American Indian Place Names
In Rhode Island:

Past & Present

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Historical & Geographical Information
Quacataug Washington County, Charlestown Swampy place; where the land trembles
Quacompaug Lodge  See Cocumpaug?
Quacut NECK, abbreviation of Nonniquatuc, near Howland's ferry, in Tiverton. Narrow swampy place
Quahaug Point, Quonochontaug & Rock, Kingston See Quoaug
Quaket Creek & River, Newport County  See Quacut ?
Quamatucumpic LAND, near Yawgoo, (or loo,) pond, and Barber's pond, within from one to two miles from North Kingstown depot. It makes the N. E. corner of Hall's purchase, so called, of two miles square; whilst Chippachuac makes the S. E. corner of said two miles purchase, to the brook south of South Kingstown depot. Quowachauk or Whatchaug, makes the S. W. the corner of Hall's purchase, or " Usquepaug river on the west, Pettiquamscot purchase, on the east." [Hall's purchase. By this be it understood, that John Warner bought of a sachem, two miles square, and then deeded it to Henry Hall; and hence called Hall's purchase. East side of it being the west side of Pettaquamscot, or Narrow river, and called Quanatumpic] Rocks in the long stream
Quamquit Cove, Newport County, Tiverton Wide place (see Nonquit)
Quanacontaug Pond, Washington County, Quonochontaug Extended deserted place; at the long beach?; two long ponds in succession
Quanaquataug See Quonacantaug  
Quanatumpic Washington County, Exeter Long ford; wading place
Quanduck Brook, Providence County, Oneco Long stream
Quanquajawatchuck See Cawcawnjawtchuck  
Quanuntowock See Quassaconkanuck  
Quassakonkanuck POND, N. W. from the snuff mill at the head of Narrow river, South Kingstown. Stone fence boundary mark; place at the stone wall
Quatenus See Quotenis  
Quatocanit Providence County, North Smithfield Large plantation; large enclosure
Quatuck RIVER, or Quequatasia or Quequatage, two miles up Pawcatuck river, near where Crandall's mill stood in 1681, [Potter,] on the north side, and near the centre of Charlestown. The long (tidal ?) stream
Quawawehunk about the swamp fighting ground, two or three miles west of South Kingstown depot. Where the land shakes and trembles
Quawquinnippau POND, south of Pawtuxet, called also Long pond Stream with a wide turn
Quebaquauge See Aquebapaug  
Quequachanoke Washington County Place of a strong rapid current
Quequaganewet See Quequaquenuit  
Quequaken Tiverton See Quequechan ?
Quequakenuit See Quequaquenuit  
Quequanuit See Quequaquenuit  
Quequaquenuit Narragansett Sachem or Chief (alias "Gideon") See Narragansett Tribe
Quequatage See Quatuck  
Quequatasia See Quatuck  
Quequataug UPLAND, running into the Great Indian Cedar Swamp, in Charlestown. [Potter.] See Quacataug
Quequathanock See Quatuck  
Quequecham See Quequechan  
Quequechan SHORE, from Fall River to Taunton. Very swift current
Quequegusewet See Quequaquenuit  
Quetenis See Quotenis  
Quidnesit or Aquidesit, or Opuitowaxet, from Pootowoomet to Cocumscusset or Wickford, along the shore [in East Greenwich]. At the small island
Quidnesset Golf & Country Club, East Greenwich and Church, Cemetery and School in Wickford See Quednesit
See Quidnesset
Quidnic RIVER, one of the western branches of the Pawtuxet river, through Washington village. Its reservoir is near Harkney mills in Coventry, and Quidnic pond. It is near Week's hill. Place at the end of the hill (see Aqueednuck)
Quidnick Brook, City & Resevoir, Kent County, Coventry At the end of a hill
Quidy See Aquidneck  
Quinamoge See Quinamogue  
Quinamogue MEADOW, in Westerly purchase. [See Potter, 204.] N. W. corner of Westerly, near Weir bridge. Long fish place; eels (lampries?)
Quinamogue MEADOW, in Westerly purchase. It is near the N. W. corner of Charlestown. See alternative entry
Quinemique Narragansett Sachem or Chief See Narragansett Tribe
Quineque See Quinemique  
Quinimiquet See Quinamogue  
Quinnihticut Connecticut River On the long tidal river
Quinsnaket LEDGE OF ROCKS, S. W. and near the residence of the late Stephen Smith, Esq., and extending west to the Louisquisset turnpike, near Esquire Olney's [in Lincoln]. The name means rock-house, and is applied to places under shelving rocks. Another place of like form and name is near Woonsocket. At my stone house
Quinsnicket Hill, Pawtucket See Quinsnaket
Quinsniket See Quinsnaket  
Quinsnikit See Quinsnaket  
Quinunicut See Canonicut  
Qumatumpick Washington County At the long ford; long wading place; sinking swamp
Qummunagat Beaver Tail Point, Jamestown See Canonicut
Quoaug ROCK, on the shore N. E. of Point Judith. Round clam
Quoheset, Quohesett See Quonset  
Quomatumpick See Qumatumpick  
Quonacantaug, Quonacontaug Pond, Washington County, Westerly/Charlestown At the extended pond; at the long beach
Quonanicut See Canonicut  
Quonapaug See Canopaug  
Quonaquatog See Quonacantaug  
Quonaquontaug See Quonacantaug  
Quonepin Narragansett Sachem or Chief See Narragansett Tribe
Quonnaquonset MEADOWS, in Little Compton. See Quonset ?
Quonnoquon RIVER, enters the north side of Tiverton. Very long place
Quonny, Quonnie Pond  See Quonochontaug
Quonochontaug Neck, Post Office, Ponds & Beach, Washington County, Quonochontaug At the long pond
Quonocontaug Pond, Washington County, Quonochontaug At the extended pond; at the long beach
Quononagutt See Canonicut  
Quononaqutt See Canonicut  
Quononaquut See Canonicut  
Quononicut[75] See Canonicut  
Quononiquit See Canonicut  
Quononiquot See Canonicut  
Quononoquot See Canonicut  
Quononoqutt See Canonicut  
Quonopataug See Quonacantaug  
Quonopaug Brook, Kent County, North Scituate Long pond (see Canopaug)
Quonotamaquot See Canonicut  
Quonset POINT [& Aviation Museum and Airport] makes the right border of the entrance into Wickford bay, being the most projecting point [in Wickford]. Long place; a round shallow cove
Quotenis[76] ISLAND, in Narragansett bay, was made an Indian fur trading place by the Dutch West India Company, settled in New York, 1617 or 18 and is now called Dutch island. [See page 268 Broadhead's[77] history.]  
See Quowatchaug  
Quowatchaug Washington County, Westerly High Hill (See Watchaug)
Quowchauk See Quowatchaug  
Quttonckanitnuing Providence County Wide planted place; wide garden


Historical & Geographical Information
Retacumuckut[78] Washington County On the west mainland opposite (See Neutaconkonut)
Romicanset[79] Providence See Pomecanset?

[75] Original name for Jamestown, in one spelling variant.
[76]Not an Indian name according to Huden, but of Latin origin which became Dutch Island.
[77] Should read "Brodhead".
[78] The letter "R" is not found in the Algonquian Indian languages/dialects of Rhode Island.
[79] Pomecanset? (Rider's Map, ff. p. 58); see above footnote re "R".

© 2003 Francis J. O'Brien, Jr., Newport, RI
This material my be used for personal use, and may be quoted in publication, as long as these sources are cited: 1) Dr. Francis Joseph O'Brien, Jr., author, and; 2) Rhode Island USGenWeb (RIGenWeb) Project.
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