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James F. Turner Title Bond to W. D. William [sic] August 11, 1882 The State of Alabama ) Know all men by these presents that I, James F. Lamar County ) Turner, am held & firmly bound unto William D. Williams in the sum of four hundred dollars for the payment of which I bind myself, my heirs, Executors & Administrators, firmly by these presents, Witness my hand & seal, this 11 day of August, 1882. The condition of this obligation is, that whereas, I have this day sold to said Williams my interest in the S½ of SE¼ Sec. 33, T.14,R.15, for the sum of two hundred dollars, fifty dollars due Dec. 25, 1882, & one hundred & fifty dollars, due Dec. 25, 1883, by his two promissory notes which retain the vendor's lien on said land. Also, Robert Turner holds two promissory notes one for one hundred dollars, due Dec. 25, 1881, & one for one hundred dollars, due Dec. 25, 1882, which are a lien upon said land to said Williams, Now, if, upon the payment to me of said purchase-money, by said Williams, I make to him warranty title to my interest, in fee simple, in said land, this obligation shall be null & void, otherwise shall remain in full force & effect. (Seal) J. F. Turner Original in possession of Gale and Virginia Sanders, transcription by Paul Hays, April 2004
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