Nels has been difficult to research by this writer because of the use of both given and surnames. Records have his given name as Nels and Nils. Some records have his middle as Knudson, Knudsen, Knutson, Knudtson, and Knutsen. Further, it is not clear by this writer how and when the surname Haga was used. Apparently in the civil war and for his pension records he used the name Nels Knudson. There is no indication in his civil war records that he was using an alias.
Nels was born in Vossestrand, Hordaland, Norway on 18 March 1834 and died in Traill County 22 January 1905.
He enlisted as a Private from Decorah, Iowa on 15 August 1862. He mustered into Company E, Iowa 38th Infantry Regiment on 4 November 1862 and transferred on 1 January 1865 to Company K, Iowa 34th Infantry Regiment. He mustered out on 15 August 1865 at Houston, Texas. He started receiving his pension 15 Jun 1890 in North Dakota and his wife, Martha [Nils Knudson and Martha Larson married in Iowa in 1866], started receiving a widow's pension on 5 May 1908 in Iowa.
In the 1880 Federal Census he is living in Dayton, Dakota Territory. In the 1890 Veterans Federal Census he is living in Mayville and in 1900 Federal Census he and Martha are living in Roseville Township.
The Hatton Diamond Jubilee Book: "Nils K. Haga, a Civil War veteran of Co. K. 34, Iowa Infantry, was born in Norway on March 18, 1834. His wife, Martha, was born in Norway June 6, 1842. They homesteaded in Viking Township, Section 8, N.E. about 1880. Their original log cabin is a part of the house still standing on their homestead where they lived until they died, Mr. Haga passing away in 1905 and Mrs. Haga in 1908."
From Norwegians in the Civil War; Vesterheim Norwegian-American Museum: "KNUDSON, Nels
IA 34th Inf Co K. Born in Norway. Civil War: Enrolled in August 1863 at age 27. Post war: Came from Iowa to Traill County, Dakota Territory, in May 1879. Private. Sources: (Traill County Veterans Index, 1885 Dakota Territorial Census, p138)"
also "KNUTSON, Nels
IA 34th Inf Co K. Civil War: Enlisted 15 Aug 1862. Private. Discharged 15 Aug 1865. Post war: In 1890, he was living in Portland, Traill County, North Dakota. Sources: (1890 Veterans and Widows Census, North Dakota, No.123, roll 59)."
also "HAGA, Nils K.
From Voss, Norway. Civil War: Private. Wounded. Post war: Lived in Traill County, North Dakota. Sources: (Ulvestad p286)."
He is buried in Aurdal Cemetery.
Burial, Tombstone Picture.
From the Compendium of History and Biography of North Dakota, Page 239:
"OLUF HAGEN, county auditor of Traill county, is one of the rising young men of North Dakota. He is a gentleman of exemplary character, and the people repose confidence in him. He is ably discharging the duties of his position as a public officer, and is among the public-spirited men of the county.
Our subject was born near Lillihammer, Norway. August 24, 1867, and was the fourth in a family of six children, born to Ole and Anna (Hagen) Hagen. His parents died in Norway and our subject and two older brothers are the only surviving members of the family. His father was a land owner of comfortable circumstances, and our subject remained at home until seventeen years of age, when he emigrated to America, and at once went to Wisconsin, where an uncle lived. He engaged in farm work and also in the mills in St. Croix county, and in the spring of 1885 went to Dakota and worked at farm labor, making his home at Clifford Traill county. He entered Bruflat Academy at Portland, in 1888, and spent two winters in the business course, completing the same in Curtiss Commercial College, graduating with the class of 1891. He returned to Traill county and taught school one term, and then went to Grand Forks University to perfect himself in the English language. His education was obtained by his own efforts, and he has acquired a thorough business training since taking up his residence in North Dakota.
Mr. Hagen is a member of the Knights of Pythias, and Modern Woodmen of America. He was appointed deputy treasurer of Traill county in 1894, and served one year, followed by four years as deputy county auditor, and in 1898 he was elected to his present office as county auditor. He was well qualified for the position, having become familiar with the duties while deputy auditor, and is recognized as a gentleman of true citizenship."
Oluf was married to Karen (Carrie) Swenson and they had children: Oswald J., Milton, Theresa, Dr. Earl Oluf, and U. S. Congressman Harlan.
There is a picture of Oluf on Page 39.
Burial, Tombstone Picture.
Orlin was born to Trygve and Inger J. Sand Hagen on 12 September 1920 in Traill County. His siblings included; Lionel (1916), Roy Joseph (1918), Jeanette Eleanor (1923), and Loren Milton (1925).
Orlin enlisted into the U. S. Army at Buxton. He was a veteran of World War II. While in the Korean War he served as a Sergeant First Class in the 48th Field Artillery Battalion, 7th Infantry Division. While fighting the enemy in the North Korea Sector (Pork Chop Hill) he was killed in action on 7 July 1953. He was posthumously awarded the Purple Heart, Korean War Service Medal, United Nations Service Medal, and the National Defense Service Medal.
Korean War Project Remembrance.
Burial, Tombstone Picture.
Merlin was born to John and Hannah Larson Hagen on 6 May 1921 in Hillsboro. His siblings included Amelia, Herbert, Clarence, Hazel, Orlen, Lila, Norman, Bernice all older than Merlin.
Merlin enlisted in the U. S. Army and reported to Fort Snelling, Minnesota on 22 November 1942. He served in the Europeon African Middle Eastern Theater and was killed in action on 18 January 1945. He was a Private First Class serving in the 405th Infantry Regiment, 102nd Infantry Division, Cannon Company.
Burial, Tombstone Photo. His father is buried here with links to other family members.

1938 Basketball Team. Top row: Donald Hanson, Albert Osman,
Oliver Baglien, Orlin Thomson, Merlin Hagen, Fred Eisenhardt, and
George (Jug) Newgard. Middle row: Connie Kamesch, Ray Lindeman,
Lloyd Moen, and Albert Rowan. Bottom row: Bernie Halverson, Harley
Ludwig, Wallace Osman, Jack Beck, and Tom Kelly.
From the Compendium of History and Biography of North Dakota, Page 202:
"HON. ANDREW HANSON. The farming community of Mayville township, Traill county, has an able representative in the person of Andrew Hanson. He resides on section 10, and cultivates nine hundred and twenty acres of choice land.
Our subject was born near Christiana, Norway, in 1852, and was the second in a family of eight children, five sons and three daughters, born to Hans and Christiana (Anderson) Hanson. He came to America in 1867 and settled in Columbia county, Wisconsin, where he followed farming work four years and then removed to Dakota in 1871. He worked on the boats on the Red river and at railroad work to earn his livelihood, and was twenty-five miles from a post office. He began farming in 1871, living in a log cabin 12x14 feet, and has met with unbounded success in his calling. He has a good residence and other farm buildmgs on his land, and possesses an extensive farm of nine hundred and twenty acres.
Our subject was married in 1878 to Miss Bertha Skogstad. Ten children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Hanson, as follows: Carrie, deceased; Nels, now attending Lutheran College in Iowa; Annie, attending Normal School in Mayville; Carrie; Hilda; Hilman, deceased; Tunetta; Arthur and Bertha. Mr. Hanson was elected county commissioner
in 1898, and he served as a member of the general assembly in the session of 1890-91. He is one of the leading men of the county, and every enterprise which tends to upbuild his community is heartily supported by him, and as a man of exemplary character he stands high in the minds of his associates. He has gained his possessions single-handed and is enjoying the result of a well-spent career. He holds membership in the Norwegian Lutheran church."
Andrew died 23 December 1930 and Bertha died 2 November 1935. They are both buried in Gran Cemetery.
Andrew was the first Mayville postmaster in 1876.
There is a short biography and portraits of Andrew and Bertha on Page 58 of Mayville's 1881-1956 Diamond Jubilee.
Hjalmer was born in Fertile, Polk County, Minnesota on 30 October 1887.
In 1915 Hjalmer was living in Mayville and in 1917 in Portland and working at the A. J. Anderson farm in Roseville Township.
Hjalmer was inducted at Hillsboro on 3 September 1918 and sent to Camp Grant, Winnebago County, 111inois. He served in Company G, 5th Limited Service Regiment, 161st Depot Brigade until his death of pneumonia on 11 October 1918. This writer could not find a record of burial.
Ingvold's given name is various in records such as Ingvold, Ingvald, Ingewald, Ingrold, and Engrold,
He was born June 1828 in Norway and died before November 1910.
He enlisted as a Private from Minnesota on 1 October 1864 into Company D, 1st Regiment, Minnesota Heavy Artillery. He mustered out on 26 June 1865. He started receiving his pension on 4 August 1890 in North Dakota and his wife Gunil [Gunhild] started receiving a widow's pension on 8 November 1910 in North Dakota.
In the 1890 Veterans Federal Census he is living in Norway Township. In 1900 he is in Eldorado Township.
From Norwegians in the Civil War; Vesterheim Norwegian-American Museum: "HANSON, Ingvold
MN Hv Arty 1st Reg Co D. Residence: Spring Grove, Houston County, Minnesota. Born in Hadeland, Norway. Civil War: Age 35. Enrolled 1 Oct 1864. Mustered 13 Oct 1864. Private. Discharged from the service 26 Jun 1865. Post war: Lived at Hillsboro. Sources: (MINN p583) (MCIW p621) (Ulvestad p288) “Hansen, Ingvald”."
Ingvold held a land patent in Sections 32 and 33, Township 146, Range 50.
He is buried in Hillsboro #1 Cemetery
Burial, Tombstone Picture.
Some records have his middle initial as E.
Edgar was born 1 August 1843 in Pennsylvania. He died 21 August 1911 in Pennsylvania.
He enlisted as a Private 4 January 1862 into Company A, Minnesota 5th Infantry Regiment and mustered out as a Corporal on 5 February 1865. He was wounded in the war. He received his pension beginning 27 January 1891 in North Dakota and his wife, Ellie, started receiving a widow's pension on 11 September 1911 in Pennsylvania.
In the 1880 Federal Census he is living in Traill County. In the 1890 Veterans Federal Census he is living in Mayville and in 1900 he is in Pierce County.
Edgar held land grants in Section 2, Township 147, Range 52 (Lindaas Township).
He is buried in Greendale Cemetery, Meadville, Pennsylvania.
Kenneth was born to Albert and Alma Hefta on 6 August 1928 in Portland. He was one of ten children: Edith, Gordon, Norma, Alan, Alice, Howard, Joyce, Albert and Sylvia.
Kenneth was in the Korean War serving as a U. S. Army Sergeant in Company L, 3rd Battalion, 9th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Infantry Division. On 14 February 1951, he was defending his position along the main supply route to Chipyong, South Korea when his company was attacked by a force of 1,000 Chinese. He was taken as a Prisoner of War. He died while a prisoner on 10 April 1951. His remains were never recovered. Sergeant Hefta was awarded the Combat Infantryman's Badge, the Prisoner of War Medal, the Korean Service Medal, the United Nations Service Medal, the National Defense Service Medal, the Korean Presidential Unit Citation and the Republic of Korea War Service Medal.
There are three FindAGrave Memorials for Kenneth:
Honolulu, Honolulu County, Hawaii with picture of a portion of the memorial wall.
Portland Memorial with Photo and Tombstone Memorial Pictures.
National Korean War Veterans Memorial, Washington, D.C. with Photo, Photo of North Dakota Personnel Memorial, and links to several family members.
From the Compendium of History and Biography of North Dakota (1900), Page 283:
OLE N. HEM, register of deeds of Traill county, is among the popular and influential public officials of that county. He has resided in Hillsboro for the past four years, but previous to that time was a well-known and prosperous business man of Portland. He attends strictly to the duties of his oflice, and is efficient, thorough, and a man in whom the people repose confidence.
Our subject was born in Christiansands Stift, Norway, June 16, 1857, and was the oldest in a family of eight children, born to Nels and Guro (Hem) Suntlvall, both of whom are deceased. The mother died when our subject was twelve years of age. Mr. Hem worked at farm labor and attended the Military College, and at the age of twenty-two years, after completing his education, he came to America and worked a short time in Swift county, Minnesota, and later entered a hardware store in Benson. He went to Traill county. North Dakota, May 13, 1882, and worked in a hardware store in Portland, and in the early part of 1884, assumed the management of the lumber business now conducted under the firm name of the Beidler & Robinson Lumber Company. He was elected to his present office in 1896 and then removed his family to Hillsboro.
Our subject was married, in 1883, to Miss Amelia H. Engeland, a native of Norway. Eight children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Hem, as follows: Nils, deceased, Hans, Gina, Ida, Otto, Effie, Alfha and William McK. Mr. Hem served as mayor of Portland and also treasurer while a resident of that place, and has participated in public affairs wherever he has resided. He is a man of the best of character, unassuming, and earnestly devoted to his work, and his popularity is best evidenced by the fact that he was returned to the office of register of deeds of Traill county by general vote. He is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias, Modern Woodmen of America, and Ancient Order of United Workmen. In political faith he is a Republican and attends the county and state conventions of his party and is firm in his convictions.
Ole's Burial, Tombstone Photo. Amelia's Burial, Tombstone Photo.
North Dakota History and People - Outlines of American History
Volume II
The E. J. Clarke Publishing Company
1917 - Chicago
For over four decades John M. Herberg, a farmer of
Herberg township, has resided in
Traill county, and he is recognized as one of the leading citizens of the
county. He began
his career empty handed, but through the exercise of sound judgment,
determination and
industry he has gained financial independence and now holds title to five
hundred acres of
excellent land. A native of Norway, he was born on the 15th of February,
1839, of the marriage of Thomas and Bertha Herberg, both natives of that country, where they
lived and died. To them were born ten children, of whom only two now survive, our
subject and a
sister, Bertha Benedickson, who is living in Norway.
John M. Herberg was reared and educated in his native land and remained
there until
1870, when he came to America and, making his way into the interior of the
country, settled
in Minnesota. The following year, however, he came to North Dakota and
located on a
claim near Fargo, which he soon afterward sold. He then removed to Traill
county and
took up a homestead on section 36, Herberg township, where he has since
resided. The
place was totally unimproved when it came into his possession, and as soon
as possible he
erected a small log cabin, which was covered with a sod roof and which had
only the
ground for the floor. For some time this primitive structure was his only
home, but later
he built a substantial and attractive frame residence. He has also erected
good barns and
other necessary farm buildings and the improvements upon his place compare
with those on adjoining farms. He has brought his land to a high state of
development, has
carefully conserved its fertility and has seldom failed to harvest large
crops. From time to
time he has purchased additional land and now owns five hundred acres. He
was one of the
pioneers of the county and has always been among the leaders in movements
for the community welfare, and the high esteem in which he is held by the early
settlers of the county
is evidenced by the fact that Herberg township, in which he lives, was
named in his
honor. The school district was also given his name.
Mr. Herberg was married in Norway to Miss Magel Serine Kolsto, and they have
become the parents of ten children, namely, Thomas, Tracy, Olof, Bertha,
Albert, Olga,
Edward, Thorolf, Herbert, and one who is deceased.
Since becoming a naturalized American citizen Mr. Herberg has stanchly
supported the
republican party and he has been called to office, having served acceptably
as supervisor
and as treasurer of his township. Both he and his wife hold membership in
the Lutheran
church, and take a commendable interest in the moral advancement of their
He is a fine representative of those self-reliant, determined and
public-spirited men who
in a generation transformed the state of North Dakota from a wild,
uninviting and sparsely
settled region to a prosperous and highly developed commonwealth.
From Album of Biography of the Famous Valley of the Red River of the North and the Park Regions:
"PETER HERBRANDSON, the present deputy postmaster in the village of Caledonia, Traill county, North Dakota, is a native of Norway. He was born near Drammen, on the 9th of August, 1847, and is the son of Herbran and Bergret (Narvesen) Peterson, also natives of that kingdom.
Mr. Herbrandson, of whom this article treats, remained at home attending school until he was about fifteen years old. At that age he learned the baker‘s trade. which he followed for about three years. In 1864 he emigrated to the United States, and after landing, located in Clayton county, Iowa, where he worked for farmers for about four years. At the expiration of that time he bought a team and threshing machine, rented a farm and worked at farming and threshing. About that time he bought a piece of timber land, and in the winters put in choppers and got out wood and posts. He was thus employed until 1874, when he moved to Otter Tail county, Minnesota, with the intention of taking land, but as the country did not suit him and it was just at the time when the grasshoppers were a great pest in that region, he did not settle. In his travels he went up into the Red River Valley, but soon returned to Otter Tail county, where he had left his family. They removed to the unsettled portion of that county, where he put up hay and built a house and stable. While there he was troubled with the Indians, who camped near there every winter. They would beg or steal, and
although there never was an outbreak, they were a constant worry to the settlers, who did not know what moment there would be an uprising. In the spring of 1875 he removed to Caledonia, Traill county, North Dakota, where he took a preemption claim, which he afterward proved upon as a homestead. He engaged in shipping and buying cattle, which he followed for two years. He proved up on his claim in August, 1878, and after living upon it for nine months removed to the village, where he has since lived. In January, 1882, he was appointed postmaster of the village, which position he filled until April, 1886, when he was appointed deputy postmaster. In the fall of 1878, he was elected county commissioner, and since that time has held that office. He was formerly interested in the real estate business, and now owns something over one~half section in Dakota and 200 acres in Minnesota. He owns a fine dwelling house, and is among the prominent business men of Caledonia.
Mr. Herbrandson was married in Clayton county, Iowa, in June, 1873, to Miss Carrie Nelson, and they have been blessed with the following-named children —-Emma, Anna, Nina and Harry. Our subject and his family belong to the Norwegian Lutheran church. He is asubstantial and careful business man, and since his residence in Caledonia has been prominently identified with the local prosperity of the place. He is a man of excellent business qualifications, and his uniform straightforward and honorable
course in all business transactions has caused him to be rated as one of the most honorable men in the county."
North Dakota History and People - Outlines of American History
Volume II
The E. J. Clarke Publishing Company
1917 - Chicago
Jalmer Herre is one of the younger farmers of
Traill county and is also one of the most
substantial as he holds title to seven hundred and sixty-six acres of fine
land. A native son
of the county, be was born in Elm River township on the 18th of July, 1883,
of the marriage
of Alford and Alfred Johnson, natives of Norway, who emigrated to the United
States in 1860
and first located in Wisconsin. Eighteen years later they removed with their
family to North
Dakota and settled upon a farm in Traill county, where they passed their
remaining days.
Jalmer Herre, their only child, was just three months old when bis mother
died and he
was adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Nels Herre [see biography below]. He was reared under their roof and
received his
education in the public schools of Traill county and in the North Dakota
Agricultural College at Fargo. He is progressive in his methods of farming, profiting by the
experience of
investigators who are seeking to make agriculture more of an exact science
and utilizing the
most improved farm machinery. He seldom fails to harvest large crops and as
he understands the importance of studying the market so as to sell to the best
advantage he realizes
a large financial return from his land. He owns three hundred and twenty
acres on section 33, Herberg township, on which his residence is located, and three
hundred and twenty
acres on section 8, the same township, and one hundred and twenty-six acres
on section 6,
Elm River township. All of his land is well improved and everything is kept
in excellent
Mr. Herre supports the repiiblican party and takes the interest of a good
citizen in public affairs. He is now serving on the township board and is proving a very able official, he
ranks among the foremost farmers of his county and has done much to promote
an interest
in scientific agriculture in this section. He has passed his entire life
here and his genuine
worth is indicated by the fact that those who have known him most intimately
are his
warmest friends.
North Dakota History and People - Outlines of American History
Volume II
The E. J. Clarke Publishing Company
1917 - Chicago
Nels A. Herre, a wealthy farmer residing in Herberg
township, Traill county, where he
owns six hundred and seventy-five acres of excellent land, is a native of
Norway and has
manifested the sturdy characteristics of his race. He was born on the 14th
of August, 1852,
of the marriage of Andrew and Julia Herre, both also natives of that
country. In 1860 they
removed with their family to America and first located in Wisconsin, where
the mother passed
away. The father subsequently became a resident of North Dakota and here his
Nels A. Herre, who is the only one living of a family of four children, was
reared in
Wisconsin as he was but a child when the family emigrated to the United
States. He is
indebted for his education to the public schools of that state, and after
putting aside his
textbooks engaged in farming there until 1877, when he came to North Dakota
and filed on
land on section 32, Herberg township, Traill county. He has since resided
upon his homestead but has increased the boundaries of the place from time to time until
it now comprises
six hundred and seventy-five acres, all of which is finely improved. His
success as an agriculturist has been due not to any fortunate circumstances but to his
enterprise, his untiring
industry and his good management.
In 1879 occurred the marriage of Mr. Herre and Miss Johanna Sunfry, who
was also
born in Norway. Both belong to the Lutheran church and in their lives seek
to conform
to the teachings of that organization. He has supported the republican party
since becoming
of age but has never sought nor desired office. When he came to this state
conditions were
those of the frontier and there were few who were able to foresee the
marvelous transformation which it was destined to undergo within four decades. He has thoroughly
his interests with those of his adopted state from the first and at all
times has sought to
further its advancement. He found here excellent opportunities and through
his readiness
in utilizing them has gained more than financial independence, although at
the time of his
arrival here he was practically empty handed.
From Portland History 1882-1957: "Sven N. Heskin was born in Norway, September 29, 1854. In 1866 he came with his parents to America and settled in Wisconsin. In 1872 he came to Dakota and worked the first summer for the Hudson's Bay Co., boating on the Red River, and surveying for the government. In 1873 he began improvements on his homestead. He married Ragnhild [sic] O. Haugen in 1874. Their nine children were: Julia, Nils, Ole, Mary, John, Henry, Anna, Carl and Helmer. Mr. Heskins served two terms as sheriff and one as deputy. He was elected to the State Legislature in 1896 for one term. Mr. Heskin was a charter member of Aurdal Church [Page 26] and devoted much time to church work. In 1907 they moved to Portland. Mr. Heskin died in 1924 and Mrs. Heskin in 1934."
Sven Burial, Tombstone Photo, Obituaries, Family Links. At this site there are links to Ragnild and all of their nine children.
Henry was born in March 1845.
He enlisted (civil war records list him as Henry A. Hodges) from Westmoreland, New York on July 1862 and mustered 11 August 1862 into Company E, New York 117th Infantry Regiment and mustered out on 8 July 1865 at the De Camp General Hospital, Davids' Island, New York. He started receiving a pension on 31 July 1865 and later a minor pension was issued in his name to Asa Sargeant (by next friend).
In the 1890 Veterans Federal Census he is living in Hillsboro and in 1900 he is in Caledonia.
On 3 October 1897 Henry married Josephine Aamot in Traill County.
Burial, Tombstone Picture
Holter, Anton and Louise were born near Olso, Norway and were married in Norway. Like many other couples they became interested in emigrating to America and came to Worth County, Iowa. The family, together with several neighbors, took off by covered wagon and oxen for Dakota Territory and arrived in June 1879. They settled on NE1/4, section 1. Newburgh Township. Nine children were born, all of which have passed away. Mrs. Holter died July 21, 1917, at the age of 78 and Mr. Holter died Dec 31, 1923 at the age of 86. A daughter, Mrs. Lottie Bjertness, became the owner of the farm in 1930 and since then it has been unoccupied. Mr. and Mrs. Gust Skoiten became owners of the land in 1939. The family group shown here was taken about 1890.
Contributed by Gerry Mohn from Hatton Centennial 1884-1984, "A Century Of Change," Page 312. Note there is a family picture on Page 313.
Holter, David Jerome was born April 4, 1936 at Hatton, He is a farmer in Garfield township. His parents are Jerome and Esther Holter. His wife is Dawn Iris Wegenast, born Jan 28, 1939 at Edgeley, ND. Her parents are Adolph and Iris Wegenast.
They have three children; Kari DeAnn, Nancy Dawn, Nathan David.
David was born and raised in Hatton City. He had additional schooling at Wahpeton, ND and NDSU. He served two years with the Army in Germany. Dawn and David were married July 17, 1959 at Portland, ND. They made their home two and one-half miles east of Hatton where they joined David's father, Jerome. With the family farming operation. This land was also farmed by David's grandfather, Albert Bjertness.
Their children: Kati is a graduate of UND in Grand Forks, ND. Nancy is a graduate of Concordia College, Moorhead, MN and Nathan is a student at Hatton High School and now farming with his father. He is a fourth generation farmer in Garfield Township.
Contributed by Gerry Mohn from Hatton Centennial 1884-1984, "A Century Of Change," Page 244. Note there is a family picture on Page 244.
Holter, Fritjof was born in 1873, the son of Bernt Anton Holter and Anna Lovise Aarhus. He married Jennie Holman, daughter of Jens and Thea Holman. Fritof (Fred) Holter came with his parents by covered wagon from Northwood, Iowa when he was about six years old. They homesteaded 2 miles north of Hatton. Fred was a carpenter by trade and built the house, which is now the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome. Jennie came from Norway with her mother.
Fred and Jennie were the parents of four children: Jerome, Hatton, farmer, wife: Esthers, 8 children; Norine, Hatton, wife Olive, three children; Lucille is deceased, she had two sons; Jordis is married to Darrell Dahl, Tampa, Florida., has 2 children.
Contributed by Gerry Mohn from Hatton Centennial 1884-1984, "A Century Of Change," Page 312. Note there is a wedding picture on Page 140.
Holman, Hjalmer was born June 10, 1881 in Norway to parents Jens and Thea Holman. He was a carpenter and a farmer. His wife Selma (Holter) Holman was born Jan 10, 1970 in Newburgh Township. Her parents were Anton and Louise Holter. He died Mar 5,1922 and Selma died Dec 6, 1940. Hjalmer Holman and Selma Holter were married July 2, 1910 by Rev. Ramstad of Hatton.
Hjalmer worked around in the building trade, construction and later decided to farm. He bought land 14 miles west of Hatton, built all the buildings on it, together with his brother-in-law Fred. They sold the house they had built in Hatton and began farming. When Hjalmer died Selma continued on for two years but then decided it was time to move off the farm and into town. It was 3 miles to the country schools. Selma had the usual farm sale and moved into Hatton, renting out the farm.
There were 4 children, Harris T. a laborer in Hatton; Rudolph A., Clerical and bookkeeper, Hatton; Anton Jerome and Ruth died in infancy.
Contributed by Gerry Mohn from Hatton Centennial 1884-1984, "A Century Of Change," Page 195. Note there is a picture on Page 195.
Holter, Jerome was the first born of Frithof and Jennie Holter who built their homestead in 1909 and lived there until their deaths in 1923 and 1947. It is the present home of Jeerome and Esther at 110 First ST. Through lean years and good Jerome worked at the Post Office and as butter-maker in Hatton Co-op Creamery from 1933 until 1945 when he started farming 2 ¼ miles east of Hatton on the original Ole Bjertness homestead.
Albert and Hannah Bjertness were the father and mother of Esther Holter. Albert and Hannah lived on the farm from 1923 to their deaths, 1964 and 1974. At present the farming is a Holter family operation. Jerome retired from active farming in 1975. Jerome and Esther Bjertness Stoa married Nov. 25, 1923.
Their children are: Marilyn married to John Harms of Bristow, Iowa. They have four children, Jennifer, Valerie, Tracy and Timothy. Gordon married to Jackie of Shawnee, Kansas; have three children, Terry, Jeffery and Stephanie. Janice was married to Richard Grotte (deceased July 31, 1979) has five children: Mark, Mitchell, Jana, Dane and Eric. David of Hatton married Dawn and they have three children: Kari, Nancy and Nathane. Neal of Park River, MN married Carol and they have two children: Christopher and Heidi. Paul (Rick) of Hatton married Gayle and they have two children: Jason and Jennie. Carl of Waukesha, Wisconsin married Jan and they have three children: Daniel, Mark and Joy. Michael of Virginia Bay, Virgina married Cyndy and they have three children: Heather, Ashly and Beth. Jerome and Esther have 25 grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.
Contributed by Gerry Mohn from Hatton Centennial 1884-1984, "A Century Of Change," Page 140. Note there is a picture on Page 140.
See Halvor T. Bjertness.
Holter, Paul Richard, was born Oct 10, 1939 at Hatton, ND. His parents are Jerome and Esther Holter of Hatton. His wife is Gayle Ann Christopherson, born Nov 4, 1944 at Minneapolis, MN. Her parents are Gladys and the late Allen Christopherson of Minneapolis, MN.
They have two children, Jason Paul, born Dec 17, 1968, and Jennie Tomesa, born Feb 22, 1972.
Contributed by Gerry Mohn from Hatton Centennial 1884-1984, "A Century Of Change," Page 243. Note there is a picture on Page 243.
See Hjalmer Holman above.
North Dakota History and People - Outlines of American History
Volume II
The E. J. Clarke Publishing Company
1917 - Chicago
Gunder Howard has built up a large business as a
dealer in agricultural implements in
Hillsboro and is also one of the most extensive landowners of the county,
owning sixteen
hundred acres of fine land in North Dakota and Minnesota. He has not only
been connected with the agricultural and business interests of his locality, but he
has also taken
an active part in public affairs, having represented his district in the
state legislature.
Mr. Howard was born in Fyrisdal, Norway, on the 28th of August, 1855, a son
Gunderson and Anna (Bcndikson) Howard. The father passed away in his native
land but the mother emigrated to the United States with her four sons in 1872.
She located on a preemption claim in Clay county, Minnesota, near Moorhead, where she
until 1882, when she came to Hillsboro. She is still living here and is held
in the highest
esteem by all who knew her. Three of her sons are also living, namely:
Gunder; Ole,
who is associated with our subject in business; and Jorgen, a resident of
Kildeer, North
Gunder Howard received the greater part of his education in Norway,
attending the
public and high schools there. After coming to the United States he only
school for eighteen days. Soon after his arrival in Minnesota he squatted on
a claim adjoining that of his mother and later proved up on that place as a
preemption. Until 1875
he divided his time between farming and steamboating, being employed on
boats running
between Moorhead and Winnipeg. In the fall of 1875 he entered the employ of
Barrett Company of Fargo as a salesman of farm implements and remained with them
until the
fall of 1880. During that time he had become thoroughly familiar with the
business and decided to establish a store of his own. He came to Hillsboro
and founded
his present business, which has developed into one of the leading
commercial enterprises
of Traill county. He carries a large stock of the best farm machinery made,
the points of superiority of each line handled and is able to assist his
patrons in choosing
the implements best fitted for their purposes. He recognizes the fact that
real estate
is an excellent investment and that as the public land has been largely
taken up realty
values are certain to increase and he has invested heavily in land both in
this state and in
Minnesota, owning in all sixteen hundred acres.
In 1899 Mr. Howard was united in marriage to Miss Andrea Treet, who was
born in
Norway but came to this country with her parents when five or six years of
age, the
family home being established at Moorhead, Minnesota. Mr. and Mrs. Howard
have four
chiidren, Ellen, Ruth, Bernice and Gertrude.
Mr. Howard supports the republican party and is recognized as a leader in
political circles. In 1897 and 1898 he represented his district in the state
legislature and
his record as a member of that body was highly creditable to his insight
into public affairs
and his devotion to the general good. He has also served in local offices,
having been an
alderman of Hillsboro for several terms and having served as president of
the school board
for years. He has had much to do in promoting the advancement of his
community along
material and also along civic lines, and he holds the high esteem and the
warm regard of
all who have been closely associated with him.
History of North Dakota
The Bismarck Tribune - 1910
".... A fair example of the public men who have
grown up in this healthy environment is Judge
Jorgen Howard of the county court of Traill.
American to the core he has displayed all the
active intelligence of the best Norwegian element
and has long been prominent in public affairs of
the county. Mr. Howard is of Norwegian birth,
the son of Gunderson Howard and Anne Howard, and was born July 8, 1866. He came as a
boy of five and one-half years to this country
and received a very thorough education, graduating from the Bishop Whipple School, June
7, 1887. He was but fifteen years old when he
became a resident of Hillsboro and he has lived
there continuously since then. He was for years
a bank teller; was deputy county auditor for
four years and his fine accomplishments as an
English scholar and penman led to his appointment as chief enrolling and engrossing clerk of
the house in the session of 1895. Since January
4, 1905 he has been county judge of Traill
county and has discharged the duties of that office with impartial intelligence and judgment.
Judge Howard is socially popular and a prominent member of the Masonic fraternity. He is a
32d degree Mason and a member of that famous
organization, El Zagel Temple, of the Shrine.
He has served as worshipfulmaster of Hillsboro Lodge No. 10, A. F. & A. M., and as
venerable master of Hillsboro lodge of perfection."