Gilbert was born about 1823 and died 4 April 1897.
He is in the 1890 Veterans Federal Census in Hillsboro.
Gilbert enlisted as a Private on 7 February 1865 in Company E, Minnesota 1st Heavy Artillery Regiment. He mustered out on 27 September 1865. He started receiving a pension in North Dakota on 28 July 1890 and his wife, Lucinda, started receiving a widow's pension on 25 May 1897 in Minnesota.
A headstone was provided by the government in Evergreen Cemetery, Wadena County, Minnesota.
Thomas was born 2 February 1834 in Pennsylvania and died 6 April 1910 in Fargo.
He is in the 1890 Veterans Federal Census in Grandin and in the 1900 Census he is in Kelso.
Thomas was commissioned as a Major in Company S, Pennsylvania 111th Infantry Regiment on 23 December 1861. He was wounded. He was promoted to Full Lieutenant Colonel on 7 November 1862; Full Colonel on 23 April 1865; and Brevet Brig-General on 5 July 1865. He mustered out on 19 July 1865 at Washington, D. C.
He is buried in Erie Cemetery, Erie, Pennsylvania.
Historical Data Project WPA
Liberty Memorial Building
Bismarck, ND 58501
George E. Weston the first settler of Traill County North Dakota was born in London, England in 1831, the son of well-to-do English parents and was able to get a good education for his time. He came to America as a sailor landing in New Orleans, Louisana but lived in the south only a short time, coming up the Mississippi River by steamboat to Minneapolis. There he engaged in the lumber business. In 1857 at Minneapolis he was married to Miss Hannah E. Hawks. The daughter of English parents pioneers from Massachusetts to Minnesota. Three children were born to them Frederick, Edward, and William.
In 1866 Mr. Weston left Minneapolis for Georgetown. He went by way of St. Cloud and Fort Abercrombie. In1868 he took full charge of the Hudson's Bay Company's business in
Georgetown. In the interest of the company Mr. Weston in 1869 took a trip by steamboat from Georgetown, Minnesota to the mouth of the Goose River in Dakota Territory. While at Georgetown Mr. Weston was on the direct route to the Goose River country and probably directed more settlers to this part of the than any other person. In 1870 he took a homestead at Caledonia, Section 14, township 146, range 49. Weston was a member of the General Rosser expedition on the survey of the Northern Pacific railroad in 1872. Later when the county of Traill was organized Weston was the first register of deeds and county clerk.
Mr. Weston bought grain on commission for C. H. Graves of Duluth who had grain warehouses and elevators at the oldest steamboat landing on the Red River. Mr. Weston was agent for both lines of steamers and also carried on considerable business in lumber, lime, and cement.
Mrs. Hannah Weston having died in the fall of 1865, Mr. Weston married Miss Elizabeth McDonald of Iowa in 1881 and had three sons, Walter, Oscar, and Thomas.
George E. Weston died March 17, 1903 Fort Francis, Canada at the age of 72 years.
(1) The material for this sketch was obtained from a questionaire sent to Mrs Geo. Ed. Weston, New Albion, Iowa, and the Atlas of Dakota.
Mr. George E. Weston was born in London, England on the twentieth day of November, 1832. Mr Weston commenced life for himself when he was ten years old by clerking in a grocery store in London for a number of years. He them immigrated to America, landing in New York, where he hired out to a merchant in Albany and then in Buffalo, New York. After working and traveling in many different states and cities he went to Sioux City, Iowa where he stayed until the winter of 1860. He then went to Devils Lake in charge of wagons of provision and did an extensive amount of trade with the Indians. In March he returned to Ft. Abercrombie, where he built a boat and after stocking it with provisions, sailed down the Red River where he took up a claim at the moth of the Goose River. He was recognized as the first settler in what later became Trail County. His nearest neighbor at this time was 35 miles away. At one time Mr. Weston took charge of the Hudson Bay Store at Georgetown, In 1873 the lust for adventure hit him again and he joined a surveying part going to the Yellowstone Park. This party had an escort of 800 soldiers. They had a number of engagements with Indians in Sitting Bull's Country and at one time he went up the Missouri River and purchased 800 buffalo hides and on his return was attacked by Indians.
Mr. Weston was married twice, first in 1858 to Miss Hanna Hawks. This union was blessed with three children: Frederick, Edward and William. Mrs. Weston died in Sept 1864. On Jan 3, 1883,he was married to Miss Elizabeth McDonald the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Peter McDonald, natives of Scotland. Mr. George Weston died March, 1903, at Mine Center, Ontario, Canada
Contributed by Gerry Mohn.
Henry was born in about 1828.
He is in Blanchard in the 1890 Veterans Federal Census in Traill County but nothing has been found on him beyond 1890.
Henry enlisted 18 January 1862 into Company C, Ohio 82nd Infantry Regiment.
Arthur was born on 5 May 1919 in Hillsboro, the son of Enos and Bertha Sorum Whitson. He was one of five children; Mildred (m. Palmer Dahle, Emil Rux), William, Beatrice, and Florence.
He was inducted into the U. S. Army from Traill County and served as a Private First Class in the 339th Infantry Regiment, 85th Infantry "Custer" Division. On 13 October 1944 he was killed in action by the enemy during the Gothic Line Assault into the North Apennine; above Florence, Italy. He was posthumously awarded the Purple Heart with an Oak Leaf Cluster.
Arthur is buried in the Florence American Cemetery and Memorial located at Florence American Cemetery and Memorial,
Florence, Cittą Metropolitana di Firenze, Toscana, Italy in Plot E, Row 14, Grave 17.
Burial, Tombstone Picture, Family Picture and links to family members.
Junot was born 18 November 1834 and died 18 January 1914.
He is in the 1890 Veterans Federal Census in Traill County. In the 1900 and 1910 Census he and his wife Laura and son Bryant are in Garfield Township.
Junot secured a land patent of 160 acres in Section 3, Township 148, Range 53 (Garfield Township) but other records show he had 320 acres.
Junot enlisted 22 April 1861 into Company C, 3rd Wisconsin Regiment as a Private. He was promoted to Full Corporal. He was wounded. He was mustered out on 17 November 1862.
He is buried in Saint John Hatton Cemetery.
Burial, Tombstone Picture.
Darius was born May 1838 in Illinois..
He is in the 1890 Veterans Federal Census in Norway Township. In the 1900 Federal census he is in Ervin township and is serving as a Postmaster. He was appointed Postmaster on 24 November 1899 for Cummings.
Darius secured land patent of 320 acres in Section 30, Township 147, Range 50 (Ervin Township)
Darius had enlisted in Company I, 15th Illinois Cavalry, Company M, 10th Illinois Cavalry and Company A 36th Illinois Infantry. Profile records could not be found but there are some records with no dates. Also, his pension record which he received starting on 26 January 1896 in North Dakota indicates these three companies.
Daniel was born in December 1848 in Canada and died 19 December 1919.
In the 1880 Census, Daniel, wife Jane and children Rebecca, John, James, George and Charles are in Township 144, Range 49 (Quincy area). In the 1890 Veterans Federal Census he is in the Buxton/Caledonia area. In the 1900 Census his wife and Charles and George are in Caledonia.
Daniel served in Company H, 4th Regiment, Michigan Infantry (2nd organization). He started receiving his pension in North Dakota on 2 August 1890.
He is buried in Caledonia Cemetery.
Burial, Tombstone Picture.