Atlas of Lawrence County, Ohio; Hardesty - 1882; Lake - 1887 Atlas Published by H. H. Hardesty & Co., Publishers, Chicago and Toledo, 1882. Transcribed by Kristy GEORGE THORNTON SCOTT – was born in Greenup county, Kentucky, March 14, 1849. He came to Ironton in 1869. He was educated at West Chester, Pennsylvania, and Lebron. His father, Robert Scott, was raised as a farmer, but went into the iron business; he has now retired. Catherine Scott is the mother of the subject of this sketch; she came to this county with her husband in 1867. George T. Scott was shipping clerk at the Lawrence Iron Works from 1869 to 1873; from that date until 1878 he was secretary and treasurer; from 1878 to the present he has assumed the responsible duties of superintendent. In politics he is a republican, and in his religious views he is liberal. Mr. Scott was married at Ironton, November 30, 1870, to Mary Adelaide Ellison, who was born in Adams county, Ohio, October 8, 1848. They have the following children: Robert Ellison, Elizabeth Hurd, George Field, and Cyrus. The parents of Mrs. Scott are Cyrus and Elizabeth Ellison. Mr. Ellison is president of the Lawrence Iron Works, and also of the Etna Works. The postoffice address of Mr. Scott is Ironton, Lawrence county, Ohio. JOHN SAMPSON
– and Caroline Fowler were married in Gallia county, Ohio in
1844. He was
born in this county, December 9, 1821, and his wife was born in Gallia county, October 1, 1820. His parents are Valentine and Nancy Sampson. Elijah and Jane Fowler are the parents of Mrs. Sampson. Mr. Sampson was a soldier in the Union army during the war of 1861, serving eight months. His children are: Harriett, born in 1845; Jane, in 1847; Emelie, in 1850; Amanda, in 1856; John T., in 1858; and Effie C, in 1864. Mr. Sampson is a farmer, a resident of Mason township. His postoffice address is Greasy Ridge, Lawrence county, Ohio. ![]() GEORGE WILLIAM SCHACHLEITER – was born in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, in October, 1843. In 1862 he settled in Ironton. He was steward and head waiter on steamboats and in principal hotels. In 1867 he was proprietor of a restaurant, which he relinquished shortly after, and resumed in 1871, reopening at the corner of Third and Railroad streets, Ironton, remaining there five years, when he moved to Third street, opposite the opera house, where he still conducts one of the most popular restaurants in the city. Mr. Schachleiter was married to Mary Rosa Delabar at Barnum’s Hotel, St. Louis, in 1864. She is a daughter of Michael and Fannie Delabar, residents of Pine creek, Ohio. The parents of the subject of this sketch are Francis Anthony and Elizabeth Catherine (Eiselle) Schachleiter. His mother resides in Ironton. Mrs. Schachleiter is a native of Germany, born in 1842. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Schachleiter are: Fannie, born June 26, 1865; Frank, April 4, 1867; Willie, August 30, 1868; Mary Carrie, August 13, 1870, died July 20, 1872; John Leonard, July 30, 1873; Katie E., August 14, 1875; Annie L., June 12, 1877; Georgiana Maria, September 3, 1879. Mr. Schachleiter was orderly sergeant of Company G, 74th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, serving ten months. Also second lieutenant of Company A, 5th Missouri Militia regiment, and was employed in various capacities in the army until the close of the war. His address is Ironton, Lawrence county, Ohio. ![]() ANTHONY SELB – born in Baden, Germany, May 24, 1836, is a son of Joseph and Avra (Tuttinger) Selb, and was married in Covington, Kentucky, January 7, 1868, to Annie C. Ambsler, born in the city of Hanover, Germany, January 9, 1848, a daughter of Louis and Emilie Louisa Ambsler. They have the following children: Louis F., born November 9, 1868, resides in Covington, Kentucky; Alma S., February 18, 1870; Walter W. B., October 4, 1877; Emery Albert, January 21, 1879. The last three reside in Ironton, Ohio. Mr. Selb settled in this county in 1862, resides in the City of Ironton, and is a barber and hair dresser by occupation. Postoffice address, Ironton, Ohio. ![]() JAMES P. SHIPTON – is a Kentuckian by birth, born in Greenup county, July 29, 1832. His father, Barnabas H. Shipton, was born in Westmoreland county, Maryland, June 23, 1792, and died July 8, 1858. He was a soldier in the war of 1812. Mary (Gainer) Shipton, the mother of James, was born in the state of Pennsylvania, September 29, 1799, and died in March, 1862. They settled in this county in 1840. In Greenup county, Kentucky, on the 12th of November, … Irons joined the 9th Virginia Volunteer Infantry in 1862, and after serving one year was discharged for disability. Elias Irons was in the same regiment, and was killed by scouts in the year 1862. Perry township is where Mr. Shipton is engaged in farming and gardening. He came to this county in 1850. His address is South Point, Lawrence county, Ohio. ![]() MARK SINGER – was one of the first persons born in Windsor township, his birth taking place August 4, 1810. He received a limited education, the schools being supported by subscription. They used to pay their share in ginseng and peltries. His father, Thomas Singer, made one of the first clearings in Windsor township. He entered land when he first came into the township. It was at that time an unbroken forest, and he endured all the hardships incident to a pioneer life. He died on the farm where he first settled. His wife, Sarah (Hughes) Singer, also departed this life on the same place, in September, 1863. Mark Singer was married to Irene Gillett in Rome township, on the 7th of September, 1842. She was born in that township April 24, 1823. Their children are: Newton H., born July 3, 1843, died in Minnesota, July 14, 1868; E. M., January 24, 1845, Felicia H. (Smith), November 12, 1846, resides in Union township; Landon, February 8, 1849, died September 1, 1880; M. E., July 7, 1851, died February 15, 1876; C. K., September 2, 1853, resides at home; Sarah M., and Irena P. (Wells), twins, July 1, 1856, the former resides at home, the latter in Huntington, West Virginia; Nathaniel L., May 28, 1862, resides at home. Mrs. Singer’s parents were Joel Gillett, born May 28, 1778, died October, 1823, and Azuba (Pingrey) Gillett, born September 26, 1787, died November 4, 1845. Two of Mr. Singer’s sons, N. H. and E. M., were in the war of 1861. The first enlisted in Company E, 53d Ohio Volunteer Infantry, in 1861. He participated in the following engagements: Lookout Mountain, Mission Ridge, Pittsburg Landing, Paducah, Jacksonville, Corinth, Mill Springs, Vicksburg, Memphis, Wilson Creek, Pea Ridge, Knoxville. E. M. enlisted in 1864, and remained till the close of the war. He was a member of Battery K, 1st Ohio Heavy Artillery. Mr. Singer joined the Methodist Episcopal church in 1831. He is still a faithful soldier. His wife became a member in 1835. She is still one of the leading members. Mr. Singer is engaged in tilling the soil. His postoffice address is Bartramville, Lawrence county, Ohio. ![]() CONRAD SMITH – and Hannah Knap were married in this township. He was born in Germany, and his wife is a native of Clinton Furnace, Scioto county, Ohio. They have the following family: Caroline Louise, born September 5, 1869; Fred George, October 16, 1871; Henry G., December 26, 1874; Ann E., January 10, 1877; John W., June 26, 1879; baby, May 31, 1882. The parents of Mr. Smith are George and Anna E. (Hawn) Smith. The parents of Mrs. Smith are Henry and Caroline (Shuckey) Knap, settlers of this county in 1857. Mr. Smith is a resident of Elizabeth township, where he is actively engaged in farming. He came to this county in 1870. His postoffice address is Powellsville, Scioto county, Ohio. ![]() WILLIAM F. SMITH -- and Martha Burke were married in Lawrence county, Ohio, August 5, 1866. They are parents of the following children: Elnora Belle, born June 19, 1867; Francis Marion, August 16, 1868; Mary Elizabeth, December 5, 1869; Martha May, August 1, 1872; William Frederick, April 20, 1874; John Hamlin, August 27, 1875; George Rutherford, March 21, 1877; Lewis Sherman, April 3, 1879; Charles Arthur, February 17, 1881. The parents of Mr. Smith are William and Elizabeth (Boggess) Smith, settlers of this county in 1865. Mrs. Smith's parents are Samuel and Mary Ann (Griffith) Burke. Mr. Smith was a soldier in the war of the rebellion. He enlisted August 15, 1862, and served in the quartermaster's department. His birth place is West Virginia, and the date January 22, 1843. Mrs. Smith was born in Lawrence county, on October 3, 1842. Mr. Smith is a farmer of Elizabeth township. His postoffice address in Ironton, Lawrence county, Ohio. ![]() GRIFFON SOWARDS – has resided on his farm in Mason township for fifty years; he is a native of Monroe county, Virginia, born December 9, 1799. He was married October 9, 1830, and the same year settled in the township. The choice of his partner for life was Elizabeth Perkins, whose birth took place in this county in 1810. The following children have been born to them: Elizabeth, born August 2, 1832, died August 26, 1872; John, January 28, 1834, resides in Windsor township; David, January 31, 1836, died January 15, 1839; Mary, February 26, 1838, resides in Virginia; Sarah, February 17, 1840, resides in Mason township; Rachael, March 17, 1842, resides in Mason township; Abagail, May 17, 1844, resides in Windsor township; William, June 15, 1846, deceased; Mahaly, March 7, 1848, resides in Mason township; Griffin, March 7, 1850, deceased; Isaac M., April 16, 1852, deceased; Donelson, August 17, 1854, resides in Mason township. All of the children who are living have married, and their parents attend to the labor of the farm. Mr. Sowards has a farm of 80 acres, 55 of which is improved. Two of his sons were soldiers of the war of 1861, William and Isaac M. Both were in the army of the Cumberland, and they both lost their lives. Mr. Sowards’ postoffice address is Rappsburg, Lawrence county, Ohio. ![]() CONRAD SPANNER – is a native of Bavaria, Germany, born August 29, 1821. He emigrated to America in 1847, landing at Baltimore, Maryland. From that city he came to Pittsburgh, where he was married to Ann B., daughter of Joachim and Barbara (Litz) Rus. He then moved to Cincinnati, where he remained one year, and where he also took out his first papers to become a citizen of the United States. He then went to Scioto county, Ohio, where he was engaged in digging iron ore for the Junior Furnace Company for one year. From there he removed to Union Furnace, Lawrence county, working there seven years. He then removed back to Scioto county, to the Ohio Furnace, where he remained until 1862, when he bought himself a farm in French Grant, Scioto county, Ohio, and commenced farming. In 1865 he sold his farm at a good profit, and removed to this county, buying a farm containing thirty-three acres, located two miles from Ironton, where he now carries on fruit-raising and gardening. Mr. Spanner is a very industrious man, and respected by the whole neighborhood. Mrs. Spanner was born in Bavaria, Germany, November 14, 1826. Their children are: Anna (Newman), born August 29, 1848, resides in Ironton; Henry, May 16, 1850, resides in Ironton; Joseph, February 5, 1852, died September 28, 1874; Elizabeth (Neekamp), June 18, 1854, resides in Ironton; John, February 12, 1857, died May 27, 1874; Frederick, October 10, 1859, died October 11, 1859; Catherine E., February 24, 1861, resides at home; Mira, June 29, 1864, died December 22, 1864; Margaretta, October 24, 1867, died January 3, 1868; Mira B., April 13, 1869, died December 16, 1871; John C. (twin of former), April 13, 1869, resides at home. Mr. Spanner has held the offices of supervisor and school director in Upper township. His postoffice address is Ironton, Lawrence county, Ohio. ![]() WILLIAM H. SPICER – was born in Sussex county, Delaware, February 28, 1823, his parents being James and Nancy Spicer, both of whom are deceased. Mr. Spicer came to this county in 1850. He held the office of councilman in the city of Ironton for seven years, from 1861 to 1868. He was married in this county on September 19, 1852, to Arvilla Golden, who was born in Lawrence county, Ohio, June 29, 1830. Their children are: Charles H., born June 18, 1853, died June 23, 1854; Sarah J., February 26, 1855, died April 23, 1856; Ila E., February 19, 1857; Ella F., July 12, 1859; William B., May 13, 1864; George E., January 27, 1867. The death of Mr. Spicer took place August 21, 1867. The parents of Mrs. Spicer, Marshal and Pennina (Dillie) Golden, settled in this county in 1820. Her father died in 1864. Two of Mrs. Spicer’s brothers were in the late war. Charles M. Golden enlisted December 3, 1861, in Company L., First Ohio Light Artillery, and served to the close of the war. During his service he was in many hard-fought battles and he was wounded at the battle of Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863. Martin F. Golden enlisted in 1861 and served to the close of the war. Thomas Golden was justice of peace of Ironton for a number of years. William C. resides in Illinois and is a brickmaker by trade, also owns and manages a farm. Mr. Spicer was a boatsman and wagonmaker. Mrs. Spicer’s postoffice address is Ironton, Lawrence county, Ohio. ![]() H. D. STEVENSON – and Mary A. Ward were married in Gallipolis, Ohio, in 1876. He was born in Morgan county, Kentucky, in 1851, and his wife in Gallia county, Ohio in 1857. They have two children, viz: Cora A., born in 1877, and James D., in 1881. The parents of Mr. Stevenson are William D. and Sarah (Low) Stevenson, who reside in Kentucky. John and Catherine Ward are the parents of Mrs. Stevenson. Mr. Stevenson is a carpenter by trade. He is now employed in the steel furnace. He came to this county in 1863. His postoffice address is Ironton, Lawrence county, Ohio. ![]() ABSALOM N. STEWART – is a native of Symmes township, where he was born November 21, 1825. He was married in the same township January 24, 1850, to Elizabeth M. Handley, who was born in Monroe county, Virginia, December 3, 1831. Their children are: Mary E. (Cooper), born December 17, 1850, resides in Symmes township; Emanuel T., June 1, 1852, resides in this township; Myra J., December 23, 1853, resides in this township; Lavina H., July 24, 1855, died December 31, 1871; Julia M., May 1, 1860, resides in this township. John C. Stewart, father of the subject of this sketch, was born August 7, 1800, and his mother, Sarah (McCartney) Stewart, was born January 17, 1802. They both settled in this county in 1820. The parents of Mrs. Stewart are Samuel Handley, born in 1796, and Elizabeth (Barger) Handley, born in November, 1800. They came to this county in 1841. Mr. Stewart has been trustee of Symmes township for four years and clerk for one year. He was a soldier of the war of the rebellion, enlisting in September, 1864, in Company K, 173d Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, as a private. He served one year and was discharged at the close of the war. Mr. Stewart is a farmer of Symmes township. His postoffice address is Sherritts, Lawrence county, Ohio. ![]() CALVIN M. STEWART – has held the office of justice of the peace in Symmes township for fifteen years. He was born in Upper township, February 9, 1824. His father, John C. Stewart, was born in 1800, and came to this county at the age of twenty. Sarah (McCartney) Stewart is the mother of Calvin. He was married in Aid township, November 28, 1846, to Rebecca Vermillion, who was born in the same township, January 26, 1831. The parents of Mrs. Stewart are: John and Elizabeth (Cumpston) Vermillion. Her father was born in 1798. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart are: Corintha C. (Griffiths), born August 30, 1851, resides in Wisconsin; Sabina B. (Wiseman), November 15, 1852, resides in Symmes township; Howard W., December 17, 1853, resides in this township; America (Wiseman), September 16, 1855, resides in Mason; James K., October 16, 1858, resides in this township; Sadie E., April 23, 1862, resides in this township; Mattie J., December 13, 1865, resides in this township; C. Effie, April 12, 1870. Mr. Stewart is a resident of Symmes township where he is engaged in farming. His postoffice address is Sherritts, Lawrence county, Ohio. ![]() JOHN H. STEWART – and Ruth Griffith were married in Symmes township March 31, 1859. They are both natives of this township. He was born June 1, 1839, and she April 15, 1835. Their children are: Madie, born December 23, 1859, resides in Symmes township; Luella, March 14, 1862; Amos F., April 27, 1864, died August 11, 1870; Emma C., December 4, 1866; Viola F., December 24, 1868; Sallie, March 20, 1871; W. Harlen, May 24, 1874; Ermina, March 16, 1876; Linnie R., June 9, 1878. The parents of Mr. Stewart came to this county in 1820. Their names are John C. and Sallie (McCartney) Stewart. The former died March 17, 1870. Frederick and Ruth (Osborn) Griffith are the parents of Mrs. Stewart. Mr. Stewart is engaged in farming in Symmes township. His postoffice address is Sherritts, Lawrence county, Ohio. ![]() MIDDLETON H. STEWART – was a soldier of the war of the rebellion. He enlisted October 30, 1861, in Company H, 6th Ohio Volunteer Cavalry. He served three years in the army of the Potomac, and took part in the engagements of Bull Run, Antietam, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, and all through General Grant’s campaign. Middleton is the son of John C. and Sarah (McCartney) Stewart, who emigrated to this county in 1820. He was born in Symmes township April 25, 1837, and his marriage was solemnized in the same township September 7, 1856. His choice of a help-mate was Mary C. Nida, who is a native of Aid township, born December 29, 1835. Their children are: Albert, born October 25, 1857, resides in Symmes township; Isadora, February 26, 1859, resides in this township; Allison, March 19, 1861, resides in this township; Malissa, August 10, 1866, died August 13, 1869; Minnie, October 6, 1868, resides in this township; Hannah, September 27, 1870, died April 27, 1872; Sarah, September 27, 1873, resides in Symmes township. Jacob and Unice (Caldwell) Nida, are the parents of Mrs. Stewart. Mr. Stewart owns a farm in Symmes township. Address, Waterloo, Lawrence county, Ohio. ![]() DR. W. M. STEWART – is the son of Edward and Jane (McCoy) Stewart, who settled in this county in 1816. He was born in Lawrence county, August 3, 1823, and married in the same county in January, 1848, to Amanda Shattuck, who is also a native of this county, born August 20, 1820. Her parents, Simeon and Martha (Hull) Shattuck, settled in this county in 1817. The children of Mr. Stewart are: Evaline, born May 27, 1849, resides in Windsor township; Alice, May 13, 1850, resides in Lawrence; Mary, March 21, 1853, resides in Aid; George W., October 26, 1856, resides in Aid; Jane, May 13, 1859, resides in Aid; Belle, April 27, 1861, resides in Aid; John, October 20, 1863, resides in Aid; Charles, July 28, 1866, resides in Aid; May F., February 23, 1870, died October 29, 1875; Clarence B., January 3, 1876, resides in Aid. Mr. Stewart is a medical doctor in Aid, where he should be addressed. ![]() OLIVER P. STEWART – was born in Symmes township, Lawrence county, Ohio, January 22, 1834. His parents, settlers of this county in 1820, are John C. and Sarah (McCartney) Stewart. Oliver Stewart was married in this township February 4, 1864, to Elizabeth A. Barnhouse, who is a native of Scioto county, born October 26, 1845. Their children are as follows: William T., born September 19, 1864, resides in Symmes township; Florence L., June 18, 1866, resides in Symmes township; Lorena F., September 25, 1868, resides in Symmes township. The parents of Mrs. Stewart are Joseph and Susan (Bennett) Barnhouse. Mr. Stewart held the very responsible office of township treasurer from 1879 up to the present date, 1882. He is engaged in farming in Symmes township. His postoffice address is Waterloo, Lawrence county, Ohio. ![]() JOSEPH SUTTON – a justice of the peace in Ironton city, settled in this county in 1835. He was born in Bedford county, Pennsylvania, November 7, 1811, and is a son of Richard P. and Elizabeth (Osburn) Sutton, both of whom are deceased. At Hanging Rock, Ohio, on January 7, 1837, Mr. Sutton was married to Rebecca Winkler, who was born in Scioto county, and died November 17, 1880, at Bloom Furnace, Scioto county. Her parents were Charles and Nancy (Ray) Winkler, also deceased. The children of Joseph and Rebecca Sutton are: Harriet E., Mary, Marthy, Nancy, Sarah, Kate, Joann, died when 25 years old, Ella and Richard P. Mr. Joseph Sutton was sheriff from 1865 to 1866, and has filled several other township offices. Postoffice address, Ironton, Ohio. ![]() RICHARD SUTTON – was born in the State of Virginia, May 10, 1813. Mr. Sutton’s first marriage was to Rispie J., daughter of John and Margaret (Wilson) Alford; their marriage occurred in 1838; she died October 25, 1864. The following are the children: George W., born July 19, 1839, resides in Lawrence county; John H., March 8, 1841, resides in Lawrence county; James H., May 5, 1843, resides in Scioto county; Hester Ann, August 23, 1845, resides in Scioto county. Mr. Sutton’s second marriage was to Mary E., daughter of Bennett and Nancy A. (Booth) Earls; she was formerly married to George G. Pemberton; he was the son of Joseph and Polina (Willis) Pemberton; their marriage took place September 7, 1851; he was born in Lawrence county, December 27, 1830, and died March 17, 1865. The following are their children: Richard M., born July 18, 1856, resides in Lawrence county; Nancy J., May 30, 1862, resides in Lawrence county; William E., October 1, 1864, resides at home. The date of Mr. Sutton’s second marriage took place in Lawrence county, was April 1, 1866; his wife was born in this county February 25, 1829; she had three brothers in the war of the rebellion—William P. and Elliot N. Earls were members of the 4th Virginia Cavalry. William was taken prisoner and died at Libby prison, Richmond, in 1864. Elliot served his full term, receiving an honorable discharge. Martin S. Earls was in the 173d Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and served to the close of the war, and after his return home, in 1865, he died of sickness contracted while in the army. Mr. Sutton died November 18, 1876. His widow can be addressed at Russel’s Place, Lawrence county, Ohio. ![]() SAMUEL J. SUTTON – a son of Enoch and Sarah (Wells) Sutton, deceased, was born in Monroe county, Ohio, July 27, 1834, and was married in Noble county, Ohio, April 2, 1856, to Elizabeth Sigman, daughter of John and Sarah (Evilsizer) Sigman; she was born in Guernsey county, Ohio, June 19, 1838. Mr. Sutton’s early education was secured at the Stafford High school, Monroe county, Ohio, where he prepared himself for the responsibility of a teacher and guide for the rising generation. He taught his first school in Noble county, Ohio in 1855, and subsequently in Washington and Monroe counties. While there engaged the war of the rebellion commence, and in 1864 he laid down the ferrule for the musket, and enlisted in the 36th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, was in several battles, and was wounded in the battle of Berryville, Virginia. Three of his brothers, Andrew, Henry, and George W., also served to the close of the war. Mr. Sutton has been justice of the peace for a term of eight years, and trustee for twelve years, also treasurer for one year. He is a practical farmer, and keeps posted in all that tends to advance personal and public interests. A man of good judgment and noted intelligence, respected at home and abroad. As justice of the peace, integrity and ripe experience qualifies him for the position which he fills, which his fellow-men have so cordially bestowed upon him. His postoffice address is Sheridan Coal Works, Lawrence county, Ohio. ![]() |