Associations - Petworth Citizens Association

Below is a list of people who were members of this association. This is a compilation from different sources, not an exhaustive list. For others, see Employment > Agencies and Associations.

For sources, other occupations, or other locations, see

Count: 17
Lyster H.Dewey
Howard AustinEdson
William F.Gude
Charles JohnsonJamespres. for 3 years
Dunbar H.Johnson
Frank PaulLanghorne
Paul E.Leshpres.
Raymond EmmonsMacomber
Clyde J.Nichols
Alfred CookmanNorcross
Perry P.Patrick
Horace J.Phelpspres. 1920-1921
Don Alonzo JrSanford
William ErnestShaefer
George WillisStoseVP and secretary
G. EllisWilliams