Past & Present
Frank Waabu O'Brien, Ph.D.
November, 2003
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Rider, Sidney S. The Lands of Rhode Island as They Were Known to Caunounicus and Miatunnomu When Roger Williams Came in1636: An Indian Map of the Principal Locations Known to the Nahigansets, and Elaborate Historical Notes. Providence, Rhode Island, 1904.
Staples, William R. Annals of the Town of Providence, from its Settlement, to the Organization of the City Government, in June, 1832 . Providence: Knowles and Vose, 1843.
Swanton, John R. The Indian Tribes of North America. Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 145. Washington, D.C., 1952.
Trigger, Bruce G. (Volume Editor, 1978). Handbook of North American Indians, Vol. 15 (Northeast). Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution.
Trumbull, James H. and Charles J. Hoadly (eds.). Public Records of the Colony of Connecticut, 1636-1776. 15 volumes. Hartford, Ct.: State of Connecticut, 1850-1890.
Trumbull, James H. Indian Names of Places etc., in and on the Borders of Connecticut: with Interpretations of Some of Them. Hartford, CT: Lockwood & Brainerd, 1881 (Reprinted, 1974).
Trumbull, James H. Natick Dictionary. Bureau of American Ethnology 25. Washington, DC, 1903. []
U.S. Geological Survey & U.S. Board on Geographic Names. Geographic Names Information System (GNIS), the Nation's Official Geographic Names Repository. Reston, Virginia: U.S. Geological Survey, National Headquarters, 2002. (
H. F. Walling, O. Harkness, J. Hanson, and Library of Congress [Newport County (R.I.) - 1850: LC G&M land ownership maps on microfiche]. [Washington, D.C.]: LC G&M Division, [1983?]. Geography and Map Division. 28.5 x 38 in. Scale 1:42,500. Originally published 1850. PC 9894 [Microfiche 583, no. 827]
- "The database is maintained and updated continuously. The database was established in 1976, and designated by the U.S. Board on Geographic Names, which is responsible by law for standardizing geographic name usage for the Federal Government, in 1987 as the only source for official geographic names. No Federal agency may add or change a geographic name on a Federal product without the name's presence in GNIS. There is an electronic maintenance program (since 1987) whereby appropriate Federal Agencies submit additions, corrections, and enhancement to the database. This program will soon be extended to the States, and is presently being tested in Florida and Delaware (2002)." (e-mail 4 DEC 02 from
H. F. Walling, G. C. Brown, and Library of Congress. [Providence County (R.I.) - 1851: LC G&M land ownership maps on microfiche]. [Washington, D.C.]: LC G&M Division, [1983?]. Geography and Map Division. 2 sheets, 38.5 x 25.5 in. and 38.5 x 26.5 in. Originally published 1851. PC 9904 [Microfiche 583, no. 830]
Williams, Roger. A Key into the Language of America:, or, an Help to the Language of the Natives in that Part of America called New-England. Together, with Briefe Observations of the Customes, Manners and Worships, etc. of the Aforesaid Natives, in Peace and Warre, in Life and Death. On all which are added Spirituall Observations, General and Particular by the Author of chiefe and Special use (upon all occasions) to all the English Inhabiting those parts; yet pleasant and profitable to the view of all men. London: Gregory Dexter, 1643.
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