American Indian Place Names
In Rhode Island:

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Historical & Geographical Information
Tabamapaug, Tabamapauge Pond, Johnston Sufficient fish in pond?; clear or shallow pond
Takekamuit Bristol County Place of the spring; fountain
Tauskounk or Toskiounke, MEADOW, below Pontiac. There was an Indian tribe here. [See Vol. 5, page 9, of Providence Records. A ford or a bridge
Tautog Cove, Carolina Place of fish called Sheepshead ?
Tauton River, Watershed &c, RI and MA On the principal (or great) river
Teapannock POND, near the sea shore, probably Babcock's pond in Westerly. It has another Indian name At the great clearing at the great cove
Teapanocke See Teapannock  
Tepannock See Teapannock  
Tepee Pond, Providence County, Chepachet Indian dwelling (not New England)
Tiogue Lake, Providence County, Chepachet & Dam, Crompton Low place; low land it is low?
Tippecan See Tippecanaurit  
Tippecanaunit See Tippecanaurit  
Tippecanaurit POND, or Tippecanset, or Tippecan, S. W. corner of West Greenwich. Small place at the great clearing
Tippecanset See Tippecanaurit  
Tiscatuck a small, round swamp, near the centre of Westerly. At the ford or wading place
Tiscatuk See Tiscatuck  
Tishcottic See Tishcottie  
Tishcottie FARM, in Westerly, once owned by Samuel Ward. The name is still retained. At the wading place or ford
Tishmattuck See Tismatic  
Tismatic Washington County, Westerly Wading place; crude bridge over the water; river over which we cross on a driftwood bridge
Tismattue LINE, same as Weacapaug or Weepacannock, between Westerly and Charlestown. See Tismatic
Tismatuc See Tismatic  
Tismatuck See Tismatic  
Titicutt, Titticut ROAD, leading out from Newport. [See Bartlett, Vol. 1, page 57.] Place of the principal (or  great) tidal river
Toaskeunck Kent County A bridge (made of wood)?
Tobyan SWAMP, between Cockompaug pond and the county road, within one mile due north from the old Dutch or Indian fort, in Charlestown. Camp?
Tockwotten TRACT, S. E. portion of Providence city. Steep ascent to be climbed; shaped like a pounding mortar
Tockwotton Hill, Park, House, [& formerly Hotel],  Providence See Tockwotten
Tomaquag Indian Memorial Museum, Hope Valley, Exeter  See Tommaquaug
Tommany HILL, an abbreviation of Wannametonomy[96] or Wonnemetonomy, north of Newport. Good lookout
Tommaquaug or Tommocweague, BROOK, runs from Hopkinton South to Pawcatuck river, near the N.E. corner of Westerly. They who cut (beavers)
Tommocweague See Tommaquaug  
Tommoeweague See Tommaquaug  
Tompe[97], Tompee Swamp(s), Little Compton Camp? Desereted place?
Tonissit NECK lower or south end of Warren-mostly in Warren. Pine place
Toothos[98] Path, Little Compton Small crossing? (Indian name?)
Topamisspauge[99] Washington County, Johnston Little camp at a pond; little twisting river pond?
Toskaunk Warren A bridge or ford
Toskeunke See Tauskounk  
Toskibunke Providence County A wooden bridge
Toskiounke See Tauskounk  
Totawamscut, Totawamscutt Kent County, Warwick At the crossing, by means of (stepping) stones
Touisset, Touiset Fire Station, Highlands, Wildlife Refuge, Bristol County (Fall River[100]) Fording place; worn out fields (see Toweset)
Touskounkanet Providence County An enclosure near the (stone) fording place
Toweset[101] or Towesit, NECK [& Point], on the Swanzy line, N. E. from Bristol three miles, and two miles N. by E. from Montop, and E. side of Warren. Near the old fields?; at the place of the pines?
Towesit See Toweset  
Towoset See Toweset   
Toyaskquit River, Providence County, North Smithfield/Smithfield line Place of the bridge
Toyusqut See Toyaskquit  
Tuckonoma Narragansett Sachem or Chief ?  
Tueskennekinck Location uncertain A fording place
Tuisset See Tonissit/ Toweset  
Tummunkque See Tommaquaug  
Tuncowsden POINT, India point, in Providence. [See map of 1741, inserted in history of boundary line in Massachusetts. On a fast flowing little stream ?
Tunipus POND, very small, in Little Compton. It means little herring, is near the S. E. corner of the town. Turtle, tortise; small herring?
Tunissit See Tonissit  
Tunk[102] Hill, North Scituate Wood, tree ?
Tuscatucket RIVER [& Brook], three miles E. N. E. of Apponaug [in East Greenwich]. At the ford (or wading) place in the tidal stream


Historical & Geographical Information
Uncas   The fox ("circler") (Famous Mohegan Sachem)
Unquawomuck Kent County Beyond the fishing place farther away
Usquebaug RIVER, or Osquepaug, or Wawaskepaug, west boundary of S. Kingstown [in Kingstown] , running from Exeter due South till it meets a stream coming from Warden's pond, and thence running to Shannock mills. At the end of the pond
Usquepaug River, Reservoir, Post Office & Historic District, Slocum See Usquebaug
Usquepaugh See Usquebaug  
Ussamequen See Osamequin  


Historical & Geographical Information
Wabaquasset Providence County, Glocester Place of flags or rushes for making mats
Wachemottuck See Watchamoquot  
Wainsokett See Woonsocket  
Wainsokit See Woonsocket  
Wakamo Park, Park Resort in Wakefield,  East Matunuck, South Kingston Crooked, bent? End of fishing place?
Wallum Lake, Dam, Post Office, Providence County, Oxford & Thompson See A'wumps and Alum
Wamkeag HILL, or Wayunkeak. [Roger Williams.] Two miles north east of Greenville, and extending to Farnum's, or Slaterville turnpike, White land or place
Wampanoag[103] Shopping Mall, East Providence & other places People of the East or Dawn
Wampanoo[104] See Wapanoos  
Wampnesick applies to Pawtucket. [See page 292. Potter. Deed to Fones.] Place of chesnut trees? Place at or in the east?
Wanamataneme Wannemetonomy/Tommany  
Wanamoiset Country Club, East Providence See Wannamoiset
Wanasquatucket, Wanasquatuckett[105] See Woonasquatucket  
Wanasquatuckqut See Wanasquatucket  
Wanepoonseag Providence County, Hughsdale Place where (hunting) nets are set?; where the brook floods (see Wawepoonseag)
Wannametonomy  See Tommany  
Wannamoisett Country Club, East Providence See Wannomoisset
Wannamoisset See Wannomoisset  
Wannasquatockitt See Wannuchecoecut  
Wannassquatucket See Wanasquatucket  
Wannemetonomy See Tommany  
Wannomoisset TRACT. Viall region, head of Bullock's Cove, near which, on the Warren and Providence road, was the residence of Thomas Willett, who was buried on the east bank of the cove. At the good fishing place
Wannuchecoecut a part of Boston neck, in North Kingstown. Enclosed camping place; plantation at end of hill
Wannuchecomecut Brook, Wickford See Wannuchecoecut
Wannumenetomey See Wannemetonomy/Tommany  
Wanonitonimo Hill See Wannemetonomy
Wansaukit See Woonsocket  
Wansecutt See Woonsocket  
Wanshuck MEADOWS, in North Providence, probably where Wainscott factory is. [See deed, vol. 11, p. 36, City Records.] At the steep place (See Winscot)
Wanskuck Park, Boys School, Historic District, Library & Pond, Providence County, Providence At the end place
Wanskuk See Wanshuck  
Wansockett See Woonsocket  
Wansocott See Woonsocket  
Wansocut See Woonsocket  
Wansoket See Woonsocket  
Wansokett See Woonsocket  
Wansokut See Woonsocket  
Wansokutt See Woonsocket  
Wanuchecomecut See Wannuchecoecut  
Wanuchecomecut See Wannuchecoecut  
Wanumetonomy Golf Club, Prudence Island See Wannemetonomy
Wanwaskepaug same as Usquepaug. It is the north west corner of Hall's two mile purchase, at Miumford's mills. See Usquebaug
Wapanoo See Wapanoos  
Wapanoos POINT, is Point Judith. By the Dutch, the name was applied to all Narragansett. [See Broadhead's[106] map in Dutch History of New York.] The Indian name before the Dutch arrived was We-nan-na-toke. [See the word.] Place in the east? East wind blowing
Wapenocks See Wampanoag  
Wappewassick[107] ISLAND. Prudence. [See Bartlett's Records, vol. 1, page 31.] At the narrow straits
Wapping Road, Newport County, Newport East land; dawn place
Wapwayset See Weybosset  
Washouset Point, Providence Place by the hill; boundary brook
Washquisset Pond, Providence County Boundary brook
Washukquatom HILL. [See vol. 1, of recorded deeds.] It is in Burrillville. Summit of hill
Wasquadomesit or Westquadomesit, RIVER and LAND, between Limerock and Mansville. [Page 14, vols. 1 and 4, Providence Records.] It extends north to Judge Mann's. On Steven's map, called Crookfall. [See deed, vol 4, p. 177.] Place at the end of the hill; place of walnut trees
Wassamegon See Osamequin  
Watachun SPRING, on the south side of Greenwich, near the mouth of Muscachowage river. On a hill, hillside
Watchamoquot Pond, Washington County, Carolina Place of the great spring
Watchaug POND, near the centre of Charlestown [in Carolina]. It discharges into the Pawcatuck river, by Poquiunk brook, near Brown's bridge. Same as Chemunganock. Hill country
Watcheer ROCK, where Roger Williams is supposed to have landed. This, however, is an expression in old English, equivalent to "How do you do?" and was used by Indians to welcome Roger Williams when he landed. Not Indian name
Watchemoket Cove & Point, Providence See Watchamoquot
Watchemottuck or moyket, NECK, from India bridge to Bowers' cove, and near Kettle point. [See note in Bliss' History,] from which it appears to include all between Ten Mile river and Bullock's cove and Pawtucket river. See Watchamoquot
Watchemoyket See Watchamoquot  
Watchimoquet See Watchamoquot  
Watchkecum See Kickamuit  
Watchymoquett See Watchamoquot  
Watesamoonsuck TRACT and HILL, west of Hopkinton. Other side of the outlet; junction of brooks
Watuppa NORTH, POND, in the southeast corner of Tiverton. It lies chiefly in Massachusetts, the south part being in Rhode Island. Roots for sewing
Watuppa SOUTH, POND, in the northeast corner of Tiverton, near North Watuppa. The road from Fall River to New Bedford crosses between the two Watuppas. See alternative entry
Waubosett Hill. See Weybosset
Waubosset See Weybosset  
Wauchimoquot See Watchamoquot  
Wauwoskepog See Usquebaug  
Wawaloam School, Slocum See Wawalona
Wawalona[108], Wawalonah Providence County, Glocester She roams about? (see Aspatnansuck)
Wawashekit LAND, north west of Pawtucket Falls. See Watchamoquot
Wawaskesepaug See Usquebaug  
Wawattaquatuck TRACT, or corner of the tract owned or claimed by Herman Garrett, in Charlestown, —northwest corner of it. Twisting, turning, meandering tidal stream
Waweonk See Wethungamet  
Wawepoonseag Providence County, Lonsdale (see Wawweponseag) Place where the stream overflows; where birds are snared?
Wawoskepog See Chippuxet  
Wawweonke See Weeweonk  
Wawweponseag SHORE. Blackstone's residence, near Lonsdale. It means place for snareing water fowl. Place where the stream overflows
Wawwepoonseag See Wawepoonseag  
Wawwoskepog See Usquebaug  
Waxcadowa See Weecapaug  
Wayanitoke Point Judith Twisting current?; waves around a bend
Waybausset Neck, Providence See Weybosset
Waybousett Hill, Providence See Weybosset
Wayboussett Hill, Providence See Weybosset
Waypoyset NARROWS, at the entrance of Kickamuit river, which runs north and south through the eastern part of Warren See Weybosset
Wayunckeke See Wiorickheague  
Wayunkeage See Wiorickheague  
Wayunkeak See Wamkeag  
Weacapaug  See Weecapaug  
Wecacheconet See Witchetseconnet  
Wecapaug See Weecapaug  
Wecatheconnet See Witchetseconnet  
Wechenama MEADOW, or Nonganeck, between Old Warwick and Pawtuxet river. West and south west from the bridge See Nonganeck
Wechenoma See Wequeehackomuck  
Weecapaug[109] NECK and BROOK, or Musqutah, or Paspataug, or Paspalonage, or Tismatuc, or Waxcadowa. It runs southerly, and enters the west end of Quanaquataug pond. It was regarded as the boundary between the Pequot and Nyantics. At the head (or end) of the pond
Weekachommet TRACT. Same as Weequechacommuck Place at the end of the enclosed field; house in the enclosed field
Weekapaug Post, Point (Watch Hill) & Beach, Yatch Club (Quonochontaug) and Breachway, Beach, Watch Hill See Wecapaug
Weenachasett Street, Naval Station, Newport (See Woonachasset) At the divided, winding place (or hills)?
Weepacannock See Tismattue  
Weepoiset in Swanzey. [Church's Indian Wars, p. 87.] At the small ford; the narrow strait
Weequechacommuck See Weekachommet  
Weetamo, Weetamoe, Weetomore, Wetamo Woods, Tiverton Lodge Keeper (Female Sachem or Chief ("Queen") of Pocasset Tribe)
Weeweonk CREEK, or Wawweonke, that makes in near Nassawket from Greenwich bay, not far from the Buttonwoods. Turning, bending place
Wekepaug Location unknown, historical At the end (or head) of the pond (see Weecapaug)
Wenannatoke or Weyanitoke, POINT JUDITH, or JUDA-NECK [in South Kingston], deeded by Tumtockoro, Indian chief, 1659, to Winthrop and others. [See Land Evidence, vol. 1, page 29.] A sweep around a high point?; winding river
We-nan-na-toke See Wenannatoke  
Wennanatoke Point Judith Winding River (see Wenannatoke)
Wepoiset Entrance of Kickemuit River See Weepoiset
Wepoiset See Weybosset & Weepoiset  
Wequapaugset Kent County At the end of the small pond
Wequapunock See Wawattaquatuck  
Wequatucket Cove, Washington County At the end of the river
Wequatuxet Cove, Washington County At the end of the small stream; at the head of a small cove
Wequeehackomuck LAND, south of Natick, and near Emanuel Rice's farm. See Wecatheconnet
Wequepogue Washington County End (head) of the pond
Wequetequock Westerly Place at the end of the tidal stream; as fas as the tidal stream goes
Wesaquanage See Wesquanage  
Wesaquanaug See Wesquanage  
Wesconnaug See Connaug  
Wesconnaug See Westquanoid  
Wesquage Pond, Narragansett Pier See Wesquogue
Wesquanage or aug, SETTLEMENT. [Bartlett, page 440, vol. 1. See Arnold, vol. 1, page 5.] The end place; a cove?
Wesquogue TRACT and POND, near Watson's Pier, a little north of it, and northeast from Tower Hill, and between Pettaquamscot and the bay [in South Kingston, Narragansett Pier]. The end place; a cove? maker of clay pots?
Westconnaug RESERVOIR [& Dam, and Brook], south of Clayville, in Foster. See Connaug
Westeonnaug See Connaug  
Westototucket RIVER, either Beaver or Usquepaug. [See Potter, page 66.] It is in S. Kingston At the river’s end; as fas as the end of the stream
Westquadomesit See Wasquadomesit  
Westquage Beach, So. Kingston See Wesquogue
Westquanoid PURCHASE, or Westeonnaug, being a strip of land, the south line of which runs through the State E. and W. from Connimicut point, opposite Nayatt on the bay, through the centre of Punhanganset or Great pond, through Natick to the Connecticut line. [See page 72, Vol. 4, Providence Records.] Walnut trees?
Westquodniake See Westquanoid  
Wetamo See Weetamo  
Wethungamet CREEK, or Waweonk, CREEK, east or north of Baker's station, Coweset shore House on the other side
Wethunganet Washington County See Wethungamet
Wewaskepaug See Usquebaug  
Weyanitoke See Wenannatoke  
Weybosset STREET [& Bridge], in Providence. It means half way. Narrow place or crossing
Wickaboxet POND [& State Forest, Coventry], north of the southwest corner of West Greenwich. At the end of small pond
Wickerboxet POND, west side of West Greenwich, probably same as Boxet. See Wickaboxet
Wicketiquack COVE, in Stonington, midway between Stonington and Westerly See Wequatucket
Wigwam Many locations Indian lodge, dwelling
Wimatompic LAND. Part of Hall's purchase [in Richmond]. [See vol. 1 of recorded deeds] Place at the top of the rock?; place at the end of the rocks?
Winatompick See Wimatompic  
Wincheck POND. The eastern one on the beach, in Charlestown [Voluntown], called on Stephen's map, Green hill pond. At the pleasant place
Wincheck POND, at Rockville village, near the northwest corner of Hopkinton [Voluntown —according to GNIS database]. See alternative entry
Winkheigues See Wiorickheague  
Winnapaug Pond and Golf Course, Washington County, Watch Hill A good pond
Winnapauket Kent County Land/place at the good pond
Winscot RIVER, or Wanshuck, or Manchuck, where Wainscott factory is, in North Providence. See Wanshuck
Winsokeit See Woonsocket  
Winsokett See Woonsocket  
Wionkeage See Wiorickheague  
Wionkhiege Schoolhouse, Georgiaville See Wiorickheague
Wiorickheague or Winkheigues, or Wayunckeke, SETTLEMENT. [Potter, p. 163.] North from Greenville, and including a hill [in Georgiaville]. [Bartlett, vol. 4, p. 871.] At the bend; land at the bend
Wiorikeague See Wiorickheague  
Wishquatenniog See Westquanoid  
Wishquodiniack See Westquanoid  
Witchetseconnet LANDS, or Wecatheconnet, between Apponaug and Arnold's factory, and between Natick and Apponaug. Place at the end of the enclosed field; house in  the enclosed field
Wixerboxet See Wickaboxet  
Wollomoisset See Molligwasset  
Wolopeconcet POND, or Pawcomet. Beach pond, on Lockwood's map Shallow enclosed cove; fine cleared land
Wolopeconnet POND, Poncamac, or BEACH POND, probably Babcock's pond, Westerly. See alternative entry
Wonnamatonnamee See Wanumetonomy  
Wonnemetonomey See Wonnumetonomy/Tommany  
Wonnometony See Tommany  
Wonnumetonomy HILL, see Metonomy, north of Newport. See Tommany
Wonosoket See Woonsocket  
Wonsocket See Woonsocket  
Wonsocut See Woonsocket  
Wonsoket See Woonsocket  
Woonachasset[110] or Coasters Harbor, off Newport [in Narragansett Bay]. The site of the Asylum. It is a peninsular. Crooked little hill?; at the place of separation (boundary)
Woonasquatucket RIVER [& Park], divides North Providence from Johnston. At the head of the tidal river
Woonsocket[111] HILL and FALLS. The hill is a mile or two south west from the compact part of the village or falls. It was formerly spelled Wonsocket. [Providence Records, vol. 4, p. 28.] Place of steep descent; two brook place?
Woonsoket See Woonsocket  
Woonsoquett See Woonsocket  
Woosamequin See Osamequin  
Woquagonset POND, or LITTLE POND, in Old Warwick, south side of the road that runs from Pawtuxet to Apponaug. On Stevens's map it is called Sand point, or pond. At the end of the plain; as far as the end of the plain
Woquogonset See Woquagonset  
Wosamequin POND, which sends a branch into Ashaway river in Hopkinton, and is on the Connecticut line. See Osamequin
Wotchaugh See Watchaug  
Wotesamoonsuck same as Wecapaug, being the boundary between Pequots and Niantics [in Hopkinton]. Junction of brooks
Wowoskepog See Usquebaug  
Woxeodawa LAND, or Maskaeowage, or Cocumscusset, bounded by the brook on the west side [in Westerly]. End (or head) of the pond
Wusamequin See Osamequin  
Wuyunckeke See Wiorickheague  
Wuyunckeke See Wiorickheague  
Wyapumseat, Wyapumseatt a RIVER, in the north part of Quidnesit [in North Kingston]. Same as Mascachowage. Place of rushes; place at the end of the rocks; hill (or rocky hill) at the end of the cove
Wyaxcumscut, Wyaxcumscutt PONDS, about two and half miles northwest from South Kingstown station, and on the line between Exeter and Richmond. See Wyapumseat
Wyoming Pond, Dam, Post Office, Park & Village Historic District, in Hope Valley The large prairie (Delaware language)


Historical & Geographical Information
Yagompoh See Yayompoh  
Yagunsk See Yawgunsk  
Yawcook Ponds, about two and half miles northwest from South Kingston station, and on the line between Exeter and Richmond. See Yawgoo
Yawgoag See Yawgoog  
Yawgoo WOODS, west from Gardner's Mill, and north of Yawgoo pond. Red pond; fire place; as far as this place
Yawgoog POND [& Valley Ski Area, Exeter and School, Slocum], on the corner line and northwest corner of Hopkinton, and Woods, Kingston One side of the pond; here are many lice?
Yawgook See Yawgoog  
Yawgunsk BROOK [& Dam, Camp, and Pond], on the east side of Ninagret's fort. It is probably the Cross' Mill brook, in Charlestown. As far as that rock
Yawloo SeeYawgoo  
Yayompoh Brook, Washington County That opening (mouth of stream) is crooked
Yomtonoc Washington County Flood tide there; here go to the right-hand side
Yomtunnock See Yomtonoc  

[96] Narragansett Sachem or Chief.
[97] Mentioned in Church (p. 38), and called Wilbour's Woods in Little Compton.
[98] From Church (1716); called Taylor's Lane, near Patchet Brook on north side of Swamp Road.
[99] Now called Randall's Pond.
[100] According to GNIS database.
[101] Rider (p. 140) claims this name is same as Coweset.
[102] Not certain if Indian name.
[103] Tribal groups throughout Rhode Island and Massachusetts.  Swanton's brief summary:
The Wampanoag occupied Rhode Island east of Narragansett Bay; Bristol County, Mass., the southern part of Plymouth County, below Marshfield and Brockton; and the extreme western part of Barnstable. The Indians of Martha's Vineyard should also be added to them, and it will be convenient to treat under the same head those of Nantucket and the Saconnet, or Sakonnet, of Sakonnet Point, R. I., whose connection was more remote. They controlled Rhode Island in Narragansett Bay until the Narragansett tribe conquered it from them.
[104] Word may basis for present day "Wampanoag"; see Trigger (1978), p. 171.
[105] Part of Providence River; cf. Moshassuck  and Masswasscutt.
[106] Should read "Brodhead".
[107] Now "Prudence Island".
[108] Wife of Narragansett Sachem, Miantonomi.
[109] Weexcodawa was Pequot-Mohegan name (Trumbull, 1881); see Woxeodawa.
[110] Now called Coaster's Harbor Island.
[111] Many variants in spelling in Rider and many place references including City, City Hall, Library, House, Post Office, Reservoir.
© 2003 Francis J. O'Brien, Jr., Newport, RI
This material my be used for personal use, and may be quoted in publication, as long as these sources are cited: 1) Dr. Francis Joseph O'Brien, Jr., author, and; 2) Rhode Island USGenWeb (RIGenWeb) Project.
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