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Vernon Clipper 19 Sept 1879

Microfilm Ref Call #373 Microfilm Order #M1992.4466 from The Alabama Department of Archives and History



A London dispatch states that the Mont St. Gothard tunnel will be completed by the end of the year. This great work of engineering skill was commenced fifteen years ago by Germany, Italy and Switzerland to furnish convenient railroad access from Northern Switzerland and Western Germany to Italy, the route being the most direct. At present the railroad over Mont. Simplon monopolizes the traffic.

A well-known weed in the Eastern States of the Union which farmers call the “Devil’s plant” produces a fiber which has been discovered to be far superior to jute for rope-making, etc. Citizens of New Jersey are now interesting themselves in its cultivation for mechanical uses. The annual importation of jute into this country for similar purposes is estimated at $10,000,000, and if the “Devil’s plant” can supercede it to that amount, it deserves a better name.

The new law against tramps enacted by the Pennsylvania Legislature: Every vagrant is to be arrested and imprisoned twelve months in a county jail; every vagrant entering a house, of kindling a fire on a highway, or discovered with a dangerous weapon which he uses for intimidation, is to be imprisoned three years. The act of begging is made prima-facie evidence that the person is a tramp. A state which requires such a law as this must be overrun with desperados, and that is what is the matter with Pennsylvania. The tramps, under the pressure of the new law, are already pouring into Maryland and New York.

Boston Post: “What startling changes time effects! The marriage bells never rang more gleefully, and the flourish of trumpets was never more dazzling and exultant than when the brilliant KATE CHASE was married to the brilliant young manufacturer, millionaire, senator, governor and general from Rhode Island.” A large amount of the A. & W. SPRAGUE estate, including the mansion near Narragansett Pier, R. I., recently brought into conspicuous notice, is advertised by the United States marshal to be sold at auction on the 4th of September, to satisfy a judgement in behalf of the National Bank of Commerce of New York.

At the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Texas Pacific Railroad at Philadelphia an issue of bonds not to exceed $20,000 a mile was authorized to compete the road from Fort Worth west to San Diego. The distance is 1,200 miles, and the loan will therefore amount to $24,000,000. There are now in operation 444 miles of road, and the net income last year was $355,464.26. The yellow fever last year reduced the business of the company nine per cent. If the company succeed in readily disposing of their bonds, it will not be long before Messrs. JAY GOULD and HUNTINGTON will find themselves confronted by a competing transcontinental line.

Underground ice is the natural curiosity now offered by a Minnesota swamp. Recently the governor of that state appointed commissioners to appraise the salt lands in Breckenridge County. In the course of their search they came upon a large tract of quaking bog land. Running in a northwest and southeast direction was a line of mounds from six to eight feet in diameter at the base and from fifteen to thirty feet high, of a conical form, the slope being about forty-five degrees. These mounds were a shaking bog to their summits, where was found a circular opening six to eight feet in diameter, filled with clear, cold water, and of unknown depth, a pole eight feet long being their only means of testing the latter. Most singular of all, a few feet from these wells, upon digging from sixteen to twenty-four inches, a solid body of ice was found.

A Washington dispatch says of the Halifax fisheries award: “The extravagance of the award has been very fully sustained by the figures now in the possession of the Government. The market value of all the fish taken by American fishermen within the three-mile limit, under the treaty of Washington, July 1, 1878, excluding the Magdalene Islands, the Labrador coast and that port of Newfoundland in which we were entitled to fish before the treaty, was, as nearly as could be ascertained, $221,238. A report from Collector Babson, of Gloucester, shows further that the entire catch in the Gulf of St. Lawrence in 1878, by 120 vessels from Gloucester, was 30,448 barrels of mackerel of all kinds, worth, exclusive of packing, etc. $137,148. Of the number of barrels, 30,448, but 8,750, worth $7,148 were taken within the three-mile point of the shores of the Dominion.”

The enlistment of Western boys for the navy has started considerable comment among naval people in Washington. It has also brought out the fact that a large portion of the officers of our navy grew up in the West; furthermore, that the Western man'’ withstands the ills of service better than the Eastern man or seaboard man. One of the oldest officials in the navy, in speaking on this subject, said he had long notices the physical hardihood of the Western man in the navy, and, naming over a dozen, said they were the best men, physically at least, in the service, and as for the necessity of a life accustomed to salt breezes before entering the service, he said that there was no difference between men from any locality or section. The great object was to get the navy manned by American sailors, and the West was as much entitled to the benefits of the new recruiting law as the East, especially as the East helped to pay for the navy and got but little direct benefit from it.

KHEREDINE PASHA’S retirement from the Grand Viziership at Constantinople was due to the fact that the Sultan declined to relinquish his prerogative of absolutism or personal government which inhered in his predecessors. Kheredine desired to introduce such administrative reforms as would make Turkey at least a tentatively free government. He proposed the appointment of a cabinet to act independently until it was replaced by another, and to be responsible not only to the Sultan, but to a legislative assembly. This programme the Sultan knew would force him to abdicate his absolute powers, and having referred it to the Sheik-ul-Islam, the head of the Church, of course secured a decision to the effect that Kherefine’s plan was a violation of the Koran, and AARIFI PASHA took KHEREDINE’S place. This might have been expected from the course of the Sultan with regard to the parliament organized in 1877 at the suggestion of Midhat Pasha. As soon as the members of the parliament began to talk reform, the Sultan dismissed them, and the parliament was wiped out. Any form of liberal government in Turkey involves the abandonment of Mohammedan traditions, and the Skeik-ul-Islam is always ready to interpose his ecclesiastical power to prevent the latter eventually. It is reported that the Sultan is now looking about for somebody to “save the empire,” unless a complete revolution takes place in the form of government – and the house of Ottoman is bitterly opposed to the abandonment of the tradition of the Koran as the source of civil and religious law.

SOUTHERN NEWS ITEMS Raleigh, N. C. has seventeen factories.

The population of Texas is estimated at 1,926,496.

Mormon missionaries are at work in Bland County, Va.

One ward in New Orleans has 11,000 colored Catholics.

Coal has been discovered in South Carolina, near Augusta.

There are fourty-four doctors at the Hot Springs of Arkansas.

The South Carolina sea island cotton crop promises a good yield.

A new and rich vein of gold has been discovered near Washington, Ga.

The Atlanta Dispatch advocates the employment of Chinese labor in the South.

Around Knoxville, Tennessee, there are 150 acres devoted entirely to grape culture.

The farmers of Pamlico County, N. C., are getting mad because the bears are eating up their corn crops.

The two daughters of Gen. R. E. Lee, Misses Mary and Mildred, are spending the summer in Norway.

It is estimated that the impeachment of the Georgia Controller-general will cost from $10,000 to $30,000.

The Memphis Appeal says that every block of the Niholson pavement must be destroyed after the fever is over.

Nashville has a colored people’s cooperative emigration club, an association formed to encourage emigration to Kansas.

A man in Baltimore, Md., has invented a suit of flying clothes. you put them on, and by working your arms the flight heavenward begins.

The enthusiasms about “Pinafore” seems unabated in New York. The other night it was given at the Aquarium, in that city, to a crowded house.

There is but one republican newspaper published daily, throughout the Southern states, and that is a German one, in San Antonio, Texas. This may be mortifying to Northern republicans, but very gratifying to the Southern people.

Compressed air has been experimented with, of late, in the Second Avenue line of cars, in New York, with such success that the company is seriously considering the wisdom of adopting the system instead of horses, as at present.

Some one in Atlanta asked General Toombs, the other day, if he would be a candidate for governor. “No, sir!” was the emphatic reply: “I have not a single qualification – never made an agricultural speech in my life, and don’t know a single Sunday-school hymn.”

The amount of water now used in New York is so great that the superintendent of the water works has issued an order compelling all manufacturers to place gauges upon their hydrants, so that the exact amount they use can be ascertained. It is thought that this will prevent the outrageous waste that now exists.

Columbus (Ga.) Enquirer-Sun: There is in Sandersville a totally blind negro man who is a professional well-digger. He not only digs and cleans out wells, but can rive boards and shingles, and nail them on a house in as straight a line as though he had perfect sight.

The branch of the United States Home and Dower Association, which was established by one F. A. Whitcomb in Atlanta some months since, and advertised “money to loan” has proven to be a swindle, and Mr. Whitcomb has disappeared with some $6,000 of the citizen’s money.

Shipping shells from the coast to the interior and the North seems likely to be quite an industry in Florida. Mr. S. Jones, of Tampa, will soon ship on Two schooners thirteen car-loads, among which will be a quantity of paving shells sufficient for six miles of a roadway at Chicago.

Some fishermen have invented a novel way of capturing fish at Seneca Lake, N. Y.: They have dammed off a small portion of the lake, and in this dam are several gates. At times they are opened for the fish to run in, and then quickly shut them down, by means of a small engine, the water is then pumped out, and there are a quantity of fine trout, bass and pickerel.

St. Augustine (Fla.) Press: It is reported that an English company of capitalists will attempt to build a Florida ship canal in opposition tot he French company, and over a slightly different route. Mr. Reid, member of the British parliament, will, it is stated, soon come to this country in behalf of the British company.

Abingdon (Va.) Standard: COLONEL A. MCDONALD, fibs commissioner of Virginia, and W. F. PAGE, were in town on Wednesday, with a view of establishing a station at or near Abingdon, for the purpose of propagation mountain trout and other fish with which our Southwest Virginia streams are to be stocked.

Columbia (S. C.) Register: Capt. TOBY, while on a recent visit to North Carolina, discovered in the mountains a quantity of very fine-grained white marble. It had a very beautiful red vein running through it, resembling a fern leaf. Some of the rock projected twenty-five or thirty feet out of the ground, and there seemed to be no end to the deposit there. In the same neighborhood he found some of the same kind of rock having a buff color with similar streaks through it.

Cartersville (Ga.) Express: MR. JOHN L. MOON stepped aboard the accommodation train at Allatoona with a large stone in his hand which glistened with silver. He had just made a blast from the cut of the railroad track one and a half miles below Allatoona, and discovered that he had struck the richest silver vein yet found in that locality. Many tests have been made of specimens taken from that vein, which show that they contain forty-one and a half percent of lead, and silver to the amount of $12.50 to the ton of ore.

Tuesday’s Memphis Appeal: When it is remembered that there were no cases officially reported at this time last year, and that the weather during the past few days has been unusually cool and pleasant, the situation must be considered very discouraging. With less than five thousand whites in the city, and most of these exempt on account of previous attacks, the list of new cases is very large. The fever is rapidly spreading among the negroes, and four of yesterday’s deaths were among that class of citizens. The official report, since July 10, shows four hundred and twelve cases, and one hundred and eight deaths.

YELLOW FEVER NOTES The APPEAL says that it is a protection to a Memphis house from the burglars to have a yellow flag in front of it. One hundred deaths occurred from yellow fever at Havanna for the week ending Aug. 16, an increase of seven over the previous week. The schooner Susan Stetson, from Miragoane for Providence, R. I., lost the Captain’s wife at Hayti, and two seamen on the voyage, from yellow fever. From the 9th of July up to Sunday, 531 cases of yellow fever have been reported at the office of the Memphis Board of Health; 293 were whites, and out of that number 115 died, while out of the 236 black cases only twenty died. MEMPHIS LEDGER: Our colored brethren are likely to have an uphill business with their relief and free nation project. The honesty and fair dealing of those who have the meager fund in hand is openly discussed, and leading people among the colored folks express doubts as to the scheme ever reaching respectable proportions.

FOREIGN There is in London a “society for preventing street accidents and dangerous driving.” A recent storm in Denmark destroyed over one hundred farm houses, killed fifty persons and did incalculable damage to crops. In consequence of the active American demand, every large iron-making district in the Kingdom is showing unmistakable signs of revival. The new Austrian ministry will maintain the army at its present strength, will fulfill the occupation project, and strengthen the tendencies toward protection. A change in the ministry of Hungary is probable. England has but 250,000 land holders. France has 6,000,000. According to reliable statistics she has 5,000,000 small farmers. It is estimated that England has 1,000,000 paupers. In France the pauper population is very small. At Para, in Brazil, 14,000 people are dependent upon charity. Lately the supplies were stopped to them, and the citizens of the town were very apprehensive, for fear these hungry mortals would seek it. The militia was called out. Col. Olcott writes from Bombay that some of the Parsee merchants, who were bankrupted by Lee’s surrender, imagined that our war was between the people of North America and those of South America! And many of them think so today. The state department says Germany is disposed to regard favorably the proposals of this government for a further joint consideration of the Bimetallic subject, and hopes the present effort will result in a Bimetallic congress, in which all the leading states of Europe will participate. Some of the victims of the Glasgow Bank Swindle, pine and die, and papers occasionally refer to those who have gone to an untimely grave. B. Callwell of Inverness, was a year ago worth $350,000. His thirty shares in the bank made him penniless at 70 years of age, and he was lately found dead in his bed. Two of the principal cotton manufacturing firms of the Dale District, Glasgow, have given notice of a five percent reduction since the beginning of the depression. These are the only mills running on full time. It is feared the rest of the mills, running only four days a week, will follow, reducing operations to the lowest condition. The heavy failures in Montreal do not present a strong argument in favor of the new Canadian policy of “protection of home industry.” That policy is growing very unpopular, especially among farmers and railroad and vessel owners. The latter find that they already have to face a falling off of $18,000,000 in the handling of American produce, and smuggling over the border has become a regular business. The United States Consul at Manchester, England, says the failure of the crops is much more serious than generally supposed abroad. The demand in England for meats and grains from the united States will be enormous. Business is greatly depressed. Last year more than 80,000 persons were supported in Manchester by the public. The coming winter will probably witness still greater destitution.

MISCELLANEOUS Preparations are making for a direct steamship line between New Orleans and Havre. Over 40,000 pounds of glycerin are used annually in the United States for mixing with beer. The cultivation of sugar in the southern provinces of Cuba has greatly increased this year. GEORGE MCINTOSH, a notorious Arkansas murderer, has at last been captured, after lying in the forest of the Cache River bottom since 1873, in defiance of all officers of the law. He was taken through the strategy of an Indian. A collision on the Atlantic City Narrow-Gauge Railroad between an excursion train of nine cars and a freight train from Atlantic City resulted in the death of five persons and the slight injury of two others. The temperance movement which began in Ireland a year or two ago, and resulted in the early closing of all the saloons in the country and cities on Sunday, has extended to England. Already petitions containing nearly 250,000 signatures have been presented in parliament for closing public houses in England and Wales on Sundays. A new variety of sweet potato is being cultivated in Kern County, the extreme south-eastern corner of California. They call it ocean queen. Picked specimens weigh from fifteen to eighteen and twenty-two pounds. The yield is so great that they are fed to hogs, which thrive amazingly and make extra pork. Recent test suggest that they will make better and cheaper sugar than beets.

THE MORMAN QUESTION While the killing of STANDING, the Mormon elder, was a casual incident in the run of events, it has done much towards hurrying on what promises to be a very severe struggle – probably a final one – between the Mormons and the monogamists. We see signs of disturbance in various quarters. In North Carolina there are rumors of a local disturbance that may become a very serious riot – in Salt Lake City, Delegate Cannon and several leading apostles are in jail because of their contempt of Judge Boreman – and in Illinois an elder has just been shuffled out of a neighborhood. Altogether the sky is rather lurid for the polygamists. The growing restlessness of the public sentiment on this subject shows very clearly that vigorous efforts will be made to stamp out the polygamic abomination, and that decided and repressive steps will be taken. On the other hand, the prosperous condition of the Mormons, their ability to make an ugly fight – the sternness of their fanaticism and the hopelessness of ready submission – the defiant tone of the Mormon press and leaders – all these things combine to show that the sons of Dan will not be wiped out without a struggle. Already they are arming themselves and preparing for resistance to the decrees that they believe to be unjust. It is not at all unlikely that we shall see very soon as a variation to the monotonous Indian wars of the Western frontier a Mormon war in Salt Lake valley. – [Atlanta Constitution.

THE MAN WHO DESERTED LULU It is asserted in all military circles that the sentence of the court martial upon Captain CAREY was death. This explains very naturally why Lord Chelmford did not give effect to it. That unlucky General has been guilty of many blunders; but he has, at least, escaped the worst of all. But more than this. The Duke of Cambridge, who has been very bitter against Carey from the first is loath that the unhappy man should escape scot free. The story goes that he has urged the Queen to use the royal prerogative and dismiss Captain Carey, as she can, from the service. To this her Majesty is most decidedly opposed. Rumor has it that her august sympathies were never withheld from him from the first, and that since the Empress wrote, begging that he might not suffer any punishment, the Queen has been quite resolute in his favor. – [ London World

SELECTED POETRY THE EMPTY CRADDLE Sad is the heart of the mother, Who sits by the lonely hearth, Where never again the children Shall waken their songs of mirth; And still through the painful silence She listens for voice and tread, Outside of the heart – there only She knows that they are not dead.

Here is the desolate cradle, The pillow so lately pressed, But far away has the birdling Flown from its little nest. Crooning the lullabies over That once were her babe’s delight, All through the misty spaces She follows its upward flight.

Little she thought of a moment So gloomy and sad as this, When close to her heart she gathered her child for its good-night kiss, She should be tenderly cherished, Never a grief should she know; Wealth, and the pride of a princess, These would a mother bestow.

And this is the darling’s portion In heaven – where she has fled; By angels securely guarded, By angels securely led, Brooding in sorrowful silence Over the empty nest, Can you not see through the shadows Why it is all for the best?

Better the heavenly kingdom Than riches of earthly crown, Better the early morning flight Than one when the sun is down; Better an empty casket Than jewels besmirched with sin; Safer than these without the fold Are those that have entered in.

LEE’S BATTLES ONE OF HIS PRIVATE LETTERS ON GETTYSBURG AND GREDERICKSBURG Southern Historical Papers for September contain the following private letter from GENERAL R. E. LEE: “As to the battle of Gettysburg, I must again refer you to the official accounts. Its loss was occasioned by a combination of circumstances. It was commenced in the absence of correct intelligence. It was continued in the effort to overcome the difficulties by which we were surrounded, and it would have been gained could one determined and united blow have been delivered by our whole line. As it was, victory trembled in the balance for three days, and the battle resulted in the infliction of as great an amount of injury as was received, and in frustrating the Federal campaign for the season. I think you will find the answer to your third question in my report of the battle of Fredericksburg. In taking up the position there it was with a view of resisting General Burnside’s advance after crossing the Rappahannock, rather than of preventing the passage. The plan of Fredericksburg is completely commanded by the heights of Stafford, which prevented our occupying it in the first instance. Nearly the whole loss that our army sustained during the battle arose from the pursuit of the repulsed Federal column into the plain. To have advanced the whole army into the plain for the purpose of attacking General Burnside would have been to have insured its destruction by the fire from the continued line of guns on the Stafford hills. It was considered more wise to meet the Federal army beyond the reach of their batteries than under their muzzles, and even to invite repeated renewal of their attacks. When convinced of their utility it was easy for them, under cover of a long, dark, and tempestuous night, to cross the narrow river by means of their numerous bridges before we could ascertain their purpose. I have been obliged to be very brief in my remarks, but I hope I have been able to present to you some facts which my be useful to you in drawing correct conclusions. I must ask that you will consider what I have said as intended solely for yourself. Very respectfully and truly yours, R. E. LEE

LEECHERY AND COWARDICE Referring to the CONKLING-SPRAGUE affair, the New York Graphic pointedly remarks: The story of the Narragansett Pier Scandal, as the details are made public, places Senator Roscoe Conkling in an extremely awkward position. Unless he can clear himself he will stand convicted of having stolen into another man’s house with the intention of destroying the peace and happiness of that home. His conduct when confronted by the bereaved husband bears the stamp of cowardice. Leechery and cowardice can not be forgiven in a person assuming to occupy a high public position. We very much believe that in the state of Rhode Island lies the grave of Roscoe Conkling’s political future.

AN UGLY MESS It is stated that four of the consuls of the principal nations having commercial connection with this port have, since the inauguration of the quarantine, taken careful data of the detention of vessels sailing under their flags, which were provided with clean bills of health, together with the value of their cargoes, and an estimate of the loss entailed by this illegal detention. It is asserted that a bill of damages for the aggregate loss which this entails will be presented tot he United States Government, and claims made under the commercial treaties with those nations. – [ New Orleans Times.

It requires about as long to get a girl well out of her 10th year as for a horse to get beyond “8 years old this spring.”

REAL AND MIMIC. Dora seated at the play Weeps to see the hero perish – Hero of a Dresden day, Fit for China nymphs to cherish; Oh, that Dor’a heart would be Half so soft and warm for me!

When the flaring lights are out His heroic deeds are over, Gone his splendid strut and shout, Gone his raptures of a lover, While my humdrum heart you’d find True, though out of sight and mind.

WAIFS AND WHIMS A sociable man is one who, when he has ten minutes to spare goes and bothers somebody who hasn’t.

No comedian can make as laughable a face as that made by a small boy when he brings a jelly jar down from the closet shelf and discovers it to be full of ten-penny nails.

Oh, the trials of a married man. Imagine him of a warm morning looking for his thin undershirt and discovering that his wife has been using it three weeks for a smearkase bag.

It is estimated that the people of the United States consume three thousand barrels of liver-pills a year, and yet there is occasionally a man left to reach his end by a railroad collision.

Mrs. McFadden to her husband: “Did yes hear phwat the newspapers are sayin’, Moike? Sure, they say that mosht of the food we ate is adultherated! Moind, now, when ye get another codfish.”

“No, I can’t stay,” replied a gentleman who was invited to stay all night at the house of a friend. “Before morning my wife would be out with a lantern, like Diogenes, hunting for an honest man.”

A young lady pupil of a high school put on a mass of false hair, penciled her eyebrows, rouged her cheeks, etc., and then went to the commencement and ready her essay, entitled, “Deception a Prevailing Folly.”

That was a pretty compliment paid in London by a member of the Chinese embassy, the other night, to a young lady. Gazing down at her really pretty shoes, the oriental remarked: “I love your English large feets.”

Drink is healthy, if you believe the New York Dispatch. It says: He had a beer-breath with gin borders and whisky trimmings, and the most healthy town wouldn’t have given ten cents for him if it were crazy to start a graveyard.

The New York Commercial Advertiser says: “The young ladies that you see at Coney Island are not the rich and ugly kind you see at Saratoga. They are dashing actresses, flirting shop girls, and the handsomest women in the world.”

George Hagar and Dave Hutchinson, of Kentucky, had a quarrel about a female, and Hagar fired a charge of beans from a shotgun into Hutchinson, without injuring that person in the slightest. Mr. Hutchinson was lately from Boston, and rather enjoyed it.

Minister Lowell finds his position a very unpoetical one. He says his chief business at Madrid is to tell people when the museums are open, what theatres to go to, who are the best milliners and tailors, and when presentations are to be made at court.

The discomforts of church pews is commented upon by the Christian at Work, which say: Concerning pews and chairs, why is it that modern invention fails to furnish even a comfortable pew or chair? The bench of the ordinary church pew is fourteen inches wide, whereas it should be eighteen.”

“I was once vey shy,” said Sydney Smith, “but it was not long beofre I made two very useful discoveries: First, that all mankind were not solely employued in observing me (a belief that all young people have): the next, that shaming was of no use; that the world was very clear-sighted, and soon estimated a man at his just value. This cured me, and I determined to be natural and let the world find me out.”

A VESPER PRAYER – by Percy Bysshe Shelley The day becomes more solemn and serene When noon is past; there is a harmony In autumn and a lastre in its sky, Which through the summer is not heard or seen, As if it could not be, as if it had not been. Thus let thy power, which like the truth Of nature on my passive youth Descended, to my onward life supply Its calm, to one who worships thee, And every form containing thee, Whom, spirit fair, they spells did bind. To fear himself and love all humankind.

Of the English writer and lawyer, Judge Talfourd, a very delightful story is told. At one corner of Russell Square, near his house, an old woman had for several years kept an apple stall where he frequently made a small purchase. Standing at his parlor window one very wet day, Talfourd observed the poor old creature in her usual place and crouching down wet through with the pelting rain. The sight aroused all his kind and pitying nature. he tired in vain to pursue his literary or legal labors; again and again he went to the window to see the same distressing sight. At last he threw on coat and hat, rushed off into the rain, purchased an enormous gingham umbrella, and brought it back triumphantly and placed it over the old woman. “Wasn’t it a glorious thought?” he was heard to ask. “The thing actually covered her and her apple-stall too.”

PAGE 2 THE VERNON CLIPPER ALEXANDER COBB, Editor and Propreitor ALEX. A. WALL, Publisher $1.50 per annum. Friday, September 19, 1879

THE CENSUS LAW The following points of the census law will be of interest to many of our readers: The Superintendent of Census shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, with an annual salary of $5,000. The Secretary of the Interior may appoint a chief clerk, six clerks of class four, ten clerks of class three, fifteen clerks of class two, and such number of clerks of class one and of copyists and computers, at salaries of not less than $700 nor more than $1,000 per annum, as may be necessary. The Secretary of the Interior shall, on or before March 2, 1880, designate the number, whether one or more, of supervisors of census to be appointed within each State or territory, who shall be residents of the State or territory. The Supervisors shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, the total number not to exceed one hundred and fifty. Each Supervisor shall designate to the Superintendent of Census suitable persons, and with the consent of said Superintendent employ such persons as enumerators within his district (one for each subdivision) residing therein, who shall be selected solely with reference to their fitness and without reference to their political or party affiliations, according to the appointment approved by the Superintendent of the Census. Each Supervisor shall, upon the completion of his duties to the satisfaction of the Secretary, receive the sum of $500 in full compensation for services rendered and expenses incurred by him, except an allowance for clerk hire at the discretion of the Superintendent of the Census. The compensation of enumerators shall be ascertained and fixed as follows: In subdivisions where the Superintendent of Census shall deem such an allowance sufficient, an allowance not exceeding two cents for each living inhabitant, two cents for each death reported, ten cents for each farm, and fifteen cents for each establishment of productive industry enumerated and returned, may be given in full compensation for all services; and no claim for mileage or traveling expenses shall be allowed in such subdivisions: Provided, that the subdivisions in which the above rate of compensation shall apply must be designated by the Superintendent of Census at least one month in advance of the enumeration: and no account of the time occupied in enumerating shall be required for the purpose of ascertaining and determining the compensation of enumerators in such subdivisions. For all other subdivisions, rates of compensation shall be fixed in advance of the enumeration by the Superintendents of Census, with the approval of the Census, with the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, according to the difficulty of the enumeration, having reference tot he nature of the region to be convassed, and the density or sparseness of settlements, or other considerations pertinent thereto; but the compensation allowed to any enumerator in any district cast of the one hundredth meridian shall not exceed an average of four dollars per day or ten hours actual field work each; and the compensation allowed to any enumerator in any district west of the one hundredth meridian shall not exceed six dollars per working day of equal length. The subdivision assigned to any enumerator shall not exceed four thousand inhabitants, according to the Census of eighteen hundred and seventy. Provided, that in the Territories and in the States admitted into the union since eighteen hundred and seventy, the Supervisors of Census may appoint additional enumerators in cases where, in his judgement, the census cannot be properly taken in thirty days by reason of the increase of population or the physical features of the said district. It is reported that Alabama will have four Supervisors. No appointments will be made until March of next year.

“ROCK OF AGES: Rock of Ages cleft for me, Thoughtlessly the maiden sang, Fell the words unconsciously From her girlish, gleeful tongue, Sang as little children sing Sang as sing the birds in June’ Fell the words like light leaves down On the current of the tune “Rock of Ages cleft for me Let me hide myself in thee.” “Let me hide myself in Thee” Felt her soul no need to hide Sweet the song as song could be, And she had no thought beside, All the words unheedingly Fell from lips untouched by care, Dreaming not that they might be On some other lips a prayer “Rock of ages cleft for me;” ‘Twas a woman sung them now, Pleadingly and prayerfully, Every word her heart did know. Rose the song as storm-tossed bird Beats with weary wing the air, Every note with sorrow stirred, Every syllable a prayer “Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee.” “Rock of ages, cleft for me: Lips grown aged sung the hymn Trustingly and tenderly, Voice grown weak and eyes grown dim “Let me hide myself in Thee.” Trembling through the voice, and low, Rose the sweet strain peacefully Like a river in its flow; Sang as only they can sing Who beheld the promised rest “Rock of ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in thee” “Rock of ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee.” “Rock of ages, cleft for me” Sung above a coffin-lie’ Underneath all restfully All life’s joys and sorrow hid, Nevermore, O storm-tossed soul! Nevermore from wind or tide, Nevermore from billow’s roll Wilt thou need thyself to hide. Could the sightless, sunken eyes, Closed beneath the soft gray hair, Could the mute and stiffened lips Move again in pleading prayer, Still, aye, still the words would be “Let me hide myself in Thee.”

OBITUARY MRS. MARTHA L. MOLLOY, wife of WM. M. MOLLOY. This estimable Christian lady we have every reason to believe has safely entered the rest that remaineth for the people of God. She was born September 16th, 1830, and died of cancer in the breast Sunday morning September 7th, 1879. Such is the simple chronicle of the dawn and close of a beautiful life which has lately passed beyond the sphere of time and to enter on the condition of immortality; a life beautiful because it had caught a radiance from the cross and had been steeped in the loveliness of the skies. Her affections in early life, having taken conscious hold in God, her soul grew beneath His gentle discipline as naturally as the flower expands its graceful petals tot he warm wooing of the morning sun. Her life, and indeed her all, were placed as a willing and perpetual offering upon the alter of her home, so that both thought and effort ever bore testimony that self was lost sight of in securing the comfort of her household. In temperament she was mild and gentle, ever possessing that charity which “thinketh no evil” and “is not easily provoked,” while she blended with these such diligence and industry that she was never known to “eat the bread of idleness.” The memory of this good woman’s life will linger like a benediction in the community in which she resided, and the influence of her quiet, unostentatious Christian walk will remain a living testimony to the truth of Christ. Although she suffered with the most excruciating pain, she bore it with fortitude, often praying to the good Lord to remove her to rest, for she knew her way was clear. She leaves four daughters, two sons, and a sorrowing husband to mourn her loss. While she drinks at the fountain, they drink at the streams. Soon they will strike hands upon the banks of sweet deliverance and united in ascribing praises to Him who washed them in His own blood. The heartfelt sympathies of the entire community are extended to the stricken family who have been called to pass through these deep waters of afflictions. But, “It is a beautiful belief, that ever-round our head, Are hovering on noiseless wing, the Spirit of the dead.” R. W. B.

PIKEVILLE ITEMS The election that came off in Marion County on the 6th inst., on the question of the removal of the court house, resulted in an overwhelming defeat for Pikeville. The new point selected as the future seat of justice is eight miles north east of Pikeville on Buttahatchie, about one mile below the Hacelburg ford. The law provides that the new county buildings shall not be let to contract until one half the estimate cost of building them is paid into the county treasury. Hence it is not probable that a court will be held at the new place within the next five years. The Marion Circuit Court convened at Pikeville on the second Monday in September, JUDGE MUDD presiding, and SOLITICOR NESMITH prosecuting for the State. The Court continued in session until a late hour Saturday evening, a longer session than has been held for many years. Quite a number of cases was disposed of, but none of them were of nay considerable magnitude. HON. G. W. HEWITT, JUDGE JONES, JOHN B. SANFORD, S. J. SHIELDS & J. D. MCCLUSKY were in attendance at court. J.

THE LOVER’S HEART [Chicago Daily News] The following tale is recorded in the Historical Memoirs of Champagne, by Bougier. It has been a favorite narrative with the old romance writer, and the principal writers, at the principal incident, however objectionable, has been displayed in several modern poems. It is probable that the true history will be acceptable for its tender and amorous incident to the fair readers. The Lord De Caucy, vassal of the Count de Champagne, was one of the most accomplished youths of his time. He loved, with an excessive passion, the lady of the Lord du Fayel, who felt a reciprocal affection. With the most poignant grief this lady heard from her lover that he had resolved to accompany the King and the Count de Champagne to the wars of the Holy Land; but she would not oppose his wishes, because she hoped that his absence might dissipate the jealousy of her husband. The time of departure having come, these two lovers parted with sorrow of the most lively tenderness. The lady, in quiting her lover, presented him with some rings, some diamonds, and with a string that she had woven herself of his own hair, intermixed with silk and buttons of large pearls, to serve him, according tot he fashion oft hose days, to tie a magnificent hood which covered his helmet. This he gratefully accepted. In Palestine, at the siege of Acre, in 1191, in gloriously ascending the ramparts, he received a wound, which was declared mortal. He employed the few moments he had to live in writing to the Lady du Fayel; and he poured forth the fervor of his soul. He ordered his squire to embalm his heart after his death and to convey it to his beloved mistress with the presents he had received from her hands when quitting her. The Squire, faithful to the dying injunctions of his master, returned to France to present the heart and the presents to the Lady du Fayel. But when he approached the castle of this lady, he concealed himself in the neighboring wood, till he could find some favorable moment to complete his promise. He had the misfortune to be observed by the husband of this lady, who recognized him, and who immediately suspected he came in search of his wife with some message from his master. he threatened to deprive him of his life if he did not divulge the occasion of this return. The Squire assured him that his master was dead; but du Fayel, not believing it, drew his sword on him. The man, frightened at the peril in which he found himself, confessed everything, and put into his hands the heart and letter of his master. Du Fayel, prompted by the feliest revenge ordered his cook to mince the heart; and having mixed it with meat, he cause a ragout to be made, which he knew would please the taste of his wife, and had it served to her. The lady ate heartily of the dish. After the repast du Fayel inquired of his wife if she had found the ragout according to her taste. She answered him that she had found it excellent. “It is for this reason that I caused it to be served to you, for it is a kind of meat which you very much liked. You have, Madame,” the savage du Fayel continued, “eaten the heart of the Lord de Cauey.” But she would not believe, till he showed her the letter of her lover, with the string of his hair, and the diamonds she had given him. Then, shuddering in the anguish of her sensations, and urged by the darkest despair, she told him. “It is true that I loved that heart, because it merited to be loved; for never could it find its superior. And, since I have eaten of so noble a meat, and that my stomach is the tomb of so precious a heart, I will take care that nothing of inferior worth shall ever be mixed with it.” Grief and passion checked her utterance. She retired to her chamber, closed the door forever, and refusing to accept of consolation then of food, the amiable victim expired on the fourth day.

PREDICTIONS ABOUT 1880 TO 1887 In a pamphlet recently published, the author, Prof. Gilmer, assets: “From 1880 to 1887 will be one universal carnival of death.” Asia will be depopulated, Europe nearly so, America will lose fifteen million people. Besides plague, we are to have storms and tidal waves, mountains are to toss their heads through the choicest valley,” navigators will be lost by thousands, owing to the “capricious deflexures of the magnetic needle,” and islands will appear and disappear in mid-ocean. All the beasts, birds and fishes will be diseased, famine and civil strife will destroy most of the human beings left alive by plague; and finally, “two years of fire” – from 1885 to 1887 – will rage with fury in every part of the globe. In 1887 the “Star of Bethlehem” will appear in the Cassiopeia’s Chair,” the immediate results being universal war and portentous floods and shipwrecks. North America is again to be involved in a civil war, unless a “Napoleon arises to quell it; but during these terrible days the Pacific States will be a perfect Paradise of Peace compared with the hellish strife that will be waging throughout the world.” The few people that may manage to survive till 1887 will have reason to be thankful.

The boy stood on the back yard fence whence all but hire had fled, the flames that lit his father’s barn shone just above the shed. One bunch of crackers in his hand, two others in his hat, with piteous accents loud he cried, “I never thought of that!” A bunch of crackers to the tail of one small dog he tied; the dog in anguish sought the barn and amid its ruins died. The sparks flew wide and red and hot, they lit upon that brat; they fired the crackers in his hand and eke those in his hai (sic) Then came a burst of rattling sound – the boy! Where was he gone? Ask of the winds that far around strewed bits of meat and bone and scraps of clothes and balls, and nails, and hooks and yarn, the relics of the dreadful boy that burned his father’s barn. [ Springfield Union.

The hand of a printer who sets 8,000 ems a day will travel 48,000 feet, picking up about 24,000 letters.

ADVERTISEMENT BURRIS & BRO. No. 49 Main Street Columbus, Miss. We have now in store a full stock of general merchandise which we offer for sale very low, for the cash. Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to us, we hope by selling our goods much lower than in the past to be able to add largely to our already numerous list of patrons. Call and see our mammoth stock.

ADVERTISEMENT SHELL & BURDINE, Wholesale and retail druggist’s, Aberdeen, Mississippi. Are daily receiving at their Drug Store a very large stock of fresh goods of all kinds usually kept in a first class drug house, and will sell at bottom prices, for cash. All we ask is to give us a trial and we guarantee you will not go away dissatisfied for we are determined to sell goods so low that it will astonish you.

ADVERTISEMENT JOHN D. MORGAN. Wholesale and retail dealer in dry goods, staple and fancy groceries, hardware, wooden ware, willow ware, crockery ware, and tin ware. Boots and shoes, hats and caps. Plantation supplies, etc. would announce to his friends and patrons of Lamar and Fayette Counties, that he has in store, and is daily receiving one of the largest and best selected stocks of goods in the city, and invites everybody to call before buying elsewhere and examine his immense stock. It is no trouble to show goods, and when you look, you will be sure to buy for he keeps none but first class goods, and will not be under sold by any home in the city. Columbus, Miss. July 11th, 1879. J. S. ROBERTSON is with the above house, and would be pleased to serve his many friends at anytime.

ADVERTISEMENT DR. J. D. RUSH, with ERVIN AND BILLUPS, successors to M. W. HATCH; dealers in drugs, medicines, whiskey, tobacco, cigars, &c. Corner Main and Market Street. Columbus, Mississippi.

ADVERTISEMENT NATHAN BROTHERS dealers in whiskies, brandies, wines, cigars, tobaccos and pipes. Our Motto: Quick Sales and Small Profits. Columbus, Mississippi.

ADVERTISEMENT The Vernon Clipper. A brand new paper. Published in Lamar County, Ala. For $1.50 per annum.



Circuit Court convened Monday morning. His HON. JUDGE MUDD presiding who delivered a concise and complete charge to the Grand Jury in reference to their duties and the offenses to be presented to them and proceeded with his usual dispatch in the business of the court. The second day was consumed upon the State docket, with the trial of but few cases, as many witnesses summoned for both the State and defendants were absent. The case of the State vs. DUDLEY Bros. and WESLY RICHARDS who were indicted for lynching which being reduced to assault and batter consumed the greater part of the day and was ably prosecuted by the Solicitor T. R. NESMITH, ESQ and as ably defended by MESSRS. EARNEST & EARNEST, and our distinguished Ex. Congressman HON. G. W. HEWITT, resulted in a verdict of guilty.

Our friend MR. S. H. HANKINS informs us that J. E. GRAVES, ESQ had his right leg broken on the 10th inst. He was on his way home from CANSLER’S Carding Factory, his team became frightened and ran away, with above result.

We are sorry to hear of the illness of WILLIE SUMMERS, hope he may soon recover.

Proceedings of the “North Buttahatchie Singing Auxillary” will appear next week. They are ably written by the secretary, PROF. CLIFTON HOLLIDAY.

MR. BILL HAMILTON of Detroit is with the firm of LOUIS ROY, Aberdeen, Miss. It is useless for us to add a word of praise in Mr. HAMILTON’S favor, for he is well known and esteemed by all. As a business man he is courteous and polite, and is equal to any. We commend him and his house to the public and hope for them a large fall trade. See card.


Quite a stir with the corporation officers and others – on Wednesday last – guns, pistols, whisky, etc. – Nobody hurt however.

MR. LEWIS F. MAY, of Marion County, and MR. JOHN H. HAMILTON, of this county, have opened a cotton warehouse in Abeerdeen, Miss. Both gentlemen are favorably known in this entire section; and those who have cotton to dispose of in Aberdeen, cannot find two more agreeable and accommodating gentlemen to deal with than MAY & HAMILTON.

HON. G. W. HEWITT, F. JUSTICE, JOHN B. SANFORD, E. P. JONES and WM. S. EARNEST, all eminent and talented attorneys, are in attendance at our Circuit Court bar.

REV. MR. JONES, of the American Bible Society, preached an interesting sermon at the court house on Wednesday night to a large audience.

There will be a ten months school opened in the academy within a week or two. The school will be conducted by PROF. RICHARDSON of Lowndes County, Miss.

A great many of our friends and subscribers have called to see us this week. All speak in exalted terms of the CLIPPER, and say they could not do without it. Thanks.

A sweet temper is to the household what sunshine is to trees and flowers.

Our congenial and whole-soul merchant, MR. R. W. COBB, is just in receipt of a well selected lot of clothing, dry-goods, and an excellent stock of saddles, from $5 to $14, we advise the riding public to call on MR. COBB, at once.

The county jail now contains five large colored healthy men.

EXCITING TIMES AT ATHENS [Montgomery Advertiser] Athens, Sept. 12, 1879 This was the day fixed by Circuit Court, JUDGE W. B. WOODS, for the execution of BAILES, convicted at the special term in July of murdering his wife. The proof was overwhelming. At the time the crime was committed there was intense excitement, and a vast crowd threatened to visit summary punishment upon BAILES, and it was only after the most persistent efforts of several citizens that the crowd agreed to await the verdict of the court. The trial was had in July and today fixed for execution. An appeal was taken to the next term of the Supreme Court, instead of the one now in session. This postponed the execution indefinitely. Today, about 12 o’clock, some 3,000 men assembled, broke into the jail and taking BAILES out, carried him about half a mile tot he north of town. On arriving at the spot, no man of the crowd stepped forward to tie the knot. The sheriff jumped into a wagon, and getting BAILES into it, with pistol in hand, drove back and put him in jail. The crowd slowly dispersed, though there were apprehensions of more troubles tonight.

FATAL POISONING AT BENTON Montgomery Advertiser BENTON, ALA. Sept 12 Two children of R. H. RIGGS, who lives near here were poisoned last evening by morphine put into the evenings coffee by the cook. One child is dead and the other not likely to live. The dose was intended for Mr. RIGGS. M.

NEW WORDS – While many words once in common use are now nearly obsolete, few persons are aware how large a number of new words are constantly coming into our language. The Supplement of the new edition of Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary, recently issued, contains among other attractive features, an addition of over 4600 new words and meanings, and yet it is but a few years since a general revision was made and great care taken to insert all the words then properly belonging tot he English Language. Where these words come from and what they are, is a surprise to persons who have not been hastily compiled is evidenced by the accuracy of and careful study given tot heir etymology and definitions.

A MOST SSHOCKING CRIME – A young man, 18 years of age, residing in Waynesville, Indiana, murders his mother, aunt and cousin, and a few days afterwards, commits suicide. The affair is looked upon as one of the most shocking crimes on record.

Tuskalosa Gazette: While rocking his child in its cradle, last Tuesday night, some one, supposed to have been his father-in-law, JAS. DURIN – shot and instantly killed L. A. BOYD, who lives five miles east of the city. At the closing of our columns, we can get nothing more reliable. No arrests as yet.

NEW EDITION. Webster’s Unabridged. 1328 pages, 3000 engravings. four pages colored plates. New added, a supplement of over 4600 new words and meaning, including such as have come into use during the past fifteen years – many of which have never before found a place in any English dictionary. Also added, a new Biographical Dictionary of over 9700 names of noted persons, ancient and modern, including many now living, giving name, pronunciation, nationality, profession and date of each. Get the latest. New edition contains a supplement of over 4600 new words and meaning. Each new word in supplement has been selected and defined with great care. With Biographical Dictionary, now added of over 9700 names of noted persons. Get the best. Edition of the best dictionary of the English Language ever published. Definitions have always been conceded to be better than in any other dictionary. Illustrations. 3,000, about three times as many of in any other dictionary. The dict’y recommended by State Sup’ts of 35 states, and 50 College Pres’ts. In schools – about 32,000 have been placed in public schools in the U. S. Only English Dictionary containing a biographical dictionary – this gives the name with pronunciation and date of over 9700 persons. Published by G. & C. Merriam, Springfield, Mo. Also Webster’s National Pictorial Dictionary. 1040 pages Octave, 600 Engravings.

At a matter of information to farmers, we reprint the following from a Georgia contemporary: A practical farmer of large experience stated in our hearing the other day, that salt, sown at the rate of half a bushel to the acre, among cotton, is a certain remedy against rust, but will stay its ravages and restore the diseased plant to its wonted vigor.

BILL HAMITON with LOUIS ROY, Wholesale and Retail dealer in Dry Godds, notions, clothing, boots, shoes, hats, &c., Aberdeen, Miss. Highest Cash price paid for cotton.

A WORD TO THE AFFLICTED The most miserable human being in the world is that person suffering with a shaking chill of a burning fever. The joys of life are but a misery to his mind, and he longs for a balm to go restore him to health. The cure is at hand for every sufferer. The greatest of all medicines. Cuban Chill Tonic the Great West Indies Fever and Ague Remedy cures Chills and Fever, billiousness, and liver complaint every time. It blots out disease, carries off malarial poison, and restores the sufferer to health, strength and happiness. Try Cuban Chill Tonic, the Great West Indies Fever and Ague Remedy, if you suffer with chills and fever, and be cured. Take no other medicine. Cuban Chill Tonic will cure you and give you health. Get a bottle from your druggist W. L. MORTON & Bro., and try it.

Mason & Hamlin Organs, Endorsed by over 100,000 delighted purchasers. Not lowest prices, poorest and dearest, but highest priced, best and cheapest. Cost but little more than inferior organs. Give five times the satisfaction. Last twice as long. Victors at all world’s exhibitions. Acknowledged best by all disinterested and competent musicians. Solid facts, indisputable, such as no other organ maker in the world can substantiate. Glorious news for purchasers. Grand Introduction sale. New Styles. New Prices. 6 Stops, Elegant case $80; Superb Mirror to case, 10 stops, only $100. 15 days trial. Freight paid both ways if organ don’t suit. Sold on easy terms. Rented until paid for. Delivered anywhere in the South for $4 extra. For full particulars, address Budden & Bates, Savannah, Ga., Managers, Wholesale Southern Depot, Prices same as at Factory.

NOTICE State of Alabama, Lamar County Probate Court, Special Term, Aug. 15th, 1879 In the matter of the Estate of GEORGE F. MOLLOY, a minor, this day came THOS. MOLLOY. guardian of said minor’s estate and filed his amount and vouchers in final settlement of his said guardianship. When it is ordered by the court that the 11th day of September be a day set for the auditing and passing upon said amount, when all persons interested can contest the same if they see proper. - ALEXANDER COBB, J. P.

Parker’s Santonine Worm Lozenges are the best of all worm medicine. Thousands of mothers, all over the land, give their children Parker’s Santonine Worm Lozenges. Try them, at W. L. MORTON & BRO.

As LOUIS ROY is selling more goods than any house in Aberdeen, he can on that account sell ten per cent cheaper than any other house in the place.

ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF U. S. MAILS The Columbus Mail by way of Caledonia arrives Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturdays at 11 o’clock a.m. Leave same days at 1 p.m. FAYETTE MAIL Arrived on Wednesday and Saturday at 12 p.m. and leaves same days at 1 p.m. MOUNT CALM MAIL Leaves Wednesday at 7 a.m. arrives Thursday at 2 p.m. PIKEVILLE MAIL Arrives Fridays at 6 p.m., leaves Saturdays at 6 a.m. SCHEDULE OF MOBILE & OHIO R. R. Train leaves 6:30 am Train arrives 9:30 am Train leaves 3:20 pm Train arrives 6:30 pm Train goes through to Starkville on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays. Leaves Aberdeen going South at 4 o’clock p.m., returns at 8 p.m. Leaves Aberdeen going North at 7 o’clock a.m., return at 11 o’clock a.m.

MCQUISTON & HEISEN, Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants 96 & 98 Commerce St., Aberdeen, Miss. Farmers will make money by letting MCQUISSTON & HEISEN sell their cotton when they come to the city.

R. A. HONEA & SON, Wholesale and retail dealers in staple and fancy groceries, Aberdeen, Miss. We would respectfully inform our friends, and the public generally, that we are at our old Stand next door to J. W. ECKFORD & Bro. (Old Presbyterian Block) and have in store and will keep constantly on hand a large and well selected stock of staple and fancy groceries. Bagging and ties, corn, oats, wheat bran, &c., which we will sell at rock bottom figures for cash. R. F. RAY, of Detroit, Ala. is salesman.

TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION One copy one year $1.50 One copy six months $1.00 Rates of Advertising One inch, one insertion $1.00 One inch, each subsequent insertion .50 One inch, twelve months 10.00 One inch, six months 7.00 One inch, three months 5.00 Two inches, twelve months 15.00 Two inches, six months 10.00 Two inches, three months 7.00 Quarter Column 12 months 35.00 Half Column 12 months 60.00 One Column, 12 months 100.00 One Column, 3 months 35.00 One Column, 6 months 60.00 Professional Cards $10.00 Special advertisements in local columns will be charged double rates. Advertisements collectable after first insertion. Local notices 10 cents per line. Obituaries, tributes of respect, etc. making over ten lines, charged advertising rates.

LAMAR DIRECTORY County Court – Meets on the 1st Monday in each month. Probate Court - Meets on 2nd Monday in each month. Commissioner’s Court – Meets on the 2nd Monday in February, April, July, and November.


COUNTY OFFICERS ALEXANDER COBB – Judge of Probate D. J. LACY, Sheriff and Tax Collector W. G. MIDDLETON, Circuit Clerk JAMES M. MORTON, Register in Chancery D. V. LAWRENCE, Treasurer J. E. PENNINGTON, Tax Assessor W. T. MARLER, Coroner


Masonic: Vernon, Lodge No. 389, meets on the 1st Saturday of each month, at 7 p.m.

PROFESSIONAL CARDS. FRANCIS JUSTICE, Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Chancery, Pikeville, Marion Co., Alabama Will practice in all the Courts of the 3rd Judicial District.

SAMUEL J. SHIELDS, Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Chancery, Vernon, Ala., Will practice in the counties of Lamar, Fayette, Marion, and the Courts of the 3rd Judicial District.

JNO. D. MCCLUSKY, Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Chancery, Vernon, Ala. Will practice in the counties of Lamar, Fayette, Marion, and the Courts of the 3rd Judicial Circuit. Special attention given to the collection of claims, and matters of administration.

EARNEST & EARNEST. W. S. EARNEST GEO. S. EARNEST. Attorneys at Law and Solicitors in Chancery, Birmingham & Vernon, Ala. Will practice in the Counties of this Judicial Circuit.

NESMITH & SANFORD. T. B. NESMITH, Vernon, Ala. JOHN B. SANFORD, Fayette C. H. Attorneys at Law. Partners in the Civil practice in the counties of Fayette and Lamar. Will practice separately in the adjoining counties. THOS. B. NESMITH. Solicitor for the 3rd Judicial Circuit. Vernon, Lamar Co., Ala.

M. W. MORTON. W. L. MORTON. DR. W. L. MORTON & BRO., Physicians & Surgeons. Vernon, Lamar Co, Ala. Tender their professional services to the citizens of Lamar and adjacent country. Thankful for patronage heretofore extended, we hope to merit a respectable share in the future. Drug Store.

DR. G. C. BURNS, Vernon, Ala. Offers his professional services tot he citizens of Vernon and vicinity.

Subscribe for the CLIPPER.

ALEXANDER COBB & SON, Dealers in ready made clothing, dress goods, jeans, domestics, calicoes, silks, satins, millinery, embroidery, notice, &c. Hats, caps, boots, shoes, saddles, bridles, leather, &c. Tin, wooden, Hard and glass wares, crockery, &c. Salt, flour, meal, bacon, lard, soda, coffee, molasses, &c. Snuff and tobacco. Irish potatoes. Parties owing us will please come forward and settle up their accounts. Any of our friends who have traded with us liberally in the past can get any of the above mentioned goods at LOW prices for cash. We return thanks to our friends for the liberal patronage they have given us and hope they will continue the same.

BUTTAHATCHIE MALE AND FEMALE SEMINARY Monroe County, Miss. (nine miles west of Moscow, Ala.) The first session of this Institution will open on the 3rd Monday in June 1879, and continue 4 scholastic months. Board, including washing, lights, etc. from $1.50 to $5 per month. Tuition $1.50 to $2.00, $2.50 and $2.75 per month of 20 days. For particulars address the Principal. B. H. WILDERSON. Moscow, Lamar Co., Ala.

The American Centennial Cement. One of the most perfect and absolutely the best cement ever offered the public, is now being manufactured by A. A. SUMMERS and W. T. MARLER of this place, and for sale in every store in town. The Greatest Invention of the Age. No carpenter, farmer, blacksmith, printer, merchant, or other person who does anything at all, or has it done, can afford to do without this wonderful invention; it is convenient for its utility in every walk of life. Nothing will compare with it in mending broken Glass ware, crockery, china, wood, leather, ivory, shells, bone, and in fact every thing coming in contact with it, is firmly and imperceptibly sealed inseparably. We desire to place a bottle in the house of every family in the country. Will sell as wholesale or retail rates. For terms apply to A. A. SUMMERS, W. T. MARLER, Vernon, Alabama.

Bring your job printing to the CLIPPER. We print all kinds of blanks, deeds, mortgages, law briefs, cards, tags, circulars, bill heads, letter heads, note heads, statements, poster work. We propose to do all kinds of job printing as neat and as cheap as any city, either North or South, and our work is equal to any. When you want any kind of job printing done, please don’t fail to examine our specimens before going elsewhere. Blank Waive Notes for sale at this Office.



THE OLD FARM HOUSE At the foot of the hill, near the old red mill, In a quiet, shady spot, Just peeping through, half hid from view, Stands a little moss-grown cot; And, straying through at the open door, The sunbeams play on the sanded floor.

The easy chair, all patched with care, Is placed by the old heart-stone; With witching grace, in the old fireplace, The evergreens are strewn; And pictures hang on the whitened wall, And the old clock ticks in the cottage hall.

More lovely still, on the window-sill, The dew-eyed flowers rest, While, ‘midst the leaves on the moss-grown eaves, The martin builds her nest; And all day long the summer breeze Is whispering love to the bended trees.

Over the door, all covered o’er With a sack of dark-green baize, Lies a musket old, whose worth is told In the events of other days; And the powder flask, and the hunter’s horn, Have hung beside it for many a morn.

For years have fled with noiseless tread, Like fairy dreams away, And left in their flight, all shorn of his might, A father, old and gray; And the soft winds play with his snow-white hair, And the old man sleeps in his easy-chair.

Inside the door, on the sandy floor, Light, airy footsteps glide, And a maiden fair, with flaxen hair, Kneels by the old man’s side – An old oak wrecked by the angry storm, While the ivy clings to its trembling form.

HOW TO CONQUER A BALKY HORSE I would prepare myself with a good strap – I want no whip; perhaps he has got a taste of that already, and still he is master. But some fine day when I am at peace with myself and all around, I would hitch him to the buggy, turning his head to the village. He goes half the way very well indeed; then he begins to consider he has gone far enough in that direction and stops. I step down; he expects me to use the whip. He is mistaken. As a criminal I treat him on the silent system. I push him back a little out of the way. I show him the strap, putting it up to his nose. I go to the off side and buckle it to his off fore leg, close up to the breast, throwing the other end over his shoulder; I then raise his near fore foot and fix it with the hoof nearly touching the belly. This done, I say to him. “Now, old chap, you stay there.” I don’t smoke, so I take a paper from my pocket and finding a place where I can sit down and he sees me, I begin to read. This is something he did not bargain for, and the novelty of standing on three legs somewhat diverts his mind from the cause that stopped him. I think this is the best point to be gained, and the most humane. He shows signs of a wish to go, but this does not suit at the time, as I have yet to look over “John Caldigate.” When the strap is taken off I show it to him, caress him a little, and we move on without irritation. The strap will now become a part of the harness for a month or two, till at last the sight of it will act as a talisman. [Cor. Toronto Globe]

HOW THE STOCK ON THE FARM MAY BE IMPROVED Unquestionably the most profitable course for the general farmer to adopt in improving the quality of his live stock is to begin by the purchase of first-class thoroughbred males. The calves got by a thoroughbred bull of any of the established breeds, out of a mixed average lot of cows, will almost invariably possess much of the excellence of the thoroughbred sires, and the females of these half-bloods again bred to a thoroughbred sire, will produce animals, for all practical purposes except that of procreation, equal to the average thoroughbred. The same is true of sheep, swine, poultry, and in fact all kinds of farm stock. By procuring thoroughbred males of the purest lineage, and of great individual merit, and carefully selecting the best of the female produce for breeders, using thoroughbred males only, for three or four generations, the farmer may engraft effectually all the excellence of the thoroughbred stock upon his flocks and herds. But for this grading up common stock, it is of the utmost importance that the male be a thoroughbred in the strictest sense. A mongrel or a grade will do better anywhere else than in this place. The more purely bred the sire, the more valuable, as a rule, will he be for this purpose. A grade may occasionally be found that is an impressive sire, but such cases are rare, and exceptional results are never safe precedents upon which to base a practice in any sort of business. Thoroughbreds of all the leading breeds of live stock are now so plentiful and so cheap that there is not longer any excuse for general farmers continuing the use of any other. In fact, in these times of low prices and active competition, the man who has the best stock, and who practices the most economical methods of feeding, is the man who will make the money, while the others will find the balance on the wrong side of the ledger. And while on this subject, it may not be out of place to direct attention to the fact that good care and liberal feeding cut quite a figure in the economy of stock-raising. The very best breed will not show any marked superiority over native stock, if left entirely to shift for itself in the hands of the average farmer, but the improved breeds do furnish the means by which more pounds of beef, of milk, or butter, or wool, or mutton, or pork, or lard, and of a better quality, can be produced by a given quantity of food, than from unimproved stock. Even commons stock will yield much more profit tot he farmer from liberal feeding and good care than if kept in a half-starved, half-frozen condition; but with the improved breeds the difference is much more apparent. [National Live Stock Journal]


BOOK FARMING There is a pressure of necessity now for book or scientific farming. There are rules which must be recognized and practiced as in any other business. Every acre now should be made to yield its utmost product. The man who succeeds now must study drainage on a systematic plan, must learn something of extensive fertilizing, improved breeds of all sorts of farm animals, and must apply mechanical ingenuity to economy of seeds and labor. The farmer must recognize not only that scientific farming will pay, but also that it is the only sort of farming that can by made to pay.

WHEAT The best authorities assure us that a perfect wheat soil must contain lime potash, phosphate and nitrogen in their various combinations with other mineral elements in due proportions, and at the same time be sufficiently porous to allow water to pass down readily and leave the surface dry and firm. In either of the extremes of very light or very tenacious soil wheat is not apt to do well. Lime lands, so called, are usually considered the best adapted to wheat. Sandy or gravelly soils by libera manuring can be made productive, and no means perhaps are more effective than clover and plaster or gympsum.

EXPERIENCE The editor met yesterday with a farmer who resides in a section of the state in which the corn suffered very much by the recent drought. He states that his corn suffered but little, and his reason for it is that he kept the soil in the finest possible state. His belief is that a fine dust is a great absorbent of moisture and of the fertilizing gases that pervade the atmosphere.

WATER FOR COWS Very many persons who own cows do not seem to realize the necessity of seeing that they have a sufficiency of water. They will fall off in their milk unless they have plenty of clean water within convenient reach. They will suffer considerably from thirst before they will travel a long distance for water, until they become feverish; they will then drink too much; and this going from one extreme to the other will affect unfavorably the health of the cow, and cause a decrease of milk. Milk producing is all that cows are kept for, and the supply is lessened when they have to exert themselves to procure food for drink.

MILKING The faster and more gentle a cow is milked, the greater will be the amount given. Slow milkers very often dry up a cow. Never draw the milk with a jerk, it irritates the cow and often injures the bag. Fill the teat, and with a firm pressure the last three fingers empty it drawing slightly on teat and udder at the same time; so proceed alternately with each hand until the milk supply is exhausted. Cows should be milked as nearly at a given hour morning and evening as possible, since undue distension of the udder is always injurious.

HEALTH OF HOGS Hogs in pens should have plenty of charcoal once a week, and a handful of woodashes each in their food as often, as a preventive for worms. Copperas and sulphur are also good. Close confinement is unfavorable to the health of swine. Where necessary to keep them up, grass, clover and weeds, should be given daily. Bone meal is also good.

FERTILIZER FOR PLANTS To make a good and cheap liquid fertilizer for plants, dissolve half an ounce of sulphate of ammonia in a gallon of water, apply it to the roots of greenhouse or hardy plants, with a watering pot every sixth time, the other five times use plain water. Plants must not be watered with it daily, or they will die. Properly used, the result will be very gratifying. It will be found good for strawberries, fuschias, dahlias, etc.

SCOURS IN YOUNG STOCK Then it is first noticed it should be vigorously treated. It is caused by catching cold, by a change of food, or by the mother having eaten something which acted through the milk unfavorably. The remedy consists in removing the cause, or else in preventing any bad effects from it in the future, and then treating the animal, in mild cases, with well burnt meal mixed with milk. Burn the meal in an ordinary pan until a very dark brown and then mix with the milk. If this does not have the desired effect, make an infusion of white oak bark and put a small quantity in the milk or mixed feed. Commence with small doses and increase gradually, if they do not have the desired effect until the disorder is stopped.

CURE FOR HOG CHOLERA Mr. M. M. CLINE, of Newton, North Carolina, within the past few months, has lost over 70 head of hogs with cholera. He thinks now that he has discovered a sure preventive and cure in a majority of cases. His remedy is to feed his hogs with corn or meal, mixed with common lye-soap.

WORMS IN HORSES A DeKalb County correspondent asks for a remedy for worms in horses. We advise him to get powdered popular bark, two ounces; powdered sulphate, flour ounces; salt three ounces. Mix well. Divide this mass into twelve parts, and mix one with the food every night.

MANGE IN PIGS Apply whale oil and sulphur, well rubbed into the affected parts with a corn cob. At the same time give half an ounce of sulphur in the food daily for a week or ten days.

THE ROMANCE OF CONTAGION A story is told of a crafty American skipper who escaped the clutches of a hostile cruiser by hoisting the yellow flag, and exhibiting one of his crew over the bulwarks stitched up in a hammock, as if about to be flung into the sea. As his vessel was lying off a port where the yellow fever was then raging, the privateer took the alarm and sheered off. Even this, however, was exceeded by an episode of the Egyptian war of 1839-40, when Admial Napier’s squadron was cruising in the Levant. The look-out man of an English frigate one morning saw an Arab in the water, seemingly in danger of drowning. A boat was lowered and the swimmer picked up, but he died shortly after being brought on board with all the symptoms of the plague, and was quickly followed by the captain and a fourth of the crew. It was afterward found that this desperate fanatic, finding himself death-stricken, had deliberately swam off to the ship with the intention of carrying infection among his enemies.

THE BOUQUET STORY A lady from Washington tells a story here about Mr. Conkling’s treatment of the Sprague case in days gone by. It is related that Mrs. Conkling had come down one winter to live at the capital, and had made all her arrangements to do so, when one afternoon some rare flowers with a billet doux that accompanied them fell into her hands. The florist sent them to Mrs. Conkling instead of Mrs. Sprague on the theory that if they were not intended for the first named they ought to have been. Mrs. Conkling, it is needless to add, gracefully and graciously, as the Senator would say, retired from the city to her New York home, and left the gentlemen to attend to his affairs without being inconvenienced by the presence of a wife. Mr. Conkling’s daughter was married a few months ago to somebody not in public life. When an injudicious friend commented in the presence of Mrs. Conkling the comparative obscurity of the bridegroom, Mrs. Conkling raised her eyebrows, saying with a bitter ring in her softly modulated voice, “One public man is enough in my family.” Those who heard the remark knew that the passage of the bouquet was still rankling in her memory. In speaking of Conkling’s domestic relations, a Utica writer say: “No one could ever say that Conkling was personally cruel or unkind to his family in Utica. The situation there has long been as well understood as in Washington. Of one thing you may be certain – Mrs. Conkling will never apply for a divorce. If she had ever intended to do that she would have done so long ago. She is an invalid, and a member of the Seymour family, which has a very proud name. Mrs. Conkling would shrink as from death from the publicity and scandal of a divorce trial. For her children’s and her family’s sake she has long ago resolved to be silent, whatever happens. Practically separated from Mr. Conkling some time ago, she will probably bear his name as long as she lives, and outwardly call him her husband.”

THE WHY AND WHEREFORE OF THE RISE OF QUININE Quinine has gone up. The poor, fever-stricken patient finds his pills dearer than ever. The two or three American manufacturers thereupon dance with war-whoops of delight and shout: “We told you so!” Of course they did. They knew very well what day they would raise the price and how far they would raise it. They know just as well that their time is short; they have the market in their own hands as yet, and are willing to make this extortionate profit out of the immediate needs of the public. None of the manufactured article which is to come in free of duty has as yet been imported. When it comes in the price will fall to its proper level, and nothing they can do will keep it up. There is not real reason for the present rise, the manufacturers have stock in hand sufficient for many months, except their desire to reap as large a harvest from their long monopoly as possible. [New York Tribune

MANTON’S MARBLE’S MARRIAGE Manton Marble has married Mrs. Lombard, a widow, forty and rich. Jennie June says: “The lady’s income is very large, but it dies with her, and she therefore secures the future of her husband by driving with him, immediately and secretly, to the office of the Mutual Life Insurance Company, where she executed a policy on her own life, in his favor, for $100,00. They then started for Europe. This generosity on the part of a rich woman offers a fine contrast to the way in which rich men often tie up their money so that the wife, who has been their dependent while they live, shall benefit as little as possible by their death.”

The man who spends a lifetime in investigating the idiosyncrasies of the spinal column of an insect only known in Central Africa, and which can only be seen under a powerful microscope, generally gets a monument and is elected to various societies, while the man who gets up a ten cent sandwich and sells it for half a dime lives his allotted span and dies without causing a ripple of excitement.

EASILY INCURRED, TERRIBLY OSTINATE is rheumatism. Even at the outset, the ordinary remedies are frequently powerless to cope with it. This is more particularly the case when a tendency to it is inherited. It should be combated before it becomes chronic. When the first twinges are felt, recourse should be had to Hostetter' Stomach Bitter, a depurent which expels from the blood those irritating principles which, contact, cause inflammation and pain in the muscles and joints. Poisonous medicines which are usually administered for this disease, but which, in a slight overdose, may terminate it by destroying life itself, should be avoided, and this9 safe and more effective medicine used instead. Those disorders of the bowels, stomach, and liver which frequently accompany rheumatic and gouty ailments are invariably removed by this excellent botanic corrective.

A HINT TO WORKINGMEN. The honest workingmen of the country, many of whom have large and increasing families to support have been the chief sufferers from the great financial pressure under which we have labored for the last few years. Diminished wages have not been attended by a corresponding diminution in price of every thing which the workingman needs. Rents, fuel, food and clothing are cheaper, but these do not constitute all his necessities. It is sometimes necessary for him to employ a lawyer or physician, yet the fee rates of physicians and lawyers are as high as they were in “flush” times. Yet cheap medicines are as necessary as cheap rents or fuel. Cheap medicines are not necessarily poor medicines. It must be obvious to every intelligent person that medicines, compounded and put up at wholesale, can be sold at much lower rates than when retailed from the doctor’s pill bags. Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery and Pleasant Purgative Pellets have completely restored persons who have spent hundreds of dollars in vainly seeking relief from private practitioners, and all at a very slight expenditure.

Only one American Cabinet or Parlor Organ make has ever succeeded in bearing off the highest honors at any World’s exposition, where they came in competition with the best European makes, and this is the Mason & Hamlin Organ Co., who have taken first medal or highest honors at every such exhibition for twelve years, ending with the Paris exhibition this year, where they were awarded the highest gold medal.

TESTED BY TIME – For throat diseases, colds and coughs, “Brown’s Bronchial Troches” have proved their efficacy by a test of many years. 25 cents a box.

To develop healthy and harmonious action among the organs of secretion, digestion and evacuation, take Dr. Mott’s Vegetable Liver Pills, which healthfully stimulate the liver, give tone and regularity to the liver, counteract a tendency to costiveness and purify the blood. Their cathartic action is unaccompanied by griping and is never violent and abrupt, but gradual and natural. These pills are of the greatest assistance in overcoming scrofulous tumors and eruptive maladies. All druggists sell it.

The cordial reception that Dr. F. Wilhoft’s Anti-Periodic or Fever and Ague Tonic has received at the hands of the medical profession in Louisiana certainly proves that it is an excellent remedy, and that the composition of it, as published by its proprietors, Wheelock, Finlay & Co, of New Orleans, is indorsed by them. Against chills and fever, dumb chills and enlarged spleen, there is not better remedy in the world. For sale by all druggists.

$1,375.87 Profits in 30 Days. What $10 has done in Wall Street by legitimate stock speculations. Pamphlets containing two unerring rules for success mailed free upon application. Address A. Simpson & Co., 49 Exchange Place, New York

Chew Jackson’s Best Sweet navy Tobacco

$3300 a year. How to make it. New Agents goods. Coe & Yonge, St. Louis, Mo.

Teas – Choicest in the world – Importers’ prices – largest company in America – staple article – pleases everybody – Trade continually increasing – Agents wanted everywhere – best inducements – don’t waste time – send for circular. Rob’t Wells, 41 Vesey St. N. Y. PO Box 1287.

Agents – Read this. We will pay agents a salary of $100 a month and expenses, or allow a large commission, to sell our new and wonderful inventions. We mean what we say. Samples free. Address Sherman & Co., Marshall, Mich.

$1050 profits on 30 days investment of $100 in Western Union, June 7 Proportional returns every week on stock options of $20, $50, $100, $500. Official reports and circulars free. Address T. Potterwight & Co., Bankers, 35 Wall St.. N. Y.

Lay the Axe to the Root if you would destroy the cankering worm. For any external pain, sore, wound or lameness of man or beast, use only Mexican Mustang Liniment. It penetrates all muscle and flesh to the very bone, expelling all inflammation, soreness and pain, and healing the disease part as no other liniment ever did or can. So saith the experience of two generations of sufferers, and so will you say when you have tried the “Mustang”

Seth Thomas Clocks for Towers, offices, houses, ships, &c., Strong accurate and durable. Prices from $2 to $6,000. 20 Murray St. New York and Thomaston, Ct.

Saponifier is the old reliable concentrated lye for family soap making. Directions accompanying each can for making hard, soft, and toilet soap quickly. It is full weight and strength. The market is flooded with (so-called) concentrated lye, which is adulterated with ----resin, and won’t make soap. Save money and buy the ----. Saponifiers mad e by the Pennsylvania Salt Manufacturing.---Philadelphia, Pa.

New Home Sewing Machine. Best in the World. Agents wanted everywhere. Address Johnson, Clark & Co. 30 Union Square. New York.

Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Organs. Demonstrated best by highest honors at all world’s expositions for twelve years viz: at Paris 1867; Vienna, 1873; Santiago 1875; Philadelphia 1876; Paris 1878; and Grand Swedish Gold Medal 1878. Only American Organs are awarded highest honors at any such. sold for cash or installments. Illustrated Catalogues and circulars with new styles and prices, sent free. Mason & Hamlin Organ Co., Boston, New York, or Chicago.

The Smith Organ Co. First Established! Most successful! Their instruments have a standard value in all the leading markets of the world! Everywhere recognized as the finest in tone. Over 80,000 made and in use. New Designs constantly. Best work and lowest prices. Send for a catalogue. Tremont St., opp. Waltham St. Boston, Mass.

The new Elastic Truss has a pad differing from all others, is cup shaped, with self-adjusting ball in center, adapts itself to all positions of the body, while the ball to the cup presses back the intestines just as a person would with the finger. With light pressure the hernia is held securely day and night, and a radical cure certain. It is easy, durable and cheap. Sent by mail. Circulars free. Eggleston Truss Co., Chicago, Ill.

The Temple! The temple is for singing classes, the temple is for conventions, the temple is for choirs. $9.00 per dozen. Single Copy, $1.00. At this season, when music teachers, choir leaders, &c., are quietly making up their minds as to the best books for use during the coming musical season, it is a pleasure to introduce to their notice so fresh, good and useful a book as this one by W. O. Ferkins, who now, by the act of Hamilton college, takes on the well deserved title to Musical Doctor. From the elegant title to the last page the space is most acceptably filled. The Elementary Course is ample in quantity, and has numerous new tunes for practice, which practice, indeed, may extend over the whole book. Abundance of good sacred music, in the form of metrical tunes and anthems, fills a large proportion of the book, and renders it a good collection of church music. The numerous glees and harmonize songs add to the attraction and make this an excellent work for musical societies and conventions. Specimen copies mailed, post free, for $1.00. Oliver Ditson & Co., Boston., G. H. Ditson & Co., 353 Broadway, N. Y. J. E. Ditson & Co., 922 Chestnut St., Phil.

Tarrant’s Seltzet Aperient. There are probably a majority of the human race suffering from kidney complaints. They show themselves in almost protean shapes, but always to the injury of the patient. They cause indescribable agony. The experience of thirty years show that the best remedy for this class of diseases is Tarrenat’ Seltzer Aperient. Its properties are diuretic, which are specially adapted for such cures. Sold by all druggists.

Pond’s Extract subdues inflammation, acute or chronic controls all hemorrhages, venous and mucous. Invaluable for sprains, burns scalds, bruises, soreness, rheumatism, boils, ulcers, old sores, toothache, headache, sore throat, asthma, hoarseness, neuralgia, catarrh, &c. Physician of all schools use and recommend Pond’s Extract. No family should be without it, as it is convenient, safe and reliable. Invaluable as a pain destroyer and subduer of all inflammatory diseases and hemorrhages. Farmers stock breeders and livery me should always have it. Leading livery and street car stables in New York and elsewhere always use it. Sprains, harness and saddle chaffing, cuts, scratches, swellings, stiffness, bleeding. &c are all controlled and cured by it. Our special preparation, veterinary extract, is sold at the low price of $3.50 per gallon, package extra. Prices pond’s extract and specialties, Pond’s extract, 50 c, $1.00 and $1.75. Catarrh Cure 75c. Ointment 50c, plaster 25c, inhaler (glass 50c) $1, Nasal syringe, 25c, Medicated pap’r 25c Any of the above preparations sent free of charges in lots of $5.00 worth, on receipt of money or P. O. order. Caution – Pond’s Extract is sold only in bottles, enclosed in buff wrappers, with the words, ‘Pond’s extract’ blown in the glass. It is never sold in bulk. No one can sell it except in our won bottles as above described. Send for our new pamphlet to Pond’s Extract Comp’y. 18 Murray Street, New York

Moller’s Norwegian Cod Liver Oil is perfectly pure. Pronounced the best by ----the medical authorities in the world. Given the----- award at 12 world’s expositon, and at ----Sold by druggists. W. H. Schleffelin & C-----

$10 to $1,000 invested in Wall Street stock market fortunes every month. Book sent free explaining everything. Address Baxter & Co., Bankers, 17 Wall Street, New York

Nervous Debility & c. C. C. Morton, Jersey City, N. J.

$77 a month and expenses guaranteed to agents. Outfit free. Shaw & Co., Augustua, Me.

$777 a year and expenses to agents. Outfit free Address P. O. Vickery, Augusta, Me.

Cure for Tender Feet, Undue Perspiration, chafing, and soft corns. By mail, 25 cts., Chas. Mitzenius, POB 526, NYC

Pocket Dictionary, 30,000 words and Dr. Foote’ Health Monthly, one year, 50 c Murray Hill Publ. Co., 129 E. 28th St. N. Y.

Send to F. G. Rich & Co., Portland, Maine, for best agency business in the world. Expensive outfit free.

Young men learn telegraphy and earn $40 to $100 a month. Every graduate guaranteed a paying situation. Address R. Valentine, Man Janesville, Wis.

Maplewood Institute for young ladies, Pittsfield, Mass. Location unrivaled. Collegiate and college preparatory courses. Revs. C. V. Spear & R. E. Avery, Prin.

Big pay with stencil outfits. What costs 4 cents sells rapidly for 50 cts. Catalogue free. S. M. Spencer, 112 Wash’n St. Boston, Mass.

Opium habit and skin diseases. Thousands cured. Lowest prices. Do not fail to write. Dr. F. E. Marsh, Quincy, Mich.

$350 a month – Agents wanted. 36 best selling articles in the world. One sample free. Address Jay Bronson. Detroit, Mich

Kidder’s Pastilles. Sure relief. Asthma. Price 40 cents by mail. Stowell & Co., Charlestown, Mass.

Truth is mighty. Professor Martinez, the great Spanish See and Wizard, will for 30 cents with your ages, height, color of eyes and lock of hair, send to you a current picture of your future husband or wife, initials of real names, the time and place where you will first meet, and the date of marriage. Address Prof Martinez 4 Provision St. Boston, Mass. This is no humbug.

Best Press Extant. For horse, hand or power. Three years in use. Universal success. Price complete for power, except wood work, only $43.00. Southern Standard Press Co., Meridan, Miss.

Ridge’s Food for Infants and Invalids. Mother’s and Nurses! Send for a pamphlet on Ridge’s Food, giving your address in full, to Woolrich & Co., sole manufacturers for America..

Regalia – For I. O. O. F., K. of P., I. O. G., K. of H., A. O. U. W. Red Men, Druids, and all other societies made to order by H. C. LILLEY & Co., Columbus, Ohio. Send for Price Lists. Military and Firemen’s Gods, Banners & Flags.

Warner Bro’s Corsets received the highest medal at the recent Paris exposition over all American competitors. The flexible hip corset (120 bones) is warranted not to break down over the hips. Price $1.35. The improved health corset is made with the Tampico Bust, which is soft and flexible and contains no bones. Price by mail, $1.50. For sale by all leading merchants. Warner Bros., 351 Broadway, N. Y.

This claim-house established 1865. Pensions. New law. Thousands of soldiers and heirs entitled. Pensions date back to discharge or death. Time limited. Address with stamp. George E. Lemon P. O. Drawer 325 Washington, D. C.

Agents wanted for the Pictorial History of the World. It contains 672 fine historical engravings and 1260 large double-column pages, and is the most complete history of the world ever published. It sales at sight. Send for specimen pages and extra terms to agents, and see why it sells faster than any other book. Address. National Publishing Co., St. Louis, M

Teas! Ahead all the time. The very best goods direct from the importers at half the usual cost. Best plan ever offered to Club Agents and large buyers. All express charges paid. New terms free. The Great American Tea Company. 21 and 33 Vesey Street, New York. PO Box 4235.

Agents wanted for “Back From The Mouth of Hell” by one who has been there! “Rise and Fall of the Moustache” by the Burlington Hawkeye Humorist. “Samantha as a P. A. and P. I.” by Josiah Allen’s wife. The three brightest and best selling books out. Agents, you can put these books in everywhere. Best terms given. Address for Agency. American Publishing Co., Hartford, Co. Chicago, Ill.

The Weekly Sun. A large, eight page paper, of 56 broad columns, will be sent postpaid to any address until January 1st, 1860 for half a dollar. Address The Sun, N. Y. City

Relief is felt at once after using Hunt’s Remedy Bright’s Disease, kidney, bladder and Urinary Diseases, diabetes, gravel and dropsy are cured by hunt’s remedy. Pains in the back, side or loins. Disturbed sleep, loss of appetite, general debility and all disease of the kidneys, bladder and urinary organs are cured by Hunt’s remedy. Physicians prescribe Hunt’s remedy. Send for pamphlet to Wm. E. Clark, Providence, R. I.

South-Western Presbyterian University. Clarksville, Tenn. Rev. J. M. Waddell, D. D. L. L. D., Chancellor. Tuition $50 a year. Board $3 a week. Session 1879-80, Opens Sept. 1, 1879.

Cured free! An infallible and unexcelled remedy for Epilepsy or falling sickness, warranted to effect a speedy and permanent cure. “A Free Bottle” of my renowned specific and a valuable treatise sent to any sufferer sending me his post office and express address. Dr. H. G. Root, 163 Pearl St. New York. The Rising Sun Stove Polish. For Beauty of Polish, saving labor, cleanliness, durability and cheapness, unequaled. McRae’s Bros., Proprietors, Canton, Mass.

The Estey Organ is the Best the world over. Manufactory Brattleboro, Va.

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©2001-2009 by Allison M. Saxman