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Moores Hill Sesquicentennial

Volunteer Jane Molen has transcribed the below information for the web page.
Thank you Jane!

The following pages were transcribed from a Moores Hill Sesquicentennial booklet that was distributed in 1968. In transcribing I (Jane Molen) corrected any obvious typographical errors, but all names and dates have been transcribed EXACTLY as originally printed. The printing in the original booklet is of poor quality and does not copy or scan well.
Jane Molen



There was much activity in this area. Adam Moore had arrived with his family from Maryland had been joined by the Eversole, Justice and Dashiell Families. Adam Moore was accompanied by his wife and son, John C. Moore, who was eight years old. There were several other children. Records show that John was the second son of five sons and five daughters.

Everyone pitched in to clear the trees and build shelters. The local Methodist Church was established in 1818 shortly after the settlement of several other families. The first Baptist congregation was organized on November 29, 1851. In 1852 a frame church was built on the lands of Mr. Justice, where it continued until the present structure was erected in 1866.

In 1820 the first school house was built of logs. Tuition was 75 cents a quarter. The first teacher was John Arnold, who married Adam Moore’s daughter, Harriet.

Adam Moore had established a grist mill on his farm and Morton Justice and his brother had started a cannery and shoe boot factory. By 1839 there were several businesses in the village. John C. Moore ran a saddle and harness shop and later started a cooperage shop which eventually employed forty to fifty men. He manufactured kegs, barrels, etc, as containers for molasses, flour, vinegar, sugar, soap, nails and fertilizer, but refused to make whiskey barrels, though there was a great demand for them.


The Rev. W.W. Snyderagent from Brookville College was in Moores Hill to solicit funds for that institution. He obtained a subscription form John C. Moore but this incidence set Mr. Moore to thinking about such an institution nearer home. He conferred with A.L. Osgood, business agent of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, then being constructed near Moores Hill. The idea grew and a meeting was called. Some of the men attending were Dr. Henry Bowers, local physician, Rev. Beharrell, Methodist minister, Ranna Stevens and Joseph McCreary. They agreed to the proposal of starting a college and a larger group of citizens was asked to meet at the Methodist Church, December 20. Articles of association were drawn and signed by all present. Three thousand dollars was subscribed toward the project.


A charter under an act of the state legislature was drawn up and signed Jan. 10, 1854. The college was given the name of the MOORES HILL MALE AND FEMAIL COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. The board of trustees was Rev. Enoch Wood, president; Joseph McCreary, secretary; John C. Moore, treasurer; Dr. Bowers, Rev. Connelly, Dr. E. Collins, Ranna Stevens and James Stevens. They began seeking financial support, securing a campus and erecting a building. The largest gifts came from John C. Moore and records show that during his lifetime, he gave about $30,000. He and Morton Justis donated the land for the campus. Bricks for the building were made in a local brickyard.


The new college opened Sept. 9, 1856 with probably about 150 students. Rev. S.R. Adams was the first president and under his leadership the institution grew in favor.
John C. Moore had built a new brick house and had moved into it with his family. Much entertaining was done by the Moores and the home was always open to students who had no place to stay and it was free.
The village was humming with students enrolling at the college and teachers moving in to be on the faculty.


Dark clouds were hovering over Moores Hill as well as other towns. The Civil War had begun and many students, as well as men of the village were enlisting. President Adams was commissioned a chaplain in the Twenty-sixth Regiment, Indiana Volunteers.
A dinner was held on the back porch of the Moore home for the men who were leaving for the war. Hanson D. Moore was one of the group.
Robert F. Brewington, one of the teachers in the college had been chosen to succeed Dr. Adams as president but he soon resigned to enter the army. Prof. Wm. Pierce was elected to fill the chair but he also went to the front and Mrs. Adams was put in charge.


John C. Moore had died. There was a great need for money to run the college and Dr. Martin had resigned because of personal reasons. Dr. Francis Asbury Hester, prominent minister of the southeast conference was named to the position. The salary was $1200.


George Heller, Jr. threshed 279 bushels wheat from 10 acres. Best yield heard of this season.
H. S. Burlingame, one of Sparta Township’s best teachers, has been hired to teach in Clay Township.
L.H. Voshell has about 200 gallons of molasses to get rid of at 1 cent a gallon if Harrison is elected. 75 cents a gallon if Cleveland is elected.
Mrs. Robert Chance is visiting Mrs. James Pritchard.
George Rummel, wagon maker, is overstocked with work at present.
The old Draper Cooper shop in south end of town is being converted into a machine shop by Standard Manufacturing Co. who will make pulleys and band saws.
A.J. Bigney has been appointed principal of Rising Sun Public Schools.
Henry Lauman raised a fine barn on Thursday, Jones and Cottingham, architects.
Oscar Ruble lost his mule and horse last week and is now without a team. Too bas as he is not able to stand the loss.
Born to Charles Johnson and wife, March 22, a fine girl. (Mrs. Ruth Bowers)
Henry Schilling lost a valuable colt last week.
Drew Cottingham moves into Elizabeth Wheeler’s farm this week.
Charles Robinson, Aurora, spent Sunday with his parents.
Link Adkins returned home Sunday after winter in the South.
Fire in John Turner’s woods last Sunday did considerable damage.
Winifred Bigney and Miss Zella Brewington were quietly married in the M.E. parsonage by Rev. George Cochran.
George Transier and lady were the guests of friends at Mt. Carmel last Sunday.
Enoch Lamb, Cold Springs, has the largest log cabin in the Township.
C.M. Bowers has moved his family to the Crozier farm below Sparta.
Thomas Downton visited his daughter, Mrs. Grant Mulford last week.

MAY 10, 1888

Wake up the town trustees and let us have some town pumps. The present ones are in bad condition and a disgrace to the town.
Dr. A.J. Bowers attended the meeting of the American Medical Society, Cincinnati, last week.
Carrie and Flora Adkins, our enterprising milliners, were in Cincinnati last week to secure fall stock of goods. They are prepared to supply customers with latest styles in millinery art, silk, plushes, all colors, $1 per yard.
Mrs. J.R. Moore entertained the college faculty to tea Monday.

DEC. 1888

George Dean is the happiest man around. It’s a girl. (Nellie Cottingham)


An announcement had appeared that the college would offer a normal department for the training of teachers.


The cornerstone was laid June 12, for a new building to be known as Carnegie Hall. Andrew Carnegie donated $16,500, one half of the cost. The new building was dedicated June 18, 1908. With furnishings it cost about $48,000.


Rev. Harry King had been elected president of the college. There was a campaign for a $20,000 endowment which was hard to meet. The college officials received word that the minimum endowment was #100,000. The goal was never reached.


Dr. King had resigned as president and the following day fire destroyed the old college building. The whole town was threatened and fire fighting equipment was at a minimum. The college continued to struggle on trying to make ends meet and after much consideration the institution was moved to Evansville.


Born to Mano Cottingham and wife, Tuesday, a son (Frank Cottingham)
Both schools are closed on account of fuel shortage.
Milton Slater of the firm of Grimsley and Slater, transacted business in Cincinnati.
George Mendel and Lawrence Marshall are employed at a munitions factory in Alabama.
Section hands on the B & O Railroad were getting #3.00 a day.
A fire cistern 11 _ X 12 ft. has been built near the Methodist Church. Another will be built by the bank


Clyde Cornelius had purchased the barber shop of W.E. Walker and had moved here from New Port, KY.
Services were held at the Methodist Church for Andrew Bigney, who served 49 years on the faculty of Moores Hill College and after at Evansville.
Mr. and Mrs. C.B. Rawlins of Little Rock, Ark., who had been spending several weeks with her parents Jim Vandolah and wife, had returned home.


The Methodist Church had observed its 120th anniversary.
Sparta School building had been wrecked by a mysterious blast.
Mrs. Emma Lambertson, 91, oldest citizen of Moores Hill had died.
Rev. Mahler had died two days after his 72nd birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sibbett’s 60 x 75 ft. dahlia garden was the show place of the area and was attracting many visitors from a distance. They also had outstanding Christmas lighting displays.
Moores Hill had dedicated their new gymnasium.
M.C. Mulford, prominent citizen had died.
Harold McClanahan had signed as a pitcher with the Bluefield W. Virginia baseball club, a farm team of the Detroit Tigers.
Wm. Abraham, retired funeral director had died.
James Clark Marshall had died at age 87.
The Sparta Baptist Church had been destroyed by fire.
Moores Hill had a new fire truck.
John Givan had retired after serving 39 years in various civic offices in Moores Hill.
In the service: Arthur Meyer, Ralph Grimsley, Philip Givan, Frank Grimsley, Harold McClanahan, Carl Cornelium, Lee Busse, Marion Boyd, William Belew, Lewis Hyde, John McClanahan, John Lewis, Ralph Schilling, Harlan Rumsey, Dale Grimsley, Decker Grimsley, Richard Giblen, James Chastain, Charles Fletcher, Harley Detmer, Glen Rumsey, Virgil Trennephol, Joseph West, Verle, Merle, and Gene Andrews, Lester Beggs, and Elmer Detmer.
The Corner stone was laid for the new Sparta Baptist Church.
Robert A. West was working on the atomic bomb at Oak Ridge, Tenn.
Miss Jean Schwartz had won a scholarship to Ball State and Alberta Barkley, a scholarship to Purdue.
The Sparta Baptist Church was dedicated.


Moores Hill Assembly Order of Rainbow for girls had been instituted.
The new Moores Hill Bank had held open house.
Miss Jean Schwartz was a graduate nurse of Ball State Memorial Hospital.
Gerald Miller, 5, had won a tricycle at the Christmas party at the Palace Theater.
The Baptist Church had celebrated the centennial of its organization.


Elmer Heller had been elected Superintendent of Dearborn County Schools.
Edgar Mahler had retired after 38 years of postal service.


Moores Hill had dial telephones!
Joy Ickenroth had graduated from Bethesda Hospital Nursing School.
J. Donald Russell was an honored guest at the premier showing of "The Longest Day" at the RKO Grand Theater, Cincinnati.
Charles Mendel had retired from Kroger Grocery Company after 37 years – 36 years as manager.
Danny Eichler, who had won over 100 go-cart races since he was eight, was driving a stock car.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Miller celebrated their 62 wedding anniversary.


Steve Bolin had been named to the Dean’s list at Cumberland College.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kaiser had celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary.
George Bell had been appointed Laughery District Scout Executive.
Barbara Schilling had won a blue ribbon on her apron at the state fair.
Sp/4 Raymond Bennett was stationed in Stuttgart Germany, and many more boys were in service all over the world. Many of our young people had won scholarships and graduated from college. Many had held responsible positions and are still doing so.

There is not space or time to list all of the accomplishments of our citizens and all of the happy events. We have had many tragic and sad occurrences in our village. Now, today, August 9, 10, 11, 1968, we are reenacting some of the days and events that have taken place since the founding of Moores Hill. We feel that we have kept standards high, at least we have tried to do so, and we hope in the years to come, those who follow after us will cherish and hold valuable what our early founders attained in bringing Moores Hill to Indiana.

Thanks to Jane Molen who submitted the
information for this page!

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