amt. pd. 2.51
“ 18 “ “ “ 3.32
Apr. By books furnished .55
By Bal. on Ed. tax car’d down .80 _____
6.38 17.49 6.38 17.49
1876 Feb. 4th 1876 Building Dr. Cr.
By Bal. brot. down .80
Nov. 9 By wood 2.00
June 1st To tax 8.00
To Bal. car. down 5.20
$8.00 $8.00
1876 To Bal. Brot. down 5.20
Dec. 18 By cash 2.00
Feb. 2 To Tuition fees 1.85
Mar. 13 By order of A.P.W. Teacher, as Assr dated Feb. 10 1.85
May 11 To tuition fees 1.17
$8.22 3.85
Aug. 27 By receipt of Welchman, to Assr. 4.85
By Bal. car’d down .48
$8.70 $8.70
1878 By Bal. Brot. down .48
Feb. 13th To tuition fees, Quar. end. Feb. 13th, 1878 2.35
“ “ To team labor, Pd. to Tea. .75
“ “ To tax of ’77 6.10
Transferred to Page 182 7.22
$8.45 $8.45
Page 182-183 Christian Anderson
Feb. 14 From Page 50 7.22
Oct. per J. Griffin .85
“ “ “ “ 6.37
7.22 7.22
To tax of 1878 3.75
Feb. 25, 1879 to tuition fees .90
July 4 Tuition fees .70
June 29 Paid in Store 1.00
Tax of 1879 1.25
Nov. 7 To J. H. B. mutton .80
“ 28 Tuition .80
Dec. 12 to P. Larsen 1.80
Jan. 14 Mutton to J.H.B .50
Feb. 11 Transferred from J.H. B. 2.09
“ 20 tuition 1.25
8.65 6.19
April 29 Per J. P. Low .75
“ 30 Tuition .25
8.90 6.94
Oct. To P. Larsen 1.00
Tax of 1880 3.00
Nov. 12 From J. H. Barker .67
Dec. 4th By cash per J. Griffin 1.00
April 1st 1881 tuition 1.25
13.15 9.61
April 10 Cash 3.54
13.15 13.15
Tax of 1881 6.00
Dec. 28 Cash 6.00
tution quar. end. Nov. 25 1.50
By cash 1.50
Tax of 1882 3.50
By cash 2.00
Tution quar. end. Mar. 4th 1883 1.00
Cash 2.20
12.00 12.00
Tax of 1883 1.25
Cash .25
13.25 12.25
July 1884 1.00
Tax of 1884 2.00
Dec. 1 Paid 2.00
Dec. Paid 1.00
3.00 3.00
July 1885 [blank]

Page 364 Christian Andersen [Anderson]
Tax of 1885 2.00
Paid by Store order [blank]
1886 tuition fee, 2nd term 1.25
May 6 Paid cash 1.25
Paid in store 2.00
3.25 3.25
July 1, 1886 [blank]

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 174
Andersen, Henry
1878 Dr. Cr.
Feb. 13 To tuition fees, Quar. end. Feb. 13 .35
Dec. 19 Cash .35

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 51
Anderson, Ras. P.
1875 Dr. Educ. Dr. Build. Cr. Educ. Cr. Building
To building tax 6.69
Nov, 1, 1873 to Educational tax 3.99
Jan. 1 By amt. O.P. in ’74 6.69
Jan. 1 “ Lime pd. 1870 4.67
Dec. 8, 1875 By amt. on Ed. T. car. down Bal. .68
Feb. 4th By bal. brot. down .68 .68 [In red]

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 42
Ayling, Christian Erkson
1880 Dr. Cr.
Tax of 1880 1.05
tax of 1881 2.10
Oct. 4 Cash 3.15
By transfer from W. Bell 9.00
3.15 12.15
Transferd to W. F. Rigby 9.00
12.15 12.15

tax of 1882 2.00
tax of 1883 .70
Paid 2.20
2.70 2.20
July 1884 .50

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Page 55
Barker, J. H. 1875 Dr. Educ. Dr. Build. Cr. Educ. Cr. Building
To building tax 20.34 20.34
To Educational “ 6.78
Nov. 27 by amt. Chris Larson wagon dividend 3.10
Dec. 8 “ “ pd. 3.68
$6.78 $20.34 $6.78 20.34
1876 Dr. Cr.
June 1st To tax 6.55
Dec. 4 By wood, m.m. 36 ft. 1.68
By material for chimney 2.50
By transfer from J. N. Beck 2.37
6.55 6.55
Feb. 2 To tuition fees 5.10
Mar. 26 By amt. pd. to Assr. 3.15
Mar. 26 By Bill allowed for auditing accounts 1.95
5.10 5.10
May 11 To tuition fees 4.10
Sep. 1 To tax 5.80
Dec. 31 Amount paid to A. P. Welchman 8.17
May 11, 1878 Amount paid 4.10
Feb. 13 To tuition fees, Quar. end. Feb. 13, ’78 8.20
By order of A.P.W. sch. teacher .25
By order of A. P. Welchman, Teacher 4.00
$18.10 $18.10
1878 To Bal. brot. down 1.58
Per J. Griffin 1.58
Oct. 21 From W. Blanchard .70
To tax 2.90
1879 Feb. 25 To tuition fee 4.60
July 4 Tuition fee 4.32
Bal. 11.12
11.82 11.82
Page 71 J. H. Barker Dr. Cr.
1879 From Page 55 11.12
Tax of 1879 1.50
Hauling 13 Bus. Lime & Lumber 2.50
Making scaffold & Brackets &c. &c. day 1.50
Johns cleaning house 1.00
Transfer from P. Larsen .45
Nov. 28 Tuition fee 2.50
Paid to J.H.B. [John H. Barker] 9.67
15.12 15.12
Feb. 5 By vote of meeting held Feb. 5, 1880, 15% to Trustees was
allowed as follows from Oct. 23, 1878
On hand Oct. 23, 1878 45.47
Taxes due 44.18
Tax of 1878 113.60 1879 56.05 169.65
Tuition fee of Quarter ending Feb. 25,1879 53.30
“ “ “ “ “ July 4, 1879 48.23
“ “ “ “ “ Nov. 28, “ 46.80
less unpaid taxes 59.98
15% on the above is
less Amount paid col. to date 14.25
Bal. to Cr. Of School Trustees 37.84
By Bal. on hand of Report Feb. 5, 1880 25.27
Feb. 11 Transfered to C. Anderson 2.09
“ 20 tuition 6.25
“ 25 Tansfered to J. P. Yensen 2.00
April 30 Tuition 4.62
“ “ Transfered to W. F. Rigby as part of 15% to Trustees 10.00
“ 30 By Board Bill of J. P. Low 25.00
May 28 Trans. to J. Jenkins 3.00
June 2 “ “ P. Benson 4.47
57.70 62.84
See Page 228
Page 228 J. H. Barker 1880
June 3 From page 71 5.14
Tax of 1880 3.70
Transfered to J. Jenkins 3.79
Nov. 12 “ “ C. Anderson for Beef .67
“ “ “ “ J. Jenkins 4.48
Dec. Cutting 1 cord fire wood 2.00
Year end. Dec. tution 4.00
Year end. April 1st 1881 “ 4.00
By Cash 2.50
20.64 9.64
Cash 1.50
For services as Trust. 15.00
20.64 26.14
tution quarter end. June 30 2.00
tax of 1881 7.70
By cash .25
Quar. end dec. 23 1.50
11.20 5.75
May 4 tution quarter end. Mar. 25 6.00
“ “ Pay for one trip to Logan 3.00
“ “ helping to clean school house 1.50
“ “ for service as trust. 6.95
17.20 17.20

July 8th tution quarter end. June 23 2.20
Dec. Cash 3.00
tution quarter end Nov. 1.80
tax of 1882 6.00
tution fees quar. end. Mar. 9 3.75
April Cash 8.00
Cash 2.75
13.75 13.75

1883 tution fees quar. end. July 2.50
Taxes of 1883 2.00
By cash 6.25
4.50 6.25
To Page 288

Page 288 J. H. Barker
1884 From Page 228 1.75
Tution quarter end. Feb. 4.50
Mar. 28 By cash 2.25
for quarter end. May 2.25
for July quarter 2.00
By cash .50
$8.75 4.50
1884 $4.25
Tax of 1884 2.50
Paid 2.50
Paid 4.25
Tuition fee quar. end. June 5 3.75
10.50 6.75

July Bal. due 3.75
1885 Tax of 1885 2.25
Tuition fee 1st term 5.25
Nov. 11 Paid cash to M. Jenkins 2.25
Paid cash 5.00
1886 Tuition fee 2nd term 4.75
Tuition fee 3rd term 3.37
Tuition fee 4th term 2.50
Mar. 3 Paid cash 1.50
21.87 8.75
July 1 Bal. due 13.12

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 58
Bates, Thomas 1875 Dr. Educ. Dr. Build. Cr. Educ. Cr. Building
To building tax 14.40
“ Ed. “ 4.80
By Co-op share 14.40
Mar. 6 “ “ “ .60
Nov. 27 “ Amt. on Chris. Larson wagon dividend .35
Feb. 14 By flour, 50 lbs. .87½
To Bal. car. down 2.97½
$4.80 $14.40 $4.80 $14.40
Feb. 4th Dr. Cr.
To bal. carried down 2.97½
Nov. 6, 1876 By amt. pd. to A. P. Welchman 1.00
By due bill on Newton Co-op , rec’d from Jno. Griffin as Ass. & Col. .23
By amt. pd. by & charged to Jno. Griffin 1.75
$2.98 $2.98
June 1st To Tax 6.50
Nov. 20 By wood 2.50
“ “ By due bill on Newton Co-op. .23
To Bal. due, car. down 3.77
$6.50 $6.50
To Bal. brot. down 3.77
To Amt. credited by error .23
By J. Griffin .60
June 23, 1877 “ “ 1.50
By Bal. car. down 1.90
$4.00 $4.00
Sep. 1 To Bal. Brot. down 1.90
“ “ To Tax 4.10
1878 Feb. 13 By cash to John Griffin 1.40
carried to page 59 6.00 6.00
Page 59 Thomas Bates
Feb 14 Bal. brot. from page 58 4.60
Oct. per J. Griffin .75
“ “ “ 3.85
4.60 4.60
1879 to tax of 1878 2.25
To tax of 1879 1.20
Dec. 12 to P. Larsen 2.42
1880 3.45 2.42
Tax of 1880 2.60
Nov. 20 cash per J. Griffin .50
Cash per P. Larson 1.00
6.05 3.90
Tax of 1881 5.85
By work on Choal house [school house] .30
By work “ “ “ .70
Cash 7.00
8.00 8.00
tax of 1882 4.70
Cash 4.70
12.70 12.70
July 1884 [blank]

Page 313 Thomas Bates 1884
Tax of 1884 2.00
Paid cash 1.20
2.00 1.20
July Bal. due .80
1885 Tax of 1885 1.75
Oct. 31 Paid cash 1.50
2.55 1.50

July 1 Bal. due 1.05
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 56
Beck, J. N. 1875 Dr. Educ. Dr. Build. Cr. Educ. Cr. Building
To building tax 16.89 16.89
“ Educational “ 6.50
By books furnished .35
Mar. 6 “ Amt. pd. 2.38
Nov. 27 by Amt. on Chris. Larson wagon dividend 2.70
“ 22 “ hauling bricks 1.00
“ 29 “ “ lumber 4.00
Dec. 4 “ “ “ 3.00
By bal. car. down 6.93 13.43

Feb. 4th Dr. Cr.
By bal. brot. down 6.93
Feb. 10 “ la. on School house 8 hr. 1.50
“ “ “ whitewashing 2.50
“ Painting .75
“ “ table 1.00
June 1st To tax 6.42
By Amt. O. P. car. down 6.26
$12.68 $12.68

By Amt. O.P. brot. down 6.26
Dec. 29 By order to W. Griffin 4.50
“ “ “ J. H. Barker 2.37
“ “ “ P. Larson 1.12
Transfered to Page 53 1.73
7.99 7.99
Page 53 Jonas N. Beck 1877
Feb. 12 From Page 56 1.73
“ 2 To tuition fees 2.75
May 11 To tuition fees 2.17
Feb. 10 By order of Welchman on Assr. & Collector 2.75
Aug. 27 By receipt of Welchman, teacher, to Assr. & Col. 1.38
By Bal. car. down 2.42
$6.65 $6.55
Sep. 1 To Bal. Brot. down 2.42
“ “ To Tax 5.10
Dec. 31 Amount Paid by Painting cupboard 3.50 School house 1.00 4.50
Feb. 13 To tuition fees Quar. end. Feb. 13 .95
Bal. due 3.97
8.47 8.47
Feb. 14 Bal. due 3.97
Painting in School House ^ Remitted 3.97
To tax of 1878 2.65
Mary Naef school 2.00
Remitted away on a Mission [To the Southern States Mission]
Feb. 20 Tuition 3.75
March 4 Transfered to H. Sorrenson 1.00
April 29 Per J. P. Low .50
“ 30 Tuition 3.62
8.37 .50
Tax of 1880 2.20
Dec. Cash per P. Larsen .66
Dec. 17 tution 1.50
12.07 1.16
Balance due 10.91
Transfered to page 51 12.07 12.07

Page 51 J. N. Beck
Jan. 26th 1881 From page 53 10.91
Painting Black Board 1.50
“ and puting up hooks 1.00
“ Desks 3.50
mending windows 1.25
for clerk at Election .75
Feb. 4 Cash .50
April 1st 1881 Tuition 3.75
14.66 8.30

Tax of 1881 4.55
Tution quar. end. June 30 1.00
By cash 3.00
alling [?haulling] Lumber Back house [?out house] 1.75
work on out house 1.00
Mending windows 1.20
Auditing school acounts 1.00
Writing Election notices .50
Order on Store .35
2 sedar postes .50
12.91 9.30
tution quar end. Nov. 25 3.00 .50
By cash .25
[Line indicating same as above or cash] 3.00
To Page 159 15.91 13.05
Page 159 J. N. Beck 1882
July 8 transferd from page 51 2.86
“ “ Tution quar. end. June 23 1.10
Nov “ “ “ Nov. 1.40
tax of 1881 3.50
By cash 5.00
Tution quar. end. Mar. 9th 1883 6.75
By painting desks 2.00
By auditing school acount
for the year end June 30, 1882 1.00
15.61 8.00
Tution quar. end. July 1.25
for wite washing house 5.00
By wood 6.25
16.86 19.25
Tax for 1883 1.25
For painting 1.10
Cash .23
1884 18.11 20.48
By oats .65
Tution for quarter end. Feb. 4.50
22.61 21.13
Jab. Looseley tax 2.50
for painting Black Bord 2.00
25.11 23.13
By cash 2.00
25.11 25.13
Page 304 Jonas N. Beck
July 1884
Tax of 1884 1.75
Paid 1.75
For putting in window glass .20
Tutition fee quar ending Mar. 13 4.50
6.25 1.95
July Bal. due 4.30
1885 For auditing accounts 2.00
Tax of 1885 2.50
Oct. 31 Paid cash 2.75
1886 Tuition fee 2nd term 1.75
Tuition fee 3rd term 3.37
Tuition fee 4th term 2.50
Paid by C. England 2.50
14.42 7.25
July 1 Bal. due 7.17
July 12 auditing a/c 2.00

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 57
Bell, William 1875 Dr. Educ. Dr. Build. Cr. Educ. Cr. Building
To building tax 19.68
“ Education “ 6.11
By Co-op shares 7.14
“ books furnished .70
To un-pd. taxes ’74, Ed.
Tuition fee 3.75
Tax 2.85 6.60
1876 Feb. 1 By Amt. pd. on Newton Co-op 12.54
By amt. pd. on Newton Co-op. Ed 12.46
By bal. car. down .45 $13.16 $19.68 $13.16 $19.68
Feb. 4th Dr. Cr.
By bal. brot. down .45
Feb. 10 by la. on School house, 4 hrs. .75
“ 15 to amt. due on tuition fees for 3rd Qr. 3.20
June 1st To tax 6.22
To Bal. due, car’d down 8.22
$9.42 $9.42
1877 To Bal. due, Brot. down 8.22
Feb. 2 To Tuition fees .75
Mar. 26 By Bill allowed, fixing windows, window blinds & floor 4.10
May 11 To tuition fees 2.88
Aug. 27 By amt. pd. by Welchman, on bridge acc. .25
By Bal. car. to page 152 7.50
$11.85 $11.85
Page 152 Bell, Wm., Senr.
Sep. 1 To Bal. Brot. from Page 57 7.50
“ “ To tax 5.45
1878 Feb. 13 By labor 6.10
“ “ “ To tuition fees Quar. end. Feb.13th 3.00
Bal. due 9.85
$15.95 $15.95
1878 to Bal. Brot. down 9.85
Oct. per J. Griffin .75
“ 21 “ “ 2.00
To tax of 1878 2.55
Feb. 25, 1879 To tuition fees 2.30
Mary Naef School 1.00
July 4 Tuition fee 1.60
Sep. per P. Larson 1.00
Bal. due 13.55
17.30 17.30
Sep. 30 Bal. due 13.55
Tax of 1879 1.30
Nov. 28 Tuition .80

By transfer to Cris Erikson 9.00
Cash 4.00
By tax remited 2.65
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 54
Benson, Peter
1875 Dr. Educ. Dr. Build. Cr. Educ. Cr. Building
To Building tax 19.20
“ Educational “ 6.40
April 1875 By school books provided 4.00
Nov. 27 “ Chris Larson wagon dividend 1.81
Dec. 8 To unpaid Building tax .59 19.20
[blank] 19.20 $6.40 $19.20
“ “ “ bal. on Ed. T. 0.59 car. down
1876 1876 Building Dr. Cr.
Fe. 4th To unpaid tax 19.20
By Bal. on tax transferred to building acc.,as a consolidated tax .59
Feb. 10 By making 9 seats, at $3.00 each 27.00
“ repairing 2 seats 3.00
“ making 2 lamp stands & repairing slates .55
“ 6 hours work, repairing floor 1.20
By Bal. car. down 11.96
$31.75 $31.75

1876 By Bal. brot. down 11.96
June 1st To tax 12.00
To Bal. car. down 0.04
$12.00 $12.00
1876 to Bal. brot. down 0.04
Nov. 24 By wood 3.75
Dec. 29 By order to W. Griffin [blank]
Transferred to Page 52 3.71
3.75 3.75
Page 52 1876 Peter Benson Dr. Cr.
From page 54 .04
Nov. 24 By wood 3.75
Feb. 2 To tuition fees 2.85
Mar. 13 By Order of A.P. W. Teacher on Ass’r dated Mar. 5th .75
Mar. 26 By Bill allowed, for pen & pencil trays xx 2.10
May 11 To tuition fee 4.17
7.06 6.60
By Bal. car. down .46
$7.06 $7.06
Sep. 1st To Bal. Brot. down .46
“ “ to Tax 12.70
Oct. 27 By wood m’t’n mah. 206 ft (1 ½ cds. + 12 ft.) 9.70
1878 Feb. 13. To amount of the above entry as being an error 9.70
Feb. 13 By wood 4.85, La. 4.50 9.35
Order of A.P.W. Tea.[cher] .75
“ “ To tuition fees, Quar. end. Feb. 13, ’78 5.00
“ “ Knobs & Locks on cupboard .50
Bal. due 7.56
27.86 27.86
Feb. 14 Bal. due 7.56
Oct. Paid to J. Griffin 7.56
1879 To tax of 1878 6.50
Feb. 25, 1879 To tuition fees 4.40
By La., coffin, etc., A.P.W.[this teacher had a child died] 1.25
Mary Naef School 3.50
July 4 Tuition fees 4.75
“ “ Per J. H. Barker 11.40
Fire wood in 1878 6.50
19.15 19.15
Page 41 Peter Benson From Page 52
1879 To Tax of 1879 3.30
Oct. 29 Fire wood 2.65
Nov. 28 Tuition fee 3.80
Feb. 20 tuition 8.10
Repairing Benches & fixing Locks 1.50
Making 6 new Desks 10.50
Mar. 23 From J. H. B. 4.45
15.20 19.10
Tuition 8.37
Transfer from J. H. Barker 4.47 23.57 23.57

1880 Tax of 1880 6.20
Dec. 17 Tutition 6.00
Feb. 26, 1881 Cash 10.00
“ “ for fixing door and desks 0.90
Repairing door and windows 2.00
April 1st 1881 Tuition 7.00
19.21 12.90
[balance brought down] 6.31
June 30th Tution 2.60
Tax 12.30
Nov. Cash 15.90
Repairing desks .30
Puting down desks .60
Tution years end Dec. 23 2.00
23.21 16.80
Jan. 23 Puting down desk .30
“ “ mending floor and meteral [? Material] 1.00
“ “ Puting on doors loocks .25
Tution fee quarter end. Mar. 25 5.50
By over charge tax of 1881 3.50
28.71 21.85
Transferd to page 40 6.86
28.71 28.71
Page 40 Peter Benson
1882 from pag. 41 6.86
April 21 By cash 6.86
July 8 tution quar. end. June 23 3.30
By cuting wood 1.00
Tution quar. end. Nov. 1.15
Tax of 1882 7.75
7 new desks 30.00
cash 5.00
tution quar. Mar. 9th 1883 10.00
Repairing desks 6.50
27.20 37.50
Tution quar. end. July 2.50
By wood to teacher 5.00
29.70 42.50
Tax of 1883 2.50
32.20 42.50
to page 292
Page 292 Peter Benson
1884 from page 40 10.30
Mar. Tution for quarter end. Feb. 7.00
for quarter end. May 5.20
for quarter end. July 2.00
14.20 10.30
July 1884 3.90
Tax of 1884 3.80
Nov. Paid by wood 6.00
Nov. 22 Paid on school fees 8.55
Dec. 19 Tuition fee quar. ending Dec. 14 3.00
Tuition fee quart. End. Mar. 13 3.00
Tuition fee quar. end. June 5 2.57
For repairs on house & benches 4.25
16.20 18.80
Bal. to credit 2..60

July 1885
Tax of 1885 3.50
School fee term end Nov. 20 2.25
For repairing of desks 3.50
1886 For making new desks 21.00
Tuition fee 2nd term 10.25
Tuition fee 3rd term 5.25
Tuition fee 4th term 2.50
For making window sash 1.00
Transferred to P. Christensen 15.00
June 4 Paid cash 5.00
38.75 33.10
July 1 Bal. due 5.65
1886 Paid 5.65
5.65 5.65
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 39
Benson, Peter E.
1880 Dr. Cr.
Tax of 1880 .50
tax of 1881 .90
By cash 1.40
1.40 1.40
Feb. 28 wood 4.50
To cash 3.25
Cash 1.25
5.90 5.90
tax of 1882 1.00
cuting wood 1.00
6.50 6.50

tax of 1883 .40
By cash .40
.40 .40
July 1884

Page 310 P. E. Benson 1884
Tax of 1884 .70
Dec. 8 Paid cash to M. Jenkins .50
By reduction of tax .20
.70 .70

July 1885 Tax of 1885 .50
July 1 Bal. due .50
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 180
Berry, James
1878 Dr. Cr.
Feb. 13 To tax of 1877 1.00
Oct. per J. Griffin 1.00
To tax of 1878 .50
Tax of 1879 .25
May 28 whitewashing School House 7.00
Cash 1.00
Tax of 1880 .50
Cash per P. Larsen 2.35
1881 Jan. 19 cash per J. F. Jensen 1.20
5.80 7.00
1.50 [? 1.20]
Removed [written in red ink across account]
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 168
Blanchard, William
1878 Dr. Cr.
Feb. 13 To tuition fees, Quar. ending Feb. 13 4.50
By shoes 1.40, hay 3.80, pd. to teacher 5.20
Oct. 21 Transferred to J. H. Barker .70
5.20 5.20

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 200
Branson , __ ?___ [No first name listed]
1878 Dr. Cr.
To tax of 1878 1.85
By J. H. Barker 1.85

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 62
Catt, Stephen - 1875 Dr. Educ. Dr. Build. Cr. Educ. Cr. Building
To building tax 11.43
To Ed. “ 3.81
By Co-op share 11.43
“ “ “ 1.07
1876 Feb. 14 By A.P. Welchman (willows pd. to) 1.50
“ “ “ transfer from J. Griffin .50
to bal. car. down .74
$3.81 $11.43 $3.81 $11.43
1876 Building
Feb. 4th Dr. Cr.
To bal. brot. down .74 .74
June 1st To tax 5.17
Dec. 4th By amt. pd & charged to Jno. Grif.[fin] 5.17
5.91 5.91

Sep. 1st To tax 3.90
1878 Feb. 13 By labor 1.25
3.90 3.90
Feb. 14 To Bal. brot. down 2.65
Oct. To J. Griffin 2.65
1879 to tax of 1878 2.20
July 4 Tuition fee .90
Sep. per P. Larsen .90
To Tax of 1879 .85
Oct. 25 By J. H. Barker 3.05
3.95 3.95

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Page 63
Christianson, James - [Christensen] Dr. Educ. Dr. Build. Cr. Educ. Cr. Building
1875 To building tax 25.17
“ Ed. “ 7.89
Mar. by Co-op shares 25.17
“ Amt. pd. 2.64
Nov. 27 “ Amt. on Chris Larson wagon dividend .25
By Store Shares (Ed. Tax) 5.00
7.89 $25.17 $7.89 $25.17
1876 Dr. Cr.
April 15 To amt. due on tuition fees for 3rd Qr. 1.45
June 1st To tax 9.36
Nov. 25 By wood 1.55
Per J. Griffin 1.20
To Amount due, car’d down 8.06
$10.81 $10.81
To Bal. due, Brot. down 8.06
1877 Feb. 2 To tuition fees .85
Mar. 13 By order of School teacher, A.P.W. on Assr, dated Feb. 16th 6.00
Per Amt. pd. to Assr. 1.50
May 11 To tuition fees 1.25
By Bal. car’d down 2.66
$10.16 $10.16
Sep. 1 To Bal. Brot. down 2.66
“ “ To tax 6.80
Dec. 31 Paid per J. Griffin 8.51
Feb. 13 To tuition fees, Quar. end. Feb. 13 5.25
“ “ By team, 50 c; wood 4.50, shed sticks 50c: beef 35c } Pd. to
Teacher [crossed out in pencil over ink with word “Error” written and erasures in Cr. col. ]
By Bal. due Page 184 6.20
14.71 14.71

Page 184 James Christianson 1878
Feb. 14 From Page 63 6.20
Oct. per J. Griffin .25
“ “ “ 5.90
6.20 6.20

To tax of 1878 3.25
Feb. 25, 1879 To tuition fees 1.20
Pd. Teacher through T. Bates 1.20
June 30 cash per JHB 1.00
July 4 Tuition fee 1.60
Fire wood in 1878 1.65
Bal. due 2.20
6.05 6.05
Bal. due 2.20
Tax of 1879 1.30
Nov. 28 Tuition 2.30
“ 3 Loads of sand 3.00
“ Loft door 1.00
“ Hat Boards 1.50
Jan. 15 18 feet Lumber Dr. .40
Feb. 20 Tuition 3.75
Making 5 School desks @ 1.50 each 7.50
Refitting 6 desks 2.00
April 30 Tuition 1.75
11.70 15.00
Tax of 1880 2.65
Nov. 5 Fire wood 3.00
Dec. 17 Tuition .75
April 1st 1881 “ 4.00
19.10 18.00

Page 185 Jams Cristinson - [James Christensen]
from page 184 1.10
tution quarter end. June 30 1.00
tax of 1881 7.60
By cash 6.50
tuition quar. end. Dec. 23 2.20
Dec. 24 Cash 1.20
11.80 7.70
tution quar. end. Mar. 25 3.00
14.80 7.70
Cash 7.10
14.80 14.80

By tax of 1882 5.60
By wood 4.75
Cash 0.85
tution quar. end. Mar. 9th 1882 10.00
15.60 5.60
“ “ “ July 2.50
Cash 5.00
for wood 8.25
18.10 18.85
By tax 1883 2.00
20.10 18.85
By Cash 3.00
tution quarter end. Mar. 4.50
Cash 1.25
Quarter end May 3.00
Quarter end July 2.00
29.60 23.10
for sweeping house 6.00
29.60 29.10
July .50
1884 Tax of 1884 2.50
Dec. 5th Paid cash to M. Jenkins 2.50
Dec. 19 Tuition quarter ending Dec. 19 2.10
5.10 2.50
Transfered to page 326
Page 326
James Christensen 1885
Brought forward from page 185 2.60
Tuition fee quar. end. Mar. 13 4.50
Tuition fee quar. end. June 5 6.25
July Bal. due 13.35
1885 Tax of 1885 2.50
July Paid cash 2.00
Tuition fee 1st term 2.25
Nov. 3 Paid cash 2.50
Nov. 3 Paid tax 2.50
Nov. 21 Paid cash 2.25
By overcharging School fees 2.50
1886 Paid by Wm. Jensen 1.00
Tuition fee 2nd term 6.90
Tuition fee 3rd term 4.25
Feb. 10 Paid cash 5.35
29.50 18.10
July 1 Bal. due 11.40
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 66
Christianson, L. N. - [Christensen] Dr. Educ. Dr. Build. Cr. Educ. Cr. Building
1875 To Build. tax 9.45
“ Ed. “ 3.15
By Co-op shares by C. Anderson 9.45
Mar. 18 “ Amt. pd. 2.23
Nov. 8 “ “ “ 1.10
Bal. O.P. on Ed. Tax .18 car. down .
$3.33 $9.45 $3.33 $9.45
1876 Dr. Cr.
Jan. 1st By Bal. brot. down (Ed. tax) 1.00 [?]
“ Amt. O.P. in 1874 .18
June 1st To tax 4.10
Nov. 28 To Bal. car’d down 2.92
$4.10 $4.10
Nov. 28 To Bal. Brot. down 2.92
Dec. 18 By cash 1.00
Feb. 9 By Amt. pd. to [blank] 1.92
2.92 2.92
Sep. 1 To tax 4.10
Dec. Per J. Griffin 4.10

1878 To tax of 1878 2.40
1880 To tax of 1879 1.15
Jan. 14 Charged to P. Larsen 2.00
Feb. 22 Tuition of Peter Steffenson .35
3.90 2.00
Tax of 1880 2.20
Jan. 28 Cash per J. Jenkins 1.00
Paid in store .60
6.10 3.60

Per A. tefenson .50 Remited [Per Albert Steffemson see p. 155] 2.00 2.00
Tax of 1881 4.70
By Cash 4.70
6.70 6.70
Page 65 N. L. Cristisen - [L. N. Christensen]
Tax of 1882 3.75
Cash 3.75
tution quar. end. Mar. 4th 1883 2.00
Cash 2.00

tax of 1882 rrer [? Error] 2.50
tution for quarter end. Feb. 2.75
B___ G____ [ ? two words in large letters indecipherable]

Page 282 L. N. Christenson - [L.N. Christensen]
for tax of 1883 1.25
Cash 1.00
for Quarter end. July 1.00
By cash 1.00
2.25 2.00
July Due to Trustees .25
1884 Tax of 1884 2.00
Paid cash to M. Jenkins 1.00
Dec. 19 Tuition, quarter end. Dec. 19 1.50
Tuition fee quar. end. June 5 1.25
Paid cash 1.50
Paid cash 1.00
5.00 3.50
Paid cash 1.50 1.25
July Bal. due .25
1885 Tax of 1885 1.50
1886 Tuition fee 1st term 1.50
Paid 3.25
Tuition fee 4th term 2.50
May 18 Paid cash 3.75
5.75 7.00
July 1 Bal. to credit 1.25
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 135
Christiansen, L. P. - [Christensen, Lars Peter]
1876 Dr. Cr.
June 1 To tax .75
By work on chimney .75
.75 .75
Feb. 2 To tuition fees .70
Mar. 13 By order of A.P.W. Teacher On Assr. , dated Feb. 14th .70
May 11 To tuition fees 2.00

Feb. 20 By order on A. P. Welchman 2.40
By transfer to H.C. Hansen .45
Removed $3.15 $3.15
Tax of 1877 .65 [crossed out]
To tax of 1878 on lot

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 117
Christiansen, Peter - [Christensen, Peter]
1876 Dr. Cr.
Apr. 15 To tuition fees due for 3rd Qr. 2.12
June 1st To tax 14.25
Dec. 4 By cash 12.00
To Amt. unpd. , car’d down 4.37
$16.37 $16.37
To Amt. Brot. down 4.37
Feb. 2 To tuition fees 1.60
Mar. 13 By Order of A.P.W. School Teacher, on Assr., dated Mar. 13 1.52
1877 May 11 To tuition fees 3.00
June 23 By J. Griffin 5.00
Sept. By Amt. pd. J. G. Assr. & Col. 2.45
8.97 8.97
Sep. 1 To tax 9.10
Feb. 13 By cash 5.00
“ “ To tuition fees, Quar. end. Feb. 13, 1878 2.85
Bal. due 6.95
$11.95 $11.95
1878 To Bal. Brot. down 6.95
Oct. Paid per J. Griffin 6.95
Oct. 21 P [remainder blank]

To tax of 1878 5.20
Feb. 25th 1879 To tuition fee 1.90 A
July 2 Per P. Larsen cash 1.00 B
“ 4 Tuition fee 1.00 B
Sep. Per P. Larsen 1.90 A
To tax of 1879 2.20
Nov. 28 Tuition 1.10 C
Dec. 12 To P. Larsen 1.10 C
“ “ cutting one cord of wood 2.00
carried to Page 200 5.50
$11.40 $11.40
Page 200
Peter Christenson/Christensen [Name spelled both ways on same page.]
1880 From Page 117 5.50
Feb. 20 Tuition 2.50 D
April 30 Tuition 1.75
March 30 Per P. Larsen 2.50 D
Tax of 1880 4.80
Dec. 17 tuition 2.25
Dec. 31 By cash to J. Griffin 8.80
April 1st 1881 Tuition 2.50
By cash 2.50
$19.30 $13.80
tution quar. end. June 30 1.75
By cash 1.75
tax of 1881 10.20
Cash 10.20
tution quar. end. Dec. 23 2.50
tution quar. end. Mar. 25 4.50
July 8 24.45 11.95
“ “ By tax of 1878 remited 5.50
“ “ tution quar. end. June 23 2.20
26.65 17.45
Cash 9.20
1882 26.65 26.65

tution quar. end. Nov. 3.60
tax of 1882 7.40
Cash 5.85
tution quar. end. Mar. 9th 1883 6.00
16.00 5.85
tution quar. end. July 3.75
By cash 13.50
19.75 19.35
tax of 1883 2.30

Page 201 Peter Christinson - [Peter Christensen]
From Page 200 2.70
by cash .40
Tution quarter end. Feb. 6.00
“ “ “ “ 1.50
for quarter end. May 5.75
for quarter end. July 3.25
19.20 .40

July $18.80
1884 Tax of 1884 3.50
Dec. 15 Paid by J. Seiter 2.00
By choping wood 1883 .50
Nov. 19 By cash 10.00
Dec. 19 Tuition fee quarter ending Dec. 19 3.90
Nov. 22 Paid by P. Benson 4.45
Paid to W. H. Griffin 4.00
Tuition fee quar. end. Mar. 13 7.20
Tuition fee quar. end. June 5 1.20
34.60 20.95
July 1885 Bal. due 13.65
Brought to page 360
Page 360 Peter Christensen 1885
Brought from page 201 13.65
Tax of 1885 3.50
Tuition fee 1st term 3.00
Paid cash 3.00
1886 Tuition fee 2nd term 6.40
Transfered from P. Benson’s act. 15.00
26.55 18.00
July 1 Bal. due 8.55
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 61
Clarke, Amos 1875 Dr. Educ. Dr. Build. Cr. Educ. Cr. Building
To building tax 24.66
“ Ed. “ 8.22
Mar. 10 By Co-op share 24.66
“ “ “ “ “ 1.76
April “ books furnished .90
Nov. 27 “ Amt. on Chris. Larson wagon dividend 4.34
1876 Feb. 14 By Blacksmith bill (ceiling hks., stove pipe & ax[)] 1.22
Feb. 14 $8.22 $24.66 $8.22 $24.66
[Dr.] [Cr.]
Feb. 10 By la. On School House, 4 hrs. .50
June 1st To tax 9.36
Nov. 15 By wood 1.75
“ 25 By receipt of Treas. of Trustees charged to U.O., pr. Teacher Welchman, No.1 3.00
Nov. 28 To Bal. car’d down 4.11
$9.36 $9.36
Nov. 28 To Bal. Brot. down 4.11
Feb. 2 To tuition fees 5.30
Mar. 13 By orders of A.P.W. Teacher on Ass’r, One dated Nov. 25, ’76 3.00
“ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Jan. 22, ’77 .70
Mar. 26 To Amt. twice credited, Error 3.00
May 11 To tuition fees 5.17
Oct. 1 by order on A. P. Welchman 9.30
Sep. 1 To tax 4.00
Feb. 13 To tuition fees, Quar. end. Feb. 13, ’78 3.85
“ “ By tuition fees of E. Clark, Pd. to Tea.[cher] 2.00
Bal. due Page 60 10.43 .
25.43 25.43
Page 60 Amos Clarke 1878
Feb. 14 Bal. due from Page 61 10.43
Oct. per J. Griffin 1.10
Per J. Griffin 9.33
10.43 10.43

To tax of 1878 3.60
Feb. 25, 1879 To tuition fees 3.00
“ 28 by blacksmithing .25
July 4 Tutition fee 2.15
Sep. per P. Larsen 3.00
Bal. 5.50
8.75 8.75
Sep. 30 Bal. due 5.50
Tax if 1879 1.80
Nov. 28 Tuition fee 1.90
By Payment to U.O. Foundry 9.00
Feb. 20 Tuition 4.65
13.85 9.00
April 30 Tuition 2.90
May 28 per P. Larsen 5.00
16.75 14.00
Oct. 10 Transfered from P. Larsen 2.25
Tax of 1880 4.50 3.00
Dec. 24 Cash per J. Griffin 2.00
Qtr. end Dec. Tuition 1.25
Mar. Cash 2.00
April 1st 1881 tuition 3.75
26.25 23.25
1880 3.00
Cash 1.50
Transferd to page 179
Page 179 Amos Clark [Amos Clarke]
1881 from Page 60 1.50
tution quarter end. June 30 1.00
tax of 1881 8.65
tution fee quar. end. dec. 23 2.00
Dec. Cash 3.00
Jan. 2, 1882 By transfer from J. Griffin 2.90
Feb. 21 13.15 5.90
“ “ to cash 5.00
“ tution quar. end. Mar. 25 3.00
Cash 5.00
July 8 Tution quarter end. June 23 1.50
17.65 15.90
Cash 1.75
17.65 17.65
tution quar. end. Nov. 1.40
tax of 1882 6.65
By cash 1.25
“ wood 3.00
Cash 10.00
Tution quar. end. Mar. 9th 1883 6.50
14.55 14.25
“ “ “ July 2.50
Cash 2.95
17.05 17.20
tax of 1883 2.20
By cash 5.00
Tution quarter end. Mar. 4.50
By cash 0.00 1.55
23.75 23.75
for quarter end. May 4.00
For quarter end. July 2.00
By cash 6.00.
6.00 6.00
July 1884
Page 311 Amos Clarke
Tax of 1884 3.00
Dec. 9 Paid cash to M. Jenkins 3.00
Dec. 19 Tuition fee quar. end. Dec. 19 3.00
Tuition fee quar. end. Mar. 13 3.00
Paid by R. Fife .50
Tuition fee quar. end. June 5 1.25
10.25 3.50
July Bal. due 6.75
1885 Paid cash 6.75
Tax of 1885 3.00
Tuition fee 1st term 3.00
Paid by C. England 6.00
1886 Tuition fee 2nd term 6.65
Paid by C. England 6.65
Tuition fee 3rd term 4.50
Tuition fee 4th term 3.75
Paid by C. England 8.25.
27.65 27.65
1886 July 1 [blank]

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 67
Clemenson, H. P. Dr. Educ. Dr. Build. Cr. Educ. Cr. Building
1875 To build. Tax 7.19
“ Ed. “ 2.56
By amt. pd. to Co-op 1.81
By Co-op shares by Jens Christianson 7.19
Nov. 27 “ Amt. on Chris Larsen wagon dividend 0.75
$2.56 $7.19 $2.56 $7.19
1876 Dr. Cr.
June 1st To tax 3.05
Paid J. Griffin 3.05

Sep. 1 To tax 2.80
Feb. 13 By Order (V) of School teacher 2.80
2.80 2.80
To tax of 1878 1.15
To tax of 1879 .60
Jan. 14 Charged to P. Larsen 1.75
1.75 1.75

Oct. 10 Paid to P. Larsen 1.15
Tax of 1880 1.55
Paid in cash .33
1.55 1.55

tax of 1881 2.45
By cash 2.45
Tax of 1882 3.00
Cash 0.00 3.00
Tax of 1883 1.00
Cash 1.00

Page 308
H. P. Clemensen 1884
Tax of 1884 1.50
Oct. Paid 1.50
July 1.50 1.50
Tax of 1885 1.00
Paid cash 1.00
1.00 1.00
July 1

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 64
Curtis, Foster 1875 Dr. Educ. Dr. Build. Cr. Educ. Cr. Building
1875 By Build. tax pd. 39.72
To Ed. “ 13.24
To Build “ 39.72
Mar. 10 By Co-op shares .28
Apr. “ books furnished .90
Nov. 1 “ Amt. paid 4.00
“ 29 “ hauling lumber 4.00
Dec. 4 “ “ “ 3.00
1876 Jan. 6 by “ “ (100ft. for desks) .75
To bal. car down .31
$13.24 $39.72 $13.24 $39.72

Dr. Cr.
Feb. 4th To bal. brot. down .31
Nov. 1st, ’76 By Bills allowed: Wintering two steers 2.75
Herd bill for the same 1.75
June 1st To tax 9.42
Nov. 28 To Bal. car’d down 5.23
$9.73 $9.73
Nov. 28 To Bal. Brot. down 5.23
Dec. 1 By wood, m.m. 65 ft. 2.05
By feeding stock 4.50
By Bal O. P. car’d down 1.32
$6.55 $6.50 [?]
Feb. 2 To Tuition fees 1.45
By Amt. pd. to Assr. 1.45
Mar. 26 To Amt. twice credited 4.50
“ “ By Bill allowed, for writing desk 1.50
May 11 To tuition fees 2.92
Aug. 27 By amt. pd. by A.P.W. on S.L. temple as pr. receipt to
Assr. & Col. 2.92
By Bal. car’d to Page 154 3.00
$8.87 $8.87
Page 154 Curtis, Foster 1877
1877 Sep. 1 To Bal. Brot from page 64 3.00
Sep. 1 To tax 6.10
1878 Tax Remitted 3.00
Feb. 13 To tuition fees, Quar. end. Feb. 13 5.06
Oct. per J. Griffin 5.00
“ “ “ “ cash & order 6.15
To tax of 1878 4.15
Feb. 25th 1879 To tuition fees 2.90
Pd. Teacher, milk 1.00, La. 1.25 2.25
July 4 Tuition fee 1.00
June 29 Paid in Store 1.00
Sep. per P. Larsen .60
Bal. due 4.21
22.21 22.21
Sep. 25 Bal. unpaid 1878 4.21
“ “ Fire wood 1879 2.60
Tax of 1879 2.10
Fire wood in 1878 3.75
Building School Bridge 1.00
Nov. 30 Tuition fee 2.50
“ “ cash to JHB 1.46
8.81 8.81
Feb. 20 Tuition 5.00
Making 2 school desks @ 1.50 each 3.00
April 30 Tuition 3.25
May 28 per P. Larsen 1.30
8.25 4.30
Tax of 1880 3.50
Oct. 29 Fire wood 2.25
One Fourth Reader .50
Cash to J. Griffin 2.00
Tuition fees 1.75
14.00 8.55
see Page 155) Balens. Due, 5.45 [Foster Curtis died in April of 1880]
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 155
Curtis, Clarise - [widow of Foster Curtis]

From page 154 5.45
By Albert Stefensen 1.50
Feb. 26 Per Store order 2.50
April 1st 1881 Tuition 2.50
Cash 2.50
7.95 6.50
By over charge .45
7.95 6.95
Cash per P. L Nelson 1.00
Tax of 1881 5.90
By haling [hauling] lumber 0.75
Dec. Cash 5.15
tution quar. end. Dec. 23 1.50
1882 Mar. 3 8.40 6.80
Mar. 3 Cash per Mrs. Crocket 1.50
1882 tution fees quar. end. Mar. 25 4.40
April 20 Cash per Mrs Crocket 4.50
July 8 tution quar. end. June 1.10
13.90 12.80
Cash 1.10
13.90 13.90
tution quarter end. Nov. .40
tax of 1882 4.25
By wood to teacher 4.00
Tution quar. end. Mar. 9th 1883 4.00
Cash 4.65
22.55 22.55
tution quar. end. July .60
tax of 1883 1.30
By Cash 1.50 1.50
By Store pay 1.50
Tution quarter end. Feb. 3.00
Quarter end May 1.00
5.90 3.00
[see] Page 301
Page 301
Clarisa Curtis
From Page 155 2.90
Paid 2.90
2.90 2.90
1884 Tax of 1884 2.00
Nov. Paid by wood 2.00
Tuition fee quart. End. Mar. 13 .60
2.60 2.00
July Bal. due .60
1885 Tax of 1885 2.00
Dec. 1 Paid 2.60
1886 Tuition fee 2nd term 3.25
Feb. 15 Paid cash 3.00
5.85 5.60
July 1 Bal. due .25
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 65
Curtis, Hyrum 1875 Dr. Educ. Dr. Build. Cr. Educ. Cr. Building
1875 To build. Tax 29.34
“ Ed. “ 9.78
Mar. 10 By Co-op shares 29.34
“ “ “ “ “ 2.44
Apr. By books, etc. furnished 2.40
To un pd. tax ’74, Ed. This acc. (Excepting the $7.22 below
“ tax 5.00 was canceled, as being a bad egg,
“ fees 13.10 { 6.25 Nov. 1st, 1876. See minutes.
“ house rent 1.85
Dec. 9 by Amt. pd. (1872) to apply on fee and on Ed. Tax [erasures]
“ 25 by Amt. remitted by Board of ’74 [erasures]
1876 5.00 [lined out]
Feb. 10 by la. On School house, 8hrs. 1.50 [lined out]
Dr. Cr.
Apr. 15 to Amt. due on tuition fees for 3rd Qr., ending Mar. 22nd 7.22
June 1st To tax 12.28
Car’d to page 143
Page 143
Curtis, Hyrum 1877
Brot. from page 65 19.50
Feb. 2 Tuition fees, Qr. end. Feb. 2 2.85
Mar. 13 By order of J. H. Barker on Co-op. accepted by Assr.
& dated Mar. 10th, ’77 5.00
Mar. 26 By order on Assr. To Mar. 13, for Amt. pd. to Tea. [cher] 2.85
May 11 To tuition fees 1.10
Aug. 27 by amt. pd. as pr. receipt to J. Griffin .75
Sep. 1 By Bal. Car’d down 14.85
$23.45 $23.45
Sep. 1 To Bal. Brot. down 14.85
To 1878 Tax 9.15
Oct. per J. Griffin 20.60
“ “ 3.40
24.00 24.00
To Tax of 1878 3.00
Feb. 25, 1879 To Tuition fee 2.30
“ “ “ Pd. Teacher, herbs 1.30, wine [blank] 1.30
July 4 Tuition fee 2.05
Sep. per P. Larsen 1.00
Bal. due 5.05
7.35 7.35
Sep. 30 Bal. due 5.05
Tax of 1879 2.20
Nov. 29 By cash to J. P. Lowe 5.00
“ 30 “ J. P. Low 3.50
" 28 Tuition 1.90
Feb. 28 Tuition 3.75
12.90 8.50
April 30 Tuition 3.00
15.90 8.50
[see] Page 38
Page 38
Hyrum Curtis 1880
From Page 143 7.40
Tax of 1880 4.50
To P. Larsen 5.00
Dec. 14 Tuition 1.85
Feb. 10 in store order 5.00
April 1st 1881 Tuition 2.50
“ “ “ Cash 6.26
16.25 16.25

Tax of 1881 8.10
Tution quar. end. June 30 1.50
Bilding [building] fence around out ouse [out house] 5.00
9 seder posts at .25 each 2.25
By cash 3.85
By rent of house 1.50
tution quar. end. Dec. 23 1.50
1882 Mar. 3 Cash per M. Crocket 1.50
tution fees quar. end. Mar. 25 4.50
Apr. 20 Cash per Mrs. Crocket 4.50
6.00 6.00
July 2 tution quar. end. June 23 1.10
Cash 1.10
7.10 7.10

tution quar. end. Nov. .80
tax if 1882 7.50
wood 8.00
tution quar. end. Mar. 9th 1883 5.00
1883 13.30 8.00
“ “ “ July 1.25
Sep. Cash per Mrs. Crocket 6.55
14.55 14.55

tax of 1883 2.50
1884 Paid cash 1.50
to Page 290
Page 290
Hyrum Curtis
From Page 38 1.00
Tution quarter end. Feb. 2.50
July $3.50
Taxes 6.00
Dec. 19 Tuition fee quar. end. Dec. 19 4.35
Paid cash 2.85
Tuition fee quar. end Mar. 12 4.50
Paid by order from M. Crocket 13.50
Paid cash 2.00
Tuition for quar. [blank]
18.35 18.35
1885 Tax of 1885 3.75
School fee 2nd term 5.25
Paid school fees 5.25
1886 Tuition fee 2nd term 6.15
Tuition fee 3rd term 1.12
May 14 Paid 11.15
16.27 16.40
July 1 Bal. to credit .13
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 68
Co-op Store, Newton 1875
1875 Dr. Ed. Cr. Build. Cr.
To build. Tax 15.00 15.00
“ Ed. “ [blank]
1876 Dr. Cr.
Feb. 10 by nails furnished, 7 lb. . 70
Nov. 28 To Acc. car’d to U.O. Acc., p. 115 .70
.70 .70
Sep. 1 To tax 17.00
Transfered to U. O. Page 115 17.00
Page 115
United Order
1876 Dr. Cr.
Feb. 10 by lumber furnished, 45 ft. 1.35
June 1st To Tax 42.25
Nov. 20 By Order on Treasurer of Newton U. O 42.25
By Bal. Car. down 1.35
$43.60 $43.60
June 1st To Tax 42.15
Nov. 1st By Treasurer’s Order No. 107 42.15
$42.15 $42.15
Nov. 28 By Cr. Brot. from Co-op Store Acc.,
now closed, see p. 68 .70
Feb. 11 Tax of 1877 17.00
Oct. to J. Griffin 17.00
1879 To tax of 1878 on Co-op. 4.00
June 30 By a/c in Store 4.00
1879 To Tax 2.00
Dec. 1 By a/c in Store 2.00
Tax of 1880 4.00
Nov. 15 To J.H.B. 4.00
tax of 1881 9.00
By cash 9.00
tax of 1882 7.00
Cash 7.00
tax of 1883 Paid 2.00 2.00

Page 319 Newton Co-op. Store
Tax of 1884 2.50
Paid cash 2.00
July Bal. due .50
Tax of 1885 2.00
Paid by Wm. Griffin 2.50
July 1 2.50 2.50
1886 July 1st
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Page 202
Durrant, Stephen 1878
1878 Dr. Cr.
To tax of 1878 .55
Feb. 25, 1879 To tuition fee .30
Tax of 1879 .30
Tax of 1880 .55
Remited 1.70 1.70
Removed [written in red ink across account]

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Page 358
Eklun, E - [Ecklund] - 1885 Dr. Cr.

Tax of 1885 1.00
Sept. 28 Paid cash 1.00
100 1.00
1886 July 1st

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 128
Erkson, Ludvic
1876 Dr. Cr.
June 1 To tax 10.80
Dec. 14 By wood, m.m., 34 ft. 1.60
“ 4 By Amt. pd. & charged to Jno. Griffin 3.00
“ 12 “ Receipt of J. H. Barker 6.00
To Amt. unpd., car’d down .20
$10.80 $10.80
Brot. down .20
Feb. 2 To tuition fees .70
May 11 “ “ “ 1.26
Aug. 27 By order of Welchman, teacher, on Assr. & Col. 1.68
By Bal. Car’d down .48
$2.16 $2.16
Sep. 1 To Bal. Brot. down .48
“ “ To Tax 7.40
Paid per J. Griffin 7.40
Bal. due .48
$7.88 $7.88
Feb. 14 Bal. due .48
Oct. to J. Griffin .20
Remitted on a/c of error somewhere .28
.48 .48

To tax of 1878 4.20
Feb. 25th 1879 To tuition fee .50
July 4 Tuition fee 1.30
July 20 cash per P. Larsen 1.80
To tax of 1879 1.90
Nov. 13 200 feet flooring @ 2 ¼ 4.50
“ “ 39 “ sheeting .60
Nov. 30 By J. P. Low 1.00
7.90 7.90
Page 37 Ludvig Erkson 1880
tax of 1880 4.15
Dec. 24 Cash to J. Griffin 6.50
quar. end. Dec. Tuition Fees 2.00
“ “ April 1st “ “ 1.00
[blank] 1.00
7.15 7.50
June 30 tution 1.75
Tax of 1881 8.10
Cash .75
tution quar. end. Dec. 23 2.00
11.85 1.10
tution quar. end. Mar. 25 1.40
By cuting fire wood 1.50
Wood 9.00
Cash 6.00
19.25 11.60
July 8 tution quar end June 23 2.00
“ “ transferd from P. Larsen 1.50
“ “ for services truste 12.00
22.75 23.60
tution quar. end. Nov. 2.80
tax of 1882 7.60
auling [hauling] desks and stove from Logan 4.50
services truste 7.00
35.15 35.10
tution quar. end. July 2.50
35.65 35.10
to page 283
Page 283 L. Erickson
from Page 37 .55
Tax of 1883 2.50
Tution quarter end. Feb. 3.00
for quarter end. May 1.50
for quarter end. July 2.00
for services 12.00
9.55 12.00
July 2.45
1884 Tax of 1884 3.95
Tuition fee quart. Mar. 13 1.50
Dec. 19 Tuition fee quar. ending Dec. 19 1.50
Tuition fee quar. end. June 5 1.00
7.25 2.45
July Bal. due 4.80
1885 Tax of 1885 2.00
1886 Tuition fee 1st term .75
Feb. 10 Paid by M. Jenkins 2.15
7.55 2.15
July 1 Bal. due 5.40
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Page 306
Fuglesang, A. J.
Dr. Cr.
July 1884 Tax of 1884 2.00
Dec. 19 Tuition fee, quar. end. Dec. 19 1.50
Paid cash .14
Tuition fee quar. end. June 5 1.00
Paid cash 1.36
4.50 1.50
July Bal. due 3.00
1885 Tax of 1885 2.00
Paid by Store order 2.00
Paid cash 3.00
1886 Tuition fee 2nd term 1.75
Tuition fee 3rd term 2.25
Feb. 15 Paid 1.75
June 21 Paid 2.25
9.00 9.00
July 1 1886

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 305
Funk, Hans
Dr. Cr.
July 1884 3.00
Tax of 1884 2.50
Paid 2.50
Dec. 19 Tuition fee, quar. ending Dec. 19 4.50
Paid cash 3.00
Tuition fee quar. end. Mar. 13 4.50
Tuition fee quar. end. June 5 2.50
17.00 5.50
July Bal. due 11.50
1885 Tax of 1885 1.75
Tuition fee term end. No. 20 4.50
Paid cash 6.00
1886 Tuition fee 2nd term 4.90
Tuition fee 3rd term 2.25
Tuition fee 4th term 3.75
Feb. 9 Paid cash 8.00
28.65 14.00
July . Bal. due 14.65
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Page 75
Goodsell, Alfred 1874 Dr. Educ. Dr. Build. Cr. Educ. Cr. Building
To Build. Tax 6.18 [Entire section lined out in red ink with the
“ Ed. “ 0.26 following notation.]
1875 To Build. “ 7.20 “Cancelled entire Nov. 1, ’76 No force”
“ Ed. “ 2.40
$2.66 $13.38
Page 160 Alferd Goodsel - [Alfred Goodsell]
1882 Dr. Cr.
July 8 tution quar. end. June 23 2.20
“ “ “ Nov. 2.00
Cash 4.20
1883 tution quar. end. July 3.75
for cleaning hous[e] 1.50
Cash .50
Cash 2.00
Quarter end. May 1.50
9.45 8.20

Page 307 Alfred Goodsell
July 1.25
1884 Tax of 1884 .25
July Bal. due 1.50
1885 Tax of 1885 .50
1886 For cleaning stove pipe .70
Tuition fee 3rd term 1.12
Tuition fee 4th term 1.25
4.37 .70
July 1 Bal. due 3.67
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 375
Goodsell, Charles - 1886
Dr. Cr.
Tuition fee 2nd Term 2.00
Tuition fee 3rd Term 1.72
Tuition fee 4th Term 5.00
For repairing outhouses 6.00
Received cash 3.75 .
11.87 6.00
1886 July 1st Bal. Due 5.87

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 73
Griffin, John 1875 Dr. Educ. Dr. Build. Cr. Educ. Cr. Building
1875 To build. Tax 25.50
“ Ed. “ 8.50
By Co-op shares & cash 25.50
Nov. 27 “ Amt. on Chris Larson wagon dividend 4.10
1876 Feb. 14 To Transfer, favor of S. Cat .50
“ “ By lumber pd. 4.49
To Bal. on Education tax .41
$9.00 $25.50 $9.00 $25.50
1876 Dr. Cr.
By bal. transfered to consolidated tax .41
Feb. 10 by lumber furnished, 41 ft. 1.25
By Bal. car. down .84
$1.25 $1.25
By Bal. brot. down .84
Nov. 1st By Bills allowed Services as Ass. & Col. (for 1875) 10.00
June 1st To Tax 8.10
Nov. 20 To Amt. transfered to credit of Jens Hanson 4.82*
“ “ “ “ “ “ Tom Bates 1.75*
Nov. 20 By book furnished 1.25 correct
Dec. 4 To Amt. transfered fav. of S. Catt 5.17*
“ “ “ “ “ “ “ L. Erkson 3.00*
* [crossed out and amounts not firgured in totals]
1877 For Fruit Trees 5.00
Mar. 13 By hauling shade trees 2.00
Feb. 2 To tuition fees, Qr. end. Feb. 2 .35
Feb. 9 By Amt. pd. to Teacher, A.P.W. 1.75
13.45 15.84
Transfered to Assessor a/c 2.39
` 15.84 15.84
[To] Page 150 [ This reference is in error as pages 150 &151 are the accounts of the Assessor and . Collecter. John Griffin was serving in this capacity at the time. The $2.39 transfer . to the Assessor ‘s account is found on page 136 under the date of March 26, 1877.
John Griffin’s personal account takes up again on page 170.]
Page 170
Griffin, John 1878
Feb. 13 To tuition fees Quar. ending Feb. 13 1.12
“ “ By plow team to Teacher .50
$1.12 $1.12
1878 To Bal. Brot. down .62
Tax of 1877 9.45
Per J. Griffin 10.07
10.07 10.07

To tax of 1878 3.85
Feb. 25, 1879 To tuition fee 2.00
July 4 Tuition fee 2.40
Sep. per P. Larsen 2.00
Wood in 1878 2.25
Tax of 1879 2.00
Nov. 30 per P. Larsen 2.00
“ “ Rock for filling on S. House 2.00
“ 28 Tuition 2.00
Dec. 1 Cash to J. H. B. 2.00
Feb. 20 Tuition 2.50
14.75 10.25
April 30 Tuition 3.25
March 30 Per P. Larsen 4.50
May 28 Per P. Larsen 3.25
18.00 18.00

Tax of 1880 3.50
Nov. 20 cash to P. Larsen 3.50
Dec. 17 tuition 4.50
April 1st 1881 “ 3.50
11.50 3.50
for services as truste 15.50
11.50 19.00
Page 171 Griffin, John
transfered from J. Loosli 1.00
“ “ J. Siter 2.35
from Page 170 7.50
tution quar. end. June 30 3.00
tax of 1881 6.75
tution quarter end. Dec. 23 2.20
Dec. 28 transfered to A. Clark 2.90
By cuting wood 1.00
18.50 8.50
tution quar. end. Mar. 25 3.00
July 8 tution quar. end. June 23 2.10
“ “ for services trust. 12.00
“ “ Cash 2.80
23.30 23.30
tution quar end. Mar .40
tax of 1882 5.00
tution quar. Mar. 9th 1883 6.75
By cuting wood 2.00
Service as truste 7.00
Cash 3.15
12.15 12.15

tution quar. end. July 1.80
for services 1.80
tax of 1883 1.70
By cash 2.25
tution Quarter end. Mar. 4.50
for quarter end. May 2.25
for quarter end. July 2.00
12.25 4.05
July 1 Paid by W. Griffin 8.20
Carried to Page 302
Page 302 John Griffin
From Page 171
July 1884 Tax of 1884 2.50
Nov. 21st Paid by wood 5.00
Dec. 19 Tuition fee, quar. ending Dec. 19 3.15
Tuition fee quar. ending Mar. 13 4.50
Paid by R. Fife .50
Tuition fee quar. end. June 5 2.50
Paid cash 3.30
12.65 8.80
July Bal. due 3.85
1885 School tax 1885 2.50
School fee 1st term Nov. 20 3.00
Paid by Order on N. Store 9.35
1886 Tuition fee 2nd term 2.90
Tuition fee 3rd term 4.50
Tuition fee 4th term 1.25
Feb. 22 Paid 2.85
June 4 Paid 5.00
18.00 17.20
July 1 Bal. due .80
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 40
Griffin, Orson
1879 Dr. Cr.
Tax of 1879 .50
Oct. 22 By cash paid in Store 17.90
“ 23 cash to O.G. [?Orson Griffin] 5.00
Fire wood .25
Dec. 2 from John Jenkins 5.90
By 270 square yards pointing on School house @ 11 c. yard 29.74
Laying Rock in 2 windows 2.00
Plastering Black Board 1.00
White washing House 3.00
Dec. 2 From J. H. Barker .44
Paid on Store 5.75
35.60 [?] 35.60 [?]
Tax of 1880 .50
Oct. To P. Larsen .50

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 74
Griffin, William 1875 Dr. Educ. Dr. Build. Cr. Educ. Cr. Building
1875 To build. Tax 20.19 20.19
“ Ed. tax 6.73
Nov. 27 by amt. on Chris. Larsen wag. Div. 2.90
By amt. pd. to Newton Co-op 3.83
$6.73 $20.19 $6.73 $20.19
1876 Dr. Cr.
Feb. 10 To bal. [lined out] car’d down 3.83
“ “ by lum. Furnished, 60 ft. 1.80
Error in entrye
Feb. 10 by lum. Furnished, 60 ft. 1.80
June 1st To tax 7.78
Nov. 28 To Bal. car’d down 5.98
$7.78 $7.78
Nov. 28 To Bal. Brot. down, 5.98
“ 27 By wood 1.48
Dec. 29 Transfer from J. N. Beck 4.50
$5.98 $5.98
Feb. 2 To tuition fees .35
Charge Jno. Griffin .35
35c. 35 c.
May 11 To tuition fees .42
Sep. 1 To Tax 5.50
Paid to J. Griffin 1.98
Feb. 13 To tuition, Quar. end. Feb. 13, 1878, 1.36
“ “ Mutton, pd. to Teacher Error [written over entry with no figure entries]
Per J. Griffin 5.30
7.28 7.28
[to] page 198
Page 198 Griffin, Wm. H. 1878
From page 74
To tax of 1878 2.20
Feb. 25th 1879 To tuition fee 1.00
June 30 Pay on Store Book a/c 1.50
July 4 Tuition fee .90
Oct. 3 By one sheep to JHB @ 5 c. lb. 2.85
Tax of 1879 1.10
Oct. 25 one sheep to JHB 2.50
Nov. 28 Tuition 1.90
Dec. 1 Pay a/c in Store .25
7.10 7.10
Feb. 20 Tuition 1.12
April 30 Tuition 1.25
June 7th in Store a/c 2.37
Tax of 1880 2.85
Nov. 16 cash to JHB 2.85
Dec. 17 Tuition 3.00
Dec. “ Per James Langton 25.00
By Store on order 5.00
April 1st 1881 Tuition 2.50
15.72 30.22
tution quar. end. June 30 1.00
tax of 1881 6.15
tution quar. end Dec. 23 1.00
Per Store holder 9.00
Puting up fence round out ouse [house] 4.00
17.15 18.50
tution quar. end. Mar. 25 1.50
1882 Cash 1.50
July 8 tution quarter end. June 1.10 19.75 20.00
Tution “ “ Nov. 2.40
Cash 2.15
22.15 22.15
Page 300 [This directive should have come after the entries on page 199]
Page 199 W. H. Griffin
By tax of 1882 4.25
Tution quarter end. Mar. 9th, 188 [?1883] 4.50
Cash 4.50
for services as truste 7.00
8.75 11.50
tution quar. end. July 1.00
9.75 11.50
tax of 1883 1.40
tution quarter end. Mar. 3.00
for quarter end. May 2.25
for quarter end. July 1.00
17.40 11.50
for services 6.00
17.40 17.50
July 1884 [blank]

Page 300 Wm. H. Griffin
1884 From Page 198
Tax of 1884 2.50
Dec. 19 Tuition fee quar. ending Dec. 19 1.50
Tuition fee quar. end. June 5 1.00
Paid 10.00
Tuition fee, quar. end. Mar. 13 4.50
For services as trustee 7.00
9.50 17.00
July Bal. to credit 7.50
1885 School tax 1885 2.50
Tuition fee term end. Nov. 20 1.50
Transfered to Newton store act. 2.50
1886 Tuition fee 2nd term 1.00
Tuition fee 3rd term 4.50
Tuition fee 4th term 1.25
Paid by Bal. due on R. Fife’s Board bill 4.85
13.25 12.35
July 1 Bal. due .90
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Page 206
Hansen, Anders 1879
1879 Dr. Cr.
Feb. 25, 1879 To tuition fee .90
Paid Teacher, rock 3.00
To tax of ’78, on lot purchased of J.W. error .35 .35
July 4 Tuition fee .50
Tax of 1879 .25
Nov. 28 Tuition .10
Feb. 20, 1880 tuition 1.00
April 30 Tuition .25
3.35 3.35
Tax of 1880 .50
Nov. 2 cash to J. H. B. .50
quar. end. April 1st 1881 Tuition .75
By cash .75
1.25 1.25

tax of 1881 .90
By cuting wood .90
tution quar. end. Dec. 23 1.50
Cash 1.50
tution quarter end. June 23 .60
Cash .60
3.00 3.00
tax of 1882 1.00
By cash 1.00
tution quar. end. Mar. 9th 1883 2.00
6.00 4.00
Paid 2.00
6.00 6.00

tax of 1883 Paid .40 .40
Tax of 1884 1.00
Oct. By cash 1.00
1.00 1.00
July 1885 [blank]

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 363
Hansen, Andrew
1885 Dr. Cr.
Tax of 1885 .75
Paid cash .75
1886 Tuition fee 2nd term .90
Tuition fee 3rd term 1.12
Tuition fee 4th term 1.25
Mar. 7 Paid cash .87
Apr. 28 Paid cash 1.00
[no totals on above]
July 1 Bal. due 1.40
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 79
Hanson, H. C. - [Hansen]
1874 Dr. Educ. Dr. Build. Cr. Educ. Cr. Building
Nov. 1 To 3 cd. 16 ft. rock 15.62
“ 2 lds. sand 2.00
“ Build. Tax 2.25
1875 “ “ “ 13.00
“ Ed. “ 4.33
Dec. 9 by Amt. pd. 3.75
To Ed. unpaid, car. down 4.33
“ Build. “ “ “ 29.12
$4.33 $32.87 $4.33 $32.87
1876 Dr. Cr.
4.33 To Ed. unpaid brot. down [put on left hand side and forgotten]
To build. “ “ “ 29.12
By la. Fixing up hat hooks 1.00
Mar. 24, by la. on table 1.50
1875 Dec. 8th by Amt. pd. in N. Co-op. 15.00
’76 Feb. 10 by la. on school house 1.50
“ 1 log furnished 1.50
To bal. unpd. Car. down 8.62
$ 29.12 $29.12
To Bal. brot. dowm 8.62
Transfered to page 140

Page 140 Hanson, H. C. 1876
Feb. 10 To Bal. Brot. forward from page 79 8.62
1878 By transfer from L. P. Christenson .45
Feb. 14 By Labor on cupboard 8.17
$8.62 $8.62
[Line drawn across this account and another individual’s account used remainder of page.]

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 78
Hanson, James - [Hansen] 1875
Dr. Educ. Dr. Build. Cr. Educ. Cr. Building
1875 To Build. Tax 28.38
“ Ed. “ 9.46
By Amt. pd. by C. L. wag. Div. 2.07
Apr. “ books, etc. furnished 1.00
Nov. 27 “ Amt. on Chris Larson wagon dividend 4.15
Dec. 6 “ sand, 1ld. [load] 1.00
1876 Feb. 15 By stock 19.00
“ “ Order on J. Jenkins 3.72
Feb. 19 By Order on Newton Co-op. 2.08
To bal. on Build. .51
To “ “ Ed. 4.31
$9.46 $28.38 $9.46 $28.38
1876 Dr. Cr.
Feb. 19 To Bal. on Build. .51
“ Ed. transfered to consolidated Acc. 4.31
To tuition fees for 3rd Qr. 3.15
Nov. 7 By wood pd. to U.O. pr. Welchman (& receipt given) 3.25
Nov. 20 “ due bill on Newton Co-op. Pd. through Ass. & Col. 8.35
Nov. 20 By Amt. pd. by & charged to Jno. Griffin 4.82
June 1st To Tax 12.45
Nov. 28 To Bal. car’d down 4.00
$20.42 $20.42
Nov. 28 To Bal. Brot. down 4.00
Car’d to page 142
Page 142 James Hanson - [James Hansen]
1877 Brot. from page 78 4.00
Feb. 2 To tuition fees .75
June 23 by J. Griffin 1.60
By Bal. Car’d down 3.15
$4.75 $4.75
Sep. 1 To Bal. Brot. down 3.15
“ “ To tax 8.55
Paid to J. Griffin wood to school house 1.85
Feb. 13 To tuition fees, Quar. end. Feb. 13, 1878 2.70
“ “ By wood pd. Teacher, $3.75 & 3.50 7.25
Per J. Griffin 1.55
Bal. due 3.75
14.40 14.40
Feb. 14 Bal. due 3.75
Oct. per J. Griffin .80
“ “ “ 2.95
3.75 3.75

To tax of 1878 4.35
Feb. 25, 1879 To tuition fee 2.70
“ “ “ Pd. Teacher .25
1878 Fire wood 2.00
Sep. 1879 per P. Larson 2.45
Bal. 2.35
7.05 7.05
Sep. 30 Bal. due 2.35
Labor on Square Trees [trees on public square] .50
Tax of 1879 2.15
Nov. 28 Tuition 1.90
Dec. 12 cash per P. Larsen 1.90
Page 218 Transfered 4.00
6.40 6.40

Page 218 Hansen, Jens [ same as James Hansen]
1879 From Page 142 4.00
Dec. 28 349 lb. wheat @ 65 c. Bus. 3.78
Feb. 20 Tuition 3.45
April 30 Tuition 2.00
March 30 Per P. Larsen 3.67 June 7 2.00 5.67
9.45 9.45
1880 Tax of 1880 4.55
Oct. 20 Fire wood 2.00
Dec. 18 per P. Larsen 2.55
14.00 14.00

quar. end. April 2st 1881 tuition 2.50
per Store order 2.50 [?] 2.50

tax of 1881 8.10
By cash 8.10
tution quar. end. Dec. 23 1.30
tution quar. end. Mar. 25 2.15
May 11 Cash 3.45
11.55 11.55
July 8 tution quar. end. June 23 1.10
Cash 1.10
12.65 12.65
tution quar. end. Nov. 1.40
tax of 1882 6.80
By wood 5.50
By cash 2.70
tution quar. end. Mar. 9th 1883 6.00
Cash 6.00
14.20 14.20

1883 tution quar. end. July / Paid 1.25 1.25
tax of 1883 2.50
Jan. 9, 1884 By cash 1.50
By cash 1.50
Tution quarter end. Feb. 3.00

Page 289 James Hansen
1884 from Page 218 2.50
Cash 2.50
Tution for quarter end. May 2.25
For July quarter 1.00
5.75 5.75
1884 Tax of 1884 2.50
Nov. 8 By Firewood 4.50
Dec. 19 Tuition fee quar. ending Dec. 19 1.50
Tuition fee quar. end. June 5 1.25
Paid cash 2.00
Tuition fee quar. end. Mar. 13 3.00 ____
8.25 6.50
July 1885 Bal. due 1.75
Tax of 1885 2.00
Transfered from Wm. F. Jensen’s act. 1.00
Tuition fee 1st term 1.50
Paid by wood 5.25
Paid cash to M. Jenkins 2.00
1886 Tuition fee 2nd term 3.00
Tuition fee 3rd term 2.25
Tuition fee 4th term 2.50
Feb. 15 Paid cash 2.00
June 4 Paid cash 4.75
15.00 15.00
July 1
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 132
Hanson, James N. 1876 [Hansen]
1876 Dr. Cr.
June 1 To tax 1.05
Feb. 2 To tuition fees .45
May 11 “ “ “ .50
Aug. 27 By Amt. pd. to Assr. & Collector 1.10
By Bal. Car’d down .90
$2.00 $2.00
Sep. 1 To Bal. Brot. down .90
To tax 1.20
Feb. 13 To tuition fees Quar. end. Feb. 13th, 1878 1.65
Per J. Griffin .45
Bal. due 3.30
3.75 3.75
Feb. 14 To Bal. due 3.30
Oct. Paid J. Griffin 1.50
“ “ “ “ 1.80
3.30 3.30

To tax of 1878 1.10
Feb. 25, 1879 to tuition fee 1.00
“ “ “ Pd. Teacher, herding .25
July 1 cash to Teacher .85
July 4 Tuition fee .85
Sep. 8 cash to JHB .50
1878 Fire wood 1.10
Sep. 21 1879 cash .25
2.95 2.95
To tax of 1879 .65
By wood in 1878 .40
Nov. 30 Tuition fee .40
“ “ cash to JHB .65
1.05 1.05
[To] Page 205
Page 205 James N. Hansen 1880
Feb. 20 Tuition 1.25
April 30 Tuition .36
Paid in Store 1.25
Tax of 1880 1.35
Cash per Larson 1.35
quar. end. April 1st, 1881 Tuition 1.00
By cash 1.00
3.96 3.60
tax of 1881 3.45
tution quar. end. Dec. 23 .50
Jan. 23 Cash 3.50
May 4 tution quar. end. Nov. 25 1.00 ___
5.31 3.50
By cash 1.00
tax of 1882 3.00
Cash 3.45
Tution quar. end. Mar. 9th, 1882 2.00
10.31 7.95
Sep. 24 Cash 2.35
10.31 10.30

tax of 1883 1.00
1884 Jan. 7 Per cash .75
Tuition quarter end. Feb. .75
By cash 1.00
1.75 1.77
1884 Tax of 1884 1.75
Transfered to page 327
Page 327 J. N. Hansen
From page 205 1.75
Tuition fee quar. end. June 5 1.25
June 6 Paid cash 1.00
3.00 1.00
July Bal. due 2.00
1885 Tax of 1885 2.00
Tuition fee 1st term 1.50
Nov. 10 Paid cash to M. Jenkins 2.00
Tuition fee 3rd term 1.12
Tuition fee 4th term 2.50
Feb. 22 Paid cash 3.50
May 7 Paid cash 1.20
9.12 6.70
July 1 Bal. due 2.42
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 356
Hansen, J. F. - 1885
Dr. Cr.
School tax of 1885 .50
Paid cash .50
.50 .50
July 1
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 372
Haws, N.
1885 Dr. Cr.
Tax of 1885 2.00
Bal. due 2.00
1886 July 1st Bal. due $2.00

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 357
Hogensen, N.
1885 Dr. Cr.
School tax 1885 .85
Paid by W. Jensen .85
Paid cash .75
Tuition fee 1st term .75
July 1 1.60 1.60
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Page 43
Jacobs, Hyrum S. 1880
Dr. Cr.
Tax of 1880 .50
tax of 1881 1.65
Cash 2.00
2.15 2.00
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 85
Jacobs, Jr., Swen - [Swen Jacobs, Jr.]
1876 [or 1877] Dr. Cr.
Feb. 10 by la. on School house, 1hr. .20
To tax of 1878 .50
“ “ “ 1879 .25
Dec. 1 cash .55
.75 .75 [totals]
Tax of 1880 .75
Cash .75
July 8, 1882 tution quar. end. June .90
“ “ “ Nov. .60
Cash T. M. Tompson .75
Tution quar. end. Mar. 9th 1883 1.50
3.75 1.40 [? 1.50]
Cash .85
3.75 2.25
July 1884 1.50

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 83
Jacobs, Sr., Swen - [Swen Jacobs, Sr.]
Dr. Educ. Dr. Build. Cr. Educ. Cr. Building
1875 To Build. Tax 20.37
“ Ed. “ 6.79
By Co-op. shares 20.37
Apr. “ books, etc. furnished .30
Nov. 27 “ Amt. on Chris. Larson wagon dividend 3.10
Dec. 9 “ “ pd. (1872) 3.39
$6.79 $20.37 $6.79 $20.37
1876 Dr. Cr.
Feb. 10 by 1 log 8 ft long 8 in. thick .50
June 1st To tax 9.48
Nov. 25 By wood 1.87
Nov. 29 To Bal. Car’d down 7.11
$9.48 $9.48
Nov. 29 To Bal. Brot. down 7.11
Nov. 30 By receipt of Treas., for wood, pd. to U.O. per
Welchman, teacher (No. 2) 3.00
By work on door step 2.75
“ “ “ swing
To Providence for trees 3.00
By Amt. O.P. , car’d down 2.14
$9.25 $9.25
1877 By Amt. O.P. Brot. down 2.14
Feb. 2 To tuition fees 2.45
Mar. 13 By Order of A.P.W. Teacher, on Assr., dated Feb. 10th .57
May 11 To tuition fees 1.30
Oct. 1 By order on A. P. Welchman 1.00
$3.71[?] $3..71
See page 94

Page 94 Swen Jacobs, Senr.
Sep. 1 To tax 7.00
Feb. 13 To tuition fees, Quar. end. Feb. 13, 1878 .85
Oct. To J. Griffin 7.85
7.85 7.85
To tax of 1878 3.10
Feb. 25, 1879 To tuition fee 1.50
Pd. Teacher wheat 778 lbs. a. 1:, (?error) [crossed out with erasure and following notation]
Error Cr. in 1877
Pd. Teacher for use of scraper .80
June 30 Cash by Sis. Jacobs 1.00
“ “ “ per J. P. Low .25
July 4 Tuition fee 1.00
Bal. due 3.55
5.60 5.60
1879 Bal. due 3.55
To Tax of 1879 1.40
Nov. 30 By J. P. Lowe 1.00
“ 28 Tuition 2.00
Feb. 20, 1880 tuition 2.38
Making 5 School desks @ 1.50 each 7.50
Refitting Benches 1 day 1.25
April 30 Tuition 2.12
11.45 9.75
1880 Tax of 1880 2.50
Nov. 10 Fire wood by J. Griffin 2.25
13.95 12.00

Page 95 Swen Jacobs, Senr.
From page 94 1.95
tution quarter end. June 30 .75
tax of 1881 5.05
By wood 3.00
1882 tution quarter end. Mar. 25 3.00
April 14 Cash 3.00
July 8 tution quar. end. June 2.20
12.95 6.00
tax of 1882 4.00
Nov. 30 tution quarter end. Nov. 25 2.80
decem. 5 By wood 4.00
“ 9 Cuting “ 1.50
dec. 26 By Cash 2.00
Cuting wood .75
19.75 14.25
tution quarter end. Mar. 9, 1883 1.00
Cash 6.50
20.75 20.75
tution quar. end. July 2.50
Cash 2.50

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 82
Jenkins, John 1875 Dr. Educ. Dr. Build. Cr. Educ. Cr. Building
1875 To Build. Tax 38.64
“ Ed. “ 12.88
By Co-op. Shares 38.64
“ “ “ 2.64
Apr. “ books, etc., furnished .15
By machine & Co-op. Shares .525
Nov. 27 “ amt. on Chris. Larson wagon dividend 4.75
Dec. 9 “ “ pd. (1872) 2.00
By O.P. Building tax [? O.P. overpayment] 5.25
To un-pd. Educa. “ 3.34
$12.88 $43.89 $12.88 $43.89
1876 Dr. Cr.
Feb. 4 By O..P. Build. Tax 5.25
To un-pd. Ed. “ 3.34
June 1st To tax 13.88
Nov. 23 By wood 1.71
Nov. 29 To Bal. Car’d down 10.26
$17.22 $17.22
Nov. 29 To Bal. Brot. down 10.26
Feb. 2, 1877 To tuition fees 2.75
By credit from 1875 10.50
May 11 To tuition fees 3.00
June 23 by J. Griffin 2.75
Feb. 10 By Welchman’s order on Assr. & Col. 1.35
Oct. 1 By Amt. pd to J. G. [John Griffin] Assr. & Col. by
A. P. Welchman .59
“ “ By Amt. pd. by J. Griffin 1.06
By Bal. Car’d to page 80 .24
$16.25 $16.25

Page 80 Jenkins, John 1877
Sep. 1 By Amt. O.P. Brot. from page 82 .24
“ “ To tax 13.00
By Amt. pd. to Assr. & Col. 7.10
Feb. 13 To tuition, Quar. end. Feb. 13, 1878 4.00
By Amt. pd. Tea.[cher], (not entered at settlement) error [written in pencil and erasures]
Feb. 13 By wood, pd. to Tea.[cher] error [written in pencil and erasures]
Bal. due 9.66
17.00 17.00
Feb. 14 Bal. due 9.66
Oct. per J. Griffin 8.00
“ “ “ 1.66
9.66 9.66
To tax of 1878 6.05
Feb. 25, 1879 To tuition fee 2.80
“ “ “ Pd. to Teacher by La. on reservoir .50
“ “ “ meat 1.50, fetching calf .50 2.00
July 2 By cash 3.25
“ 4 Tuition fee 3.25
Tax of 1879 3.35
Nov. 28 Tuition 2.80
Dec. 2 To Orson Griffin 5.90
“ 12 to P Larsen 5.00
Feb. 20 Tuition 5.00
23.25 16.65
March 8 From P. Larsen 1.60
April 30 Tuition 4.62
May 28 From J. H. Barker 3.00
27.87 21.25

Page 81 John Jenkins 1880
Oct. 9 From Page 80 6.62
Transfered from P. Larsen 3.00
Tax of 1880 7.65
From J. H. Barker 3.79
Oct. 29 Fire wood 3.00
From J. H. Barker transfer 4.48
14.27 14.27
Dec. 17 Tuition 4.75
Jan. 25 Cash 4.75
April 1st 1881 Tuition 5.00
“ “ “ Cash .75
“ “ “ Cash 4.25
24.02 24.02

tution quar. end. June 3 2.60
tax of 1881 16.85
By cash 5.00
Tution quar. end. Dec. 25 3.00
1882 Jan. 23 Cash 15.00
Mar. 27 Cash 2.45
tution fees quar. end Mar. 25 3.00
April 20 Cash 3.00
July 8 tution quar. end. June 23 3.30
28.75 25.45
Cash 3.30
. 28.75 28.75

tution quar. end. Nov. 4.00
tax of 1882 10.00
Cash 10.00
Tution quar. end. Mar. 9th, 1883 8.75
22.75 10.00
tution quar. end. July 5.00
Cash to Mrs. Crocket 3.75
27.75 13.75
[To] Page 284
Page 284 John Jenkins
from Page 81 14.00
tax of 1883 3.35
1884 By cash 3.00
Feb. Tution quarter end. Feb. 6.00
Tution quarter end. July 5.25
28.60 3.00
for quarter end. July 4.00
June 18 By cash 14.00
$32.60 17.00
July 1884 Due to Trustees 15.60
Tax of 1884 4.00
Dec. 2 Paid by cash 4.00
Dec. 19 Tuition fees quar. ending Dec. 19 7.50
Dec. 2 Paid by cash 7.00
Paid by cash 11.60
Paid to M. Crocket 4.00
Tuition fee Quarter end. Mar. 13 3.00
Tuition fee quar. end. June 5 6.25
36.35 26.60
Paid cash 9.75
36.35 36.35
1885 Tax of 1885 5.00
Tuition fee 1st term 6.00
Paid cash 8.00
1886 Tuition fee 2nd term 7.65
Tuition fee 3rd term 2.25
Tuition fee 4th term 10.00
Feb. 8 Paid cash 5.00
“ “ Paid school fees 5.60
June 10 Paid cash 5.00
30.90 23.60
July 1 Bal. due 7.30
1886 [See] opposite Page

Page 285 John Jenkins
1886 July [blank]
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 89
Jenkins, Moroni
1876 Dr. Cr.
Feb. 10 by la. on School house, 3 hrs .50
“ rock for “ “ 2.00
May 11 To tuition fees .37
Sep. 1 To Bal. Car’d down 2.13
$2.50 $2.50
Sept. 1 By Bal. O.P. brot. down 2.13
“ “ To tax 1.10
Feb. 13 To tuition fees, Quar. end. Feb. 13, ’78 1.85
“ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ for David Jenkins .35
Rock Cr. by error in 1876 2.00
Bal. due 3.17
5.30 5.30
Feb. 14 Bal. due 3.17
Oct. to J. Griffin 3.17

To tax of 1878 .70
Feb. 25, 1879 To tuition fee 1.00
Pd. to teacher La. [? Lard or labor] .25
To tax of 1879 .40
Nov. 30 per P. Larsen 1.85
2.10 2.10
Tax of 1880 1.20
Nov. 16 To JHB 1.20
Tax of 1881 3.50
Cash 3.50
Tax of 1882 3.70
Cash 3.70
8.40 8.40

tution quar. end. July 1.25
tax of 1883 1.30
Paid 2.55 2.55 2.55
Page 298 Moroni Jenkins
for quarter end. July 1.50
Paid 1.50
1.50 1.50
1884 Tax of 1884 1.80
Dec. 19 Tuition fee quar. ending Dec. 19 1.50
Tuition fee quar. end. June 5 1.25
Paid cash 3.30
For collecting & assessing 7.00
for services as trustee 7.00
4.55 17.30
July 1st Bal. to credit 12.75
1885 Tax of 1885 1.50
Tuition fee 1st term 1.50
For collection school fees 3.75
Tuition fee 3rd term 1.12
Tuition fee 4th term 5.00
Received cash 7.80
Collecting fees 3.00
Feb. 10 Transfered to L. Eriksen 2.15
19.07 19.50
July 1 Bal. to credit .43

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 323
Jenkins, Wm. - [William Jenkins] Dr. Cr.
1884 Tax of 1884 .25
Paid cash .25
.25 .25
July 1885
Tax of 1885 .50
Paid cash .25
By over charged tax .25
.50 .50
July 1 1886 [blank]
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 101
Yenson, Peter - [Jensen, Jens Peter]
1875 Dr. Educ. Dr. Build. Cr. Educ. Cr. Building
To Build. tax 12.00
“ Ed. “ 4.00
By Co-op shares 12.00
“ “ “ 1.51
Nov. 27 “ Amt. on Chris. Larson Dividend 1.65
To bal. on Ed., car. down .84
$4.00 $12.00 $4.00 $12.00
1876 Feb. 4th Dr. Cr.
Amt. trans’ered to consolidated tax .84
Feb. 10 by salt .50
June 1st To tax 3.50
Nov. 23 By wood 1.65
Nov. 29 To Bal. Car’d down 2.19
$4.34 $4.34
Nov. 29 To Bal. Brot. down 2.19
“ 2 By Amt. pd. in full 2.19
$2.19 $2.19
Feb. 2 To tuition fees .95
March 26 From A. P. Welchman 1.60
May 11 To tuition fees .42
To Bal. Car’d down .23
$1.60 $1.60
Sep. 1 By Bal. Brot. down .23
“ “ To tax 4.00
1878 By wood 1.25
Feb. 13 To tuition fees Quar. end. Feb. 13, 1878 2.00
Transfered to Page 69 4.98
6.23 6.23

Page 69 Jens Peter Jenson 1878 -[Jensen]
Feb. 14 From Page 101 4.98
Oct. per J. Griffin 4.98

To tax of 1878 2.00
Feb. 25, 1879 To tuition fee 2.00
“ “ by la. as sexton 1.50
Mary Naef School 1.00
July 4 Tuition fee 1.10
Fire wood in 1878 2.25
To tax of 1879 1.00
1 Bus. 20 lb. wheat @ 55 c. .73
per J. H. Barker .60
Nov. 28 Tuition fee 1.90
“ “ wood in 1878 (for error in 1877) .45
Bal. to Cr. carried down .33
7.43 7.43
1880 Jan. 1 Bal. to Cr. .33
Feb. 20 Tuition 1.37
“ 25 Transfered from J. H. Barker 2.00
April 30 Tuition 1.62
2.99 2.33
cuting fire wood .66
Tax of 1880 2.00
Dec. 19 tution 1.50
Mar. Cash .50
April 1st 1881 Tuition 1.25
7.74 3.49
1881 4.25
Oct. 4 Cash 1.50
tution quar. end. June 30 1.60
tax of 1881 4.00
Cash 2.00
tution quar. end. Dec. 23 2.00
11.85 3.50

Page 68 from page 69 8.35
tution quar. end. Mar. 25 1.50
By cuting wood [? and]
for services as deacon for school 7.00
Cuting wood 1.00
July 8 tution quar. end. June 22 1.60
11.45 8.00
tax of 1882 3.00
By wood 4.75
tution quar. end. Mar. 9th 1883 4.00
18.45 12.75

tution “ “ July 3.75
22.20 12.75
for cleaning house .50
fixing stove pipe & Bridge 2.50
sweeping the school house 7.00
22.20 22.75
to Page 177
Page 177 J. P. Jensen
From Page 68 1.15 [?]
tax of 1883 1.00
Labour on hous[e] .50
By wheat .25
tution quarter end. Mar. 2.50
3.50 1.90
cleaning stove pipe & screwing benches 1.00
By error of Page 68 .60
for quarter end. May 1.50
for quarter end. July 2.00
7.60 2.90
for sweeping hous[e] 4.70
7.60 7.60
July 1884
Tax of 1884 1.50
Dec. 19 Cleaning Sch. H. & making fire 6.00
Dec. 19 Tuition quar. end. Dec. 19 3.00
1885 Jan. 3 For cleaning stove pipes .70
Mar. For cleaning stove pipes .70
Tuition fee quar. end. Mar. 13th 3.00
For cleaning House & making fire 5.00
Tuition fee quar. end. June 5 2.50
Transfered to H. Sorensen 2.40
12.40 12.40
July 1885
See page 361
Page 361 J. P. Jensen 1885
Tax of 1885 1.50
Tuition fee 1st term .75
For cleaning house & making fire 6.00
For cleaning stove pipes .35
For cleaning house 2nd term 6.00
1886 Tuition fee 2nd term 4.65
Tuition fee 3rd term 4.50
For cleaning stove pipe .35
For cleaning house 3 term 6.00
Cleaning house 4th term 6.00
9.15 24.70
July 1 Bal. to credit 15.55

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 176
Jenson, John F. - [Jensen]
1878 Dr. Cr.
Feb. 13 To tax of 1877 1.80
Oct. 21 Per J. Griffin 1.80

To tax of 1878 .95
Feb. 25, 1879 by or. received from Teacher .95
1880 Tax of 1879 .60
Feb. 20 Tuition .62
1881 Tax of 1880 1.50
Jan. 19 Cash 2.72 2.70

tax of 1881 3.35
Jan. 13 Cash 3.35
By tax of 1882 2.60
Cash 2.60
5.95 5.95

tax of 1883 .90
Paid cash .90
.90 .90
1884 Tax of 1884 1.10
Oct. Paid by cash 1.10
1.10 1.10
July 1885

Page 362 John F. Jensen 1885
Oct. 9 Tax of 1885 1.00
Paid by Wm. Jensen 1.00
1.00 1.00
1886 July 1

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 178
Jenson, William F. - [Jensen]
1878 Dr. Cr.
Feb. 13 To tax of 1877 1.20
Dec. 31 Per J. Griffin cleaning house 1.20

To tax of 1878 .65
To tax of 1879 .35
Cleaning on School House 1.00
1.00 1.00
Tax of 1880 .50
By cleaning school house 1.00
tax of 1881 1.05
tution quar. end. Dec. 23 .80
July 8 tution quar. end. June 23 1.10
2.95 .50
“ “ wite washing house 5.50
“ “ Cash 3.05
1882 6.00 6.00
tution qarter end. Nov. 1.40
tax of 1882 1.00
By seting up stove and cleaning 2.00
8.40 8.00

tution quar. end. July 1.25
tax of 1883 .40
for quarter end. May 1.50
for quarter end. July 1.00
4.55 [must have included .40
difference above.]
for cleaning hous[e] 5.00
for services ses tax [? assessing taxes] .75
4.55 5.75
July 1.20
1884 Received cash from Trustees 1.50
Sept. Tax of 1884 .75
Dec. 19 Tution fee, quar. end. Dec. 19 1.50
3.75 1.20
Brought to page 325
Page 325 Wm. F. Jensen 1885
From page 178 2.55
Jan. 23 Paid cash 2.25
“ “ For services as clerk 10.00
“ “ Received cash 10.00
Tuition fee quar. end. Mar. 13th 1.50
For services as trustee 7.00
14.05 19.25
July Bal. to credit 5.20
1885 Tax of 1885 .75
July 25 For taking School census 3.00
Transfered to Jas. Hansen 1.00
For assessing tax 1.50
For collecting fees 1.50
Transferred to J. Seiter 1.25
Transfered to J. F. Jensen 1.00
Transfered to M. P. Petersen .90
Transfered to Hogensen .85
Received cash for labor 3.00
Transfered to J. Christensen 1.00
For collecting fees 1.00
for service as Clerk 12.00
Received cash 12.00
Tuition fee 2nd term 1.75
Tuition fee 3rd term 1.50
For white washing & repairing School house 6.50
Received cash 5.60
30.60 30.70
July 1

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 84
Johnson, Carl Dr. Educ. Dr. Build. Cr. Educ. Cr. Building
1874 To building tax 6.00 6.00
1875 “ “ “ 4.05
“ by plastering 0.60
Nov. 27 “ Amt on Chris Larson wagon dividend 2.25
To Build., lal. [?] , car. down 1.20
$10.05 $10.05
1876 Dr. Cr.
To Bal. on Build. Tax 1.20
Work on Blackboard 1.20
$1.20 $1.20
[Apparently Mr. Johnson died as a “Widow Johnson” was not taxed but paid for cleaning the school.]

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 312
Juchain, J. J. - [also spelled Juchan on the 1884 and 1885 tax lists.]
1884 Dr. Cr.
Tax of 1884 1.00
Paid cash 1.00
1.00 1.00
1885 Tax of 1885 1.50
Paid cash 1.10
1.50 1.10
July 1 Bal. due .40
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Page 320
Larsen, Christian 1884
1884 Dr. Cr.
Tax of 1884 1.00
Dec. 19 Tuition , quar. end. Dec. 19 3.00
By over assessing tax .25
Dec. 13 Paid cash to M. Jenkins .75
Tuition fee quar. end. Mar. 13th 4.50
8.50 1.00
July Bal. due 7.50
1885 Tax of 1885 1.25
Tuition fee 1st term 3.00
Nov. 12 Paid cash 2.75
Dec. 17 Paid cash 2.50
1886 Tuition fee 2nd term 4.75
Tuition fee 3rd term 3.37
Tuition fee 4th term 5.00
June 29 Paid 1.60
24.87 6.85
July 1 Bal. due 18.02
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 367
Larsen, George J.
1885 Dr. Cr.
Tax of 1885 .50
Paid cash .50
Tuition fee 1st term 1.50
July 1 Balance due 1.50 [no totals on Cr. side]
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 130
Larson, Martin 1876
1876 Dr. Cr.
June 1 To tax 3.50
By Amt. pd. to Assr. 2.00
By Bal. Car’d Down 1.50
$3.50 $3.50

Sep. 7 To Bal. Brot. down 1.50
“ “ To tax 2.05
Feb. 13 To tuition fees, Quar. end. Feb. 13, 1878 .85
Oct. 21 Per J. Griffin 4.40
To tax of 1878 1.45
Feb. 25th 1879 to tuition fees .20
“ “ “ Pd. Teacher for Antoine 1.65
1.65 1.65
To tax of 1879 .70
Dec. 12 to P. Larsen .70
Feb. 20 Tuition 1.00
April 30 Tuition .25
Oct. cutting fire wood 1.00
“ To P. Larsen 1.35
Tax of 1880 1.30
Cash .20
2.55 2.55

tax of 1881 2.80
By cash 2.80
Tax of 1882 2.25
Cash 2.25
5.05 5.05

tax of 1883 Paid .90 .90
* * * [Assuming the above Martin Larsen is the same person as Morton Larsen this account continues.]
Page 315 Morton Larsen 1884
Tax of 1884 1.25
Paid cash 1.25
1.25 1.25
1885 Tax of 1885 .75
Nov. 3 Paid cash .75
.75 .75
1886 July 1

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Page 87
Page 87 Nelson, Larson, Peter [The name was originally put in as “Larson, Peter” then with a caret and
with a different hand the surname of “Nelson” was added making the
name Peter Larson Nelson; and even this will change see note below.]
Dr. Educ. Dr. Build. Cr. Educ. Cr. Building
1875 To Build. tax 10.45
“ Ed. tax 3.50
By Co-op shares & stock 10.45
“ Amt. Pd. .53
To bal. on. Ed., car. down 2.97
$3.50 $10.45 $3.50 $10.45
1876 Dr. Cr.
Mar. 27 by building foot bridge .50
Amt. transfered to consolidated tax 2.79 [? Error 2.97]
Feb. 10 by lumber, 23 ft. .79
To amt. unpd., car’d down 1.50 [not carried dn.]
$2.79 $2.79
Apr. 15 by amt. cr.’d & charged to Welchman 1.00
June 1st To tax 3.12
Nov. 29 To Bal. Car’d down 2.12
$3.12 $3.12
Nov. 29 To Bal. Brot. down 2.12
Dec. 19 Wood 32 ft. 1.00
Paid by J. N. Beck 1.12
$2.12 $2.12

Sept. 1 To tax 3.70
1878 Feb. 13 By wood 1.50 Labor 50c. 2.00
“ “ “ to tuition fees, Quar. end. Feb. 13, ’78 1.25
Transfered to Page 70 2.95
4.95 4.95
[To] Page 70

Page 70 Peter Larsen Nelson 1878
Feb. 16 From Page 87 2.95
Oct. to J. Griffin 2.95

To tax of 1878 2.00
Feb. 25th, ’79 To tuition fee .40
“ “ “ by wheat pd. to Teacher, 480 lbs 21 c. 4.80
Mary Naef School 1.00
July 4 Tuition fee 1.90
Sep. 25 For collections to date 10% of 17.65 1.76
“ “ Transfered to J. H. Barker, on above a/c .45
Tax of 1879 1.05
10% on 3.85 collected .38
Unpaid on 3.85 above 1.85
Nov. 28 Tuition fee 2.40
Dec. 12 Cash .30
Wood in 1878 2.25
“ 12 10% on 18.52 collected 1.85
Jan. 14 Transfered from L. N. Christenson 2.00
“ “ “ “ H. Sorrenson 1.25
“ “ “ “ H. P. Clemmenson 1.75
“ “ filling up holes around House .50
“ “ taking apart Benches .50
% on collecting 70.00 7.00
Bal. to Cr. 3.29
19.34 19.34
Jan. 24 overpaid 3.29
Feb. 20 Tuition 3.75
March 8 Transfered to P. Jenkins 1.60
April 30 Tuition 2.35
May 28 10% on collections to date 5.96
“ “ 2 days Labor on School house 2.50
Transfered to J. O. Pederson 4.15
11.75 11.75

Page 219 Peter Larsen [The school record index plus the dates indicate that this person is the same
as the one listed Peter Larsen Nelson; possibly he dropped the Nelson
surname sometime in the mid- 1880.]
1880 Dr. Cr.
Oct. 10
Transfered to A. Clark 2.25
“ “ J. Jenkins 3.00
“ “ J. Sieter 2.15
Tax of 1880 2.00
Dec. 18 to JHB 1.95
Dec. 17 Tuition 2.60
April 1st 1881 “ 2.50
14.55 1.95
For sevices as Truste 6.00
14.55 7.95
1881 6.60
July 28 Cash 5.00
tution quar. end. June 30 2.00
tax of 1881 4.30
from Claresy Curtis 1.00
Dec. 17 By cash 10.90
tution quar. end. Dec. 23rd 2.00___________________
15.90 15.90

May 11 1882 tution quar. end. Mar. 25 150
Per L. Erckson 1.50
July 8 tution quar. end. June 23 2.20
By cash 2.00
Tution fees quarter end. Nov. 1.80
Nov. By Cash 2.00
By tax of 1882 3.75
By wood 4.00
Tution quar. end. Mar. 9th 1883 3.20
12.45 9.50
tution fees quar. end. July 1.85
to Mrs. Crocket 1.85
Cash 2.95
14.30 14.30

tax of 1883 1.25
Cash 1.50
[To] Page 291

Page 291 Peter Larsen
1884 from Page 219 .25
Mar. 7 By eggs .44
First quarter school Emging [?] Feb. [?ending Feb.] 3.00
By eggs .21
“ 12 By eggs .70
3.00 1.60
April 11 By eggs .42
12 By eggs .75
May 25 By butter .75
for quarter end. May 3.00
for quarter end. July 2.00
8.00 3.50
July $4.50
1884 Tax of 1884 1.70
Dec. 19 Tuition fee quarter ending Dec. 19 2.25
Tuition fee quar. end. Mar. 13 3.00
Tuition fee quar. end. June 5 1.25
July Bal. due 12.70
1885 Tax of 1885 1.50
Oct. 5 Paid to M. Jenkins 5.00
Paid by wood 6.50
Paid by Store order [blank]
fee for term end. Nov. 20 2.25
Paid in Store 2.00
1886 Tuition fee 2nd term 3.00
Tuition fee 3rd term 2.75
Tuition fee 4th term 2.50
Feb. 19 Paid 8.20
24.70 21.70
July 1 Bal. due 3.00
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

LITTLEWOOD, Wm. F. - see under Wm. F.
, Sr.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 88
Looslie, Magdalene / Jabez [A line is drawn through this widow’s first name and her son’s name
Jabez written above. In 1875 Jabez is shown on the school census as
a 16 year old.]
1875 Dr. Educ. Dr. Build. Cr. Educ. Cr. Building
1873 To bal. on build. Tax .62
1874 “ build. Tax 7.83
1875 “ “ “ 7.50
1874 To Ed. “ 1.30
1875 “ “ “ 2.50
To bal. on Ed., car. down 3.80
“ “ “ Build. “ “ 15.95
$3.80 $15.95 $3.80 $15.95
1876 Ed. Dr. Ed. Cr. Bldg. Dr. Bldg. Cr.
Feb. 4 To bal. on Ed. brot. down 3.80
“ “ “ Build. “ “ 15.95
Mar. 17, ’76 By Amt. remitted 9.75
To bal. unpd. Car. down 6.20
$15.95 $15.95
1876 Dr. Cr.
To bal. (Ed. & Build.) brot down 10.00
Nov. 1st By amount remitted 10.00
$10.00 $ 10.00
June 1st To tax 3.40
Paid 3.40
$3.40 $3.40
Sep. 1 To tax 4.60
Nov. 8 To tax remitted 4.60
To tax of 1878 1.50
To tax of 1879 .70
By fire wood in 1878 2.20
2.20 2.20
[The records for this family go back to 1873 on the building tax and much of the amounts owed were
remitted due to the death of her husband. The school account is transferred to her son Jabez.]

Page 36
Looslie, Jeber - [The first name is frequently given as Jabez, who is listed as a 16 year-old
on the 1875 census of school aged youths.]
Dr. Cr.

1880 Tax of 1880 1.75
1879 $1.75
Transferd from J. Griffin 1.00
1881 Oct. 4 Cash per Sornsen 1.00
tax of 1881 3.35
Oct. 21 Cash 3.10
5.10 5.10

tax of 1882 2.50
Paid by J. N. Beck 2.50
[Account ends ]
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Page 203
McCombs, Andrew 1880
1880 Dr. Cr.
Feb. 20 Tuition .60
March 16 cash to J.H.B. 1.25
April 30 Tuition .75
Lives at Trenton [written in red ink] 1.35 1.25

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Page 287
Miller, L. C.
[1883] Dr. Cr.
tax of 1883 .75
By Order .75
.75 .75
1884 Tax of 1884 1.50
Paid cash 1.50
1.50 1.50
1885 Tax of 1885 1.25
Paid cash 1.25
1.25 1.25
July 1
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Page 92
Nelson, Chris - [Christian Nelson]
1874 Dr. Educ. Dr. Build. Cr. Educ. Cr. Building
1874 To bal. on build. Tax 1.00
1875 To Build. Tax 18.24
By Co-op share 19.24
To Ed. tax 6.08
By Co-op share 3.26
Nov. 27 “ Amt. on Chris Larson wagon dividend 3.00
By O. P. Ed., car. down .18 .
$6.26 $19.24 $6.26 $19.24
1876 Dr. Cr.
Feb. 4th By O.P. Ed., brot. down .18
June 1st To tax 8.59
Dec. 4th By receipt, No. 4, for team work, pd. to Welchman pr. U.O. 1.00
Dec. 18 By Amt. pd. to Welchman .50
Nov. 30 By wood 2.00
Dec. 22 By cash 4.85
To Bal. unpd. car’d down .06
$8.59 $8.59
1877 To Bal. brot. down .06
Sep. 1 To tax 5.50
1878 By wood 2.25
Feb. 13 Bal. due 3.31
$5.56 $5.56
1878 Feb. 14 To Bal. Brot. down 3.31
Oct. 21 Per J. Griffin 3.31

1879 To tax of 1878 2.90
July 4 Tuition fee .80
June 29 Paid in Store .80
Fire wood 1878 2.90
3.70 3.70

Page 93 Nelson, Christian
To tax of 1879 1.55
Nov. 28 Tuition .80
Dec. 12 To P. Larsen .80
Dec. 31 fire wood 1879 1.55
2.35 2.35
Feb. 20 Tuition 1.00
April 30 Tuition 1.25
May 28 per P. Larsen 1.16
Oct. To P. Larsen 1.50
Tax of 1880 2.80
Nov. 18 Fire wood 2.39
5.05 5.05
Dec. 17 Tuition 1.50
Jan. 5, 1881 Cash to J. Griffin .50
April 1st 1881 Tuition 2.25
Cash 2.25
8.80 8.80

tution quar. end. June 30 2.00
tax of 1881 5.45
tution quar. end. Dec. 23 2.00
Dec. 28 Cash 9.45

tution quar. end. Mar. 25 1.50
May 22 By cash 2.00
July 8 tution quar. end. June 23 2.00
3.50 2.00
Cash 1.50
3.50 3.50
tax of 1882 4.25
Cash 4.25
tution quar. end. July 1.25
Paid cash 1.25
1884 By tax of 1883 Paid 1.35 1.35
Jan. 10 Cash 1.50
tution quarter end. Feb. 1.50
4.10 4.10

Page 297 Cris Nelson - [Christian Nelson]
for quarter end. May 1.50
for quarter end. July 1.00
[Blank] 2.50
2.50 2.50
July 1884
Tax of 1884 2.25
Nov. 20 Paid by wood 3.50
Dec. 19 Tuition fee quar. ending Dec. 19 1.50
Paid by wood 1.00
Tuition fee quar. ending Mar. 13 1.50
Tuition fee quar. end. June 5 1.25 .
6.50 4.50
July 1885 Bal. due 2.00
Oct. 10 Tax of 1885 2.00
Nov. 20 School fee term end. Nov. 20 3.00
Nov. 24 Paid by Store Order 6.00
1886 Tuition fee 2nd term 1.75
Tuition fee 3rd term 2.25
Tuition fee 4th term 5.00
June 29 Paid 5.50
16.00 11.50
July 1 Bal. due 4.50
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 91
Nelson, Mrs. James 1875 Dr. Educ. Dr. Build. Cr. Educ. Cr. Building
To building tax 10.00
“ Ed. “ 3.33
By Co-op. shares 10.00
“ books furnished .55
To bal. on Ed., car. down 2.78
$3.33 $10.00 $3.33 $10.00
1876 Dr. Cr.
Feb. 4th To bal. on Ed., brot. down 2.78
Remitted Nov. 1, ’76 2.78
$2.78 $2.78
June 1st To tax 3.18
Remitted 3.18
$3.18 $3.18
(David (son), taxed instead of Mrs. N.)

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 90
Nelson, David 1875 Dr. Educ. Dr. Build. Cr. Educ. Cr. Building
To build. Tax 3.75
“ Ed. “ 1.25
By stock 1.41
To unpd. Ed., car. down 1.25
“ bal. on Build. “ “ 2.34
$1.25 $3.75 $1.25 $3.75
1876 Dr. Cr.
To bal. on Build. Brot. down 2.34
Feb. 10 by la. on School house, 2 hrs. .30
To Amt. transfered to consolidated tax 1.25
by la. wht. washing 1.00
To Bal. car. down 2.29
$3.59 $3.59
1876 To bal. brot. down 2.29
June 1st To tax 1.96
Nov. 16 By wood 1.75
Nov. 29 To Bal. Car’d down 2.50
$4.25 $4.25
Nov. 29 To Bal. Brot. down 2.50
hauling Brick 2.00
Paid .30
To Bal. due, car’d down . 20
$2.50 $2.50
1877 To Bal. Brot. down .20
Feb. 2 To tuition fees .90
Feb. 23 By 1 ld. Willows, pd. to Teacher 1.75
May. 11 To tuition fees .38
Sep. 1 By Bal. car’d Forward to Page 112 .27
$1.75 $1.75

Page 112 David Nelson
Sep. 1 By Bal. Brot. from Page 90 .27
“ “ To tax 2.30
Feb. 13 By wood 1.87
Bal. due .16
2.30 2.30
Feb. 14 Bal. due .16
Remitted for over assessment .16
1879 To tax of 1878 .50
July 4 Tuition fee .25
To tax of 1879 .25
Oct. To P. Larsen 1.00
Tax of 1880 .85
Dec. 25 By cash to J. Griffin .85
1.85 1.85

Cash 3.60
tax of 1881 2.75
Cash 2.75
tax of 1882 3.60
6.35 6.35

Page 314 David Nelson 1884
Tax of 1884 2.00
Paid 2.00
2.00 2.00

July 1885 Tax of 1885 2.00
Oct. 20 Paid cash .75
2.00 .75
July 1 Bal. due 1.25
1886 [Written in red ink] Removed

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 134
Nelson, James P.
1876 Dr. Cr.
June 1 To tax 3.00
Dec. 22 By cash 3.00
$3.00 $3.00
Sep. 1 To tax 2.60
Feb. 13 By wood 1.50
Bal. due 1.10
$2.60 $2.60
1878 To Bal. Brot. down 1.10
Oct. 21 Per J. Griffin 1.10
1879 To tax of 1878 1.20
To tax of 1879 .75
Oct. 26 By cash to J.H.B. 1.95
1.95 1.95
Tax of 1880 1.55
Cash 1.55

Tax of 1881 3.35
Dec. 15 cash 3.35
Tax of 1882 2.50
Cash 2.50
5.85 5.85

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
NELSON, PETER LARSEN - see as Peter Larsen

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Page 114
Parson, Frank - 1876 [?]
Dr. Cr.
Feb. 10 by la. on School house, 3 hrs .50
To tax of 1879 .50
To tax of 1880 .60
Dec. 28 Cash per J. Griffin .60

Tax of 1881 1.40
Cash 1.40
Tax of 1882 1.25
Cash 1.25
2.75 2.75 [? 2.65 in both]
tax of 1883 .40
Cash .40
3.15 3.15
July 1884
Tax of 1884 .30
July Due .30
Brought to page 365
Page 365 Frank Parsons
From page 114 .30
Tax of 1885 .35
July 1 Bal. due .70 [? Math error]

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 116
Parsons, James
1876 Dr. Cr.
Feb. 10 by lime . 60
“ “ “ white washing 1.50
June 1st To Tax 1.95
Nov. 30 By Amt. O. P. car. down .15 .
$2.10 $2.10
Nov. 30 By Bal. Brot. down .15
1877 May 11 To Tuition fees .50
By Bal. Car’d down .35
.50 .50
__________________________________________________________________________________________ 1877
Sep. 1 To Bal. Brot. down .35
“ “ To Tax 1.75
1878 Feb. 13 By lime .85
“ “ To tuition fees Quar. end. Feb. 13, 1878 1.97
Bal. due 3.22
$4.07 $4.07
1878 To Bal. Brot. down 3.22
Oct. Paid per J. Griffin 1.50
“ “ “ “ 1.72
3.22 3.22

To tax of 1878 1.80
Feb. 25th 1879 To Tuition fee 1.30
July 4 Tuition fee 2.30
Sep. Per P. Larsen 3.00
To Tax of 1879 .95
Nov. 28 Tuition 1.30
Wood in 1878 2.25
Dec. 12 to P. Larsen .50
1880 Feb. 20 Tuition 1.60 .
9.25 5.75

Page 35 James Parsons
1880 April 30 From Page 116 3.50
April 30 Tuition 1.12 .
Tax of 1880 1.60
Oct. To P. Larsen 4.64
One Third Reader .25
One Fourth Reader .50
Dec. 19 Tuition 2.90
April 1st 1881 “ 2.00
11.87 4.64
cash . . 85
11.87 5.49
___________________________________________________________________________________________ 6.38
Tution quar. end June 30 2.00
Tax of 1881 3.50
Oct. cash 2.90
“ 2.25
Nov. wood 2.50
Jan. 10 “ 5.00
Dec. 23 Tution 2.00 .
13.88 12.65
1882 Tution quar. end. Mar 25 1.40
July 2 “ “ “ June 25 1.10 .
16.38 12.65
“ “ “ Nov. 1.70
Tax of 1882 2.85
Cash 4.00
Wood 3.50
Tution quar. end Mar. 9, 1883 2.25 .
23.18 20.15
“ “ “ July 3.75
By wood 7.70
By tax 1883 .90 .
27.85 27.85
Page 286 James Parsons
Jan. 10 Cash .75
Feb. Cash .75
For Quar. ending Feb. 1.50
1.50 1.50

for Quarter ending May 2.25
for Quarter end. July 1.00
July 3.25
Tax of 1884 1.50
Nov. Paid by wood 3.50
Dec. 19 Tuition fee quar. ending Dec. 19 3.00
Tuition fee quar. end. June 5 2.50
Paid cash 1.00
Tuition fee quar. end. Mar. 13 1.50
11.75 4.50
1885 Bal. due 7.25
Tax of 1885 1.50
Tuition fee 1st term 3.00
Paid cash to W. Jensen 1.50
Oct. 28 Paid cash to M. Jenkins 3.00
1886 Tuition fee 2nd term 2.90
Tuition fee 3rd term 3.37
Tuition fee 4th term 5.00
Feb. 26 Paid cash 2.00
June 29 Paid cash 2.00
23.02 8.50
July 1 Bal. due 14.52
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 96
Pederson, J. O. - [Jens O. Pederson]
1874 Dr. Educ. Dr. Build. Cr. Educ. Cr. Building
1874 To build. tax 3.85
1875 “ “ “ 4.50
To Ed. “ 1.50
Dec. 8 by Amt. pd. to J. H. Barker 8.35
“ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ 1.50 .
$1.50 $8.35 $1.50 $8.35
1876 Dr. Cr.
June 1st To tax 2.15
Dec. By amount paid. 2.15
$2.15 $2.15
Feb. 2 To tuition fees 0.85
May 11 “ “ “ 1.37
Bal. car’d down 2.25
$2.22 $2.22
Sep. 1 Bal. Brot. down 2.22
“ “ To tax 1.70
Feb. 13 By labor 2.20
“ “ To tuition fees. Quar. end. Feb. 13, 1878 2.00
Bal. due 3.72
$5.92 $5.92
1878 Feb. 14 To Bal. Brot. down 3.72
Oct. To J. Griffin 3.72

To tax of 1878 .90
Feb. 25, 1879 To tuition fee 1.70
March 15 By order on Store 2.00
To tax of 1879 .45
May Work planting trees on Square .50
Nov. 28 Tuition .60
Dec. 12 To P. Larsen 1.00 May 31, 1880 from P. Larsen 4.15 5.15
Feb. 20 1880 Tuition 2.50
April 30 Tuition 1.50
7.65 7.65
[To] Page 97
Page 97 Jens O. Pederson
By bal. brot. down .20 [?]
Tax of 1880 .50
Dec. 18 Per P. Larsen .50

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 372
Petersen, N. E.
1885 Dr. Cr.
Tax of 1885 1.50
Paid cash 1.50
July 1 1.50 1.50
July 1st
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 359
Petersen, P.
1885 Dr. Cr.
Tax of 1885 .40
Paid cash .40
Tuition fee 3rd term 2.25
2.65 .40 [totals]
July 1 Bal. due 2.25
July 1 Paid 2.25 2.25

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 371
Petersen, S. M. - [Marinus Petersen on 1885 tax list]
1885 Dr. Cr.
Tax of 1885 .25
Paid cash .25
.25 .25
July 1
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 97
Peterson, Carl 1875 Dr. Educ. Dr. Build. Cr. Educ. Cr. Building
To build. Tax 3.92
To Ed. “ 1.30
Nov. 27 By Amt. on Chris. Larson wagon dividend 1.50
“ bal. on Ed., car. down .20
By Amt. pd. to Newton Co-op 3.92
$1.50 $3.92 $1.50 $3.92
Ed. Tax 1876 Building Tax
Dr. Cr. Feb. 4th Dr. Cr.
.20 By bal. on Ed., car. down
To unpd. build car. down 3.92
Error in Entry Removed [In red ink.]
By bal. brot. down .20

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 94
Peterson, Johannes 1875 Dr. Educ. Dr. Build. Cr. Educ. Cr. Building
To build. Tax 15.00
“ Ed. “ 5.00
Nov. 15 By build. Tax remitted 15.00
“ “ “ Ed. “ “ 5.00
$5.00 $15.00 $5.00 $15.00
[See minutes of meetings Nov. 15, 1875 (pa. 14) $20 of taxes remitted “on account of misfortune.”]

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 95
Peterson, J. A. - 1875 Dr. Educ. Dr. Build. Cr. Educ. Cr. Building
To build. Tax 16.59
“ Ed. “ 5.53
By Co-op shares 16.59
“ “ “ 1.76
Nov. 27 “ Amt. on Chris. Larson wagon dividend .20
To bal. on Ed., car. down 3.57
$5.53 $16.59 $5.53 $16.59
Ed. Tax 1876 Building Tax
Dr. Cr. Feb. 4th
3.57 To bal. on Ed., car. down
3.57 Mar. 27 By Amt. pd. to Co-op
$3.57 $3.57

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 133
Peterson, M. P. 1876
1876 Dr. Cr.
June 1 To tax 3.88
Sep. 1 To tax 3.50
Feb. 13, 1878, By wood 2.25
“ “ “ to tuition fees, Quar. end. Feb. 13, 1878 1.50
Bal. due 6.63
8.88 8.88
Feb. 14 Bal. due 6.63
Dec. Per J. Griffin 6.00
To tax of 1878 1.90
Feb. 25, 1879 To tuition fee .90
Pd. Teacher 4.50
July 4 Tuition fee 2.90
By J. H. Barker 2.50
Bal. .67 .
13.00 13.00
Sep. 30 Bal. to Cr. .67
To tax of 1879 .95
Nov. By fire wood 2.00
“ 30 Tuition fee 2.80
Dec. 12 To P. Larsen 1.10
3.75 3.75 [3.77]
Feb. 20 tuition 3.62
April 30 Tuition 3.62
Oct. cutting fire wood 2.00
“ Paid Peter Larsen 1.50
1881 Tax of 1880 1.75
Jan. 20 Cash to J. Griffin 1.10
Mar. 8 cuting fire wood 1.00
April 1st 1881 Tuition 2.00 .
10.99 5.60
transferd to page 135
Page 135 M. P Peterson
Oct. 10 from page 133 5.40
Cash 1.00
tution quar. end. June 30 1.00
tax of 1881 3.05
Dec. 22 cash 8.45
9.45 9.45

tution quar. end. Mar. 25 2.50
cash 2.50
July 8 tutiion quar. end. June 21 2.20
14.15 11.95
tax of 1882 2.30
Cash 4.50
Apr. 11 Cash 1.50
tution quar. end. Mar. 9th 1883 4.00
Cash 2.00
May 14 Cash 0.50
20.45 20.45

Page 296 M. P. Peterson
for tution quarter end. Mar. 3.00
quarter ending May 4.00
for quarter end. July 2.00
for services [*] $9.00 $12.00 [* as trustee]
July 3.00
1884 Tax of 1884 1.25
Dec. 19 Tuition fee quar. ending Dec. 19 1.05
Tuition fee quar. ending Mar. 13 1.50
Tuition fee quar. end. June 5 2.50 .
6.30 3.00
July Bal. due 3.30
1885 Tax of 1885 1.10
Tuition fee term end. Nov. 20 3.00
Oct. 31 Paid to M. Jenkins 2.00
Paid by Wm. Jensen .90
By choping wood 9.00
Tuition fee 2nd term 1.75
Tuition fee 3rd term 4.50
Tuition fee 4th term 5.00 .
18.70 11.90
July 1 Bal. due 6.80
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Page 166
Ricks, William
1878 Dr. Cr.
Feb. 13 To tuition fees, Quar. end. Feb. 13 3.50
“ “ By Amt. pd. Erkson for Teacher 3.50

To tax of 1878 1.00
Feb. 25, 1879 To tuition fee 1.70
Pd. Teacher tallow 17 ½ c., flour 108 lbs. 2.15 ½ [written above 108] 2.33
Tax of 1879 .50 .
3.20 2.33
Tax of 1880 1.00
Cash 1.00
4.20 3.33
tax of 1881 1.00
tax of 1882 1.00 .
2.89 [?]
tax of 1883 .30
Cash 2.50
. 3.19 2.50
July 1884 .69
Tax of 1884 .50
July 1885 Bal. due 1.19

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 322
Rigby, George
1884 Dr. Cr.
Tax of 1884 .35
Paid cash .35
.35 .35
July 1885
Tax of 1885 .50
Paid cash .50
.50 .50
July 1
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 321
Rigby, Jr. , Wm. F
1884 Dr. Cr.
Tax of 1884 .30
Paid cash .30
.30 .30
1885 Tax of 1885 .50
For collecting school fees 4.50
Received cash 3.00
3.50 4.50
July 1 Bal. to credit 1.00
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
RIGBY, SR., WM. F. - [In the early portion of his account it was under the
name William F. Littlewood until early in 1878 when he changed his name to

Page 86
Littlewood, Wm. F. 1875
Dr. Educ. Dr. Build. Cr. Educ. Cr. Building
1875 To build. Tax 37.68
“ Ed. “ 12.56
By Co-op. share 37.68
Apr. “ books, etc. furnished 2.15
Nov. 27 by Amt. on Chris Larson wagan div. 6.00
Dec. 6 “ cash to J. H. B. 1.50
Feb. 9 by due bill on Co-op of Newton 2.91
$12.56 $37.68 $12.56 $37.68
1876 Dr. Cr.
Feb. 10 by 2 short logs 1.00
Nov. 4 By wood 1.50
June 1st To tax 10.50
Nov. 29 To Bal. Car’d down 7.55
$10.05 $10.05
Nov. 29 To Bal. Brot. down 7.55
Per J. Griffin 7.55
$7.55 $7.55

Feb. 2 To tuition fees 11.30
May 11 To tuition fees 7.50
Aug. 27 By receipt of Welchman, teacher, to Assr. & Col. 18.80
$18.80 $18.80

Sep. 1 To tax 13.00
Feb. 13 By Or. Of Tea.[teacher] 7.00, Or. [order] on Store 6.00 13.00
“ “ To tuition, Quar. end. Feb. 13,’78 8.85
Bal. due 8.85
$21.85 $21.85
To Bal. Brot. down 8.85
To Page 76

Page 76 W. F. Littlewood/Rigby - [with Rigby written over original surname in a different ink]
Feb. 14 From Page 86 8.85
“ “ By order on Store 8.85
To tax of 1878 6.50
Feb. 25th 1879 To tuition fee 4.00
July 4 Tuition fee 2.40
“ 20 cash to J.H.B. 2.00
Tax of 1879 3.25
Nov. 28 Tuition fee 1.60
Dec. 5 Cash 12.00
Feb. 20 Tuition 9.35
Screws for desks .30
“ 25 Order to J. P. Lowe 20.00
April 30 Tuition 8.25
35.35 34.30
Transfered from J. H. Barker a/c for services as Trustee
Part of 15% for collect’g & disbursing 10.00
Tax of 1880 7.75
Nov. 16 cash to JHB 10.00
Dec. 17 Tuition 3.00
April 1st 1881 “ 5.25
51.35 54.30
tution quar. end. June 30 1.50
tax of 1881 18.45
tution quar. end. Dec. 23 2.00
Feb. 2 Cash 18.00
tution quar. end. Mar. 23 7.50
July 8 “ “ “ June 23 3.30
32.75 20.95
“ “ Cash 11.80
32.75 32.75

Page 77 W. F. Rigby
Transfered from Cris Ercksen 9.00
tution quar. end. Nov. 4.20
tax of 1882 10.00
Cash 12.00
Tution quar. end. Mar. 9ath 1883 12.25
35.45 12.00

tution quar. end. July 3.75
39.20 12.00
By order on Garf [?] 13.50
By cash 1.50
Tax of 1883 3.50
Cash 3.75
tution for quarter End. Mar. 7.50
50.20 30.75
By error on tution fees 1.00
for quarter end. May 5.00
for quarter end. July 1.00
56.20 31.75
By cash 24.45
56.20 56.20
July 1884

Page 318 Wm. F. Rigby, Sr.
School tax of 1884 4.00
Oct. Paid 4.00
Dec. 19 Tuition fee quar. end. Dec. 19 4.50
Paid cash 3.75
Tutiton fee quar. end. Mar. 13 7.50
Tuition fee quar. end. June 5 1.25
Paid cash 7.50
17.25 15.25
July Bal. due 2.00
1885 Tax of 1885 5.00
School fee term end. Nov. 29 4.50
Paid 5.00
Paid cash 4.50
1886 Tuition fee 2nd term 8.90
Tuition fee 3rd term 6.00
Tuition fee 4th term 2.50
Feb. 16 Paid 11.85
May 6 Paid 2.00
June 29 Paid cash 4.00
28.90 27.35
July 1 Bal. due 1.55

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Page 98
Seiter, John 1875 Dr. Educ. Dr. Build. Cr. Educ. Cr. Building
To Build. tax 16.47
“ Ed. “ 5.58
By Co-op share 16.47
“ “ “ 1.50
Dec. 9 “ Services rendered [in pencil] Remitted see p. 14 4.08
$5.58 $16.47 $5.58 $16.47
1876 Dr. Cr.
Feb. 10 by lumber, 19 ft. .67
Jume 1st To tax 5.10
Nov. 1st By amount allowed for services rendered 4.43
$5.10 $5.10
June 1st To tax 5.10
Nov. 1st Bt amt. allowed for services 5.10
$5.10 $5.10
Feb. 2 To tuition fees 1.20
Feb. 19 By Amt. pd. to Jno. Griffin, Assr. 1.75
May 11 To tuition fees 1.00
By Bal. Car’d down .45
$2.20 $2.20
Sep. 1 To Bal. Brot. down .45
“ “ To tax 5.00
Feb. 13 By wood to Teacher 3.85
“ “ To tuition fees Quar. end. Feb. 13, 1878. 1.50
“ “ By wood to Sch. house Nov. 21st 2.00
Transfered to Page 72 1.10
6.95 6.95

Page 72 John Sieter - [Seiter] 1878
Feb. 14 From Page 98 1.10
Oct. 21 To J. Griffin 1.10

1879 To tax of 1878 2.60
To tax of 1879 1.30
Nov. 29 To J. P. Low .75
Dec. 12 To P. Larsen 1.00
1880 3.90 1.75
Oct From P. Larsons a/c 2.15
Tax of 1880 2.85
Feb. 10 Per Store order .50
6.75 4.40
transferd to J. Griffin 2.25
tax of 1881 6.50
By cash 1.50
By wood 1.00
Cleaning stove pipe 1.50
Seder Posts 2.00
8.85 7.75 [?]
Feb. 28 Cash .50
“ “ By wood 6.00
“ “ Cash 6.00 [?]
cuting up wood 1.50
“ “ “ .60
14.85 16.35
tax of 1882 5.25
By wood 4.50
20.10 20.85
tax of 1883 1.75
By wood 2.50
21.85 23.35
Page 309 John Seiter 1884
July From Page 72 1.50
School tax of 1884 2.50
Oct. By wood 3.75
Dec. 15 Tansfered to P. Christensen 2.00
Dec. 19 Tuition fee, quar. ending Dec. 19 1.50
Tuition fee quar. end. June 5 1.25
7.25 5.25
Bal. due 2.00
Tax of 1885 1.75
Paid cash 3.75
Paid by Wm. F. Jensen 1.25
Tuition fee quar. end. Nov. 20 1.50
Tuition fee 3rd term 2.25
Paid cash .50
Tuition fee 4th term 2.50
Paid by Wm. Jensen 1.00
10.00 6.50
Bal. due 3.50

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 129
Sheppeard, Alfred
1876 Dr. Cr.
June 1 To tax .75
Sep. 1 To tax 1.30
Feb. 13 To tuition fees Quar. end. Feb. 13, 1878 1.70
“ “ By la. cleaning well for Tea.[cher] .25
$3.75 $3.75
1878 To Bal. Brot. down 3.50
Oct. 21 Per J. Griffin 1.50
Remitted for tuition fees overcharged 2.00
3.50 3.50

1879 to tax of 1878 .45
July 4 Tuition fee .90
To tax of 1879 .40
Nov. 23 cash to JHB 1.50
Feb. 20 tuition 1.12 .
2.87 1.50
Tax of 1880 .65
Oct. 26 cash to JHB .65
3.51 [?] 2.15
By over charged 1.36
3.51 3.51
Sep. 5th school fees quar. end. June 30 1.00
tax of 1881 1.75
Sep. 5 Cash 2.75
tution quar. end. Dec. 23 .60 .
3.35 2.75
cash .60
July 8 tution quar. end. June 23 1.10 .
4.45 3.35
tution quar. end. Nov. 1.00 .
5.45 3.35
Page 131 W. Sheperd
from page 129 2.10
tax of 1882 1.50
By wood 2.75
3.60 2.75
tution quar. end. July 1.25

Page 285 W. A. Sheperd
from Page 129 [should be p. 131] 2.10
tax of 1883 .15
for quarter end. May .75
for quarter end. July 1.00
July Due Trustees $4.00
1884 Paid cash 3.75
Removed [original in black ink]

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 100
Simonson, Hans Dr. Educ. Dr. Build. Cr. Educ. Cr. Building
1875 To build. tax 4.50
“ Ed. “ 1.50
Dec. 8 by labor on chimney 1.50
To unpd. Ed., car. down 1.50
“ bal. on Build. “ “ 3.00
$1.50 $4.50 $1.50 $4.50
1876 Feb. 4th Dr. Cr.
To un pd. Ed., brot. down 1.50
“ bal. on Build. “ “ 3.00
June 1st To tax 1.80
By amount pd. 6.30
$6.30 $6.30
Sep.. 1 To tax 1.60
Wood cutting 1.60
To tax of 1878 .90
“ “ “ 1879 .55
1879 cleaning after plastering & washing 1.45
1.45 1.45
Tax of 1880 1.05
Remited on acount of sickness 1.05

tax of 1881 3.00
July 8 tution quar. end. June 23 1.10
By wood 3.25
tax of 1882 2.00 .
6.10 3.25
tution quar. end. July 1.25 .
7.35 3.35
cash & wood 4.25
tax of 1883 .75 .
8.10 7.50
to Page 295

Page 295 H. Syiminson
1884 from Page 100 .60
for quarter end. May .75
for quarter end. July 1.00
July 1884 $2.35
Tax of 1884 1.00
Nov. Paid by wood 3.50
“ By choping wood 2.00
Mar. 21 By whitewash brush .50
Tuition fee quar. end. June 5 1.25 .
5.10 5.50
July Balance to credit .40
1885 Tax of 1885 1.00
School fee term end. Nov. 20 3.00
Nov. 26 Paid cash .50
Dec. 2 Paid in the store 3.00
Tuition fee 2nd term .90
Tuition fee 3rd term 2.25
Tuition fee 4th term 2.50 .
. 9.65 3.90
July 1 Bal. due 5.75
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 99
Sorrenson, Hans - [Sorensen] Dr. Educ .Dr. Build. Cr. Educ. Cr. Building
1875 To build. tax 11.49
“ Ed. tax 3.45
By Co-op shares, by P. Jenson 11.49
By amt. pd. to Co-op 3.45
$3.45 $11.49 $3.45 $11.49
1876 July 4th Dr. Cr.
To unpd. Ed., brot. down [blank]
June 1st To tax 4.79
`By Amt. pd. to J. Griffin 4.79
$4.79 $4.79
Sep. 1 To tax 4.45
Dec. Per J. Griffin 4.45
To tax of 1878 2.35
July 2 Per P. Larsen cash 1.00
4 Tuition fee 1.00
To tax of 1879 1.30
Nov. 28 Tuition 1.00
Dec. 12 To P. Larsen 1.00
Jan. 14 Charged to P. Larsen 1.25
Feb. 20 Tuition 1.25
6.90 3.25
March 4 From J. N. Beck 1.00
April 30 Tuition 1.25
March 30 Per P. Larsen 2.10
May 28 “ P. Larsen 1.25
8.15 7.60
Tax of 1880 2.20

Oct. Paid P. Larsen .50
Oct. 9 Fire wood 1.50
10.35 9.60
Trans. Page 125 Bal. due .75 .75
10.35 10.35

Page 125 H. Sorenson
1880 from page 99 .75
quar. end. Dec. tution fees 1.50
Dec. Cash per P. Larson .50
Dec. 31 Cash to J. Griffin 1.00
Cash “ “ “ .70
April 1st 1881 Tuition 1.25
“ “ “ Per store order 1.25
3.40 3.45
tution quart. End. June 30 1.00
tax of 1881 4.45
By cash 5.45
tution quar. end. Dec. 23 .50
1882 5.95 5.40
tution quar. end. Mar. 25 1.45
April Cash 2.00
July 8 tution quar. end. June 23 1.90
9.20 7.40
Cash 1.80
9.20 9.20

tution quar. end. Nov. 1.40
tax of 1882 3.50
Cash 5.10
tution quar. end. Mar. 9th 1883 2.25
Cash 1.25
tution quar. end. July 2.50
9.65 6.35
Cash 3.30
9.65 9.65

tax of 1883 1.25
Cash 1.25
tution quarter end. Feb. 1.50
Mar. 24 By eggs 1.50
for quarter end. my [? May] 3.50
6.25 2.75
Transfered to Page 303

Page 303 Hans Sorrensen From Page 125
July 1884 3.50
Tax of 1884 1.75
Paid 1.75
Dec. 19 Tuition fee quar. ending Dec. 19 2.10
Paid cash 2.75
Tuition fee quar. ending Mar. 13 3.00
June 15 Transferred from J. P. Jensen act. 2.40
Paid cash 1.10
10.35 8.00
Bal. due 2.35
Paid cash 3.50
July Bal. to credit 1.15
1885 Tuition fee quar. end. June 1.25
Bal. due .10
Tax of 1885 2.00
Paid by Store order .48
School fee term end. Nov. 20 1.50
1886 Paid in Store .68
Tuition fee 3rd term 2.25
Feb. 12 Paid cash 2.35
“ 22 Paid 1.57
June 29 Paid .80
5.85 5.88
July 1

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 324
Sorensen, Hans N. 1884
1884 Dr. Cr.
Tax of 1884 . 35
July Due .35
1885 Tax for 1885 .50
Paid to M. Jenkins 1.00
.85 1.00
July 1 Bal. to credit .15
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 299
Spackman, John
[1883 or 1884] Dr. Cr.
School tax for 1883 .35
Paid cash .35
.35 .35
1885 Tax of 1885 .35
Paid cash .35
.35 .35
July 1 1886

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 294
Stevens, Thomas
1885 Dr. Cr.
Tax of 1885 .25
Paid cash .25
1886 Tuition fee 4th term 2.50
Paid by C. England 2.50
2.75 2.75
July 1
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 329
Stone, Solomon
[1885] Dr. Cr.
Tuition fee quar. Mar. 13th 1.50
Paid by order to store 1.50
Tax of 1885 .25
Paid cash .25
1886 Tuition fee 2nd term .90
Paid cash .90
2.65 2.65
July 1
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Page 294
Tempest, Phenus
[1884] Dr. Cr.
tution quarter end. Feb .75
Paid cash .75
for quarter end. May 2.00
July $2.00
1884 Paid cash 2.00 2.00
Removed [original in black ink]

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Page 115
UNITED ORDER - [ Also included in the middle portion of the Co-operative Store account.]
Page 115
United Order
1876 Dr. Cr.
Feb. 10 by lumber furnished, 45 ft. 1.35
June 1st To Tax 42.25
Nov. 20 By Order on Treasurer of Newton U. O 42.25
By Bal. Car. down 1.35
$43.60 $43.60
June 1st To Tax 42.15
Nov. 1st By Treasurer’s Order No. 107 42.15
$42.15 $42.15
Nov. 28 By Cr. Brot. from Co-op Store Acc.,
now closed, see p. 68 .70
Feb. 11 Tax of 1877 17.00
Oct. to J. Griffin 17.00
1879 To tax of 1878 on Co-op. 4.00
June 30 By a/c in Store 4.00
1879 To Tax 2.00
Dec. 1 By a/c in Store 2.00
Tax of 1880 4.00
Nov. 15 To J.H.B. 4.00
tax of 1881 9.00
By cash 9.00
tax of 1882 7.00
Cash 7.00
Tax of 1883 Paid 2.00 2.00
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Page 204
Warren, David
1878 Dr. Cr.
To tax of 1878 1.00
1879 Tax of 1879 .50
Nov. Paid in Store 1.00
Feb. 20 Tuition error in entering .50 .50
Tax of 1880 1.15
Nov. 24 By transfer to Trustee a/c in Store 1.65
3.15 3.15

tax of 1881 2.20
Cash 2.20

tax of 1882 2.00
tax of 1883 .70
By cash 1.00
2.70 1.00
July 1.70
1884 Tax of 1884 .75
Paid Tax of 1884 .75
1.70 [?] .75
July Bal. due 1.70
1885 Tax of 1885 1.50
Received cash 1.75
3.20 1.75
July 1 Bal. due 1.45
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
WELCHMAN, A. P. - [Arthur Pendry Welchman was invited to relocate from Oxford, Idaho, to Newton to
teach school. He began teaching there in March of 1876. His school account record begins
on page 103 and continued on page 120 of the district school records reflecting a combination
personal and school teacher account. But the portion devoted to the position as teacher
dominated the entries. So beginning in February of 1877 the record keeper started a second
account under the title of “School Teacher,” which covered pages 121, 144, 162 and 163.
After Welchman resigned at teacher in late February of 1879 his account concludes with
his individual account covering from June of 1879 to mid- 1886 on pages 167 and 293.]

Page 103
Welchman, A. P. - [Arthur Pendry Welchman]
1876 Dr. $ c Cr. $ c
Feb. 4th To material for log house 40.00
“ “ “ posts & lumber .50
“ “ “ Cash 5.00
“ “ “ U. O. on Newton Co-op in favor of McCombs 5.00
“ “ “ Wheat 15.40
“ “ by Amt. due on tuition, 1st qr., ending July 29th 1875 40.00
“ “ by Amt. due, tuition, 2nd qr., Ending Dec. 22nd 1875 40.00
“ “ by cash loan’d to Board, see pa. 46 9.10
“ “ To cash rec’d 4.10
“ “ By Bal. car. down 19.10 .
$89.10 $89.10
As pr. settlement of [Feb. 4th date]
___ ____________________________________________________________________________________
Feb. 14 By Bal. Brot. Down 19.10
“ “ To flour (see pa. 58) .87
“ “ “ Willows ( “ “ 62) 1.50
“ “ “ lumber rec’d (see pa. 73) 4.49
“ 9 “ Cash rec’d 2.50
Mar. 8 “ Amt. rec’d by or. on Lo[gan] Z.C.M.I. 23.00
“ 22 By Amt. lacking in tuition fees of 2nd Qr. to make the $80.00 due 7.50
“ “ By amt. due for 3rd Qr. 40.00
Apr. 13 to Amt. cr. on sch. Tax, favor of Peter Larson 1.00
Apr. 15 by bal. O. P. to Board in fee bills .54
By Bal. due car’d down 33.83 .
$67.19 $67.19
By Bal. due brot. down 33.83
Carried to pa. 120

Page 120 Welchman, A. P.
1876 Dr. $ c Cr. $ c
Apr. 15 by amount brought from page 103 33.83
“ “ To Amt. rec’d in order on Newton Co-op 33.83
Nov. 6 To Tuition fees, collected of A. McCombs 1.32
Nov. “ “ “ “ “ Thomas Beck 1.44
Nov. 6 “ taxes collected of Thomas Bates 1.00
Nov. 6 By bill allowed by Board 3.25
June 1st To tax 3.25
[pencil entry] Feb. 2 (1877) To tuition fees 2.35 [?]
June 1st To Tax 3.25
Nov. 6 By Bill for service as Clerk, Allowed by Board 3.25
March 26 Transfer to J. P. Yensen 1.60
April To tuition fee, qr. ending April 2.50
By amount pd. to J. Griffin, Assr & Collector, as pr. order 2.50
Oct. 1 To Amt. pd to J. G. Assr. & Col. favor J. Jenkins .59
By Bal. Car’d down 2.19
$7.94 $7.94
Sep. 1 To Bal. Brot. Down 2.19
“ “ To Tax 1.95
To one sheep from W. F. L. 3.00
Oct. per J. Griffin 7.14
7.14 7.14
Oct. 21 To Rec. of J. Griffin in April cash 10.00
“ “ “ “ “ F. Curtis of Oct. 20 (came in too late for
settlement) 1.80
Dec. 3 Per H. P. Larson 480 lb., Swen Jacobs 778 lb. wheat 1258 lbs 12.58
Dec. Per M. P. Peterson 4.50
To Tax of 1878 .85
Transfered to page 163 To tax of 1878 29.73
$29.73 $29.73
[Now account is divided into school teacher position and personal account,
which will follow on p. 167.]

Dr. Cr.
Page 121 School Teacher $ c $ c
Feb. 2 By A. P. Welchman, 1 Qr. tuition 108.00
“ 12 To U. O. Orders 48.50 Store pay 44.79 93.29
Mar. 26 To Amt. Collected as per orders 32.77
“ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ 1.50
Feb. 23 To Willows rec’d of D. Nelson 1.75
Feb. 26 To amt. rec’d as pr. order on J. G. [John Griffin] 2.85
To Amt. rec’d of Jens Hanson, as pr. order on Assr. 3.25
July 21 To Wood, rec’d of Trustees, 84 ft. at $5 pr. cd. 3.30 .
$138.71 $108.00

May 31 By school fees for qr. ending May 108.00
Aug. 27 Per order of Teacher Welchman, per C. Anderson,
L. Erkson, J. N. Beck, Wm. F. Littlewood, & J. Griffin 34.86
Oct. 1 Per order on A. Clarke 9.00, J. Jenkins 1.35, L. P.
Christensen 2.45, S. Jacobs, Sen. 1.00 14.10 [ penciled 216 lined out]
By Payments on order on J. Griffin Ass. & Coll. from
Trustees 14.65
“ “ From Treasurer per Store a/c 13.68
$216.00 $216.00 [?]
Oct. 1 To Amt. pd. to Assr. & Col. J. G. favor J [incomplete and penciled out}

Page 144 School Teacher Dr. Cr.
1877 A. P. W. $ c $ c
Nov. 6 (1876) To tuition fees collected of Andrew McCombs 1.32
“ “ (’76) ditto of Thomas Beck per J.N.B. 1.44
“ “ (’76) ditto of Thomas Bates 1.00
Feb. 2 ’77. Schooling of his own two children 2.35
Mar. 13 By orders given on Assr , to wit -
Fav. of Jas. Christiansen (Feb. 16th) 6.00
“ “ Peter Christiansen (Mar. 13) 1.50
“ “ Peter Benson (Mar. 5) .75
“ “ L. P. Christiansen (Feb. 14) .70
“ “ C. Anderson (Feb. 10) [ blank]
“ “ Amos Clarke (Nov. 25, 76) [ blank]
“ “ “ “ (Jan. 22, 77) 3.70

Page 162 School Teacher A. P. Welchman
1878 Dr. Cr.
Feb. 13 By Amt. due for services for Quarter end. Feb. 13/78. 108.00
Feb. 13 To Receipt, of date, to various persons 31.60
Jan. 14 To Receipts fav. J. H. B. 8.17
“ “ “ “ “ W. F. Rigby 7.00
“ “ To receipts (of Sep. 25, 77) J. Seiter .73
“ “ “ Amt. rec’d through Store (Steers) 50.00
“ “ “ Receipt favor of W. Blanchard 5.20
“ “ “ “ “ “ Wm. Ricks 1.33
“ “ “ “ “ “ J. H. Barker 4.00 .
$108.00 $108.00

May By Amt. due for services for qr. ending May 1878 108.00
Oct. 11 Rec’d of J. Griffin, Assr. & Col. at various dates, as
follows J. N. Hanson 1.50 Amos Clarke 1.10
C. Anderson 0.85 Jens Hanson 8.02 H. Curtis 0.60
J. Parsons 0.25 P. Benson 0.75 J. Jenkins 3.00
J. Christiansen 0.25 T. Bates 0.75 9.85
To U. O. 25.00
July 26 Rec’d of J. H. Barker, Treasurer cash 43.60
July 2 To wood from Trustees 7.90
Oct. 11 To taxes, etc. of 1877 7.14
" “ 10.51 lb. wheat per J. Griffin 10.51
“ “ Per order favor J. H. Barker 4.00 .
$108.00 $108.00

Page 163 School Teacher
1879 Dr. Cr.
Feb. 25 By Amt. due for services for qr. ending Feb. 25th 1879 90.00
Brot. from A. P. Welchman acc. p. 120 29.73
To Amt. rec’d of sundry persons in per receipt of Feb. 25,
given to trustees 25.38
To order of Jan. 7, 79 on Trustees, favor of Morten Larsen 6.00
March 12 By cash from J. H. Barker, treas. 28.89 .
$90.00 $90.00

**** [Back to personal account]
Page 167 A. P. Welchman
1879 Dr. Cr.
Jan. 1 To wheat from W. Griffin 220 lb. 2.20
July 4 Tuition fee 1.06
Tax of 1879 .40
Nov. 2 To J. P. Low [tuition to new teacher replacing A.P.W.] .50
“ 30 “ J. P. Low 1.10
“ “ cash to J. H. B. 1.00
“ “ per J. H. B. 1.06
3.66 3.66
Feb. 20 Tuition 2.50
Paid to J. P. Low 2.00
April 30 Tuition 1.50
March 30 Per P. Larson .50
For sweeping school house 1.00
4.00 3.50
Aug. 30 cash per P. Larson 1.60
Tax of 1880 1.10
April 1th 1881 Tuition 1.25
“ “ “ Cash 1.00
6.35 6.10

Cash .25
Tax of 1881 2.00
By Cash 2.00
Tution quar. end Dec. 23 .50
Tution quar. end Mar 25 3.00
July 8 Cash 2.00
5.75 4.25
“ 1.50
5.75 5.75

Tution quar. end Nov .40
Tax of 1885 [? Should be 1882] 2.00
Cash 3.65
Tution quar end Mar 4th 1883 2.25
Cash 1.00
4.65 4.65

Page 293 A. P. Welchman
Dr. Cr.
1884 Tution quarter end. February 2.25
July $2.25
1884 Paid to M. Jenkins 2.25
Tax of 1884 .75
Paid cash .75
3.00 3.00

1885 Tax of 1885 .50
School fee term end Nov. 20 1.50
Paid by C. England 1.50
1886 Tuition fee 2nd term 1.75
Paid by C. England 1.50
Tuition fee 3rd term 2.25
Tuition fee 4th term 2.50
Mar 1 Paid cash .90
Paid by C. England 2.10
8.50 6.00
. .
July 1 Bal. due 2.50
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 371
Wennergreeen, E.
[1885] Dr. Cr.
Tax of 1885 1.00
Balance due 1.00
1886 July 1st Due $1.00

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 164
West, David 1878
1878 Dr. Cr.
Feb. 13 To tuition fees Quar. end. Feb. 13 1.35
Oct. per J. Griffin 1.00
“ 21 “ “ “ .35
1.35 1.35

To tax of 1878 .50
Feb. 25th 1879 To tuition fee .50
To tax of 1879 .25
Feb. 20 tuition .50
April 30 Tuition .75
March 30 Per P. Larsen 1.75
2.50 1.75
Tax of 1880 .40
To P. Larsen .40
Leaber [?labor] on school house .75
2.90 2.90

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 102
Whitaker, Leander
1874 Dr. Educ. Dr. Build. Cr. Educ. Cr. Building
1874 To bal. on Build. tax 3.10
“ Build. “ [blank]
“ Ed. “ .85
“ fees 1.25
1875 To build. tax 3.81
“ Ed. “ 1.27
To unpd. building tax, car. down 6.91
“ “ Ed. & fees, “ “ 3.37
$3.37 $6.91 $3.37 $6.91
1876 Feb. 4th Dr. Cr.
To unpd. build. brot. down 6.91
“ “ Ed. & fees “ “ 3.37
By Amt. O.P. in 1873 as pr. written order of J.H.B. of May 17, ’76 6.63
By Amt. cr. on la. in ’73 .28
To Bal. Car. down 3.37
$10.28 $10.28
June 1st To tax 1.10
To Bal. brot. down 3.37
By amount paid 4.47
$4.47 $4.47
Acc. car’d to page 141

Page 141 Whittaker, Leander Brot. from p. 102
Nov. 1 [blank]
Feb. 2 To tuition fees 2.35
May 11 To tuition fees 1.67
Sep. 1 To tax 1.30
Feb. 13 To tuition fees, Quar. end. Feb. 13, 1878 3.36
Per J. Griffin in Inist [?] 3.00
Bal. due 5.68
8.68 8.68
Feb. 14 Bal. due 5.68
Oct. Paid J. Griffin 5.68

To tax of 1878 .85
Feb. 25, 1879 To tuition fees 1.70
June 20 By cash 3.00
“ 30 cash by Dora .75
July 4 Tuition fee 2.60 Dora 75 c. 3.35
Bal. 2.15
5.90 5.90
Sep. 30 Bal. due 2.15
Tax of 1879 .30
Nov. 30 Tuition fee 2.90
“ “ cash to J.H.B. 2.20
Jan. 15 fire wood 1.85
Cutting wood for school 1.50
5.35 5.35
Feb. 20 Tuition 3.10
April 25 Cash 3.00
“ 30 Tuition 3.25
[to] Page 140

Page 140 Leander Whittaker 1880
From Page 141 3.35
Tax of 1880 .60
Nov. 24 By transfer in Store to Trustee a/c 3.95
3.95 3.95

Dec. 16 cash to J.H.B. 3.00
Dec. 14 tuition 4.50
By cleaning school house 1.50
Mar. 8 By cuting fire wood 1.00
April 1st 1881 Tuition 3.00 .
7.50 5.50
tution quar. end. June 3 4.00
tax of 1881 1.25
By halling [hauling] lumber 3.50
Dec. 24 By cuting wood and cleaning house 1.50
Dec. 23 tution 3.70
10.95 5.00
tution quar. end. Mar. 25 3.00
Cuting firwood 2.95
July 2 tution quar. end. June 23 1.60
15.55 7.95
tution “ “ Nov. 2.00
tax of 1882 Cleaning house 1.00 1.50
By wood 4.25
18.55 13.70
transferd to page 145

Page 145 Leander Witicar [then written above in different hand] Whitaker

from page 140 4.85
tution quar. end. Mar. 9th 1883 4.00
“ “ “ July 1.80
tax of 1883 .30
Mar. 23 Choping wood 6.00
for quarter end. May .75
11.70 6.00
July 1884 5.70
Tax of 1884 .50
Oct. 15 By wood 6.60
Tuition fee quar. end. Mar. 13 1.50
7.70 6.60
Bal. due 1.10
Transfered to page 328

Page 328 Leander Whitaker
From page 145 1.10
Tuition fee quar. end. June 5 1.70
July Bal. due 2.80
1885 Tax of 1885 .50
Paid by wood 6.50
1886 Tuition fee 2nd term 4.50
Tuition fee 3rd term 1.12
Tuition fee 4th term 1.25
May 7 Paid cash 1.20
10.17 7.70
1886 July 1 Bal. due 2.47

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 374
Wilcox, [Joseph]
[1886] Dr. Cr.
Tuition 1st term 1.50
Paid cash [blank]
Tuition fee 2nd term 4.75
Tuition fee 3rd term 4.50
Nov. 21 Paid cash 1.50
Feb. 6 Paid cash 4.75
May 25 Paid cash 2.55
June 9 Paid cash 1.95
10.75 10.75
July 1st

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 113
Wilson, John
1876 Dr. Cr.
Feb. 10 By la. on School house, 3 hrs .50

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Page 112
Wilson, Joseph
1876 Dr. Cr.
Feb. 10 by la. on school house, 8 hrs. 1.50
“ “ by fixing clock .50
Apr. 15 to tuition fees due for 3rd Qr. 4.70
Nov. 20 By Order on Treasurer of Newton U. O. pd. to Ass. & Col. 6.25
By Bal. Carried down 3.55 .
$8.25 $8.25
1876 By Bal. Brot. down 3.55
May 30 To Tax 1.38
By amount O. P. car’d down 2.17
$3.55 $3.55

Page 113 Wilson, Joseph [After one-third of previous page the account moves to this adjacent page where “Joseph”
is written over the top of “John.” Then apparently the account for Joseph resumes for
1878; since there is no record for the year 1877 perhaps the $2.17 credit from 1876 was
taken care of previously.]
Tax of 1878 .25
1880 Tax of 1879 .25
Feb. 20 To 6 castings for desks 6 months time 18.00
tax of 1880 .40
tax of 1881 .80
Dec. to cash 16.30
18.00 18.00

tax of 1882 0.98
tax of 1883 .25
July 1884 1.25 [? 1.23]
Tax of 1884 .30
July 1885 Bal. due 1.55
Brought to page 366

Page 366 Joseph Wilson
1885 From page 113 1.55
Tax of 1885 .25
1886 Balance due 1.80
July 1
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Page 131
Wilson, S. S.
1876 Dr. Cr.
June 1 To tax 1.05
Work on chimney 1.50
By Amt. O. P. , car’d down .45
$1.50 $1.50
1877 Brot. down .45
Sep. 1 To tax 1.20
[blank] .75
$1.20 $1.20
1878 To Bal. Brot. down .75
Remitted no force

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

YENSON - [see account of Jens Peter Jensen]

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

[The school record book of 385 numbered pages concludes with the following
entries made on a separate sheet of paper and placed between the end cover
and the proceeding page. The shading testifies that it has been in this
place for over a century.]

Newton, Cache Co, Utah Terr’y
July 12th 1886
This certifies that I have examined the accounts of Sec’y
Wm. F. Jensen of Newton school District No. 6 Cache Co.
Utah Territory, for the year ending July 1886, including
Taxes & Tuition Fees and find the same correct.

Jonas N. Beck,
----- Auditor -----

Bro. Wm. F. Jensen
I have been over your a/cs & find you have balanced
them up for the year ending July 1886. I have found no
error. And as I would like to go to Clarkston I thought the
above certificate a sufficient guarantee - which you can
read to the meeting &c.

I remain &c
Jonas N. Beck,
Newton, Cache Co., Utah
July 12th 1886

[Transcriber's note: The book, “Newton District School, Book A, 1875-1886” was contributed to the Special Collections, Merrill Library, Utah State University, Logan, Utah. Other Newton District 6 records can be found in that collection. --L. D. Christiansen]