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USGenWeb Archives for
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A Surnames & Queries
ADAMS, Jessie Lee: Seeking information about Jessie Lee
Adams and members of his family. Any info would be greatly
appreciated. Thanks, J W Perkins at 4/13/02
ADAMS, John Thomas: Seeking information on John Thomas
Adams b. 1880, his wife Mary A. Weathers, b. abt. 1882, any of their
children, Kager Adams, Jessie Lee Adams, Annie Lee Adams, and Ramon
Adams. Anything would be greatly appreciated. Thanks J W
ALEXANDER, Cora Lee Crossley: I'm trying to locate the ancestors
of Cora Lee Crossley Alexander my grandmother. She was born either in South
Carolina or Alabama; she told me once that she had family in Alabama. She passed
away November of 1972. Any help you could give me would be greatly appreciated.
Robin Henry - -
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