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Vernon Clipper 12 Mar 1880

Microfilm Ref Call #373 Microfilm Order #M1992.4466 from The Alabama Department of Archives and History



DO YOU REMEMBER? – by W. W. Story – [Atlantic Monthly]

Because we once drove together In the moonlight over the snow, With the sharp bells ringing their tinkling chime, So many a year ago.

So, now, as I hear them jingle, The winter comes back again, Though the summer stirs in the heavy trees, And the wild rose scents the lane.

We gather our furs around us, Our faces the keen air stings, And noiseless we fly o’er the snow-hushed world Almost as if we had wings.

Enough is the joy of mere living, Enough is the blood’s quick thrill; We are simply happy – I care no why – We are happy beyond our will.

The trees are with icicles jeweled, The walls are o’er-buried with snow; The homes with marbled whiteness are rooted, In their windows the home-lights glow.

Through the tense, clear sky above us The keen stars flash and gleam, And wrapped in their silent shroud of snow The broad fields lie and dream.

And jingling with low, sweet clashing Ring the bells, as our good horse goes, And tossing his head, from his nostrils red His frosty breath he blows.

And close you nestle against me, While around your waist my arm I have slipped – ‘tis no bitter cold – It is only to keep us warm.

We talk, and then we are silent; And suddenly – you know why – I stopped – could I help it? You lifted your face – We kissed – there was nobody nigh.

And no one was ever the wiser, And no one was ever the worse. The skies did not fall – as perhaps they ought – And we heard no paternal curse.

I never told it – did you, dear? – From that day until this; But my memory keeps in its inmost recess, Like a perfume, that innocent kiss.

I dare say you have forgotten, ‘Twas so many a year ago; Or you may not choose to remember it, Time may have changed you so.

The world so chills us and kills us, Perhaps you may scorn to recall That night, with its innocent impulse – Perhaps you’ll deny it all.

But it of that fresh, sweet nature The veriest vestige survive, You remember that moment’s madness – You remember that moonlight drive.



It was the coldest, iciest morning there had yet been in November. Al over the brown fields shone the frost; the little ponds were skimmed over with a glittering film; in the gardens, the vines, long since dead, shone with the cold smile of coming winter. But, withal, it was a bright, shining morning and the smoke from the chimney lay in the air, soft and beautiful. The sharp ring of an ax sounded regularly from the barn-yard. It was wielded by a boy of thirteen perhaps, but small for that age. His jacket was buttoned closely around him; his cap pressed down upon his curly hair; and his cheeks glowed with the frost air and the exercise. He had been cutting wood an hour; meanwhile, in the house had arrived a little girl, brought there by the overseer of the poor. She stood timidly at one side of the grate fire, the blaze warming her chilled limbs. She hugged an old cloak tightly about her, and replied in a low voice to the kind questions asked her by the farmer’s wife, Mrs. Wyllis. The good woman was questioning her pretty closely as to who her parents were, and especially her father’s name, and why she had been left in the poor-master’s charge’ which the poor, shivering child seemed evidently desirous to avoid answering. “Seems to me,” said a voice by the door behind Mrs. Wyllis, “if I was you, mother, I wouldn’t ask her anything more about her father.” Marjory cast a look of thankfulness toward the speaker, who had come in unnoticed, and who was the boy who had been chopping wood. “You needn’t interrupt me, Fred,” said his mother. “Of course I want to know all I can about her parents. But I’ll leave it till she has taken off her things.” And then turning to the girl she said: “Well, I think you’ll be a very good little girl; and I’ll take you up-stairs to the room you’ll sleep in; then you may come down and help me.” And Mrs. Wyllis led her off, and shortly returned without her. Fred sat by the fire, his cap thrown off, his chin on his hand. He remained thoughtful a few minutes, then lifting his head, he said: “What did she say her name was, mother?” “Quite a romantic name – Marjory St. James.” “Who do you suppose she is, anyway?” Marjory, softly coming along the other room, whose door was half open, heard her name, and involuntarily paused. “I am sure I don’t know,” Mrs. Wyllis replied. “I shall try to send her to school this winter; you must be kind to her, Fred, and treat her well.” “Treat her well! Of course I shall. I declare, she’s got about the homeliest phiz I ever saw!” “Hush!” said his mother, looking with ill-concealed pride at the handsome face of her boy. “You shouldn’t talk so.” The boy took up his cap and went back to his chopping, while the girl in the other room stood still for a moment with a flushed face and strangely bright eyes; then she came quietly into the kitchen and began washing dishes. Fred had every inclination to be kind and on intimate terms with the newcomer. King he was, but it did not seem possible to be very intimate with the poor-house girl. Fred decided in his own mind that she was the proudest piece he ever saw, and he was very much provoked with himself that he could not help liking her, for she certainly appeared to care very little for him. And so things went on until one day, after she had been at the farm about two months, there happened an incident which effectually broke down the reserve the child had striven to maintain. It was a warm, thawy day in January. Fred had been out in the meadow half a mile below the house all the morning, when his mother experienced an imperative desire that he should return to cut up a pile of oven wood. Mrs. Wyllis directed Marjory to run down and call him, and bring him back directly. Marjory walked sedately along the path, through the woods that separated the house from the meadow; and on the borders of the low land, she paused and looked around for Fred. She could not see him, but she saw the prints of his boots in the soft watery snow. There was but little snow among the trees, but she saw the gleam of black pools of water. She plunged into the gloom, at first following Fred’s footsteps, which she could faintly discern, but soon she lost them, and could not find them again until, finally, she broke through a tangle of horse-briers upon the bank of a little pond, in whose dark, stagnant waters she saw the boy for whom she had been sent, his head thrown back, his hands holding fast to a floating log of half-decayed wood, that barely kept him up. Marjory stood for one moment recovering her breath, and trying to decide upon what to do. Fred looked in silence at her, an instinct telling him that she would do the best thing. She clasped her hands, and cried: “I will get a long pole and reach it to you,” and turned to find it, while Fred said despondently: “You are not strong enough.” But the frail little arms were muscular, and seemed now endowed with superhuman strength. With much painful maneuvering on the part of both, Fred grasped the pole and was dragged to the shore. Overcome by exhaustion, the boy sank down at her feet, and a few illy-concealed tears escaped her eyes as she took his head upon her arm; and he felt an almost uncontrollable desire to kiss her; but he refrained, feeling rather doubtful as to how she would take it, besides the fear of compromising his boyish dignity. Sooner than he would have liked, she started up to go home, and he was fain to start with her. They plunged on briskly for half an hour, the boy’s wet clothes steaming with his exercise; when suddenly, with a very blank face, he exclaimed: “Marjory, I don’t know where we are! I am lost.” It was true. Years after, when Marjory was gone, Fred Wyllis recalled with an aching regret, despite its miseries, that long night’s wandering in the woods, when he supported Marjory, who persisted in bravely denying that she was tired; and when, in the gray wintry dawn, they came out upon a highway, five miles from home, and plodded onward, until a farmer took them up in his cart and carried them home to the distracted parents. * * * * It was the little garden of the farmhouse, but now over its gaudy, blooming flowers was pouring the golden light of a summer moon. Years had seemed to tell nothing upon the elm, now whispering leafily in that warm air. Looking for the girl who came shivering in rage years ago at that housedoor, we saw her leaning over the swinging wooden gate, a flickering shade darkening the too dark face, for Marjory St. James can never be beautiful. But she had developed a talent for vocal music which was truly marvelous. “Have you indeed decided to go?” had just asked the man by her side, bending a handsome blonde head down to his companion, and speaking with an intensity of tome that seemed unnecessary with such words. “Irrevocably, I would not miss singing with such surroundings. It has been my wish too long to forego it now.” She spoke with an earnestness so sincere as in some way to irritate her companion. “You speak that ‘irrevocably’ in a way that wounds me,” said Fred. “As you say that, I feel aforboding that you will never return to us.” Marjory smiled bitterly, as one who plays with her happiness. “And in that case?” she said, interrogatively. “In that case, Marjory, I shall be utterly miserable.” said the young man with sudden energy. Marjory drew back with quick coldness, saying “I did not mean to provoke any such phrase.” “Oh, no; I am well aware of that,” he said; “you repel me to every possible way. But be ice to me, if you will." He cried, passionately, seizing her hand and holding it to his fast-throbbing heart; "“ will risk my happiness tonight in telling you that I love you -–love you! Oh, it is an old feeling, but it moves me strangely in the telling of it!” He paused, with such a sound of emotion in his voice as told even more than his words. Marjory stood very still. Could he feel the hand grow cold in his clasp? Until at last, gathering strength, she said, and that it cost her an effort he could see: “Channel a new course for your love, Fred. You know what your mother thinks of a clouded, perhaps a dishonorable birth; mine is such – and I am very proud; prouder, I think than your mother even, so that I could never be her daughter. Have I not many times heard her say she would think only one thing indispensable for her son’s wife – an honest parentage?” The silence that fell upon the two after those words was more drear than anything Fred had ever known; yet he did not really believe but that he could change that determination , only let him gain one assurance of her love. “You do not love,” he said, “or you would not let a prejudice of my mother’s weigh more than my happiness. Only say to me that you can never love me, and I will never thus offend you more.” He held both her hands now, and the clasp seemed as though it would hold her to him forever; but an indomitable pride sustained her; as she said icily, with tones that belied the feelings of her heart: “It is enough for a gentleman to know that I will not marry him.” And so they parted, never to meet but once again. Years passed. Winter had far advanced; the night was filled with starry frostiness. The gayest, the most brilliant of audiences was listening to the exquisite “Sonnambula” of Miss St. James. As the last strain parted her lips in that living melody which so thrilled the hearts of her hearers the eyes of the singer saw bending eagerly forward the tawny, leonine head, the bright face, the memory of which had never for a moment left her. The curtain fell between her and the deep glance of those blue eyes, but she heard not the tempest of plaudits. She hurried to her dressing-room, saying to herself, “He will come round to see me.” But only her attendant came to conduct her to her carriage. Holding her furs fast about her, she paused one moment at the carriage-steps, a swift leap of her heart telling that a figure under a distant light was that of him she expected; but it moved away, and with a better contempt for her own weakness, she entered the carriage, and strove to talk interestedly with her maid. The sudden pealing forth of fire-bells sounded in upon the even roll of their carriage, and several engines dashed past them, and then, the carriage whirled into a cross street, and came full upon the burning building, from whose roof long tongues of flames were springing. All at once there rose the cry a child was within the building, up above where no one could reach him. Even the intrepid firemen hesitated and held back. Marjory had become intensely interested. Her lips parted with her quick breathe, her face glowing. As she looked, a little, slender figure sprang up the ladder that rested against the chamber-window. In that first glance at that face and form enshrined in that fiery glory Marjory recognized Fred Wyllis. She saw him reappear at the window with the child in his arms. He descended the ladder, apparently with great difficulty. As he stopped upon the ground the child was snatched from his arms by the father, and the girl saw the brave figure reel and fall, and the crowd hustle round him. With frenzied heart she ran to his side. The people gave way before this woman, who seemed to come with authority, and the whisper ran among them: “It is Marjory St. James.” They had carried Fred Wyllis a little apart, and he was lying on a lounge, one of the many pieces of furniture scattered about. He murmured “Marjory,” as in dreams he had done so many times, but now it was Marjory herself who answered him. “Only live,” she said over his lips, her breath, for the first time since childhood, touching them in a caress. “Live, when I tell you I love you, even as you would have me.” The intense earnestness of her tome called a flush to her face. He looked at her with all the fire of the gaze she remembered so well. “Oh, I will live!” he cried, pressing the dearest face to his heart; but even as he spoke, that heart throbbed its last, yielding to the strain which had been too great for mortal to bear. They who hear the successful cantatrice, and wonder what her heart history has been, cannot read in her face any history of the one dream of love she had known.

THE LAW OF LEAP YEAR The Albany Law Journal calls attention to an important law relating to the extra day in leap year, which businessmen and others should bear in mind. The Journal says: “As leap year is coming it is well to know what the law of leap year is. The law, it is said, takes no notice of parts of days, and as to the 29th of February, it takes no notice of the whole day. The 28th and the 29th are computed as one day. For example: Suppose a note is dated on the 28th of February, 1880, payable one day from date. Ordinarily it would be payable on the 4th of March, and so it is in leap year, and not on the 3d. In Indiana the question has recently come before the Supreme Court in respect to service of process, in 1876, the last leap year. The law there requires ten day’s previous service for the entry of judgement. In the case before the court the judgment was premature if the 28th and 29th of February were to be computed as one day. The Court said: ‘It must be regarded as settled in this State that the 28th and 29th days of February in every bisextile year must be computed and considered in law as one day.’ The question is set a rest by our statute, 1 R. S., m. p. 610. a. 3, which provides that ‘the added day of a leap year and the day immediately, preceding, if they shall occur in any period so to be computed, shall be reckoned together as one day.’ This embraces statutes, deeds, verbal or written contracts, and all public or private instruments.”

A FOX AT BUSINESS Hist! What is that down in the bottom? As I live, it is a grand old fox. Surely by her lean, haggard appearance, it is the old vixen belonging to the litter, which is, we know, laid up in the wood close by. Now lay your rifle down, lie quietly on the grass, and enjoy the treat of obtaining a lesson from one of the finest stalkers in the world, whose cleverness you can hardly hope to emulate. See with what a careless swing she trots past those rabbits on the bare open (these she can not catch) which start out of her path, but seem in no way alarmed, so little attention does she pay to them. The trot slackens to a walk, now that she is among those tufts of thistles and nettles, where concealment is possible. There! Down she goes like a highly-trained setter, flat on the earth, motionless but for a slight swaying motion of the brush, which tells you she means mischief. Surely, she moved a little then! She did, but almost imperceptibly; yet, on-looking again, there is no doubt that the distance between her and the little clump of nettles is certainly less than it was. You know see that close to it on the other side are two young rabbits, which, no doubt, caught her keen eye at the instant she dropped. Nearer and nearer she creeps, the brush swaying regularly to and fro as she crawls close, and yield to the excitement of the moment. Her nose now touches the nettles almost. She starts to her feet, and you have just time to see the suddenly startled rabbit crouch to the earth, when, with one elastic bound, she has sprung over the nettles and seized her victim, who yields up his life with one shrill squeal that sends every rabbit within a quarter of a mile quaking to his burrow. In another second she is off, her long-swinging trot bearing her well-earned prey to satisfy ever hungry family.

IS THE BRAIN A VITAL ORGAN – [New York Star] The occurrence of the horrible accident in Jersey City is another instance of the marvelous, and to the popular mind the receipt of such a wound as that received by the MacEvoy boy without immediate death is something incredible. It is stated that the boy’s head came in contact with a revolving circular saw which cut through the skull and severed a good portion of the brain, after which the boy survived nearly one week. Numerous examples have before been reported which seem to show that the brain may bear very extensive injury sometimes without any very serious resulting effects. A case celebrated in the annals of medical literature is that of the Massachusetts laborer whose brain was removed to a great extent by a tamping iron blown out of the hole by a premature blast. This iron was forced completely through the head, and though the man suffered serious symptoms for a few weeks, he recovered completely with nothing left but a slight change of temper, and died twelve years after of consumption. The skull is now to be found at the Massachusetts general Hospital in Boston, and contains two very large holes. Equally wonderful instances are reported, and, from an inspection of the medical literature of the day, we are forcibly reminded that certain parts of the brain are comparatively insusceptible to moderate, aye, sometimes even to great injuries. The white matter, or middle part of the brain, is occasionally entirely destroyed, and no resulting symptoms are expressed. The case is different, however, with the gray matter, which is the sensation, and cannot bear the least violence without promptly showing evil consequences.

A QUEER BUG – [Virginia City (Nev.) Chronicle] A curious buy was brought to the Chronicle office this morning by Henry Hunt, a resident of North B. Street. Mr. Hunt found the bug in his back yard. It is about the size of a quarter of a dollar, and its peculiarity is that, while it is shaped much like a turtle, it walks on only half of its hind legs at a time. It has six legs, three on a side. When it walks it balances itself on its edge and moves along at a good pace on three legs. After walking this way about a minute it flops over and walks on the other three legs. Sometimes it walks on its two fore legs, like a man in a circus walking on his hands. Mr. Hunt asserts that the bug can execute a handspring, either backward or forward, but while it was in this office it did not essay a feat so difficult. Its back is a deep blue, spotted with gold, and its belly is striped with red. When the bug walks on its fore legs it reminds on e of a circus acrobat in spangles of many colors. While Mr. Hunt was exhibiting his buy, Captain Sam, the Piute Chief came in with Charley of Silver City. Sam remarked, with a smile of superior knowledge: ‘Circus buy, you bet!” The Piute stretched a string between two tables, and the bug walked the tightrope on edge, and then hung down from it by his hind feet. The Piutes venerate the insect, and say that when it appears in the fell with gold marks on its back it means plenty. Black spots signify death, and white spots famine. Aside from the absurd superstition, the bug is certainly a wonderful thing, and its antics vastly amusing. Mr. Hunt refused $10 for it this morning, offered by Tom Buckner.

“Now then, who is the plaintiff in this case?” asked his Honor, as a case was called. “I don’t know anything about plaintiffs,” replied a man in a corner, as he slowly rose, “but if you ask for the chap who was chased a mile and a half and them mopped all over his own barnyard by two desperadoes, I’m your man.”

RATHER FRAGRANT – [Memphis Avalanche] Co. CAMERON says: “I deny that Memphis is, or ever has been, a filthy city.” It would satisfy the laudable curiosity of a great many people to know precisely the Colonel’s definition of the word “filth.” There are now about 9,000 well-filled vaults in use. There have been, at a moderate calculation, twice that number, filled with foul secretions, covered with a thin layer of earth, and while they are disused their contents remain to percolate through the porous soil, poisoning with their foul gases the drinking water. It is a notorious fact that a vast number of the vaults in use are intimately connected with the cisterns, and the people of Memphis drink this cistern water. And yet the Colonel says Memphis is a clean city! A sudden rise of the thermometer sometimes occurs in Billingsgate, leaving a large stock of fish on the hands of the market women. To get rid of their stock before it becomes entirely rotten, the fish-wives load their trays with the partially decomposed fish and perambulate the streets, crying out, :Fresh fish!” “Fresh fish!” Pedestrians on the opposite side of the street hold their noses and slide around the next corner of the street with celerity. The odors are to strong for human nostrils to endure, and yet most serenely do the fish-wives continue the cry of “Fresh fish!” The Colonel must not consider it a personal matter if we compare him to the fish-women of Billingsgate. The comparison is, however, obvious. Longtime experience with the odorous nuisances of Memphis has deadened the Colonel’s olfactory nerves also, and he now trusts to his sense of sight alone. He now sees the surface only. To the eye Memphis is a clean city. But the truth must be told. There is a foul rottenness underneath, and every man in the district knows it. Two epidemics in succession have made Memphis a focus for the eyes of the whole world to investigate. This is the baldest nonsense to talk about concealing her foulness. The ostrichian policy of sticking her head in the sand and leaving the body uncovered in the vain belief that the body with all its festering sores is invisible, will no longer avail. The time has come to tell the truth, hurt whom it may, and the truth must be told.

THE SAME OLD STORY – [From as English Paper] The Oxford graduate was showing his sister over his room in college, when some one knocked at the door. Supposing that it was one of his friends, and not wishing to be chaffed, he hid her behind the curtains, and admitted an elderly gentleman, who apologized profusely for his intrusion, and excused himself by saying that it was many years since he had been at Oxford, and he could not leave without paying a visit to his dear old college, and the old rooms he had occupied as a student. “Ah,” cried the old gentleman, looking around, “the same old sofa! Yes, and the same old carpet – everything the same!” Then, walking into the bedroom, he remarked: “Yes, and the same old bed! And the same washstand! Yes, everything the same.” Presently he stepped toward the curtains, and remarked, “Ah! And the same old curtains!” Looking round he beheld the young lady, and, turning round, he said, “Ah, you young dog! And the same old game!” “But, “ hastily replied the under graduate, “that young lady is my sister.” To which the reply came, “Yes, I know, and the same old story!”

A FRENCH company has secured the privilege of constructing a railroad in the interior of Palestine. It may be valuable for strategic purposes, and it will undoubtedly develop the commercial resources of the country. The greatest obstacle to the introduction of workshops and factories has been the want of fuel. Egypt, Syria, and the coasts of the Red Sea are destitute of wood, and the imported coal commands from 50 to 200 francs (30 to $40) a ton. The asphalt of the Dead Sea indicates probable subterranean deposits of fossilized vegetable matter, and evidences of inexhaustible beds of lignite have been found. The lignite and asphalt can be easily combined into artificial fuel, at a cost of from twelve to twenty-five francs ($2.40 to $5) per ton.

CHIROGRAPHICAL FEATS – [Chicago Tribune] A few days ago we recorded a very remarkable feat in chirography by an Ottawa (Ill) printer, who wrote over 2,800 words upon a postal card. We have now received another card from the same place, containing the sixth and seventh chapters of St. Matthew, and the first, second and third chapters of St. John, up to and including part 71 the thirteenth verse, making it all 3, 2 of words (sic), which would be considerably more than two columns of the Chicago Tribune. The work was done by lamp-light, and without a glass, by Neil J. Brows, who claims that by daylight he can write 4,000 words! Next!

The British peasant has sometimes a pleasant humor of his own. The other day the Berkshire hounds were out and lost their fox. The master heard a view hollos. Riding towards the sound he found that it proceeded from an intelligent rustic. “Where’s he gone?” queried the rustic. “The fox,” answered the master. “I’ve seen no fox,” said the rustic. “Then why are you holloaing?” asked the master. “Because I likes to hollos,” answered the rustic.

YOU’LL NEVER GUESS – [Good Works] I know two eyes, two soft brown eyes, Two eyes as sweet and dear As ever damsel with gay surprise, Or melted with a tear: In whose fair rays a heart may bask Their shadowed rays serene – But, little amid, you must not ask Whose gentle eyes I mean.

I know a voice of fair tone, Like brooklet in the June, That sings to please itself alone, A little old-world tune; Whose music haunts the listener’s And will not leave it free; But I shall never tell you dear, Whose accents they may be.

I known a golden-hearted maids For whom I built a shrine a leafy nook of murmurous shade, Deep in this hear of mine; And in that calm and cold recess To make her home she came – But, Oh!, you’d never, never guess That little maiden’s name.


A man of no account – a book-keeper out of a situation.

To make apple trees bear, pick off all the leaves as soon as they appear.

The druggist’s song – “ A light in the window for thee.”

Jeff Davis was the vistim (sic) of hate – [N. Y. Herald]. So was Gen. Grant the victim of fete.

An African proverb says the idle are a peculiar kind of dead who cannot be buried.

A Rockland weather prophet predicts that the winter will be as hard as a hotel bed.

A question for debate – which eats the most chickens – ministers or owls?

A clock pendulum is bound to keep time if it has to swing for it.

“Yes, it’s perfectly proper for you to say, “Now I lay me,” but when down, you lie. – Eli Perkins

The fashionable society wedding is described as being stiffer than a printing office towel. Impossible.

Truth, crushed to earth, will rise again. But if it lies, it cannot be truth. Therefore it cannot rise again.

The youth who sat upon a hot stove-lid, thinking it cold, now lies on his stomach and reads about the General who burned his bridges behind him.

Kissing a girl is like fishing for minnows. There’s really nothing in it, but it’s huge sport.

The Detroit Free Press tells of a Michigan woman eighty-three years old who has a baby three weeks old - one she adopted.

With what a grim satisfaction does a wife exclaim: “There, I told you so!” when her husband has disobeyed her instructions, and made a mistake.

The difference between a hornet and a flea is that when you put your finger on a flea it isn’t there, but wen you put your finger on a hornet, it is there.

Waking up – Parson – “Rather drowsy weather this, Farmer Jones.” Farmer J. – “Aye, parson, so it be; ‘minds one o’ sermon time, don’t it.” – [Fun]

An exchange informs us that the Mormon delegate in Congress, Mr. Cannon, has six wives. He must be a man of some calibre.

Life is but a span; marriage is a double team; youth wedded to old age is a tandem; an old bachelor is a sulky.

A French gentleman meets a young and pretty American girl in Paris. “What in the world are you doing here?” “I’m spending my honeymoon.” “But where is your husband?” “Oh, he’s in New York.”

Why is it that showmen go to the expense of sending to Africa for zebras? If they would buy a mule they would get ze-brays thrown in. – [Cincinnati Saturday Night]

The Czar has an income of $145,000 per week. This is partly because he has never tried to fill a long felt want with a newspaper. – [Steubenville Herald]

Time, twelve o’clock. She – “George, did you exhibit in the dog show?” He – “No; why?” She – “oh, nothing; only you are such a remarkably fine ‘setter.’” Exit young man.

“If you mean well and do ill, God must forgive you,” says Beecher. Then why lick a boy for breaking a window when he means to throw over the house?

Pedagogue – “What is the meaning of the Latin verb ignosco?” Tall student (after all the others have failed to give the correct definition) – “I don’t know.” Pedagogue – “Right. Go up head.” – [Exchange]

A contented sheep is a good sign of settled wether. – [Danielsonville Sentinel.] And an agitated buck is an indication that there ram a storm brewing. - [Keokuk Gate City] Ewe don’t say so!

A scholar in a country school was asked, “How do you parse ‘Mary milks the cow?” The last word was disposed of as follows: “Cow, a noun, feminine gender, third person, and stands for Mary.” “Stands for Mary! How do you make that out?” “Because,” added the intelligent pupil, “if the cow didn’t stand for Mary, how could she milk her?”

Ex-Governor McArthur, of Ohio died fifty years ago, leaving some millions of dollars to be divided equally among his family when his youngest grandchild should be twenty-one years of age. He forgot to say living grandchild, and the United States Circuit Court at Washington is endeavoring to decide whether the estate can be divided until the tribe cease to multiply and replenish the earth.


THE VERNON CLIPPER ALEXANDER COBB, Editor & Proprietor ALEX. A. WALL, Publisher $1.50 per annum FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 1880

POLITICAL BOOM There is quite an effort making by some of our would-be political leaders to get up a political boom, in our county, for we think self promotion; but as yet the fire is hard to kindle, the flame has not yet spread to much extent, but the same old song is still sounding in the breeze, my country is ruined unless I, yes great I, can manage to open the eyes of the poor deluded people and cause them to rally around the standard of liberty. The song sang in days of old with the same old tune with the words that the great political horizon is beginning to darken. The clouds are lowering, the thunders are rolling and the lightning’s flashing and the political world is beginning to shake from centre to circumference and all will be lost unless we take passage on the old ship of state; the safe barque that will, and always have handed us safely in to port. That same old ship is a safe one, provided, you procure the services of good, honest and faithful pilots, commanded by an honest Captain. So all we have to say to our fellow travelers who wish to take passage on the old ship get aboard, but before you do get aboard select good officers both commanders and pilots for fear incompetent and reckless men may be at the helmn and run her on the breakers. – Ed.

We are glad to see our farmers moving off so well in the way of preparing their farms, and are even planting corn in many places. If they will only profit by their last years lesson and raise as they did corn enough and to spare, then the cotton will bring in money that they can keep at home. We propose to any of our subscribers that are paying ones and reside in Lamar County to give the man or woman that will produce the most bushels of corn off of one acre of ground, raised in this county a bonus of ten dollars and one years subscription to the CLIPPER free of charge. – [Ed.

PRIDE AND POVERTY New York, Feb. 17 JOSEPH ECHOLS, twenty-three years old, a native of West Point, Miss., committed suicide this morning in his room Washington place, by cutting his throat with a razor. The house is a large boarding house. The chambermaid went to ECHOL’S room this morning, but found the door locked on the inside. On looking through the key-hole she saw ECHOLS lying on the bed covered with blood and a razor firmly grasped in his right hand. Word was sent to the police and an officer was sent to break open the door. On entering the room it was found that the man had been dead for at least two hours. The floor, bedding and walls were spattered with blood. He had cut the windpipe and all the arteries in the throat. From papers found in the room it was learned that ECHOLS had graduated from a military academy five years ago. Since that time he has been endeavoring to perfect a philosophical machine, for which he had applied for a patent. In 1878, he received a patent for an improvement in indexing books. A number of letters from friends in Miss., one of which was from his brother, indicated that the young man was in very poor circumstances, and it is thought that his pride drove him to commit suicide.

A lady killed a hawk in Conecuh County the other day, with a broom. The first instance on record.

CAPTURED COUNTERFEITERS – [New Orleans Democrat] The special agents of the Government who went into Mississippi at the beginning of last month for the purpose of ferreting out a nest of counterfeiters, supposed to be located in the neighborhood of Jackson, have returned to this city, after capturing and breaking up the most expert gang which has fallen or been dragged into the clutches of the law in years. The job was a neat one, and was very skillfully worked up, the clue at first being slight and the trail hard to get on to. For some time past the government officers have known that well executed counterfeiters of coin from the denomination of a silver half dollar to a twenty dollar gold piece were in circulation in the interior of Mississippi, and were satisfied from the uniform appearance of the spurious pieces which came into their possession that they were being shoved by one gang and made by one set of dies, but all efforts to trace the manufacturer failed, and failed to develop even a clue until the latter part of last month At that time A MAN WAS CAPUTRED in Alabama, just over the line, in the act of passing a counterfeit piece, and confined in jail. The antecedents of this man were looked into, and it was found that he had come from Texas, which State he left under circumstances which implicated him in the escape of a man named RUSSEL HOLLIS, who had been confined on a charge of violating the internal revenue laws. About this time, HOLLIS, who also went by the name of STANLEY, was arrested in Greenville, Miss., for being drunk and creating a disturbance, and on his being searched for weapons a quantity of $20 gold pieces were found on his person. The identity of HOLLIS, or STANLEY, with the escaped Texas prisoner was easily established, and the detectives were ON THE TRAIL. The career of HOLLIS was traced, and it was found that he had been in the habit of going into Texas and other states, and making purchases of cattle, etc., paying for them, when circumstances were favorable, in counterfeit money. His purchases were always disposed of at a fair profit, chiefly in Miss., and he was rapidly making money. Following him up it was discovered that he had escaped from the Texas jail by bribing the jailor, but that previous to his escape the man first arrested had been dispatched by him to Miss. It was learned after hard work that this man had visited a short time previous to his arrest, a man named JAMES FINN, residing in Rankin County. After this the work of the detective was easier and in a short time they satisfied themselves that FINN made the spurious coin. The arrest of FINN followed, he being taken into custody on the fifth of this month. He was captured in an out of the way place, forty miles from Jackson, in the northeast corner of Rankin County, on a piece of land on which he had squatted originally, but subsequently secured the title to. The officers found FINN to be A MAN EIGHTY YEARS OLD at least, but as active and energetic as one thirty years younger. In his house at the time of the arrest was his wife, a woman about twenty-four years of age, and six children, all of which he claimed as his own, and the youngest of which was not quite three months old. FINN stated to the officers that the woman, his wife, was the mother of six children, but that it was but a small portion of his family, as he was the father of fifteen children more by a former wife. After some search a number of dies and a press were discovered concealed under a lot of rubbish in the yard. FINN has made a confession and given a statement of his methods of proceeding, one of which is by the use of an alloy to increase $200 in $20 gold pieces to $300. His process in this case was to punch a piece out of one of the coins, fill it with the alloy and pass it under the die, making an entirely new impression, and concealing the connection between the two metals. FINN states further that he has been in the business for forty-five years, and has worked the States of Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, and Arkansas. He connects HOLLIS with all his recent transactions, and also implicates quite a number of other persons. The man whose arrest in Alabama led to the detection of the gang, was a new hand at the business, and had first called o FINN to get him to make a saw to assist HOLLIS in cutting his way out of the Texas jail, and while visiting FINN he was induced to purchase some of the spurious coin.

About one hundred miles this side of Nashville, on the line in the Louisville & Nashville & Great Southern railroad, is a curious spectacle, known as the “Sun and Moon.” It consists of a painting upon an immense rock, which rises to an attitude (sic) of several hundred feet. As to who painted it is a mystery which has never been unraveled. Many persons who are familiar with the locality think it was the work of the red men perhaps centuries ago, when Alabama and Tennessee were a portion of the “Happy hunting grounds.” But there the sun and moon are said to shine out in all the freshness of new paint. They located midway the cliff and stand out in bold relief. As to how any human being ever reached the spot, is a question which has never been solved. It is supposed that in those days they had not giant ladders, and could not easily have reached the point from below. The only natural rope of that time was a wild grape vine of which this section is so prolific, and some Indian by this means, might have been let down over the dizzy cliff.

Probably there are few persons who are aware of the fact that it is dangerous to handle the clothing of persons who have been drowned and remained in the water for any considerable length of time. A young lady was recently drowned in the Mississippi River near Davenport, and the body was over two weeks in the water. Her father, desiring to save the clothing she had on in remembrance of his daughter, engaged a washerwoman to wash and iron them. The woman went to work, and in a little while after she commenced, her hands and wrists were swollen so that they resembled boxer’s gloves, and what was worse, they began to crack open at the knuckles. The woman stopped washing the clothing and hurried to the doctor to ascertain the cause of the swelling and cracking of her hands. When the doctor learned what she had been doing, he applied remedies which in a few days healed her hands, but he informed her that it was very dangerous to handle the clothing of a person who had been drowned and whose body had remained in the water a fortnight. She made a very narrow escape.

A singular financial transaction occurred in an office a day or two since. By some means or other it happened that the office boy owed one of the clerks three cents, and the cashier owes the office boy two cents. One day last week, the office boy having a cent in his pocket, concluded to diminish his debt, and therefore handed it over to the clerk, who, in turn, paid half his debt by giving it to the cashier. The latter handed it back to the boy, saying that he now only owed him one cent. The office boy again passed the cent to the clerk, who passed it to the cashier, who passed it back to the boy, and boy discharged his entire debt by handing it to the clerk, thereby squaring all accounts. – Thus it may be seen how great is the benefit to be derived from a single cent if only expended judiciously.

“Why didn’t you put on a clean collar before you left home?” called out an impertinent young fop to an omnibus driver. “Cause your mother hadn’t sent home my washing,” was the extinguishing reply.

OBITUARY In memory of MUGGIE M. BROWN, wife of DR. WM. A. BROWN, of Vernon, Ala. We knew her in childhood, and even then she possessed a sweet disposition. In 1865 in her young and tender years she was wedded to Dr. BROWN. And soon after her marriage she became afflicted and remained a sufferer through life. For years before her death she professed a hope in Christ, and lived and died in keeping with that profession. Our prayer to God is that her mantle of righteousness may rest upon her husband. At ½ past 12 o’clock on the 18th day of February, 1880, MUGGIE fell asleep in Jesus and awoke in Glory where she tuned her harp and sung troubles over; and struck the sweet notes of the lyre with that matin song that angels cannot sing redeeming grace and undying love a sinner saved by grace. Amen. J. A. B.

The Czar, we are told, is guarded by detectives at chapel, by officers in his drives and chamberlains at his meals. Every dish he eats has to be previously opened. And yet the ruling passion is so strong in the death that surrounds him on every side that ALEXANDER neither nor make a sign of concession.

The tramps down this way have adopted a new method of writing – using black oil – employed in greasing cars – for their ink. Many laughable words and sentences written by them, it is said, can be seen on cars and fences, some of which are such expressions as these: “Tramps’ troupe,” “N. Y. Joe,” “Charlie, the printer,” “Hungry Bill,” “Sorefoot Jim,” “Skipper Ned,” “German Band,” and “Prepare for the tramps; we visit you city on ---.” On the warehouse of the Western Railroad at Selma, in Lee County, the following is written in bold letters: “Tramps Stop Here.” – [Mont. Adv.]

NOTICE TO DELINQUENT TAX PAYERS State of Alabama, Lamar County The following is a list of the defaulters of due tax payers and land numbers of said county for the year 1879, as returned by the tax collect on the first day of March, 1880, to wit: A. E. LOVE – S ½ OF SW ¼ Sec 15 and N ½ of NW ¼ Sec 27 T 17 R 15. Taxes due $2.80. ALEXANDER NELSON - NW ¼ OF NW ¼ Sec 1, T 12, R 16. Taxes due $3.60. GEORGE WAX – NW ¼ Sec. 15 T 12 R 15. Taxes due 35. MRS. M. HARDY - N ½ of NE ¼ and S ½ of S ½ of SE ¼ Sec. 7 T 16 R 14. Taxes due $1.05. MATHIS TAYLOR, NW ¼ of SW ¼ W ½ of NW ¼ and SE ¾ of NW ½ Sec 5 T 14 R 14. Taxes due $1.05. W. M. ALLMAN, W ½ of SW ¼ and SW ¼ of NE ¼ Sec 1 NE ¼ and S ½ of SW ¼ and S ½ of SE ¼ SEC 2 T 13 R 15 W ½ of NE ¼ SEC 6 and W ½ of NE ¼ and E ½ of NW ¼ SEC 7 T 13 R 14 and SE ½ SEC 25 T 12 R 15. Taxes due $11.20. UNKNOWN, E ½ of SW ¼, SEC 9 T 14, R 15 Taxes due $1.62. UNKNOWN, SE ¼ of NE ¼ SEC 8 SE ¼ of NW ¼ SEC 9 T 13 R 15. Taxes due $1.62. W. J. JOHNSON, W ¼ of SE ¼ E ½ of SW ¼ SEC 12 T 17 R 16. Taxes due 56. UNKNOWN, E ½ OF SE ¼ SEC 9 T 14 R 15 Taxes due $1.62. UNKNOWN, W ½ OF SE ¼ SEC 9 T 14 R 15 Taxes due $1.62. UNKNOWN, E ½ OF NE ¼ SEC 12 T 17 R 4. Taxes due $1.62 S. HALEY, NE of NW fraction and NW ¼ OF NE ¼, SEC 25 T 17 R 17. Taxes due $1.40. W. H. TERRY, 8 acres in South part of SE ¼ OF NE ¼ SEC 31 and SW ¼ of NW ¼ and 24 acres in South part of NW ¼ of NW ¾ SEC 32 T 13 R 14. Taxes due $2.69. HARDY BANKHEAD, NE ¼ OF NW ¼ SEC 34 T 13 R 15. Taxes due $1.40. G. B. HARRIS, Fractional C 55 acres NE ¼ of SW ¼ and NW ¼ of SE ¼ SEC 19 T 16 R 16. Taxed due $2.80. This is therefor to notify all persons interested in the above land to be and appear at a Probate Court to be held at the Court House of said county on Monday the 5th day of April next, to show cause if any they have or can why said land should not be condemned and ordered sold for the taxes penalties and cost remaining due and unpaid. Given under my hand 3rd day of March 1880. ALEXANDER COBB, Judge of Probate

BURRIS & BRO. No. 49 Main Street Columbus, Miss. We have now in store a full stock of general merchandise which we offer for sale very low, for the cash. Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to us, we hope by selling our goods much lower than in the past to be able to add largely to our already numerous list of patrons. Call and see our mammoth stock.

SHELL & BURDINE, Wholesale and retail druggist’s, Aberdeen, Mississippi. Are daily receiving at their Drug Store a very large stock of fresh goods of all kinds usually kept in a first class drug house, and will sell at bottom prices, for cash. All we ask is to give us a trial and we guarantee you will not go away dissatisfied for we are determined to sell goods so low that it will astonish you.

JOHN D. MORGAN. Wholesale and retail dealer in dry goods, staple and fancy groceries, hardware, wooden ware, willow ware, crockery ware, and tin ware. Boots and shoes, hats and caps. Plantation supplies, etc. would announce to his friends and patrons of Lamar and Fayette Counties, that he has in store, and is daily receiving one of the largest and best selected stocks of goods in the city, and invites everybody to call before buying elsewhere and examine his immense stock. It is no trouble to show goods, and when you look, you will be sure to buy for he keeps none but first class goods, and will not be under sold by any home in the city. Columbus, Miss. July 11th, 1879. J. S. ROBERTSON is with the above house, and would be pleased to serve his many friends at anytime.

DR. J. D. RUSH, with ERVIN AND BILLUPS, successors to M. W. HATCH; dealers in drugs, medicines, whiskey, tobacco, cigars, &c. Corner Main and Market Street. Columbus, Mississippi.

NATHAN BROTHERS dealers in whiskies, brandies, wines, cigars, tobaccos and pipes. Our Motto: Quick Sales and Small Profits. Columbus, Mississippi.

(engraving of possibly Santa Claus with huge ELGIN watch) BUDER BROTHERS, watch makers, and manufacturing jewelers, and dealers in diamonds, fine watches, jewelry and silverware. Repairing done neatly and warranted. Under Gilmer Hotel, No. 43 Main ST, Columbus, Miss.



For Rent or Sale Good farm of two hundred and ten acres, about seventy acres cleared; good dwellings, stables, well and spring. Good fences with little improving, in two miles of Vernon. A bargain will be given. For terms apply to the editor of this paper.

Our lively friend JOHN T. BURROW has the finest assortment of liquors at his grocery that is in town, or ever has been. His house presents quite a city like appearance, and if you will indulge in his line we would advise you to call on him, for he has the purest and best.

CAPT. D. J. LACY requests us to say that he will accommodate a few boarders Court week at a reasonable price.

Read what the editor says about the $10 bill in another place of this issue.

DIED – Near Vernon about 4 o’clock p. m. on the 9th inst., Mrs. T. D. FINCH, daughter of N. F. and L. M. MORTON. Her life was that of a consistent Christian, her death was peaceful and quiet. One by one the earthly ties are severed, and our loved ones cross the river and join the immortal throng who sing the song of redeeming love upon the sun-lit plains of the glory land. We tender our sympathies to the bereaved family and loved ones.

Circuit Court convenes in town Monday next.

See what Mess. HOGAN & CO., say in this issue, and when you visit Moscow give them a call..

The famous St. Charles Hotel, New Orleans, is to be sold by the Sheriff on the 21st inst. Its late renovation cost nearly $100,000.

At a hanging in Murfreesboro, Tenn., on the 20th, when JOHN HALL and BURRELL SMITH, colored, were executed for the murder of MAJOR H. S. PUGH, reserved seats were sold at 25 cents, and a barbecue was served.

A mean man put sixteen hornets in a whisky bottle and gave it to a Texas man, in the dark, to take a drink out of, and though the hornets got in their work as they went down, the Texan remarked that it wasn’t real Texas whisky, as it lacked fire.

Tuskaloosa Times, of the 11th, ult. Several insane persons have been refused admittance into the Asylum, within the last week. The building is full and new patients can only be admitted now as vacancies occur.

We have several communications which will appear soon.

MOSCOW. The old reliable stand now conducted by the well established firm of S. W. HOGAN & CO., who has in store a large and well selected stock of dry goods, groceries, hardware, drugs, snuff, tobacco, and cigars. Plantation supplies, farming utensils and everything else generally kept in a country store; Cheap for Cash or Credit. Respectfully., S. W. HOGAN & Co., Lamar County, Alabama

Chickering Pianos. Other pianos wear out, but they go on forever. Victors in all great contest and for 83 years past the acknowledges Standard of the World. Musical Perfection, wonderful Durability and reasonable cost. True economy indicates purchase of a genuine Chickering and no other. Last Chance to buy cheap. Chickering & Sons largely advanced their prices Feb. 1 Our old contracts expire April 1, and we will fill all orders received before that date at old rates. Our prices now are positively the lowest in America. Order now and save from $5 to $30 on the purchase. Present rates guaranteed only to April 1. Ludden & Bates, Savannah, Ga., Wholesale agents for Ga., Fla., S. C., N. C. & Ala.

The Washington Post says that SAM PERRY, the negro exodus leader is in a state of disgust, and is now engaged in helping his deluded victims to get away from Indiana. He said Saturday that if he owned two lots, one in Indiana and one in hell, he would rent out the former and live on the latter as a matter of choice.


We are authorized to announce D. V. LAWRENCE a candidate for re-election to the office of County Treasurer, at the August election in 1880.

Under the following considerations I declare myself a candidate for Sheriff, &c. of Lamar County at the ensuing election. 1st. I was born and raised a freeman in this county. 2nd. By standing in defense of my country I was mangled by the enemies missiles. 3rd. I was incarcerated in prison under false charges preferred against and finally ruined. 4th. I am willing to submit my claims to a Convention of the Democratic Party. Respectfully. J. A. DARR

We are authorized to announce B. H. WILKERSON a candidate for the office of Sheriff and Tax Collector of Lamar County at the ensuing August election, subject to the action of the Democratic Party.

I respectfully announce that I am a candidate for the Legislature. Election 1st Monday in August 1880. – JOHN B. BANKHEAD


FINAL SETTLEMENT State of Alabama, Lamar County Probate Court, Special Term, February 24, 1880 In the matter of the estate of AMOS COOPER, deceased, this day came GEORGE S. EARNEST administrator of said estate and fixed his account and vouchers in final settlement. Whereupon it is ordered by the Court that the 30th day of March next be and is a day set for the examining and passing upon said account, when and where all persons interested can contest the same if they think proper. ALEXANDER COBB, Judge of Probate

NON-RESIDENT NOTICE ELISHA B. ALSOP, Sr. vs Columbus Insurance and Banking Company In Chancery 9th District, Western Division of the State of Alabama In this cause it is made to appear to the Register by the affidavit of JOHN D. MCCLUSKY, as agent for complainant, that the defendant, the Columbus Insurance & Banking Company is a foreign corporation under the laws of the State of Mississippi under the name and style of Columbus Insurance & Banking Company, in the city of Columbus in said state, and that JOHN M. BILLUPS is the President or head thereof, and that Columbus, Lowndes County, Mississippi, is his Post Office. It is therefore ordered by the Register, that publication be made in the Vernon Clipper, a newspaper published in the town of Vernon for four consecutive weeks, requiring said defendant to answer, plead or demure to the bill of complaint in this cause by the 29th day of March next, or in thirty days thereafter, or a decree pro confessor may be taken against said defendant. It is further ordered that a copy of said published notice be forwarded by mail to said JOHN M. BILLUPS at his said post office before said 29th day of March next. J. D. MCCLUSKY Done at office this 18th day of February, 1880. JAS. M. MORTON, Register.

NON RESIDENT NOTICE MARTHA ALSOP vs ELISHA B. ALSOP, et al In Chancery 9th District, Western Division of the State of Alabama In this cause it is made to appear to the Register by the affidavit of JOHN D. MCCLUSKY, as agent for complainant, that the defendant, the Columbus Insurance & Banking Company is a foreign corporation under the laws of the State of Mississippi under the name and style of Columbus Insurance & Banking Company, in the city of Columbus in said state, and that JOHN M. BILLUPS is the President or head thereof, and that Columbus, Lowndes County, Mississippi, is his Post Office. It is therefore ordered by the Register, that publication be made in the Vernon Clipper, a newspaper published in the town of Vernon for four consecutive weeks, requiring said defendant to answer, plead or demure to the bill of complaint in this cause by the 29th day of March next, or in thirty days thereafter, or a decree pro confessor may be taken against said defendant. It is further ordered that a copy of said published notice be forwarded by mail to said JOHN M. BILLUPS at his said post office before said 29th day of March next. (NOTE: THIS IS WHAT IS PRINTED – THE PUBLISHER EVIDENTLY MADE A MISTAKE AS IT IS THE SAME AS THE ABOVE.)

For the celebrated Jamaca Cotton Seed, call on K. T. BROWN, at DR. W. A. BROWN’S office. Price in pint packages 50 cents.

Hotel. The undersigned is prepared to accommodate boarders, either by day or the month at very reasonable rates. Strict attention given to transient customers. L. M. WIMBERLEY, Proprietor, Vernon, Ala.

CITATION NOTICE The State of Alabama, Lamar County In Chancery. At Vernon, Alabama 9th District, Western Chancery Division ANNA WALKER, by next friend, ELIJAH WOLSTONHOMES, Complaint vs GREEN WALKER, Defendant In this cause, it is made to appear to the Register by the affidavit of D. J. MCCLUSKY, Solicitor for complainant that the defendant GREEN WALKER is a non resident of this State, and post office is unknown to complainant or her solicitor, and further, that, in the belief of said affiant, the defendant is over the age of twenty-one years. It is therefore ordered, by the Register, that publication be made in the Vernon Clipper a newspaper published in the county of Lamar once a week for four consecutive weeks, requiring him the said GREEN WALKER to plead, answer or demur to the bill of complaint in this cause by the 4th day of March A. D. 1880 or, in thirty days thereafter, a decree pro confesso may be taken against him. Done at office, in vacation this 4th day of February 1880. JAS. M. MORTON, Register

Pictures made in cloudy and rainy as well as clear weather at ECHARD’S Photograph Headquarters at his gallery, Columbus, Miss. 8 Card Ferrotypes, for $1.00. 1 doz. Card Photographs for $2.50. Special attention given to Family Groups and copying Old pictures to any size.

Family Groceries. The undersigned has opened a family grocery store in the old Goodwin house on Main Street. Where he will be able to furnish the county and town with everything usually kept in a first class house: Such as bacon, lard, flour, sugar, coffee, molasses, tobacco, cigars, powder, lead, shot and a great variety of canned goods: Such as pine apples, peaches, tomatoes, pickles, &c., &c. Cheese and crackers in abundance, all of which I am determined to sell lower than they can be bought elsewhere. Give me a call. No trouble to show goods. Terms cash. G. C. LAWRENCE

Cuban Chill Tonic is the great Chill King. It cures Chills and Fever of every type, from the shaking Agues of the North to the burning Fevers of the Torrid Zone. It is the great standard. It cures Billiousness and liver Complaint and roots out diseases. Try it – if you suffer it will cure you and give you health. Sold by your druggists. W. L. MORTON & BRO.

MALE AND FEMALE SCHOOL – Detroit, Lamar County, Ala., will commence, Jan. 19th 1880 and continue eight months. Tuition per month of 20 days, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00. Board can be obtained with private families at $7 per month. For particulars, address J. F. WHITE, Principal.

Remember when you visit Aberdeen, to go to the house of Louis Roy and examine his stock. That popular house has a great name for integrity and honesty, and never uses humbug. Every article of dry goods shoes and boots, clothing, hats, and fancy goods is fresh, and warranted to give satisfaction.

PARENTS READ THIS. Nine-tenths of the sickness of childhood is caused by worms. Thousands of children die yearly from worms in the stomach that could have been saved by the timely use of Parker’s Santonine Worm Lozenges. They save thousands of children. They drive out the worms without pain. They cleanse the stomach, and make the little ones bloom and blossom as the rose. The are the finest and best medicine ever made. Thousands of parents all over the land use nothing but Parker’s Lozenges. Buy nothing but Parker’s. Give no other Worm Medicine to children but Parker’s Lozenges. They are the cheapest, best, and safest. Sold by your druggists, W. L. Morton & Bro.

$5 to $20 per day at home. Sample worth $5 free. Address Stinson & Co., Portland, Maine.

J. L. RANSOM, of North Alabama with Settle & Kainnaird, manufacturers of and wholesale dealers in boots and shoes, Nashville, Tenn. Orders solicited and carefully filled.

GEO. W. RUSH with N. GROSS & CO., Columbus, Miss. Wholesale and retail dealers in fancy dress, and staple dry goods & ready made clothing, boots, shoes, hats, notions, etc. Will be glad to see his old friends and all new ones who may be pleased to call upon him. No trouble to show goods, on the contrary, it will be a pleasure, whether you buy or not. Satisfaction guaranteed, as to articles bought and prices.

BILL HAMILTON with ROY & BRO., wholesale and retail dealer in dry goods, notions, clothing, boots, shoes, hats, &c. Aberdeen, Miss. Highest price paid for cotton.

ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF U. S. MAILS The Columbus Mail by way of Caledonia arrives Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturdays at 11 o’clock a.m. Leave same days at 1 p.m. FAYETTE MAIL Arrived on Wednesday and Saturday at 12 p.m. and leaves same days at 1 p.m. MOUNT CALM MAIL Leaves Wednesday at 7 a.m. arrives Thursday at 2 p.m. PIKEVILLE MAIL Arrives Fridays at 6 p.m., leaves Saturdays at 6 a.m. SCHEDULE OF MOBILE & OHIO R. R. Train leaves 6:30 am Train arrives 9:30 am Train leaves 3:20 pm Train arrives 6:30 pm Train goes through to Starkville on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays. Leaves Aberdeen going South at 4 o’clock p.m., returns at 8 p.m. Leaves Aberdeen going North at 7 o’clock a.m., return at 11 o’clock a.m.

MCQUISTON & HEISEN, Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants 96 & 98 Commerce St., Aberdeen, Miss. Farmers will make money by letting MCQUISSTON & HEISEN sell their cotton when they come to the city.

R. A. HONEA & SON, Wholesale and retail dealers in staple and fancy groceries, Aberdeen, Miss. We would respectfully inform our friends, and the public generally, that we are at our old Stand next door to J. W. ECKFORD & Bro. (Old Presbyterian Block) and have in store and will keep constantly on hand a large and well selected stock of staple and fancy groceries. Bagging and ties, corn, oats, wheat bran, &c., which we will sell at rock bottom figures for cash. R. F. RAY, of Detroit, Ala. is salesman.

MEDICAL M. W. MORTON. W. L. MORTON. DR. W. L. MORTON & BRO., Physicians & Surgeons. Vernon, Lamar Co, Ala. Tender their professional services to the citizens of Lamar and adjacent country. Thankful for patronage heretofore extended, we hope to merit a respectable share in the future. Drug Store.

DR. G. C. BURNS, Vernon, Ala. Offers his professional services to the citizens of Vernon and vicinity.

Masonic: Vernon, Lodge No. 389, meets on the 1st Saturday of each month, at 7 p.m.

PROFESSIONAL CARDS. FRANCIS JUSTICE, Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Chancery, Pikeville, Marion Co., Alabama Will practice in all the Courts of the 3rd Judicial District.

SAMUEL J. SHIELDS, Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Chancery, Vernon, Ala., Will practice in the counties of Lamar, Fayette, Marion, and the Courts of the 3rd Judicial District.

JNO. D. MCCLUSKY, Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Chancery, Vernon, Ala. Will practice in the counties of Lamar, Fayette, Marion, and the Courts of the 3rd Judicial Circuit. Special attention given to the collection of claims, and matters of administration.

EARNEST & EARNEST. W. S. EARNEST GEO. S. EARNEST. Attorneys at Law and Solicitors in Chancery, Birmingham & Vernon, Ala. Will practice in the Counties of this Judicial Circuit.

NESMITH & SANFORD. T. B. NESMITH, Vernon, Ala. JOHN B. SANFORD, Fayette C. H. Attorneys at Law. Partners in the Civil practice in the counties of Fayette and Lamar. Will practice separately in the adjoining counties. THOS. B. NESMITH. Solicitor for the 3rd Judicial Circuit. Vernon, Lamar Co., Ala.

ALEXANDER COBB & SON, Dealers in ready made clothing, dress goods, jeans, domestics, calicoes, silks, satins, millinery, embroidery, notice, &c. Hats, caps, boots, shoes, saddles, bridles, leather, &c. Tin, wooden, Hard and glass wares, crockery, &c. Salt, flour, meal, bacon, lard, soda, coffee, molasses, &c.

LAMAR DIRECTORY County Court – Meets on the 1st Monday in each month. Probate Court - Meets on 2nd Monday in each month. Commissioner’s Court – Meets on the 2nd Monday in February, April, July, and November.


COUNTY OFFICERS ALEXANDER COBB – Judge of Probate D. J. LACY, Sheriff and Tax Collector W. G. MIDDLETON, Circuit Clerk JAMES M. MORTON, Register in Chancery D. V. LAWRENCE, Treasurer J. E. PENNINGTON, Tax Assessor W. T. MARLER, Coroner


TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION One copy one year $1.50 One copy six months $1.00 Rates of Advertising One inch, one insertion $1.00 One inch, each subsequent insertion .50 One inch, twelve months 10.00 One inch, six months 7.00 One inch, three months 5.00 Two inches, twelve months 15.00 Two inches, six months 10.00 Two inches, three months 7.00 Quarter Column 12 months 35.00 Half Column 12 months 60.00 One Column, 12 months 100.00 One Column, 3 months 35.00 One Column, 6 months 60.00 Professional Cards $10.00 Special advertisements in local columns will be charged double rates. Advertisements collectable after first insertion. Local notices 10 cents per line. Obituaries, tributes of respect, etc. making over ten lines, charged advertising rates.

$72 a week, $12 a day at home easily made. Costly outfit free. Address True & Co., Augusta, Maine.

Bring your job printing to the CLIPPER. We print all kinds of blanks, deeds, mortgages, law briefs, cards, tags, circulars, bill heads, letter heads, note heads, statements, poster work. We propose to do all kinds of job printing as neat and as cheap as any city, either North or South, and our work is equal to any. When you want any kind of job printing done, please don’t fail to examine our specimens before going elsewhere. Blank Waive Notes for sale at this Office.

The Light Running New Home (picture of sewing machine). A model of simplicity, Strength and Beauty, Never gets out of order. A pattern of perfection. Makes no noise. Does not fatigue the operator. Latest. Improved. Best. Agents wanted. Johnson, Clarke, & o., 30 Union Square, New York City. Orange, Mass.




Spurious Artificial Manure – In France they use annually artificial manures to the value of 800,000,000frances, and M. de Molon considers 300,000,000 worth of this is fraudulent mixtures. He thinks if farmers could be certain of the useful quality of the manures, they would purchase double the quality. M. de Molon now produces manures from the decomposition of sea weed, such as is found abundantly on the French Coast, and powdered sulphate of lime. They are mixed and placed in pits until thoroughly decomposed. The manure thus made is very suitable for agricultural purposes, as it contains, besides phosphates of line, nitrogen, mineral salts, soda, potash, and magnesia.

The health and comfort of horses have of late years been greatly improved by the better construction of stables. They are made more roomy and lofty, and provided with means of thorough ventilation. In many new stables lofts are done away with, or the floor of the lofts is kept well above the horses’ heads, and ample shafts are introduced to convey away foul air. By perforated bricks and gratings under the mangers and elsewhere round the walls, and also by bay windows and ventilators, abundance of pure air is secured for the horses; while, being introduced in moderate amount and from various directions, it comes in without draught. Too much draught is almost an unknown stable luxury. To secure a constant supply of pure air horses require more cubic space than they generally enjoy. Even when animals are stabled only at night, a minimum of 1,200 cubic feet should be allowed. In England the newer cavalry barracks give a minimum of 1,500 feet, with a ground area of fully ninety square feet per horse, and the best bunting and carriage horses have more room. – [Journal of Chemistry]

CHEAP DRAINAGE – The thorough drainage of land so as carry off the surplus water is now acknowledged by all to be necessary and I was glad to notice that attention was called to its importance in an editorial in a late number of the Farmer. In many cases drainage will treble the value of land. When I came into possession of the farm where I now live, I had a piece of land so wet that I could not go on to it with a cart to get the little, stunted growth of meadow hay that grew upon it. But, after draining, and a year or two of cultivation, I took off about thirty bushels of barley from an acre, and the next year about two and a half tons of good English hay, that I sold for $60, as hay was high that year. Like results can not always be attained. This was a mucky and springy swamp. The oxygen was almost entirely excluded from the grass roots, and it is well known that the presence of oxygen is all important to vegetable growth. wood will not rot when it is excluded by water, and vegetable mold will not move in the process of decay, as it should to prepare it for plant food. There are thousands of acres of land in this state that are annually plowed an sowed or planted, that produce almost nothing, on account of surplus surface water. How to get rid of this surplus water cheaply and make these wet places the best on the farm is an important matter. On rocky land the way is plain. If there is a large amount of surplus water to be carried off, a ditch should be dug at least two feet wide and two and a half feet deep, and side stones laid so as to leave and open space of about six inches in the middle, and covered with stones of sufficient width to rest securely on the side stones. I made a drain in this way on the land I allude to, about twenty years since, and although there is at times quite a brook of water rushing through it, so much that it overflows, and for an hour or two spreads over a large space, yet it does no damage, but is a benefit, and the drain remains as when made. Where but little water has to pass the drain, stones thrown in promiscuously will, answer, as I have tested it. But there is a large acreage of land in the state that has a hard clay subsoil, with no rocks in reach, that needs draining, and thus far tiles have been considered the only mode of draining such lands. I am now engaged I draining lands where I lack stones, and have hit upon a plan that requires but a few, and stones or tiles may be dispensed with altogether. I dig a drain two feet wide and six deep, and on the sides of the main ditch I lay thin, flat stones, not wide enough to interfere with the under drain. Then place thin, flat stone, about wide enough to lay firmly on the foundation stones at the bottom, and cover lightly with slate, then stones. On this I put my little stones, and fill up as far as I think leave room will for the plow. Those living near the slate quarries could utilize the waste in this way to great advantage, and this waste might be transported a long distance of the purpose of draining, where there are no stones, and thus draining comes cheaply, as the drains could be narrower and shoaler than by the common mode. But if out of reach of stones altogether, plank laid over the center drain lengthwise would make a cheap drain, as a foot wide and eighteen inches deep would be sufficient, with the drain six inches wide and is deep below this. I am confident that this mode of draining will be a great saving and I am trying it, and if life and health be spared will give results. Meanwhile, brother farmers, if you have lands that need draining, try it for yourselves; it will not cost you much. – [David Brown, in Maine Farmer]


For roughness of the skin: Mix two parts of brandy with one part of rosewater, and wash the face night and morning.

Old boot-tops, cut into pieces the right size and lined, make good iron-holders. The leather keeps all heat away from the hand.

To remove grease from wall paper, lay several fold of blotting paper on the spot and hold a hot iron near it until the grease is absorbed.

To make macaroni tender, put it in cold water and bring it to a boil. It will then be much more tender then if you put into hot water or stewed in milk.

In cooking a fowl, to ascertain when it is done put a skewer into the breast and if the breast is tender the fowl is done.

It is stated that dished placed on a pie-plant leaf are protected from ants. The leaves must be replaced every morning.

A piece of rag soaked in a solution of cayene is a capital thing to put into a rat or mouse hole. They will not try to eat it.

A transparent mucilage of great tenacity may be made by mixing rice flour with cold water and letting it gently simmer over the fire.

In making an Irish stew the suet should be chopped fine and the dough kneaded as lightly as possible. The less it is kneaded the lighter the crust will be.

Stair carpets should always have three or four thickness of paper put under them, at or over the edge of every stair, which is the part where they first wear out.

Fish and other dishes often come upon the table very greasy. The way to prevent this is to place brown or white paper over them, letting it touch the greasy surface. Paper absorbs fats.

You can get a bottle or barrel of oil off any carpet or woolen stuff, says an exchange, by applying dry buckwheat plentifully. Never put water to such a grease spot, or liquid of any kind.

If you wish to clarify sugar and water that you are about to boil, it is well to stir in the white of an egg while cold; it put in after it boils the egg is apt to get hardened before it can do any good.

Ammonia, saleratus water and other alkaline washes are the usual remedies for bee sting. A fresh tomato leaf crushed and rubbed on the puncture is commended as an easy and sovereign cure.

Always get your material for breakfast ready over night; fix the fire already to light, fill the tea-kettle, grind coffee and prepare the potatoes, and thus you can sleep half an hour longer in the morning.

Furniture coverings are of thick cretonne; the colors are olive with yellow slate color and blue, tan with rose, and bark blue with white. Only two colors are shown in the new combinations.

The Family Doctor says: “When much pressed with work, and feeling an inability to sleep, eat two or three small onions, the effect of which is magical in producing the desired repose. Such a remedy has a great advantage over the stupefying drugs commonly resorted to for this purpose, and is even preferable to the liquor opii sedat, and chlorodine, of medical practice.”

Croup, it is said, can be cured in one minute, and the remedy is simply alum and sugar. The way to accomplish the deed is to take a knife or grater, and shave off in small particles about a teaspoonful of alum; then mix it with twice its quantity of sugar, to make it palatable, and administer it as quickly as possible. Almost instantaneous relief will follow.

Too much cannot be said on the subject of supplying the table with green food in winter when the acid fruits of the warm season cannot be had. Spinach and lettuce are always in market, and celery, that relish and excellent vegetable should be used without stint. It contains soporific ingredients and is a capital nervine. Celery should always appear with cheese, crackers, and fruit for dessert. It is the nibbling relish, acting as a digester in the human stomach as gravel works with fowls.

A MODERN SAMSON If report speaks truly all the astounding feats performed by the strong men of antiquity, including Hercules, Samson, and Mil of Crotons, have been capped by the recent performances of a French athlete, Joignery by name, who is at present fulfilling, to crowded houses, an engagement in the Berlin Vaudeville Theater. Tossing about huge cannon balls with a sportive grace, this person appears nightly on a raised platform in the body of the theater, above which platform is suspended an ordinary trapeze. His ankels (sic) are then fastened to the trapeze so that he swings downward a few feet above the central surface of the central stage, and in full view of every one in the house. A horse, covered with gay trapping and begirt with a broad leathern surcingle,(sic) to which two strong loops are attached, is then conveyed to the stage, and there mounted by a full-grown man. When all these preliminaries have been effected, Joigney seizes the loops in both hands, and by sheer muscular strength lifts the “horse and his rider” some inches off the stage, sustaining their combined weight in the air for several seconds, and letting them down again as slowly and evenly as he had raised them. Upon the occasion of his first performance the horse selected for the experiment was so panic-stricken by being lifted off its feet that when it was lowered to the level of the platform its knees gave way under it, and the attendants had a great deal of trouble to make it stand up again.

A DOG STORY – [Jersey City Journal] A gentleman doing business on Communipaw Avenue is the owner of a Syketerrier (sic), which, in turn, is the owner of a little of puppies. One of the little animals died a few days ago, and the mother, taking the body of her dead offspring in her mouth, wandered about the stable yard, endeavoring to dig a hole in the ground, but the frost had so hardened the earth that she was unable to carry out her plan. The intelligent creature seemed to consider the matter for awhile, and then going to a manure heap, she made a hole in it, shoved the body into the opening, covered it carefully and went away satisfied. This may be called intelligence, but decent people will think differently of the dog.

Would the abolition of capital punishment prevent the handing of pictures?

COLONIAL RELICS – FOUR REVOLUTIONARY CANNONS UNEARTHED IN PENNSYLVANIA – [Philadelphia Record] Half a dozen of stalwart horses pulled a wagon into the yard of the Bush Hill Iron Company, at Twentieth and Buttonwood streets, on a recent afternoon. On the wagon were four cannon. They were so red that at a distance they might have been taken for rolls of clay. A close inspection proved, however, that they were covered with a thick coat of rust; so thick, in fact, that large pieces could have been chipped out in some parts with a penknife. The passer-by who noticed these musty pieces of ordnance did not deign a second glance, but the employees in the yard eyed the arrivals with considerable curiosity. Perhaps their breasts at the moment were filled with patriotic fire, for the history of the cannon is intimately connected with the independence of the country. A hundred years ago, between Warwick and Valley Forge, a charcoal Iron furnace was in operation. It was known as the “Potts” Furnace, from the fact that it was owned by a family of that name. Here the cannon was moulded into farm, and here they were lying in 1777, but a few days before the Battle of Brandywine. General ANTHONY WAYNE was connected with the Potts family and fearing that the cannon might fall into British hands, sent a request only a day before that memorable battle that they might be hid beyond the possibility of discovery. How to comply with this request was a matter which much puzzled the honest and patriotic Pottses. Finally they hit upon a device. There was a swamp in the meadows a short distance away and there it was determined to inter the guns. Oxen were procured, and the iron weapons were dragged across the fields and allowed to sink down deep in the mud. There they were safe from being counted with the British spoils. For the last hundred years the Potts family, one generation succeeding another, has remained on the homestead, and the story of the buried cannon has been handed down. In 1875 the idea of recovering them occurred to the present representatives of the race, and before the year had closed the cannon were above ground. One of the four was in such a good state of preservation that a six-pound charge of powder was fired out of it on the first day of the Centennial year. Recently Mr. Potts conceived the idea of selling the entire lot to a furnace owner, and in spite of the remonstrances of his neighbors, who declared that it would be nothing less than sacrilege to destroy such historic articles, he carried out his idea. The cannon will be melted preparatory to being turned into rolling-mill machinery. They weigh about two tons each, and are six feet in length, with a diameter of eighteen inches at the butt and six-inch bore. Each has the letter “P. W. F.” (Potts Warwick Furnace) but although originally cut very deep, the letters are almost obliterated by decay of the material. The improvement of the art of manufacturing weapons of war was strikingly illustrated at the yard when these four Colonial engines were dumped beside a couple of thirty-two pounders, each ten feet long, or modern make. The outside of these were jet black, and almost as smooth as glass. They belong to the now obsolete smoothbore pattern, and came from Fort McHenry. The two weigh 14,400 pounds. Near these again were a dozen or more rusty old guns, which came recently from Portugal as ballast for a ship laden with cork. They are of about five-pound caliber, and the scarcely decipherable date “1628” attests that they are two and a half centuries old. In the shop, on the other side of the street, were a couple of smoothbore guns which did good service on the Constitution during her engagement with the Guerriere in the War of 1812. The business of melting down old cannon for remanufacture into rolling-machinery, or of turning the arts of war into arts of peace, is attaining large dimensions at the Bush Hill Works. Tens of thousands of tons of iron have been transformed in the same way. In one single week 333 tons of old cannon have been received at the yard from the Government arsenals.

MR. JAY GOULD’S PERSONAL HABITS Mr. Gould’s millions now crowd close to those of VANDERBILT. he is a man of finer texture than the old Commodore’s son. he doesn’t run to fine horses, costly stables and blooded steeds. At night when he dismisses his operators from the telegraph offices in his own house in Fifth Avenue and enter up in a little book the telegraphic reports of the receipts of the various railroads which he owns, he does not go to a club to carouse, to a banquet, to steam up with champagne, or to a theater; he retires to the recesses of a peaceful library, and with his young sons about him, reads the Latin classics, the world forgetting, but not by the world forgot – by a large majority. The next morning, early, he has the telegraph doing lighting service, and he is sending an electric shock through Wall Street as soon as the bulls and the bears come into that field for pasture. Mr. Gould is a liberal man, although when he makes a bequest he does not have the information written in manifold and sent to all the newspapers. The first news New York had of his gift to the Memphis sufferers, of $5,0020, came from Memphis, as did the news of the second gift of $5,000. Mr. Gould being a small man of little physical powers is naturally not disposed to put himself recklessly in the way of the horns of the bulls and the claws of the bears. There are some men in Wall Street, as Mr. Gould has reason to know, who wish to resent their losses with their fists, and are disposed to follow Maj. Selover’s example, and dispatch him bodily down into a convenient area. Accordingly, Mr. Gould keeps his office guarded by a stout Irishman, who prevents the intrusion of visitors, and he has usually a private way to get out into the street. He has, too, it is said, a big Italian bookkeeper who accompanies him on many of this business trips about town, and stands ready to protect his millionaire employer.

Genius is a good thing to have, but hard and persistent labor is what finally tells.

A BOY HIGHWAYMAN – [San Francisco Chronicle] About 12 o’clock last Wednesday night as the stage from San Luis Obispo was bowling past Oak Grove, about two miles from Soledad, the driver, JIM MEYERS, noticed a line stretched across the highway with a white handkerchief tied in the middle. He had no sooner pulled up his horses, than some one cried, “Throw out that box,” and he saw a man standing in the shadow of the chaparral by the roadside. A camp-fire glimmering through the brush indicated a probably highwayman’s camp, and the box was thrown out without further ceremony. The line then dropped and the stage proceeded. The box contained $167 in money and a check on a San Luis bank for $140, with other papers. Sheriff FRANK of Monterey County went to work on the case and found that a boy named GEORGE ADAMS had left Soledad that night. He next heard of him in Salinas, where he displayed considerable money, and traced him to his city via Watsonville. Learning that he had a companion with him, he found the companion and through his captured Adams last night on Sacramento Street near Taylor. Adams at once admitted his guilt. He is a boy of nineteen, and says he had not thought of stopping he stage when he left Soledad. He had no weapon whatever, and was on the verge of running away when the driver threw out the box. He had no money, he said, and was going to Salinas for a job which he obtained at $35 per month. After breaking open the box and getting the money he walked to Salinas, picked up his companion and came to this city. He is a pleasant spoken young fellow, and says he never has been arrested before for any offense.

SOME STRANGE FINDS The Bank of England has had no end of valuables committed to its keeping. The vaults of its establishment hold moldering chests, deposited there for safety’s sake, and apparently forgotten by their owners. In 1873 one fell to pieces from sheer rottenness, exposing to sight a quantity of massive plate and a bundle of yellow papers. The latter proved to be a collection of love letters of the period of the restoration, which the directors were enabled to restore to the lineal descendant of the original owner. I 1875 a tine box was fished out of the Seine containing more than 500 letters addressed to divers persons in Paris. The box – set afloat miles above Paris – had been hermetically sealed and was furnished with little metal sails, that it might catch the current of the river at every point; but it had failed to achieve a successful voyage, and laid at the river’s bottom for years with its freight of letters for the besieged Parisians, some of whom, however, had the gratification of receiving them five years date.

“Men often jump at conclusions,” says the proverb. So do dogs. We saw a dog at the conclusion of a cat, which was sticking through the opening of a partly closed door, and it created more disturbance than a church sandal.

Dr. C. E. Shoemaker of Reading, Pa., is the only aural surgeon in the United State who devotes all his time to the treatment of deafness and diseased of the ear and catarrh; especially running ear. nearly twenty years experience. Thousands testify to his skill. Consult him by mail or otherwise. Pamphlet free.

Young men, go West. Learn telegraphy. Address R. Valentine, Manager, Janesville, Wis.

For one cent purchase a postal card and send your address to Dr. Sanford, 162 Broadway, New York, and receive pamphlets by return mail, from which you can learn whether your liver is out of order, and if out of order or is any way diseased, what is the best thing in the world to take for it.

Chew Jackson’s Best Sweet Navy Tobacco.

Wanted. Sherman & Co., Marshall, Mich., want an agent in this county at once at a salary of $100 per month and expenses paid. For full particulars address as above.

Ladies and children’s shoes cannot run over if Lyon’s Patent Heel Stiffeners are used.

Pimples and humors of the face. In this condition of the skin, the Vegetine is the great remedy, as it acts directly upon the cause. It cleanses and purifies the blood, thereby causing humors of all kinds to disappear.

Gilbert’s Pat Gloss Starch for laces, etc.

Daughter, wives and mothers. Dr. Marchini’s Urine Catholicon will positively cure female weakness, such as falling of the womb, whites, chronic inflammation or ulceration for the womb, incidental hemorrhage or flooding, painful, suppressed and irregular menstruation, & c. An old and reliable remedy. Send postal card for a pamphlet, with treatment, cures and certificates from physicians and patients, to Howart & Ballard, Utica, N. Y. Sold by all druggists - $1.50 per bottle.

The deaf her through the teeth – (too small to read)

Worthless stuff. Not so fast my friend; if you could see the strong, healthy blooming men, women, and children that have been raised from beds of sickness, suffering and almost death, by the use of Hop Bitters, you would say ‘Glorious and invaluable remedy” – Press

Guard against disease. If you find yourself getting bilious, head heavy, mouth foul, eyes yellow, kidneys disordered, symptoms of piles tormenting you, take at once a few doses of Kidney-Wort. It is nature’s great assistant. Use it as an advance guard. Don’t wait to get down sick.

$5 to $20 per day at home. Samples worth $5 free Address Stinson & Co., Portland, Me.

$72 a week, $12 a day at home easily made. Costly outfit free. Address True & Co., Augusta, Maine.

Music!…(too small to read)

Agents read this! - (too small to read)

Salesmen wanted. We want good men to sell cigars to dealers. $105 a month and expenses. Samples free. Cut this notice out and send with your application also send a 3c, stamp to insure answer. S. Foster & Co., PO Box 1979 Cincinnati, Ohio.

Nature’s Remedy - VEGETINE, The Great Blood Purifier. Female Weakness. No better remedy in the whole material-medica ahs yet been compounded for the relief and cure of Female complaints, of the ordinary kind, than Vegetine. It seems to act in these cases with unwonted certainly, and never fails to give a new and healthful tone to the female organs, to remove relaxed debility and unhealthy secretions, and restore a healthful vigor and elasticity. One of the most common of these complaints is hemcorrhecea or Whites, which are brought on either by the presence of scrofula in the system or by some affection of the womb, or even by general debility. For all these complaints, and when danger begins to threaten women at the turn of life, Vegetine can be commended without qualification. The great prevalence of these disorders, and their cure by Vegetine ahs amply shown that the sure alleviating agent remains not yet to be discovered, but is already known, and is a favorite with American ladies. Too long has it been the custom to prescribe nauseating and uncertain remedies in place of what is pleasant, effacious and cheap. Try Vegetine, and do not doubt it s power to carry you safely through danger and disease. A SPLENDID MEDICINE – HEART AND KIDNEY DISEASE, FEMALE WEAKNESS. (too small to read)…Serofula, liver complaint, dyspepsia, rheumatism, weakness. …(too small to read) Vegetine is sold by all druggists.

To printers! The Publisher’s Union Atlanta, Ga. Successors to the Sou. Newspaper Union, supply the Best Roller Composition Ever made – Price 40 cents. Stock furnished and rollers cast of all styles and sizes. No need of sending moulds as we keep all kinds. When ordering give exact diameter of roller. News and book inks, also colors. Job ink constantly on hand. Send for price-list of inks.

THE KORAN. A curiosity to every one and a necessity to all students of history or Religion. The Koran of Mohammed; translated from the Arabic by Geo. Sale. Formerly published at $2.75; a neat, beautiful type, neat , cloth-bound edition; Price 55 cents and 6 cts for postage. Catalogue of many standard works, remarkably low in price, with extra terms to clubs free. Say where you saw this advertisement. American Book Exchange, Tribune Building, N. Y.

WARD’s 6 Fine shirts for $9.00. Printed ---for sell of measurements and price lists free by mail. E. M. & W. WARD, 38 Broadway., New York.

Genuine Bourbon Whiskey for Real Estate. A line of genuine Bourbon Whiskies in quantities to suit for ½ cash, ½ real estate; or ½ cash, balance 6, 12, 18, 24 months, secured paper. For list, prices, and particulars, address with description of real estate. Consignee, care letter Carrier, No. 40, Cincinnati, O

Agents wanted for the LIFE & ADVENTURES OF BUFFALO BILL, the famous scout, hunter & Guide. Written by Himself. Make Money rapidly. This is the only authentic book giving a full account of his wonderful career on the frontier; recounting his services to the Government as scout and guide. Endorsed by Gen. P. H. Sheridan and highly recommended by the press, making it a favorite book for agents Address Douglass Bros. 55 W Fifth St., Cincinnati Ohio

Pumps, pumps, pumps, Cisterns, well and force pumps of all kinds and for all purposes. Also fire engines, hydraulic rams, amalgean bells, corn shellers, etc., etc. For catalogues or other information address, The Gould’s Manuf’g Co., Factory, Seneca Falls, N. Y., Warehouse, 15 Park Place, New York.

New Home Sewing Machine. Best in the world. Agents wanted Everywhere. Address Johnson, Clark & Co., 30 Union Square New York.

Bell & Halliday (Successors to Cairo Box & Basket Co.) Cairo, Ill. Manufacturers of Fruit and vegetable boxes of every description. Write for catalogue.

This Claims House Established 1865 – Pensions – New Law. Thousands of Soldiers and heirs entitled. Pensions date back to discharge or death. Time limited. Address with stamp. George E. Lemon, PO Drawer 325, Washington, DC $10,000 Insurance for 35 cts. On life & Property. $10,000 will be paid to any person who can explode a lamp fitted with our safety attachment. Mailed free to 35 cts. Four for $1. Agents wanted, male or female. S. S. Newton’s Safety Lamp Co., Binghampton, N. Y., Salesroom, 13 West Broadway, N. Y.

$77 a month and expenses guaranteed for agents. Outfit free. Shaw & Co., Augusta, Ga.

$777 a year and expenses to agents. Outfit free. Address PO Vickery, Augusta, Ga

$66 per week in your own town. Terms and $5 samples free. Address H. Halley & Co., Portland, Me.

Get rich selling our Rubber Printing Stamps. Samples free. Cook & Bissell, Clevelnad, O.

Opium, morphine habit cured in 10 to 20 days. No pay till Cure. Dr. J. Stephens, Lebanon, Ohio

Young men, go West, learn telegraphy; situation guaranteed. Address R. Valentine, Manager. Janesville, Wis.

The Best Thing out – (TOO SMALL TO READ)

Opium, Morphine habit speedily cured by Dr. Beck’s only known and sure remedy. No charge for treatment until cured. Call on or address Dr. J. O. Beck, Cincinnati, Ohio. 112 John Street.

Skin Diseases cured …(too small to read)

Truth is Mighty! (too small to read)

Petroleum VASELINE Jelly. Grand Medal Philadelphia at Exposition. Silver Medal at Paris Exposition. This wonderful substance is acknowledged by physicians throughout the world to be the best remedy discovered for the cure of wounds, burns, rheumatism, skin disease, piles, catarrh, ---. In order that every one may try it, it is put up in 15 and 25 cents bottles for household use. Obtain it from your druggists, and you will find it superior to anything you have ever used.

C. Gilbert’s Starch.

Well tools of all kinds. Augers, drills, horse power. Matchless for boring and drilling tools. Best in America. $25 a day made easily. Book Free! Address Loomis & Nyman, Tiffin, O.

Agents wanted for the Pictorial History of the World. It contains 672 fine historical engravings and 1260 large double-column pages, and is the most complete history of the world ever published. It sales at sight. Send for specimen pages and extra terms to agents, and see why it sells faster than any other book. Address. National Publishing Co., St. Louis, M

Free to all. Our illustrated descriptive catalogue of plants, seeds, trees, etc. containing useful information to the amateur florist. 80 pages, 2 acres under glass. Examine our catalogue. Good s guaranteed first quality. Send 3 cent stamp for postage. Also, Price list in German free. Address, Nane & Neunep, Louisville, Ky.

Carleton’s household Encyclopedia. The most valuable single book ever printed. A Treasury of knowledge. There has never before been published in one volume, so much useful information on every subject. Beautifully illustrated, price $2.50. A whole library in one volume. To Agents Sold only by subscriptions; the easiest book to sell ever known. Terms, etc. address G. W. Carleton & Co., Publishers, N. Y. City

On 30 Days trial. We will send our Electro-Voltaic Belts and other Electric Appliances upon trial for 30 days to those afflicted with nervous debility and diseases of a personal nature. Also of the liver, kidneys, rheumatism, paralysis, &c. A sure cure guaranteed or no pay. Address Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich.

Beatty Organ Beatty Piano…(too small to read)

To consumptives. Loden’s Emulation of Cod Liver Oil and Wild Cherry Bark, the most palatable combination of these renowned remedies extant. An unequalled remedy for consumption, scrofulous, all lung affections, nervous debility, and all wasting diseases. The manner in which the doc liver oil is combined with the wild cherry enables it to be assimilated by the most delicate stomach, insures complete digestion of the oil, tones up the system, relives cough, causes increase of flesh and strength. Endorsed by the most eminent physicians. A well-known specialist in lung affections has used it in over two hundred cases, and says “there is no combination of cod live oil, but have been unable to do so. They will find that they can take this preparation readily and with excellent results. Price, One dollar peer bottle; Six bottles for Five dollars. Circulars and valuable information to all sufferers send on receipt of a description of case. Address all orders to C. G. A. LODER, Manufacturing Chemist, 1539 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Saponifier is the old reliable concentrate lye for family soap making. Directions accompanying each can for making hard, soft and toilet soap quickly. It is full weight and strength. the market is flooded with (so-called) concentrated lye, which is adulterated with salt and resin, and won’t make soap. Save money and buy the Saponifier made by the Pennsylvania Salt Manuf’g Co. Philadelphia.

Allen’s Lung Balsam. The great throat & Lung remedy. Cures consumption, colds, coughs, asthma, bronchitis, croup. Sold by all druggists.

The Estey Organ the Best. The world over. Manufactured Brattleboro, Vt.

Wells, Richardson & Co., Perfected Butter Color. Gives butter the gilt-edged color the year round. The largest butter buyers recommend its use. Thousands of dairymen say it is perfect. Used by all the best creameries. Awarded the international Diploma at N. Y> Dairy Fair. Ask your druggist or merchant for it or write to ask that it is, what it costs, who uses it, where to get it. Wells, Richardson & Co., Proprietors, Burlington, Vt.

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