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Dearborn County, INGenWeb Project

-- Miscellaneous Items --

Thanks to Connie Pitt I am able to post the 1889 Cincinnati Bell Telephone book that was issued then. This telephone book includes Cincinnati and surrounding areas. I will be posting Aurora and Lawrenceburg first, then updating with the rest of the book as time permits.

The telephone book shows the actual phone numbers of businesses, who owned the business (on some of the lines) and residents with phones. Some businesses, for example a drug store, had a pay phone, and this is listed.

The back of the book includes a page with some phone numbers for Lawrenceburgh and Aurora businesses and residents. This section was an update to the 1889 (November) book dated April 1890. A new complete book was not issued. It was stated to add these names to the back of the original 1889 book.

Although the original telephone book includes the phone numbers along with the names and addresses, Connie did not transcribe them. (I can understand why!)

I have included the Dearborn county information on this page. Below that I will eventually have links to the rest of the phone book.

Thanks Connie!

1889 Cincinnati Bell Telephone Book of Subscribers -
Supplemental List as of April 01, 1890

E. E. Ferris, Manager

Bauer Cooperage
Co......................................................Cor. 2d & Shipping
Bauer, J. G...............................Residence............Ridge Avenue, Greendale
Bauer, J. M...........Residence, Cor. Broadway and Ridge ave., Greendale
Cook, A. D......Man'f'r Pumps and Well Strainers.......Opp. Court House
Cook, W. F..............Hardware, Stoves and Coal............101 Walnut street
C., C., C. & St. L. R. R....L. S. Matthews, Agt............Cor. Short and New
Lawrenceburg Furniture Co.........Office................Cor. Short and Center
Lawrenceburg Furniture Co........Factory..............Cor. Main and Second

Miami Valley Furniture Co.......................................Cor. High and Maple
Moore, E. D..........................Residence..................Cor.William and Short
Nowlin & Butterfield..Feed, Coal and Ag'l Implements.......18, 20 and 22 Walnut st. Ohio Valley Coffin Co...........................................N. W. cor. High and Ash
O. & M. R. R......................J. H. Howard, Agt......Cor. William and Mary
Roots, G. Y. & Co...........Flour, Grain & Salt...............Cor. High and Ash
Rossville Distilling Co....................................................Cor. Mill and Main
Squibb, W. P. & Co.................Distillers.......................Greendale
Stine & Freeman......................Coal..............................Cor. High and Vine
U. S. Internal Revenue Office.........John O. Cravens.......Second Floor Bank Bldg.


Aurora distilling Co............................................Cor. Mill and Mechanic
Crescent Brewing Co..........................................Cor.Decatur and Market
C., C., C. & St. L. R. R........J. H. White, Agent..S. E. cor. Judiciary & 2d
First National Bank...........................................Cor. Second and Mechanic
Langtree, McGuire & Co........Flour Mill.........93 and 95 Bridgway street
O. & M. R. R.......................C. H.
Mattox...............................Second street
Stedman, Nathan..Foundry and Machinery..Second street, opp. O. & M.Wymond
Cooperage Co................................................59 Bridgway st.

1889 Cincinnati Bell Telephone
Additional List of Subscribers as of June 15, 1890


Citizens National Bank...................................................55 High street
Peoples' Bank..................................................Short st., opp. Post Office


Martin, Chas.........................Restaurant.......................151 Second street

Thanks to Connie Pitt who submitted the information at these links!

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