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Vernon Clipper 5 Sept 1879

Microfilm Ref Call #373 Microfilm Order #M1992.4466 from The Alabama Department of Archives and History



General Newton reports that it will take $2,615,078 to complete the blowing up of Hell Gate, the pet improvement of the New York Times and Tribune, on which several millions have already been spent.

GEORGE P. ROWELL & Co., in the American Newspaper Directory for July, show that the whole number of newspapers in the United States has increased since January of the current year, from 8,703 to 9,153. New papers abound in the Territories. Suspensions have been fewer than in any corresponding period for several years.

The Empress of Austria likes a solitary hunting expedition. With her favorite rifle in hand she goes deep into the wooded mountains and solitary valleys which stretch round the imperial domain in every direction. Dressed in the rough costume of the Tyrol she will often made excursions of two or three days duration, staying at night at some distant cot, where the only fare, besides the game she brings with her, is goat cheese and milk with black bread.

Louise, Victoria, and Maud, the young daughter of the Prince of Wales, rarely appear in public in any but the simplest of dresses. They are sometimes seen with their mother at the theatre in plain white linen or cotton sailor dresses, with a little red trimming, and they are often met riding and driving in neat sailor dresses of dark blue woolen. They went with their father and mother to the French fair in gowns of plain pink cambric, with sashes of crimson harmonizing with the pink.

Of Talmage, the Glasgow Mail says: “Compared with Moody he wants earnestness, with Spurgeon originality and with Gough the knowledge of platform effect. Generally speaking, had we not known that it was the celebrated American orator who was lecturing, we might have mistaken him for an ordinary Presbyterian minister making a humorous address at a first-class soiree. The audience, however, knew it was Talmage, and so laughed ‘consumedly.’”

Cincinnati has society for the promotion of matrimony, which was organized two years ago, and has had the support of good people. Its president is a member of the city council, and all the other officers are men of local prominence. Over 2,000 have joined, and there are branches in forty cities. A picnic is to be given in commemoration of the second anniversary of the organization, and on the occasion it is expected there will be over a hundred couples publicly joined in matrimony.

The growing crops of every nation in Europe are deficient, those of Russia particularly so, and Russia has long been one of the sources from which large supplies of wheat have been drawn by the western nations. The complaints of crop failures in France, Austria, and Germany and England are so numerous as to be almost unanimous. Last year we exported agricultural products to the immense aggregate of $592, 475, 813 and the prospects now are there will be even an increase upon these figures during the coming year.

LUCY STONE has been paying a visit to Wellesly College for women in Massachusetts. She gives a little account of what she saw there in the Woman’s Journal. At this college “the cooks are men, the professors are women. The visitors are invited to look at the microscope work of the school. The girls have more than fifty microscopes constantly in use, and give an exhibit of animals, mineral and vegetable specimens which are much to their credit. They also have row-boats each with its own colors, captain and crew. The girls are accustomed to exercise themselves at their oars, on the lake, every evening, and are said to look very rosy and healthy.

The quarrel over the late Brigham Young’s property has been greatly complicated by the bringing of a suit on the part of the trustees of the Mormon church against the heirs, legatees and executors of the estate to recover over $1,000,000 worth of property from them. The plaintiffs ask that the alleged heirs be enjoined from taking possession of the property. The affair creates great excitement in the Mormondom, and the people seem to sympathize with the church, believing that the organization is in danger of being swindled out of it s rights in Brigham’s estate. The Salt Lake Herald prints a fat supplement containing the plea of the plaintiff.

It is reported that a grotesque genius some years ago conceived the idea of importing and utilizing ostriches for the United States Cavalry instead of horses, and actually imported eighteen of these long-legged birds. These laid numerous eggs in the sands of New Mexico, and the flock of ostriches now numbers 117 stalwart members. It is added that Colonel hatch, of the Ninth regiment of cavalry, is about to mount one of his companies on ostriches. They are strong, docile, fleet as a horse, will live for days without eating or drinking, and need little or not grooming. Perhaps this is enough of the story for such warm weather.

A writer in the St. Louis Globe Democrat, in an elaborate discussion of the yellow fever, arrives at the conclusion that the disease is identical with the “black death” disease which devastated Russia last year. We believe the Europeans doctors long since determined that the so-called “black death” was not that disease at all, but a form of typhus known as the “oriental” and engendered from the putrefying corpses left on the battlefields of Armenia and Bulgaria during the Russo-Turkish war. The writer referred to takes the ground that yellow fever and “black death” only differ in the method used by nature to eliminate the poison in the liver. The disease doubtless have their origin in the poison emanating from decaying vegetable and animal material, but the “black death” so called, continues its destructive progress in the winter months, while yellow fever is potentialized by a high temperature.

The circular letter of Hon. EUGENE UNDERWOOD, of Louisville, Ky., relative to the duties of the Board of Commissioners representing the states interested in the improvement of the Mississippi river and tributaries, has been favorably received and commented on by leading journals. This board is to act as an aid to the Mississippi river improvement commission, and the governors of the United States are gradually making up, by appointment, the list of commissioners, Mr. Underwood having received recently many additional names. It is proposed to organize the commission of October 13, at Mammoth Cave. The states of Minnesota, Missouri, Illinois, Arkansas and Louisiana are not yet represented on the valley states commission. The Wheeling Intelligencer, after stating the suggestions of Mr. Underwood, says” “We have given considerable space to commissioner Underwood’s suggestions, believing them to be both practical and valuable. The movement is one in which the people of this section are largely interested, and we hope to see it pushed vigorously forward.”

The fashion news from Paris represents everything as in a state of confusion – not only for men, who are always confused about the fashions, but for women, who are not often troubled to understand what is the newest or the most desirable. The difficulty seems to be that there are too may leaders of fashion and too may inventors of new designs, and these are in such number and variety that everybody is at a loss which to accept. This is a difficulty that is likely to grow with each recurring season, and it may some day come to the point where women will be left free to exercise an intelligent taste an attire themselves as will become them, regardless of what may be the particular style. Formerly whatever the Empress Eugenie wore had to be worn by every lady in France, as nearly as possible, and then the pattern was handed over the water to upset the minds of the our republican wives and daughters and to distract the purses of our republican husbands and fathers. The ladies of France have no empress now, and they seem unwilling to be lead by the simple wife of the president; therefore they are setting the fashions for themselves, and doing it in such a way, in may instances, that it is impossible for anybody to follow them. Worth, in a state of distraction over the situation, ahs adopted a sever simplicity of style for designs, doubtless with the hope that he will be able to reduce the condition down to some sort of system. Worth’s simplicity, however, does not essentially mean economy; he has no ambition that way. Meantime it is a matter of satisfaction – or ought to be- that the women of this country are not depending upon the foreign fashion designers as much as was formerly the case. Some of the prettiest and most elaborate costumes worn by American women are wholly the creation of American skill, and our designers are getting so numerous that we may before long have the same confusion of this here that they are now experiencing in France.

SOUTHERN NEWS ITEMS Texas has 206 newspapers.

Montgomery, Ala is erecting over 100 new buildings.

There are 11,000 colored Catholics in one ware in New Orleans.

Major John S. Branton, collector at the part of Norfolk, Va., is dead.

Foxes are over-running the country around Fair river, in Lincoln county, Mississippi.

Two hundred citizens of Dallas have signed a petition to the Governor to call an extra session of the legislature to repeal the Sunday law.

The Herald says that twelve camels (Texas born and bred) passed through Dennison the other day, northward bound to join a circus.

There is a society of young ladies in Waco that supports a school – “Waco Academy” – in the heart of China. They give entertainments to raise the necessary funds, charging no admittance to get in, but making it cost pretty lively to get out.

There was recently found in a corn field, nine miles east of Dallas, a little white baby about one month old. The child had evidently been left there to die. It is in a terrible plight, being reduced to skin and bone, and having just life enough to wail out a feeble cry. Large red ants had nearly devoured it, and yet, it is alive and doing well.

Austin (Texas) Statesmen: “J. J. Dimmitt” will not longer be seen in golden letters on the little engine that tugs away at the train between Austin and Georgetown. Colonel Demitt, being childless, wished to see his name thus handed town to posterity, but Mr. Dilly paid $1 more for the road than Colonel Demitt could possibly raise, and so it is that the glory has departed.

Dallas correspondence of the Galveston News: A number of freedmen from Kansas passed through last night on the Texas Pacific en route to Fort Worth, from which point they seek homes in Texas. They exodied (sic) from Mississippi, and went to Kansas with great expectations, only to and that they had been deceived by the republican emissaries who had induced them to immigrate. Hundreds of the deluded are traveling Texasward.

Raleigh (N. C. ) News: A curious sight was seen by the reporter yesterday morning. A countryman’s cart, unoccupied, backed up in front of the market, the owner being at a neighboring store purchasing goods. The reins of the double team were held by a small colt three months old. At first it had the appearance of an accident, but on inquiry it was ascertained that the colt had been trained by its owner to do this.

Memphis Appeal: Throughout the entire country, outside of Memphis, they see “Yellow jack” written upon every case of summer complaint or consumption. Every gnat that sips the perspiration from their heated brow is a yellow fever germ in disguise. A Memphis paper is as terrible in their eyes as a coffin-plate with their names engraved thereon. A Memphis citizen is to them as appalling as a skull and crossbones.

Rome (Ga) Courier: The street hands digger the sewer in the rear of Berry & Norton’s yesterday unearthed the bones of some of the aborigines of Cherokee, Ga. Some of these bones crumbled at the touch of a finger, while others (the jaw bones and teeth) seemed solid and well preserved. The sight of these relics of the past made us remember a day, long gone by, when a little boy, we sat by the bedside of a grandfather who told us the story of the battle with the Cherokee Indians at the place where Rome now stands, and showed a wound in the arm made by the first bullet from the enemy while he stood sentry on the banks of the Etowah, and how “Jack Sevier” and his Tennesseans “fought like brave men” long and well, and drove the Indians back and down the high hill at the junction.

Raleigh Observer: Mormonism has broken out in this state too. In the counties of Clay and Cherokee this much and frequent marrying sect has begun to multiply to an extent that was very gratifying to them and full of danger to the community. So the people turned on these Latter Day Saints and threatened to make it hotter for them than the thermometer indicated if they didn’t shut up and put out. They were kindly allowed thirty days in which they might arrange their North Carolina affairs previous to their departure to the Saline Lake. Thereupon one of the elders writes a letter to Governor Jarvis, bitterly complaining of this abridgement of their religious liberty, and requesting the governor to interfere in behalf of his people, especially the new converts. The governor has written the solicitor of the district and the sheriffs of the two counties to see that the laws are preserved and the public peace is not broken. This is all he can do.

FOREIGN NOTES It has been decided to move the ruins of the Tulieries in Paris and to transform the site into a garden.

Official returns show that 20 officers and 430 men died of cholera and other diseases on their return march from the Afghan campaign, while only 100 men were killed in the action.

The famine in Jerusalem has been so great that the chief Rabbis and the presidents of the two principal congregations have issued an appeal for supplies of wheat, barley and other food.

The Paris Municipal Council has rebaptised a large number of streets, including the Boulevard Haussmann, named during the reign of Bonaparte. One will be named in memory of ex-President Lincoln.

The city of Hamburg, its harbor, and the broad tracks of land around it, rest upon a sunken forest, now buried at a great depth below the surface of the earth. New Orleans is similarly situated, the work of thousands of years.

It is confidently believed by many scientists that this country was originally settled by the Egyptians. Their taste and skill in building would indicate this as well as the fact that in many caves bodies have been found preserved much after the Egyptian mode.

The correspondent of the Times at Paris reports that M. De Leusps, speaking at Beauvis, said there were energetic Latin races in America who were greatly interested in the Panama Canal. He said he had proofs that the United States does not think of resisting the undertaking. Such a course would expose them to the censure of the whole southern population of the new world.

There has been a terrible loss of camels in the Afghan campaign. Already the trade between India and Central Asia will be crippled simply for want of means of carriage during the next five years. Thousands of camels have perished from overwork and bad forage, and as these had been got together at high prices and great difficulty, it is easy to understand the inconvenience that will be occasioned on the frontier.

The Czar continues to be troubled about the control of the Russian press, and a commission has been appointed to devise means to give the Government abundant control of newspaper utterances, and yet, allow the latter greater latitude. That will be a difficult matter for the Government to accomplish. Prince Metternich would have settled this newspaper business by wiping out the press altogether. His idea of absorption was correct. He did not believe in any half-way measures. His policy was to utterly extinguish any sign of opposition to the central will.

MISCELLANEOUS The financial difficulties of Archbishop Purcell will make it necessary to close the Archdiocesan Seminary of Mt. St. Marcs of the West for at least one year.

A whole family, consisting of E. P. Lesuere, wife and two children were struck by lightning at Rochester, Minn., on the night of the 3rd. The wife and children are both dead, and Lesnuere will probably die.

Cotton has off his kingly crown. The reports for the past year show that wheat and other cereals of the great west have already mounted the commercial throne. We now expect more breadstuffs than we do cotton and tobacco combined.

A common way of imposing your ignorant prospectors in the mining regions of Nevada is to shoot gold filings in the ground from a gun. Even brass is made to serve the purpose; and by this means many a worthless claim is sold at a high price.

Tulure Lake, California, is still said to be receding. Should it continue to fall as rapidly as it has in the last two years, it will be but a few years till the bottom of the large lake will be dry land. Crops are being raised this year on land over which a steamer sailed three years ago.

Thanks to the London (England) Examiner, but there isn’t any room in our wagon – not even on the back seat – for Canada. That paper, speaking of the Dominion, says: “Her connection with the mother country disturbs her, while to us she is a pregnant source of disquietude and a perennial expense. Absorption into the American Union would prove beneficial to her in a high degree. Canada need new life, fresh impulses and increased population. All these advantages would naturally and inevitably ensue were her destinies united with those of her neighbor. As it is, Canada is but dragging out a miserable existence, struggling, as it were against fate, and going from bad to worse with every tentative attempt made by her statesmen in order to insure her prosperity, progress and autonomy.

ARTICLE – A HUMAN OFFER. Somebody writing from Reedy River, S. C., to the Charleston News and Courier says: Reedy River is a poor stream for fish. Perhaps by a whole day’s fishing the angler may be rewarded by one-half a dozen little catfish. We had a visit last week from the Raburn’s creek fishing otter, Wm. Vaughn. He said there was fish in the river, and had had come after them. It was amusing to se him in the shoals, diving down under the rocks and bringing up the cats; sometimes he would come up with one in each hand, and occasionally with three fish, one in his mouth and one in each hand. After fishing the shoal he tried his hand on suckers and red horse in the deeper water, diving down under the banks, and bringing up the fish in his hands. he caught about twenty-five suckers, weighing one, two and three pounds each. Vaughn has been known to catch as high as six suckers at one time in his hands. he says, when under the water he can rub a sucker on the side and it will lie as still as a pig when you are scratching its side. I think we had better ship him down to the city and let you make him a submarine diver. If he was on the sea coast, where fish are so extraordinary in the fishing line.


A young fellow, whose better-half had just presented him with a bouncing pair of twins, attended church on Sunday. During the disclosure the clergy-man looked directly at our innocent friend, and said, in a tone of thrilling eloquence, “Young man, you have an important responsibility thrust upon you.” The newly fledged dad, supposing the preacher alluded to his peculiar home event, considerably started the audience by exclaiming, “Yes, I have two of ‘em.”


ULTIMA VERITAS – by Rev. Washington Gladden in Sunday Afternoon In the bitter waves of woe, Beaten and tossed about By the sullen winds that blow From the desolate shores of doubt.

When the anchors that faith had cast Are dragging in the gale, I am quietly holding fast To the things that cannot fail:

I know that right is right’ That it is not good to lie: That love is better than spite, And a neighbor than a spy;

I know that passion needs The leash of a sober mind; I know that generous deeds Some sure reward will find

That the rulers must obey That the rivers shall increase; That duty lighter the way For the beautiful feet of peace

In the darkest night of the year, When the stars have all gone out, That courage is better than fear That faith is truer than doubt;

And fierce though the friends may fight And long though the angels hide I know that truth and right Have the universe on their side

And that somewhere, beyond the stars Is a love that is better than fate When the night unlocks her bars I shall see him, and I will wait.

SUMMER PLANS With winds that set the leaves astir In nature’s ceaseless murmurings (Like some melodious dulcimer Whose music dies upon the strings) With bird-song sweet, in smiling May Our term of toil shall pass away.

Then, sterling near some plaintive stream With her who seems divinely fair I’ll watch the rippling sunlight gleam Athwart her braids of golden hair; And lingering in the leafy grove We’ll tell once more the tale of love.

Or, when the twilight dims the sky and night lets down her dusky bars I’ll gaze upon those love-lit eyes That shame the splendor of the stars While from the drowsy forest nigh Resoundeth nature’s lullaby.

ARTICLE – THE SAINTS IN A RAGE OVER GENTLE PERSECUTION – THE CHURCH ORGAN AND THE LONDON TIMES ON EVERT’S MORMON CIRCULAR The London Times, discussing the reported impending circular from the United States on Mormon immigration, says the suggestion that European governments should exert their influence to prevent continued accessions of the deluded adherents to Mormonism is easily made, but as soon as we examine it we are confronted with new difficulties which would apparently impede its adoption. No European government can be otherwise than desirous that gross superstition should be speedily dissipated, but we do not see any way to an interference, though the migration commissioners might distribute tracts at our ports. Furthermore, if the United States should determine to forbid the landing of any Mormon proselytes, it would be necessary for them to declare the profession of Mormonism to be an offense in itself, and to institute a kind of inquisition into the religious opinions of immigrants. It is scarcely conceivable that legislation should go this length, yet such measures alone would be efficacious. Whatever may be done by Congress, the British parliament would never give executive power to interfere with Mormon immigrants. When the suggestions of the United States are before us in detail, they may modify the impression produced by the telegram. At present we see many difficulties, and the owners of transatlantic lines may suggest others. Their obligations as public carriers may constrain them to take all passengers who offer themselves. An Ogden paper says: The conviction and imprisonment of Reynolds for polygamy, the murder of Standing, the Mormon preacher in Georgia, the imprisonment of George G. Cannon, delegate to congress, and other executors of the Brigham Young estate, for contempt, have caused a bitter feeling, and the News, the leading church paper, has lately contained threatening articles and inflammatory speeches have circular to foreign countries. It is treated with contempt, and claimed that it would be absurd to suppose that any European government would undertake to establish an inquisition to determine the religious faith of emigrants. All that intend enter into polygamy, and there is no evidence of any intervention of forcible resistance to the government, but the Mormons have a good military organization, and mostly well armed.

ARTICLE – BISHOP CHATARD A dispatch from new York states that information had been received there from trustworthy sources “to the effect that bishop Chatard, of the diocese of Vincennes, Ind., will be appointed by Pope Leo XIII, as coadjutor to the venerable archbishop Purcell, of Cincinnati. Bishop Chatard is personally well known to the pope, and is very popular at the Vatican. He is a native of this country, a good manager financially and a man of profound learning. He is a bitter opponent of the free public school system of the United States.” Cardinal McCloskey and the editor of the Freeman’s Journal, both of whom reside in New York, have special facilities for getting news from Rome, and the appointment of bishop Chatard to the coadjutorship, as foreshadowed in the dispatch quoted from, is quite likely to take place. The announcement of the appointment will probably be delayed much longer than has been expected.

POEM – ONLY ME A little figure glided through the hall! “Is that you, Pet?” – the words came tenderly A sob – suppressed to let the answer fall = “It isn’t Pet, mamma; its only me.”

The quivering baby lips, - they had not meant To utter any word could plant a sting But to that mother heart a strange pang went She heard, and stood like a convicted thing.

One instant, and a happy little face Thrilled ‘neath unwonted kissed rained above’ And from that moment, only me had place And part with pet in tender mother love.

WAIFS AND WHIMS Laziness is a premature death. To be in no action, is not to live.

The chameleon assumes all colors except white; the flatterer imitates all except what is good.

Captain De Long, to the Jeanette crew: “Whatever may happen, gentlemen, I trust you will keep cool.”

Let us all take warning. A man was sunstruck yesterday while asking another if it was warm enough for him.

Never mind the freckles on her face, young man; they don’t strike through to her heart.

A pretty girl won a musket in a French lottery. When they gave it to her she asked, “Don’t they give a soldier with it?”

Always suspect a man who affects great softness of manner, an unruffled evenness of temper, and an enunciation studied, slow and deliberate.

Chinese ladies, heathen though they are, would sooner be sent to prison than to put on red stockings and set their hats back on their heads.

Baltimore churches are always wrangling about which has the tallest steeple, but we don’t remember of seeing any dispute as to which has the most religion.

We have more to unlearn than to learn, and the acquisition of truth is not near so difficult a task as to attain a superiority over rooted errors and old prejudices – [ Dr. G. Cambell

When a Chinaman makes love to a girl, he doesn’t rave about his heart panting for her, etc. No – he simply tells her that he loves her better than he does rats, and she believes him.

“I didn’t’ at all expect company today,” said a lady to her visitors, with a not very pleasant look, “but I hope you will make yourselves at home.” “Yes, indeed,” replied one of them, starting off,” I will make myself at home as quick as possible.”

One of the most beautiful compliments to woman was paid to Lady Elizabeth Hastings by Sir Richard Steele. He said of her: “Though her mien carries much more invitation than command, to behold her is an immediate check to loose behavior, and to love her is a liberal education.”

If all mankind, minus one, were of one opinion and only one person was of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind. – [J. S. Mill

If we had to judge from appearances, we should say that some parents think “bringing up a child in the way he should go” is getting a butcher’s grip on his ear and elevating him up the rear staircase two or three times a day.

A certain young lady who was behind hand in her summer outfit surprised her parents the other day by asking why she was unlike George Washington. When they gave it up, she told them because she had no little hat yet.

Some fellows may follow the fickle goddess of fortune for a whole lifetime and never gets near enough to kiss the hem of her garment, while flat-footed luck pursues others with a club and knocks the gilded balls of wealth straight into their hands at every clip.

Irresolution is a fatal habit; it is not vicious in itself, but it leaps to vice, creeping upon its victims with a fatal facility, the penalty of which many a fine heart has paid at the scaffold. The idler, the spendthrift, the Epicurean and the drunkard are among its victims.

Artemus Ward’s jokes were not always well taken. We were coming into the city one day from a drive, and came upon some men engaged in tying up a raft on the Cuyahoga River. It was a hot day, and they were perspiring profusely. Artemus stopped his horse and asked them, very gravely, why they didn’t go and steal for a living instead of toiling and sweating in that way. The result was, he had to lash his horse into a run, in order to get away from the shower of bowlders they hurled at us. – [Fat Contributor

ENORMOUS WINE CASKS In the yard adjoining the factory of M. Werk & Co., on Poplar Street, there are now approaching completion two of the largest wine casks ever built in America, and the largest, with one exception, in the world. The one exception is the somewhat noted cask at Heidelberg, Germany, which is said to contain 18,000 gallons, and to have a bung of sufficient size to afford a couple room to dance upon it. The casks which are being built for Werk & Co., will hold 16,000 gallons each. They are fifteen feet in height and fifteen feet in diameter, and in each of them is 8,125 feet of lumber, weighing six tons each. – Cincinnati Commercial.


THE VERNON CLIPPER ALEXANDER COBB, Editor & Proprietor ALEX. A. WALL, Publisher $1.50 per annum Friday, September 5, 1879

BEAUTIFUL THOUGHT. “Forty years once seemed along and weary pilgrimage to make. It now seems but a step; and yet along the way are broken shrines, where a thousand hopes are wasted into ashes, foot-prints sacred under their drifting dust, green mounds where the grass is fresh with the watering of tears, shadows even which we should not forget. We will garner the sunshine of those years, and with chastened steps and hope push on toward the twinkling where the waters are still and the storms never beat.”

The New Orleans Democrat mentions that Memphis has witnessed its second Yellow Fever suicide in the person of George Miller, whose mind was so harassed by the terrible sights around him, the suffering and misery he saw, and by dread anticipations of the disease, that he considered the other world preferable to this, and so cut short his life here. The previous suicide in Memphis, it will be remembered, occurred during the first panic on the outbreak of the fever, when a young man deliberately blew out his brains in preference to remaining in the infected city.

It is states that two wild men of the pulpit whose names are Graves and Goodnight – Presbyterians – are straying about in Texas and proclaiming that they have received a special divine revelation, in which the end of the world within ten years is foretold. Their presbytery expelled them, but they are making many converts, and have started a sect called the Tabernacle of the Coming Lord – They preach that Grant re-elected in 1880, will invade and subdue Europe, overthrow Romanism, and finally meet a downfall – after which the millennium.

For the taking of the census next year the country will be divided up into about 150 parts, and each of these divisions will be in charge of a Supervisor. These divisions will be announced in October, but the Supervisors will not be nominated until Congress meets. The Supervisors, after being confirmed, will then proceed to elect their enumerators. In all there will be from 15,000 to 20,000 of these enumerators appointed. They will have to be educated as to their duties, and disciplined so that when census day arrives (June 1, 1880) they can commence work. It will be their duty to get the name of every man, woman, and child in the United States. Besides this, they will have to gather a lot of business, industrial and other kinds of statistics, “and other things too numerous to mention” After these statistics are gathered they will be sent to the supervisors. They will totalize them as regards villages, town, cities, counties, and States, and then send them to the census office at Washington, where the most important work of all will begin.

There are five homicides in Mississippi week before last – a quadroon girl killed by her white paramour in Vicksburg; Dixon killed by Barksdale in Yazoo City; a negro whose putrid body, bearing evidence of violent death, was found in his cabin in Yazoo City; Conkerton killed by Pearson at Mississippi City; and Wenkerman found, shot through the heart, in the road near Biloxi.

A pitiable old tramp was entertained at Battle Creek, Mich., by a negro whom he once owned in the South. Times had changed for both.

STATE NEWS No rewards hereafter will be offered by the Governor for the apprehension of escaped criminals, except on the application of the Solicitor of the Circuit from which the criminal escaped.

Mr. Wilson, a practical engineer and steamboat man, having leased the right to navigate the Sipsey river for ten years, is on the river surveying the stream. He says navigation is easy and practical as far as surveyed.

Huntsville Democrat: A sad accident occurred on Monday, to little Willie, son of the late Dr. A. R. Buritt. He jumped upon a rake, driving one tooth nearly through his foot. He seems to be getting on well, and we trust will soon recover from his serious and painful wound.

Decatur News: We understand that work on the Muscle Shoals Canal has about ceased for the present and that all the hands, except stonecutters, have been dismissed. Quite a number of them have arrived in Decatur, and say they are going to the government works on Coosa River. The cause of suspension on the Muscle Shoals canal is said to be that the funds appropriated have all been consumed.

Also: A dastardly attempt was made to chloroform a colored woman in town a few nights since, by a fiend in the shape of a negro man, no doubt for foul purposes. After she retired, he sprang from under the bed with a sponge saturated with chloroform. She gave the alarm and he left instanter. Some discloser have been made which will most probably result in the arrest and conviction of the villain.

Wedowee Journal: Mrs. McDowell, of Flat Rock bear, having mysteriously disappeared from her home, was, we are informed, the victim of a most foul and atrocious murder last week. She was found in a quarter of a mile of her home, in an unfrequented place, with her throat cut and her head badly beaten. She was an old woman, probably in her seventy-fifth year, and was a woman of very bad character. The murderer is not known.

Eutaw Whig: The negro “Faith Doctor” of Tuskaloosa, is causing some excitement among the colored people of this place. Fifty or sixty went from here on Sunday, to have their maladies cured. We hear of one who has been almost deaf for a number of years, who claims to have had her hearing entirely restored. Many of the superstitious creatures really have faith in this humbugging doctor.

Also: Deputy Sheriff C. N. Carpenter came near having a serious if not fatal adventure on Saturday last. He went up in the neighborhood of old Monticello to serve a capias on a young man named Gunnells, indicted for carrying concealed weapons. While he was in the house talking with the young man and other members of the family, before he had told his business, Henry Gunnells, the young man’s father, came home from a neighboring still in a state of intoxication, and learning Mr. Carpenter’s errand, became furious, and sizing a laded gun, was in the act of firing upon Mr. C., when the latter, who was engaged with the young man, observed his movements. He immediately knocked the old man down, seized the dangerous weapon and wrestled it from him. He then made a desperate attempt to get another gun but was caught by her robust deputy who held him until a young woman on the place could carry the guns off and conceal them. The old man being liberated, rushed out of doors and securing an axe, advanced on Mr. Carpenter, swearing he would kill him on the spot, was told he had carried the thing far enough and that if he did not desist the would be very summarily dealt with. At this the old man kept his distance but held on to the axe and repeated again his determination to kill Mr. Carpenter. Young Gunnells fled at the beginning of the melee and was safe in a neighboring swamp before the sire could be reduced to a condition of any reason. Mr. Gunnells is said to be a peaceable and reasonable man when sober. This is another illustration of the bad effects of concealed pistols and mean whisky.

Tuscumbia Alabamian: Last Wednesday evening a horse ridden by Lutie Johnson, oldest daughter of Col. W. A. Johnson, ran away and threw her. As she fell, her foot hung in the stirrup and she was dragged around the lot in front of Col. Johnson’s house, several times, but was finally rescued by the hands at work near by, without any dangerous wounds, but was badly bruised and scratched up. Her escape was miraculous and such and one as is not likely to occur once in a hundred times.

The Marshall county correspondent of the Gadsden Times says: One day last week the Untied Stated Revenue Collector Davis pounced down upon some of our merchants and took some tobacco, alleging as a reason that the tobacco was not in a box. He was assured that the box had just been thrown out of the window for convenience and room. Nothing would satisfy him but the tobacco. Such little acts by the collectors of the public revenue towards men who are known to be doing a legitimate business, and who never deal in tobacco not strictly regular, is not calculated to raise them in the public esteem.

Says the Livingston Journal: Mr. J. R. Grady has left at our office several cotton bolls filled with seeds, but containing not a particle of lint. We were absent when he called, but he was understood to say that the bolls referred to were a fair sample of the product of a whole field. He made no statement as to the kind of seed planted. We were last year shown a boll similar to those above described, but it is hardly reasonable to suppose that any one would desire to raise a crop of them. Can it be that, under certain conditions, cotton will, or can so degenerate.

Says the Demopolis News: Since the departure of Hon. F. S. Lyon and family for the North, his house has been in charge of Tom Warner, a reliable colored serving man. About eleven o’clock every night for a week, Tom heard the door bell ring but on going to the door nothing was visible. For several nights this continued without any discovery of the mysterious bell-ringer until Tom concluded that the bell was rung under the house by a snake passing though an aperture in a wall from which a single brick had been removed for the passage of the bell wire. The accordingly got ready his lantern, a club & c., and prepared to go under the house on a voyage of discovery. But that very morning, as he was entering the front gate, what should he meet but his snakeship gliding towards the house. It was a copper moccasin about four feet long and was promptly killed. The strange part of the story is that the bell has not been rung out of the usual way since.

The Eufala Times says: As we were going to press last afternoon a difficulty occurred in the boot and shoe factory of -----(HUGE CHUNK CUT OUT)----

------Company, came to town ten day ago, and stopped at the Polk House. He is a man with fair skin, light hair, blue eyes, apparently thirty-five years of age, and will weigh about one hundred and seventy-five pounds; has a good address, talks well, and indulges freely; sometimes immoderately, in the “abejoyful.” Soon after arriving here he stated that he was “strapped,” but was looking for a remittance from his house be every mail. To meet some little incidental expenses, he borrowed money from the landlord on two or three occasions, promising that as soon as his “remittance” came he would make all things OK. Finally a report reached here hat he had just been released from jail at Florence. This and some other irregularities aroused the suspicion of “mine host” and he telegraphed to the Enamel Paint Company to know if Mr. Beck was their accredited agent. In due time the Company answered that he was not. Exasperated at the deception that had been practiced upon him, the hasty proprietor armed himself with a cowhide and proceeded to the room of this guest to have satisfaction for the fraud that he had been the dupe of. Happily, he found Mr. Beck on the bed with his coat off, and, after giving him his choice to go to prison or take a cowhiding, fell upon Beck and gave him forty or fifty lashes, which he took without resentment.

THE DIXON AFFAIRS SPECIAL TO THE VICKSBURG (MISS) COM. Yazoo City, August 20 – HENRY DIXON, who was shot by JAS. A. BARKSDALE, yesterday, died at four o’clock last evening. The following are the particulars of the affair: HENRY DIXON was coming down the east side of Main street, about half past nine o’clock yesterday morning, and when he reached Housman’s Saloon, Barksdale walked to the middle of the street, from the west side, with a double-barrel shot gun in his hands and hailed him. Dixon turned and saw his antagonist for the first time. he (Dixon) clapped his right hand to his pistol and Barksdale at the same time threw his gun to his shoulder and fired. Dixon turned just as Barksdale’s gun was discharged and received four buckshot in the back. Dixon then ran into the hall, and turned and fired five shots at Barksdale, but without effect. At his third or fourth shot Barksdale fired his second shot, missing Dixon. The smoke was so dense in the stair way that the combatants were unable to see each other. Dixon bled internally and died about half past four o’clock last evening. The cause of the difficulty was Dixon’s abuse of Barksdale, who is the Democratic nominee for Chancery Clerk. The nature of the abuse did not only extend to Barksdale, but to his friends and relatives, and was extremely vile. Barksdale will have a preliminary examination tomorrow. Mayor J. H. Holt and J. C. Prewett, Esq. have been retained to defend him.

San Francisco, Cal., Aug 23 Last Saturday morning, Charles De Young, one of the editors of the San Francisco Chronicle, drove to the door of Rev. J. S. Kalloch, Workingmen’s candidate for Mayor, called him out, and shot him twice, one ball passing though his lung. De Young after being beaten and bruised by a crowd which rushed to the spot, was rescued by the police and conveyed to the jail. The infuriated Workingmen assembled, and declared their intention to demolish the Chronicle office, break the jail, and hang De Young. The police were assembled in full force, and the militia called out. The leaders of the Workingmen exhorted the clamorous thousands to forbear, to refrain from bloodshed, to await the issue from Kalloch’s ---, to telegraph for Denis Kearney to return, and abide his advice. Kearney came in response to a telegram, and on Saturday night addressed a crowd of twenty thousand men. He counseled peace, submission to the crews. The crowds dispersed, and quiet was restored. Kalloch is still alive.

On last Sunday the colored Methodists near Elliott Station has a regular old fashioned immersion by way of introducing recruits into the church. The place selected was a large hole of water in Bogue, over which a new bridge was being constructed. Several hundred spectators were present, mostly colored people, and of course the bridge was the favorite standpoint secreted for witnessing the ceremonies. When it was crowded to a jam the light braces gave way, precipitating the whole of them below. We have been told that such another confusion and general mingling of men, women, and children, all screaming to the top of their voices, had not been known since the adjournment of Bedlam. One grown person was killed outright, and fifteen wounded, and some to them seriously. [ Grenada Sentinel

ADVERTISEMENT BURRIS & BRO. No. 49 Main Street Columbus, Miss. We have now in store a full stock of general merchandise which we offer for sale very low, for the cash. Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to us, we hope by selling our goods much lower than in the past to be able to add largely to our already numerous list of patrons. Call and see our mammoth stock.

ADVERTISEMENT SHELL & BURDINE, Wholesale and retail druggist’s, Aberdeen, Mississippi. Are daily receiving at their Drug Store a very large stock of fresh goods of all kinds usually kept in a first class drug house, and will sell at bottom prices, for cash. All we ask is to give us a trial and we guarantee you will not go away dissatisfied for we are determined to sell goods so low that it will astonish you.

ADVERTISEMENT JOHN D. MORGAN. Wholesale and retail dealer in dry goods, staple and fancy groceries, hardware, wooden ware, willow ware, crockery ware, and tin ware. Boots and shoes, hats and caps. Plantation supplies, etc. would announce to his friends and patrons of Lamar and Fayette Counties, that he has in store, and is daily receiving one of the largest and best selected stocks of goods in the city, and invites everybody to call before buying elsewhere and examine his immense stock. It is no trouble to show goods, and when you look, you will be sure to buy for he keeps none but first class goods, and will not be under sold by any home in the city. Columbus, Miss. July 11th, 1879. J. S. ROBERTSON is with the above house, and would be pleased to serve his many friends at anytime.

ADVERTISEMENT DR. J. D. RUSH, with ERVIN AND BILLUPS, successors to M. W. HATCH; dealers in drugs, medicines, whiskey, tobacco, cigars, &c. Corner Main and Market Street. Columbus, Mississippi.

ADVERTISEMENT NATHAN BROTHERS dealers in whiskies, brandies, wines, cigars, tobaccos and pipes. Our Motto: Quick Sales and Small Profits. Columbus, Mississippi.

ADVERTISEMENT The Vernon Clipper. A brand new paper. Published in Lamar County, Ala. For $1.50 per annum.



New Orleans, Aug. 29 Dr. Bemiss reports Gen. Hood very dangerously ill. Another of the latter’s children has fever today. Another daughter of Gen. Hood was taken down today with fever. Gen. Hood is very low and it is feared he will not live through the night. His constitution is much shattered owing to the loss of his wife. Also the loss of nearly all his entire fortune. Since the first case of fever appeared on July 22nd, there have been seventeen cases, and three deaths. With three exceptions all cases were in the fourth district.

MRS. GEN. J. B. HOOD died in New Orleans, on the 24th ult., of puerperal fever. She had recently become the mother of her twelfth child, after a marriage of eleven years, and leaves eleven little ones, of whom there are four twins.

“A kind word is worth sometimes more than a dollar. And yet if the exchange could be made at par ‘everybody would make a business of saying kind words, and so their kindness would be destroyed.

DIED – In this county, on Friday 29th, ult. MRS. NANCY THOMAS, wife of S. B. THOMAS. She was sick only one day and night.

Considerable rain Monday and Tuesday of this week.

This office is decorated by fragrant ornaments in the shape of flourishing geraniums which dispel their perfume at our window, and add a little poetry to the prosaic suggestions of a printing office. Ye local returns hearty thanks to the fair donor who has scattered such sweet exotics in the hum drum pathway of editorial progress.

Sheriff D. J. LACY informs us that he will be prepared to entertain a few guests Court week, at reasonable rates. Give him a call.

We purpose moving press, material, etc. into the building which has been erected especially for the Clipper.

CAPT. J. H. BANKHEAD left one day this week on a soliciting tour in the interest of the house which he represents, Culver Page & Hone, Chicago.

MR. D. J. GUTHRIE of Pine Springs called to see us on Wednesday last, and added another name to our lists.

In another column of this issue will be found the card of that reliable and stanch firm, MCQUISTON & HEISEN, Aberdeen, Miss. We are pleased to commend this firm to the farmers of this county, and bespeak for them a liberal consignment.

A RIDDLE – By Re. R. T. BENTLEY Far out on the waves of the ocean Pride, And I bathe in the spray of the turbulent tide, When the storm winds are raging and bending the mast, I stand with the anchor already to cast. To the land where I dwell no storms ever come But I live there in peace at my beautiful home. The flowers, without me, would never look gay’ And the jewels of nighttime would vanish away. The sun in his glory would fail to arise, While darkness and tempest would reign in the skies. Without me the angels would lose their bright palms, And their harps would refuse to accord with their psalms.

[We will thank any one for the answer to the above riddle. Pub]

The Camp Meeting Unity Grove, Pickens County, commences on Friday before the 4th Sabbath in this month. It is said to be the largest Camp Ground in Pickens.

The yellow fever seems to be abating at Memphis. One the 29th there were only five new cases reported.

Special agent BOOTH, arrested the post master at Garland, for abstracting money from letters. The postmaster’s name is NICHOLSON. The agent having reason to suspect NICHOLSON, laid a trap to catch him. He bit at the bait and now there is a vacancy in the post office at Garland.

Every year the great multitude of those who stand in the world’s market-places, waiting to be hired, grows greater. To remedy this, men should possess small farms, cultivate the soil and become their own employers.

A BOYISH FREAK –Boys do some very simple, foolish things, some times – particularly with pistols. For instance, little JOE MAXWELL of this city, went down to Pickens Co., to spend some days with MASTER HARRY DICKSON. They started hunting with one gun between them. Passing a freedman’s cabin, Harry concluded to borrow a pistol. It was a Navy. Looking down the chambers, he concluded it was unloaded. Standing in the door, he pointed at Joe. One barrel was loaded. He pulled the trigger, and of course that barrel went off, the ball striking Joe in the shoulder. Dr. MOODY of Bridgeville, was sent for who probed the wound, but could not find the ball. No bones were broken. Mr. JOHN DICKSON brought Joe home Tuesday evening. He is up, and doing very well. If you want a real accident, always take a supposed empty pistol, point it at somebody and pull the trigger, and you have it! [Tuskaloosa Gazette

There are six men lying in the St. Louis jail for murdering women. KRING murdered DORA BROEMSER in cold blood four years ago. NUGENT murdered his wife without any known provocation three years ago. LEWIS murdered his wife without reason or warning three years ago. Just one year ago KOTOFSKY murdered a girl because she would not keep his company. Two months ago ERB murdered his wife because she had grown tired of supporting him in drunken idleness. On Thursday night BABER murdered MRS. CHANDLER, and inflicted a wound that will probably prove fatal upon her daughter, without any known cause. – [Appeal]

Manchester, Ohio. Aug 15 We have one of the most extraordinary cases here. Whether it be a miracle or not, we will leave it for the reader to decide. The person is MRS. CLAY COOLEY, a most estimable and devoted wife and Christian woman. She has been afflicted with spinal disease for ten years, unable to turn herself in her bed and could not stand alone without her braces. One the night of the 12th she prayed all night, and next morning she said to her husband, “I am cured! I am cured!” and “I am so hungry.” Mr. Cooley said, “I will get up and get breakfast.” After the meal was ready, he came in and announced it. She said, ”I will get up and go to it.” Her husband got her braces for her, but she said, “I don’t want them, I can walk,” and at once rose up, when she turned deathly sick. She laid back and offered up a fervent prayer that she might get up and walk. After the prayer she raised up, got out of bed and dressed herself. Her little family, astonished, gathered around her, she telling them she could now walk as well as they. After breakfast she said I must let my neighbors know, and out she went walking and shouting into their houses. She is still walking today, and to all appearances as well as anybody could be. [Cincinnati Enquirer


H. J. TOWNSEND and J. K. MCBRIDE exchanged shots at Hillsboro, and both were slightly wounded.

ADVERTISEMENT The popular house of LOUIS ROY of Aberdeen, having bought an immense stock of dry goods before the rise in prices, is offering to his numerous friends and customers, goods ten percent cheaper than any house in Aberdeen.

ADVERTISEMENT A WORD TO THE AFFLICTED. The most miserable human being in the world is that person suffering with a shaking chill or a burning fever. The joys of life are but a misery to his mind, and he longs for a balm to restore him to health. The cure is at hand for every sufferer. The greatest of all medicines. Cuban Chill Tonic the Great West Indies Fever and Ague Remedy. Cures chills and fever, billiousness and liver complaint every time. It blots out disease, carries off malarial poison, and restores the sufferer to health, strength and happiness. Try Cuban chill Tonic, the great West Indies fever and ague remedy if you suffer with chills and fever, and be cured. Take no other medicine. Cuban chill tonic will cure you and give you health. Get a bottle from your druggist W. L. MORTON & BRO., and try it.

ADVERTISEMENT Mason & Hamlin Organs, Endorsed by over 100,000 delighted purchasers. Not lowest prices, poorest and dearest, but highest priced, best and cheapest. Cost but little more than inferior organs. Give five times the satisfaction. Last twice as long. Victors at all world’s exhibitions. Acknowledged best by all disinterested and competent musicians. Solid facts, indisputable, such as no other organ maker in the world can substantiate. Glorious news for purchasers. Grand Introduction sale. New Styles. New Prices. 6 Stops, Elegant case $80; Superb Mirror to case, 10 stops, only $100. 15 days trial. Freight paid both ways if organ don’t suit. Sold on easy terms. Rented until paid for. Delivered anywhere in the South for $4 extra. For full particulars, address Budden & Bates, Savannah, Ga., Managers, Wholesale Southern Depot, Prices same as at Factory.

NOTICE State of Alabama, Lamar County Probate Court, Special Term, Aug. 15th, 1879 In the matter of the Estate of GEORGE F. MOLLOY, a minor, this day came THOS. MOLLOY. guardian of said minor’s estate and filed his amount and vouchers in final settlement of his said guardianship. When it is ordered by the court that the 11th day of September be a day set for the auditing and passing upon said amount, when all persons interested can contest the same if they see proper. - ALEXANDER COBB, J. P.

ADVERTISEMENT Parker’s Santonine Worm Lozenges are the best of all worm medicine. Thousands of mothers, all over the land, give their children Parker’s Santonine Worm Lozenges. Try them, at W. L. MORTON & BRO.

ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE By virtue of an order of the Probate Court of Lamar County, Alabama I will offer for sale on a credit until the 1st day of January, 1880, at the late residence of JOHN SPROUSE, deceased, on the 6th day of September next, the following lands to wit: 46 2/3 acres in N E ¼ of N W ¼ and N W ¼ of N E ¼ Sec 23, and 53 ½ acres in S ½ of S W ¼ and W ½ of W ½ of S E ½ Sec 14, T 16 R 16, as belonging to the estate of said JOHN SPROUSE, deceased. The purchaser will be required to give note and good security for the purchase money. - GEORGE S. EARNEST, Admr. of estate of said JOHN SPROUSE, dec.

ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE By virtue of an order of the Probate Court of Lamar County, Alabama, I will sell at Detroit, Ala, on the 11th day of September 1879, for one fourth cash and the balance on 12 months credit, the following lands belonging to the Estate of JAMES HARRIS, deceased, to wit: S ½ OF S W ¼ Sec 1, and S E ¼ OF S E ½ Sec 2 and E ½ of N W ¼ Sec 12 T 12 R 16. - GEORGE S. EARNEST, Admr. of Estate of JAS. HARRIS, dec.

ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF U. S. MAILS The Columbus Mail by way of Caledonia arrives Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturdays at 11 o’clock a.m. Leave same days at 1 p.m. FAYETTE MAIL Arrived on Wednesday and Saturday at 12 p.m. and leaves same days at 1 p.m. MOUNT CALM MAIL Leaves Wednesday at 7 a.m. arrives Thursday at 2 p.m. PIKEVILLE MAIL Arrives Fridays at 6 p.m., leaves Saturdays at 6 a.m. SCHEDULE OF MOBILE & OHIO R. R. Train leaves 6:30 am Train arrives 9:30 am Train leaves 3:20 pm Train arrives 6:30 pm Train goes through to Starkville on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays. Leaves Aberdeen going South at 4 o’clock p.m., returns at 8 p.m. Leaves Aberdeen going North at 7 o’clock a.m., return at 11 o’clock a.m.

ADVERTISEMENT R. A. HONEA & SON, Wholesale and retail dealers in staple and fancy groceries, Aberdeen, Miss. We would respectfully inform our friends, and the public generally, that we are at our old Stand next door to J. W. ECKFORD & Bro. (Old Presbyterian Block) and have in store and will keep constantly on hand a large and well selected stock of staple and fancy groceries. Bagging and ties, corn, oats, wheat bran, &c., which we will sell at rock bottom figures for cash. R. F. RAY, of Detroit, Ala. is salesman.

TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION One copy one year $1.50 One copy six months $1.00 Rates of Advertising One inch, one insertion $1.00 One inch, each subsequent insertion .50 One inch, twelve months 10.00 One inch, six months 7.00 One inch, three months 5.00 Two inches, twelve months 15.00 Two inches, six months 10.00 Two inches, three months 7.00 Quarter Column 12 months 35.00 Half Column 12 months 60.00 One Column, 12 months 100.00 One Column, 3 months 35.00 One Column, 6 months 60.00 Professional Cards $10.00 Special advertisements in local columns will be charged double rates. Advertisements collectable after first insertion. Local notices 10 cents per line. Obituaries, tributes of respect, etc. making over ten lines, charged advertising rates.

LAMAR DIRECTORY County Court – Meets on the 1st Monday in each month. Probate Court - Meets on 2nd Monday in each month. Commissioner’s Court – Meets on the 2nd Monday in February, April, July, and November.


COUNTY OFFICERS ALEXANDER COBB – Judge of Probate D. J. LACY, Sheriff and Tax Collector W. G. MIDDLETON, Circuit Clerk JAMES M. MORTON, Register in Chancery D. V. LAWRENCE, Treasurer J. E. PENNINGTON, Tax Assessor W. T. MARLER, Coroner


Masonic: Vernon, Lodge No. 389, meets on the 1st Saturday of each month, at 7 p.m.

PROFESSIONAL CARDS. FRANCIS JUSTICE, Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Chancery, Pikeville, Marion Co., Alabama Will practice in all the Courts of the 3rd Judicial District.

SAMUEL J. SHIELDS, Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Chancery, Vernon, Ala., Will practice in the counties of Lamar, Fayette, Marion, and the Courts of the 3rd Judicial District.

JNO. D. MCCLUSKY, Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Chancery, Vernon, Ala. Will practice in the counties of Lamar, Fayette, Marion, and the Courts of the 3rd Judicial Circuit. Special attention given to the collection of claims, and matters of administration.

EARNEST & EARNEST. W. S. EARNEST GEO. S. EARNEST. Attorneys at Law and Solicitors in Chancery, Birmingham & Vernon, Ala. Will practice in the Counties of this Judicial Circuit.

NESMITH & SANFORD. T. B. NESMITH, Vernon, Ala. JOHN B. SANFORD, Fayette C. H. Attorneys at Law. Partners in the Civil practice in the counties of Fayette and Lamar. Will practice separately in the adjoining counties. THOS. B. NESMITH. Solicitor for the 3rd Judicial Circuit. Vernon, Lamar Co., Ala.



ADVERTISMENT ALEXANDER COBB & SON, Dealers in ready made clothing, dress goods, jeans, domestics, calicoes, silks, satins, millinery, embroidery, notice, &c. Hats, caps, boots, shoes, saddles, bridles, leather, &c. Tin, wooden, Hard and glass wares, crockery, &c. Salt, flour, meal, bacon, lard, soda, coffee, molasses, &c. Snuff and tobacco. Irish potatoes. Parties owing us will please come forward and settle up their accounts. Any of our friends who have traded with us liberally in the past can get any of the above mentioned goods at LOW prices for cash. We return thanks to our friends for the liberal patronage they have given us and hope they will continue the same.

SCHOOL NOTICE BUTTAHATCHIE MALE AND FEMALE SEMINARY Monroe County, Miss. (nine miles west of Moscow, Ala.) The first session of this Institution will open on the 3rd Monday in June 1879, and continue 4 scholastic months. Board, including washing, lights, etc. from $1.50 to $5 per month. Tuition $1.50 to $2.00, $2.50 and $2.75 per month of 20 days. For particulars address the Principal. B. H. WILDERSON. Moscow, Lamar Co., Ala.

ADVERTISEMENT The American Centennial Cement. One of the most perfect and absolutely the best cement ever offered the public, is now being manufactured by A. A. SUMMERS and W. T. MARLER of this place, and for sale in every store in town. The Greatest Invention of the Age. No carpenter, farmer, blacksmith, printer, merchant, or other person who does anything at all, or has it done, can afford to do without this wonderful invention; it is convenient for its utility in every walk of life. Nothing will compare with it in mending broken Glass ware, crockery, china, wood, leather, ivory, shells, bone, and in fact every thing coming in contact with it, is firmly and imperceptibly sealed inseparably. We desire to place a bottle in the house of every family in the country. Will sell as wholesale or retail rates. For terms apply to A. A. SUMMERS, W. T. MARLER, Vernon, Alabama.

ADVERTISEMENT Bring your job printing to the CLIPPER. We print all kinds of blanks, deeds, mortgages, law briefs, cards, tags, circulars, bill heads, letter heads, note heads, statements, poster work. We propose to do all kinds of job printing as neat and as cheap as any city, either North or South, and our work is equal to any. When you want any kind of job printing done, please don’t fail to examine our specimens before going elsewhere. Blank Waive Notes for sale at this Office.


FARM AND PLANTATION There are very few farmers who will not appreciate the following tribute to their profession, delivered by Judge Farrar, at the fair of Amelia county, Virginia: “The term ‘clodhopper” will soon cease to be a word of reproach. Why should not the farmer be the first and foremost – the peer of the highest? His manner of life makes him independent, tolerant and happy. Above the smiles and frowns of the fickle public, his empire is his home, his dominion his smiling fields, with no inspiration for duplicity, no temptation for intrigue and chicanery. Free from the bickering of fashionable society, none of the jealousies of professional life molest the even tenor of his way. What are the honors of the world to him? When the toils of the day are over, he finds his greatest pleasure in the sweet rest of home. Why should he not be the truest of patriots? Will he not strike for the money he has earned by his honest toil? The homeless, shiftless adventurer can never feel such a holy devotion for a country as the one who has a home to love and a hearthstone to defend. Magnify as you please the laws and the constitution, it is the strong home feeling that gives the potent influence. The man who has a spot on earth, where he has planted a tree or his wife has nursed a flower in the hour of trial, will evince a devotion and heroism that will put to shame the hollow pretensions of all the blatant politicians and demagogues in the land. And, above all, a farmer should be the best of Christians. His life is farther removed from temptations and worldly influences; his mode of life should fill his mind with grand and holy conceptions of his God, and his dependence on the benefactions of a kindly Providence.”

ARTICLE – THOROUGH COOKING It is one of the most common mistakes of the cook to give too little time to the cooking of meat and vegetables. She is careless about getting them over the fire in season, and to make up for the delay, she attempts to “rush things” by using a very hot fire, spoiling the food by too furious boiling or baking. Hard boiling toughens the fiber of meat and spoils the texture of vegetables, but a long steady boiling hear gradually softens or makes tender the toughest fibers. Many persons suppose that certain articles of food do not agree with them, when the whole difficulty arises from the imperfect manner in which they are prepared. Some vegetables are thought to be especially provocative of flatulence, but a more thorough cooking usually remedies that evil. Flatulence has other causes, as over-eating or too great a proportion of sugar in the diet, but those articles of food which are usually associated with the evil may be robbed of these terrors by a more prolonged cooking. Cook dry beans several hours, a gentle but steady simmering – five hours are not too many, even after an all-night soaking. Dry peas need the same treatment. Vegetables need more and more time as they grow older. By spring, rutabagas need cooking almost half a day, and onions should be boiled an hour or more. Salsify and parsnips, especially the former, need more than the twenty minutes boiling usually prescribed for them.

ARTICLE – HOW TO PLOW In his address on plowing before the state board of agriculture of Connecticut, Professor Stockbridge said: “There are two kinds of soil on every man’s farm – the agricultural soil and the subsoil. The agricultural soil may be two inches deep, or it may be nine, but it is not twenty feet. It is no deeper than the air can penetrate. If the agricultural is too shallow, it may be gradually deepened by lifting an inch of the subsoil at each plowing, bringing it up to the air and enriching it with manure. Our agricultural society committees, by their premiums for smooth, shiny, flat furrow, have done the community great harm. Such as oftenest takes the premium, is the very poorest kind of plowing. The soil is best plowed when it is most thoroughly crushed, twisted and broken with the sad well covered. On some kinds of land I would have furrows lapped an inch, as the Canadian farmers plow. Let the air and water have a chance to circulate underneath the surface. Light lands, however, should have a flat furrow if we wish to make such lands more compact.

HOUSEHOLD RECIPES LETTUCE – Pick apart the heads and pile upon pounded ice on a glass dish. Pass vinegar, pepper, salt and powdered sugar with it. TO CAN CHERRIES – Six ounces of sugar to one quart of cherries; boil moderately for five minutes; have the cans hot and seal while warm.

TO BROWN FLOUR – Spread upon a thin plate and place upon the stove or in a very hot oven and stir continually after it begins to color until it is brown all through. Keep it always on hand for gravies. Do it at odd moments and keep in a glass jar covered closely. Shake it up every few days to prevent lumping.

MILK TOAST FOR INVALIDS – Toast your bread a nice brown, dip each slice as it comes from the toaster in boiling water, butter and salt lightly, and lay in a covered dish. Have ready in a saucepan enough boiling milk, slightly thickened, about like cream, and pour over your dish of toast, cover closely and let stand five minutes. It is improved by using a part of Graham bread. This will be found nice for tea.

PINE-APPLE ICE CREAM – Slice one large pine-apple thin and scatter one pound of sugar between the slices; cover it and let the fruit steep three hours; then cut or chop fine in the syrup and strain through a sieve; beat gradually into one quart of cream and freeze rapidly. If you like, reserve a few slices of pine-apple unsugared, cut into squares and stir through the cream when half frozen.

SWEET POTATO PONE – Take four large sweet potatoes, peel and grate them, then add two cups of water or milk, a lump of butter the size of an egg, melted, three eggs well beaten, a teaspoonful each of allspice and cinnamon, one and ha half teaspoonfuls of ginger, and half a (sic) nutmeg, grated; mix all the ingredients well, butter a pudding pan, pour in your pone and bake in a moderate over.

VEAL LOAF – One pound of veal, one-half pound of salt fat pork, three small crackers, one egg, salt and pepper. Chop the veal raw to a fine mince, chop the pork and add to it; roll the crackers fine, beat the egg, and mix altogether thoroughly; put in a quart pan and bake about two hours, slowly at first, and having it a nice brown when it comes from the oven. This should be set aside and thoroughly cooled, or placed in the refrigerator. When wanted for use cut in slices with a sharp knife; this will be found nice for tea, lunch or picnics.

TO STEW RHUBARB – At this season of the year, before fruit is fairly in the market, rhubarb, if properly cooked, is excellent and wholesome. The art of cooking rhubarb so as to retain its color and pleasant acid depends on the same principles as in stewing fruit. As soon as the rhubarb is cleaned and sliced, cook it. If allowed to remain any time after it has been cut, it becomes dark, just as would apples. Put the sliced rhubarb in cold water, not too much water, and bring it gently to the boil. No exact amount of sugar, as the sweetness is according to taste. To one quart of cut rhubarb by weight add one-quarter of white sugar.

SPINACH – Wash and clean spinach enough for tow or three days, put in boiling water with a teaspoonful of salt, boil it briskly for ten minutes, turn it into a colander, drain it, press all the water out of it, and set to chopping it with a big knife just as long as you have patience for the work. Now if you wish to serve this, take a portion and put it on the fire with a piece of butter, a half a pint of good broth, and let it simmer just as long as you please. Spinach, so that it is not dry or burned, can never be cooked too much. Slice a hard boiled egg and serve with it. A very little fried onion, perfectly cooked, chopped fine improves, according to some tastes, the flavor of spinach.

MUTTON HAMS – Take the hind or fore legs of a sheep and rub them with the following: Mix two tablespoonfuls of sugar with the same quantity of tablesalt and half a tablespoonful of saltpeter. Place the hams in separate pans and rub each one with the same quantity. Turn twice a day for three days, and rub thoroughly with the hand at each time, turning away the liquor which flows from the meat. Then make a new mixture and turn and rub daily for ten days. At each rubbing take care to leave that side uppermost which was under before. Then smoke the hams like those made from pork and boil in the same way. Hams prepared in this way will be relished so much that you will always have a good supply of them in the larder.

ARTICLE – YELLOW FEVER HUMOR – from Louisville (Ky) Post A Post and News reporter in making his rounds today met a brother of the cloth from Memphis. Reporter – What was your experience in your journey from Memphis? Memphian – They were very varied, somewhat like Joseph’s coat of many colors. In starting the refugee presents himself to the doctor at Memphis, who writes out a certificate setting forth that he is sound in mind, body, soul, wind, etc. and has complied with all the regulations of the board of health. Then he enters the crowded cars filled with men, women and children, the latter exercising their vocal abilities. And then the journey begins. At the platforms of the stations along the route the entire populations come out to greet us with silent awe. The seemed, however, to be much disappointed, as we did not exactly represent the terrified creatures that were expected to be seen’ we were not Lot and his family fleeing from Sodom. But the most interesting part of the journey followed our arrival at Elizabethtown. Here we were boarded by some officials, whose importance was plain to be seen even before the peculiar machine which one carried was noticed. He was a youthful looking individual dressed in a blue coat and the majesty of the great board of health. The presence of this interesting person was followed directly by horrible results. Holding in his hand a lamp, or something like it, he did something to it, and in an instant it fizzled and squirted all over the seats, the people and everywhere, and then, great Caesar, what an odor crowded the car to suffocation. The passengers were choking mad and many an oath went up, not to heaven though, for we had too little breath left to project them so high. Most of us stuck our heads out of the windows, while a few applied their handkerchiefs to their mouths and kept their seats. The scoundrel – that’s the name we knew him by – passed on and we thought we should be now thoroughly disinfected. But not so. For ----after another doctor came in ------“bromide” and he left it near -----This was more than the average -----phian can stand, so one after-------pretty rapid succession, passed-----the door to get a breath of------that is disinfecting, making------on the platform.

ARTICLE – THE NEWS FROM SOUTH AFRICA The London Times, in a lea------summarizing a series of letters---Africa, extending over a forty-----the battle of Ulendi, says: -----“that the war was virtually -----rather increased than diminished----later dates. Concurrent -------fugitives and chiefs who have ----go to show that Cetewayo----mined to stake all on this-----had been persuaded that his-----previous occasions had been----only through bad leadership.”

ARTICLE – WHY HE MURDERED HIM Wild Jim, a Kansas desperado—argued in justification of -----murder: “He’d a shot me if -----shot him. Do you expect a man to ----a risk when he’s got a shootin’ iron in his grip? I didn’t care about his dyin’ but I’m sure pop he didn’t want to die himself. Mebbe he would ‘ta shot me after all, but I hadn’t no call to wait and see. In the present disorganized state of society in Kansas, ‘taint no man’s duty to s’pose another man’s intentions is good.

ARTICLE – A RAILROAD INCIDENT – from Madison Star BLUFF OLD JACK MILLS, rough but kindhearted, was the engineer. About a mile and a half this side of Columbus there is a fine stretch of road, and Jack had “pulled her wide open” to make up lost time, and the old engine and track were rocking along at a rate of about thirty miles an hour. A country road runs parallel with the train here for some distance and finally crosses it. But a short distance from the crossing, on the day we refer to, there was suddenly discovered a man evidently half drunk, in a two horse country wagon, and in it was his wife with him. The man was standing up driving like mad, but the train was so close upon him that no one dreamed of his attempting to cross, but making a sudden turn to the left, he endeavored to cross the railroad track. By the time the wagon was fairly on the track the locomotive struck it, mashed the wagon to splinters, killed the horse and mangled to death the man and woman. The train ran some distance before it could be stopped. When it was finally checked Bunnell went forward and found engineer Jack Mills swearing like a trooper, his engine all “Mussed’ and he was cursing the drunken fool in the wagon for his criminal carelessness which brought on the accident. Jack was hot. As he turned to get on his engine to reverse her and return to the scene of the accident, his eye caught sight of a tiny pair of baby shoes, which had been among other of the purchases of the man in the wagon, and knocked out. They had fallen on the boiler of the locomotive, and there they rested as gently as a dove siting in a cannon’s mouth. A flood of recollections of the little ones at home watching and waiting for their parents, who would never come. Thought, it may be, of little feet at home, was too much for the true and tender heart of the rough and hardly engineer, and he leaned on Charlie Bunnell’s shoulder and sobbed aloud,” just look at them little shoe, Charlie,” he said between his tears. “I – I – didn’t mind so much running over that – drunken fool who tried to cross ahead of us when he couldn’t by the little one, Charlie, the little kid that’s waiten’ for ’em, that’s too rough!”

ARTICLE – TOO CLOSE A CALCULATION – from Detroit Free Press “Get your tickets at the wagon!” screamed the doorkeeper of the circus to a young man with a girl on him arm, who had a handful of small change. “This is the third time you have come here without tickets when you know I cant’ take money.:” The young man and his girl fell back, and as they did not go near the ticket-wagon, and yet seemed very anxious to see the circus, a curious-minded citizen edged around and inquired of the young man; “Why don’t’ you buy tickets if you want to go in?” “Cause I’m short!” was the whispered reply. “I didn’t ‘low enough for incidentals when I was figgering on the cost of this thing, but I didn’t want the gal to know it!” How much are you short?” ‘Only 5 cents. I figgered that 10 shillings would pay all expenses, but 1 got left. We spent 10 cents for peanuts, 10 cents on the street cars, and 5 cents in candy. I had just $1 left to pay our way in, when the gal got a peanut shuck in her throat and I had to buy a glass of lemonade to wash it down. Didn’t do it, though, till I had pounded her on the back more’n fifty times, and tried to pull one of them fire-hydrants up by the roots.: “I’ll lend you 5 cents to make up your dollar.” said the citizen. “You will! By gosh!” But that lets me out! I’d make up my mind to tell the gal that the tigers had got loose and the hyenas had run mad, but she’s long-headed and might not have believed it. Thankee, sir , and the fust time I’m in town I’ll pay it back. Hang it, I orter figgered on 11 shillings ‘stead of 10, but you’ve made me happy for life. Come Betts.”

ADVERTISEMENTS WHEN THE BOWELS ARE DISORDERED - No time should be lost in resorting to a suitable remedy. Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters is the most reliable and widely esteemed medicine of its class. It removes the causes of constipation, or of undue relaxation of the intestines, which are usually indigestion or a misdirection of the bile. When it acts as a cathartic it does not gripe and violently evacuate, but produces gradual and natural effects, very unlike those of a drastic purgative; and its power of assisting digestion nullifies those irritating conditions of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestinal canal which produces first diarrhea, and eventually dysentery. The medicine is moreover, an agreeable one, and eminently pure and wholesome. Appetite and tranquil nightly slumber are both promoted by it.

He is successful because he has the manly courage to rise above all personal motives or interests and cast his vote and influence on the side of measures which will contribute to the well being of his fellow men. The good of the many, even though it proves injurious to the interests of the few, is the maxium of the wise legistlator. But certain men will -----trine any-----etitioners -----de of Dr. ----very and ---uze these----erice. –Of---will pay a ---bottle of---scrption, ---den Med-----Pleasant----$1.25, will ----cause the---the stom---to the -------.

An extended popularity – Each year finds “Brown’s Bronchial Troches” in new localities in various parts of the world. for reliving coughs, colds and throat disease, the Troches have been proven reliable. 25 cents a box.

Malignant and subtle indeed is the poison of scrofula, and terrible are its ravages in the system. They may, however, be permanently stayed and the destructive virus expelled from the circulation with Scovill’s Blood and Liver Syrup, a potent vegetable detergent which eradicates all skin diseased, leaving no vestige of them behind. White swelling, salt rheum, tetter, abscesses, liver complaint, and eruptions of every description are invariably conquered by it. Druggist sell it.

Chew the celebrated “Matchless” wood tag plug tobacco. The Pioneer Tobacco Company, New York, Boston, and Chicago.

Chew Jackson’s Best Sweet navy Tobacco

For pies, etc., use C. Gilbert’s Corn Starch.

$3300 a year. How to make it. New Agents goods. Coe & Yonge, St. Louis, Mo.

$350 a month – Agents wanted. 36 best selling articles in the world. One sample free. Address Jay Bronson. Detroit, Mich

Kidder’s Pastilles. Sure relief. Asthma. Price 40 cents by mail. Stowell & Co., Charlestown, Mass.

$10 to $1,000 invested in Wall Street stock market fortunes every month. Book sent free explaining everything. Address Baxter & Co., Bankers, 17 Wall Street, New York

Agents wanted – You can make more money selling Crawford’s Stomach and Liver Pad, in connection with his Kidney Pad than in any other business. Single P.d. $1.00 post paid. Send for terms to agents, Geo. B. Crawford & Co., Lowell, Mass.

Agents – Read this. We will pay agents a salary of $100 a month and expenses, or allow a large commission, to sell our new and wonderful inventions. We mean what we say. Samples free. Address Sherman & Co., Marshall, Mich.

$1050 profits on 30 days investment of $100 in Western Union, June 7 Proportional returns every week on stock options of $20, $50, $100, $500. Official reports and circulars free. Address T. Potterwight & Co., Bankers, 35 Wall St.. N. Y.

Pond’s Extract subdues inflammation, acute or chronic controls all hemorrhages, venous and mucous. Invaluable for sprains, burns scalds, bruises, soreness, rheumatism, boils, ulcers, old sores, toothache, headache, sore throat, asthma, hoarseness, neuralgia, catarrh, &c. Physician of all schools use and recommend Pond’s Extract. No family should be without it, as it is convenient, safe and reliable. Invaluable as a pain destroyer and subduer of all inflammatory diseases and hemorrhages. Farmers stock breeders and livery me should always have it. Leading livery and street car stables in New York and elsewhere always use it. Sprains, harness and saddle chaffing, cuts, scratches, swellings, stiffness, bleeding. &c are all controlled and cured by it. Our special preparation, veterinary extract, is sold at the low price of $3.50 per gallon, package extra. Prices pond’s extract and specialties, Pond’s extract, 50 c, $1.00 and $1.75. Catarrh Cure 75c. Ointment 50c, plaster 25c, inhaler (glass 50c) $1, Nasal syringe, 25c, Medicated pap’r 25c Any of the above preparations sent free of charges in lots of $5.00 worth, on receipt of money or P. O. order. Caution – Pond’s Extract is sold only in bottles, enclosed in buff wrappers, with the words, ‘Pond’s extract’ blown in the glass. It is never sold in bulk. No one can sell it except in our won bottles as above described. Send for our new pamphlet to Pond’s Extract Comp’y. 18 Murray Street, New York

Lay the Axe to the Root if you would destroy the cankering worm. For any external pain, sore, wound or lameness of man or beast, use only Mexican Mustang Liniment. It penetrates all muscle and flesh to the very bone, expelling all inflammation, soreness and pain, and healing the disease part as no other liniment ever did or can. So saith the experience of two generations of sufferers, and so will you say when you have tried the “Mustang”

$1000 reward for any case of bleeding, blind, itching or ulcerated piles that DeRing’s Pile Remedy fails to cure. Gives immediate relief, cures cases of long standing in 1 week, and ordinary cases in 2 days. Caution. None genuine unless yellow wrapper has printed on it in black a pile of stones and Dr. J. P. Miller’s signature, Phila. $1 a bottle. Sold by all druggists. Sent by mail by J. P. Miller, M. D., Propr., S. W. cor Tenth and Arch Strs. Phila, Pa.

Seth Thomas Clocks for Towers, offices, houses, ships, &c., Strong accurate and durable. Prices from $2 to $6,000. 20 Murray St. New York and Thomaston, Ct.

Saponifier is the old reliable concentrated lye for family soap making. Directions accompanying each can for making hard, soft, and toilet soap quickly. It is full weight and strength. The market is flooded with (so-called) concentrated lye, which is adulterated with ----resin, and won’t make soap. Save money and buy the ----. Saponifiers mad e by the Pennsylvania Salt Manufacturing.---Philadelphia, Pa.

Moller’s Norwegian Cod Liver Oil is perfectly pure. Pronounced the best by ----the medical authorities in the world. Given the----- award at 12 world’s expositon, and at ----Sold by druggists. W. H. Schleffelin & C-----

The Temple! The temple is for singing classes, the temple is for conventions, the temple is for choirs. $9.00 per dozen. Single Copy, $1.00. At this season, when music teachers, choir leaders, &c., are quietly making up their minds as to the best books for use during the coming musical season, it is a pleasure to introduce to their notice so fresh, good and useful a book as this one by W. O. Ferkins, who now, by the act of Hamilton college, takes on the well deserved title to Musical Doctor. From the elegant title to the last page the space is most acceptably filled. The Elementary Course is ample in quantity, and has numerous new tunes for practice, which practice, indeed, may extend over the whole book. Abundance of good sacred music, in the form of metrical tunes and anthems, fills a large proportion of the book, and renders it a good collection of church music. The numerous glees and harmonize songs add to the attraction and make this an excellent work for musical societies and conventions. Specimen copies mailed, post free, for $1.00. Oliver Ditson & Co., Boston., G. H. Ditson & Co., 353 Broadway, N. Y. J. E. Ditson & Co., 922 Chestnut St., Phil.

Tarrant’s Seltzet Aperient. There are probably a majority of the human race suffering from kidney complaints. They show themselves in almost protean shapes, but always to the injury of the patient. They cause indescribable agony. The experience of thirty years show that the best remedy for this class of diseases is Tarrant’ Seltzer Aperient. Its properties are diuretic, which are specially adapted for such cures. Sold by all druggists.

New Home Sewing Machine. Best in the world. Agents wanted everywhere. Address Johnson, Clark & Co., 30 Union Square, New York. Orange, Mass., Chicago, Ill.

The Rising Sun Stove Polish. For Beauty of Polish, saving labor, cleanliness, durability and cheapness, unequaled. McRae’s Bros., Proprietors, Canton, Mass.

Any one unable to read music or unskilled in organ playing may produce from the organ not only the part they sing, but all the other parts, by the use of the self-organist. With this new invention, easily attached to the keyboard of any organ, a little boy or girl, knowing a tune, can play as well as a music teacher. Adapted to families, Sunday-schools, and lodge meetings. Address for Circular and terms The Self-Organist Mfg Co., Brattleboro, Vt.

Ridge’s Food for Infants and Invalids. Has found its way into high places the world over and Medical Journals and physicians give it their approval. Woolrich & Co., on every label.

The Smith Organ Co. First Established! Most successful! Their instruments have a standard value in all the leading markets of the world! Everywhere recognized as the finest in tone. Over 80,000 made and in use. New Designs constantly. Best work and lowest prices. Send for a catalogue. Tremont St., opp. Waltham St. Boston, Mass.

South-Western Presbyterian University. Clarksville, Tenn. Rev. J. M. Waddell, D. D. L. L. D., Chancellor. Tuition $50 a year. Board $3 a week. Session 1879-80, Opens Sept. 1, 1879.

Many think there is no cure for Bright’s Disease of the kidney’s or bladder and urinary complaints. They are in error Hunts’ Remedy cures those diseases. General debility, diabetes, pains in the back, loins, or side, dropsy, gravel, dissipation, and all diseases of the kidneys, bladder and urinary organs are cured by hunt’s Remedy. Family physicians prescribe Hunt’s Remedy. Send for pamphlet to W. E. Clarke, Providence, R. I.

Cured free! An infallible and unexcelled remedy for Epilepsy or falling sickness, warranted to effect a speedy and permanent cure. “A Free Bottle” of my renowned specific and a valuable treatise sent to any sufferer sending me his post office and express address. Dr. H. G. Root, 163 Pearl St. New York.

Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Organs. Demonstrated best by highest honors at all world’s expositions for twelve years viz: at Paris 1867; Vienna, 1873; Santiago 1875; Philadelphia 1876; Paris 1878; and Grand Swedish Gold Medal 1878. Only American Organs are awarded highest honors at any such. sold for cash or installments. Illustrated Catalogues and circulars with new styles and prices, sent free. Mason & Hamlin Organ Co., Boston, New York, or Chicago.

Nervous Debility & c. C. C. Morton, Jersey City, N. J.

$77 a month and expenses guaranteed to agents. Outfit free. Shaw & Co., Augusta, Me.

$777 a year and expenses to agents. Outfit free Address P. O. Vickery, Augusta, Me.

Cure for Tender Feet, Undue Perspiration, chafing, and soft corns. By mail, 25 cts., Chas. Mitzenius, POB 526, NYC

Pocket Dictionary, 30,000 words and Dr. Foote’ Health Monthly, one year, 50 c Murray Hill Publ. Co., 129 E. 28th St. N. Y.

Send to F. G. Rich & Co., Portland, Maine, for best agency business in the world. Expensive outfit free.

Young men learn telegraphy and earn $40 to $100 a month. Every graduate guaranteed a paying situation. Address R. Valentine, Man Janesville, Wis.

Maplewood Institute for young ladies, Pittsfield, Mass. Location unrivaled. Collegiate and college preparatory courses. Revs. C. V. Spear & R. E. Avery, Prin.

Big pay with stencil outfits. What costs 4 cents sells rapidly for 50 cts. Catalogue free. S. M. Spencer, 112 Wash’n St. Boston, Mass.

Opium habit and skin diseases. Thousands cured. Lowest prices. Do not fail to write. Dr. F. E. Marsh, Quincy, Mich.

Wanted – By a lady of Virginia, who has had much experience (having been connected with the first female colleges of Virginia) a position as presiding officer and teacher of English in a female college or she would take a situation in private family. Address, stating terms, &c., ABC Culpepper, Va.

Truth is mighty. Professor Martinez, the great Spanish See and Wizard, will for 30 cents with your ages, height, color of eyes and lock of hair, send to you a current picture of your future husband or wife, initials of real names, the time and place where you will first meet, and the date of marriage. Address Prof Martinez 4 Provision St. Boston, Mass. This is no humbug.

Pure teas. Agents wanted everywhere To sell to families, hotels, and large consumers. Largest stock in the country; quality and terms the best. Country store keeper should call or with the Wells Tea Company. 201 Fulton St. N Y PO Box 4560.

Best Press Extant. For horse, hand or power. Three years in use. Universal success. Price complete for power, except wood work, only $43.00. Southern Standard Press Co., Meridan, Miss.

Warner Bro’s Corsets received the highest medal at the recent Paris exposition over all American competitors. The flexible hip corset (120 bones) is warranted not to break down over the hips. Price $1.35. The improved health corset is made with the Tampico Bust, which is soft and flexible and contains no bones. Price by mail, $1.50. For sale by all leading merchants. Warner Bros., 351 Broadway, N. Y.

Masonic Supplies for lodges, chapters and commanderies, manufactured by M. C. Lilley & Co., Columbus, O. Send for Price Lists. Knights Templar uniforms & Specialty. Military, Society, and Fireman’s Goods.

This claim-house established 1865. Pensions. New law. Thousands of soldiers and heirs entitled. Pensions date back to discharge or death. Time limited. Address with stamp. George E. Lemon P. O. Drawer 325 Washington, D. C.

Agents wanted for the Pictorial History of the World. It contains 672 fine historical engravings and 1260 large double-column pages, and is the most complete history of the world ever published. It sales at sight. Send for specimen pages and extra terms to agents, and see why it sells faster than any other book. Address. National Publishing Co., St. Louis, M

Wm. H. Burgess, Rich Square, N. C. Inventor and manufacturer of the Boanoke Cotton Press, Chieftain Press, Chain lever Press and others. Some very cheap. Hoisting Pulleys, &c. Also a new process of mining wells any depth in from one to three hours time. There is money in it. Circulars free.

Teas! Ahead all the time. The very best goods direct from the importers at half the usual cost. Best plan ever offered to Club Agents and large buyers. All express charges paid. New terms free. The Great American Tea Company. 21 and 33 Vesey Street, New York. PO Box 4235.

Agents wanted for “Back From The Mouth of Hell” by one who has been there! “Rise and Fall of the Moustache” by the Burlington Hawkeye Humorist. “Samantha as a P. A. and P. I.” by Josiah Allen’s wife. The three brightest and best selling books out. Agents, you can put these books in everywhere. Best terms given. Address for Agency. American Publishing Co., Hartford, Co. Chicago, Ill.

The Weekly Sun. A large, eight page paper, of 56 broad columns, will be sent postpaid to any address until January 1st, 1860 for half a dollar. Address The Sun, N. Y. City

The Estey Organ is the Best the world over. Manufactory Brattleboro, Va.

The Adams & Westlake Improved Wire Gauze Non-Explosive Oil Stove – the only oil stove made with wire gauze inside the reservoir, on the principle of the Sir Humphrey Davey, Safety Lamp, making it absolutely non-explosive. Awarded the highest premium medal at the Paris Exposition, in 1878, for Safety, Capacity, and durability. Made in four sizes, 1, 2, 3. and 4 burners. Inquire of dealers, or send for catalogues and price list. The Adams & Westlake Mfg. Co., Stove Office, 100 Lake St., Chicago.

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