Cemetery is on the 2002/03 Cemetery and Tombstone Transcription Project, By T. A. Godlevsky. Click on the logo for cemetery details.
Cemetery Location Township-Range-Section Quarter Comments
American Baptist Mission Fayette
Beaver Creek
Not Dunn County - See Comments
Several places indicate Dunn County but is at 47.5047 -101.9552 Mercer County
Benson Family Family cemetery in Twin Buttes area. Some references call it "Spotted Bear."
(aka Saint John's Lutheran)
Coal Mine
(aka Old Dunn Center)
Dunn Center
Crows Heart
(aka Crowsheart)
Twin Buttes
Dovre Lutheran
(aka Haven of Rest, Whetstone)
The cemetery, christened Haven of Rest in 1959, remains to mark the site of Whetstone
Dunn Center Dunn Center
Emerson Manning
Halliday 1 Mile E. of Halliday T145 R91 S31 NE Actually a combination of 3 cemeteries: St. Paul's Catholic, Our Saviour's Lutheran, and St. Paul's Lutheran.
Hammond Pioneer
(aka Olson Pioneer)
6 miles West of Medicine Hole T146 R97 S2 N1/2-SE1/4
Private Property. 47.45843 -103.03542
Haven of Rest
(aka Dovre Lutheran, Whetstone)
The cemetery, christened Haven of Rest in 1959, remains to mark the site of Whetstone
(aka Saint Philip's Catholic)
Holding Eagle Family Family Cemetery in the Twin Buttes area.
Independence Congregational Church Fort Berthold Reservation T149 R91 Church Page
Located with Church
Kabanuk Family Killder
Killdeer Killdeer
Killdeer Mountain Battlefield Graveyard
Located on State Historic Site
From Killdeer; North on Highway 22, West on 1st St SW, North on 110th Ave N, West on Main St - Main St merges with Killdeer Mountain Battlefield Road. About 8.5 miles.
(aka Saint Pokrova of Holy Virgin Orthodox, aka Russian)
Kulish Family Manning
(aka Marshall, aka Kyseth Memorial)
Loring Dodge
Manning Manning
(aka Kyseth, aka Kyseth Memorial)
Normanna Lutheran Lake Ilo
Oakdale The cemetery land was donated by Michael and Kitty Cuskelly
Old Dunn Center
(aka Coal Mine)
Dunn Center
Olson Pioneer
(aka Hammond Pioneer)
6 mile West of Medicine Hole T146 R97 S2 N1/2-SE1/4
Private Property. 47.45843 -103.03542
Our Savior's Lutheran Halliday
Peace Lutheran Dunn Center
Ridgeway Lutheran Taylor
Roshau New Hradec
(aka Saint Pokrova of Holy Virgin Orthodox, aka Korsun)
Saint Anthony's Catholic New Hradec
Saint Edward's Catholic Fayette
Saint John's Lutheran
(aka Bronco)
Annexed to Saint Paul's Lutheran
Saint John's Lutheran Halliday
Saint Joseph's Catholic Twin Buttes
Saint Martin's Catholic Dodge
Saint Paul's Catholic Halliday
Saint Paul's Lutheran Halliday
Saint Philip's Catholic
(aka Hirschville)
Saint Pokrova of Holy Virgin Orthodox
(aka Korsun, aka Russian)
Saints Peter and Paul Catholic
New Hradec Cemetery Page
Church Page
National Historic Place
Tooz Family Killdeer
Twin Buttes Congregational Church Twin Buttes Incorrectly referred to as Lincoln Memorial
Vang Lutheran Manning
Werner Halliday
(aka Haven of Rest, Dovre Lutheran)
The cemetery, christened Haven of Rest in 1959, remains to mark the site of Whetstone

Sources: 1. - 2002/03 Tombstone Transcription Project; 2. - FindAGrave; 3. - County Coordinator Research.