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Vernon Clipper 24 Sep 1880

Microfilm Ref Call #373 Microfilm Order #M1992.4466 from The Alabama Department of Archives and History




Column 1 – Half way down – ….lovely ornaments; and furthermore, Lawyer Peckman, who had charge of her estate, said she was a beauty, but in very poor health, he believe. So the good-natured gossips ruminated as to how said it was that one couldn’t have everything in this world. If you have wealth, likely as not as you have no health with which to enjoy it; things are pretty evenly dealt out, after all;’ and so after the manner of news vendors. Dame Rumor seems, for once, to have heard only the facts in the case, for in a few days the rooms were really furnished and occupied as predicted, and Mrs. Lowell was highly elated over the good looks as well as affluent circumstances of her new boarder, though in describing her she had said: “But something ails the poor girl; she is so nervous, my dear – but fresh looking as a daisy, and not the least mite pale or wasted, and my, the way she dresses!” One morning, as Lawyer Peckham was coming out of Mrs. Lowell’s house, he met Dr. Blunt going in. “Morning, Peckham,” said the doctor, in his quick way. “Good morning, doctor. Guess my client is about to become your patient, eh?” “yes, yes,” jerked out the doctor, “shouldn’t wonder,:” and he disappeared. A moment later Dr. Blunt entered Miss Lacey’s room. A very fair young lady reclined languidly in the sumptuous depths of a “Sleepy Hollow” chair, but the quick experienced eye of a medical man knew at a glance that something was wrong; although, as Mrs. Lowell had said, she was rosy and plump, the expression of the eye was troubled, restless and morbid. The doctor seated himself beside his fair patient, felt her pulse, and then, vented the remarkable query: “Was it me or the young doctor you wanted?” “Oh, you, by all means,” said Miss Lacey with a smile, but instantly the troubled looked returned. She added, “I want all the experience possible brought to bear upon my case.” “Any parents?” queried the doctor. “No, sir, my mother died of consumption when I was very young; my father died when I was a mere child.” “Humph! Have any lo0cal pains? Suffer from headache nausea?” “No, sir; nothing of the kind. There seems to be a fear of something all the time, an undefined apprehension; sometimes I think I may die, as mother did, of consumption.” “Got any religion?” “Why certainly, doctor. I should hope so. I am a church member, and have been for years. I love my religion.” and quick sympathetic tears affirmed the truth of the prompt assertion. “Ever seen Jesus Christ sick and visited Him, or naked and clothed Him, or ministered to the thousand and one wants of the ‘little ones’ forever representing the Savior’s symbolized sufferings?’ “Alas, no!” sighed poor Miss Lacey, “I have wanted for years, but this nervous weakness unfits me for anything useful or practical. I give regularly to several charitable objects, and hope some good is done in that way.” “Humph! Well, I’m going now. Don’t know just what I shall prescribe, but feel confident I can help you. Perhaps I’ll run in again before night with directions – bless me, what looking gloves! Will you mend these for me, my dear?” “Certainly, with pleasure,” laughed Miss Lacey, and for that instant there was no trouble in her clear eyes. “You see,” said the doctor apologetically, “my housekeeper isn’t much on mending, according to my idea, and then there’s only my boy, the young doctor, as people call him – the most graceless piece. As for wife,” and the voice grew wonderfully tender “dear wife has been singing in paradise, three dozen years or more.” the door opened and closed softly, and the doctor was gone. “What a funny doctor! What a queer, dear old gentleman!” thought Miss Lacey,” and these gloves! Well, I have a piece of work here, no mistake; must get out my piece – bag and find some bits of silk or something,” and, forgetting her fears and weakness, she was soon doing her best toward repairing the doctor’s well-worn driving gloves. Presently there came a knock at the door, and Mrs. Cameron was admitted, the “very respectable Scotch woman” whom Mrs. Lowell had recommended as a “first-class laundress, neat, honest and a church member. The woman bore in her arms a goodly-sized basket in which were various articles of clothing beautifully done up. As Miss Lacey rose to receive them, Mrs. Cameron remarked: “Perhaps some one is sick I’ the house. I saw the doctor gang awa’ just as I was comin’ in.” “I was not feeling very well,” answered Miss Lacey. “He came to see me.” “Oh, did her, miss! An, isn’t the auld gentleman jus’ lovely?” and in most enthusiastic terms she told of the great goodness and kindness experienced at the doctor’s hands. Told how all her life was bound up in her “One wee girlie, her bonny Janie, “who had never been strong since the first time she had convulsions, caused by indigestion, and how “monny was the night the gude mon had staid until the morning, and niver a penny of pay would he take for it.” “Do you know the young doctor , ma’am?” “No, I’m a stranger her, and know but very few persons.” “Well, miss, the young doctor is a winsome lad, and a Christian indeed. He tells me oft I shouldn’t fret for fear my lassie will be ta’en from me, but pray the gude God to spare me one lamb, an’ it be his will. He has practiced with his father the year of more, and how the auld doctor loves him! He has a funny way of calling him all kinds of uncanny names, but iveryone knows he is the light of the auld man’s eyes.” And soon after Mrs. Cameron gathered up her basket and departed. Miss Lacey had succeeded in closing up the gaping rents in the doctor’s gloves, the tea hour had come and gone, but no doctor had reappeared. “Oh, he thinks me too comfortable a patient to need much attention,” she thought repiningly, “but he might have at least told me what my complaining was. There! The bell rings; perhaps that is he now.” And that moment a rap at the door being answered, Dr. Blunt entered, hurried, flushed, and more abrupt in manner and speech than before. “Say, my dear girl, will you help a poor woman in great extremity?” “What do you mean, doctor?” “Oh, get your hat and shawl, and come now. You’ve no husband to consult, no children to leave, and a poor woman is in danger of loosing her only child this night, and some one must watch with her. I must be off in another direction. My dear child,” again that tender tone, “wouldn’t you like to hear your Savior say to you tomorrow morning. ‘Inasmuch as ye did it unto one of the least of these ye did it unto me?’” “Oh, I’ll go, doctor; I’ll be ready in a moment.” “Better take off that long-tailed dress and don a good sensible calico; I’ll go down to the parlor,” added the doctor, “and wait and take you right along in the buggy with me,. Quick, now; I wouldn’t wait long for the Queen of Sheba.” “Well, of all things!” thought Miss Lacey. “I don’t know but that doctor will be the death of me, or – perhaps his strange method will be the making of me.” She flew about the room in a surprising manner for her; donned a good warm morning dress, and in another moment the doctor’s horse was tearing along the road as if to outrun his master’s impatience. Yet during the ride the doctor explained to his companion how she must be very calm – “and you can be,” he added with convincing emphasis – for the child was suffering from spasms quite violent, distressing and dangerous. He told briefly how the baths must be administered, and the water kept hot all night; and finally, in mentioning the patient’s name, surprised Miss lacey be revealing the fact that it was poor little Janie Cameron, who had been taken ill that very afternoon, during her mamma’s absence. Arrived at the house, the poor, distressed mother became very much comforted by the presence of the “the dear, sweet young leddy who was too good to show such kindness to a poor body like myself” The doctor gave most minute directions to be followed through the night, then left with the cheerful observation: “I’ll send that young doctor around about midnight, if he makes his appearance at the family mansion before that time. Oh, the most graceless biped!” and he was gone. Miss Lacey reflected with great satisfaction the next day that not one thought could she remember having bestowed upon herself during that long, painful night, with its new experiences of real suffering. All her energies and sympathies were directed toward helping and comforting the agonized mother and relieving the sick child. About midnight, while she was bending over a warm bath, in which she was firmly holding the convulsed frame of poor Janie, the door opened and the young doctor entered. There was no sort of an introduction between the two – who thinks of formalities at such a time? – but at once they worked together over the suffering child. Miss Lacey was vaguely aware that a young man, bearded and mustached, with a calm, deep voice and shapely white hands, gave orders which she promptly obeyed, and spoke words of hope and encouragement to the poor dazed mother. It did not once occur to her that there was anything novel in her position, holding the child in her arms, quieted at last, the young doctor sat close beside her, asking questions and giving advice, now and then turning down a corner of the blanket to watch the changing expression of the little sleepers face. But her, more accustomed to such trying scenes, after the first moments of intense application to the case, began wondering who this angel of mercy could be, working as if her whole soul were bound up in reliving this poor little child of a lowly mother. How long he might have remained in uncertain, had not a messenger from another quarter summoned him away. The next morning Janie was better, and continued to improve until the anxious mother was again relieved concerning her. The next day but bone, miss Lacey received a call from three bright, interesting young girls, who, to her utter astonishment, informed her that Dr. Blunt had recommended her as just the person to become President of a Dorcas Society. “Oh, you must, you must!” they chirped in concert, and before they left she had partially promised to accept the position – to her own dismay. But when the minister called, a few days afterward, and said old Dr. Blunt had insisted that a class of unruly boys in the Sabbath School who needed a teacher, was just the work adapted to her class, she succumbed at one, ”surrendering at discretion” all right to decide for herself. Miss Lacey finally wrote the doctor a spicy little note, telling him she believed any more prescriptions would undo the wonderful cure already accomplished. But of late the village gossips could not fail to notice how continually the young doctor called at Mrs. Lowell’s house. One morning as the elder doctor was coming out of the house, he met Lawyer Peckham, when the following characteristic colloquy ensued: “Hi! Good morning, doctor. Well, I hear the young doctor is about to bring a daughter for you to the ‘family mansion’”. “Yes, yes!” very quickly. “Well, well, there’s room enough in the house and my heart for the precious girl, the good Lord knows, and as for young Blunt, M. D. – who actually presumes to believe that he loves and appreciates her better than I do – the renegade! If she can do anything toward reclaiming that reckless case – There! Forgotten my gloves, true as the world must go back for them. Morning, Peckham.”

SCHOOLBOYS AND HEADACHES Prof. Treichler has delivered a lecture before the German Association of Naturalists and Physicians which contains a fact of some interest to teachers. He says that headache in schools decidedly increases, until in some schools and notably in Nuremberg, one-third of the scholars suffer from it. He believes that the cause is over intellectual exertion, caused partly by the adoption of too many subjects, but principally be the tendency to demand night-work. The brain is then freshly taxed when its cells are exhausted. We being to hear the same complaint in England, especially from London schools, and are tempted to believe that in some of them an imperceptible but steady increase in the amount of night-work demanded has been going on, which is passing a safe limit. It does not hurt the quick, and it does not hurt the stupid, but it does hurt the boys and girls who want to fulfill all demands, and have not quite the quickness to do it. The usual quantity of Latin, for example, to be learned at night has within the last thirty years more than doubled, while the pressure from parents upon the children to learn it all has increase did nearly the same proportion. The increased crowding of schools explains much, but it does not explain this headache, which is not suffered by the boys in proportion to their ill-health - [The Spectator]

For some reason or other M. Thiers would not have an almanac in his study, and was often unable to date a letter because he could not remember the day of the month. Upon one occasion a government clerk, to whom he had promised a letter of recommendation came by appointment for it, and M. Thiers, sitting down to write it, asked him the day of the month. For a moment the young man could not remember it, and M. Thiers exclaimed: “You are not likely to make a good administrator is you cannot remember the day of the month!” He wrote the letter, however, saying, as he gave it to the young man: “Always carry a pocket almanac, my young friend.”

THE MAKING OF MEMORIES These present days, which we are inclined to think so vaguely modern will be the “good old times” when the young people whom we daily meet shall be men and women. It is our fashions of dress and speech which they will remember for their quaintness; and ours is not only the possibility but the absolute certainty of being made the representative, in years to come, in some one’s mind, of the spirit and character of a time that is past. We know how unwittingly men and women used to impress and influence us. Instead, therefore, of passing these memories lightly by, or thinking that they are wholly a thing of private importance and concern, we should make them a constant reminder of our own duty in the line of influence. We can never tell the long and ever-multiplying mischief which we may work by some wickedness or carelessness of speech or action – something forgotten buy us as soon as done, but treasures up in a little heart as a possession for a life-time. And, on the other hand, we should be far more anxious to multiply our wise words and our kindly acts, if we realize more fully how long they may survive in places where we never think of looking for them. The memory of a single kindly deed, or word, or look, quickly forgotten by us, may be the one thing by which some person shall longest remember us, and by which he shall be chiefly influenced, so far as any act of ours in concerned. The making of memories is not a thing in which we are responsible to childhood alone. So long as the mental faculties endure, of all those personas with whom we have to do they are treasuring up permanent records of the whole course of our words and ways. Neither our good deeds nor our bad ones die with their performance, nor does their effect end with us. What right have we in great things or small, to curse men’s years to come by adding to their burden the memory of our wicked act or our hateful or improper word? We are responsible for the memories which men, women, and children have of us and our belongings; and this responsibility includes not only the non-performance of bad deeds, but the doing of good ones. Day by day and minute by minute we are making memories which can never change hereafter. Is there anything more bitter than the thought that our own evil memories of ourselves are, through our fault, shard by others? And is there anything sweeter than the thought that the treasured remembrance of kind acts and fit words is a lasting memorial of ourselves, which we can increase every day of our lives? How we are to be remembered is a question whose answer – at least so far as the rest of our lives are concerned – is in our own hand – [Sunday Times]

WHAT HAS BEEN Our youthful illusions linger with us still, to a certain extent, world-worn though we are. The friends of our childhood stand forth boldly in our memory. None other were half so true, so kind, so witty, so clever. There was that sweet young poet who might have become a second Tennyson, if only he would have condescended to give his music to the world., but who preferred instead to inscribe his matchless gems in albums and the like – how devoutly we believed in him! The other day we turned up a batch of his lucubrations, and re-read them with the light of thirty years in between. We found them sickly intone, false in sentiment, halting in their feet, and of impure of feminine rhymes. And we were foolish enough to regret that the illusion of years had been shattered! What boundless wealth with his $2,000 a year had the Croesus of our modest village! We have since known men only tolerably well off on $10,000 – men who envied their neighbors who had $20,000 and thought themselves poor by comparisons. The local beauty of our young days would, we are very sure, prove herself to have been an ill-dressed, simpering, milliner-like young person, could we but see hr now, with our experience of what real, high-bred, well-dressed beauty is; the clever young lady who used to talk in hexameters, who confessed in Latin and was suspected of Greek, and whose learning we took to be as deep as the sea, would turn tout to be only a voluble young blue stocking, who floundered boldly where she could not swim. The Hebe of our youth would reveal herself as the hoyden of our age; the self-made local scientist with his discovery of perpetual motion, his balloon that would not collapse, his locomotive that was as safe as a church – he was only a poor dreamer; and the village Hampden, whose arguments were so convincing, was a purblind partisan, who never saw more than half of any question he took up. But we see nothing of all this. Memory has crystallized all these forms and character; and we see them by the light of youthful imagination even now in the twilight of our decay, and, seeing them as we thought they were, we love them for what they never have been.

WATERED MILK If people care anything about knowing whether milk is watered all they have to do is to dip a well-polished knitting-needle into a deep vessel of milk, and withdraw it immediately in an upright position. If the milk is pure some of it will hang to the needle, but, if water has been added, even in small proportions, the fluid will not adhere.

Jones says it isn’t the color of her hair that troubles him in choosing a helpmate. The color of her money is what interests him vastly more.

KNOWLEDGE OF THE ANCIENTS A great may people entertain the idea that the progress of mankind has been invariably from barbarism to civilization. In what follows, Chief Justice Daly shows in Popular Science Monthly that people did know something four thousand years ago: “From one of those books, compiled after manner of our modern encyclopedias and the compilation of which is shown to have been made more than 2,000 years B. C. it has been ascertained, what has long been supposed, that Chaldea was the parent land of astronomy; for it is found, from this compilation and from other bricks, that the Babylonians catalogued the stars, and distinguished and named the constellations; that they arranged the twelve constellations that form our present zodiac to show the course of the sun’s path in the heavens’ divided time into weeks, months, and years; that they divided the weeks, as we now have it, into seven days, six being days of labor and the seventh a day of rest, to which we have derived our word “Sabbath” and which day, as a day of rest from all labor of every kind, they observed as rigorously as the Jew or the Puritan. The motion of the heavenly bodies and the phenomena of the weather were noted down, and a connection, as I have before stated, detected, as M. de Perville claims to have discovered, between the weather and the changes of the moon. They invented the sun-dial to mark the movements of the heavenly bodies the water-clock to measure time, and they speak in this work of the spots on the sun, a fact they only could have known by the aid of telescopes, which it is supposed they possessed, from observations that they have noted down of the rising of Venus and the fact the Layard found a crystal lens in the ruins of Nineveh. These “bricks” contain an account of the deluge, substantial the same as the narrative in the Bible, except that the names are different. They disclose that houses and land were then sold, leases, or mortgaged, that money was loaned at interest, and market-gardeners, to use an American phrase, “worked on shares” that the farmer, when plowing with his oxen, beguiled his labor with short and homely songs, two of which have been found; and, to connect this very remote civilization with the usages of today, I may in conclusion, refer to one of the bricks of this library, in the form of a notice, which is to the effect that visitors are requested to give to the librarian the number of the book they wish to consult, and that it will be brought to them; at the perusal of which one is disposed to fall back upon the exclamation of Solomon, that “there is nothing new under the sun.”

MIRTH AT HOME A merry heart doeth good like a medicine, but a broken spirit drieth the bones, declared the wisest of men. A swift appreciation of the ludicrous is the happy birthright of some fortunate people, but there are those who never see a joke quickly, and who cannot comprehend why it makes others laugh, even after it has been duly explained. If, as the proverb says, laughter is medicine, they are much to be pitied. They are not cushioned against the sharp corners and hard knocks of life. There is a coarse with that is allied to buffoonery and may descend to indecency, and the less we have of that the better. The brightness and buoyancy which makes the day cheerful; which lift the wearied and thrill from their depression, and which impart courage when disaster seems imminent, are priceless gifts. Their merry making the best of things, seeing the silver edge along the thickening clouds, remembering how much worse misfortune might have befallen, and being cheery when others are discouraged, how noble are these qualities when put in practice and how brave they may be. I agree, in a measure, with the brilliant French woman, who said that “the joyousness of a spirit is an index of its power,” words true for all time. It should be a matter of conscience with us to maintain serenity of outward appearance at all times.

THE FIRST FEMALE NOVELIST We hardly read of a single authoress during the middle ages. In those days female education was almost entirely neglected, except in rare instances. If women possessed talent they were compelled to hide it. No female novelist worthy of the name appeared in England until the reign of George III. The lady who first had the courage to brave public opinion was Frances Burney, the friend of Garrick and Dr. Johnston. Miss Burney remained unmarried until she was nearly forty years of age. Romance is then supposed to exercise a less dominate powers, but she, nevertheless, had the imprudence to espouse Monsieur d'Arblay, a French refugee, whose income consisted only of a precarious annuity of £100. The marriage, however, proved a very happy one. Macaulay describes Monsieur d'Arbly as "an honorable and amiable man, with a handsome person, frank, soldier-like manners, and some taste for letter."” The pair did not suffer from poverty; the wife became the bread-winner; and not very long after her marriage her third novel, “Camilla” was published, by which she is said to have realized over three thousand guineas. – [Home Journal]

A Yankee came running down to a pier just as a steamer was starting. The boat moved off some four or five yards as he took a jump, and, coming down on the back of his head on deck, he lay stunned for two or three minutes. When he came to the boat had gone the best part of a quarter of ma mile, and, raising his head and looking to the shore, the Yankee said: “Great Jehosaphat, what a jump!”

ITEMS OF INTEREST Two velocipedists beat a railroad train near Havre, France, in a 10-mile race.

A tree in New Mexico fell the other day upon MATTHEW LYNCH, and though he was worth $4,000,000, killed him.

It costs the Queen of England $40,000 a year to ride between England and Scotland.

A Russian teacher committed suicide by jumping off a precipice into a river on horseback.

There is not much differences, says an exchange, between a grass widow and a grasshopper. Either will jump at the first chance.

Although paper collars have to a great extent gone out of use within the last en years, 200,000,000 of them are now manufactured annually.

There is said to be a cabinet-maker in Paris who fires small shot into his cabinets to give them an appearance of worm-eaten antiquity.

In the London zoological society’s collection there is a black-haired spider which can stretch itself to several inches in length, and eats mice.

Of the bishops, judges, and other official personages who took part in the ceremony of Queen Victoria’s coronation forty-two years ago, all are now dead.

Lydia Thompson says that the costume worn by an English lady at a ball would produce a hiss if worn on the variety stage. But then English ladies don’t kick up their heels.

Kansas girls walk seven miles bare-footed to trade a dozen eggs at a country store for a spool of thread. Nothing stuck up about girls who are cut out for No. 1 wives.

A statement was filed recently of a corporation with the name: “Hall’s Air Blast, Dry-Placer and Pulverized Quartz, Gold and Silver Extracting and Amalgamating Machine Company.”

A cat at Wappinger’s Falls, Dutchess County, N. Y., recently gave birth to five living kittens that were joined together by a ligament after the fashion of the Siamese twins. The kittens were drowned.

From the fact that the lower animals arrive at maturity much earlier than man, and the inferior races of men develop more rapidly than the superior, a French biologist infers that precocity indicates a low order of development.

He was a little verdant, or he never would have said: “Perhaps we had better walk on till we come to a settee where we can sit together.” “Oh, no,” she replied sweetly, “You sit down in the chair and I will be the settee.”

A respected woman at Lafayette, Ind. has never been legally married to the man whom she regards as her husband. This is her way of keeping the property which by the terms of her first husband’s will, she would lose by marrying again.

A young man in Dubuque, Iowa, has become partially deranged over a mustache which refuses to spout. He was formerly happy and good-tempered. He is now morose, despondent, and melancholy. One day he visited a prominent drug store and purchased all the different hair restoratives to be had. After completing the rounds he carried the bottles to his room and put them aside for future use. When he left the room his sister found over a hundred bottles in the bed tick, and all were warranted to cause hair to grow on the smoothest skin.

A natural ice house is one of the curiosities of northern New Jersey. It lies behind Blue Mountain. The ice gorge is several hundred yards in extent, ten to thirty feet deep, with caves and clefts in the rocks where the ice lies. The shade at the gorge is very dense, the sun apparently never penetrating it. The bottom of the gorge and the little caves and crevices are filled with ice. The thermometer which registered the nineties in Newton, marked thirty-eight degrees at the bottom of this gorge. A few feet from one end of a spring the most delicious sparkling water bubbles up. The water in this spring stands at thirty-four degrees.

There is a wide difference of opinion as to the number of apples eaten by Adam in the Garden of Eden. Some say Eve 8 (ate), and Adam 2 (two); total 10; others, Eve 8 and Adam 8, total 16; others say if Eve 8 and Adam 8 2 ; total is 90; but if Eve 8 1 and Adam 8 2 , the total is 163; if Eve 8 a and Adam 8 1 2 the total is 893;if Eve ate 1 1st (ate one first) and Adam 8 1 2, the total is 1,623; if Eve 8 1 4 Adam, and Adam 8 1 2 4 Eve, the total is 8,938; if Eve 8 1 4 Adam, and Adam 8 1 2 4 2 oblige Eve the total is 82,056. Still wrong, Even when she 8 1 8 1 2 many, and probably felt sorry for it; so Adam, in order to relieve her grief, 8 1 2. Therefore, if Adam 8 1 8 1 4 2 40fy Eve’s depressed spirits, they both 81,896,864 apples. – [Christian at Work] …..

Lord Beaconfield is completing a novel which he began long ago. Queen Victoria has shown her kindly feeling for him by hanging his full-length portrait at Windsor. Somebody, it is said, once asked him how it was that the Queen showed him so much favor, and got a simple answer: “Well, - er – the fact is – I – er, never contradict, and er – I sometimes – er – forget.”

It was the first experience a couple of Vermont men had enjoyed with a hammock, and the fellow who tried to step into it and then lie down went over head first and got his nose rooted into the ground and scooped a lot of dirt into his mouth. On getting up he said to his fried: “Don’t’ try it that way!” And the friend indignantly replied: “You bet I won’t! Do you take me for a durned fool.”



…quite a small docket and but few cases of importance disposed of. We have never seen a sparser attendance than this week. The visiting attorneys in attendance were Messrs. SANDFORD and GRACE, of Fayette, and Mr. F. JUSTICE, of Pikeville.

We regret to see the announcement of the death of HON. AMOS R. MANNING, one of the justices of the Supreme Court. Judge Manning was an excellent jurist and his decisions are models of directness and clearness. His death is a great loss to legal profession and his place cannot be readily filled with as much talent and legal acumen as characterized him.

DR. R. L. BRADLEY requests us to say to the patrons of his Singing School at Bethel, that owing to the protracted meeting which commences there on the first Sabbath in next month, he will not re-open the school until Tuesday the 12th proxy, will then continue five days. The citizens are cordially invited to attend.

DIED – Near Vernon on Sunday night the 19th inst., MRS. KEMPER, wife of MR. PETER KEMPER. She was 62 years of age, zealous Christian, and greatly loved by all her acquaintances.

Horse trading outside of the court room was the order of the days this week.

CAPT. G. W. BETTS who resides 20 miles north of Columbus, on the Military road is comfortably prepared to accommodate horse drovers and the traveling public generally.

….attention of the public is invited to the Wool Carding Factory of JAMES BARNES, eight miles east of Vernon. Those having wool to card would do well to go to this factory. Mr. RUSBIN an experienced carder will attend.

See car of Prof. GUYTONS’ school in another place.

Of course the first sight you get at new Fall calico don’t favorably impress you, but after you look at it some half-a-dozen times, you will decide that that flowered piece trimmed with that dotted piece, with a bias fold of that narrow stripped piece, and a ruffle or two of that broad-striped piece, and bound with a narrow binding of that mingled figure piece, with the pockets made from that solid piece, is just to nice and pretty for anything – except your own graceful self.

HON. J. H. BANKHEAD is an aspirant for the position as State Warden at Wetumpka.

Cincinnati Enquirer: The number of letters in the names of Hancock and Garfield respectfully has been noted as painfully suggesting the “8 to 7” commission in favor of Garfield, but the material has not all been used. For instance: HANCOCK – 7 ENGLISH – 7 GARFIELD – 8 ARTHUR – 6 Anybody who knows two sevens will beat an eight and six.

See the card of Messrs. MYERS AND EGGER, Caledonia, Miss.

In our next issue we will give the proceedings of the Singing Convention which met at Antioch Church recently.

We are pleased to note the lucrative business done at the hotel this week.

ELDER L. M. WILSON and REVS. J. T. MILLER and J. J. CROW were in Vernon this week. The latter clerical gentleman will preach at the court house Sunday next, it being his regular day in course.

Cols. HEWITT and CLEMENTS on Sunday last, addressed a large audience at the court house.

The camp meeting at Perry’s Camp Ground commencing on the 14th and closing on the 19th passed off quietly, except on Sunday when there was some confusion caused by a couple of intoxicated men, this did not last long as they were soon carried off the ground or made to keep quiet. The results of the meeting were nine conversions, six additions to the church, and five infants baptized.

The negro JOHN ROLLY who broke into Mr. CASH’S saloon some weeks past and took there from about 75 cents worth of whiskey, goes to the penitentiary for three years.

Good words do more than hard speeches; as the sunbeams, without any noise, will make the traveler case off his cloak, which all the blustering wind could not do; but only make him bind it closer to him.

Good breeding is the result of nature, and not of education. It may be found in a cottage, and missed in a palace. It is a general regard for the feelings of others that springs from the absence of all selfishness.

An infallible remedy for Fever and Ague is Ayer’s Ague Cure. Wholly vegetable and containing no quinine, it is harmless and sure.

VERNON MALE AND FEMALE ACADEMY. I will open a Male and Female School in Vernon on the first Monday in November 18820. The school will be divided into four grades as follows: 1. Primary, embracing Spelling, Reading, Primary Arithmetic, and first lessons in Geography. 2. Intermediate, embracing physical and Intermediate Geography, Intellectual Arithmetic, elements of written Arithmetic, first lessons in Grammar, and Writing. 3. Grammar School, embracing Practical Arithmetic, Practical Grammar, Composition, History, Etymology, and Elocution. 4. High School, embracing University Arithmetic, Natural and Intellectual Philosophy, Geology, Physiology, Astronomy, Algebra, Geometry, &c, &c, &c The School will be divided into two Seasons of four months (80 days) each. Tuition due and payable at end of each session as follows: Primary Grade, per month, per scholar $1.50 Intermediate Grade, per month, per scholar $2.00 Grammar School, per month, per scholar $2.50 High School per month, per scholar $3.00 Incidental fee per month, per scholar ___ Board per month, per scholar $7.50 For further particulars, address, J. M. I. GUYTON, Principal, Vernon, Lamar County, Ala.

J. A. JORDAN, with MYERS & EGGER, Caledonia, Mississippi respectfully solicits all his Alabama friends and acquaintances to give him early and frequent calls. Columbus prices paid for cotton and country produce. A full line of dry goods and groceries at bottom figures.

CITATION NOTICE State of Alabama, Lamar County Probate Court, August 23, ’80 In the matter of the estate of JOSEPH WOODS, late of State of Mississippi, deceased. This day came PHILIP WOODS, administrator of said estate and filed his application in writing, and under oath praying for an order to sell certain lands therein described as the property of deceased for the purpose of a division among the heirs of said estate. It is therefore ordered by the court that the 7th day of October next be and is a day set for the bearing and passing upon said application, and the proofs which may be submitted in the support of the same when and where all parties interested can contest the same if they see proper. ALEXANDER COBB, Judge of Probate.

The State of Alabama, Lamar County Probate Court, 13, Sept. 1880 Estate of JAMES HARRIS, deceased. This day came GEORGE S. EARNEST the administrator of said estate, and filed his statement, accounts, vouchers, and evidences for final settlement of his administration. It is ordered that the 4thd day of October, 1880 be a day on which to make settlement, at which time all persons interested can appear and contest the said settlement if they think proper. ALEXANDER COBB, Judge of Probate

The State of Alabama, Lamar County Probate Court, 9th Sept. 1880 Estate of P. J. EVANS deceased. This day came B. M. EVANS the administrator of said estate, and filed his statement, accounts, vouchers, and evidences for final settlement of his administration. It is ordered that the first day of October 1880 be appointed a day on which to make such settlement, at which time all persons interested can appear and contest the said settlement, if they think proper. ALEXANDER COBB, Judge of Probate

Attention. I have in store a lot of clothing which I will sell at cost, in order to make room for my new fall and winter stock. Come one come all and purchase my clothing all! A. A. SUMMERS

Hotel. The undersigned is prepared to accommodate boarders, either by day or the month at very reasonable rates. Strict attention given to transient customers. L. M. WIMBERLEY, Proprietor, Vernon, Ala.

Cousans – Compound Honey of Tar, a cure for coughs, colds, sore throat, hoarseness, etc. Price 50 cents a bottle. For sale by ERVIN & BILLUPS, Columbus, Miss.

Special Notice! We have just received the largest lot of Bagging and Ties in the city, bought for cash. We will offer them to Ginners at prices lower than they can be bought elsewhere. We also keep on hand a large and well assorted stock of groceries and general merchandise. Farmers bringing their cotton to Columbus will do well to call and examine out stock. FRANKLIN & Co., Next door to Columbus Insurance and Banking Company. Columbus, Miss.

LACEY & BRO., 87 North Market Street, Estes Old Stand, Columbus, Miss. Dealers in groceries, dry goods, and general merchandise. Keep on hand flour, meal, lard, sugar, and best coffees. Molasses, hardware, axes, nails, tin-ware, crockery, &c, &c. We invite the people of Lamar, Fayette and surrounding counties to call on us when In Columbus. We guarantee satisfaction and as low prices as the lowest.

W. F. WALKER, No. 91 Market Street, Columbus, Miss. One door north of Mungers. Keeps Fayette County distilled whiskey, and the best whiskies of other manufacturers. None but pure kept. Will be glad to have my friends from Fayette, Lamar and Marion counties. Give us a call when in the city. J. W. MILES is with this house and respectfully solicits his friends to call.

Represented by THOMAS J. TRULL, of Lamar County Alabama, New Warehouse! J. H. TURNER & SON, Storage of Cotton, Etc. We have this day rented the Warehouse of R. W. MUSTIN, at the depot, for the purpose of doing a Cotton Storage Business. Our experience in the business dates back forty odd years. We have at all times endeavored to do justice to both planter and merchant, and will continue to do so. We have no extra promises to make. We intend to do our duty regardless of consequences. We solicit a portion of the patronage of our old friends and customers. Out facilities for Camping will be all that can be asked or desired. Our rates of storage will be as usual, treating all alike in every instance. J. H. TURNER and WM. M. TURNER will be found on the spot, and feel capable of knowing and attending to the best interest of those who extend to us their patronage. Respectfully, J. H. TURNER & SON, Columbus, Miss., Sept 17, 1880

A. B. SEAY, with BURRIS & BRO., Alabama Store, 49 Main Street Columbus, Miss. Wholesale and retail dealers in Staple and Fancy Dry goods, ready made clothing, boots, shoes, hats, notions, etc. Also keep on hand a large stock of Hardware and Groceries at bottom prices. Furniture of every description made a specialty. Will be glad to see, and wait on his old friends of Lamar, Fayette, and Pickens, and all new ones who will be so kind as to call upon him. Will be anxious to show and price you goods, whether you buy or not. Note – Satisfaction always guaranteed as to articles and prices.

ALEXANDER COBB & SON, Dealers in ready made clothing, dress goods, jeans, domestics, calicoes, silks, satins, millinery, embroidery, notice, &c. Hats, caps, boots, shoes, saddles, bridles, leather, &c. Tin, wooden, Hard and glass wares, crockery, &c. Salt, flour, meal, bacon, lard, soda, coffee, molasses, &c.

Family Groceries. The undersigned has opened a family grocery store in the old Goodwin house on Main Street. Where he will be able to furnish the county and town with everything usually kept in a first class house: Such as bacon, lard, flour, sugar, coffee, molasses, tobacco, cigars, powder, lead, shot and a great variety of canned goods: Such as pine apples, peaches, tomatoes, pickles, &c., &c. Cheese and crackers in abundance, all of which I am determined to sell lower than they can be bought elsewhere. Give me a call. No trouble to show goods. Terms cash. L. M. WIMBERLY

BILL HAMILTON with ROY & BRO., wholesale and retail dealer in dry goods, notions, clothing, boots, shoes, hats, &c. Aberdeen, Miss. Highest price paid for cotton.

ABERDEEN ITEMS We cordially invite the citizens of Lamar and Marion when they visit Aberdeen to make their headquarters at out Drug Store. We will treat them clever and sell them all they need in drugs, liquors, stationary, paints and every thing usually kept in a first class drug store as cheap as they can possibly be found elsewhere. – J. W. ECKFORD & BRO. Wholesale and retail, Aberdeen, Miss have just received two thousand pounds of tobacco, all grades, prices form 35 cents per lb. up to 90 cents per lb. Don’t fail to try them before buying. We are closing our large stock of whiskies, brandies, gins, wines &c., to make room for our new stock that will come in about middle September. Now is the time for bargains. We are prepared to wholesale and retail drugs of every description at lower prices than any house in the state. Friends, when you visit Aberdeen, let your first call be to J. W. Eckford & Bro wholesale and retail drug store, where you can buy drugs, liquors, paints, and stationary cheaper than any place in Miss. or Ala. Call whether you wish to buy or not. Deal specially in pure paints, mixed Paints, and all colors, linseed, varnish, brushes of all kinds, glue and all painters goods. Prices very low. Aberdeen, Miss.

PROFESSIONAL CARDS. FRANCIS JUSTICE, Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Chancery, Pikeville, Marion Co., Alabama Will practice in all the Courts of the 3rd Judicial District.

SAMUEL J. SHIELDS, Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Chancery, Vernon, Ala., Will practice in the counties of Lamar, Fayette, Marion, and the Courts of the 3rd Judicial District.

JNO. D. MCCLUSKY, Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Chancery, Vernon, Ala. Will practice in the counties of Lamar, Fayette, Marion, and the Courts of the 3rd Judicial Circuit. Special attention given to the collection of claims, and matters of administration.

EARNEST & EARNEST. W. S. EARNEST GEO. S. EARNEST. Attorneys at Law and Solicitors in Chancery, Birmingham & Vernon, Ala. Will practice in the Counties of this Judicial Circuit.

NESMITH & SANFORD. T. B. NESMITH, Vernon, Ala. JOHN B. SANFORD, Fayette C. H. Attorneys at Law. Partners in the Civil practice in the counties of Fayette and Lamar. Will practice separately in the adjoining counties. THOS. B. NESMITH. Solicitor for the 3rd Judicial Circuit. Vernon, Lamar Co., Ala.

Dr. G. C. BURNS – Vernon, Ala., Offers his professional services to the citizens of Vernon and vicinity.

R. L. BRADLEY, Dental Surgeon. Vernon, Lamar County, Ala., Offers his professional service to the Citizens of Vernon and adjacent country. All work neatly executed, and satisfaction guaranteed. Will be found at Dr. Browns’ office, ready and willing to serve the people at all times. Give me a call.

M. W. MORTON. W. L. MORTON. DR. W. L. MORTON & BRO., Physicians & Surgeons. Vernon, Lamar Co, Ala. Tender their professional services to the citizens of Lamar and adjacent country. Thankful for patronage heretofore extended, we hope to merit a respectable share in the future. Drug Store.

W. A. BROWN, Physician and Surgeon. Vernon, Lamar County, Alabama. Tenders his professional service to the citizens of Vernon, and adjacent country. Will be pleased to serve my friends at all times at my office. Thankful for patronage heretofore received. I hope to merit a liberal share in the future.

LAMAR DIRECTORY County Court – Meets on the 1st Monday in each month. Probate Court - Meets on 2nd Monday in each month. Commissioner’s Court – Meets on the 2nd Monday in February, April, July, and November.


COUNTY OFFICERS ALEXANDER COBB – Judge of Probate J. W. WHITE, Sheriff and Tax Collector JAMES. MIDDLETON, Circuit Clerk JAMES M. MORTON, Register in Chancery D. V. LAWRENCE, Treasurer W. Y. ALLEN, Tax Assessor B. H. WILKERSON, Coroner


Masonic: Vernon, Lodge No. 389, meets on the 1st Saturday of each month, at 7 p.m.

J. L. RANSOM, of North Alabama with Settle & Kainnaird, manufacturers of and wholesale dealers in boots and shoes, Nashville, Tenn. Orders solicited and carefully filled.


Columbus Marble Works…(torn)

Carroll….Hack line….W. H. BAKER, Proprietor…(torn)

Pictures made in cloudy and rainy as well as clear weather at ECHARD’S Photograph Headquarters at his gallery, Columbus, Miss. 8 Card Ferrotypes, for $1.00. 1 doz. Card Photographs for $2.50. Special attention given to Family Groups and copying Old pictures to any size.

Ayres’s Ague Cure is a purely vegetable bitter and powerful tonic and is warranted a speedy and certain cure for fever and ague, chills and fever, intermittent or chill fever, remittent fever, dumb ague, periodical or bilious fever, and all malarial disorders. In miasmatic districts, the rapid pulse, coated tongue, thirst, lassitude, loss of appetite, pain in the back and loins, and coldness of the spine and extremities, are only premoniticals of severer symptoms, which terminate in the ague paroxysm, succeeded by high fever and profuse perspiration. It is a startling fact that quinine, arsenic and other poisonous minerals form the basis of most of the “Fever and ague preparations,” “Specifies” “Syrup” and “tonics” in the market. The preparations made from these mineral poisons although they are palatable and may break the chill, do not cure, but leave the malarial and their own drug poison to the system, producing quinism, dizziness, ringing in the ears, headache, vertigo, and other disorders more formidable that the case they were intended to cure. Ayres’s Ague thoroughly eradicated these noxious poisons from the system, and always cures the severest cases. It contains no quinine, mineral, or any thing that could injure the most delicate patient, and its crowning excellence above its certainty to cure, is that it leaves the system as free from disease as before the attack. For liver complaints, Ayres’s Ague cute by direct action of the liver and biliary apparatus, drives out the poisons which produce these complaints, and stimulates the system to a vigorous, healthy condition. We warrant it when taken according to directions. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and analytical chemists, Lowell, Mass. Sold by all druggists everywhere. A. A. SUMMERS, Agent, Vernon, Ala.

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