Records have various spellings of his surname, i.e., Cantrull, Cantrell, and Cantrall.
In the 1890 Veterans Federal Census he is living in Hillsboro.
On 20 September 1861 he enlisted from Atlanta, Illinois as a Private and mustered in Company C, 66th Infantry Regiment on 9 November 1861. He received a disability discharge on 10 August 1862. This unit was originally the Western Sharpshooters-14th Missouri Volunteers. The application for a government furnished headstone indicated he died on 17 April 1896 and he was in Company C, 66th Illinois Regiment. He is listed on the 1883 Pension List as William J. Cantrull (chronic diarrhea) and it indicated he started receiving a pension ($4.00) in December 1870 although later records indicated he started receiving a pension on 17 July 1869. His wife, Emma (Emma was his third wife), started receiving a widow's pension on 28 April 1896 in Minnesota. Later she filed a request for a Remarried Widow pension under the name Emma E. Morton.
William secured land in Section 32, Township 146 (Caledonia), Range 49.
He is buried at Hillsboro #1 Cemetery
Burial, Tombstone Picture.
Ernest was born to Charles and Rosetta Jane Tyler Cardiff in DeWitt County, Illinois on 5 June 1893. Ernest came from a large family; Daisey, Nora, Zela, Opal, Harry, Clarence, Elmer, Roy, Ellis, Nelly, Ada, and Mary. His father's, Charles, obituary is located here.
Ernest was inducted into the U. S. Army on 26 September 1918 at Hillsboro. He was sent to Camp Custer in Michigan serving in 15th Company, 4th Battalion, 160th Depot Brigade until 1 October 1918 and then 22nd Company, 6th Battalion, 160th Depot Brigade, to his death of pneumonia at Camp Custer on 11 October 1918.
Ernest's Burial, Tombstone Photos, Links to Some Family Members
From the Compendium of History and Biography of North Dakota, Page 429:
"EBEN W. L. CARKIN. In Hillsboro township, Traill county, there is quite a settlement of New Englanders, whose thrifty habits have brought them success in a country where extravagant outlay has accomplished little or nothing more. Comfortable homes, good schools and culture and refinement are evidenced in their every-day life and surroundings and as one of this class the gentleman above named is entitled to prominent mention. Mr. Carkin has a fine farm of seven hundred acres and his home in section 28 [Note: Township 145, Range 50 Hillsboro Township] is a model in every particular, although less ostentatious in appearance than many of those of the so-called "bonanza farmers" of the country. He has pushed steadily forward and by perseverance and economical habits and good judgment has acquired a home of comfort and easy circumstances.
Our subject was born in Appleton, Knox county, Maine, July 10, 1850, and was the fourth in a family of six children born to Isaac and Sabra (Bump) Carkin, both of whom are deceased. He left his home when nineteen years of age and obtained employment in a shoe factory at Marblehead [Essex County], Massachusetts, and after about seven years of that work, during which time he had obtained a modest bank account, he returned to his native state and in Appleton he embarked in the general merchandise business and conducted this extensively until 1882. In the spring of that year the "westward ho" fever seized him and he went to North Dakota and was soon established on a farm in the Red river valley, boarding himself and following his ox-team and plow, an employment wholly foreign to that followed by him for the preceding thirteen years. His family joined him in 1884 and have resided in North
Dakota continuously since. He has purchased additional land and improved his farm and has an excellent property, which yields an abundant crop of grain annually.
Our subject was married to Miss Ada L. York, in 1882. Mrs. Carkin was for several years engaged in the school rooms of New England and is
always interested in all pertaining to educational advancement. For the purpose of giving their children the best school advantages they reside in Hillsboro during the winter months. Their children are as follows: John H., Theone, Howard E. and Everett. Mr. Carkin is a member of the Masonic fraternity, Independent Order of Odd Fellows and Independent Order of Foresters. He is identified with the Democratic party in politics and has mixed freely in public affairs, and considering the fact that his party is in the minority, he has proven himself a decidedly popular man. He was elected county commissioner in 1897 and is now serving as chairman of the county board. For many years he has served as township treasurer and has assisted in the upbuilding of schools in Hillsboro
township and city. He is a gentleman of broad views and well merits his high standing."
North Dakota History and People - Outlines of American History
Volume II
The E. J. Clarke Publishing Company
1917 - Chicago
John Carmody, an ex-member of the supreme court of North Dakota and for
years a prominent representative of the bar of Hillsboro, has carved his
name high on the
keystone of the legal arch of the state, being prominently connected with a
which has important bearing upon the progress and stable prosperity of any
section or
community and one which has long been considered as conserving the public
welfare by
furthering the ends of justice and maintaining individual rights. A native
of Wisconsin,
he was born at Granville, Milwaukee county, January 6, 1854, a son of John
and Mary
(Purcell) Carmody, natives of Ireland, who came to the new world with their
parents, the two families being established in Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs.
Carmody removed
to Waseca county, Minnesota, in 1868, and upon the farm which the father
secured in that
year he is still living at the remarkable old age of ninety-six years.
Carmody spent his youthful days under the parental roof and supplemented his
district school training by a term's study in the high school. He afterward
engaged in
teaching for twelve terms in the country schools and utilized the summer
months in farm
work, spending seven summer seasons in the employ of one man. It was his
purpose and
desire, however, to turn his attention to a professional career and in 1878
he took up the
study of law in the office of Hon. James E. Child, of Waseca, Minnesota, who
directed his
reading until his admission to the bar in 1880. He then entered upon the
practice of his
profession in Waseca, where he remained until 1885. In the summer of 1884 he
visited Dakota
territory in search of a location and the following year removed to
Hillsboro, where he has
now been engaged in the active practice of law for three decades. In 1909 he
was elevated
to the bench, being appointed by Governor Burke a member of the state
supreme court,
in which connection he served for two years. He had previously been city
justice of the peace and municipal judge of Waseca, Minnesota, and in Hillsboro has filled
the offices of
city attorney and mayor. He has likewise been states attorney of Traill
count}', has been
a member of the state board of control of penal and charitable institutions,
has been assist-
ant attorney general and at the present writing is tilling the office of
assistant United States
district attorney. His public service has been of the utmost benefit and
value to the state,
as in all his duties he has been actuated by a public-spirited devotion to
the general good.
On the 12th of July, 1886, Mr. Carmody was united in marriage to Miss Anna
of Waseca, Minnesota, [Hillsboro Postmaster] by whom he has three children, namely: Winifred Mary,
a Dominican
Sister located at Sinsinawa, Wisconsin; Irene Frances, the wife of J. G.
McClintock, of
Rugby, North Dakota; and George Christie, who is a teacher in the College of
St. Thomas
at St. Paul, is pursuing the night law course and reports the St. Thomas
athletics for the
Pioneer Press. He also played on the St. Thomas football team for three
years, during
which time the -team never lost a game in which he
Judge Carmody and his family are all members of the Catholic church and the
belongs to Grand Forks Lodge, No. 255, B. P. O. E. He is likewise a member
of the Knights
of Columbus, of which he served as state advocate for three years, and of
the Ancient Order of
United Workmen, of which he has been grand master workman for the state and
a member of
the board of directors for eleven years. He also has membership with the
Degree of Honor, the
Independent Order of Foresters and the American Yeomen. He has been the
president and
the vice president of the Volunteer Firemen's Association and he has served
as president of
the State Bar Association. He ranks with the distinguished and eminent
members of the
North Dakota bar, his ability bringing him prominently to the front in the
trial of important
cases before the courts. His interests and activities are many and have been
of a far-
reaching and beneficial character, but most of all he is known in his
profession and is regarded
as a distinguished and able lawyer by his colleagues and
Both John and Anna are buried at the Holy Cross Cemetery in Fargo.
Chester was born 25 April 1845 in Peacham, Vermont and died 8 May 1885 in Traill County.
In the 1890 Veterans Federal Census he is living in Caledonia (listed as McClark).
On 15 August 1864 he enlisted as a Private in Company D, Vermont 1st Cavalry Regiment. He mustered out on 21 June 1865.
Chester secured land in Sections 10 and 11, Township 146 (Caledonia), Range 49 and Section 26, Township 146, Range 50.
Chester was the first sheriff of Traill County years 1875-1879. He also owned a saloon in Hillsboro called "Headquarter's."
He was married in Traill County to Tena Olson on 12 May 1878. Widow Tena marries William W. Marsh on 16 December 1891 in Traill County.
He is buried at Caledonia Cemetery
Burial, Tombstone Picture.
See Vermont in the Civil War for more information.
From the Red River Valley History published by The Old Settlers Memorial Monument Association, Inc. in 1963/64:
"Dr. W. P. Cleveland was a pioneer
resident of Caledonia, North Dakota
where he practiced medicine from
1879 to 1901, when he moved to Fargo,
North Dakota, where he resided
until his death. Dr. Cleveland was
born in Madison, Sumerset County,
Maine, August 10, 1848 and was a
lineal descendant of the same family
from which President Grover Cleveland
Graduating in medicine
June 4, 1879, he spent nine
months in the General Hospital at
Portland, Maine, acquiring an invaluable
experience. At this time he
was the best educated physician in
North Dakota. In September of 1879
he came to Caledonia, North Dakota.
He held the first license granted to a physician to practice
medicine in North Dakota. He was a
member of the Odd Fellows Fraternity
of the Caledonia Lodge. This
was the first established in North
Dr. Cleveland was married at Anson,
Summerset County, Maine, Jan
uary 5, 1878, to Miss Sarah G. Pinkham.
The Doctor and Mrs. Cleveland
were the parents of one son;
Willie Elmore Cleveland, born May
8, 1881.
Mrs. Cleveland died at Fargo,
North Dakota on July 25, 1916.
Both Dr. and Mrs. Cleveland are
buried in the Caledonia Cemetery."
Dr. Cleveland died on 30 May 1916 in Cass County, North Dakota.
Burials: William and Sarah
A More Extensive Biography of William Cleveland
Source: Illustrated Album of Biography
Albert was born in 1847 in New York and died prior to November 1915.
In the 1890 Veterans Federal Census he is living in Hatton. In the 1900 Census his family, without him, is living in Otter Tail County, Minnesota. In the 1910 Census he and his family are living in Miami, Dade County, Florida.
On 13 August 1862 he enlisted as a Private and mustered in Company D, Illinois 95th Infantry Regiment on 4 September 1862. He mustered out on 17 Aug 1865. He started receiving his pension on 29 January 1891 in North Dakota and his wife, Rozina, started receiving a widow's pension on 16 November 1915 in Georgia.

Andrew was born in Hatton on 20 September 1893 to Albert and Anna Gulbrandson Coleman. Albert and Anna were married in 1880 in North Dakota. Andrew's known siblings included: Emma, John, Charles, James, Bertha, Frederick, Mary, and Thilda.
The family lived in Griggs County in 1885 and Steele County in 1900 before settling in Traill County.
After school Andrew was employed by the telephone company. He enlisted for World War I, before he was required to register, at Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minneapolis on 26 April 1917 then sent to Camp Douglas, Johnson County, Texas from there until shipped overseas in June when he served as a Private in Company G, 18th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Brigade, 1st Division until his death. Andrew was killed in action by the enemy during the Battle of Soissons in France on 20 July 1918.
Andrew was initially buried in France but the family returned his body on 19 July 1921 to America to be buried in Mayville Cemetery. In 1920 he was cited for gallantry in action and especially meritorious services. He was posthumously awarded the World War I Victory Medal, the Silver Star and the Purple Heart.
Burial, Tombstone Photo
Edward was born in January 1847 and died 16 June 1915 in Hennepin County, Minnesota.
In the 1885 Dakota Territory Census he is in Traill County and in the 1890 Veterans Federal Census he is living in Buxton.
On 4 December 1863 he enlisted as Trumpeter from Cazenovia, New York. On 10 January 1864 he mustered into Company E, New York 22nd Cavalry Regiment. He mustered out on 28 June 1865. He started receiving his pension on 27 February 1895 in North Dakota and his wife, Emma, started receiving a widow's pension in Minnesota on 18 September 1916. Edward was held by the Confederacy in the Prisoner of War Camp at Andersonville, Georgia (Camp Sumpter). The records have his first name as Edwin and a alternate spelling of his last name as Coombs. He was captured at Spotsylvania Court House, Virginia on 8 May 1864. He was paroled at Savannah, Georgia on 30 November 1864 and mustered out with his Regiment on 28 June 1865 at Winchester, Virginia.
Edward is recorded as being buried in two different places; one at Reeve Cemetery which records his burial but with an unmarked grave and the other is in Red Wing, Goodhue County, Minnesota.
Burial, Memorial.
Burial, Tombstone Picture.
North Dakota History and People - Outlines of American History
Volume II
The E. J. Clarke Publishing Company
1917 - Chicago
William J. Cooper, an able and successful practicing attorney of Westhope,
was born
in Ontario, Canada, March 9, 1875, his parents being Thomas and Janet
(Robertson) Cooper,
who were natives of that country and of Scotch descent, their respective
parents having
removed from Scotland to Ontario. In 1878 the father left Canada accompanied
by his
wife and four children to establish his home in the United States. He filed
on a claim in
Traill county. North Dakota, and for twenty years remained a successful
farmer of that
locality. In 1898, in order to give his children better educational
opportunities, he removed
to Mayville and there resided for five years or until 1903, when he
established his home in
Alexandria, Minnesota, where he now resides.
William J. Cooper had the benefit of instruction in the Mayville Normal
School, and
then determining upon law practice as a life work, he began studying with
that end in
view in the University of Minnesota. He did not complete his course there,
however, but
turned his attention to banking and in 1904 arrived in Westhope as cashier
of the First
National Bank, in which important position he capably served until the
business was closed
out in 1910, it being absorbed by the Bank of Westhope. Subsequently Mr.
Cooper entered into partnership with V. Ormsby Soule for the practice of law, under the
firm style of
Soule & Cooper, and in the past six years has given his undivided
attention to his law
practice, being regarded as one of the leading barristers of the Bottineau
county bar. His
partner died in 1915, since which time he has practiced independently, and
on many occasions he has given demonstration of his power to successfully
cope with involved and
intricate legal problems. He studies closely every phase of a case,
possesses comprehensive
knowledge of the law and ably applies its principles to the points in
litigation. While
largely concentrating his energies upon his work as a member of the bar, he
also gives
supervision to his farm of two hundred acres of well improved land a mile
and a half north
of Westhope.
Mr. Cooper married Miss Emma Nettcrficld, of Wingham, Ontario, by whom he
five children, namely: Amy E., William Ross, Thomas George, Dorothy Jean and
Elizabeth. Fraternally Mr. Cooper is connected with Westhope Lodge, No. 74,
A. F. &. A. M.;
Phoenicia Chapter, Xo. 17, R. A. M.; Lorraine Commandery, No. 13, K. T., and
the Modern
Woodmen of America and he stands as a loyal supporter of the principles of
Masonry, which
rests upon a recognition of the brotherhood of mankind. His political views
accord with the
teachings of the republican party and his life is guided by his connection
with the Methodist
Episcopal church, in which both he and his wife are devoted members. In all
branches of
the church work they take an active and helpful interest and Mr. Cooper is
now serving
as a member of the board of trustees and as superintendent of the Sunday
school. In all
his business affairs he has been thoroughly reliable, never taking advantage
of the necessities
of his fellowwmen and ever careful to conform his practice to a high
standard of professional
Albert was born February 1845 and died 19 December 1923.
In the 1880 Dakota Territory Census he is living in Township 146 Range 49 (Caledonia area). At this census his mother Mary A. [born 1817], is living with him and as a widow is listed on the "List of Pensioners on the Roll, January 1, 1883, 1812 to 1883. She is the widow of Stephen Corliss. In the 1890 Vets Census and the Federal Census reports of 1900, 1910, and 1920 he is living in Caledonia.
He enlisted in Company E, Vermont 8th Infantry Regiment. He was promoted to Full Corporal on 8 June 1864 and to Full Sergeant on 20 March 1865. He mustered out on 28 June 1865 at Washington, D. C. He started receiving his pension in North Dakota on 27 February 1890 and his widow, Eliza A., started receiving a widow's pension on 8 February 1924.
Albert secured land in Section 24, Township 145, Range 50.
He is buried at Caledonia Cemetery
Burial, Tombstone Picture.
See Vermont in the Civil War for more information.
Leonard was born 11 September 1841 in Lamoille County, Vermont and died 16 August 1916 in Benewah County, Idaho.
In the 1880 Dakota Territory Census he is living in Township 146 Range 49 (Caledonia area). In the 1890 Vets Census and the Federal Census reports of 1900 he is living in Caledonia and in the 1910 Census he is in Ransom County.
He enlisted as a Private in Company I, New Hampshire 2nd Infantry Regiment on 7 June 1861 and mustered out on 5 April 1865 at Camp Parole, Annapolis, Maryland and in that same record it indicates he enlisted on 22 May 1861. There are other records which indicate he was enlisted in Company A, Regular Army 2nd Cavalry (no dates). His pension and one record show the two enlistments and his headstone shows only the 2nd Cavalry. He started receiving his pension in North Dakota on 8 August 1890.
He is buried in Benewah County, Idaho.
Burial, Tombstone Picture.
See Vermont in the Civil War for more information.