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Dearborn County, INGenWeb Project

-- Miscellaneus Items --
1822 Squirrel Hunt

Thank you Susan D. Engle for submitting the information about the squirrel hunt!

"SQUIRREL HUNT" (Jacob Blasdel) (1822)

This document, currently in my possession, is among papers passed down for several generations. My transcription retains original spelling, word breaks, capitalization, and lack of punctuation. {Curly Brackets} indicate my editorial comments. Many of the 27
signatures are difficult to read, either somewhat illegible writing, or very faded or both; I give my best guesses for spelling/alternate spellings.

In 1903 Stephen Hicks Bundy (1852-1928) did an unpublished writeup of our family history, which includes the following quote: "Jacob Blasdel was Lieutenant in the war of the American Revolution. In 1791 and 1792 he was elected a member of the New Hampshire House of Representatives. Jacob Blasdel and family emigrated to Ohio in 1799. In 1802 they removed to Tanner's Creek, Dearborn County, Indiana.
Here Jacob Blasdel purchased 800 acres of land, and erected a grist mill, sawmill, and fulling mill. His son, Enoch Blasdel, was a soldier in the war of 1812. Another son, Jacob Blasdel, at a Methodist camp meeting near Lawrenceburg, Indiana, made the first
temperance speech delivered in Indiana. Lieutenant Jacob Blasdel died at Cambridge, now Pella, Ind., April 25th, 1831, aged 77 years. He was descended from Ralph Bleasdale (since corrupted to Blasdel and Blaisdell) who was born in England. Ralph Bleasdale and his wife Elizabeth emigrated to York in March 1635. They removed to Salisbury, Mass., in 1642, where Ralph kept an inn."

Our ancestor Jacob Blasdel, was born 8 Apr 1754 Amesbury, Mass. and
died 25 Apr 1831 Cambridge, Dearborn Co, Ind. D.A.R. volumes say b. Salisbury, Mass., d. Guilford, Ind. [v.125 p 295 & v. 161 p.236]

Susan D. Engle --June 2001

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We the under Signed promise to pay Jacob Blasdel or bearer two bushel
of Corn Each to be Delivered in Said Blasdel's Mill on or before the
first Day of December Next the Said Corn is to be paid for the
Incouragement of a Squirel hunt that is to be on the Eleventh Day of
this Instant and Conducted in the following form To wit the person
who Brings in the highest number of Sculps which he must kill him
self will be Intitled to Recieve one half of the Corn Subscribed the
second highest in number will be Intitled to two thirds of the other
half - the third highest in number will be Intitled to Recieve the
ballance - Each hunter must be a Subscriber - no Sculps will be
Recieved Except it has been killed between the Hours of four in the
Morning and Eight in the Evening which will be Received at the House
of John Dawson in Cambridge and must be Counted by nine ocloct
persons who Claim the Corn must answer under oath if Required how he
Came by the sculps produced by him in witness where of we have here
unto set our hands this 5th Day of May 1822.
Subscriber names {in 2 columns on original}

John Dawson
Enoch Blasdel
Jacob Blasdel
Ralph Hodgson
Benjamin Fuller
Jonathan Whitbanid {difficult to read}
George Shnecland {difficult}
Benjamin Youchen
Samuel F Youckem
Aaron Burroughs
Wm Chappebut/Chiepplbu- {difficult}
Andrew Anderson Lene/Line

- - - - - - - - {on reverse:} - - - - -

Jno. Hawscwell/Thawicevell {difficult}
J H Bowden/Dawdin/Sawden {difficult}
Daniel Caig/Craig
William Clark
John Malat/Matal
Elijah Whean/Wilson {faint}
Richard Duggins
Gabriel Duggins
{Wm? Bradford?} {very difficult; two d's are for certain}
Micajah {maybe H/N not M} ----{short surname could begin with
D/F/L/S + squiggle, maybe 'nn' at end; very difficult}
Jeptha Commet
Gedion Stafford
Josha Lecter/Sect-- {difficult}
Jacob Burnet
Elerige Walen/Wulen

{Also on reverse on a different quarter of the page, numbers
apparently are calculations for quantity of corn for winners. It
appears that 146 is the projected total: 73 for 1st winner, 48 1/2
for 2nd winner, 24 1/2 for 3rd winner}

72 73
2/ 146 {division: 146 divided by 2}
2 {tiny numeral}
3/ 146 {division: 146 divided by 3}
48 1/2

48 1/2
25 1/2 {sic; should be 24 1/2}

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