This site is devoted to the people and history of Dearborn County 100 years ago. I am also including items that were found in the early newspapers that will help us learn the more personal side of life in the last Century.
The time-frame for this project are the years 1899-1901. It seems that the people 100 years ago celebrated the coming of their new century on Dec. 31, 1900.
If anyone has any information that they would like to share with us, please contact me, John Minneman. Thank You!
Source: The Lawrenceburg Press
Thurs., January 3, 1901 edition
The new century was ushered in here to the accompaniment of ringing bells, blowing whistles and shooting fire arms. There was more racket than has been heard in a long time."
The New Century
When in the dim, gray East shall rise
The morning of thy birth--
When thy first dawn steps from the skies
Upon the hill of earth--
Shall waiting nations breathless stand
Oppressed with haunting fears,
Of what thou holdest in thy hand,
Thou coming Hundred Years?
Or shall a glad world welcome thee
With laughter and a song--
Thou unborn child of Destiny
Whose reign shall be so long?
Who knows!--we only know that thou
Shalt enter like a king
Into thy courts--that we must bow,
What ever thou dost bring.
What matter, whether war or peace
Thy heralds shall proclaim--
The story of the centuries
Is evermore the same!
Thy children years shall tell abroad,
Through all thy mighty span,
Naught but the Fatherhood of God--
The Brotherhood of Man.
'By Jennie Betts Hartwick, in the Independent.'
Source: Rising Sun Recorder
Friday, January 4, 1901 edition
January 4, 1901 edition
A prophesy made by a Cincinnati man.
Marsh, Cincinnati's weather prophet, predicts "a heap of weather" during the new year. He says that crimes, riots, earthquakes and terrestrial disturbance will abound in 1901. Wrecks will strew the Atlantic coast January 11, 13, 18 and 20. The Ohio and Tennessee rivers will have flood booms in February, a cold wave coming about the 15th. An earthquake will come about May 3 and a cyclone about July 12. A terrible drought will come in August and an early frost in September. Winter will set in about October 12, 1901."