Mountrail County


1909 Feb 04, The Ward County Independent, Minot, ND

Wm. C. Gibb for Sheriff

The Independent understands that Wm C. Gibb, jr. of White Earth, has a very good prospect of becoming the first Sheriff of Mountraille county. Mr. Gibb stands well in the county, and is thoroughly qualified to fill the office, having held a deputyship at different times and it is beyond dispute that he would make an A 1 sheriff. It is up to the Commissioners of the new county however, to make all appointments for temporary offices and it is our humble opinion that he should receive some consideration.

1909 Mar 09, The Evening Times, Grand Forks, ND

Stanley Visited by Fire Fiend
Loss of $35,000 Sustained in Mountrail County Seat Blaze Monday

Stanley, N. D., March 9 – The business district of this city was swept by fire Monday morning at 5 o'clock, the total loss sustained being $35,000, with insurance totaling $15,000. The fire wiped out the main portion of the business district of the city and while the blow is a severe one, it is understood that all of the burned places will be replaced immediately.

The fire originated in the furniture store owned by Mark Miller and its spread was rapid. The people of the town worked hard to down the fire and finally succeeded in securing control.

The losses sustained follow: V. F. Dale building, $8,000 with $5,000 insurance; H. L. Solberg, general merchandise, loss $8,000, insurance $5,000; Mark Miller, furniture, loss $5,000; Paul LaBrant, harness shop, loss $500; Dr. Conrad, building, loss $800; Stanley Kovan, building loss $1,000; Theodore Everson, merchandise, loss $300.

1909 Mar 18, The Ward County Independent, Minot, ND

The White Earth Record has changed its chief push. A. M. Young being the new High Scribe quill pusher who will furnish the people in Mountrail all of the necessary news in the future.

1909 Mar 23, Bismarck Daily Tribune, Bismarck, ND

New County In Full Swing
Officials of Mountrail County are Attending to New Court Affairs

Minot, N. D., March 22. – Mountrail county is now formally organized, and the county officials are taking care of the business of the county in the regular manner. Register of Deeds J. W. Arnold, who spent most of last week at the Ward county court house familiarizing himself with the records pertaining to Mountrail county, stated that he would begin to do business in Mountrail county this week. All real estate transfers, mortgages and the like, involving territory in Mountrail county will be filed at Stanley instead of Minot.

1909 Mar 25, The Ward County Independent, Minot, ND

The first official stunt performed by the insanity board of Mountrail county was recorded last week when that honorable body met and decided that one Carl Warp was a subject for the Jamestown asylum and he was accordingly assigned a ward in that institution where he will be under the care for some time of the state.

1909 Apr 02, Bismarck Daily Tribune, Bismarck, ND

S. M. Pierson took a trip to Stanley, the county trip of the new county of Mountraille, and was so pleased with the location, he will move one of his string of papers or start another at that point.

1909 Apr 25, Bismarck Daily Tribune, Bismarck, ND

New Corporations
Montraille County

Mountrail County Loan company, M. Stanley, N. D., capital stock $25,000. Incorporators: T. L. Beiseker, Fessenden, N. D., B.B. W. Taylor and C. L. Bishop, Taylor of Cathay and Bishop of Fessenden, N. D.

1909 May 15, The Evening Times, Grand Forks, ND

Bob Nash Goes to Stanley
Graduate of University Law School Last Year to Locate at Mountrail County Seat

Word from Stanley brings the news that R. F. Nash, known around these parts as "Bob" is to locate at "Little Mac's" progressive city. Mr. Nash was a graduate of the university law department last year and it can be vouched well in advance that he will "make good." Mr. Nash is regarded as one of the clever attorneys of the state and Stanley welcomes him to its professional circles with open arms, and as clever and able attorney as he is should make Stanley proud in securing one of such exceptional brilliant attainments.

1909 Jun 10, Williston Graphic, Williston, Williams County, ND

Wm. Gibb, county auditor of Mountrail county, accompanied by Mrs. Gibb, arrived in the city Saturday. Mr. Gibb returned to Stanley Monday morning but Mrs. Gibb remained for a visit with relatives.

1909 Jun 21, The Evening Times, Grand Forks, ND

Tagus, A Gem in the Fertile Territory of the Northwest
Her Business Men
Representative Firms and What They are Doing
Good, Live Commercial Club
Live Men in a Live Place

Tagus is situated in the county of Mountrail, about 32 miles west of Minot, N. D., in the most fertile section of the county. This village has an extraordinary large territory, which is of the best grain producing soil in the western part of North Dakota. …

The land values in this vicinity are from $1,600 to $5,000 per quarter section, varying according to improvements. …

The people here are here to stay. ..

Tagus is a thriving little village of about two hundred inhabitants on the Great Northern railroad. It has four general stores, one exclusive hardware store, one blacksmith shop, one livery barn, two lumber yards, one hotel, one café, one meat market, one pool hall, one drug store, one bank, one harness shop, one doctor and one lawyer. There are two elevators with a capacity of about 70,000 bushels of grain. There is one feed mill here which may be purchased or exchanged. We have a local newspaper and two of our citizens have just received their newly purchased automobiles. There is an $8,000 school house in the course of construction in the village. Additional streets are being opened up and bids let for the building of cement sidewalks throughout the business section. There is a commercial club working for the best interests of the village and surrounding territory, with Ira D. Bush at the helm. The Norwegian Lutheran church has a congregation here, and also the Methodist church and Presbyterian church. The catholic congregation will build a church building this summer. The W. C. T. U. local organization is doing effective work.

Among those to be mentioned who are doing things in the Tagus territory are Ira D. Bush, who, with Fred Morrison, is supplying the farmers with their hardware and machinery; Bull Brugman is always interested in the things that er for the welfare of the territory. He is cashier of our local bank; Robert J. Reynan is catering to the tillers of the soil in the way of soft drinks and fruits, and has a spacious pool hall in connection where all are welcome; Cecil Birch is always ready to serve his customers with the best of meats. He has a well equipped meat market; Martin Reynan is the proprietor of the Tagus hotel, where transients as well as home people get the best of service in the way of home cooking, like mother used to make; G. A. Coffas, is the proprietor of the local livery barn and has some of the best horses on hand that can be found in the country; A. C. Christiansen, our blacksmith, has enlarged his shop and equipped it with all modern machinery to handle his ever increasing business; H. W. Blichfeldt is the local attorney-at-law. He is always looking to the best interests of the village and the farmers. He has been in this territory for the past two years and has traveled all sections of the same. He has established an extensive real estate business, and generally has a number of good quarters of land for sale or exchange, as well as a few good relinquishments on hand. …

Tagus has excellent train service, being on the main coast line of the Great Northern railway. …

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