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Vernon Clipper 26 Mar 1880

Microfilm Ref Call #373 Microfilm Order #M1992.4466 from The Alabama Department of Archives and History



The Don Pedro II. Railroad is the largest and with perhaps one exception, the most important in Brazil. The total length of the main line is 365 miles, and extensions are made almost every year. The road was commenced under the management of an incorporated company interest of 7 percent on the capital stock being guaranteed by the government. But in building the first portion of the road it was necessary to cross the mountains near Rio, and by the time 100 miles were completed, the capital was entirely exhausted. In 1865 the government bought the road of the stockholders and it has since been built and run as a branch of the imperial service. On the invested capital of rather more than $40,000,000 the government realizes an average income of five and a half per centum yearly.

Bismarck’s plan to increase the strength of the German standing army is aimed primarily at France. The western frontier of Germany is to be greatly strengthen in view of the steady increase of the French army during the last few years. France, out of a population of 37,000,000, has 704,000 men in the active army, 510,000 in the reserve, 582,000 in the territorial army and 625,000 in the territorial reserve, in all about 2,400,000 men. The German Government has now 401,000 men in the active army, 500,000 in the reserve, 580,000 in the landwohr, and 1,030,000 in the landsturm, or 2,511,000 in all who have military training, and there are 3,345,000 men who have received no military training. France has 1,330,000 men who have received no training. The Germans excel in cavalry and the French in artillery. Bismarck, in increasing the active army of Germany, also, of course, has his eye on Russia, whose old policy of Russianizing the German population of the Czar’s Baltic provinces, has been revived. The repressive measures at Revel, Riga, and elsewhere, have revived German national feeling, which may not in vain appeal to Germany, where Bismarck is bent upon carrying out his pan-Germanic theories and consolidating all the Teutonic peoples of Europe.


There is not a house for rent in Columbus, Ga.

The police in Atlanta have to light the street lamps.

Atlanta has received $5,000 bales of cotton this season.

The gold fever has broken out in Oglethorpe county, Ga., with increased fury.

The various factories in Atlanta give employment to 1,500 girls.

There are 80,000 cattle and 60,000 sheep in Concho County, Texas.

The letter-carrier system will be adopted in Montgomery, Ala., on the 30th of June next.

Better prices are obtained for tobacco in Richmond, Va., than for two seasons past.

The Academy of Music, recently destroyed by fire at Greensville, S. C. is to be rebuilt immediately.

There are twice as many visitors from the North at Jacksonville, Fla.,, as there were at this time last year.

Only three cities in South Carolina have daily newspapers – Columbia, Charleston and Greenville.

In Augusta, Ga., the lamps on all the street corners are to be ornamented with the names of the streets.

During the next thirty days thirteen iron furnaces will be put in operation in the vicinity of Rome, Ga.

Confederate $50 bills, smeared with green ink, have been lately passed on greenies in McLennan County, Texas.

The owners of the cotton factory at Hawkinsville, Ga., will soon have four Clement attachments in operation.

A firm at Sherman, Texas, shipped on one day 13,000 fur peltries, the largest shipment ever made from that state.

The Pearl River oil mills at Jackson, Miss., consume 200 sacks of cotton seed daily and produce fifteen barrels in oil.

The fair at Macon, Ga., for the benefit of the Macon Volunteers, was a decided success, the net receipts being nearly $3,000.

Thomas Fulton, of Green County, Ga., has a plantation of 1,300 acres, and has only one hand on it, all the rest having left since Christmas.

Atlanta has fewer policemen now than she had ten years ago. A new force will be elected in April, at which time there will be 500 applicants for forty places.

The Air Line Railroad Company is having a row of shade trees planted out on either side of the track at the stations along the line from Atlanta Ga., to Charlotte, N. C.

Little Rock Democrat: The cotton brought to Little Rock this season, estimated at 45,000 bales, and the average price of $53 per bale, realized the snug little sum of $23,850,000. How is that for the new Chicago?

Arkansas has 3,387 miles of navigable water courses regularly traversed by steamboats. She has eight railroads, having eight hundred miles of road completed and in operation.

Little Rock Democrat: Cotton factories are an immense success in Arkansas. The Quepaw Cotton Mill, of this city, has a contract for furnishing cotton twine to the wholesale Chicago house of A. T. Stewart & Co., that cannot be completed in less than two months. Th mill never shuts down until 10 o’clock at night.

Wilmington (N. C.) Star: A prominent colored man has been to the trouble of ascertaining the sentiments of the colored voters of this city as to their choice for the Presidency. The list, so far as a preference was expresses, stands as follows: Blaine, 723, Grant, 221, Sherman, 11.

Montgomery Advertiser: The Alabama Historical Society, At Tuscaloosa, desires to collect a complete cabinet of Confederate money. Those who have the different denominations of money, and have no special use for it, would be glad, no doubt, to send it to the Historical Society, where it will be carefully preserved.

Richmond Commonwealth: In many counties of West Virginia steps are being taken to organize wool-growers and sheep-breeder’s associations, the object being to encourage the raising of improvised breeds of sheep and to extend the raising of wool and mutton, and above all to secure a better protection against the ravages of dogs.

THE SPLENDOR OF THE MID-WINTER SKY – [New York Sun] The winter evening sky is now at nearly its greatest brilliancy. Of the fifteen first magnitude stars visible in this latitude twelve can be seen between 7 and 10 o’clock p. m. The only ones not visible within those hours are Arcturus, Antares, and Spica. This array of the chief leaders of the firmament furnishes a fine opportunity for a study that receives little attention, and which yet possesses peculiar interest for those who delight in the picturesque aspect of the starry heavens. To learn to recognize the leading stars individual peculiarities by which they can be distinguished from one another, very much as one distinguishes faces in a crowd, is perhaps, hardly a scientific pursuit, yet it is by no mean an idle intellectual amusement. No better time than the present could be chosen for this study of what might be called the physiognomy of the stars. Nobody, for instance, could mistake Vega, the bright star that can be seen in the northwest early in the evening, for any other in the sky. Its peculiar color and brilliancy have been admired by astronomers for ages. Over in the east, a little later, Betelgeuse and Rigel, the chief twinklers in Orion, may be seen, with Aldebaran in the Bull shining high above them. Rigel looks very much like Vega, yet a careful eye detects a difference of color. Betelgeuse and Aldebaran are at once classed together as red stars, yet there is the most beautiful contrast of hue between them. Aldebaran is of a pale rosy color, and Betelgeuse, which varies remarkably in brightness, is of a reddish orange. Nearly overhead, at about 10 o’clock, is Capella, which seems to vie in brightness with Rigel, yet the two can never be confounded; for while Rigel blazes and scintillates, like a diamond shaken in the sunlight, Capella shines with a steady, unchanging luster that makes it one of the most beautiful of all the stars. Sirius, which rises shortly after Rigel, is distinguished by his superior size, and by the ceaseless flashing of prismatic colors, surrounding him with a sort of halo well becoming the chief of all the stars. Whoever has once learned to know these stars, as he knows the faces of his friends, may wander to every corner of the world without losing the feeling that he is yet at home.

AMERICAN FARMERS ON THE AMAZONS – [From Smith’s “Brazil and the Amazon”] Down the Santarem Street come four brown horses, dragging an immense American wagon; a tall, coatless individual sits astride one of the leaders, and guides the cavalcade with much flourish and noise. He draws up in front of St. Caetano’s store and salutes the merchant; then alights and marches straight up to us, remarking, “Well! Whoa re you?” Of course, we get acquainted at once, and Mr. Platt is a man worth knowing, too. He is one of some fifty Americans who are established in the forest near by. Platt is himself a Tennessean; the others are from Mississippi, Alabama, and so on. Farmer Platt presses us to “come out for a few days, “ and we go. The wagon, he informs us, was sent from his old home in Tennessee, and, in spite of a law which declares agricultural implements free of duty, the duties amounted to as much as the original cost. Presently we stop with a jerk; one of the wheels is caught in a big llilana. The farmer’s wife welcomes us cordially, the children are shy, for they do not often see strangers. All the Americans are cultivating sugar cane; the juice is distilled into rum, which is sold at Santarem. Probably coffee or cacao might pay better, but our colonists came without money and can not wait for slow-growing crops. Platt saved a little money and bought this ground of an Indian woman, and had to carry provisions six miles on his back. Platt had to grind his corn at a wooden mill until he could get an iron one, at double the original cost. And so with all tools and agricultural implements. “The children have no schooling,” complains Mrs. Platt; “they can’t even go to a Brazilian master, for we are too far from town.” Sometimes they visit with the other Americans, but the plantations are far apart and the roads are rough, and it is not often they can make a holiday, unless it is Sunday.

THE IRON GATE – By Oliver Wendell Holmes [Read by Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes as a response at the Breakfast extended him in Boston by an array of literary celebrities on the even of is 70th birthday.] Where is this patriarch you are kindly greeting? Not unfamiliar to my ears his name, Nor yet unknown to may a joyous meeting In days long vanished – is he still the same? Or, changed by years, forgotten and forgetting, Dull-eared, dim-sighted, slow of speech and thought All o’er the sad, degenerate present fretting, Where all goes wrong and nothing as it ought. Old age, the gray beard! Well, indeed, I know him – Shrunk, tottering, bent, of aches, and ills the prey; In sermon, story, fable, picture, poem, Oft have I met him from my earliest day. In my old Aesop, telling with his bundle – His load of sticks – politely asking death. Who comes when called for – would he lug or trundle His fagot from him? He was scant of breath. And, sad, (Ecclesiastes, or the preacher) – Has he not stamped the image on my soul In that last chapter, where the worn-out teacher Sighs o’er the loosened cord, the broken bowl? Yes, long indeed, I’ve known him at a distance, And now my lifted door-latch shows him here. I take his shriveled hand without resistance And find him smiling as his stop draws near. What of gilded bawbles he bereaves us, Dear to the heart of youth, to manhood’s prime; Think of the calm he brings, the wealth he leaves us, The hoarded spoils, the legacies of time. Altars once flaming, still with incense fragrant, Passions’ uneasy nursing rocked asleep, Hopes anchor faster, wild desire less vagrant, Life’s flows less noisy, but the stream how deep. Still, as the silver cord gets won and slender, Its lightened task-work tugs with lessening strain, Hands gets more helpful, voices grow more tender, Soothe with their softened tones the slumberous brain. Youth longs and manhood strives, but age remembers, Sits by the raked up ashes of the past Spreads its thin hands above the whitening embers That warm its creeping life blood till the last. Dear to its heart is every loving token That comes unbidden ere its pulse grows cold, Ere the last lingering ties of line are broken, Its labors ended and its story told. Ah, when around us rosy youth rejoices, For us the sorrow-laden breezes sigh, And through the chorus of its jocund voices Throb the sharp notes of misery’s hopeless cry. As on the gauzy wings of fancy flying From some far orb I track our watery sphere – Home of the struggling, suffering, doubting, dying – The silvered globule seems a glistening tear. But nature lends her mirror of illusion To win from saddening scenes our age-dimmed eyes, And misty day-dreams blend in sweet confusion The wintry landscape and the summer skies. So when the iron portal shuts behind us, And life forgets us in its noise and whirl, Visions that shunned the glaring noonday find us, And glimmering starlight shows the gates of pearl. I come not here your morning hour to sadden A limping pilgrim, leaning on his staff – I, who have never deemed it sin to gladden, This vale of sorrows with a wholesome laugh. If word of mine another’s gloom has brightened, Through my dumb lips the heaven-sent message came – If hand of mine another’s task has lightened It felt the guidance that it dares not claim. But oh! My gentle sister, oh! My brothers, These thick sown snow flakes hint of toil’s release; These feebler pulses bid me leave to others The tasks once welcome; evening asks for peace. Time claims his tribute; silence now in golden; Le t me not vex the too long suffering lyre; Though to your love untiring still beholden’ The curfew tells me – covers up the fire. And now with grateful smile and accents cheerful, And warmer heart than look or word cant ell, In simplest phrase – these traitorous eyes are tearful – Thanks, brothers, sisters – children – and farewell.

THE ENDING OF A FEUD The feud between the Kentucky families of REYNOLDS and GARTH had its origin some time previous to the great civil war; but that strife of section against section, State against state, and brother against brother, added fuel to its fire and intensity of its bitterness. When the war broke out the Reynolds family ranged themselves on the side of the Rebels, and the Garths, probably for no better reason than opposition to their old enemies, espoused the Union cause. It is not to be supposed that either of the families cared much, if anything, for the principals involved in the contest, the Reynolds tribe seeing in the struggle a pretext for devoting themselves to the destruction of the Garths, and the Garth tribe fining in the war an excuse for the extermination of the Reynolds. Thus it happened that no member of either family was regularly enrolled in any army, but all the Reynolds and all the Garths preferred to serve their personal ends by engaging in a style of warfare which was generally regarded as illegitimate. They called themselves guerrillas and partisans, but other people gave them the designation of bushwhackers. They carried on the business of bushwhacking to their mutual extermination, if not to their entire satisfaction. So thoroughly was the work of the bullet and the rope done, that there were left of the two tribes at the close of the war only PHIL REYNOLDS on the one side, and JOHN GARTH and his daughter LOTTIE on the other. It was then supposed that one or the other of the two male survivors would terminate the feud by completing the extermination of one family or the other, but the general expectation was disappointed. John Garth, finding himself obnoxious in the neighborhood because of his alleged Union sentiments, quitted Kentucky, and crossed the river to take up his abode in Indiana. John Garth made an end of his exile within a year. His property was going to waste, his old neighborhood had settled down to a condition of reasonable quietude and toleration, and he returned to his farm, accompanied by his daughter Lottie, then a tall and handsome girl of eighteen. It was then believed that the feud would be at last fought out to a fatal termination, but no immediate conflict occurred between the survivors of the hostile families. Phil Reynolds and John Garth both went armed, but that was the custom of the country, and the care with which they avoided each other exceeded the eagerness with which they had sought a meeting during their bushwhacking days. At last, as Reynolds was returning from the mill, he met Garth in a narrow path on the side of a hill, and a glance at their faces was enough to show that the fatal hour had come. Neither was willing to make way for the others, and the first words that broke from their lips were those of abuse and recrimination. After a little of this wordy warfare they drew their pistols and opened fire. When all the chambers of their revolvers had been discharged, the result of the action thus far was seen to have been fatal to Reynold’s mule and Garth’s horse, while the two men were slightly wounded. They renewed the fight on foot, clinching and wrestling for the mastery. Then Garth slipped and fell, his antagonist falling upon him. With a yell of triumph Reynolds drew his knife, and prepared to wipe out all scores with a death stroke. At that moment Lottie Garth came riding up the hill and with one glance she took in the details of the scene, and realized her father ‘s danger. Without pausing to dismount, she implored Reynolds to spare the life of the prostrate men. Her tearful eyes, her outstretched arms, and her agonizing accents might have melted a heart of stone, but they could not change Phil Reynold’s heart of fire. He only saw in her appearance another cause for triumph, a chance to inflict another pang upon his hated adversary. With one sure and powerful stroke he drove his heavy knife to the heart of the man beneath him, and John Garth’s fighting days were ended. Lottie Garth shook and bent in her saddle like a sapling in a strong wind, and it seemed as if she would fall from her horse; but she recovered herself, and fiercely faced the murderer as he rose from his bloody work. “Phil Reynolds,” she said, and her voice rang out on the mountain air as clear as a silver bell, “you have murdered my father, though I begged you to spare his life. As sure as God lets me live I will kill you for this deed!” Reynolds was fairly cowed for a moment. Perhaps he felt the enormity of his crime: perhaps the words and tone of the orphan girl cut him to the quick. He made no reply, but picked up his pistol, and hastily began to load it, as if he meant to complete the work of exterminating the Garths, and at the same time to get rid of a witness. But Lottie turned and galloped away, and was soon out of his reach or sight. Lottie Garth did not expect that the slayer of her father would be punished by law, and he was not. He was arrested and held to bail, but was never brought to trial. The feeling was that such a feud must have such an ending, and that it was a matter of little consequence whether Reynolds killed Garth or Garth killed Reynolds, though there was more sympathy with the latter than the former, on political grounds. The girl gave her testimony at the inquest, saw that her father was properly buried, and then bade farewell to her few friends in the neighborhood, after putting the Garth farm in the hands of an agent to be disposed of. It was understood that she had returned to Indiana. It was some six months after the death of John Garth that a stranger made his appearance in the settlement. He was a boy, beardless and with curling locks, but active, intelligent, and able-bodied. He said that his name was Ben Sellew, that he was from Barren County, that his father had been killed in the war, and that the recent death of his mother had left him an orphan, with his own way to make in the world. Just then he wanted farm work, and he easily found it in the settlement, as he was neither afraid nor ashamed to work. He proved to be a good harvest hand, and made himself useful in that specially to several farmers, but finally accepted the offer of Phil Reynolds, who proposed to give him a home for the winter and a small allowance of money, in return for his services. Phil Reynolds was overjoyed at the acquisition of his new farm hand. The ex-bushwhacker was a lonely man, and he lived alone, with the exception of such chance negro servants as he could pick up, and they had peculiar ideas of independence since their emancipation. Ben Sellew professed and proved himself to be capable not only of doing field work, but of preparing the meals and keeping the household in order. As he offered to make himself generally useful for a small stipend, he was a god-send to Reynolds. The stranger from Barren County did his work well. He was active and willing. To use a word peculiar to that region, it would be hard to find a more “biddable” boy. Phil Reynolds had not been so comfortable and so well cared for in years, and he regarded Ben Sellew not only as a treasure but as absolutely necessary to his existence. Thus affairs proceeded smoothly on the Reynold’s farm, until the owner was taken sick, about a month after Ben Sellew had accepted his employment. It was a strange illness, and the neighborhood doctor could make nothing of it. The sick man complained of unaccountable pains, and became so weak that he was obliged to take to his bed. The physician, unable to make a satisfactory diagnosis of the case, dosed his patient with various drugs, by way of experimenting upon their effect, and they symptoms became aggravated, until Reynolds sank into an apparently hopeless decline. Ben Sellew attended him with the utmost faithfulness, preparing all his food and giving him all his medicine, and he showed the deepest concern when a medical consultation had decided that there was no hope for Phil Reynolds. Ben was charged with the duty of breaking this sad news to the sick man, and he did it tenderly. “If there is anything on your mind,” said the boy, “perhaps you had better clear it off.” “I have been a hard case,” replied Reynolds, “but there is only one thing that really bothers me. I killed John Garth when his darter was beggin’ for his life.” “I have heard of that, and I think you might have showed a little mercy there.” “Did he show any mercy when he shot my brother?” asked Reynolds. “Did you show any mercy when you hanged his son?” answered Ben Sellew. “Well, it’s all done and gone. That gal of Garth’s swore that she would kill me, and I know she meant it. I’ve been lookin’ for her ever since, but I reckon she will miss her chance. “Don’t be too sure of that,” said the boy, as he left the room. Ben Sellew went out to find the negro man – the only person then on the place besides himself and Reynolds – to send him to the nearest town for some wine which the doctor had ordered. the messenger was soon jogging along upon his favorite mule. As the nearest town was some ten miles away, and the roads were bad, he could not be expected to return under four hours. It was dark when the boy went back to the sick man’s chamber., where he lighted a lamp, and mixed a dose of medicine. “Take this,” said he, as he put the glass to Reynold’s lips. “It will be the last dose you will need.” “Have I got to go off so soon as that?” asked the terrified patient, when he had swallowed the draught. “So the doctors say.” “Send for a parson, then – any kind of a parson.” “Can’t do it. Jake has gone away. I will be your parson, and you shall have as good a chance as you gave John Garth. His daughter swore that she would kill you, Phil Reynolds, and she has done it.” “What do you mean?” “I am Lottie Garth.” “Then you have poisoned me! I am burning up!” When the negro man returned, he found Reynolds dead in his bed. He called in the neighbors, and they discovered a paper pinned to the dead man’s breast, on which these words were written: “This man killed John Garth, and John Garth’s daughter has killed him.” The boy from Barren County had disappeared, and it was not thought worth wile to pursue him, or to search for Lottie Garth. The feud had at last burned out for lack of fuel.

MR. JULIUS JACKASS – [London Telegraph] A paragraph which has recently appeared in the German official papers informs the subjects of His Majesty, the King of Prussia, that the Royal Provincial Government at Dusseldorf has graciously authorized one Julius Jackass, resident in Lobdorf, District of Solingen, as well as his wife and children, to change the family name he has hitherto borne, into that of Courage. Such a surname as Jackass can not but be a chronic affliction to the unfortunate persons condemned by the accident of birth to answer to it, and Mr. Courage, formerly Jackass, may be congratulated upon the result of his appeal to the merciful consideration of the constituted authorities, who have relieved him from all but intolerable patronymic, in Germany, however, such an infliction is less grievous to its victims than elsewhere, because quaint names are so abundant as far as their comical or reproachful significance is concerned. Nobody smiles when introduced to Mr. Bloodsausage, Mrs. Grayhoresepenny, or Master Sugartart. Nobody is sorry for the representative of one of the oldest noble families in North Germany, doomed by destiny to bear the ominous nomenclature, “Gatekeeper of Hell.” When the betrothal of First Lieutenant Sourherring to Miss Two-year-old-wild-boar, was published some time ago in the National Zeitung and other leading Berlin journals, that apparently fantastic and patonymic announcement excited no popular wonderment to speak of. Mr. Jackass, however, evidently found his “front name” to be more than he could bear with any degree of comfort, or even resignation and it is creditable to the good taste of the royal officials at Dusseldorf that they should, as it were, have paid tribute to the vigor of the resolve of a patronymic that remorsely ”set him down as an ass,” by bestowing upon him the highly honorable and in appropriate surname of “Courage.”

JULIUS CAESAR Now Julius loved a pretty girl, And when he wished to please her, He grabbed her up in both his arms, And shrieked, “See Julius seize her.” – [Steubenville Herald]

And when her mother hovered near And saw how he did squeeze her; She dried the quickly flowing tears, And yelled, “Oh, Julius, ease her!” – [Syracuse Times]

The old man also bent his pride And begged him to release her – “Oh no,” the ardent youth replied; “She’s such a jewel, you see, sir! - [Buffalo Sunday Times]

“Your racket stop,” the maiden said, “For me ‘tis just the cheese, sir; While I it is that’s being squeezed, Never shall Julius cease, sir.” – Keokuk Gate City]

And then they entertwined again, And I tell you – honored bright sir – So mixed were they, the old man said; “Why look, now – Julius, he’s her!” – Kekomo Tribune]


The best thing out is a bad cigar. Isn’t it?

Washington is a D.C.tful place. - [Exchange] – That’s a Capital joke.

In the midst of life we are in daily receipt of the Congressional Record.

A ten-cent ante is better than no relation at all.

Leadville is called a young town because its inhabitants are mostly miners.

Cleopatra’s Needle is the only needle that people show a disposition to sit down on.

It’s the same with men as with eggs; You can’t tell whether they are good or bad ‘till they’re broke.

Let our Indian policy be: “Nothing for Tribe Utes, but millions for defense.” – [Whitehall Times]

Next to a handkerchief, there is nothing in the world that gets so many blows as a street lamp.

A dollar is always in good quarters, summer or winter, but hang the twenty-cent pieces.

A poet sings, “The heart must beat or die.” It is precisely the same way with a tramp, you have noticed. – [Rockland Courier]

Poet: - “Do you want any of my blank verse?” “No, we don’t want any of your ----verse, “ says the editor.

Mr. Byron was once knocked up at an unconscionable hour in the morning by a friend. “Ah,” he said, “a rose two hours later would have been quite as sweet!”

Liberal Enough – Rev. Stranger, pointing to the Madison Avenue Garden – “What church is that, my lad?” Newsboy – “Go-as-you-please church, sir. Have a paper?” – [Puck]

Domestic economy in these days consists in growling about the price of flour at home, and because your friend won’t take “another one” while you are down street.

A Maine editor was paralyzed while sitting in church last Sunday, and an esteemed contemporary thinks the novelty of the situation was too much for him.

Oranges sell on the streets of Lake City, Florida, at from fifty cents to one dollar per hundred. And alligators, snakes and such fruit can be had for the asking.

The following conversation took place recently in a hotel: “Waiter?” “Yes, sir.” “That’s this?” “It’s bean soup, sir.” ‘No matter what it has been, the question is – what is it now?”

Willum – “Not quite so active as you wus twenty years ago, Tummas.: Tummas – “No, I haint, Willum; I find I carnt run a score lately, but if onybody asks me to ‘ave a drink, I jumps at the hoffer.” – [Fun]

Can you hold a pretty girl on your lap and not kiss her? Then you are something more than human – [Hartford Sunday Journal] Send on your pretty girls, if you want to behold super-human efforts – [New York News]

John Morrissey’s widow says she taught him all he ever knew, and when we remember how many tricks he had with that ugly left hand, one can’t help but admire the woman he left behind him. – [Detroit Free Press]

Wife (to her husband, who is eating a juicy roast with great relish – “For Heaven’s sake, we have forgotten that this is a fast day.” Husband (sulkily) – “You might have waited at least till I was through.”

Elder sister (to little one who appears to take great interest in Mr. Skibbons) – “Come, little pet, it is time your eyes were shut in sleep.” Little pet – “I think no. Mother told me to keep my eyes open when you and Mr. Skibbons were together."

When you see a young man in gorgeous apparel walking about the street with his arms hanging in curves from his body like the wings of an overheated turkey on a summer’s day, it isn’t because he is in pain. It is because he has been “abroad,” and that’s the only thing he learned.

Prima Donna Marmion has a new experience in meeting the American interviewer. “But hwy,” she queries in the silveriest of French, “do they ask one such funny questions? Now, in France, Russia, Germany, and England I met many journalists, and if they asked me questions it was only about music; but here (clasping her hands tragically), almost the first question a reporter asked me was ‘Have you many love affairs?’ Mon Dieu! I felt my face get red. I said, ‘Monsieur, I have no time for amusements.” Then he said ‘Have you many fine dresses?” Was not that funny? “ And yet we venture to predict, before winter is over, Marmion will have as big a diamond theft as any of them.


THE VERNON CLIPPER ALEXANDER COBB, Editor and Proprietor ALEX. A .WALL, Publisher $1.50 per annum Friday, March 26, 1880

A CALL FOR A MEETING OF THE DEMOCRATIC EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF LAMAR COUNTY We the undersigned members of the Democratic Executive Committee of Lamar County, having met at Vernon in accordance with a call made by said committee, to meet at said place on the 17th day of March, 1880, and not having a quorum to transact the necessary business of the committee, hereby postpone the meeting until Saturday the 3rd day of April next. It is urgently requested that all members will attend at that time as important business is to be transacted. The members are respectfully reminded that steps are to be taken for the purpose of sending delegates to the State and Congressional Convention and that in order that our county may have representation at these Conventions it is absolutely necessary that some preliminary steps should be taken to select delegates for these purposes. - JAS. P. YOUNG - ALBERT WILSON. - Vernon, March 17th, 1880

A little Georgia town just across the Alabama line, boasts a citizen who is post master, mayor, justice of the peace, Sunday School Superintendent, newspaper corespondent, Worshipful Master in the Masonic Lodge, elder in the church, leader of the choir, cotton speculator, extensive farmer, deals largely in thoroughbred chickens, imports fine grades of wheat, runs a reaper and thresher and is a professional mule trader. He is also an applicant of the position of census enumerator.

TAKE BREATH Atop a minute. Don’t hurry so. Move slower; it may be you will move surer. Grind, grind, grind; one ever lasting grind, from five in the morning till ten at night, chasing the bubble of human riches. What is the need pray tell? You are ready have enough and even more than you can use. You are heaping wealth for others to waste, or perhaps quarrel over when you are dead. And half your heirs, instead of recollecting you gratefully, will contemplate your departure from this hurrying scene with infinite delight. Do rest awhile. You are wearing out the vital forces faster than there is need, and in this way subtracting years from the sum total of you r life. This rush and worry day after, this restless anxiety after something you have not got, are like pebble stones in machinery – they grate and grind the life out. You have useless burdens; throw them off. You have a great load of needless care; dump it. Take time for thought of better things. Go out into the air and let God’s sun shine on your busy head. Stop thinking of business and profit. Stop grumbling at adverse providence. You will probably never see much better times in this doomed world. Your most opportune season is now; your happiest day is today. Calmly do your duty and let God take care of His own world. He is still alive and is king. Do not imagine that things will go to everlasting smash when you disappear from this mortal stage. Do not imagine that the curse of Heaven, in the shape of the vain task of righting up a disjointed earth, is imposed upon you. Cease to fret and fume; cease to jump and worry, early and late. The good time is coming, but you can never bring it; God can and will. Take breath sir. Sit down and rest, and draw a long breath. Then go calmly at the tasks of life, and do your work well. – [D. T. Taylor]

REV. A. M. JONES, of Birmingham, has invented and patented a wagon jack, by means of which any boy can elevate and grease the wheels of the heaviest wagon. It is represented correctly and he will advertise it sufficiently, his fortune is made and half a million farmer’s boys at least will drop a tear to his memory when he dies.

AN ESSAY ON INTEMPERANCE – By Miss ANNA WOODWARD By request we publish below an Essay written by Miss ANNA WOODWARD, who will be remembered at one time taught school in this place, and by her amiable disposition and piety won the hearts of all with whom she was associated. We trust it will be both interesting and beneficial to the readers of the Clipper. Brothers and Sister: In obedience to your earnest solicitations I have endeavored to pen a few brief thoughts for the good of our most noble Order, but it is with no small degree of embarrassment that I present them before you tonight. I have felt myself inadequate to the task assigned me, and I assure you that nothing but a desire to gratify you, and to do all in my power to promote the interest of our grand and holy cause, could have induced me to make the attempt. Hoping you will throw the mantle of brotherly charity around my feeble effort, if I should fail to interest you. In revolving the matter in my mind I have concluded that I could select no more fitting subject on which to base a few remarks for the present occasion, that that of ”Woman’s Influence.” I will begin by asserting, what I myself believe to be true, that woman’s influence begin with her existence, and was ordained by God. The make of the heavens and earth did not think the stupendous work of creation complete until he had made woman. The great Jehovah pitied the lonely man, the lord of creation as he wandered alone amid the deep solicitude of his beautiful Eden, and made woman to be, to him, a companion and helpmeet. Could we but look back down the dim aisles of the shadowy past, to that first holy Sabbath morn when the virgin earth, baptized with the crystal dews of primeval skies, shone resplendent with the rising beams of the new created sun, we might then behold him no longer a lonely wanderer, but rejoicing in gladness over the presence of the lovely woman whom God had sent. It has been generally alleged that woman was the cause of all evil that has befallen the race of mankind, but this broad assertion may not be positively true. We are willing to admit that in an unguarded hour of her confiding guileless nature, she was the first to fall a victim to the seductive wiles of the tempter; but if we may be allowed to judge from consequences to the moral nature of both. We might conclude that man is no less culpable than woman in the great transgression. Man has fallen lower in the scale of moral degradation than woman. Deprived of the refining influence of woman’s society, he sinks to a level but a little above the animal creation. While woman, true to the mission for which heaven designed her, still retains enough of her original purity to make her man’s guardian angel and best counselor. First in deeds of love and mercy, her gentle influence has its impress upon every department in life, but nowhere does it shine with brighter lustere, than within the sacred precincts of the home circle. The lowly hut and the marble hall have alike been brightened by its presence. It is there she stimulates man to every laudable purpose and heroic deed. Should disappointments and misfortunes crowd thick around him till his manly heart be ready to sink in despair, her words of cheerful encouragement and tender sympathy can infuse new hope and life in his fainting spirit, and cause him, for her sake, to go forth again, “in the worlds broad field of battle a hero in the strife.” While woman’s intuitions of right are generally true to the line, she bows with child-like reverence before the lordly genius and superior physical strength of man, and her weaker nature appeals to him for affections, defense and support, but, like the clinging vine she beautifies the object on which she leans, till man feels it to be not only duty, but a blessed privilege to shield her from the chill winds that might too rudely blow upon her. But surely it is the sublime prerogative of woman to guard man from evil, and to strive to elevate him to a standard of moral excellence equal to and even superior to her own. Of all the evils with which man has been beset, there has been none so terrible in its effects or so wide-spread in its influence as that of intemperance. Like a dread simoom it has swept over every land and clime, and man with his boasted strength and mighty intellect, has been as powerless to resist its onward progress, as the wandering Arab is to contend with the poisonous blast that buries him and his patient camel beneath the scorching sands of the arid desert. Man has so often sought in vain to free himself from the shackles of this mortal tyrant, that he gives up the struggle, and sinks by the way-side in deep despair. ‘Tis woman’s hand must lift him up, bind up his wounds, and with words of hope and kindly cheer beckon him to follow her on to conquest and to victory. She is the beacon star to guide him out of this worse than Egyptian labyrinth of darkness and danger, and she must not prove reereant (sic) to her trust. Yes, the time has come when woman feels that man’s redemption from this great social curse rests with her and God. Woman’s hand must unfurl the banner of temperance over every land and sea, and ring out the clarion notes of “total abstinence” till rocks and hills echo back the sound and it reverberates from shore to shore –t ill every helpless, degraded outcast from intemperance shall be animated with new hope in himself, and be brought to enlist under the wide spread banner to battle valiantly for his own emancipation from the fiendish power that is dragging him down to a wretched drunkard’s grave, and his immortal soul to regions of eternal night. Sisters of Temperance are you fully sensible of the power of your influence, and are you wielding its potent spell in raising the fallen and reclaiming the helpless victim of intemperance from a degradation worse than death? Sisters, be not satisfied with having your names enrolled upon the records as a member of the I.O.G.T., but by words of earnest purpose and a bright and shining example, show to the world around, you are wholly committed to a cause that has nothing less for its object than man’s full reption (sic) from the mighty power that is destroying him, and driving morality, happiness and prosperity from the abode of the poor and the stately mansions of the rich alike. I would that every woman could rightly appreciate the holy influence with which heaven has so richly endowed her. Then might we hope to see the earth rid of this great curse, and her fallen sons brought back to a portion of their primitive purity and moral excellence, and every poor, prodigal, who is now feeding upon the husks and wallowing with the swine brought back to his father’s house in peace, clothed with a robe of temperance, and the ring of joy upon his hand. There shall comfort, peace and plenty abound, where poverty, discord and strife long have reigned. Oh! Woman, let no flagging interest on your part cause any poor outcast inebriate to sink to lower depths of infamy and despotism. Let not man in this hour of his direst need look to you in vain. Give him your counsel, your sympathy, and your prayers. Go forth into the highways and hedges and compel him to come in, and rest not until every poor Bacchanalian son of Adam has been reclaimed, and set upon the high pinnacle of moral grandeur on which your woman’s heart would place him. Then shall the rising generation stand up and call you blessed. Yes, woman’s words, and prayers, and tears may make for man, on earth an Eden yet, and love and joy and peace an d gladness may crown the lowliest and loftiest home. Submitted in F. H. & C.

OBITUARY DIED – Near Beaverton, Ala., on the 15th inst., T. V. BRADLEY, son of R. E. and M. J. BRADLEY. How true it is, that “In the midst of life we are but in death.” Ere he had seen the flowers of twenty summers, while yet in the bloom of youth and just budding into manhood, Death laid his ruthless hand upon him and tore him from our embrace. A kind and dutiful son, an affectionate brother, a genial and social companion, he will be greatly missed by us all. But our loss is his eternal gain; and we sorrow not as those who have no hope, but rejoice in the hope of a glorious reunion beyond the grave. When told that he was nearing the Jordan of Death, he called his friends and relatives around him and requested them to sing and pray, he then exhorted them “to live right that they might all meet in Heaven.” A short time before he breathed his last, while trying to satiate his thirst, we said to him, perhaps you had better not drink too much, and he replied, “It will not be long until I can quench my thirst: then with a pleasant smile on his countenance he quietly and peacefully passed away like one going to rest. Thus, while earth has lost one of its jewels Heaven has gained another happied Spirit. - R. E. B. – Beaverton, March 18th, 1880

THE STATE OF ALABAMA, LAMR COUNTY, CIRCUIT COURT, SPRING TERM 1880 To HON. WM. S. MUDD, judge of the 3rd Judicial Circuit: 1. The Grand Jury would respectfully report: They have made diligent enquiry (sic) in regard to all indictable offences which came to their knowledge as fully as circumstances would permit. The inclement weather and high waters have prevented the attendance of witnesses and the Grand Jury feel satisfied that several violations of the Criminal Law (for the above reasons) have not been investigated, though they have examined 70 witnesses. 2. They have made a personal inspection of the county jail and consider it entirely safe for the keeping of all the prisoners likely to be confined therein, and it sufficiently ventilated and arranged to preserve the health of the prisoners, and the recommendations are good, and it has been well kept since the last term of this court. 3. They have examined the fee books of the county officers and find no illegal fees charged, and they believe the books are carefully and correctly kept, and they find the public records made up to the time required by law. 4. They have examined the official bonds of the county officers and find them correct in form, properly filed and recorded, and they are sufficient in amount and reasonably well secured. 5. They have examined into the condition of the county Treasury and the Treasurer has mad e a report to them, which upon an examination of the books they believe to be correct which is as follows to wit: Cash received on taxes $4011.42 Credited by amount paid out $1976.69

Amount on hand $2031.73 Indebtedness of county $1283.75 The present and next court expenses to be taken from funds on hand will leave a balance of cash for paupers and other indebtedness of about $800.00, and they make it part of this report. All of which is respectfully submitted. M. W. LOYD, Foreman

BURRIS & BRO. No. 49 Main Street Columbus, Miss. We have now in store a full stock of general merchandise which we offer for sale very low, for the cash. Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to us, we hope by selling our goods much lower than in the past to be able to add largely to our already numerous list of patrons. Call and see our mammoth stock.

SHELL & BURDINE, Wholesale and retail druggist’s, Aberdeen, Mississippi. Are daily receiving at their Drug Store a very large stock of fresh goods of all kinds usually kept in a first class drug house, and will sell at bottom prices, for cash. All we ask is to give us a trial and we guarantee you will not go away dissatisfied for we are determined to sell goods so low that it will astonish you.

JOHN D. MORGAN. Wholesale and retail dealer in dry goods, staple and fancy groceries, hardware, wooden ware, willow ware, crockery ware, and tin ware. Boots and shoes, hats and caps. Plantation supplies, etc. would announce to his friends and patrons of Lamar and Fayette Counties, that he has in store, and is daily receiving one of the largest and best selected stocks of goods in the city, and invites everybody to call before buying elsewhere and examine his immense stock. It is no trouble to show goods, and when you look, you will be sure to buy for he keeps none but first class goods, and will not be under sold by any home in the city. Columbus, Miss. July 11th, 1879. J. S. ROBERTSON is with the above house, and would be pleased to serve his many friends at anytime.

DR. J. D. RUSH, with ERVIN AND BILLUPS, successors to M. W. HATCH; dealers in drugs, medicines, whiskey, tobacco, cigars, &c. Corner Main and Market Street. Columbus, Mississippi.

NATHAN BROTHERS dealers in whiskies, brandies, wines, cigars, tobaccos and pipes. Our Motto: Quick Sales and Small Profits. Columbus, Mississippi.

(engraving of possibly Santa Claus with huge ELGIN watch) BUDER BROTHERS, watch makers, and manufacturing jewelers, and dealers in diamonds, fine watches, jewelry and silverware. Repairing done neatly and warranted. Under Gilmer Hotel, No. 43 Main ST, Columbus, Miss.


FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 1880

FOR RENT OR SALE Good farm of two hundred and ten acres, about seventy acres clear, good dwellings, stables, well and spring. Good fences with little improving in two miles of Vernon. A bargain will be given. For terms apply to the editor of this paper.

We are requested by our efficient town Marshal, Mr. ALLEN JORDON, to ask all those owning real estate in Vernon to call upon him and give numbers of lots, acres of land etc. If they do not the property will be assessed as unknown.

For the celebrated Jamaca Cotton seed, call on COL. K. T. BROWN, at DR. W. A. BROWN’S office. Price in pint packages 50 cents.

The District Conference for the Tuskaloosa District of North Alabama will convene at Carrollton on the morning of April 2nd. The opening sermon will be preached by the REV. D. S. MCDONALD on Thursday night. BISHOP MCTYERE is expected to preside.

Gardening is the programme among the citizens in Vernon these fine days.

Our merchants are receiving a terse lot of spring and summer goods.

DR. G. C. LAWRENCE, who has been attending the Medical College at Mobile, return to Vernon one day last week. We suppose the Dr. will locate among us.

REV. J. J. CROW will preach in the Court House on next Sabbath morning, service commences at 11 o’clock.

The marrying time is, we presume, about expired.

Mr. PHILIP RUSH is we are glad to announce convalescing.

The farmers are availing themselves of the favorable weather of this week and pushing the farm work vigorously ahead, and soon if the good weather continues, they will be fully up notwithstanding the recent heavy rains threw them so far behind.

Mr. T. C. CLEMENTS has located in Vernon for the purpose of selling the improved Singer Sewing Machine. All persons desiring to purchase would do well to examine the machine.

And now comes the gentle Spring with its budding flowers and invigorating breezes, which makes the idle fancy of youth congeal into love.

SHERIFF’S SALE By virtue of an execution issued by JAMES MIDDLETON, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Lamar County, Alabama, on 23rd day of March, 1880. I will offer for sale at the Court House door of said county for cash on Monday the 3rd day of May next the following described real estate to wit: S ½ of SW ¼ NW ¼ of SW ¼ Sec. 10, NW ¼ of SE ¼ N ½ of SW ¼ and SE QR of SE QR, and NW QR and W ¼ of NW QR of NE QR and SW QR of NE QR Sec 15 and fraction part of NE QR of NE QR Sec 16 all in T17 R 14 West. Levied on as the property of C. K. COOK, and will be sold to satisfy said execution in my hands in favor of W. H. KENNEDY. This 2nd of March 1880. - D. J. LACY, Sh’ff

SHERIFF’S SALE Bu virtue of an execution issued by JAMES MIDDLETON Clerk of the Circuit of Lamar County, Alabama on the 24tjh day of March, 1880. I will offer for sale for cash at the Court House door of said estate to wit: 1 old steam boiler and the following lands SW QR of NW QR W half of SW QR SE QR of SW QR Sec 17, NE QR and E half of SE QR SW QR of SE QR and SE QR of SW QR Sec 18 E half of NE QR NW QR of NE QR N half of NW QR Sec 19, W half of NW QR NW QR of SW QR Sec 20 T 13 R15 and NW QR of NE QR and E half of NE QR Sec 23 SW QR of SE QR and NW QR Sec 24 T15 R16. Levied on as the property of CRODWER & NEWMAN and will be sold to satisfy said execution in my hands in favor of GEORGE C. BURNS. This 24th day of March, 1880. - D. J. LACY, Sh’ff

Chickering Pianos. other pianos wear out but they go on forever. Victors in all great contests and for 53 years past the acknowledged Standard of the World. Musical perfection, wonderful durability and reasonable cost. True economy indicates purchase of a genuine Chickering and no other. Last Chance to Buy Cheap. Chickering & Sons largely advanced their prices Feb. 1. Our old contracts expire April 1, and we will fill all orders received before that date art old rates. Our prices now are positively the lowest in America. Order now and save from $25 to $30 on the purchase. Present rates guaranteed only to April 1. Ludden & Bates, Savannah, Ga. Wholesale Agents for Ga., Fla., S. C., N. C., & Ala.


We are authorized to announce D. V. LAWRENCE a candidate for re-election to the office of County Treasurer, at the August election in 1880.

Under the following considerations I declare myself a candidate for Sheriff, &c. of Lamar County at the ensuing election. 1st. I was born and raised a freeman in this county. 2nd. By standing in defense of my country I was mangled by the enemies missiles. 3rd. I was incarcerated in prison under false charges preferred against and finally ruined. 4th. I am willing to submit my claims to a Convention of the Democratic Party. Respectfully. J. A. DARR

We are authorized to announce B. H. WILKERSON a candidate for the office of Sheriff and Tax Collector of Lamar County at the ensuing August election, subject to the action of the Democratic Party.

I respectfully announce that I am a candidate for the Legislature. Election 1st Monday in August 1880. – JOHN B. BANKHEAD

I respectfully announce myself a candidate for the office of Probate Judge at the ensuing August election, 1880. Subject to the action of the Democratic party. – J. M. I. GUYTON

I announce myself a candidate for reelection to the office of Probate Judge of Lamar County. Subject to the will of the people. Election 1st Monday in August next. – ALEXANDER COBB

NON-RESIDENT NOTICE ELISHA B. ALSOP, Sr. vs Columbus Insurance and Banking Company In Chancery 9th District, Western Division of the State of Alabama In this cause it is made to appear to the Register by the affidavit of JOHN D. MCCLUSKY, as agent for complainant, that the defendant, the Columbus Insurance & Banking Company is a foreign corporation under the laws of the State of Mississippi under the name and style of Columbus Insurance & Banking Company, in the city of Columbus in said state, and that JOHN M. BILLUPS is the President or head thereof, and that Columbus, Lowndes County, Mississippi, is his Post Office. It is therefore ordered by the Register, that publication be made in the Vernon Clipper, a newspaper published in the town of Vernon for four consecutive weeks, requiring said defendant to answer, plead or demure to the bill of complaint in this cause by the 29th day of March next, or in thirty days thereafter, or a decree pro confessor may be taken against said defendant. It is further ordered that a copy of said published notice be forwarded by mail to said JOHN M. BILLUPS at his said post office before said 29th day of March next. J. D. MCCLUSKY Done at office this 18th day of February, 1880. JAS. M. MORTON, Register.

NON RESIDENT NOTICE MARTHA ALSOP vs ELISHA B. ALSOP, et al In Chancery 9th District, Western Division of the State of Alabama In this cause it is made to appear to the Register by the affidavit of JOHN D. MCCLUSKY, as agent for complainant, that the defendant, the Columbus Insurance & Banking Company is a foreign corporation under the laws of the State of Mississippi under the name and style of Columbus Insurance & Banking Company, in the city of Columbus in said state, and that JOHN M. BILLUPS is the President or head thereof, and that Columbus, Lowndes County, Mississippi, is his Post Office. It is therefore ordered by the Register, that publication be made in the Vernon Clipper, a newspaper published in the town of Vernon for four consecutive weeks, requiring said defendant to answer, plead or demure to the bill of complaint in this cause by the 29th day of March next, or in thirty days thereafter, or a decree pro confessor may be taken against said defendant. It is further ordered that a copy of said published notice be forwarded by mail to said JOHN M. BILLUPS at his said post office before said 29th day of March next.

NOTICE TO DELINQUENT TAX PAYERS State of Alabama, Lamar County The following is a list of the defaulters of due tax payers and land numbers of said county for the year 1879, as returned by the tax collect on the first day of March, 1880, to wit: A. E. LOVE – S ½ OF SW ¼ Sec 15 and N ½ of NW ¼ Sec 27 T 17 R 15. Taxes due $2.80. ALEXANDER NELSON - NW ¼ OF NW ¼ Sec 1, T 12, R 16. Taxes due $3.60. GEORGE WAX – NW ¼ Sec. 15 T 12 R 15. Taxes due 35. MRS. M. HARDY - N ½ of NE ¼ and S ½ of S ½ of SE ¼ Sec. 7 T 16 R 14. Taxes due $1.05. MATHIS TAYLOR, NW ¼ of SW ¼ W ½ of NW ¼ and SE ¾ of NW ½ Sec 5 T 14 R 14. Taxes due $1.05. W. M. ALLMAN, W ½ of SW ¼ and SW ¼ of NE ¼ Sec 1 NE ¼ and S ½ of SW ¼ and S ½ of SE ¼ SEC 2 T 13 R 15 W ½ of NE ¼ SEC 6 and W ½ of NE ¼ and E ½ of NW ¼ SEC 7 T 13 R 14 and SE ½ SEC 25 T 12 R 15. Taxes due $11.20. UNKNOWN, E ½ of SW ¼, SEC 9 T 14, R 15 Taxes due $1.62. UNKNOWN, SE ¼ of NE ¼ SEC 8 SE ¼ of NW ¼ SEC 9 T 13 R 15. Taxes due $1.62. W. J. JOHNSON, W ¼ of SE ¼ E ½ of SW ¼ SEC 12 T 17 R 16. Taxes due 56. UNKNOWN, E ½ OF SE ¼ SEC 9 T 14 R 15 Taxes due $1.62. UNKNOWN, W ½ OF SE ¼ SEC 9 T 14 R 15 Taxes due $1.62. UNKNOWN, E ½ OF NE ¼ SEC 12 T 17 R 4. Taxes due $1.62 S. HALEY, NE of NW fraction and NW ¼ OF NE ¼, SEC 25 T 17 R 17. Taxes due $1.40. W. H. TERRY, 8 acres in South part of SE ¼ OF NE ¼ SEC 31 and SW ¼ of NW ¼ and 24 acres in South part of NW ¼ of NW ¾ SEC 32 T 13 R 14. Taxes due $2.69. HARDY BANKHEAD, NE ¼ OF NW ¼ SEC 34 T 13 R 15. Taxes due $1.40. G. B. HARRIS, Fractional C 55 acres NE ¼ of SW ¼ and NW ¼ of SE ¼ SEC 19 T 16 R 16. Taxed due $2.80. This is therefor to notify all persons interested in the above land to be and appear at a Probate Court to be held at the Court House of said county on Monday the 5th day of April next, to show cause if any they have or can why said land should not be condemned and ordered sold for the taxes penalties and cost remaining due and unpaid. Given under my hand 3rd day of March 1880. ALEXANDER COBB, Judge of Probate

Moscow: The old reliable stand now conducted by the well established firm of S. W. HOGAN & CO, who has in store a large and well selected stock of dry goods, groceries, hardware, drugs, snuff, tobacco and cigars. Plantation supplies, farming utensils and everything else generally kept in a country store: Cheap for Cash or Credit – Respectfully, S. W. Hogan & Co., Lamar County, Alabama.

FINAL SETTLEMENT State of Alabama, Lamar County Probate Court, Special Term, February 24, 1880 In the matter of the estate of AMOS COOPER, deceased, this day came GEORGE S. EARNEST administrator of said estate and fixed his account and vouchers in final settlement. Whereupon it is ordered by the Court that the 30th day of March next be and is a day set for the examining and passing upon said account, when and where all persons interested can contest the same if they think proper. ALEXANDER COBB, Judge of Probate

Hotel. The undersigned is prepared to accommodate boarders, either by day or the month at very reasonable rates. Strict attention given to transient customers. L. M. WIMBERLEY, Proprietor, Vernon, Ala.

Pictures made in cloudy and rainy as well as clear weather at ECHARD’S Photograph Headquarters at his gallery, Columbus, Miss. 8 Card Ferrotypes, for $1.00. 1 doz. Card Photographs for $2.50. Special attention given to Family Groups and copying Old pictures to any size.

Family Groceries. The undersigned has opened a family grocery store in the old Goodwin house on Main Street. Where he will be able to furnish the county and town with everything usually kept in a first class house: Such as bacon, lard, flour, sugar, coffee, molasses, tobacco, cigars, powder, lead, shot and a great variety of canned goods: Such as pine apples, peaches, tomatoes, pickles, &c., &c. Cheese and crackers in abundance, all of which I am determined to sell lower than they can be bought elsewhere. Give me a call. No trouble to show goods. Terms cash. G. C. LAWRENCE

Cuban Chill Tonic is the great Chill King. It cures Chills and Fever of every type, from the shaking Agues of the North to the burning Fevers of the Torrid Zone. It is the great standard. It cures Billiousness and liver Complaint and roots out diseases. Try it – if you suffer it will cure you and give you health. Sold by your druggists. W. L. MORTON & BRO.

MALE AND FEMALE SCHOOL – Detroit, Lamar County, Ala., will commence, Jan. 19th 1880 and continue eight months. Tuition per month of 20 days, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00. Board can be obtained with private families at $7 per month. For particulars, address J. F. WHITE, Principal.

Remember when you visit Aberdeen, to go to the house of Louis Roy and examine his stock. That popular house has a great name for integrity and honesty, and never uses humbug. Every article of dry goods shoes and boots, clothing, hats, and fancy goods is fresh, and warranted to give satisfaction.

PARENTS READ THIS. Nine-tenths of the sickness of childhood is caused by worms. Thousands of children die yearly from worms in the stomach that could have been saved by the timely use of Parker’s Santonine Worm Lozenges. They save thousands of children. They drive out the worms without pain. They cleanse the stomach, and make the little ones bloom and blossom as the rose. The are the finest and best medicine ever made. Thousands of parents all over the land use nothing but Parker’s Lozenges. Buy nothing but Parker’s. Give no other Worm Medicine to children but Parker’s Lozenges. They are the cheapest, best, and safest. Sold by your druggists, W. L. Morton & Bro.

$5 to $20 per day at home. Sample worth $5 free. Address Stinson & Co., Portland, Maine.

J. L. RANSOM, of North Alabama with Settle & Kainnaird, manufacturers of and wholesale dealers in boots and shoes, Nashville, Tenn. Orders solicited and carefully filled.

GEO. W. RUSH with N. GROSS & CO., Columbus, Miss. Wholesale and retail dealers in fancy dress, and staple dry goods & ready made clothing, boots, shoes, hats, notions, etc. Will be glad to see his old friends and all new ones who may be pleased to call upon him. No trouble to show goods, on the contrary, it will be a pleasure, whether you buy or not. Satisfaction guaranteed, as to articles bought and prices.

BILL HAMILTON with ROY & BRO., wholesale and retail dealer in dry goods, notions, clothing, boots, shoes, hats, &c. Aberdeen, Miss. Highest price paid for cotton.

ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF U. S. MAILS The Columbus Mail by way of Caledonia arrives Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturdays at 11 o’clock a.m. Leave same days at 1 p.m. FAYETTE MAIL Arrived on Wednesday and Saturday at 12 p.m. and leaves same days at 1 p.m. MOUNT CALM MAIL Leaves Wednesday at 7 a.m. arrives Thursday at 2 p.m. PIKEVILLE MAIL Arrives Fridays at 6 p.m., leaves Saturdays at 6 a.m. SCHEDULE OF MOBILE & OHIO R. R. Train leaves 6:30 am Train arrives 9:30 am Train leaves 3:20 pm Train arrives 6:30 pm Train goes through to Starkville on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays. Leaves Aberdeen going South at 4 o’clock p.m., returns at 8 p.m. Leaves Aberdeen going North at 7 o’clock a.m., return at 11 o’clock a.m.

MCQUISTON & HEISEN, Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants 96 & 98 Commerce St., Aberdeen, Miss. Farmers will make money by letting MCQUISSTON & HEISEN sell their cotton when they come to the city.

R. A. HONEA & SON, Wholesale and retail dealers in staple and fancy groceries, Aberdeen, Miss. We would respectfully inform our friends, and the public generally, that we are at our old Stand next door to J. W. ECKFORD & Bro. (Old Presbyterian Block) and have in store and will keep constantly on hand a large and well selected stock of staple and fancy groceries. Bagging and ties, corn, oats, wheat bran, &c., which we will sell at rock bottom figures for cash. R. F. RAY, of Detroit, Ala. is salesman.

MEDICAL M. W. MORTON. W. L. MORTON. DR. W. L. MORTON & BRO., Physicians & Surgeons. Vernon, Lamar Co, Ala. Tender their professional services to the citizens of Lamar and adjacent country. Thankful for patronage heretofore extended, we hope to merit a respectable share in the future. Drug Store.

DR. G. C. BURNS, Vernon, Ala. Offers his professional services to the citizens of Vernon and vicinity.

Masonic: Vernon, Lodge No. 389, meets on the 1st Saturday of each month, at 7 p.m.

PROFESSIONAL CARDS. FRANCIS JUSTICE, Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Chancery, Pikeville, Marion Co., Alabama Will practice in all the Courts of the 3rd Judicial District.

SAMUEL J. SHIELDS, Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Chancery, Vernon, Ala., Will practice in the counties of Lamar, Fayette, Marion, and the Courts of the 3rd Judicial District.

JNO. D. MCCLUSKY, Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Chancery, Vernon, Ala. Will practice in the counties of Lamar, Fayette, Marion, and the Courts of the 3rd Judicial Circuit. Special attention given to the collection of claims, and matters of administration.

EARNEST & EARNEST. W. S. EARNEST GEO. S. EARNEST. Attorneys at Law and Solicitors in Chancery, Birmingham & Vernon, Ala. Will practice in the Counties of this Judicial Circuit.

NESMITH & SANFORD. T. B. NESMITH, Vernon, Ala. JOHN B. SANFORD, Fayette C. H. Attorneys at Law. Partners in the Civil practice in the counties of Fayette and Lamar. Will practice separately in the adjoining counties. THOS. B. NESMITH. Solicitor for the 3rd Judicial Circuit. Vernon, Lamar Co., Ala.

ALEXANDER COBB & SON, Dealers in ready made clothing, dress goods, jeans, domestics, calicoes, silks, satins, millinery, embroidery, notice, &c. Hats, caps, boots, shoes, saddles, bridles, leather, &c. Tin, wooden, Hard and glass wares, crockery, &c. Salt, flour, meal, bacon, lard, soda, coffee, molasses, &c.

LAMAR DIRECTORY County Court – Meets on the 1st Monday in each month. Probate Court - Meets on 2nd Monday in each month. Commissioner’s Court – Meets on the 2nd Monday in February, April, July, and November.


COUNTY OFFICERS ALEXANDER COBB – Judge of Probate D. J. LACY, Sheriff and Tax Collector W. G. MIDDLETON, Circuit Clerk JAMES M. MORTON, Register in Chancery D. V. LAWRENCE, Treasurer J. E. PENNINGTON, Tax Assessor W. T. MARLER, Coroner


TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION One copy one year $1.50 One copy six months $1.00 Rates of Advertising One inch, one insertion $1.00 One inch, each subsequent insertion .50 One inch, twelve months 10.00 One inch, six months 7.00 One inch, three months 5.00 Two inches, twelve months 15.00 Two inches, six months 10.00 Two inches, three months 7.00 Quarter Column 12 months 35.00 Half Column 12 months 60.00 One Column, 12 months 100.00 One Column, 3 months 35.00 One Column, 6 months 60.00 Professional Cards $10.00 Special advertisements in local columns will be charged double rates. Advertisements collectable after first insertion. Local notices 10 cents per line. Obituaries, tributes of respect, etc. making over ten lines, charged advertising rates.

$72 a week, $12 a day at home easily made. Costly outfit free. Address True & Co., Augusta, Maine.

Bring your job printing to the CLIPPER. We print all kinds of blanks, deeds, mortgages, law briefs, cards, tags, circulars, bill heads, letter heads, note heads, statements, poster work. We propose to do all kinds of job printing as neat and as cheap as any city, either North or South, and our work is equal to any. When you want any kind of job printing done, please don’t fail to examine our specimens before going elsewhere. Blank Waive Notes for sale at this Office.

The Light Running New Home (picture of sewing machine). A model of simplicity, Strength and Beauty, Never gets out of order. A pattern of perfection. Makes no noise. Does not fatigue the operator. Latest. Improved. Best. Agents wanted. Johnson, Clarke, & o., 30 Union Square, New York City. Orange, Mass.



Over seven hundred acres of pop corn were raised in the vicinity of Loda, Iroquois County, Ill.

The London Agricultural Gazette says that Canadian butter is the worst class of butter that is brought to the English market.

Sheep that go into quarters in a declining state will demand extra feed and care during winter, and produce a light clip of wool in the spring.

Give your hogs a rubbing-post in some accessible part of their inclosure; it facilitates their keeping clean, and seems to afford them much satisfaction.

A Mississippi farmer dashes cold water into the ears of choking cattle. This causes the animal to shake its head violently, and the muscular action dislodges the obstruction.

Proper management, feeding and cleaning are necessary on promoting health in horses. He who administers medicine to his horses when in good health, does injury instead of good; too much medicine is given to our domestic animals under the false impression of benefiting their condition.

Thirty years ago the common sheep of Germany are said to have had only 5,000 or 5,500 wool fibres to the square inch of surface; through improvement in breeds, the common grades of sheep now have 27,000 to the square inch, and the pure bred Merinos have from 40,000 to 48,000 wool filaments to the square inch.

A miller says, in the Independent Farmer, that if wheat is ground in a cold day, the bread will soon become hard and dry, and if ground in hot weather the bread will go to the other extreme. He says that October is a good month to grind in, and if properly done and the flour kept in a cool, dry place, it will keep sweet for a year.

A Louisiana journal says: “Our farmers tell us that thousands of blackbirds are swarming in the fields of cotton and destroying the cotton-worm as they go. Very few worms can be found ‘webbed up’ and the planter fells good. The destruction by the birds this year is accounted for by the effects of the game law, which are just being felt.

A correspondent of the Vermont Chronicle, writing to that journal, says” “I saw in your paper that one man had a bean stalk that had twenty-three pods and one hundred and twenty-eight beans. I have a one-horse load that will average more than that, and some that have one hundred and ten pods to a single stalk, and will average six beans to the pod.”

It will seem rather singular to those who are accustomed to litter their horses well, to hear that in Sweden it is very common not to litter them at all. In that country the floors of the stables are planked, and the planks are perforated with holes, so that no wet will lodge on them, these bare boards being the only bedding allowed. To this strange method the Swedes attribute the soundness of their horses’ feet, as it is quite uncommon, says an exchange, to meet with a lame or foundered horse in Sweden which has been so stabled.

Remember that horses and cattle, young and old, kept in stables and not allowed full liberty during the day, should be regularly cleaned. In this the brush must be the principal cleansing instrument. The currycomb is of no value to loosen the scurf and dust. In using, it should be laid flat, and worked lightly in circles rather than forward and back. The scurf once loosened, brush with a quick stroke, cleaning the bristles by passing them lightly over the teen of the currycomb between strokes. To clean an animal quickly, perfectly and without giving it pain is a fine art that should be studied more than it is.

Feeding though for poultry, properly constructed, ought to be generally substituted for the wasteful practice of feeding from the ground. The “reasons why” are obvious. Where there is a scramble for the food that is thrown helter-skelter, the weak are prevented by the strong from getting their share until the latter are satisfied and the food is trampled in the dirt. It is no advantage to fowls to eat sand, dirt, or gravel mixed with their food. The gravel and other indigestible substances necessary to the proper trituration of their food in the gizzard, can be given separately, and should be. A simple trough can be made, defended by slats placed vertically or on a convenient angle, with spaces sufficient of the passage of the head, thus preventing the trampling and soiling of the food, which will not be wasted as in the case where it is thrown carelessly on the ground.

Dr. Collyer, the chemist of the Agricultural Department, is enthusiastic on the possibilities of sorghum cultivation. He says: “If they give me then acres of ground to experiment on next season, I will return twenty tons of raw sorghum sugar, fully equal to the best raw can sugar, fully equal to the best raw cane sugar, or forfeit my reputation.” He estimates, says the Utica Herald, that the cost of production can not exceed three cents per pound. This would give a margin for profit far ahead of corn or wheat raising, and put sugar on the tale at prices below the lowest reached the past year. Illinois produces a corn crop worth $75,000 annually. Dr. Collyer says one-tenth the acreage given to corn devoted to sorghum of the variety best suited to the latitude, would produce an amount of sugar equal to the importation of the United States – about $100,000,000 worth. Dr. Collyer is accounted a man of careful statements. The promise he holds out here of raising $109,000,000 worth of marketable goods where $7,500,000 worth is now raised is very tempting. It will be surprising if sorghum is not given a trial. Dr. Collyer says all the States in the central belt have soil and climate admirably adapted to sorghum raising.

Young ladies who wish to have small mouths are kindly advised to repeat this at frequent intervals during the day – “Fanny Finch fried five floundering frogs for Francis Fowler’s father.”

WHERE THE BEST AMERICANS ARE FOUND – [Boston Advertiser] It is a pity that the well taught and well-bred girl or boy, even in what are the best grades of American life, should be led to believe that American life is incomplete till “the last sweet thing” has been added in Europe. It must be confessed that the impression given, both in Mr. James’ tales and in several of Mr. Howell’s, is that which we head frankly expressed by an English traveler of distinction: “Of course, you know,” he said, “that no one would go to America if he could help it.” The example seems to be contagious. For in a recent number of the Atlantic, for instance, in discussing Matthew Arnold’s fears that England will be “Americanized,” a writer discusses American manners from a point of view as little intelligent as would be a study of the manners of the planet Mars. For his theory is, that while the “hideousness” and vulgarity of this country’s manners are undeniable, redemption is only to be expected but the work of a few “enthusiastic individuals conscious of cultivates tastes and generous desire.” These enthusiasts, as we are elsewhere told, are rather highly civilized individuals, a few in each of our great cities, and their environs. But, all the same, it is true that it is neither in the best circles of the large cities, nor in their worst circles that the social types distantly American are to be found. It is the smaller cities of the interior, in the Northern, Middle, or Southwestern States, that there exists an elegant and simple social order, as entirely unknown in England, Germany or Italy, as the private lives of the dukes and princes of the blood is unknown in America. We might say this of almost any town compact enough for easy society. In towns whose names Mr. Arnold never heard, and never will hear, there will be found almost invariably a group of people of good taste, good manners, good education, and of self respect, peers of any people in the world. Such people read the best books, they interpret the best music, they are interested in themes world-wide, and they meet each other with that mutual courtesy and that self-respect which belongs to men and women who are sure of their footing. If by any accident the snobs of city life think they are patronizing these people to the manner born, it is quite certain that these Russels and Percys are quite as much amused by the cockneyism of the snob, as the snob is amused by what he thinks is the rust city of the Russels and the Percys. It is such people who keep the whole sentiment of the land up to a high standard when war comes, or rebellion, or a crisis in finance. While the few “rather highly civilized individuals” are hopping backwards and forwards over the Atlantic to learn what is the last key-note which a pinchback Emperor has decided on, or what is the last gore which a man-milliner has decreed, these American gentlemen and ladies in the dignity of their own homes, are making America. It is they who maintain the national credit. It is they who steadily improve the standard national education.

A SLAP THAT WAS PAID FOR Rude fun ought to cost the maker something – and it generally does. In this case the offender gets off easier than he had any right to expect, after his inexcusable assault. Says the Cape Ann Advertiser: Not many months ago a party of Boston gentlemen came to this city and went on a fishing party. Some of them got pretty jolly, one in particular, who, seizing one of the codfish which they had caught, walked up the wharf. He soon espied a veteran fisherman, who was sawing wood, and under the impulse of the moment fetched him a whack across the face, with the codfish. In a moment he was sobered. The generous impulse of a noble heart throbbed in his bosom. He felt that he had done a mean, ungentlemanly act, and he meant to atone for it then and there. Taking out a ten-dollar bill, he proffered it to the veteran, saying: “Accept this and let it wipe out any recollections of the cowardly blow I struck you, as I did not mean to do it and am very sorry for it.” The veteran took the bill, his face beaming with mingled astonishment and delight, and making a bow, remarked: “See here, stranger, you can wipe me over the face all day long with a codfish, at ten dollar a lick! I don’t bear you a mite of ill-will, I don’t. I rather like your style. When are you coming again?" And that settled it. It was lucky for the gay joker that his victim was of thick material enough to take money for an insult.

HOTEST SPOT ON EARTH. One of the hottest regions on the earth is along the Persian Gulf, where little or no rain falls. At Bahrrin the arid shore has no fresh water, yet a comparatively numerous population contrive to live there, thanks to the copious springs which break forth from the bottom of the sea. The fresh water is got by diving. The diver, sitting in his boat, winds a great goatskin bag around his left arm, the hand grasping its mouth; then takes in his right hand a heavy stone to which is attached to a strong line, and thus equipped he plunges in and quickly reaches the bottom. Instantly opening the bag over the strong jet of fresh water, he springs up the ascending current, at the same time closing the bag, and is helped aboard. The stone is then hauled up, and the diver, after taking breath, plunges again. The source of the copious submarine springs is thought to be in the green hills of Osman, some five or six hundred miles distant.

The new Austrian Reichsrath is composed as follows: Sixty-eight lawyers, 133 landed proprietors, forty employees in active service of pensioned, eleven employees in private service, thirteen professors, thirty-six merchants and manufacturers, six railroad directors and engineers, six medical men, twenty-one clergymen of various confessions, seven military men, and two members with no particular avocation. From this it will be seen that the class of landed proprietors heads the list, and next to them the legal profession.

THE DISCOVERY OF NOTED MINES – [San Francisco Stock Report] The working of gold and silver ores was commenced on this continent by the Spaniards at the earliest time of their occupation and conquest. In 1545 the mines of Potosi, in Mexico, were discovered, and their yield for that age was so great that a powerful impulse was given to mining industry throughout the New World. In 1548 Zacatecas began to produce its great treasures. Sombretete followed in 1555, and Guanajuato in 1558. An important discovery, one that has added to the wealth of the world, was the discovery by a poor Mexican miner in the year 1557 of the process of amalgamation of ores with quicksilver. In the last years of the sixteenth century Potosi produced $7,500,000 per annum. In 1630, the mines of Cerro Pasco were discovered. In the years 1726 and 1727 the Zizcania and Jacal mines of Zacatecas yielded the then large sum of $4,500,000. The great bonanza of Real del Monte was opened in 1762, yielding $15,000,000 in twenty-two years. These wonderful results from crude and imperfect methods for many years placed Mexico among the foremost of producing countries of the precious metals. Wars and Indian depredations, as well as the interminable revolutions in States of Mexico, have, in a great measure paralyzed industry of all descriptions, and have been especially fatal to the development of mines, and one of the great treasure houses of the globe has been virtually closed for many years. In 1859 the great rush to Pike’s Peak, or that portion of our country since named Colorado, began. The year was also marked as the commencement of systematic work upon the justly celebrated Comstock lode of Nevada, although the discovery took place two years previous, and the lode was worked for gold to a depth of sixty feet. Gold and silver mines were discovered in Idaho in 1861 and the wonderful rich places of Montana in 1862. The Deadwood discoveries occurred in 1877, and those of Leadville, Colorado, a year later, but active operation have sprung up mostly within the past year.

PLANATION PROVERS – [Atlantic Constitution] Dem w’at ears kin say grace. Ole man Know-All died las’ year. Better de gravy dan no meat ‘tall. Tater vines growin’ while you sleep. Hit takes to birds fer ter make a nes’. Ef you bleedged ter eat dirt, eat clean dirt. Tarrypin walk fast ‘nuff fer to go visitin’. Empty spose house makes de pullet holler. W’en coons take water he’s fixin’ fer ter fight. Corn makes mo’ at de mill dan it does in de crib. Good luck say: Op’n yo’ mouf an’ shet yo’ eyes.” Niggger dat gits hurt wukin oughter show de skyars. Fiddlin’ nigger say hit’s long ways ter de dance. Rooster makes mo’ racket dan de him w’at lay de aig. Meller mush-millon hollers at you from over de fence. Nigger wid a pocket ham’kcher’ better be looked arter. Youk’n hide de fire, but w’at you gwine do wide de smoke? Rain crow don’t sing no chune, but youk’n pen’ on ‘im. Termorow may be de carridge driver’s day foer plowin’. Hit’s a mighty deaf nigger dat don’t hear de dinner horn. Hit takes a bee fer ter git de sweetness out’n de hoar-hound bloosom. Ha’nts don’t bodder longer hones’ folks, but you better go ‘roun’ de graveyard.

PREJUDICE AS A BARRIER Oleomargarine, to use a vulgar phrase, sticks in a great many people’s crops. The popular notion of oleomargarine is that the substance is necessarily compounded of dead horses and flavored with carbolic acid. But then the popular notion of any chemical discovery is very apt to be itself a compound of ignorance and stupidity. Oleomargarine need not be one whit more unwholesome or unpalatable than dairy-made butter. The chemical elements are the same in each case, and the only difference to the eye of science is in the methods of preparation. But we need not remind the intelligent reader how suspicious the populace is of every improvement in the preparation of food which involves mystery. Some years ago a beneficent plan was put on foot to supply serrated bread by the use of carbonic acid gas generated from marble dust. The bread thus made was purer, cleaner, and altogether more wholesome than that made in the ordinary way by the use of yeast. But no amount of capital or argument could overcome the popular prejudice against it when it was known that marble dust was used.

HOW YOUNG GAUTIER WROTE – [Literary World] In 1833 “Mademoiselle de Maupin” was begun. It was written in his room at his parents’ home, on the Place Royale. This work, with all its fire, wearied Gautier excessively. The poet, then a lion, and a fashionable personage, much preferred to rhyme gallant sonnets to fair young damsels, and to promenade the boulevards with his transcendent waistcoasts and marvelous pantaloons, rather than shut himself up before a lamp to blacken sheets of paper. And, beside, being a thorough romanticist, he detested prose, and looked upon it as the prime accomplishment of a Phillistine. So when he went into the house, his father would lock him up in his room and lay out his task. “You are not to come out,” he would cry through the keyhole, “until you have finished ten pages of ‘Maupin!” Sometime Theophile was resigned; often he crept out through the window. At other times his mother, always fearful that her son would fatigue himself with so much work, came to release him.

Babies are so dressed that they seem all collar and hat, nowadays. The change from the little close hood, worn by very young children, to the felt hat, with its long feather and velvet ornament, rather startles baby’s father, but baby’s mother doesn’t mind it. She likes it.

The teacher of a class in natural history gave out this question: “Which is the meekest of all domestic animals?” A young miss, who has passed the previous summer at Long branch, promptly answered. “The meekest domestic animal is the mosquito, because if you hit it on one cheek and don’t kill it, it comes back again and gives you a chance to hit it on the other.”

DR. J. A. Black is cured by Wolley’s Antidote, and is willing to endorse it to the Public. Calhoun, Ga., Nov. 25, 1879. Major B. M. Woolley, Atlanta, Ga.: Dear Sir – Although with no desire to appear in print, yet if I can influence any one who may see this to use your Antidote for the opium habit strictly according to your directions and be cured, I will have gained my purpose and done them a lasting benefit. I have no hesitation in saying to any that will use it as you direct them, there is no failure, and as to the condemnation attempted to be placed on it by some, and especially physicians, they know nothing about it, and no man should ever condemn anything without a reason. I know whereof I speak. I have tried it and been cured and without suffering. Accept my thanks for your kindness and courtesy. Your s very truly, J. A. Black, M. D. – PS If you choose to publish, and if you desire, I can endorse the benefits given there. Respectfully, J. A. B.

Young men, go West, learn telegraphy. Address R. Valentine, Manager, Janesville, Wis.

‘VEGETINE,” says a Boston physician, “has no equal as a blood purifier. Hearing of its many wonderful cures, after all other remedies had failed, I visited the laboratory and convinced myself of its genuine merit. It is prepared from barks, roots, and herbs, each of which is highly effective, and they are compounded in such a manner as to produce astonishing results.”

For one cents purchase a postal card and send your address to Dr. Sanford, 164 Broadway, New York, and receive pamphlets by return mail, from which you can learn whether your liver is out of order, and if out of order or is any way diseased, what is the best thing in the world to take for it.

Correct your habits of crooked walking by using Lyon’s Patent Heel Stiffeners.

Wanted. Sherman & Co., Marshall, Mich., want an agent in this county at once at a salary of $100 per month and expenses paid. For full particulars address as above.

Stuttering cured by Bates Pat. appliance. Send for description. C. Simpson & Co. Box 2235 N. Y.

The deaf her through the teeth. Perfectly, all ordinary conversation, lectures, concerts, etc. by New Channels to the nerves of hearing by means of a recent wonderful scientific invention – the Dentaphone. For remarkable public tests on the deaf, also on the deaf and dumb, see the New York Herald, Sept. 28; the New York Christian Advocate, Nov. 20, etc. Every deaf person should send for free illustrated descriptive pamphlet to the American Dentaphone Co., Cincinnati, Ohio.

Beautifiers. Ladies, you cannot make fair skin, rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes with all the cosmetics of France, or beautifiers of the world, while in poor health, and nothing will give you such good health strength, buoyant spirits and beauty as Hop Bitters – Telegraph.

Kidney complaints of all descriptions are relived at once, and speedily cured by Kidney-Wort. It seems intended by nature for the cure of all diseases of the kidneys caused by weakness and debility. Its great tonic powers are especially directed to the removal of this class of diseases. – Press.

$5 to $20 per day at home. Samples worth $5 free Address Stinson & Co., Portland, Me.

Opium, morphine habit cured in 10 to 20 days. No pay till Cure. Dr. J. Stephens, Lebanon, Ohio

Inks. Make your own inks. Why not? Beautiful inks for little money. Full directions for making my fine French inks, 10 colors, sent for 25 cents. Stamp taken. D. Faucher, Box 494, West Winstead, Conn.

Gems of Poetry. A book of Choice Selections for Albums. Valentines, etc. 64 pgs, with cover, 15 cents. Catalogue for free. J. L. Patten & Co., 47 Barclay St., N. Y.

Virginia Farms – Catalogue sent free. Now is the time to buy. Map of Virginia 35 cents. Chaffins, Staples, & Co., Richmond, Va.

International Marriage Agent. Honest, Honorable and confidential. Persons desiring to receive husbands and wives will enclose three cent stamp for explanatory circular to William Wilson & Co., PO Box 94, Washington, D. C.

Fun Smith’s Valve Organ – (too small to read)

Young man or old – (too small to read)

Carleton’s household Encyclopedia. The most valuable single book ever printed. A Treasury of knowledge. There has never before been published in one volume, so much useful information on every subject. Beautifully illustrated, price $2.50. A whole library in one volume. To Agents Sold only by subscriptions; the easiest book to sell ever known. Terms, etc. address G. W. Carleton & Co., Publishers, N. Y. City

$10,000 Insurance for 35 cts. On life & Property. $10,000 will be paid to any person who can explode a lamp fitted with our safety attachment. Mailed free to 35 cts. Four for $1. Agents wanted, male or female. S. S. Newton’s Safety Lamp Co., Binghampton, N. Y., Salesroom, 13 West Broadway, N. Y.

Nature’s Remedy - VEGETINE, The Great Blood Purifier. Female Weakness. No better remedy in the whole material-medica has yet been compounded for the relief and cure of Female complaints, of the ordinary kind, than Vegetine. It seems to act in these cases with unwonted certainly, and never fails to give a new and healthful tone to the female organs, to remove relaxed debility and unhealthy secretions, and restore a healthful vigor and elasticity. One of the most common of these complaints is hemcorrhecea or Whites, which are brought on either by the presence of scrofula in the system or by some affection of the womb, or even by general debility. For all these complaints, and when danger begins to threaten women at the turn of life, Vegetine can be commended without qualification. The great prevalence of these disorders, and their cure by Vegetine ahs amply shown that the sure alleviating agent remains not yet to be discovered, but is already known, and is a favorite with American ladies. Too long has it been the custom to prescribe nauseating and uncertain remedies in place of what is pleasant, effacious and cheap. Try Vegetine, and do not doubt it s power to carry you safely through danger and disease. A SPLENDID MEDICINE – HEART AND KIDNEY DISEASE, FEMALE WEAKNESS. (too small to read)…Serofula, liver complaint, dyspepsia, rheumatism, weakness. …(too small to read) Vegetine is sold by all druggists.

$77 a month and expenses guaranteed for agents. Outfit free. Shaw & Co., Augusta, Ga.

Females. Dr. Marchini’s Urine Catholicon will positively cure female weakness, such as falling of the womb, whites, chronic inflammation or ulceration for the womb, incidental hemorrhage or flooding, painful, suppressed and irregular menstruation, & c. An old and reliable remedy. Send postal card for a pamphlet, with treatment, cures and certificates from physicians and patients, to Howart & Ballard, Utica, N. Y. Sold by all druggists - $1.50 per bottle.

Ears Disease. Dr. C. E. Shoemaker (the well-known Aural Surgeon of Reading, Pa) gives all his time to the treatment of Deafness and diseases of the ear at his office. Its success has given him a national reputation, especially on Running Ear and Catarrh. Call or send for his little book on te ear, its diseases and their treatment – free to all. His large book (350 pages), price $2.00. Address Dr. C. E. Shoemaker, Aural Surgeon, Reading, Pa.

Sawing the Log. The success of the wonderful improved labor saving giant riding saw machine is fully demonstrated by the number in use and the present demand for them. It saws logs of any size. One man can saw more logs or cord wood in one day and easier than two men can the old way. It will saw a two-foot log in three minutes. Every farmer needs one. Township agents wanted. Send for illustrated circular and terms. Address – W. W. Bostwick & Co., 178 Elm St., Cincinnati, O. Note – One W. W. Giles, alias W. W. Jiles, formerly of St. Louis, Mo., advertises that he has an infringement suit against us, which is false. We hope to soon bring this roving Giles alias Jilz, to justice. Send for particulars.

Saponifier is the old reliable concentrate lye for family soap making. Directions accompanying each can for making hard, soft and toilet soap quickly. It is full weight and strength. The market is flooded with (so-called) concentrated lye, which is adulterated with salt and resin, and won’t make soap. Save money and buy the Saponifier made by the Pennsylvania Salt Manuf’g Co. Philadelphia.

North Carolina Millstones. We claim advantages over all other stones or buhrs, viz: They are of perfect uniformity, have a much sharper and better cutting edge, require less picking and dressing, and grind corn for table use better than any other Stones or Buhrs, leaving meal in a fine granulated condition, instead of pasty and floury. For mixed grain for stock it cuts all fibrous matter finer and better than any other stone. We guarantee the North Carolina Stone will grind the same amount of meal better, and with from 15 to 30 per cent, less power, than any other stone or buhr in the world, and would justify any miller to throw out his present stones. We build a 30 x 36 Portable Corn Mill that runs from 15 to 30 per cent lighter and makes better meal than any other portable mill not using our stones. We furnish the stones faced, rounded, and plastered ready to furrow (or furrowed if desired), or quarry-dressed. Guarantee as above. Address North Carolina Mill Stone Co., Westminster, Md., USA

The Estey Organ the Best. The world over. Manufactured Brattleboro, Vt.

Mark Twain’s New book – A Tramp Abroad – Good times for agents ahead. Prospectus now ready. People waiting to buy this book. Speak quick and secure territory. “A word to the wise is sufficient.” Apply to Douglas Bros., 55 West Fifth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio

Salesmen wanted. We want good men to sell cigars to dealers. $105 a month and expenses. Samples free. Cut this notice out and send with your application also send a 3c, stamp to insure answer. S. Foster & Co., PO Box 1979 Cincinnati, Ohio.

WARD’s 6 Fine shirts for $9.00. Printed ---for sell of measurements and price lists free by mail. E. M. & W. WARD, 38 Broadway., New York.

$777 a year and expenses to agents. Outfit free. Address PO Vickery, Augusta, Ga

Get rich selling our Rubber Printing Stamps. Samples free. Cook & Bissell, Cleveland, O.

$66 per week in your own town. Terms and $5 samples free. Address H. Halley & Co., Portland, Me.

Opium, Morphine habit speedily cured by Dr. Beck’s only known and sure remedy. No charge for treatment until cured. Call on or address Dr. J. O. Beck, Cincinnati, Ohio. 112 John Street.

The best thing out – The German Biestift. It pleases the girls. Will write red, white, blue, green, yellow. Samples 15 cents, 12 for $1. Agents make $5 daily. Send registered letter or stamps. Buiestift Man’f’g Co., Bridgeport, Conn.

Young men, go West, learn telegraphy; situation guaranteed. Address R. Valentine, Manager. Janesville, Wis.

Ask druggists for Kalathine for stomach, liver, and blood. Large Commissions to agents. Kalathine Co., 39 Nassau St., N. Y.

Petroleum VASELINE Jelly. Grand Medal Philadelphia at Exposition. Silver Medal at Paris Exposition. This wonderful substance is acknowledged by physicians throughout the world to be the best remedy discovered for the cure of wounds, burns, rheumatism, skin disease, piles, catarrh, ---. In order that every one may try it, it is put up in 15 and 25 cents bottles for household use. Obtain it from your druggists, and you will find it superior to anything you have ever used.

Well tools of all kinds. Augers, drills, horse power. Matchless for boring and drilling tools. Best in America. $25 a day made easily. Book Free! Address Loomis & Nyman, Tiffin, O.

This Claims House Established 1865 – Pensions – New Law. Thousands of Soldiers and heirs entitled. Pensions date back to discharge or death. Time limited. Address with stamp. George E. Lemon, PO Drawer 325, Washington, DC

Bell & Halliday (Successors to Cairo Box & Basket Co.) Cairo, Ill. Manufacturers of Fruit and vegetable boxes of every description. Write for catalogue.

THE KORAN. A curiosity to every one and a necessity to all students of history or Religion. The Koran of Mohammed; translated from the Arabic by Geo. Sale. Formerly published at $2.75; a neat, beautiful type, neat , cloth-bound edition; Price 55 cents and 6 cts for postage. Catalogue of many standard works, remarkably low in price, with extra terms to clubs free. Say where you saw this advertisement. American Book Exchange, Tribune Building, N. Y.

On 30 Days trial. We will send our Electro-Voltaic Belts and other Electric Appliances upon trial for 30 days to those afflicted with nervous debility and diseases of a personal nature. Also of the liver, kidneys, rheumatism, paralysis, &c. A sure cure guaranteed or no pay. Address Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich.

Free to all. Our illustrated descriptive catalogue of plants, seeds, trees, etc. containing useful information to the amateur florist. 80 pages, 2 acres under glass. Examine our catalogue. Good s guaranteed first quality. Send 3 cent stamp for postage. Also, Price list in German free. Address, Nane & Neunep, Louisville, Ky.

Agents wanted for the Pictorial History of the World. It contains 672 fine historical engravings and 1260 large double-column pages, and is the most complete history of the world ever published. It sales at sight. Send for specimen pages and extra terms to agents, and see why it sells faster than any other book. Address. National Publishing Co., St. Louis, M

Beatty Organ Beatty Piano…(too small to read)

To consumptives. Loden’s Emulation of Cod Liver Oil and Wild Cherry Bark, the most palatable combination of these renowned remedies extant. An unequalled remedy for consumption, scrofulous, all lung affections, nervous debility, and all wasting diseases. The manner in which the doc liver oil is combined with the wild cherry enables it to be assimilated by the most delicate stomach, insures complete digestion of the oil, tones up the system, relives cough, causes increase of flesh and strength. Endorsed by the most eminent physicians. A well-known specialist in lung affections has used it in over two hundred cases, and says “there is no combination of cod live oil, but have been unable to do so. They will find that they can take this preparation readily and with excellent results. Price, One dollar peer bottle; Six bottles for Five dollars. Circulars and valuable information to all sufferers send on receipt of a description of case. Address all orders to C. G. A. LODER, Manufacturing Chemist, 1539 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Gilbert’s Starch

Kidney-Wort permanently cures kidney diseases, liver complaints, constipation and piles. It has wonderful power. Why? Because it acts on the liver, the bowels and the kidneys at the same time. Because it cleanses the system of the poisonous humors that develops in kidneys and urinary diseases, biliousness, jaundice, constipation, piles, or in rheumatism, neuralgia and female disorders. Kidney-wort is a dry vegetable compound and can be sent by mail prepaid. One package will make six quarts of medicine. Try it now! Buy it at the druggist. Price $1.00. Well.s Richardson & Co., Proprietors, Burlington, Vt.

Allen’s Lung Balsam. The great throat & Lung remedy. Cures consumption, colds, coughs, asthma, bronchitis, croup. Sold by all druggists.

“The Blood is the Life” Accomplished at last! The efficiency of Electricity! nearly All Disease effectually prevented or cured by Dr. Sagesdorph’s Miniature Medical Galvanic Battery. Price 50 cents. Sent by mail. Agents wanted in every town. Address Capt. C. I. Barrell, 15 41/2 Broad St., Atlanta, Ga.

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